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>How do I make a comic?

>What if I can’t draw?

>What’s the best site to upload to?

>How do I get more people to read my comic?

List of HYW comics:

Haven't seen one of these in awhile
nobody is making webcomics anymore; where did the creative spark go? maybe /co/ is ultimately the wrong place to post thread like this?
Damn, it's been a long time since this general's had a thread.
Nobody wants to make stories anymore because CinemaSins ruined the entire concept of engaging with media. Stories are no longer enjoyed, but used as an excuse to nitpick and pretend you're smarter than everyone else.
All the webcomic fun has moved to the discord.
These threads got drowned out by a sperg who won't be named obsessing over some furfag.
A lot of the creators lost the sense lf community here and just shitpost on Discord.

Now that it seems like the schizo is finally gone, we're still going to be wading another period of low activity since /crab/ is starting back up.
Fug, I forgot about that. Pretty sure it's got its own drama problems, though.
I posted on the Weekly /co/ creation thread, might as well post here too.
Short micro webcomic project. 3 or 4 pages peer chapter with an X amount of chapters. Just want something quick and dirt I can update whatever without the commitment and still something I can finish in a short amount of time.
Chap 1:
chap 2:
this is really cool anon, hope to see you posting more chapters soon
I drew enough to day to make 3 chapters. but only shitposting.
trips checked. and nice i hope you're having fun with it. how long have you been making webcomics and doing art?
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I updated 8 pages of my webcomic https://mspfa.com/?s=49461&p=149
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Art my whole life. I always wanted to do write comics. two years ago or so I got on a level I thought it was good enough to start. tried and failed a more than a few times to get a project out of the ground. I have here on my pc 5 or 6 failed attempts at starting something.

My problem is I want to do those projects bigger than life but I lose interest after a short while because I want to start something new. I draw a lot already, just need some more focus. hopefully this one will be something since is so simple.
I like how versatile your art is anon, keep at the webcomics. You got talent. I unironically see you going somewhere with it
The artstyle changes because the software changes and I have to adapt. I only use microsoft paint and flockmod in public servers for my drawings now a days because I read somewhere the guy behind the art of problem solverz also had some incredible retarded dogmas related to art to create his dogshit artstyle. I thought it was one of the stupidest things I ever heard so I decided to copy it for myself.
Saved. I'll read it later.
The drama so far just seems to be Fred's erp group trying to spam, and some drama about one of the promo posters, but at least shit isn't imploding.
I make them but don't get engagement, it's now the era of the youtube shorts and video essays.
Still working at some pace.
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Next level spooky scary eldritch snake. Onto the next level!
Trying to gain inspiration for my comic but finding it hard to gather enough to form a cohesive thread that would be exciting.
I have a basic outline set out for what could possibly happen overall, but I'm blanking pretty hard on characters and their potential personalities that would fit.
we're all relying too heavily on algorithmic catering that has heavy biases now
characters exist in relation to each other, so it helps to think of contrasting characteristics, and the. creating characters around that. never create individual characters because in a story, they'll never exist in a vacuum like that.
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>Haven't seen one of these in awhile
Was just thinking the same, OP. Looking forward to seeing what people are working on.
if you had mild profanity in your comic, would you consider it NSFW?
I was thinking of using grawlix or go by which words to use through the tv/game ratings to censor things
>if you had mild profanity in your comic, would you consider it NSFW?
Not really. Platforms are more concerned with violence, and especially concerned by sexual content of any kind. If you're uploading to Comicfury, you can do whatever you want as long as it's labeled accordingly
individual characters in what way? I can sorta get that characters interact with each other depending on given characteristics, their reactions and actions will be different. Or do you mean create characters that will deliberately interact with contrasts in mind as a group of characters constructed at the same time?
I've always wanted to make a comic, but I can't draw, and I'm paranoid that literally every single space and detail of my story will be nitpicked to oblivion and that people will send me death threats over it. I... really wish I was joking about that.
i think about that too. i could imagine the criticisms and the finger pointing.
actually spent days fixing panels, word placement, and such only to reset it or make it not like I wanted to. nothing was being done.
i was overthinking it and not having fun.
right now I'm stuck on thinking about my profanity filter. I don't want it to look like viziepop made it nor do I want it to be different from what it was.
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>I'm paranoid that literally every single space and detail of my story will be nitpicked to oblivion and that people will send me death threats over it
They won't, and hypothetically, if they did, so what? That's on them for being an extremely online loser. Normal people with healthy lives don't do things like that, don't let the pearl- clutching fags that gas themselves up on social media stop you from doing what you want.
>picrel, average pearl-clutcher throwing accusations online
my comic is cursed. anyone who reads it dies a week later. like the ringu tape.
nta but thanks for that. i didn't think those people would have power over me and here i am not making progress and they haven't done anything at all too.
guess just needed to hear it or read whatever
Kek did the South Park guys know about Kyle Carrozza?
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some recent peeji
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I get happy when someone says that they read something I wrote. I would love to have someone be so invested in my comic he would wish to kill me. Sounds like making it for me.
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+ wip
I realized the other month that I was working in entirely too small a file size. It will be nice to not have to omit dialogue on future pages.
Cool art and aesthetic, I love selective colors like this. Where do you post the rest? I want to read it for myself.
those are nice. although I don't know exactly whats going on, context wise.
You could always make a sprite comic and let the story carry it. Most people don't really care about artistical-ness if it just gets them a story. It'd be better to focus on how you'd keep a schedule or space stuff out so you don't leave anyone reading on a cliff hanger for 3 years and then say you're not doing it anymore.
One of the best things to do is let someone else look at it instead of keeping rewriting it/restructuring it yourself. Having a second set of eyes helps to show what matters the most instead of trying to focus on every little thing first go.
If you stare at something long enough knowing something must be wrong with it, you're not going to know if it being "wrong" really matters.

Interesting, I like it even though it seems a little cluttered (but I don't really know the characters from these panels so it probably doesn't matter). I second this anon >>144519990 because the selective colors are really nice
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Finally picking back up on the Phoenix Knight after having to focus on other projects.
>Make a webcomic
>Make about 9 posts over the course of ~2 months
>One day realize I had almost nothing planned besides some concepts and the main goal
>Decide to scrap the whole thing and rewrite it
>Also completely redo the artstyle as I was unhappy with the current one
just put it out there.
what do you have to lose?
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I did put out the OG comic on a Tumblr blog, I just want to put more effort into this new iteration
sweet anon. you gonna keep the old name, update the name, or?
I'll most likely keep the old name, cause honestly I think the name of it is too good not tho throw away (I called the comic Pure Insanity)
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too good to throw away*
Had a brain fart when writing that sorry :p
good luck with it. hope to see some pages posted here or somewhere on this site sometime.
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I did update my comic but I’m enjoying animating a lot more than I am making it anymore.
sorry, I should have been more clear. it's just something to have in the back of your mind, always create the in twos
I had this idea for a comedic superhero comic that takes place in a fantasy world, almost like "Fantasy One Punch Man."

I call it, "Basket-Head."

>Action/Comedy series
>Tone is Elder Scrolls meets Bugs Bunny
>Lots of slapstick
>Over-the-top violence
>Cute monster girls
>Humans in this universe are called "Fates"
>Fates have Toon Force powers, but can't use them to directly kill anyone
>Fates haven't been seen for thousands of years, so long, that most people believe they never existed
>Suddenly, a male baby Fate appears, floating in the ocean, in a basket
>Gets raised by a conspiracy nut hobo, who is also a "plant man"
>Teaches him that power only belongs to those who do good
>At 18, the boy goes on a journey to search for his true home, among other Fates, while using his powers to fight villains in fun, comedic ways
The lighting on Basket- Head himself is unironically very cool
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Sketching the next chapter and working on some key art. https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/montana-sunset-the-hobo-samurai-/list?title_no=714929
Glad you're still around, your stuff looks better than ever
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Things are going pretty slowly unfortunately. I released the prologue to my webcomic a few months ago, and the followup story I have, has been coming together far more slowly than I'd hoped.

I have the full story written out for the next episode, trouble is my heart and brain are 12-15 stories ahead (pic related), but my art is still stuck at episode 1. It's a shame because I have TONS of small comic snippets for stories and events that happen way later. But I've been severely dragging on the actual beginning itself.

It's not entirely my fault, I have plenty of exterior commitments that have been delaying me. But I really just need a solid kick in the ass, I need to get into a flow-state where I don't leave my apartment for a few months and just crank out 9 stories. But I'm just not deranged enough to do it yet.

I could give a synopsis, but I'm crossed. I desperately want to tell all the coolest bits and pieces I have collected, but I also don't want to spoil anything. Or make major revelations too early.

link to prologue for anyone who is interested:
Looks pretty good so far.
The girl is cute and the artwork is solid.

Keep it up. :D
I REALLY HOPE this loli gets groomed.
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What are you animating?
I would 100% fuck that character ngl
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I'm cooking
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Yo, thank you! I appreciate the kind words man, it means a lot. Wish I could put stuff out more consistently, but you know how it is being in the wage cage. Tryna compose this key art/render in the meantime!
Very Nice.
I know nobody asked me but just for the sake of making some constructive criticism I think you should make a special panel or at least use a different textbox when you change font size(Just like you did in the last panel of chapter 2).
Mostly practicing with animating my own characters.
Be warned she’s a huge bitch.
sounds like an interesting premise. Feels like there could be some cool story arcs to it.
Thank you.
I'm not an amazing writer, but I'll do my best.
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i been toiling since feburary on a big update for nihilgunz. hope i can drop it some time soon. was planning on doing a physical release of the comic but my own incompetence kinda got in the way of that

posting here of all places is kinda a zero sum game, nothing gained, nothing lost. but it feels nice so i so it every now and then
You can't post comics about swords here.
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Cute cheetah
I’ll stick my sword in your ass, faggot!
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and there's the yearly excuse goddammit i am so fucking mad
I don't understand, can you give us some context anon?
Peculiar visuals. Not sure what I'm reminded of.by it Maybe pop style?
Wait, there's a discord for this? Link please.
ancient webcomic has been unfinished for 14 years and counting and every year the author claims he's working on it again and posts pages and WIPs and then *mishaps* happen and nothing is ever released
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>Peculiar visuals. Not sure what I'm reminded of.by it

ive gotten kmfdm, jet set radio, mario strikers cover art, johnny the homicidal maniac

some of its on the ball, kmfdm and jthm were big influences. soul eater, gurren lagann, redline..

i kinda keep getting lumped into like y2k circles and shit but i dont really identify with that group artistically
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Lawl. Are they making money off it somehow, like running a patreon? Not sure why they would keep up the ruse otherwise. On that note-
>what's a webcomic currently on hiatus that you're holding out hope will come back one day
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Well I've been working on alot of stuff lately so could post two images of each so I don't crowd the thread.


Finished the 'Interlude' chapter for Tom N Artie that shows off how the soft reboot will look. Me and the team are currently working on the sixth issue which will end the Splattercrash arc. The Sylvia spin-off and soft reboot will be following the completion of it.

Artstyle reminds me alot of the manga, Area-51, that's pretty freakin cool!
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>Well, I'll work in my comic since I'm unemployed!
>My health: Are you sure about that?
>No, wait.
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My indie comic, Kaiju Dayz, a comedy about a Kaiju family is currently partway through it's first issue uploaded as a webcomic.

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occasionally lurked here in the past, here is my comic Phoenix Breaker!
like many independent creators I can only very slowly work on my individual project here with the bit of spare time and energy I have outside of wagie life, tbdesu I would definitely put way more hours per week toward this if I had that kind of leverage in life
no, they just do porn and commissions and stuff for money now and so far as i know don't even have a patreon, just one-time stuff (so actually a rarity among porn-drawers), and people are still asking about it out of actual interest but NOTHING HAPPENS
out of curiosity anon, how long does it take you to finish a page?
I work with artists and the current artist, Skysunnymq, on the comic takes maybe 2 weeks to finish one page. The new artist (that you see there), Monge Bautista, takes probably 3 days to do sketch and inks then Sky colors it.

I did have false hope when he showed that page a few months ago. Soon as the hard drive thing happened I completely gave up on it. I still call BS cause nearly EVERYTHING gets backed up to some type of cloud, how the hell do you not create back-ups? That's like 101 for most creators.
Nice try betz
I'm being serious and idk who the hell "betz" is.
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I’ve been having a hard time trying to make the jump into comics, I know I need to start really small but even then I have an issue where I can’t “dumb down” any ideas I have enough to make it more easy to execute.
Even the more simple concepts I have end up feeling daunting, what’s everyone’s suggestions for this hurdle and making the first step?
You could use spite.
Read something just awful and then do it better than they did it.
or you could just adapt a short story/fable and do it straight or with a twist. Little Red Riding Hood should be easy.
I would shoot myself if I ever got close to being this fucked. Even during my lowest point going through depression + withdrawals + death in the family I was still averaging half a page a week with some doodles here & there. At some point you have to admit you simply don't want to work on something anymore.
Start with some template like the four panel format structure or a meme you like. Instead of getting bogged down by big ideas and concepts focus on smaller moments. At your stage just start around a moment/scene you find most engaging and work from there.
It's times like this I just wonder why no one else took the damn idea and ran with it. I mean a step monster coming in to raise a family is a simple premise. You could rearrange some stuff and not even get accused of copying.

I'm just saying.
Thanks alot, this sounds like the perfect thing to start with. Appreciate the help!
>I'm paranoid that literally every single space and detail of my story will be nitpicked to oblivion and that people will send me death threats over it.
I wish people would pay that much attention to my comic. Who cares if some underage little faggot sends you mean words on the internet?
Think of your comic. Draw one page of it, your favorite one. Do not elaborate on who they are and why they're doing whatever.
Looks like shit
>idk who the hell "betz" is.
Exactly what I’d expect betz to say.
Welp, thread was nice while it lasted. Good to see new faces here, too. Keep up the great work, everyone!
It's a shitpost server where people occasionally work on their comics. New frens are always welcome.
Super appreciate the feedback! Thank you for taking a look.
Readability seems to be a recurring issue with my work. I'll need to keep practicing layouts. Maybe it'll be easier with the larger canvas setting.
https://nukeronomicon.com/comic/heliumaedchen/ is where I'll update...whenever the current WIP is finished.
>compulsory Tad Danger plug :D
i don't want to sex Other Monster, i want to sex Matilda
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>actually wanting inside that garbage can

trust me kid it stinks in there your better off not getting inside the secret club, its just a bunch of losers try hard posting racist shit, mainly from the owner roadie saying nigger and posting monkey pics and gifs its fucking cringe but if it gets him all the lame ass webcomic girl pussy that fall for it and thinks hes cool then good for him, his art sucks and his memes and catch phrases are cringe as fuck. but he's got everyone thinking he is cool and gets sucked off and glazed daily, people cant get off their knees, wipe their mouths off, and see he is lame ass nerd ass loser like the rest of them and not worth anyones time.

your better off joining random art discords you find on google and reddit. just saying.
damn okay
It’s genuinely not that bad, it is a shitpost haven but everyone needs time to blow off steam
>gets him all the lame ass webcomic girl pussy that fall for it and thinks hes cool
He sounds pretty based to me

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