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>no edition
no editions on co
that was an edit of the 'gelatin chibi girls' prompt, I gave up on it.

>4K pixar movie still of Ariel (Mermaid) as a gelatin girl\fish mermaid, translucent prismatic glowing body and head, hourglass figure, on a rock out in the middle of the ocean, one small palm tree, crystal-clear water, looking at the viewer, loving smile, sparking golden particles floating midair, impressionistic, sunset, golden light, very soft and glowing, saturated color
one half of these have been consistently pretty good at least
Retarded OP, there already was a thread
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What did Dall-E mean by this facial expression?
that thread is shit
>We trained off the belle delphine images
Could be some interesting images generated...
wat was it
it was a good thread
Loving the setting in these. Decided to try to emulate it a bit.
it was a good thread

The Missing Dutchman Edition
gimp arm, okay.
it's crazy how this place works, no rhyme or reason.
That turned out pretty
Welp, I'm out of prompts, time for bed.
ditto, I'm just posting old ones at this point
stolen ancient vanellope prompt
they never gave punz a chance
looks good there.
hittin' the sack now.
it starts to 'hit' right as I'm ready to quit

>pixar movie still, redhead Ariel wearing a light-blue and white sports-bra,feminine pencil-skirt,ornate openwork red-flame leggings,flirty,hourglass figure,long wet hair,dancing in the rain,jumbochest,red lipstick,green eyes,eyeshadow,dancing spinning twirling,tongue out,happy,outside in bad weather (rain, lighting, strong wind gusts). bokeh background.
face off
dance off
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I want your opinions. I also posted in aco's cdsg thread.

I made a few small comics with SD gens, and started a multi-page comic with SD, wrote out a rough outline and planned pages. I got maybe 10 good gens and then got super busy.

After catching up, I saw there's a great source-accurate lora style for what I want to do. I'm thinking about switching styles for the project. What do you all think of the two? I like both for different reasons.

>Style A
Pros: Good details, expressions are more expressive, small details stand out well for subtlety
Cons: Takes longer to get good gens, hand and face fixing almost mandatory, looks like the "AI image" style, harder to manually edit

>Style B
Pros: source-accurate style, quicker to get good gens, looks decent, easier to manually edit
Cons: details are lost, cartoony style may not be as broadly appealing, divisive art style.
How about

>Style C
Pros: You grow up and stop being a sloppofag. AI is trash.
Cons: Literally none.
I'm gonna generate a picture of your mom sucking my dick.
>no training data
>no ability to make it yourself because no imagination/talent/skill
... aww
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>six months since the last time I looked at these threads
>still only good at making Frozen/Pixar knockoffs
Kind of disappointing.

Do you care about it having a very "AI gen" look?

All these image generators can generally do a few styles pretty well, generally the simpler ones. Plus, simpler art design means you can use simpler or basic monotone backgrounds, and don't need to worry about the AI just being unable to stay consistent. On the other hand, if you don't give a shit about any of that, the "better looking" will get more attention, even if only to have people bitch about it being AI. It'll probably be better for getting something that looks nice and a better way to cement whatever idea you have onto an image, even if the images taken together lack consistency.
Definitely B, looks more on model and I think a gay and tumblr fanbase like SU has would really hate coomer proportions on girl characters
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one of my prompts spat out an unprompted cartoon so here y'go
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you've heard of Kim Possible, now get ready for Not Elfin' Likely
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>she's right in front of me, isn't she?
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the people's princess
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Good morning /co/, how's it going today?

Worst instrument ever.
Wouldn't surprise me.
It was just
>eyes closed, sticking tongue out
Very pretty.
What are they looking at?
Very cute.
doing alright. hbu?
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I want to bury my face right there
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Meh,so so no complaints, how's you Ariel poster?
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Not bad, not bad. Tree swing collapsed on me and I bust my back and arse, so that wasn't very fun.
Doing alright. Little sore, but I'll live.
damn. how's tennesee with PTO? can you take time off coaching work?
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Sore arse huh, think I'll skip the low hanging fruit today on those jokes, hoping for a speedy recovery for you!
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>What are they looking at?
anon's washboard abs, every 4channeler has them
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>I'm gonna generate a picture of your mom sucking my dick.
it's only a matter of time before anyone with photos on facebook gets scraped and turned into a stable diffusion lora. at which point everyone in the world is going to get your-own-mom-rolled

we'll look back fondly on the days when we were just using this for pixar bikini pics
Looks like Rapunzel is working on it right now. She must be sick of all the lewds of her so she’s making slop of anon’s hot mom.
It's already happening
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You know, I actually have no idea about PTO in TN. I should be OK, though.
Thanks! I'm glad nobody saw, I'm sure it looked hilarious.
Every 4channeler?! Is it a requirement?
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what's your routine
milktrucks just need a light dusting of freckles to finish this off
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Cute Punzie's!
What is in that milk?!
Cute Ariel!
>Cute Ariel!
same.. it's been doggin' me to hell and back tho.
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damn she's fucking thick.
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Rain gets me a lot of dogs too with Ariel.
Brutal Face Fuck?
Breezy Flappy Folds?
Never had issues with Ariel in the rain
Attempts to see if the AI knows who Nani is always produce weird results
Best I can manage for Nani. Can't do the rounded nose, the spread out facial features or her general thiccness. Just ignores the descriptions
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No, silly. Best Friend Forever!
Really? For me it always gets dogs.
>synth intensifies
Can anyone tell me what the promot was for >>144536131 ????

Thanks, much appreciated
Things along that line are pretty easy

>2D model sheets for the character Ariel (little mermaid) in a book. Diagrams showing how to draw her head and body shape and depicting her in various gothic outfits.
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>worst instrument ever
Nah, the digeridoo exists.
Arcaninefied Doctor Doom
>Rain gets me a lot of dogs too with Ariel.
It's across many prompts for me for the last ~48 hours, gen a few then most of my prompts dog hard. so bing\business as usual I guess.
Where are we going /co/?
honorable mention: vuvuzela
Barcelona. It's where the party is at these days I hear
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That one is bad too. I had the misfortune of living near somebody in Scotland that would play the bagpipes badly.
Nothing worse than when prompts suddenly start dogging out of nowhere.
Neat fusion!
How about Tokyo? I've always wanted to go there!
That wasn't an instrument. It was an object of torture.
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Last one. Excuse the spam. I'm just really digging the colours here
Your posts are always good.
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Wholesome sisterly love!
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This is true.
>"Steven, what possible use do these have?"
>object of torture
for sure
Thanks for the kind words. Love that Pocahontas rockin' out.
I really love this, could you share it? I'll post results
>Yeah, motherfucker
>It's a Maytag
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They should have banned them from stadiums. The noise was unbelievably ear grating even on the TV, I can't imagine how bad it was in person.
No problem, mate. I've tinkered with plenty of your prompts in the past.
she good?
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no it's the opposite. we need your pics.
look at aco. a freaking graveyard
the retardation there reached gargantuan levels. people fled.
trying that old 'putting a sock to her face' prompt.. it's either no sock and bitter smooshed face or dog-hell.
>it's a petplay episode

> High quality oil painting, Illyana Rasputin Magik from X-Men, caucasian female with long fringe yellow hair and blue eyes, wearing only a blue tshirt with a yellow X emblem, jeans and hand into loins, concept art, modern comic style
That's my kind of spam
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huh. guess they specifically filtered for clothing items. well, the smooshed faces are funny
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Wholesome romantic love shared between sisters!
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Prompt on the suit? I always get cucked on stuff like that
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Hi /co/ anons, How are you today? What are we prompting?
thank you.
the titty freckles have been eluding me with that specific art style. love the thirsty spingebob elsas
hell yeah.
Spread throughout the prompt
>dressed in dog costume for backyard party,glossy reflective black clothes,collar,fake tail upraised,collar
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Doing good. I've been prompting some Ariel, and Anna! How are you today?
Very pretty.
need giant Tinkerbell looming over tiny anons
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trying to prompt Bart Simpson dressed as Wakko Warner. made a surprise actual-Wakko for once
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Anon, Anna needs some help with her reports.
At least we're halfway through the work-week
Trying my hardest to recreate Camila in NAI right now
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Ariel is here to assist!
what prompt did you use to get Magik
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Cute mermaid co-worker
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I wish cute redhead coworkers were real
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Image of mythical creature
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can I see this prompt
Love this one. Great work.
oh thank you. same to you. i did it back in may, i think it was a simple world of warcraft gnome.
thank you! love your annas.
of course. the repetition in the prompt is intentional.
>>Please generate in a vivid western style animation still the famous anna(green eyes) from frozen film with an hourglass figure as a happy princess with an hourglass figure sitting tall on a bench in a rock garden with falling leaves in background she has freckled shoulders and clean arms and a speckled jumbochest as well as a full top and a bubblychest and low neck sweetheart gown
milk bender
rock garden anon. legend.
seems like we've had quite the reversal, awhile ago we'd be 250 posts in and there'd be zero Annas if I hadn't posted any
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Thanks! I'm glad you like them.
Does Anna not get much love around here?!
what does her starfish taste like
The conversion of Pocahantas
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Not sure, but I started doing Anna solo this week just because she was lagging behind other characters I had done in gen count.
you're too kind. on an unrelated note, big thanks to the anon that described a run-on sentence style of prompting in a previous thread. i've had considerable success using the technique.
can you link it, or do you remember a keyword from it?
not typically that much but that's changed like the last month or so
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the exact quote:
>>I type mine like a run on sentence, "Rapunzel from Tangled on an old sunny beach wearing a thong and bikini and sitting and parrot by her back", that type. It works for me I guess
thank you very much!
use the other thread after this one is done?

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I also tried a few of nun Pocahontas
Big pocahontas fan.
Post them please
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Quick sidetrack while looking at Anna prompts.
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Anons, would you get drinks and food with coworker Anna after work?
Looks like a good hang, so yes
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Just as friends, my heart belongs to Ariel.
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It's just a meal after a long day of work.
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