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Women excreting their personality through bodily fluids, jelly, or onaholes
discord: SfPAXmtwE2
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no one wants your barely disguised scat fetish
You're right. I want actual scat fetish. I hate this neon colored garbage. It's retarded that brap and this are allowed here and not scat. Just go all in.
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>comes into a thread about things he doesnt like
and youre not bothered by the 3 or 4 threads on the board about pissing and farting?
I never saw shit changed into onahole.

I also would advise you to read about Kappa as they are said to steal people's souls through victim anus.
i like this one
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A doujin i always find myself coming back to everyday
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Y'know what we need more of, anons?

Women milking their souls out their engorged titties.

Especially if their milk is still sentient.
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And like that, the infamous tyrant of Rome, Emperor Nero, is now a vapid vache.
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...not that she had any brains to begin with, really!
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Can you give us the source?
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I love using her body as a stand to display her personality.
bless fan no hitori
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I'm so confused by this..... it's fucking hot but at the same time I'm like.... am I supposed to be turned on by this? ... is this like a gateway drug to something I really don't want to be turned on by?...
i think this is as deep as it goes in the status change path on /d/, just be glad it isnt another f*ta thread
definitely a scat gateway
I feel like this was never a thing until Fan no Hitori
It's a fetish, of course you're not "supposed" to get turned on, but your body doesn't care and get hot and bothered anyway.
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Love the way she's going straight into a magical furnace. No onahole shenanigans or ambiguity of what they're going to do with the goo, just boiling her away into nothing as a power source. Imagine a whole power plant like this.

I've been in to this since it sprung up, and I still don't give a shit about regular scat and still get turned off by poop. I wouldn't worry too much.
scat for cowards

however, I won't complain too much since /d/ bans normal scat for some stupid reason
I don't really equate this with scat, I mean obviously the goo is just scat. But the part that's hot, I find, is the girl losing herself to an unstoppable orgasm. Kinda like semi voluntary permanent hypnosis fetish. The fake scat is secondary.
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I fucking love anal jelly and I wish it was more of a thing outside of personality excretion.
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Big fan of the jelly being destroyed
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hence the tag personality_excretion i guess.
most of them might be a bunch of borderline scat but i see the main appeal is not about the psuedo scat in the first place.

the idea you can make em shit,lactate or vomits their own consciousness in a form of onahole jello,orbs or some other weird form.
apparently some people find that hot and here we are.
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a series created by Ninim in the discord server's RPG
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Thank god this thread is back finally
There's so little of this stuff but it makes me cum so hard
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Translated by MTL
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Eh? I don't see it in this one.
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We are so back baby! I missed this thread
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God damn, this does everything exactly right.
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it's scat with extra steps desu
should the body still be able to cum and get pregnant and stuff?
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It don't see why not. It's still a normal human body, just mindless. Better question is if the personality can still feel it somehow.
it's obviously another bimbo-ification plot, but i would also argue to add it in as a guro /gore gateway too, since it's basically a lobotomy (by way of anus) that results in the victim being brain-dead or having massive personality change. it's basically the same as a humanoid robot getting broken.

really, they could be shitting out all of their internal organs, or getting ripped open and "scooped" into a real-skin sex doll, and getting put on a life support machine... but the end result is the same. sex-crazed comatose bimbo.

though, the ones where the victim "Personality" are transformed into a conscious onahole are at least humorous. though it seems like no one has had the imagination yet of having a character with a notoriously "split" personality to get their "nice" personality drained out of them, and then their "evil" personality takes over and gets revenge on their assailants. (then presumably "uses" their nice half for relief) ... and going back to the gore-scoop angle: there's no high-level comedy of a bunch of food-style girls having their insides slurped out in various ways... if the objective is to be as absurd as possible, then turn that dial to 11, mother fucker.
I have written story that come to be because I wondered about this fetish in combination with split personality. It is different from what you envisioned but more aggressive personality takes revenge.

Also despite the site no character is furry.
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I played this game recently and noticed that every heroine has a personality excretion cg in it.
I mean use of the goo is at least as important as the blank body left behind imo. >>10954398 or >>10959068 is as hot if not hotter than the usual stuff so >>10949578 is full of shit.
they just desperately want the real scat back so bad lol
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Game CG was uploaded to sadpanda a while ago

One comment in f95 says it's super raw MTL and boring gameplay so I'm not even gonna bother playing
I like the idea of forcing a girl to shit her personality out, keeping it in a container then fucking her senseless without it, and then injecting it back into her after, sort of like suspending her senses and then giving them back to her so she can feel all the pleasure she just gathered all at once
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What do you guys think about the Dung Eater from Elden Ring?
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I think there should definitely be some porn of him forcing Big Boggart to excrete his personality, considering he's one of the most attractive males in the game without his mask.

More male mana/personality excretion in general please, I've only come across this one so far.
stay on /trash/
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Damn, how much jelly do these people discharge normally?
>Jelly sold at a local general store.
>The shopkeeper claims eating it will grant immortality, and that it was made from the legendary immortal Asmodeus.
>It's hard to believe that Asmodeus could ever be defeated by an ordinary shopkeeper, so it's treated like a fake, but it's actually the genuine article.
>It really stinks.

>After remaining unsold for three days, it was disposed of in the river.
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it stinking and being treated like worthless garbage in the end is my favorite part
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If they eat their own personality do they get it back or does it get destroyed by their stomach?
I love personality excretion and body swap. That's really hot
destroyed/shit out as ordinary shit the next time
One of my favorite parts of this genre of fetish is the “reinject the jelly back into the body and then use curse seals etc. to control the body as a drone”

The meat doll is then used for whatever reason, my favorite is as a spy/henchwoman.
They just get it back.
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What does the personality jelly taste like
No way to know, but it would probably depend on the personality type.
>Love this fetish conceptually
>Hate bad ends/snuff
It's hell. I'm actually in hell.

I think I've found like, one story where she got her personality jelly back and as long as she keeps it inside her with a butt plug, she's okay. Just can't worry about the difficulties that'd come with that.

I would pay unhealthy amounts of money for more villains to experience this. Help alleviate the post nut misery.
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I like to think that it also depends on the diet. For example, the personality jelly of a sweet tooth would probably taste sweet.
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i wonder what it feels like
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Probably feels like ass
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Never liked the idea of flushing away personality, feels much hotter keeping it around, being sentient and watching their body get defiled.
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Would having sex with a person who excreted their personality count as necrophilia...?
I adore the ones where they come out as the generic colorful slime but then get like, molded into a sex toy. The best of both versions of this shit
Technically, no
The body is still a living breathing human, but a shell
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What is exactly the appeal of this?
Played it too. It is quite grindy, but the MTL is serviceable. The personality excretion is hot because each girl have different method of excretion; one of the brainwashed girl used as bait; and one cloned to be your spy in the organization/most dependable female combatant in fights.
The problem is the game isn't consistent. Each girl after captured have three research branches to turn them into yours: Moral Corruption; Brainwashing; and Personality Excretion. If you complete one then take the other branch, the timeline is inconsistent.
Its even more confusing for one girl, because for her and one other, their personality weren't just ejected, but their whole body are absorbed by monsters who reconstituted the body into their form while spitting out the original personality. But in brainwash process she's got her memory rewritten so she believes she's just another clone. So which scenario is canon?
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Here some CGs with the subtext added
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If only she had shitted the personality out... It would be a lot more disrespectful
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For me the onahole personality is the closest reasonably popular fetish I have to the wormhole/shared senses.
nah for me scat is and always be disgusting
my main fetish is possession/skinsuit and this is somewhat adjacent imo with them losing personality and control over their body
Shit was cash. Thanks bruv.
This is nearly my ultimate personality extraction/mind control/absorption fetish illustrated.
Making some slime with the perfect personality to invade and replace the soul of a beautiful woman. The original soul gets ejected and watches in despair.
That set was SO hot.
I found it hot as well even though I never liked personality excretion. I see it as slime corruption but it works either way.ray
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Is the despair part of the appeal?
The loss of control is generally hot. Same thing in rape or even domming if you want to make it less extreme.
there was a genshin manga where lumine had some sort of curse that put her personality into these anal beads and she kept wanting to do lewd acts in public as they fell out, anyone know the name?
When I was 14, I had a big dump and my mind suddenly go blank. I woke up when my dad asked if I was ok while banging on the door.It was the most scary and aroused experience in my entire life .That was also the main reason why I love anal so much.
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The first part of this was one of my favorites for being cruel as hell but still making a point of keeping the personality slimes around, aware and helpless.
So boy oh fucking boy it sure is great to get a second part that just gets rid of that. Sure to fucking love a sequel that turns both works to shit, really great stuff right here.
I don't think the sequel will be out anytime soon as Yoyoro is currently busy with his False Hydra story.
But there is a prequel to this comic featuring Momo, it is rather short though.
This IS the sequel, anon. Momo prequel was good for keeping her alive, this one turns them both to shit by killing them.
Awww man, guess I'll just have to wait and see what he puts out next then. Dude's great at making mind control and corruption stuff.
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>turns them both to shit by killing them.
As in it turns both comics to shit by killing Jiro and presumably Momo, should probably make that more clear.

It's not like it's that big a surprise, he almost always goes for some kind of mental snuff, but that's exactly why the Momo one was so good.
Also the Nejire one. That's pretty solid too.
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Time for the second girl. This time it has a visible excretion from the body orifice, compared to the first one.
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I've had kind of hard time pinning it down, but there's this sort of defilement of the body, major helplessness of the personality, if they're still aware of their surroundings like this, and if I'm lucky they'll have to watch their body performing vile acts that they would have never agreed to.
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Hoping this successful thread means anal jelly threads won't get fucking deleted.
That entire set was fucking hot
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cumming in a bowl of a girl's personality jelly and injecting it back into her butt!
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>Based on the content above:
Personality gels can taste/feel everything they touch. They can also detect light and motion within a limited range all around them. Additionally they have limited telepathic connections to other gels and their original body. The soulless body becomes a psionic parasite, through it's telepathic connection to the gel it's able to understand the world it's in and instructions given to it.
>what I'm imagining:
As the subject's personality/soul is leaving their body, they temporarily experience split sensory inputs from their original body and the excreted gelatin. At first they can see out their own ass and taste their underwear, if they are wearing any. As more of the gel comes out, their human senses become dulled while they become overwhelmed by the gel's perceptions. By the time their gel hits the floor, the victim will feel like they are looking up at their own body. Once the gel physically separates, the now sentient gelatins senses start to dull again.

What if personality gels were used as batteries/CPUs for robot bodies?
>What if personality gels were used as batteries/CPUs for robot bodies?
Way back there was a greentext from a thread about an evil sorceress that defeated heroines across the centuries and after excreting the former souls took the bodies as new hosts, keeping them in storage and swapping them around every now and again.
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I love how a color tweak and some mental gymnastics turn "I enjoy watching girls shit themselves stupid" from bottom-shelf degeneracy into a niche wierdo fetish.
Honestly. I do. I enjoy this sub-fetish, but it is a little amusing how we sidestep it being shit
I'm in it for the mind control aspects, that's what turned me on. Also the helplessness of the gel-turned-onahole.
It's a mix of soft snuff and attribute drain. If you like this you probably also like level drain and iq drain porn.
Why does it have to come out of the butt? Why can't it come out of the vagina?
>Personality gels can taste/feel everything they touch

This makes the scenes where they get flushed down the toilet even more grim.
So, given that this anon >>10980774 suggested, I'm interested to draw some male excreting his personality. I'm not a professional artist but I can do something simple. I will return to my home after 6-7 days and then I will be able to draw it.
So, what character you want to see?
How his excreted personality should look like? Long jelly like usual, just goo, or maybe onahole?
If onahole, then how it should like? It is uncharted territory, I have mixed ideas and thoughts about this.
For victim I would suggest Shinji Ikari from "Neon Genesis Evangelion"
As for excreted personality I most like them in form of sex toys as end result but I have small preference for it to come out as goo or jelly and be reshaped into toys later. Still If I have to choose one option it would be sex toy.
I say sex toys and not onahole because with him being male he could be changed into dildo with head/face at the end. It could be on either end so it goes head first or it is only part sticking out.
Of course he ending up as onahole with boobs would also be fun and in such case it could be put on the body dick.
I would say that as toys are made from his personality face could be able to change expression.
Probably surprised or scared of current predicament.
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Personally I wish we had more lactation-based personality excretion. Making a woman leak her soul out of her tits is the hottest thing I can imagine, especially if she's basically feeding herself to someone else.

Closest example I can think of is this Nero doujin.
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>It is uncharted territory,
There is one story about Venti getting his personality excreted as an onahole.
>[ROD.WEL] Venti Cumdump (Genshin) [English]
>So, what character you want to see?
Traps/feminine looking guys. Any you want. I favour gacha ones, like Astolfo or Mizuki.
>How his excreted personality should look like? Long jelly like usual, just goo, or maybe onahole?
I like the long jelly one, but the onahole is really fun too.
>If onahole, then how it should like?
Pic related seems like gold to me. The cute penis is a great touch.
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>They can also detect light and motion within a limited range all around them.
So the gel can kinda see?
> Additionally they have limited telepathic connections to other gels and their original body.
Can it feel what the body feels?
>the now sentient gelatins senses start to dull again
Do you mean the normal human senses?

What happens if you harm the gel? From just hitting it or subjecting it to cold/heat to cutting, crushing and breaking it? What if it's only one part? Like cutting the gel in half. Does each gel has your personality/conscience/soul? Can it be repaired?

>What if personality gels were used as batteries/CPUs for robot bodies?
That's fun. Being turned into fuel or batteries sounds horrible. I like it. How would it feel to be slowly consumed that way?
Not just dissolving and diluting into nothing in the sewers, but tasting/feeling everything that's down there as they're erased. A truly miserable end. Very hot.
Yes! I have never seen a comic go into the details of this but it's something I'd really love to see. Just a little sequence of images with progressively more "x days" labeled over them as we watch the personality slowly dissolve into the feces surrounding it, all while also getting to see what the personality is thinking (if anything after awhile). The last panel would just be a indistinct diffused pile of mush, impossible to tell where the personality begins and the filth surrounding it ends.

>What if personality gels were used as batteries/CPUs for robot bodies?

It could also be fun/funny to use it as a custom coolant on a liquid cooled CPU or GPU.
I'm that anon. Personally I like the idea of it happening to more dignified characters. Maybe a businessman or an older gentleman type, or a knight. Or, you know, another elf.
I vote Larry from Pokemon personally, I think he's cute and could stand to loosen up.
I've been into this fetish for so long now that I've started wondering what it'd be like to have it happen to me, like if I ejaculate my soul out for some girl or something
How much autonomy you like for body to have after personality extraction? Vegetable that differ from corpses by the fact that it have heartbeat or it can move and follow simple orders like a robot?
I sort of like the more robot take on it where they just have zero willpower but can still follow very basic orders and hold poses you leave them in
Nothing stopping you from making it come out the vag. It has origins in the Japanese folklore of kappas who try to steal your "soul gem" that is in your ass lol. I respect it because if nothing else, this fetish literally couldn't exist without the Japs, and now THAT'S culture.
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same, i bet it'd be good imagine just a helpless pile on the floor with your body being ordered around till you get crammed into something or back in
Sauce for this one?
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What I love the most of that Nero doujin, is that the excretion isn't the end. The soulgel onahole can be inserted back to her body, but still with risk and consequences.
My wish is there are more works that explore what to do with the soulgel and the empty body.
the bite marks all over her in the panel after...god
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The life of anal jelly enjoyers is indeed painful
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Why does the personality gel have so many hearts?
Good question

Beats me xd
Clearly its feeling lots of pleasure
the excreted personality probably shares the body's senses
Shame Rarity USSR stuff is so rare/untranslated.
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Something like this?
that's one of my favorites, love the flies
Its really good, makes me wonder what that's like for her
If you wanted to go through the roots of the fetish for some cool lore maybe the mix of personality gel and waste not just erases the original personality but creates a corrupt personality, or even a form of yokai akin to la llorona, taking other peoples personality gel and corrupting it
Yeah, but why?
That's a possibility, but then why does the body feels so good? It has no consciousness to get turned, neither it is being stimulated in the erogenous zones. Unless the nimal state of a body after excreting the personality is "very aroused"

"This machine can convert soul energy into excrement, and force it to be excreted. She has a large amount of soul energy, so she will be turned into energy until she dies."

I think the namecard says something like "Demon elimination squad 5th seat," but the name is hard to figure out with just the kanji. Tsukimiya... Aki? Suzu? Madoka? Tooru? Ryou? Rei? But the previous page in the source seems to give a different name. If it's even supposed to be a name, I'm not totally sure.

Machine says "Energy defecation in progress"

And she's just saying "I can't stop pooping..." "Someone save me..."

The piece of paper just says "Seal"
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"Once again, I'll be performing a covert investigation in pursuit of the truth."

"I have to write a report later too, so let's make haste."

"It was just an abandoned research facility, so I was careless. If I wanted to be returned to the way I was, I had to read this apology as written."

"I made a huge mistake... If you would, please show mercy upon this slutty nutjub of a woman... I love having things go in and out of my body, so please put me back, I beg you..."

I'm kind of guessing what they're trying to say in the last part. Onomatopoeia throw me off.
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