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Post anything related to Futanari and discuss any topic related to Futanari.

Male-looking Futanari allowed.
Do not post anything else than Futanari.

previous thread >>10897215
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Off to a great start!
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I want more lovey dovey futa stuff, either futa x futa, futa x male, or futa x female. I just want more futa stuff where the couple is happy with each other!
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lovey dovey shit is better the less "soft" looking the futanari is by virtue of gap moe
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why does she lactacte if she has found a woman?
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artist name? saucenao isnt bringing up shit
https://kemono.su › user › post
"Acquired futanari tomboy" by nia from Patreon - Kemono
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Hancock so lucky
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~ oh to wake up as husband of a futa with big funbag and fat hanging scrotums.
should have said slovenly/unkempt futanari
along with >>10966494 this is the perfect type of woman, keep posting
I'll see if I have a few images with endowed dickgirls + maternal energy
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earlier version of this pic
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Damn man, do you have all Nizikuroryu stuff translated? I love his stuff, his futanari are quite hyper but it's not offputing because the girls are quite cute. thanks for sharing
Really like the relationship dynamic.

Who is pregnant with her first and second child?
Do you have Momos pic?
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god hairy armpit futanari is god-tier; hairy pubes and armpits are nice visual representation of hormones ie fertility
I think this is my favorite relationship dynamic with futa x male.
futa with her harem of women/futa and lets her husband/boyfriend knock her up.
Thanks anon, do you have the translation of hte other girl pic?
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Loading cutscenes*
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The PS5 graphics feel amazing and realism
Trying to find a pic, but boorus haven't been helpful. A mother and her daughter, both futas, are at the beach, and the mother is talking about how the daughter doesn't have to wear a swimsuit. I think she was pretty young, so it probably can't be posted or linked directly here, but if I at least had the name of the artist, I could work with just that to find it myself.
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Maybe ArtTherapistPHD/PervertFuel? I think the picture you're talking about is the 5th in this set: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116928922
Like the mom
this might be too nice but here goes.
basically anything where sex is used for religious purposes, sex rituals, goddess fucking, cum offerings, sexual worship(in a more literal sense than how it's usually used), cumming on idols, nuns, priestesses, temple prostitutes, any of that sort of thing. especially with text that makes the religious aspect more explicit.
More cock divine and futa fertility
I believe it was from "Translated Futa Pictures+" because that's the reverse search and I viewed that at some point on sadpanda. There might be more but it's a good gallery for this thread anyway, lots of similar stuff.
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stuff like this set from messy?
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r34 sites represent the worse part of the hentai community
>full of ironic weebs and normalfags
>don't even know the difference between futanari and shemale
>most of it is scrapped content, fags that goes there don't know the actual artists
Did that futanari encylopedia ever get a translation.
Which one, Nekoarashi's? It's been out for a while.
Yeah that one. Didnt realize it had been translated oops.
>>don't even know the difference between futanari and shemale
Boy, you better not visit other /d/ threads then, this is pretty much the only one where people still give a shit about that distinction and gang up on you if you say otherwise.
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Takorin said this is paizuri so there's probably a dick in there, somewhere.
r34 is the worst offender I've seen, they even have a
it's completely retarded.
I still see most people on /d/ defend what futanari is, just many other threads allow non futa stuff to mingle with the futa stuff. Though I have seen a few people try to push futa = shemale here but I assume they're trolling.
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>I assume they're trolling
They aren't and the proof is that by just searching for "futa" on the catalogue and 4chan archive(not the proper archives) of /lgbt/ give you this >>>/lgbt/35398269 which is a whole general geared toward pushing that tranny=futa but they have a female section to grow clits which is closer to actual futanari is still wrong and a small minority vs trannies.
There is also >>>/lgbt/35413019 >>>/lgbt/35395187 >>>/lgbt/35384379 and >>>/lgbt/35378863 , which is a lot of threads that are just casually pushing the futa=tranny.
I feel this is going to get much bigger as they are left unchecked and unlike the dumb newfags, these are the ones that keep trolling even when they get proven wrong again and again.
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/d/ in general has gone to shit over the last 10 years. what used to be good thread topics have just devolved into low tier reposts and non-stop blogposting. Every years there have been more and more /y/, /h/ and /e/ tier threads here, like feet is /e/ and /h/ tier unless you go beyond vanillafaggotry, traps and femboys should go to /y/ but of course closeted fags can't help but lie to themselves.
I think all the newfags and tourists came here and keep diluting the board. I have never been to /h/ or /e/, so I don't know why these newfags don't go there; maybe they gatekeep harder.
/ddg/ is the fastest and most popular general on /d/ and that one is 100% "shemale = futa" philosophy.
> but of course closeted fags can't help but lie to themselves.
Have some self-awareness, dude. Most images in these threads don't have visible vaginas and rarely do people complain. Face it, people here care about the dick far more than the pussy, and they only complain when someone brings up the definition of futa in order to defend their "straightness" despite the above.
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>expecting them to have a modicum of self-respect and good taste

there is a big difference between shrodinger pussy and confirmed pussy-less, there is an even bigger difference between a shemale/tranny and a femboy/trap who identify as males and count a male in most tagging system too
also I've never used the pussy as justification for futanari being 100% straight, the dick add a gay element to it but shemale can't be anything but gay by definition.
anyway gay vs not-gay is normalfag and closetted faggot logic when it come to 2d porn, there is a spectrum of faggotry but they can't handle being anything but 100% not gay
I meant really only on /d/ that they're trolling, I don't visit lgbt
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This 300 bucks fisting pic scares /a/ mod
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Mutual preg futa lovers is kino
+1, its such shame its so hard to find it
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yeah my pregnant futa folder is probably one of my smallest one, then again I download a lot less these days
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AI should be banned from this thread
Holy shit that's so fuckin creative lmao, I love it.

...so most technically it's fisting, but does it also count as pegging?
Anyone have the full MaFaVaM Futa Lab Part 2 video? Haven't been able to find it anywhere, and the kemono.party has been inactive
Can anyone post the litterbox from >>10952652, file expired and I missed it
really love this artist. too many futas a re just too clear,looking more like idealized women with dicks than what actual futas would be like (just as slobby as men)
hope there is more of this and someone shares it
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Source MaFaVam. Also on coomer(dot)party
Turning Yoruichi into a trap does not sit well with me. A dark skinned bombshell like her is sacred.
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That's her brother.
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>western art
you dumb nigger, there is probably a shemale thread on /aco/ for you
>muh shemale
It's a girl character that someone drew with a dick instead of a pussy. The fact that the OP suggested "male-looking" is far worse.
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this is the hermaphrodite thread, you dumb nigger, not the "dickgirl thread tranny welcome ^-^" thread
there is a shemale/newhalf thread on /d/ if you want to post that and there are two whole board for dumb niggers like you and they are called /lgbt/ and /aco/

verification not required.
Your posts are extremely low quality. Nobody but you is this mad.
Horrifying...yet deeply intriguing.
Finally some good DF ability usage.
So you're given the opportunity to run a futanari brothel in a fantasy world. What's the business plan?
>It's a girl character that someone drew with a dick instead of a pussy
Yes, a shemale/newhalf, not a futanari/hermaphrodite and thus doesn’t belong in this thread
While repulsive they at the very least have vaginas unlike this filth >>10975764
It’s really funny how you futanari haters are also always westernshit shills.
Anyone have reverse futas? Where they have vaginas and balls but not cocks?
shadman is that you?
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there is no such thing as a reverse futa unless you want totally sex-less being the completely opposite to a hermaphrodite, what you're asking for is a futanari that got a penectomy(dick removed)
https://itaku (dot) ee/profile/splitendss/
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Dark Elf the best
How many more pointless redundant permutations will you people come up with?
Anyone have some recommendations for good futa artists on pixiv that draw girls with normal sized dicks and body proportions?
Pixiv apparently banning anyone outside of Japan from seeing ANY NSFW art by end of month
An interesting stance to take for a glorified free hentai site.
A retarded take from an Amerimutt.
>outside of Japan
First of all that's wrong, it's just US/UK, and second of all you can literally change your account's country in the settings menu. Quit being a drama queen.
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only USA and UK, so if you live in a 1st world country you are fine
I actually hate this the most.
I hate when a girl character is made a shemale instead of a futa when they grow a dick. growing a penis on a female character shouldn't remove the vagina, that's just the artist wanting to draw a shemale character and ride off the futanari name.
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There is 100% a group of people pushing trannies into the futanari genre. I have seen 3dpd irl tranny thread on /gif/ where "futanari" is associated with the trannies, not just shitty 3d animation threads. I have seen threads on /lgbt/ like that too and recently saw threads on /d/ trying to put gender theory bullshit into porn/hentai.
Well happened
Cause the giant dick and balls doesn't make it gay already, right? the pussy that you can't see 99% of the time cause a giant ballsack is in the way is all that matters.
I don't care about it being gay or not, that isn't what this is about. It's just about me not liking when a girl character that has a vagina when they grow a dick magically lose the vagina even when there is plenty of room for it to still be there. Is this like some kinda weird strawman people use to distract from what we're complaining about? I don't care about being gay or not, I care about the correct labels being used for tagging and naming stuff. If I want to see shemale stuff I don't want futa stuff popping up and vice versa. And when a girl grows a dick unless that dick is literally growing out of their vagina I want to see the vagina as well.
I didn't want to believe this was the case but I'm starting to think it is as I'm seeing it everywhere and seeing them specifically use the term futanari instead of shemale/trans woman, when futa doesn't at all fit.
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I feel the usage for irl tranny in porn is more recent, found these >>27105653 >>27105878 proving that point. It will most likely get worse as they keep pushing it, gaslighting people and getting dumb newfags to be useful idiots. As far as non-porn goes, it's more and more common to get hits on /lbgt/ when ctr-f'ing "futa"
This is the result of not gatekeeping retards earlier and harder. Don't even bother looking at shitty r34 sites and normalfag porn site for "futa" it's full of tranny/shemale trash and I think that's where most of this shit spread for the normalfags.

no one care about fags anymore so this debate doesn't exist anymore
but by definition, it's impossible for anyone to have gay sex with a hermaphrodite as procreation is always possible for both males and females
I guess I have some ideas for a hermaphrodite brothel. I'd go with a variety of workers who can satisfy different customers. Sure there's the big breasted mommy with a big dick or the androgynous ladyboy with girl parts. There's also the small dicked masochist, the dark-skinned fit tomboy, and the succubus dominatrix. Are there any archtypes I'm missing?
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>>>/gif/27105653 >>>/gif/27105878
Post right one
A masculine futanari? Basically a man with both genitals?
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they were meant as examples of tranny encroachment

basically like that pic >>10979265
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hello /d/ can any of you connoisseurs help me find the creator of this? his link similar art anything!
looks like AI
i have seen it circulate the internet way before ai image generators were a thing,i just stumbled actoss it recently and was curius if anyone knows a thing or two
Fuck off to /r/.
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Futaket 32 today. Doors open in an hour. Hopefully a lot of great new works soon.
What the fuck they have dick and balls
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I'm waiting for the messy one
Messy is my futa god and I love lovey dovey male x futa stuff
Was able to pick it up, thankfully. Though there was no need to rush, looks like, they still have stock. Bosshi sold out in minutes and he was only selling a copy-paper work.
It's science, idiot
that's...why I am here
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Does anyone know who the artist of this is?
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>from messy
congrats anon, you just made me incredibly jealous and ruined my weekend
jokes aside, i do wanna go to futaket at some point but i unfortunately dont see that happening anytime soon
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How many people wore a mask and how many didn't hide their face at all?
>Messy autograph
is he a dude?
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Use saucenao, it's Milele (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103741956)

easily one of the top-tier Futanari artist at the moment
i'm jelly, I'm hoping once I make more money to go to comiket/futaket for a vacation. Would I need to know a good amount of Japanese to go to these events or do they have foreign friendly services?
>How many people wore a mask
most of the customers did, even I did
>is he a dude?
Ya, issa dude, fairly normal looking as well.
>do they have foreign friendly services?
They're not foreign friendly, as in nothing is in English, but you're absolutely welcome to go. You just need really basic understanding of stuff like price (even though it's usually always written) and that you need to show the bracelet and the catalogue when you want to get in. Of course, knowing Japanese gets you to actually speak with the artists, as well as actually read the books
Yeah, unfortunately I spent a lot more than I was planning and will probably be going without food for a while. Waited in the lobby since 9:30 for a chance to grab Bosshi's copy-paper since I got burned last time.
Basically no English guidance, watch for what other people do. Stock phrases that will help:
>Shinkan ichibu
One set of your new work. If it's just one doujin (most of the time) it means you want one. Sometimes they'll have a few new things, in that case they'll usually ask you which you want. If you only want one point to it, if you want them all you can reply with "Setto de". Sometimes they won't have any new works. They'll probably say something like "konkai shinkan nai desu" in which case everything on their table was first released at a different event. Not actually a bad idea to pick up old doujin this way though, as they're usually more expensive new at places like Melonbooks/Tora no Ana. Also keep in mind if it's not printed matter (game, video, etc) it's "ShinSAKU" not "ShinKAN".
>列途中 and 最後尾
These you won't have to speak, but you should memorize. When lines get long it becomes impossible to keep them from getting in the way of other circles, so organizers will direct them somewhere out of the way. In these cases someone at the end will be holding a sign that says 最後尾, which means end of the line, and you must line up there. At big events like comiket it's usually staff holding this sign, but small ones like Futaket have whoever's in the back hold it, so go up to the dude holding the sign and say something like "azukarimasu" or "moraimasu". 列途中 is used in cases where they have to break the line to create a walkway. It will look just like the 最後尾 sign, but it's not the end of the line at all, and if you line up there you will get told off, so keep a keen eye out for it.
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thank you
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tfw no futa wife
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Busty princess kind
Me in the middle:
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Love those.
>So you're given the opportunity to run a futanari brothel in a fantasy world. What's the business plan?
I taste test all of my employees
Hate the sites, tagging is mostly bullshit and sometimes you even get repeated posts... But is the closest to what I want. Is there any alternative to rule34xxx/gelbooru? Also, realbooru is total crap, any similar for 3d girls?
How evolved tho?
Offer combos for couples, maybe one for a normal threesome and another for a "cuckhold experience".
Fantasy world of myths, monsters and magic.

Not sure how popular cuckoldry would be. You'd have to train your workers to be specialized in threesomes.

I would not. But I would hire a tester who manages the health and training of the clients.

Also I did not expect a response almost a month later.
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Imagine your own mom…
>I would not. But I would hire a tester who manages the health and training of the clients.
I prefer a personal hands on approach, Can you call yourself a good brothel manager, if you can't tell your girls apart and their health from cups full of their unlabeled semen? Or what if its been a slow few days and your girls balls are full? Can you really call yourself a good manager if your girls are wasting their energy on cold lifeless breeding mounts just to have their semen thrown away, when they can put it into someone who cares and loves them as he happily takes them all on one after another and leaves smiles on all of their faces?
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jesus why the fuck are you saving these shitty thumbnails
>jesus why the fuck are you saving these shitty thumbnails
The original was too big and I only posted one image
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>too big
no such thing
It was 6mbs
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They don't check IP?
>You will never have this

Life is dumb
Anon they're not doing this because they want to you know, they're complying with western payment processors' demands. They deliberately left that embarrassingly obvious loophole open.
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Really? I thought she was just massaging her thighs with her breasts
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How do you guys feel about Momomo?

I could do without the baby stuff and the art's not crazy detailed compared to other h-artists, or anything but the scenarios are great.
>futas having multiple girls at once
>classic futanari ojou with a maid harem
>rimming and testicle play
>impregnation and pregnant sex

The two recent isekai-themed ones where the futa gets rewarded by a trio of girls for her heroic efforts are great, making sure every girl is involved in some way whether it's kissing or getting her breasts fondled or sucked or applying some oral affection to the futa's ass or testicles while she's pounding away at another girl.
Really great use of the medium.
He's fun. Simple art, simple stories, simple characters. Good energy and lewd scenarios do more of the heavy lifting that his art might lack. I like him.

I appreciate that he keeps the vibe light. It's probably negativity bias, but too much porn feels like it's moonlighting as a sad drama or horror story.
His stuff got really old for me fast. The futas feel more like horny old men stuck in a futa's body than actual girls and all of them seem to have the same personality.
Bit of a mixed bag for me. Hate the occasional dip into hard loli/toddlercon shit and don't like that most of their futa act the same, but there's a lot of enthusiasm in the sex and their characters have a lot of body-type variety.
Been getting into level stealing recently. So far this one is my favorite: https://exhentai.org/g/2859614/6689cf9230/

It's been stuck in my head for months!!
Any other good level-stealing futa media?
Seconding this. Level stealing/asset theft is pretty rare to have with futa and I'd love to see more.

Here's one of my faves. If you're fine with the POV being from the character who's being drained then I think it's absolute peak.
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Enough ball sweat to drown a man!
me in the back
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Would anyone know what the source of this? I didn't follow the 3d artist and neither ascii2d or saucenao give any results. Really annoying how twitter has a randomly generated filename instead of having it based on the twitter handle
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got a name chief?
Jeffrey, but EOPs call me 'Jeff' and ESLs call me 'Free'
do you live in a private island?
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New Muchin is Futa Ntr, again
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wow what a surprise
Are you disappointed?
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Does anyone have the full pic?
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Requesting futas in male gender roles. For example, futa being referred to with male pronouns, or futa trad"husband" with a tradwife.
Any good sites+tags to find that type of thing?
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does anyone have that one short doujin where they find a chalice in a dungeon and they are uncontrollably drawn to filling it up? I think it had /d/orses in it too
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Whatever happened to this guy, he basically disappeared.
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I continue to reread https://exhentai.org/g/1450867/bdfe409666/ because it's so damn good.
And it will never have a sequel, an associated doujin, or even any futa from the author again.

That makes me sad.
What doujins/works are the ones you read and were immensely disappointed to know they're all done with now?
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Tbh, the Evangelion ones by kawaraya a-ta. i don't THINK there's more coming, but the art is just so good
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Airport control can be so stressful, even when you know you are not a terrorist...
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are there any great manga with futanari incest (psionic futanari or sci-fi or hidden futanari state that can be changed from female, she grows cock and balls) where the mother or daughter impregnates and midnbreaks the unsuspecting mother/daughter. If they don't know they are initially related, and one of them finds out while fucking but they lust overcomes them, the better.
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I don't think anything quite fits what you're talking about, but this is probably close enough
thank you, but i get a white page when i try the link, what is the manga title?
try "Futanari Sister, Manamusume o Rape Su"
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What's she like at night?
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like this
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Hot, need a futa wife like that
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It's been a long time since I've been on /d/
Does anyone remember a drawfag/editfag/captionfag that I think went by the name Elzi? Does that dude still post?
Jesus H Christ, that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
Captions got shoved into /trash/ >>66729393 they'd probably know more.
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Scottish pussy
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Video game too?
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New pics <3
If Nintendo copyrighted it, now officially canon
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Kino. There aren't enough shortstack futa.
Thanks, I'll investigate. Weird that they'd get pushed to trash when this board is still pretty slow
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heres the same gal
Based. If she's an OC then I hope you make more of her down the line.
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I am, Got a whole goblin inn sorta setting. Though a bit NTR / Futadom heavy
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Very hot. You got any socials where you post this stuff?
Anyone know the sauce?
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