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Previous Thread: >>10932276
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Good golly I sure love milf/mom body swap scenarios. Not enough good ones. I keep wanting to write one but then I nut and the post nut clarity makes the desire go away completely.
do what i would do:
- write a very brief outline of what you want from the scenario from start to finish. serves as a reminder.
- begin the story in the form of bullet points, with sub-points as necessary, to explain what basically happens step by step. the point is to add more detail later when you think of it, and re-reading helps ideas flow.
- enjoy writing it until you don't. think about it and come back later to add to those bullet points.
- try edging while you write.
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Member of the Human Village accidently switches bodies with Mamizou Futatsuiwa.
Body Swap was the first fetish I ever gained, feels good to finally make something for it.
This is basically already my process, the problem is I just lose all desire to write fetish fiction when I'm not horny anymore. Maybe I could try edging, idk. I might try and write it just so I have one fetish thing out of my system

I've got a few scenarios in mind.

-High school boy and his aunt swap bodies and he learns what it's like to be equals with his pampering mother while his aunt enjoys (and perhaps even begins to resent) his lifestyle.

-High school boy swaps bodies with his ex-girlfriends mom (either by accident or by force, haven't chosen yet) and learns to let go of her while mom accidentally makes the girls INCLUDING her daughter fall in love with her while she's in the boy's body.

-High school boy swaps bodies with the milf-ish neighbor and becomes a niche internet celebrity with the persona of an older woman who's really youthful in attitude and in to video games.

All three of these I think would have a more wholesome vibe to them. What do you guys think?
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can anyone source this?
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one thing that helps me stay interested in writing my stuff is the creation and fleshing out of characters.
i really enjoy the part where i get to design personalities and histories, and figure out their emotions and motivations reactions to things that happen and stuff, and then figuring out how to fit everything together.

eg. if the main character meets another person, i like to have every single detail about them roughly laid out- including their entire backstory- just in case i need to explain why they said things a certain way or wore certain clothes etc.
even if i don't have a spot in my story for all the stuff i make (or haven't found a spot yet), it's nice to have all that stuff about a character fleshed out for later so i have some ammo for later when i run out.

try doing something in a similar vein for your stories instead of only relying on hornymode.
TG/AP needs more content. I have ideas, but I have been so busy as of late. I also am working on a TSF Yuri thing because someone suggested I do it and tag it "girl love" to piss off fags.

I don't know how y'all feel about DA, but I love that every March on DA niggas come out in full force to write MILF TG. I just wish that the age difference was higher.
Any other JJK readers waiting for the doujins now?
what happened?
It was reveled that the final showdown cast trained while swapping bodies. Lots of cute possibilities.
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Yep. Takes Ui Ui a while to recharge it too, so any swaps will last a while.
is that hitler?
I think the sweet spot is like a high school/college age person. Just the right age for suddenly having a mom bod to hit hard.
Hello /d/eviants I have some questions
1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
This is going to devolve into shitflinging
>1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
Ranma and DB.
>2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
Honstely not sure. I guess I do self insert and don't care when insert isn't involved.
>3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
Don't care.
>4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
>5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
I'll take it the grave. I feel like this fetish something that you can never say to anybody because they'd give you a weird look.
>6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
No, just fantasize about it during sex and then be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
>7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
Unsuspecting ones, but not exclusively that. I've come loads to Shoujo Stay Night and Oneesama wa Otokonoko.
Would be hotter if they actually switched bodies instead of shapeshifting into each other.
your examples are enough to inspire me to think about the characters.
i'm terrible at actually putting a story together, but i can easily enjoy getting down some plot points for any of those scenarios.

>-High school boy and his aunt swap bodies and he learns what it's like to be equals with his pampering mother while his aunt enjoys (and perhaps even begins to resent) his lifestyle.

so first i think about the boy's relationship with his mother. he gets pampered, and he feels smothered. as a close onlooker, his (teasing?) aunt finds it amusing.
his mother is the traditional お母さん (okāsan) type- gentle, loving, caring, happy, etc.
his aunt is an unmarried and childless 30ish year old woman who likes to flaunt her attractive body to men she inevitably rejects, because of her ego. she does this because she's hedonistic, hence her teasing. she always bickers with her younger sister (who is always calm/cheerful, never stressed by her sister) for choosing to settle down and have a kid early in life instead of following the same path as her (party girl), whilst secretly lamenting she can't find a man to have a child with. her sister is a solid wall, and thus she takes out her frustrations on her nephew by teasing him- he's an easy target to make squirm.
his relationship with his aunt is that he is very nervous and somewhat standoffish with her. she only teases him, but he doesn't like it and doesn't trust her to be sincere about anything she does or says- there's always an angle that blows up in his face.
how they swap is a mystery. maybe they have a heated argument or disagreement, and some external force swaps their bodies to teach them a lesson about being the other guy? maybe a god of mischief?
>>10983391 (cont.)

anyway, after the swap they do the obligatory role reversal thing while keeping their swap a secret from everyone. then the obligatory explore the other's body while no one's looking.
being an adult, the aunt wants to solve the problem and work out how to undo the swap to get her life back, whilst staying somewhat responsible about her nephew's body.
suddenly having an entirely new set of rules to live by, the boy wants to take the opportunity to run amok with his aunt's life/body to play harmless pranks on the people in her life (such as one of her fuckbuddies, which is unknown to him*) and cause problems for her, perhaps to teach her a lesson, and make her squirm a bit since she clearly has more to lose now that the tables have turned.

setting the stage for some sort of battle of wits (to see how far the other will go before someone backs down), the aunt decides to do the same as her nephew. suddenly no job to worry about, she tries out life as a teenage boy instead, and uses his body to enjoy life the same way she always does, but this time as a younger, stronger, taller boy. she teases him by openly considering what it'd be like to hit on a girl he has a crush on, but is too much of a pussy to act on it. kinda like NTR, she dangles the possibility of ruining his hopes by fucking her in his place.

it'd be a nice story for these two to grow as people- he has to learn what it's like to be an adult and how frustrating life can be as an attractive woman, and to respect what he has as a boy (a loving mother), while she gets to live as youth for a bit and ultimately come to terms with the fact that she's no longer as young as she tries to be, which causes her to question her lifestyle choice as an aging woman. this could be elaborated more.
>>10983414 (cont.)

the fuckbuddy bit*: the boy calls up one of his aunt's fuckbuddies (in front of her) and casually invites him over to hang out, not realising what that means to the other guy (he's naive). he just wants to pressure his aunt to get her to stop teasing him, but when she realises who he called she let's things play out because she believes he'll regret what follows (obviously sexual tension between them, and some awkwardness while the fuckbuddy tries to initiate the fucking) and start behaving so they can figure out how to swap back, instead of messing around to take shots at each other.

maybe, just maybe, if this ends up being a multiple paths/endings adventure story, they don't swap back because of some permanent consequences. either way, the two of them end up becoming much closer, which the boy's oblivious mother thinks is nice.
>Hello /d/eviants
Hello /reddit/

These are some pretty good ideas. Admittedly I am better with coming up with premises and structuring a story than comic up with specific ideas, it's very tough for me to think of a lot of things to happen. I grew the most attached to the gamer milf idea, but I like these. Maybe we could work together.

I wouldn't do multiple paths or endings though, I'm too lazy.
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>1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
Scooby Doo Movie. Although I am more into possession than body swap.
>2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
Personality swap & life situation reversal. I am not really into body swap reversal.
>3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
Yes, along with them trying to figure out, the pros and cons of being other person.
>4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
Short, I think.
>5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
Meh, it just means that I am more kinkier than others.
>6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
I probably fake it by saying I have Roleplay fetish.
>7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
Realizing the pros and cons of being other person.
That's a good one
I always get strong "pick me" vibes from the people that seriously answer these.
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does someone have the TL of this comic. I remember being posted before.
It's about a kid who was reading porn until his mother discovers him, after that he wishes to be an adult or mature and the next day he wakes up in the body of his mother
tapnovel from previous thread?
have you check out this?
>the doting tradwife mom with no agency is happy and the independent wine aunt is secretly jealous of her and she always rejects men because of her own ego
am i crazy or is there something kinda sexist about this
Nah it's just stupid and doesn't make sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds.
I love any kind of body swap that involves pregnancy but its always like 1 panel at the end in anything.
how about:
> A father swaps bodies with his son's girlfriend, with the twist that the father had walked away from his family several years ago already, so he has to navigate the way more akward encounter while the girlfriend on his body is in a far away location
> A son swapping bodies with his mother, but it's with his mother when she was his age, and he has to use the stories from said mother's youth to try and keep things on script while both versions of the mother end up interacting as the older one helps her younger self get used to a male body. While this one opens the possibility of the swap having been permanent all along it reversing eventually can be fun as well.
>Persons A and B swap bodies due to a bump in the head, and it's clear that person A has the better life, but person B insists on returning it, sadly person A in person B's body has come to the conclusion that they realy are person B and they became delusional due to brain damage caused by the bump so they willingly intern themselves in a mental institution of any sort.
Master the art of edging. You'll be able to write a full length novel with the right training
A plot is pretty hot.

B plot is also a really cool idea.

C Plot is retarded.
Does anybody remember that body swap manga about the middle aged guy swapping bodies with a younger woman and then being kidnapped and getting one leg cut off?
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Translations of a certain serie i found on twitter: Father swap Daughter
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Know the author's name?
This is their twitter https://x.com/aoui_n_o
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