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Tall Cousin 2 Update: Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest. The wait is gonna kill me!!!

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10906454
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Newest teaser
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And that is all I got from his fantia account that I haven’t seen anyone here post before
>Won’t be finished until Late May and some elements until after that. Probably July release date at earliest.
ah ffs
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Good god
He's nearly mouth level to her pussy
I wonder if he'll put her in heels for a bit.
And I hope there's even more pages to this one than the previous work.
>I wonder if he'll put her in heels for a bit.
Pretty sure I saw a page where she was in her heels

>And I hope there's even more pages to this one than the previous work.
Most definitely I would think
We see her at 202cm surpassing her 200cm dad in her first year of college
And then after that we see her at 212cm so some time had passed since then

This has to be at least double the amount of pages of the predecessor
And surely it will be Hachimitsu's Magnum Opus that he won't surpass for years to come

You're welcome
Bro who the fuck rated this a 1?
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I'm more excited for this than Megalopolis
Probably someone who doesnt like that it's sketch previews.

Honestly I'd love it if she went a bit further than 212cm, imagine her at like... 234cm man, 80+cm height difference would be hot as fuck
Holy shit.
This can't be completed fast enough goddamn
>And surely it will be Hachimitsu's Magnum Opus that he won't surpass for years to come
I don't know that it will top the Earth destruction one with Risty. But definitely looking forward to it regardless.
>Honestly I'd love it if she went a bit further than 212cm
I think she might be 214cm in the end
>Earth destruction one with Risty
Eh giantess shit is not my thing
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Thanks for the translation. I didn't see it last time.
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Artist's other works are here
https://twitter.com/_CheeseRoyal_ (private)
https://twitter.com/CheeseSubRoyal (bare)
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This guy has a lot https://twitter.com/amariamaru2

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You cannot hide your sin. Even now the seed of your misdeed germinates within you.

Hot picture though.
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Okay I'm done dumping. I tried to post ones that weren't posted before.
really appreciate you putting the effort to source everything anon.

This ones really hot >>10992718
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New one by this artist
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anyone got pv of dekkawa girlfriend でっかわ彼女 by room6? room6 deleted it
でっかわ彼女 BitSummit 4th デモPV
Dude, her stuff is so good.
Why don't I see any of her stuff translated or at least uploaded to the boorus or hitomi/nhentai/sadpanda?

God, japanese female hentai authors are soo good. They know where to hit us.
They are the ones doing most of the shota stuff for years and now they're doing more and more tall girl stuff.
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>tfw no tall neet hikikomori to feed chicken tendies
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i'm starting to suspect that there are actual women using this fetish to indulge their /ss/ fantasies in a "safe" way
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these are great anon but enojoying these the most
>no loving amazon maid to bring me to her even taller mistress
so good
I don’t think nip doujin artists need to do that. Shota doujins are still far more numerous than tall girl ones.
I think that tall girl doujins are just becoming (thankfully)less rare with the newer generation of doujin artists.
They realize how how a girl being taller than a guy, especially when it’s a younger girl, is hot as all fuck.
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Artist posted new one
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anyone know if there's a full English translation of this out there?
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forgot the image
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does /ss/ count?
It's not supposed to be /ss/
>tfw no manga about her called SEVEN FEET NEET
could have fooled me
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Understandable, she's pretty bad at making the manlets look like adults males.
eh, there kinda is one like that
Yorima Riyo - The Story of a Scary Consignee
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On the smaller side but I think this counts
It never does.
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The casual mogging is one of the best parts of the fetish
Rexcrash64. A lot of his stuff is on rule 34. (I prefer this version of that drawing desu)
This version has her bigger, therefore better.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed
Anyone else like attribute theft especially with height?
“Big lady renaissance” is trending on Jp Twitter right now, so if you plug in デカ女ブーム you can browse a bunch of tall/size art and manga panels. We fucking made it :,)
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>Use public transport
>Get molested by a tall woman
Dammit, can't a man feel safe nowadays!?
women around the world need to all gain 1-3ft in height (no negative effects only positive like getting curvy and fit)
so next time i visit Japan tall girls in train just surround me
>Av male height 5'6-6'2
>Av female height 6'0 to 9'0.
Would be objectively fantastic.
So this is why I'm seeing so much art and photos with tall women.
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Recently there has been a boom of tall/giant and muscular girls on Twitter for some reason.
I have no idea how it started, but multiple artists I follow and their fellows I don't have all been posting, making and retweeting this sort of art for some reason.
Yes, absolutely.
sauce: https://mangadex.org/title/efd69f67-4d28-4377-a40c-faf5d6603862/offline-meeting-with-a-tall-jirai-kei-girl
>even a beer mug looks like a glass of juice in her hands

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Whoever was the anon who translated pic related is a God
>Huge Fuck Off Student
God, that description made me so fucking hard
Too bad the doujin we got ended up on the somewhat vanilla side of things
I wish the girl would have been more dominant
The facial expressions are also better
The shirt is also hotter than the bikini
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New images for Tall Girl 2 on fantia if anyone has access to those

Releases in June
From last year by Yukimura Yukio
Still untranslated

In other bad news: Anchira was struck down by Jewcob
Fuck Fakku
Her tits have gotten so fat
In the right bottom panel though her tits are drawn smaller, maybe that will be fixed by the time it comes out

Man, the guy looks like a little boy in his mother’s breast
Glad the author went this way and that he went all out
This doujin will hit hard when it comes out
>Releases in June
Nowhere does it say that.
It says next month, which could be early July.

God, I hope there will be a translation coming out very fast for this one.
I decided to wait for the TL for this one before I read it, and if it takes weeks it will be an agonizing wait.
>Next month
>Not June

Are your retarded anon? It was posted in May which makes the next month June.
It was posted a week ago in May 25th
So don’t expect it until late June at earliest

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