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Previous: >>10912844

Topic is as stated, since I don't often see people talk about this side of things.
What's your ideal arrangement of people for conjoinment?
2 people? 3? Female? Male? Hags? Femboys? Bimbos? Are you part? What do you find underrated?

Bonus points for interesting answers.
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Dicephalic, two heads, one body, both female and they're born that way (Or at least I can imagine that they are if it's implied otherwise, but no fusion stuff)
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I love queen conjoinment. Extra points if both have features to argue who should be on top (feet hands mount pussy...)
Same poster, I could also go for whatever this is called.

Basically as long as they share legs/reproductive organs really.
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Honored I get one of mine chosen for the header this time.
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Yeah no idea what that's called but it's cute and I like it. Wish there was a bit more of it
Three heads, oversized tits, horrible personalities, hates being attached to each other. Unfortunately cant find a good pic so heres one with two heads.
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Oh if we're allowed to add other things then I would also say Oversized tits and hyperpreg.

The latter of which is basically never mixed in here.

Anyway here's something with three heads arguing with eachother.
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Dicephalic is my preference, but I'm also a big fan of parapagus. I like most configurations, but ones that force cooperation are my favorite.
As for personality, I like anything where the participants have clearly distinct personalities. Regardless of whether they were born that way or were fused together later in life. Two unique individuals sharing a single body is what really gets me off. Clone heads don't do much for me.
Two heads and three breasts are my personal favorite. Natural birth is best but I don't mind clone heads if they have diverging personalities. Like despite having the same memories the clone developes its own mind and soul.
based and less-is-more pilled
dicephalic and parapagus are the same thing, aren't they? Parapagus just means conjoined side-by-side, and dicephalic means having two heads, so any sort of standard two heads on one body would be dicephalic parapagus. If you wanted to go further, you could say three heads side by side like >>10992677 is tricephalic parapagus
I like two-heads and three boobs if both sisters can feel the middle breast. I figure middle boob would have some utility as an option to feel both sisters at once; Especially if they both share a pussy together.

That said if one sister consents but the other doesn't then you can at least give love to the consenting sister's side. Maybe she can sneak a paizuri.
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Myself, I'm an oddity. Don't know the name, but it's two upper halves conjoined near the waist, sharing the legs and groin area. Similar to pic. Love it if they only share the genitalia, but both have functioning uteri.

My favourite conjoinment type is crotchhead (not queen) followed by dicephalus

Janus conjoinments where there is only a single pair of legs is underrated though imo
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So you could bang 'em both but only get one pregnant? Interesting concept. I think that'd be called dithoracic (share everything below the thorax) parapagus (side-by-side, same pelvis).
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When I said parapagus, I meant more along the lines of picrel or >>10993887. Split upper body and shared lower.
I'm not sure what the correct name for this is. I just looked up a medical chart and parapagus looked the closest to what I was thinking of.
Yeah, I think that'd be dithoracic parapagus like I said in the post above yours.
I only know the proper names thanks to this old pic, but it's helpful to know if you're referring to a specific type. The amputee thread does it all the time with all the acronyms they throw around.
If I understand correctly, parapagus just means they share the same pelvis. Two heads on one body would be dicephalic (di "two" + cephalic "referring to the head") parapagus, and more or less two torsos on one pair of legs like you're referring to would be dithoracic (di "two" + thoracic "referring to the thorax") parapagus.
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Here's a niche that I'm almost entirely sure only I have since I never see anything of it:

Twins (or even triplets) who take turns sleeping, with the awake one in full control of the body. Functionally more like split personalities than actual siblings.

Pic provided to give you an idea what I mean.
Sorta like this, but they also share the same torso back-to-back
>>10994689 (You)
Sorta like this, but they also share the same torso back-to-back and the same head, but with a face on each side
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Here's the latest from latenu.

I imagine that the nipplegirls are still mostly themselves, but now have the instincts of needing to be a good nipple.

They recognize the situation they are in, but they have a deep rooted compulsion to milk themselves and release as much fluid as possible. Logically, they know it's wrong, but instinctually, it feels right.
[Alternative Corruption]

Or maybe they are even further corrupted, with these proud women warriors-turned-nipples being brainwashed so that their memories of warrior training are replaced by memories of masturbation training.

Meanwhile the person they are attached to, who is their comrade, is not brainwashed, but can do nothing to convince her friends of who they actually used to be.

So matter what she says, her friends turned nipples cannot be deterred from what they see as their sworn duty to pleasure their mistress.

That's especially when there's so much milk and cum they need to squeeze out of themselves. To think that they could stop for even a moment is unthinkable. If anything, they bring shame upon their noble families for not being able to cum even more, their mistress's ever-full breasts standing as testament to their lack of devotion.

And so they must endeavor to improve and do more as a show of faith and loyalty.
The noble knights of the kingdom are famous for working in pairs, forming lifelong relationships such that in combat they are feared for their ability to work as one.
Now brainwashed, these noble knights use their masturbation skills to work together, building up climaxes in perfect synchrony such that they can best serve their mistress by cumming even harder together than they can alone.

The many combat techniques they've mastered as a pair, now perverted into a string of masturbation techniques that flow effortlessly from one into another like a kata.

If you liked what you read, come check out https://legendsofbelial.net/ and the discord (link at the top) where I often come up with crazy ideas like these.
Artist? SauceNao gives nothing.
It's a manga called Satsukare. It's about a serial killers. Not a fan of that.

These two are named Shiro and Kuro. I dunno too many details about them. And no, they don't take turns being awake. From what I've seen, Kuro's just a bit of a narcoleptic.
What's your thoughts on multiple faces like Asura or a face behind the head?
I do love Asura style conjoinments. Characters like Rouge from Ranma 1/2 have supported that.
I like Asura triplets where they have to turn their head to speak. Like the left face can only talk to you if the head turns right and vice versa. Even though all three faces share a brain, senses, and thoughts each face has her own name, personality, likes, and dislikes.
mixed height, weight, age, but they have to look naturally conjoined. also some less common conjoinments, like if a tall thicc milf was joined to a limbless girl like she was wearing a backpack. an alternative version is the milf looks pregnant but when she raises her shirt, it's actually the butt of the backpack girl
I want to listen to two-headed sisters breathing and heartbeats. I want to lay my head on their chest and feel their two hearts pulsing on my cheek. I want to hear them talk together with their voices harmonizing. I want to hear how the air flows in and out of their chest. And maybe I can hear how the air flows when they kiss each other.
Same here. I also prefer that the twins' personalities not be too similar or too different because realism.
I would also say the same. In particular I'm not a fan of twins personalities being SO different that they have juryrigged half-outfits that are supposed to reflect each personality split down the middle and it's just goofy that they'd take time and/or money to make such a thing happen instead of just wearing something more practical. (They'd probably already have to have regular t-shirts custom made)

Pic is a relatively mild example of this but that's because I don't really have anything with it saved.
Being able to turn their heads in a full 360 angle without hurting their neck is a neat thing to have. At least it'll be amusing to see which face gets to be kissed first for the fun of it.
I like complementary personalities where they are different enough the twins complement each other's weaknesses. They still share a body. So they have to stick with diets and health habits.
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I realize the irony of me saying that is that the picture I posted on>>10992005 IS split down the middle, but that's just in color and not really as distracting.

Pic unrelated.
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Does anyone know where conjoined pailoli works can be found? Two already rare niches I know, I just want to know if it's been done.
If by loli you mean young girl, jail.
If by "pailoli" you're just using it as a really awful alternative term to shortstacks (Like straight up fuckin dwarves), I got some.
NTA, but I'd like to see some conjoined dwarves.
If I just wanted shortstacks then I wouldnt be asking /d/eviants now would I?
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Most of the shortstack catalogue I got is either Cath and Rin or the assorted goblins I drew when I had knife-ear fever, but I have this one piece I did of some dwarves some other guys had.
I'll make a point to do some double-domed, rock-and-stone type dwarves at some point.

Go Straight to Jail
Do Not Pass Go
Do Not Collect $200
I'm not going to beat around the bush. Loli hentai is banned on 4chan. So no info here.

I would also like to see some of your actual shortstack conjoined pieces please.

conjoined shortstacks are criminally underrepresented
...Nah. You get nothing.
I was asking for artist names and not pictures but fair

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Ignore >>10999683, another weirdo trying to impersonate me.
I'll dripfeed you some, I've been a bit neglectful in terms of drawin em lately.
cheers anon
I'm someone else. But I won't share pics with someone who wants illegal material. See you next thread.
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Cool story anon, but I have zero idea why you're saying it to me, unless you're saying shorty-lover-anon is also pedo-anon.
I'm referring to shorty lover, yes. I wasn't trying to impersonate you. Just wanted to clear things up.
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Okey doke, sorry for misunderstanding. Know those other guys are gone, but I'm still a bit paranoid about mistaken identity around here

can confirm that I shorty-lover is not the creep demanding lolicon shit.
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Good on ya.
Loli is cringe, but shortstack is the way of the based man.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
Jeez I was just asking for artist recommendations. If I was fishing for requests I'd go to the drawthread.
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I kinda like conjoinment with some air of awkwardness to it.
Conjoinment involving Moms is fun, but maybe that's just cause I like older women. Shame there's not as much of that as I'd like.
More like bang them and impregnate both at the same time. One vagina, two cervixes/uteri/etc.
Like that one short story (?) I saw on here a bit back, there is nothing hotter than your gf being conjoined to her mother, and her mother unable to contain her enjoyment even trying to tune you two out. I could swear I saw a sequel somewhere that was either gf and mom's bodies attached or gf's head on mom's shoulders with control, and mom was almost begging you and gf to get frisky
it looks so hot then they are enjoying them selves after making their bf cum. they seem very happy and having orgasm
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If one twin consents and the other does not or is apathetic, what percentage control do you go for it at? i.e. if the twin with control over an arm and both legs is down but the twin with one arm says no, do you do it? if one is just a head on her sister's body, do you do it? if they are into bdsm and the nonconsenting twin is gagged and bound, do you do it?
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Either they both consent or it's rape. No ifs, ands, or buts.

And before you start saying anything, no. If one person has sex with another person without that other person's sober, conscious consent, it's rape. No exceptions.
thats easy
no is no but if one is almost begging and the other gives an apathetic "sure i guess" shes not the one youre engaging with so her opinion weighs less especially if they dont share lower genitalia
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>>10991964 (OP)
I do have a preference for three-head conjoinment where the heads are on one set of shoulders, the other details just as the number of arms/genders of the heads don't matter to me. Saying that I like it when one head (usually the middle one) is a different gender from the other two
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This is fun arrangement.
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What do you think about conjoinment as resolution of harem choice?
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Only acceptable if the twins were born conjoined.

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