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Pikachu edition
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Hello there.
How many of you own latex? What do you own? Do you enjoy wearing yourself or having your partner in latex? Is latex combined with other fetishes for you?
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I have been making my own latex clothing for a few years now and it's probably my favorite hobby. I own a few shirts, pairs of leggings, shorts, skirts, stockings, elbow length gloves, a catsuit, a maid outfit, a chinese-style dress, 2 steel-boned corsets, a hood, an armbinder, an 8-piece cuff set and matching collar, mittens, and some various underwear pieces. I also have a vacbed that I didn't make but want to build a cube this year. I've made a few things for my gf but she doesn't like wearing it long term. Does like seeing me in it and has spent a good chunk of time encouraging me to make more stuff and wear it more, both in private and more acceptable pieces in public.
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actually, it does matter. some people don't like being decieved
you sound like either somebody upset he got chided for posting MEN on Sexy Beautiful Women, or a tranny bemoaning the fact that nobody wants you

now something they actually are very autistic about is if images are real latex or not, which is not something i'm personally invested in as I enjoy almost all shiny content. however, i don't begrudge them their preferences either
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Forgot to post the alt version.

> How many of you own latex?
I do :>

> What do you own?
I have two catsuits, a few pairs of gloves and stockings, around ten different masks, a maid outfit, and some random underwear garments.

> Do you enjoy wearing yourself or having your partner in latex?
Well, I enjoy spending time in latex both alone and together with my partner. Unfortunately, she doesn't like rubber as much as I do - so usually I end up being (almost) fully covered, while she remains casually dressed. I don't mind it - getting stroked by somebody who loves you while being fully encased in latex feels so good...

> Is latex combined with other fetishes for you?
Sure, combining is fun! In my opinion, latex combines well with a lot of other things - chastity, bondage, objectification, medical fetishism... But my personal favourite pick is realistic masks - I own a couple and often combine them with my rubber outfits.
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Latex and chastity is fun, but if I'm wearing something tight around the crotch like a catsuit or leggings I usually unlock temporarily because it fits/looks better (I'm not a fan of big round bulges). Skirt and stockings though and it stays on. This has put me in an odd position of only getting unlocked when I wear certain outfits.

>usually I end up being (almost) fully covered, while she remains casually dressed.
One person wearing normal clothes while the other is all fetishy is nice, makes it feel like dressing up is the normal thing to do (it should be).
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I have thought about picking up one of those e stim devices pictured there after constantly seeing them on kig twitter. Anyone have experience?
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Your old Latex Bonding is probably the best latex story I ever read, I'm sure this new one is also great!
Yes, what do you want to know?
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Thanks for the feedback, man, I hope you like Bionikokoro too. Currently I am working on a side story for Shimoneta Tomen.

Also fun fact: The characters in Latex Bonding have a connection to ones in Shimoneta Tomen, making Latex Bonding a very soft prequel.
Someone posted it here a few months back in an older latex thread, but there was an image of a guy and girl in school uniforms arguing, and then the bottom panel of the poage was them bound together in latex body suits with anal beads.
If it sounds familiar does anyone remember the artist? I struck out on pixiv tag searching.
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here. literally my favorite image ever made.
Nice! Thank you!
NTA but I knew exactly what image you were talking about. It is a good one, though quite why latex catsuits alone would make them subservient I don't know. It's my one bone of contention with it, I'd like to see them still arguing, then the reality of the situation kicking in once trussed up.
I would have like the double "mouth-to-mouth ballgag here. its the best for people binding rivals together.
that anon. I think if some highschoolers suddenly were forced into catsuits for the first time it would make them pause. I love how they're looking down at the suits, kind of embarrassed like "am I really wearing this?". I suppose it depends on how they got into the situation. perhaps theres some domme just off tot he side forcing them to make amends.

I have made a story based on >>11007193 which is the one >>11005099 talked about

Hope you like it

Love myself some double Tsundere for the price of one. pic related were some of the funniest moments in Franxx
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Is it worth it? Is it overwhelming for someone new to it?
They have a variable setting so can be set to taste. They are basically a fancy tens unit, I don't know if you have ever used one but they aren't all that expensive to pick up. Most will have settings to pulse or flicker the power.

In terms of if it is worth it, that really depends on your relationship with pain. At higher settings it hurts, but it can be built up to in a session. It's not sexual pleasurable for me no matter where I use it, I enjoy pain so often use it on higher settings in combination with other stuff, like hot wax and pinwheels.
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love latex drones. Is it a man? Is it a woman? In that much latex who cares
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Always found the way he draws hands to be weird, but I can't quite put my finger on it (heh)
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God I miss when Koyan actually posted new stuff publicly instead of retreating into doing 3-5 pages a year for an anthology that never gets scanned because none of the scanners go to Pitaket.
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I really enjoy latex being part of torture or something being done to a sub
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Is this an entire series and is it roughly similar in content most of the way through? I haven't had anything BDSM to read lately and looking for something decent.
Not so much a series but a story. Actually good
Cool I'll give it a look and if get through it before the thread is over I might throw something back here about my thoughts.
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For a moment I thought /d/ started allowing anthros but I see it's just a costume now.
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