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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please

Previous: >>10990054
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COMICオルガ vol.62『ドスケベ病 前編』
Is there a size you consider breasts to be too big?
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Unfortunately, this is all that's online at the moment. Maybe it will show up elsewhere?

(from https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/22134654)
I generally prefer sizes staying within the realm of plausibility, but there's not really enough content for it to get it's own thread.
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depending on the artstyle and the general direction of the work tbqhwy
I really hope the anime gets a season 2 and the breast expansion chapter gets the same level of huge titty animation as season 1. It would be legendary.
Sorry what?
Onimai is a comic about a good for nothing dude getting turned into a girl by one of his mad scientist sister's weird experiments. It has an anime adaptation as well.
This. Head sized is the absolute limit and I wish more BE focused on anything from flat to like E
This is exactly what I'm hoping for, too, she looks bigger than Kaede (as shown in the manga) there, so she'd be absolutely humongous in the anime if the sizes are translated through the studio the same way. Still waiting on a good doujin artist to do something with it, too, bonus if it starts her milk up.
Milk up? Was that a thing in the original source?
Kirinouji actually seems to draw really hot stuff.
It's not, it's just something I've expected other artists to do with the concept.
It varies depending on the style and context, but usually the point of immobility is where I reach for my hat and coat.
It's up. Big fat NTR warning for people who don't read pixiv tags.
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where her nipples
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Greetings from Slime Girl Thread!
I really like big ones, especially when used for paizuri but i think anything that’s bigger than their own body or below their knees is not for me
She's gonna blow!
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Sorry its hand drawn, but have some Aya BE
Pretty good for hand drawn.
Looks very nice.
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from burunpuku or mukumuku
real fuckin shame he doesnt draw anymore
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They don't? Damn shame, that pic is one of my favorite growth pics ever...
I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm looking at
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She's a spider
Oh okay. Well fuck my arachnophobia.
Literally hueh
It becomes pointless when they become incomprehensibly large, anything below that however is fair game
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hes makin a slay the spire mod called the buxom, dont think he ever draws new shit now tho..
That's news to me. I don't see it on the workshop page.
NTA but it's probably getting filtered, just have to mess around with your settings a bit. Or you can just Google it, that also works.
Looks incomplete, but I can still download it. Is it finished?
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Bigger than this.
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its a work in progress but its playable yes..
Do we know when it'll be completed?
Speaking of Slay the Spire.
Someone was trying to revive the Passionlip mod and even planning to add a breast growth/weight mechanic to it, but it's been over a year since their last post on the steam thread unfortunately.
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Interesting concept. Does it just work for BE?
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Works on other areas as well, but I will mostly stick to breast and ass expansion, unless I am feeling horny for something else
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Here's an ancient comic I've had in my archives since I was a wee lad. File date says 2002.
I think it's some bonus material from a Tohru Nishimaki comic, but I couldn't tell you which one.

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I can't be bothered to post every single sequence image by itself.
Just post the link then or catbox it
really love the camera shutter. good job!
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Anything good out there for those turned on by the back pain/immobile aspect? I vaguely remember a good one, but it's been so long since I looked.
You looking for stories or just pics?
Comics would be golden, but desu, I'll take literally anything, haven't had this itch for awhile so I haven't saved anything.
Is this AI?
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nope, here is the sketch prior to "lineart" and coloring
Thank you, I meant no offence, just paranoid about AI in general
imagine if it was though
Amazing animation that's supposed to get a sequel soon, I'm surprised I have seen anyone share it
Exactly the range of growth I prefer, amazing
amazing animation, but I hate it when the girl doesn't like the growth

very good, hope he continues
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More hand drawn BE
Very nice. Good work. This thread never stops being great
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Holy this is kino
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Mother Nature should be massive.
do another BE game onegai
this is really good, please keep making them
Who remembers Mood Boobs?

I wish that was expanded on more.
Mother Earth
What are some good Breast Expansion games?
No clue but tell me when you find any
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You mean as part of the story or just a body slider?
Caliross has human cow story path with breast expansion.
Also Paizuri slave training program is fantastic, pic rel.
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I hesitate to call them games, but
>Research Station M-00
The transportation staff go on strike, leaving an asteroid mining operation stranded with dwindling food supplies. As the lead researcher, you play Bejeweled to increase the breast milk production of volunteers. Entirely lactation, with different girls developing one of six different traits (breast expansion, cow horns/tail, pregnancy, hourglass, butt expansion, weight gain).
>Cowtastic Cafe
Polished timesink. You play as a cowgirl barista serving drinks to customers (basically the old restaurant flash games). The victory condition is to have her reach maximum breast size while keeping her mood up (by milking her and getting orders correct).
>You mean as part of the story or just a body slider?
Part of the story. I don't know of any unmodded games with body sliders.
>Caliross has human cow story path with breast expansion
Played it for that very reason; stopped playing after the third dungeon. I'll have to resume to see how it ends.
>Also Paizuri slave training program is fantastic, pic rel.
Downloaded it now
Cowtastic cafe is amazing. I hope there's some way to mod your own OC in instead of Barbara, but overall I adore the game.
It's open source now, so maybe you could. Does anyone know where existing mods for it are hosted?
>I hesitate to call them games
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but personally, if a porn game is not a visual novel, I won't even play it. I need one hand free and I like story focused ones with branching storylines, if I have to focus on a stupid minigame and can't even enjoy the art or fap, then what's the point? I hated cowtastic cafe because I couldn't even spare a moment to look at the girl because I had to click so many things so fast.
There's no time limit on orders, so I don't know what tf you are complaining about
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You'll be happy to hear that M-00 is a visual novel. The game portion only exists as a mini-game to unlock the next level of growth for a girl.
Another visual novel game I would normally recommend is Cabin by the Lake. A young man is going to a family reunion (all women and girls), who haven't seen each other for a long time due to drama; your job is to reconnect with all of them. As you get closer to them, options to make them open to lewdness and expanding their breasts in the next time loop.
It's a mixed bag.
>time loop mechanic
>large variety of girls
>models are good-looking dolls; huge upgrade from the usual WEG creaturas
>monthly updates
>pregnancy and lactation content
>girls have varying degrees of completion
>developers aren't very clear on what is(n't) accessible in an update
>strict level up requirements give an annoying illusion of choice
>even 1 character can take hours to clear
>your save can get bricked for no reason at all
>game switches between wanking the MC (as it should) and lecturing him on physical contact
I'm going to wait until the game completes the routes for my favourite characters before I download it again.

I hate that people still keep using those very aged Illusion game models for their projects. Auctus at least takes the effort of actually trying to make them look good.
honestly same, and if >>11030188 agrees too, I'd recommend "white russian", so far a pretty good visual novel with focus on breast and ass expansion
White Russian wasn't bad. I just wished for more there to be more polish.
Do we have an update on Motionless and/or Abby’s story, TavernMoth?
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I agree with you for the most part, I don't mind if there's minor mini games, and I can often just use cheat engine to get through them faster if they're that annoying. but my real complaint with porn games is when they get way too bloated. games where I can spend hours going through shit for barely any progress. that's what turned me off stuff like cabin by the lake and hypnosis. even just skipping through dialogue took ages for barely any be content. you're making a porn game dude, you do not need to write a novel about your world building or whatever.

other than the games already mentioned, there's bloom war, chichimiko, growth academy, holstein girls, and lacto escape. There's also expansion mansion, but it's a twine game so it's just a text adventure, but it's really good. of those, chichimiko and holstein girls are completed and also some of my favorites (other than the previously mentioned paizuri slave training and white russian). speaking of, one of aeba fuchi's previous games has one character with BE, though it's an rpgmaker game and more involved than paizuri slave. if you want to check that one out, I highly recommend using a save editor to give yourself max stats and a shotgun, so that way you can end every fight in 1 turn. though keep in mind aeba fuchi's stuff is 100% paizuri focused (this is ideal for me, but I know some people want other stuff), and his works tend to be kinda spooky/philosophical in a way?
The Buxom mod for Slay the Spire has BE as an entire mechanic with the character even visibly growing depending on the stat
>bloom war
Is that giantess? Some of the BE screenshots look promising.
Just downloaded; looks good but incest is unnecessary
>growth academy
Gave up halfway; there's little focus on your selected fetish.
>holstein girls
Just downloaded; other fetishes seem strange, but it can't be too bad
>lacto escape
Great game, great facial expressions; looking forward to the remake
>expansion mansion
Very good for what it is.
>Buxom mod
Needs a developer mode so I can choose cards for my deck.
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2 games with great body sliders that come to mind are Insult Order and Seleka. Though in Seleka you have unlock the ¨Massive boobs¨ slider first. You can make the boobs pretty damn big in both games, pic rel.
I don't get why she'd be so upset, that's basically an ideal scenario

>looking forward to the remake
I hope it happens because the original is god tier, but IIRC it's been on hold for years, hasn't it?
There are less than 5 developers, hampered by
>one with a newborn child
>another working on Seeds of Destiny as his primary project
>porting the game to Unity Engine
>Needs a developer mode so I can choose cards for my deck
Practice Mode.
>Is that giantess? Some of the BE screenshots look promising.
yeah the dev does a lot of giantess stuff too. it's also pretty early in dev and routes are very scattershot so don't get too invested
>Gave up halfway; there's little focus on your selected fetish.
yea, it's still in development so some routes are more completed than others. seems like the ass girl has a lot more compared to the rest, but I still like what content the BE girl has so far
>Just downloaded; other fetishes seem strange, but it can't be too bad
it's mostly be, lactation and pregnancy. at the very end you get to make some final choices for the epilogue and that's where you can get the weird stuff, but instead of those you can just choose the super huge tits choice
Love this dummy, i want to marry her.
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I like Cowcastic Cafe.
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Any vague tips on where to look for the human cow story path thing in Caliross or is it something impossible to miss later into the game?
Once you have sufficiently low willpower (repeating the barn job will lower it), you will be kidnapped and placed in the basement milking area. If you go 3+ times, you will be permanently on the cow path (this can be undone with ingame cheats). The negligible downside to this path is an automatic game over if you have less than 100 gold in the morning, as the farmers will force you to work in the barn forever.
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Modify the image
Thank you. Is E cup the max size or can you get bigger in the game somehow?
E is the biggest. Sorry.
You can increase your butt size at the night bazaar, up to 4 times. It happens automatically on the stripper route.
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does anyone have a good reccomendation for a boob greed/boob envy based story? I recently read the emancipation of mallory but the new chapters are coming out quite slowly
Anyone have the video of a 3D Korean girl's breasts expanding while she spurts out milk? She starts pretty small, and the model bounces around a little while she grows and milks spurts out.
Know the name of the person who made it?
Have any links on where to download?
Both can be found on F95. Just google their titles + F95
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I got you mate.
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I'd post one of those anime girl licks gifs, but I don't have one.
Mafavam has cool animation.
Don't worry I'll spot you one.
Drew up an Okuu BE sequence, that describes what happens to Okuu when she fasts. Starts will bloat up when they run out of hydrogen, so wouldn't she do the same?
She expands pretty nice, but I think it may have sexually aroused her too...
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Wish I knew who this was supposed to be.
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iunno found it somwhere. file calls her nene thou..
I think she's the main girl from Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Like the idea of breasts expansion feeding into the flattie too, who wanted to make her busty friend even bustier
That's obscure but I do like obscure stuff. So credit due.
Why would a fist fucking goon like you be worried about AI? I don't think they're going to take your job down over at the masturbation factory.
Absolute legend mate
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Just found this little treasure of a video, almost two hours of different breast expansion scenes. A female knight explores an rpg style dungeon and ends up getting tons of BE and lactation themed status effects, cursed equipment etc. Sure, the animation is a little stiff and some of the english is... interesting, but I sure loved it anyway. Check it out:

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gotta keep best thread alive
Art style looks familiar
Her getting out of shape too makes this even better.
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Generally I prefer BE from small to realisticly large but you've got to take what your given, only the truly degenerate have money to spend on this fetish and the truly degenerate don't care if they don't look like boobs any more.
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yeah removing muscle and adding tit is even better. heres a two parter just liket hat.
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also if ylike this dudes shit might wanna save it. hes locked his twitter no idea why
cant find high res versions of all art anymore excuse the shitty res
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Aw what? Why? This shit is so good.
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Lewd status changes are the best.
no max size for me, quite the opposite, my minimum for enjoyment is often too large for most artworks, been looking for HYPER hyper expansion for some time (city sized+)

I remember there was this one story about a girl who has a bunch of wishes grant for her (and by others) that made her breasts grow a TON by genies, read it once and liked it a lot but never found it since
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dunno maybe cos hes inactive. hasnt posted new draws in over a year. lurked his disc a few years back and he n pals bitched a lot about misogyny and shit. maybe his hearts not in it anymore because muh objectification or some shit. havent been there in years though
Muku locked his twitter?

I wonder if the AI stuff got to him
What the fuck I thought I cleared the name field
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nah i doubt its the ai.. even before he stopped one year ago he slowed down a lot and didnt draw much like he used to
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What's the sauce on this?
First time doing this but this is the link to the creator
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God I wish my boobs were bigger
God, I wish my girlfriend's boobs were bigger.
God I wish girls and boobs were real
I wish I had a girlfriend with big tits that wanted them even bigger
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I wish I had a girlfriend with big tits that wanted them even bigger.
And they're actually rapidly growing bigger, with no signs of stopping. She can't afford buying new bras every month either, so she makes me pay for them. But I sure don't mind.
I wish that when I die, I die in some sort of bizarre superhero origin-esque accident where an attractive woman gets her breasts soaked in super growth hormones, and I meet my ancestors by being smothered to death by her rapid onset gigantomastia.

Bonus points if she actually becomes a breast-based superheroine or supervillainess because of it.
>Bonus points if she actually becomes a breast-based superheroine or supervillainess because of it.
How would her breasts become a superpower? Just the classic gigantic breast slam?
I can think of a few.
>Growing breasts (and shrinking afterwards) to be used in numerous ways, from slamming foes to blocking doorways and creating a barrier
>Healing milk, and in a heavy supply
>Subsequently, abnormal substance lactation in general, from super strength milk, to ultra-corrosive acid, to whatever you want it to do
>High pressure milk, akin to a water jet cutter
>Giant breasts manifesting their own gravity/anti-gravity fields
>Self-morphing powers, but the excess material, when not in use, is stored in the tits
>Bag-of-holding style cleavage, so anything stuffed between her tits vanishes and only she can retrieve them
>Supersonic titty-clapping, akin to The Hulk's own supersonic clap.
I knew I would need this someday
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No such thing
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There's a point where I feel like it's okay to STOP, but not because it's TOO big, more that any bigger and it's just superfluous.
do you think she just rolls in and out of this barn or whatever it is or is she stuck
I say i usually prefer it, when the girl can move after breast expansion, if it's permament, if it's temporary like triggered or i got ways to manipulate her breasts or in case they wanted to become immobile more tits than female sex toy then something like her >>11047422 would be my so called max. Like sure it can go beyond that, but i also don't find all that exciting after that point.
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that's not even comprehensible as titties though. it's just cut off circles
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"no such thing" fags don't understand what makes massive boobs so appealing. they're content with a flesh colored canvas as a substitute for actual art
Boobs are like a clay sculpture. We know how they work and what they collectively look like, but they have so many nuanced differences that make them unique. And that's the coolest part. I love all boobs of all kinds. I just wish I had some of my own that aren't the size of a thumb tac.

I get what you're saying, and agree generally, but nah, look at the picture in question. >>11047226

Remove the faces and ignore the title, and tell me you would still know that that image is of a pair of enormous tits. You're both absolutely right in what you said, but that particular image just does a poor job of conveying the idea. There aren't even visible nipples ffs. If you could see the nipples that would add a little context, but without the image title explicitly stating that they're breasts, there's no way of knowing what the hell you're looking at there. Shit, the more I look at it, personally, the less I understand how that's even supposed to be a picture of tits. Is it a side view? Is it from above? Below? What the hell is it?
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I think some people are e find hot even just the implication of certain sizes, and regarding breast expansion, they are sometimes just excited by the growth itself, without limits, and there's nothing wrong with that, fetishes don't have logic, don't kinkshame. That said, let's be serious, I personally dislike breasts bigger than the character's rib cage, and don't find hot at all breasts smaller than the character's head, but to the majority of people, breasts even just the size of the head is considered disgusting and excessive (unfortunately)

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