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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, backed-up, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls. Last Thread >>10995834
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That seems comfy
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I was actually the one that requested the Reimu story in the previous thread, I forgot to thank you for it, I like how it turned out

also, if you do end up reading this, I'm curious, I believe back when the overfull balls thread died during early 2024 I believe someone brought up the topic on how the requesters were partly at fault for not really requesting a specific story/not helping you out with any details and instead just left all the the work to you based on the images you were given, so I'm curious

when someone requests a story from you, do you usually prefer for someone to help you out by asking for something in particular or specific details alongside the images given to you or do you prefer to just come up with the stories by yourself?
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Is this the same OC as picrel, if so whats the source and is there any others of this character, i just love the idea of a office women being inconvienenced by her hyperfuta cock, also greentext of that topic maybe plz <;
either or. depends on how creative I feel
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Give me an image and i’ll make a story.
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>It was May’s first day at her new office job. She had always struggled to find work due to her condition. she was determined to keep this one for as long as possible.
>Taking up the elevator, she was so excited her penis has snuck its way out her cleavage. almost obscuring her views. She tried to ignore the constant throbbing of her massive nutsack sloshing with gallons of cum behind her.
>It would have to wait, as the door opened, she was greeted to surprisingly lewdly dressed coworkers. They happily greeted her. welcoming May to her new job with hugs and kisses… and… groping and stroking…
>The two girls began playing with May’s exposed featured almost immediately. “It’s been so long since we’ve had a hyper girl for morale. *SNIIIIIFFF* oh god you’re so pent up I can smell it”
>Before May could object, both girls grabbed her giant assets and began stroking vigorously. Teasing and licking her fully erect shaft now tearing through her shirt.
>The girl behind squeezed her sensitive cumtanks tightly. causing her semen to shift, churning with more sperm, she could feel them physically swelling against the embrace of the coworker.
>May gasped. “w-wait… please don’t make me cum… I-I’ll flood the building..ngh…!”
>the two coworkers giggled. “sweetie, it’s why you’re here, now be a good girl, let it all out. ahhh ahhh.” they gently moaned in her ears.
>May screamed, Her balls contracted forcefully, knocking the girl behind to the floor, as a sea of yellow spunk gushed out of the helpless new hire.
>May squirmed on the ground as she continued to ejaculate with the force of a fire hose. knocking over desks, ruining paperwork, clogging every surface with fertile nutsludge.
>May cowered on the floor sobbing, “I’m so sorry *sniff* p-please don’t fire meeee.”
>One coworker helped her to her feet, gallons of cum still spewing out with no end in sight. “so much, you did amazing sweetie, youll be promoted for sure.”
This idea pls
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>Welcome to today’s stream everyone, I’m Filian, and this is our randomly selected stream guest. join the next raffle for a chance to be on stream.
>today we’re going to do a “you laugh you lose” challenge with a special twist. (shows balls to the camera) hehe, see these? for every time I laugh, our guest today is going to impregnate my huge balls more and more. Isn’t this a great idea? you can thank them for coming up with it.
>Everyone ready? lets go!
>(30 minutes of laughing at anime shitposts later)
>Hehe. Alright everyone, Punishment time! looks like I laughed… wow… 24 times! ehhh… m-maybe we should limit the ejaculations… I don’t think I can’t fit- NGGHHHH!!!!
>the guest crams their penis into Filians tight urethra, thrusting for barely a minute before busting. Flooding Filians already tight ballsack with a full load, causing her to shriek with her lewd voice. the chat goes wild, sending hundreds of donations.
>KYAAAA! ahhh… ahhh… s-do full… are you really going to fill me 23 more times…? I can’t… please… they ache so much already. I’m definitely pregnant.
>A-AGAIN?! please wait a second! don’t just cum again right awa- HRKKK! *splurrtt spluurt streeeetch chuuuurnn*
>The stream coins was in the millions. Everyone watched as Filian had her balls filled with more and more cum. Her balls were almost a scurrying her from the camera at this point. the guest seemed to have infinite stamina. determined to fill her fertile ballsack with more and more healthy offspring.
>The stream lasted for 5 hours. now just a camera looking at a throbbing wall of ballskin. with Filians cute moans cutting through the sloshing noises.
>OohhhhOhhhh… t-that’s 24! p-please stop… I can’t… s-so full. can’t even stand… I’m done… can you… end stream? my balls, I’m… so pregnant. if you can hear me c-chat, thanks for …ngh… watching. b-birthing stream coming soon… I hope…
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Lovely! Thank you!
Wholesome birthing from her hill-sized pregnant balls marathon stream follow-up, with her new lover messing with her and teasing her somehow?
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made a quick little edit myself
>(Months later)
>H-hello everyone, It’s Filian. welcome to an abrupt- ngh… b-birthing stream. I wasn’t planning on recording today but I can feel them start to get restless. Our guest responsible for this idea has kindly offered to care for me while I gestated my young.
>B-before I start birthing a hundred babies, let me list off some of our highest donators. Thank you to- URK!.
>(The guest began massaging Filians balls, stirring them up like crazy)
>Haaahhhaaahh… w-wait! let me finish my intro, I-If I cum now they’ll all shoot out! Oh nooo, please. I’m not ready yet! Oh god they’re coming! Get the camera ready! I can’t… STOP CUMMINGGG!!!
>her mountains of flesh rippled as a stew of thick cum and offspring flooded the recording room. the guest was almost swept away in a sticky wave of fertile spunk.
>A-are you getting all thiiiiis?! Ngh! haAAAaa… m-my fans love watching me cum out babiiiieeessss!!! It won’t stoooop!!! There’s s-so manyyy!!!
>Filian tried to smile for the camera, but her face was covered in a thick layer of her own spunk, seeping into her mouth.
> it t-tastes sooo good! I c-can’t believe how much I made! It’s still coming out! oh god… another batch. no.. NO MORE!!! NGGGHHHHHH CUUUMIIINGGGG!!!
>With another wave, the door gave out, sending a flood of jellylike cum down the hall. ruining every carpet in the house. The smell will never come out.
>the guest collected each little Filian, keeping them out of the torrents way, counting 83 so far.
>The birth lasted longer than the impregnation stream. The entire house was coated with a sticky web of Filians juices. The guest didn’t know whether to be impressed or terrified.
>In total she had pushed out 142 little ones. chat was in charge of naming them with donations.
>Filian had passed out from exhaustion. But as a new mother, she was happy as could be.
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Can you post the original?
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Panko's been saving up to show off her size, but she got so backed up her sperm spontaneously self-impregnated, she didn't notice, and she suddenly has to give birth mid stream
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it’s not exactly overfull balls
Perfect testicular anatomy in that Pic
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the artist is Pandain, and it's actually not an OC, the character is Satori Komeiji from Touhou

sources here:
orgasm denial story where the futanari intentionally prevents her massive, achy, bloated nuts any release and to let em swell up for weeks/months for the sole purpose of letting her lover/partner/master (whatever title you wanna use to fit the story, I don't mind) use them as pillows for a variety of activities, ear cleaning, emotional support, massages, or just to simply sleep on them after a long day

all the while her needy pillowy balls continue to quiver, throb, and churn desperately in hopes they'll be able to release one day, which won't happen anytime soon, and that's assuming IF she'll ever ALLOW them too release
>Panko had become a super popular streamer after accidentally showing her gigantic ballsack. Since her secret was out, she just started showing it all the time onstream.
>Since her balls were widely loved and popular, other vtubers began revealing ther giant balls as well.
>Panko was determined to stay the largest, leading to her saving up her loads, letting her balls expand and inflate for weeks.
>Her streams were barely more than several hours of watching this naked vtuber try her hardest not to blow her oversized load. She was still the most popular streamer.
>Unknown to her, there are risks to holding that much sperm in for so long. Her overstocked sperm were so restless they began to impregnate themselves. Hundred of sperm clusters formed into embryos in her ballooned cumtanks. Panko had self-impregnated herself from trying to stay the biggest balled vtuber, and she had no idea how big she was about to get.
>Panko took notice of the ever increasing size, and a sudden lack of urge to cum. believing she was just pushing past her limits. boasting to other vtubers about her size.
>Most realized right away what was happening, keeping to themselves as they watched Panko drag her hyper pregnant nutsack behind her. Giggling to themselves about her unavoidable birth.
>After months of growth, Panko was streaming as normal, her background was now just a veiny mound of ballskin she rested against like a bean bag. Chat could donate to make her massage or press against her tight nutsack. She was concerned about the obvious kicks and bulges, but still has no clue what the cause was.
>The chat tried to warn her, all seeing the signs. She laughed them off, calling them ridiculous, “balls can’t get pregnant silly.”
>She was so caught up in her stream she didn’t notice her balls start swelling quickly behind her.
”Come on chat, …ngh… stop talking about my balls being pregnant… haah… you’re gonna make me c-cum from all this-URK!
>”W-what is this?! I-I feel like I’m about to cum… what’s with all these bumps…? IS…IS SOMETHING COMING OUT?!”
>Panko panicked as her stream recorded everything happening. Her house sized balls were rumbling like a volcano, about to erupt. Massive bulges forced their way up her stretched urethra.
>A blast of thick yellow cum splattered against the ceiling. A shower of identical little Pankos rained down, landing safely on the soft floor.
>The chat went crazy. watching this vtuber create a waterfall of cum on stream. A bunch of fun ther vtubers were like streaming their reactions, laughing as panko spewed out a hundred offspring from her balls.
>The stream continued for hours, It sounded like a mix of moans and a flowing river, the only thing visible was a slimy trail of cum drilling down the camera lens.
>Panko had flooded her recording room, the walls were white and yellow, and her recording setup was drenched in smelly ballsludge. She was surrounded by her newborns, too tired to speak, too exhausted to think. her most popular stream shut off as cum shorted out the computer.
>over the course of the next few months, other streamers took inspiration form pankos accident. Saving up their cum as well, trying to get themselves pregnant.
>Success was rare but not unseen. Those that did became world famous, leading to new genres of vtuber burth streams.
>Panko returned to streaming, now accompanied by a hundred helpers picked from chat. helping her raise her hundreds of young. Things couldn’t be better, and she was excited to show off her re-swelling balls onstream.
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Everyone knows Filian is flat as a board.
feel like the writing included in this image/edit is out of character for Felix but go crazy.
i’d rather not. respectfully
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Heavy load coming through
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Must breed
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Anyone still doing edits/taking edit requests?

Normally I wouldn't ask, but I would like to see a bigger balls edit of this drawing in particular, I feel as if it has a lot of potential for a good end result
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>Girl sticks her dick through a glory hole to get drained.
>Ends up leaving even more pent up, with barely-churning balls larger than her erection.
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we all know that feel
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So true.
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new jadf art
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>Fail to pay the futa prostitute the money she's owed.
>She "recoups" her losses from you.
>Walk into the door dragging 40 peoples worth of loads behind you, wrapped in tattered and shredded pants.
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>Didnt know they could get pregnant. now dealing with the repercussions.
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I like the prominent epididymis, don't see that often
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Saw a futa artist twitter post with balls in a bra that was up close made to look like huge tits but you can clearly see a pussy peak. I missed the post and I'm still trying to find it scouring through my followers list. Kicking myself for not saving it
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Oddly specific fetish that I enjoy. Hope you find it.
>extra full epididymis pulse and strain with her backed-up load as overly thick cum oozes out her cock in small spurts
>right hand is a blur as it pumps her onahole over her constantly throbbing shaft, desperately trying to keep her orgasm going
>left hand grasps and squeezes her overloaded nuts in attempt to get them to empty faster
>moaning eventually turns into overstimulated trembles and whimpers when her orgasm ends, only having managed to release 1/5 of her reservoir
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>You will never put you ear up against a huge pair of balls and hearing the lakes worth of cum churning and groaning inside, aching to be released
Why live.

Anyone got pictures/story/audio that focus on ball noises?
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Powerslamming on Twitter/Soundgasm
Sounds alright, but it's a shame that you have to dig through mountains on musclefaggotry.
Found slightly higher resolution and a subsequent image.

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