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Previous Thread >>10931327
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Don't let Nolimbest be forgotten
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Rotationplastly is such an underrated gem
Just like he forgot that comic almost 10 years ago?
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Which would you rather, just DHD or DHD+SSD?
I like stumps so preferably no or little disjointment, but if I had to pick, the girl having only one arm is still hot.
I like stumps being short but expressive.
How short are you picturing?
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here. a drawing
Yup. A patrician's taste.
>not congenital
So close.
To each their own anon, to each their own.
I'm curious though, what makes the difference for you with them being congenital?
I like scars because it means that the girl lost something. She knows what having arms feels like and how to move them, but not anymore.
Congenital girls are still cute but for them it's just, normal. I doubt they even move their stumps the way an amputee would, since their experience has been so different.
The smoothness, mainly. Lack of trauma behind it too.
Fair. But it's not trauma if she enjoys it ;)
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here you go anon.
Thanks kindly for the unexpected gift.
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I love the fanarts when you can see her stump since it's basically been confirmed amputeesa is here to stay with today's chapter
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One can dream
What recreational non-sexual activities would you do together?
Assuming that she has both legs, you could go on walks and hikes with her.
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There's a Saber edit of this I've been looking for for years.
Her face looks like she's struggling to eat it.
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What kind of clothing do you prefer for a daruma- tailor made for her body shape, or hand-me-downs from her prior limbed self?
>her prior limbed self
What if she never had one?
Only problem with daruma gf would be she can't use the bathroom without assistance.
At this point, mostly solved with washlets.
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If she’s daruma, use a diaper.
If she has stumps, use one of those pee pads for pets.
When you’re home, you get to help her.
What would you grab first her stumps or her tits
stumps, it's the hottest thing about an amputee woman
I wouldn't grab. I would hold, like a gentleman.
It's obvious, right?
Both, one hand gripping a shoulder while the other plays with her nipple. Then you can feel her squirm and shrug uselessly while you tease her.
I wonder how an actual, irl limbless person would react to this kinda statement
Its not as bad as the slavery and rape posts we used to get.
Shame about fgg22 dropping everything else.
Yes I hate that he only streams girl without arms, the animations he made were god
>her prior limbed self
>What if she never had one?
I prefer congenital amputees wearing able-bodied clothes—To me, nothing is sexier than empty sleeves; it just further drives home the uniqueness of the person (or in picrel's case, persons) by highlighting the incongruity between what they're supposed to "have" and what they "got". Plus, from a psychological point of view, it's interesting to think about what their motives are for not wearing form-fitting articles, especially having been born a congenital amputee. Like, is it something they don't even notice or care about at this point? Or are they consciously/subconsciously embracing that incongruity I just mentioned earlier? Either way, seeing an armless/limbless person wearing empty sleeves and/or empty pant legs is incredibly sexy.
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Yeah him going all in on being a vtuber tranny is disappointing, not that the camwhore es on his patron was all that interesting to me either. His actual animations like the armless vampire girl were good though.
Idk how they’d respond, but it’s the most effective way for them to go about doing their business. You can’t be constantly there for them, and a diaper may be too humiliating for someone who might be able to do it some other way.
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>conjoined twins; congenital dsd + shortlegs
I love abnormal amputees!~
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>armless seamstress
Sort of a tongue-twister along the lines of 'Irish wristwatch".
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Hopefully this isn't too off topic, but I just found out that The First Descendent which came out today has a quad amputee girl in it. She's got a full prosthetic body though (kinda like robocop lol) which is a little disappointing, but I'm still glad there is something like that in this game.
I have a strong suspicion that whoever wrote her lore might be an /ourguy/.

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