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Old thread: >>10990497
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And a monoeye for good luck.
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I don't understand these threads. MGQ was hot. The monstergirls would either rape or eat Luka or both. These monstergirls are just cutsie and most aren't erotic in any way.
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Let me explain
>see picture of some manner of creature lady
>peepee gets hard
I hope that clarified it for you
Angel, genie or demon?
Deep Sea people.
Uwoooah crashed boats so erotic
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Forgot my image
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Your cute statement doesn't change the fact most of this art is bad, which makes this thread kind of dumb.
Are most of you so addicted to porn that you just start automatically saving pics when you see something you haven't seen before? Does the thought of just letting some low quality pic of an octopus girl go fill you with anxiety if you don't right click on it?
Does the thought of dying of diabetes in your bedroom and your mommy finding your hard drive full of terabytes of weird porn make you lie awake at night?
Tentacle women are very sexo and their erotic talents should never be underestimated.
okay, i like the beelzebub
Retard, this is /d/, why are you crying about "weird porn" like anyone here has a right to judge?

Sorry the thread isn't full of your preferred kind of ultra-realistic hard-core non-con vore or whatever, but filling the thread with bitching about things in the thread not being to your specific taste is no better.
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would you sex a zombie girl with broken English?
>No rotten skin or anything gross a zombie or corpse would have
Absolutely, she looks like a cutie and seems to lack any possible downside of being a zombie
The downside is she's Chinese.
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hebi snex
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>would you sex a zombie girl
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I've been looking for an animation for a while, but to no avail, and I'm hoping you guys can help since I think it's monster girl related.
It's a loop of a threesome, but one of the two girls is a ghost, so while one girl rides the guy's dick, the other girl is blowing him, and one is phasing through the other. Closest thing I was able to find of ghost shenanigans during sex.
>Dead Girl Walking plays
What do you think about monster girls with extra, non-humanoid heads?
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Holy skunk.
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Do they also like headpats?
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Angry skunk girl trying to spray you but she's too embarrassed to show you her bare butt to do it.
What do you like most about monster girls?
Zombina WIP
The variety compared to normal human women.
If you h8 this shit so much why are you here? Either post some images or GTFO, the rest of us are trying to ogle some bitches not read a bitch-baby's manifesto.
Will I get an infection from doing so?
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The suffering.
They only make reality worse, which is all i can expect at this point.
One of my happiest dreams was also the one that made me drink, a lot, as soon as I woke up.

But before all that, it was human intellect, excluding Harpies (rip Papi fans), plus the amazing specialization each species had.

Human+. basically.
Monstergirls become a reality, but they come into the world via Shadowrun rules, i.e. people start semi-randomly transforming into monstergirls. You are one of these people, but you get to consciously control the transformation, what kind of monstergirl (& yes it's specifically monstergirl, no futa or anything either) do you become?
The coolness and the exotic factor.
Here you go.
Imagine this snake lady rapes then constricts the guy like it's mgq.
I could probably find something about a lad getting raped by an eldritch horror girl but I don't really feel like it.
Yes the monster girl fandom has a problem with very vanilla people who are often very vocal so you often see any edge of monster girls being cut away.
It often results in a lot of very generic porn being posted, often with very little emphasis on the monster sections.
All the options seem like they would make me at least part time gay but dragons can fly and are usually semi-superhuman in terms of ability so I'd go with that.
Harpy, easily.
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It's the gap moe between beast and cute.
You're not limited to MGE/MGQ, anything you want that can reasonably count as monstergirl works, you would by default become trans if you weren't already a chick, but the gay thing is entirely up to you.
I'd imagine monstergirls to be capable of parthenogenesis as a naturalistic explanation for why their's no monsterboys, so you wouldn't necessarily have a biological imperative to fuck, meaning any fucking you do do would be entirely at your own discretion.
As for me, I'd become a metal slimegirl. Being a sexy, free-willed T-1000 sounds rad as hell.
I was imagining something like nergigante. Just a spiky mess of death.
Corruption and domination.
I like the idea of monsters slowly taking over mankind, the women being turned into more of them and the men being taken as mates/slaves.
Most of humanity in it's stubborn nature, walled itself from the outside world. With only adventurers and trade caravans coming and going.
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Lol, slime death. Has to be the worst way to go for anyone.
I like the idea of them forming a symbiotic rather than predatory relationship with humanity.
Also why do women get all the fun? I'd love to become like a manticore or mershark or something, being a human is boring I want superpowers
I'd like if more monster girls setting made use of the idea of fucking the girls would actually corrupt you into one of their species. Not into a girl but a male version. It would make them a lot closer into actual parasites then.
You say corruption, I say evolution. You're telling me if I get with an oni girl I can become a muscle-bound giant with high-end magic? Hell yeah!

Oh she's not dead. That's a dark slime from MGE, so she got corrupted into another purple slime slut.


Why should girls get all the fun? Then again I probably wouldn't say no if becoming an Alp was the only option.
Dragons are good,
Slime too,

Arachne, Lamia, Manticore...
Not sure why, but I'd probably have to say demon.
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Some kind of chameleon girl, i think.
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I feel like the second one intentionally made it just human.

Where's the big meaty paws?

The beastliness, the beauty, but most of all the maddening, burning love that only men can understand.

To invoke that in anyone is one of life's greatest treasures. To maintain it, a greater motivation to love than any spite.
Oddly enough, feigning stupidity doesn't make you look smart.
>inb4 pretending to be retarded
Yes. That's what I accused you of. Which means you might be ACTUALLY retarded. In which case... joke's on me?
We're on 4chan, the whole lot of us are genetic dead-ends.
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Shit, that last love should be *live
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Something amphibious would be ideal. Basically, I want to be able to live freely in the water, but also have legs to go to the surface with because that's where, you know, all the stuff is. I'd settle for mostly aquatic though.
Something like pic related is something I'd be pretty happy with.
>tfw no lizard girls to lovely throatfuck me with her long slimy tongue
why live?
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A man of taste. For me it's amphibians though.
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>I'd imagine monstergirls to be capable of parthenogenesis as a naturalistic explanation for why their's no monsterboys
Don't most settings treat monster girls like the Asari from Mass Effect; needing to breed with other races in order to reproduce?
But the asari ARE capable of breeding amongst themselves. It's just frowned upon by the time frame of the games because they're filthy gene stealers.
Yes but that's stupid, contrived & not how nature works.
Indeed. A species that cannot breed amongst itself is inherently retarded so most settings "monsters girls" are just freaky looking humans.
Dumb furfag.
>they're filthy gene stealers.

Like this?
Monster girl family!
Jiang-shi are closer to vampires than zombies. Also, absolutely.
I just know they hop.
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