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which part of "girls" do you not understand?
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Whew! Does anyone know what checkpoints/loras ShyCindy uses? I guess he uses Titania_MIX, but no way can the muscles lora he uses be https://civitai.com/models/418975/female-hyper-muscle-v10, which is just trained on a bunch of morphs and therefore produces very distorted images.
These fags just found out it won't get removed if it's not forbidden in the OP, unless it's a loli.
We need a dedicated AI containment board
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We're here to masturbate, not moralfag. You'll have better luck containing yourself, that is, make a hyper muscle thread which bans AI gens like the tiny, beta, mini muscle threads. Or get revenge by spamming AI-generated images to the point that it drowns out legitimate art. But be careful with how you refer to AI. No human is inside your calculator, you know. Not all AI has to be machine-learning AI.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Just report it. Futashit has been purged before.
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Civitai hyper girls caught me in their web bros.
I'm never going back to Deviantart.
>One AI to rule them all and in darkness bind them

Nice, keep going at it
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Guess who's back?
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Back again?
the ideal mombod
How much do you spend on commissions dude?
Quite a bit
If I was a millionaire I'd hire the best muscle girl artists and game devs to make a AAA female muscle growth game.
How would you go about doing this in an inconspicuous manner
If I were him, I'd be ostentatious
Well the nice part about Civit is that if you download any image you can view the generation data in notepad - even if it is not available on the site.
Deviant is - less reliable - that's mostly due to so many "artists" on there blurring or editing their images for Adoptables. Also if the base image is AI generated but it is then edited in some art program that is more than likely going to boil the generation data. That hasn't stopped me from borrowing some prompt junk from another user to help pump up some muscles of my own gens.
I don't have any relevant images post to this thread, however I DO have some extra loras which may be of use to certain anons.
Big Pecs Girl:
Giga Muscle Girl:
I only found about these about a week or two ago and haven't done a lot with them. Was mostly trying to see how well Gigagirls played with camera options - not well - but if you want to get some massive meaty maidens its rather good for it. As well as seeing how weights/prompts changed the amount and mass of muscles.
What is nice is both Buff and Big Pecs Girl have both Pony and SD1.5 versions, so there's that.
The fuck are you talking about? Are you saying a calculator is a form of AI?
How do you plan on proving the opposite?
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I mean, I could try, but if you're coming at me like that out of the gate, there's no point. AI bros really gaslighting themselves into believing every piece of simple circuitry or software is a form of AI now, huh?
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This is what we call an L. You should just take it like a man rather than attempt to miscontrue it into something you think appears to be in your favor.
i just think AI is neat
It is neat, but it's slop
Gladly requesting steroid plug
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>Still no argument
What are you gonna say next? A real human checked your captcha?
You're replying to a different person
We took down some aiSHIT, BUT NOT ALL OF IT?! Say it with me everybody. MODS ARE TRANNIES
based whitethrone
Not their fault, that's why it needs its own board
>randomly removing pics
>not removing the gay shit
Jannies have lost all goodwill from last thread. SAD!
>Not their fault they left it up
Do you get off on being called an idiot? Don't post again. You're not helping.
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>more text replies instead of posting images
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Yeah? At least I'm not racist.
I'll disguise it as an adult normie game and call it "BIG".
An open world Sims type bodybuilding game, choose your gender, height, body type, training style, routine, diet, etc.
The default mode is "Career mode" and you have to become a bodybuilding champion by training, bulking, roiding etc.
Earn money by getting sponsored, starting a fan page, a blog, and even prostitution in the form of muscle worship sessions or onlyfans.
You can even start relationships and depending how big you are you can date certain NPCs. Some like you if you're lean and others will like you if you're huge.
Beat the game in career mode and you unlock "Hyper Mode" in which you can go beyond the size of a pro bodybuilder from Hulk size to kaiju size and flex on the entire city.
I don't care if it's AI, if it makes my pp hard I jerk off to it.
NSFW artists are at the bottom of the barrel in the artists hierarchy anyways.
Most of the hate on AI comes from bitter porn artists who hate the fact a computers can generate better horsecocks than they can draw.
Let real artists draw fantasy settings, design characters, world building and animation.
Artistic creativity and development is important but not for drawing fetish stuff.
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I need the full prompt for this one.
A common calculator lacks any capability of learning. It's just a bunch a circuitry that's able to do calculations quickly through predetermined, static algorithms. A calculator is as intelligent as a light switch, in that case, as it will forever do the exact same thing until it breaks. I guess you could argue that a calculator has some form of intelligence because it can do math, but you'd be going against the commonly accepted definition of an AI.
And to be clear, I don't despise AI, I like using it to mess around with stuff, I also think there's some moral/legal issues of using other people's art to train models and then go and make a profit from the generated art. But thinking that any device or software that is capable of completing a task is a form of AI is wrong, and seems like a cope for AI bros to justify their extensive and uninhibited use, because if an calculator is AI and is fine to use whenever, then other AIs must surely be fine to use whenever aswell
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NTA but what I usually want is just a normal game but with buff girls and fmg in them.
Like you level up a party member's strength a whole bunch and see them get beefy and unlock cutscenes of them flexing and stuff.
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>calculator lacks any capability of learning
>going against the commonly accepted definition of an AI
You're thinking machine-learning AI, as was already stated. That is only one type of AI. You could've at least been autistic about it and said it has to have if or conditional statements. Furthermore, tracing didn't come into existence because of AI. Since we're just going to keep replying infinitely without reading first, I won't help shit-up this thread further. Just Google it.
Can you fucking retards shut the fuck up already?
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Man its too bad node9 disappeared. I was working with him to get a ryona hyper muscle comic series out for his patreon/fanbox.
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>want to buy a subscription of S20K00Y's Fantia
>suddenly the site is banning all of the Europe IPs
me and my luck
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Haven't posted here in a good while
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fancy seeing you again qinnik
When worlds collide
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i’m not mako, just a collector of his work
Are you buff like mako?

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