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Previous thread got nuked along with all other threads: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11070226

When will translators translate pic related?
It’s been 2 years

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Btw has this been translated yet?
Waddafack I was wondering what happened
Thanks for remaking
Looks like shit compared to his previous works, I hope he drops the AI
Mikemono Yuu is a woman, anon
And I am pretty sure she doesn't use AI

That said, I have to say that her last 2 doujins have been disappointing
This girl has a god-tier design and she is a fucking JC yet it feels like such a waste of a design
The girl is too on the nice side and I wish she was more of a bully
A super tall and busty young JC dominating a much older manlet college guy is an extremely hot concept but the execution here is too vanilla and meek
I wish she was as dominant and sadistic as the girl from her Gakkou to Bed doujin
Latest Fakku

Not sure if this is the same Raita who drew Valkyria Chronicles or not

WARNING: Girl is a gyaru slut who fucks another guy in front of MC before fucking the living daylights out of MC
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I work with a girl who is 6'2", and today we talked about being called daddy/mommy in bed. I mentioned that I find it weird when women call guys they are fucking "daddy", because why would you want to fuck your dad?
She stood up and said "it's not for everyone", then pat my head. Then I started thinking about how I would not be opposed to calling a bigger, or at least more dominant woman "mommy", and then it all became clear to me.
And now I love tall women. I have never before felt so blessed to be short.
what's wrong with her neck
To be honest, being into this fetish without being into the whole Oedipal thing is such a pain in the ass.
The mommy shit entering the zeitgeist has been such a plague. Because it's derivative of daddy shit, old school mommyfags that like the nurturing and caring maternal figure are all having their fetish diluted, femdomfags are having their well poisoned, and tall girl enjoyers also have to put up with this silliness
I wish I could find women taller than me, but alas I am 6’4

Some people wish they lived in a magical fantasy world with wizards and dragons.

I just want to live in a world where Women are taller than men.
>mfw 5'8''

Not even a bottom and yet GIWTWM
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Oedipus complex? I find it rather simple actually.

>I just want to live in a world where Women are taller than men.
Based. Tall girls shouldn't be a rarity, they should be the norm.
>She stood up and said "it's not for everyone", then pat my head.
She like you and wants to fuck; careful though, women are always trouble.
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Reminder to report any bulling to the student council.
Mini-giantess women while stronger, tent to have a harder time learning, many getting held back several years. leading to large age gaps of older women mixed with younger boys.
>Tall girls shouldn't be a rarity, they should be the norm.
so true, and it’s the case in many animals. females need to be bigger to carry babies
No, I'm pretty sure those are a couple of 14-year old girls bullying a 17-year-old dude.
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I get why it's the case, but I'm not a big fan either. Might be because of the single inciting incident I can think of for how I got this fetish. It was from being hugged by a girl who was only a few years older than me. She had already hit her growth spurt, and I hadn't. I could barely even reach her chin.
What fictional character would you retro-actively make 9 feet tall, changing their story?
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Tifa from FF7. Not sure if it would change altogether too much in the story involving genetically altered soldiers, planet draining megacorps and apocalyptic meteorites summoned by gues guys with extreme mommy issues, but if it made her the still-surprisingly gentle girl next door team dps/tank with the highest toughness and strength, whilst just so happens to now be able to throw cars (not that she probably couldn’t do that anyway, because this is the same game series as the famous ghost train suplex), I’d be happy. I love Tifa anyway, her being huge would just be the icing on the cake.
Easiest choice of my life. Story wouldn't even need to change since Rider has a massive height complex that doesn't make any sense for someone who's supposedly only 172 cm anyway.
The various valkyrur from Valkyria Chronicles are a close runner-up.
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Hachimitsu just uploaded some sketches of the first scenes from Nibai! 3 Part 2

Unfortunately all of them are behind a japanese paywall except this one

Link to the fantia gallery: https://fantia.jp/posts/2964534
Mei from Overwatch. Make her a proper tank.
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2B. a combat android should be massive
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Frieren. Wouldn't even need to change much, just make it a side effect of her mana suppression.
>since Rider has a massive height complex that doesn't make any sense for someone who's supposedly only 172 cm anyway.
You underestimate just how tall a girl over 5' 6" is to Japanese guys. Look at this woman, guess how many centimeters she must be, then check out the height she's listed with.
How big is too big?
If he can’t touch the crotch while she’s standing she’s not mini, she’s just a giantess. still fine tho
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Mutsuki Nakano from Danchigai.
Already reaffirms her position as the mom of the siblings, but trying to fit in their small apartment would look funny. Especially when she gets in her brother's bed.
My ideal height is when her breasts are level with my face.
I can accept as tall as her pussy being head-height instead.
So maximum 11-12 feet?
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last digit of your post is how many heads the girl is taller than you. (0 --> 0.5)
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Hopefully it isn't any bigger than 4.
Golly I really hope I don't roll a large number.
Michiru from BNA (is just naturally that tall but has to force herself to stay smaller, but its uncomfortable and she periodically has to return to tall, over time becomes more and more comfortable at that size)
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>~4.5 heads taller.
>6'1 to ~9'9-10'7

Oh yeah, this is proper Battleship GF hours.
How about this scenario
You're a happy husband of a mini-giantess
Your daughter is fairly normal-sized at birth so you two think she'll have a normal life too
10 years pass and she's already your height, and only keeps growing
Cue fun family activities
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Gimme the big. Bigger the better.
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I wish I was a shortking, I'm 193cm and I will never know what it is like to be held by a giant girl.
>I will never know what it is like to be held by a giant girl.
Don't be so sure.
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Anybody have and story recommendations? Anything with big women goes
same brother
191 and every girl i know is under 170
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I don't wish to be short. I wish for my girl to be BIG.
if you were short you still wouldn't know that feeling
trust me, I'm at the high end of the short stick
I am 170 and will still never know what it's like so you'll probably be alright anon
Thus is the sizefags dilemma: a tall guy will get women easily, but never one taller than him. A short guy could conceivably find a women taller than him, but never get one.
Counterpoint: Danny DeVito. Rhea Pearlman towers over him.
countercounterpoint: danny devito's danny devito, i.e. he's actually interesting and talented, unlike most of us shortfags. plus he was already kinda famous by the time they met and people were probably less picky about height then
I feel you
I'm 191cm and literally every gf I've had has been 4ft 10
I just want a 200cm valkryie gf that's 90% legs and who has cleavage I could ski down
Well, he has a magnum dong
was watching mairimashita!_iruma-kun and was surprised that they had this kink as their main ship. I guess it shouldnt come as a surprise. The show obvious borrows from American cartoons as much as Japanese and most monster hanna Barbara cartoons had tall woman short man couples.

I mean look at this shit. He is as tall as her legs.
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Kancolle but the ships have a size equivalent to their displacement.
>Fubuki is 1.57m and ~100kg unloaded because she is a shipgirl, and the protagonist for the anime.
>This puts Kongou is 3.11m/10.2ft and ~2091kg/4609lbs.
>Yamato, the very well put together unit that she is, stands at 3.68m/12.07ft and comes in at ~4094kg/9025lbs.
I am now realizing I would very much enjoy an anime like this.
So he's close to pussy height, then
Sometimes. Really depends on what little group is animating. They change heights scene to scene.

She is always at least 2 heads taller though. She is always at least a head taller than the average student and he is ways a head shorter than average.

Then sometimes whatever height fetishist goes buck wild and you get stuff like >>11120534
Sauce?? reverse search gives me nothing
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Shame that most of her fan art does not acknowledge that she is a fucking unit
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Imagine her bullying you by placing things OVER the shelves
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(This isn't shota fwiw.
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The solution is obvious: become interesting and talented instead of whining about tall women overlooking you. You want to marry Morticia Addams? Up your Gomez game.
I was finally able to edit one of my stories enough for Literotica's standards: https://www.literotica.com/s/dueling-wishes

It involves a couple who's wishes fight each other until she's a mini-giantess.
This is just kind of cope people say that aren't really paying attention. Statically women do not like shorter men. Someone even did a study on wealth vs height as far as appeal to women and the difference was staggering. It was something like a 5'3 man would have to make 80,000 more or 120,000 more a year to have the same appeal as a man over 6 foot. That's just how intangible height makes a woman feel provided for and taken care of. 9 inches literally worth an extra salary.

Its silly to even gas light anyone on this. Its obvious that it is uncommon. That's part of the appeal. Why it is kinky and unique. The uniqueness of it is why it was selected for the Adam's family dynamic and why it was reused for monster couples made by hanna Barbara. Its why the mom is so tall in resident evil village. Its rare but enticing. Tantalizing and fresh.

Telling some dude they can have mega mommy giant gf by having a better personality and going to the gym is about as likely as me getting a real futa gf by doing the same. Or getting a real Naga gf. Or aliens gender swapping me. Or some other /d/ kink.

Dude should be angry about it though. It is what it is. Getting angry at women getting wet at tall guys is like getting angry that men like curves and big tits
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Can anyone reead the signature?
I read the same study. It's about $40,000 per inch of height.

Also, stop using "gaslighting" when you mean "lying." Gaslighting is when you manipulate a person to question their own perceptions, memories, and sanity. The only way gaslighting would apply here is if you could convince them that they have had lots of sex with tall women, but somehow forgot about it.
It says "BootyDok," and a quick google search shows that "Booty Doc" is another handle for Fred Perry
Yeah, that's absolutely Fred Perry's style.
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Do you like onis, Anon?
Rider has a complex due to her sisters. In her eyes she lost her beauty, as she was once like them IIRC. Basically read HA.
Cock on
Brain off
Mating Press Creampie Works
>The various valkyrur from Valkyria Chronicles are a close runner-up.

Isn't selvaria bles a fucking unit conically? They always draw her as taller than most.
>Gaslighting is when you manipulate a person to question their own perceptions

Yes, telling someone a thing is their fault when it is not, would count as that. Especially when if they try to convince them that things like their personality are the issue when the truth is that its just unlikely.
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speaking of Raita, his Tsumeawase osuso wake (Azumanga Daioh) is fucking aces
175cm I think, but Japanese people think that's amazonian.
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Its easy to forget that Robin and Handcock are over 6 feet tall when mini giants are just fucking everywhere in one piece. 8 foot tall dudes just look average.
I thought it was him, but the signature threw me off.

That's only about a 12 inch difference. She is often drawn as 2 to 3 heads taller which should be 20 to 30 inches taller.

Japan just makes shit up for info pages. They can't measure height or breast size.
i'm 5'5" and not even into girls enough to have sex with one irl, but every time i go out to bars and shit i have to disappoint a few by telling them i'm gay so skill issue sorry bro.
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>i'm 5'5" and not even into girls enough to have sex with one irl, but every time i go out to bars and shit i have to disappoint a few by telling them i'm gay so skill issue sorry bro.

women love gays though. You not know that?

its like they sense something they can't have
Perhaps if he gets as good at sucking dick as you he'll have a bunch of fat women all over him, too.
i'm a top :^)
Wait, so why are you here? I mean, you can be anywhere you want, but what's the appeal for a gay man in a tall girl thread?
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Taller partner erotic
more height is always better
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Shane they make her a little smaller when they are romantic. I guess Japan MUST make women kind of dainty for romance scenes
Romantic date
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Vs non romantic.

She's thicker, larger chest ect when they won't have to drawl them doing romantic things
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imagine her bully you by taking all the space on the couch.

Shame that most of her fan art shrinks her down and focuses on her being cute and not about her being a tall big tittty demon gf.
wish that could be my pov all the time
not being able to see qts face because of breasts is top tier
>be laying on the couch, only taking up a third of the soace max
>she comes in, geabbing the remote off the table and spreads herself across the ENTIRE couch as normal, not paying you any mind as she smothers you below her
>you squirm and let out muffled protests as much as you can, but it doesn't amount to much under her intense weight
>She changes the channel, raises the volume, and relaxes there for hours
>be laying on the couch, only taking up a third of the soace max
>she comes in, geabbing the remote off the table and spreads herself across the ENTIRE couch as normal, not paying you any mind as she smothers you below her
>you squirm and let out muffled protests as much as you can, but it doesn't amount to much under her intense weight
>She changes the channel, raises the volume, and relaxes there for hours
No idea how i double posted
anyone got the source on this one?
what's crazy is all the art I've ever seen makes these ladies giants but I was bored and scrolling on tropes and decided to read up on their series and they are short as shit. like majority don't break 5'4"
The whole fandom collectively decided they should be as big as the horses are supposed to be
The title is Offline Meeting with A Tall Jirai Kei Girl https://mangadex.org/title/efd69f67-4d28-4377-a40c-faf5d6603862/offline-meeting-with-a-tall-jirai-kei-girl

Only seven pages so far
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>tfw I'm 5'5 and love it
>what's crazy is all the art I've ever seen makes these ladies giants but I was bored and scrolling on tropes and decided to read up on their series and they are short as shit. like majority don't break 5'4"

Despite the stereotype that Asians are good st math, there is no indicstion that the Japanese understand any unit of measurement.

Don't understand age, cup size, height, distance, etc.

They can not even stay consistent with relative height within a single episode.

>what's crazy is all the art I've ever seen makes these ladies giants but I was bored and scrolling on tropes and decided to read up on their series and they are short as shit. like majority don't break 5'4"
sometimes you just want to draw bitches tall. Like extra tall.
just sit in her lap
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perfect mouth-to-pussy height
Yes. Proceed.
Nice, I read this somewhere else, can't remember which site, and enjoyed it there. Probably won't reread it any time too soon, but out of curiosity what's different about this version?
>hand placed casually around head or throat
self love is based
>Tall girl but with social anxiety
I originally had it on The Overflowing Bra. I had to remove any descriptions of breast growth before she was 18. Also any mention of his oversized dick before he was 18.
In my experience, particularly tall women care less about height (I guess because to them, all guys are short). Average height girls will care but they're only a little bit taller than you so it doesn't quite strike the right chord anyway.
how tall we talking?

I have a friend that is 5'8 and she is obessed with height since graduating. She won't come out and say it, but all of her male friends since she moved are 5+ inches taller than her, and when we take photos together, she positions her legs to look shorter in the photos.

its fucking weird.
Here's a manga about a guy who delivers food to a tall girl who turns out to be shy. https://mangadex.org/title/76424fe0-ec26-400c-a0c9-93a17114a4ae/haitatsusaki-no-onee-san-ga-kowa-sugiru
oh shit
neat, thanks anon
Naisu, I've been looking for a new tall girl mango
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You probably already know of Being Targeted By Hyena-Chan, but there's that.
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Trying to get back into writing, gimmie some ideas for short stories bros
short slim girl morose about her build enters a store that promises a perfect, tight fit for any outfit. she buys a an XXXL 'crop top' as a gag to wear as a night shirt. Has some crazy dreams. Wakes up the next day to find herself outgrown her bed, huge, busty, curvy, fit etc. As she sits up and admires/explores her new bod she experiences a final growth spurt and her height and build improves even further but the shirt tears off her leaving her nude.
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Alright, I can dig it.
Sometime tomorrow I'll have it ready.

i love giantess mei

rolllin for mommy

as a 5'6" anon who's made out and fucked with a 6'2" babe, yes worth it.
rolling, but I'm gonna be convoluted as fuck and instead count the last two numbers with a decimal and then halve it so the tallest possible is 99 = 9.9 = 4.95 heads taller, which for me is like 9'6" which is a good max for me
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give BIG please
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thank you!
Anon you retard.
She wants you and tried seducing you.
Do. It.
Motherfucker, if this is real, you'd better humourously try calling her 'mommy' now.
I mean women 6'0+. 5'8 is taller than average but not "particularly tall".
I'm talking women tall enough that people comment on it frequently.
So I got into the swing of writing way more than I should have, so it'll be a few days but be a bit more than the short 1500-2000 word story I expected to write. Plus life's a bitch and my boss is throwing overtime at me and I need the dosh. I'm already at 1500 and haven't even begun the growth sequence. Gimmie a bit of time.
Have a huge bitch in the mean time
He should probably test the waters by calling her mom in a funny way. Like if she asks him to do something say "yes mom, right on it mom"

If she doesn't give off a weird vibe eventually switch to mommy
Shouldn't be more than double normal height.
So this?
>got to US for first time in six years for big family gathering
>have a great time with my eight younger cousins (half of them female)
>feel less keen on Tall Younger Cousin than I used to
Not like this fapbros....
>big family gathering
big as in tall with tall cousins? because otherwise thanks for the blogpost
this one is futa, so be warned before you enlarge it
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I just read this and it's pure kino. Has to be one the best things I have ever read. The whole tall woman thing finally ticked for me
yuri is fine too right?
Yeah, pretty much the ideal range for me.
Ah, mouth straight to puss then

You know, if we evolved from a dozen other species, it would be like this. Often males are smaller
awaiting with baited breath!
>Turns into femdom
Every time, without fail.
Not really my bag but I can appreciate the size difference stuff. Especially if I can ref them for poses for my own drawings. Is there more of those two?
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> Is there more of those two?
There is a lot of those two.
exhentai /g/3073540/72299f8d5a/
anyone know any good tall little sister stories/artists?
I'm the tallest of the bunch, sadly, and the only ones I see ever potentially outgrowing me are male and aged 11 or under
No. Yuri is faggotshit.
It on paper not yuri but quantum futa.
Let me explain: the artist seen to start drawing them alternately as futa. One time the small one is the futa and then in other images the big one is. Quantum Futa
futa is worse than yuri
Yuri is the slippery slope that leads to trooning out.
Futa is the point of no return.
Simple as.
don't shoot the messenger
i am just pointing out that the artist gone for "Yuri with extra steps" for whatever odd reason
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Anyone got the sauce on this image? Saucenao can’t find it.
The short guy reminds me of the main character in "Do You Like Big Girls?", but I don't recognize the name "Ayaka", but I haven't followed the series for some time either. The series does have an "Ayano" though.
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Not sure where the English page is from but the artist is Amatarou.
Stuart little
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Is there more of this?
Rolling for something in the middle.
Would also like to know. Yandex seems to think it's the Naughty Volleyball Team but I skimmed that story and couldn't find anything involving growth
>Tfw no superpowered, 9-10 foot tall, blonde, PTSD ridden Nazi dommy mommy.
I got that reference anon! Also, underrated waifu/tall girl setting.
Unfortunately, no. But apparently it's based on a short story
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would be good to know too, little sister outgrowing older brother manga/stories are so good. I remember one going around a while ago but you need a Japanese vpn to view it.

The older brother keeps looking at height markings on the wall everytime his sister walks past, and he notices that she is taller than he was at her age. Then she just keeps on growing from there.
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Love that massive abyssal fleet girl
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There should be more art of giant cow girls, but with enormous hourglass curves.
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Cow girls make the best mingts/tall girls
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Need me a big Gardevoir

Image (and description >>11144503) probably related to this story (requires JPN VPN):
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You can impregnate them yourself without having to pay for a bull, and she'll provide all the milk you could want.

Plus, any crossbreed heifers she gives birth too will have enough of a genetic variance from you that inbreeding is practically impossible, so you can actually increase your number of breedable, productive cowgirls entirely by yourself.
Anybody here with a VR headset recomend anything? There's plenty of giantess stuff but no tall girl stuff. Okay with western animation and 360 videos :)
I'm interested but I don't have a VPN, any other means of reading?
>anon died on the way back to his home planet
sad, many such cases
I'm more of a Goodra appreciator myself, but that's more for trash. I bet they'd be super snuggly.
Have two old growth stories of mine anon
Pasting link into Wayback Machine seemed to work...
anon, if his story is true she literally stood up and pat his head while they were talking about sex talk.
there is literally no need to test the waters anymore
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anyone know where i can find the new nia post(s)? theyre not on sadpanda
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Kemono's been dead since August.
wtf happened anyway?
Yeah what the hell happened. why’s nothing updating?
IIRC all the admins except for one are gone for whatever reason.
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let's roll
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>Existential horror in my tall girl fetish?
It's more likely than you think
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Angelgirls are good civ.
Imagine the hugs
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I recognize that angel!
This is amazing. Artist?
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artist is .less aka lessdraws. The characters are from a story https://archiveofourown.org/works/37589305/chapters/93826048 and have art from various artists.
A couple of the characters even have short doujins. https://imgbox.com/g/wkJ3ZtZ12v
the looks on their faces are always amusing
I think it's working again? I had two Gumroads update
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its kinda sad that this old one is still one of the best tall girl/smoll guy aggressively affectionate hentais to this day.
rollan and postan
Love me some .less. Last time I talked to them they still browsed the Monster Girl threads on /jp/ that was like a decade ago.

More settings pics and lore:

Their Twitter:
Beatrice from Re:Zero
Rollin for CHECK'EM
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>/mgt/ on /jp/
They ended up chasing off most of their own drawfags and content creators. Last I checked which was like five years ago, the thread was on life support. No idea why, every community discussing monster girl stuff seems terrible. It sucks since I like them so much and it goes hand and hand with tall girls.
>No idea why

insufferable autism from anons that are closet furries.
>a girl grows so tall that they hit their head on the ceiling
>they move into a house with taller ceilings
anyone who writes this shit is a nigger
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yeah the best part is her interactions with the world and her struggles and accidentally breaking stuff and most writers/artists don't understand this so they always write it out.
I love tall women.
Why? It means she gets to grow so tall that she hits her head on the ceiling all over again.
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This artist is doing a slow burn of a younger sister striving to overtake her brother's girlfriend.
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overtaking/outgrowing is so good
hard to find though
except its just arbitrary then
Hitting her head on the ceiling is hot when it's in a grounded environment. When it's a purpose built house with tall ceilings and bigger appliances, it all feels a bit ungrounded
This. It’s the outlandish aspect that makes it fun and hot.
Nothing annoys me more than the normalisation of fetish stuff, where it becomes a non-focus, such as worldwide changes or whatever. I can accept it at the end of a story maybe, where some happily ever after occurs and the story can afford some comfortable settings, but the vast majority of the media should portray the giant girl as exceptional in whatever media she appears. The head bumping, floor creaking, hug smothering is all so important and exotic as a result. The usually dainty girl being big and abnormally strong and heavy is the real gold stuff.
I’m a big fan of growth, especially to full giantesses too, but love mini-giantess specifically because it’s so much easier to place them in normal settings where their size is amplified by the normality to us, the reader/viewer as a proxy of *our normality*. It’s easier to imagine something you can see or feel and imagine the girl finding these things small and awkward to her. A chair we trust to last for years buckling under the weight of a 9ft beauty who has an ass that extends past what’s a comfortable fit to us, or her squeezing through a door we don’t even pay attention to, whereas she’s having to duck, angle herself so her boobs, hips and butt don’t get stuck.
Conversely, another thing that annoys me is when ‘giantess’ becomes the catch all term for shrink stuff too. The fact the girl exists in a normal ass world otherwise besides a shrunken/tiny guy makes me lose a lot of interest (size theft can work, sonce the girl should have grown too). I always internally joke about the usual shrunken male, female dom story suddenly being blindsided by a home invader and the girl losing all that ‘power’ due to the level playing field thanks to realistic outcomes coming to strike.
Having an 8ft girl stops that handily, and that’s why it’s exciting to me.
ive genuinely never seen anyone else articulate this opinion and it was driving me insane thank you. the sorta sizes and spaces you articulated are so so good. adding in some clothing destruction and general wardrobe annoyances and some initial disbelief and i literally can't imagine anything more fun to read or look at. im absolutely insane about growth for the exact same reasons that you are and its so refreshing to see this take
I'm reading this for the first time. The shading is phenomenal. The way he uses a support beam as a text box... wow
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Are you strong enough to princess carry your waifu?
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Just a heads up to keep an eventual eye out for. In December they're making at least one episode of Oni Chichi Harem into a hentai.

Basically, it's a government secret coverup that if any woman's boobs grow too big, they'll sprout horns, grow several feet in size, and turn into nymphos. A normal Joe gets taken to be their breeding stud. The manga is vaginally just 200 pages of "dude having orgies with huge women". Their 'queen' is even bigger with body swallowing size tits.
No, I'm a fat lazy manlet
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Someone help me find a twitter account. I think it's just Gus -- he has a character called Kyoko or something like that. She drains people of power and goes from flat nerdy girl to super tall and double stacked. Some giantess and muscle content on the side. Anyone remember what I'm talking about?
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Outgrowing gotta be my favorite theme
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love these size comparisons with the hands and feet
this thread should be on /h/ not on /d/
Go try it then anon; see how it turns out
So is she like darkseid and just sits in other people's chairs?
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I prefer when the tall imouto sexually humiliates her brother with her hot body and treats him like a little bro, but that slow growth looks amazing nonetheless

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give me a big woman, please
Why tall girls, that secretly harbor feelings of love and protection, starts out as mean bullies?
Rolling cuz maybe the supernatural is real idk ill take any girl taller than me lol
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Keiko by emmarrgus
That's it thanks senpai
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praise be god
good enough

>Be Chadanon McChaddington
>Tall, handsome, pretty face, anime protag irl.
>Not only good with sports, but social relationships and school subjects too.
>Leader of your group, girls love you, teachers love you, boys love you because you constantly help them out "We are all gonna make it brah"
>Still, no gf because you deep inside are still autistic af

>One day they tell everyone that this school will open it's doors to amazon students, to make the relationships between humanity and amazonia strenghten up.
>Hey this could be interesting, what's the worse that could-

>Tfw they are bigger than you expected.
>You are the tallest of the school and you barely are at crotchlevel with the shortest of them.
>Swallow up your fears, try not to spill your spaguetti, remember, you are a chad, you can do it.

>Be the first to approach, set an example since both, groups were akwardly standing in front of each other.
>Go for the tallest of the girls, my God she is tall.
>"Hi! I'm Anon, It's soo cool to finally meet Never seen an amazon in real life before!"
>Think you acted smooth, but she blushes and dissmisses you by looking the other way, you hear the other's giggle and whisper.

>Life goes back to normal.
>Or that's what you'll like to say.
>Ever since the amazons integrated, the tall one, the one you correctly assumed to be the leader, kept this relentless campagin against you.
>Constantly mock you, tease you.
>If she wasn't mocking or teasing, she was avoiding you, answering your attempts to win her over with single words or looking the other way and saying "whatever"
>Every P.E. class, she would challenge you to wrestling matches, or some kind of team match with humans against amazons.
>She always wins, and proceeds to humiliate you further, locking you with her arm, your nose against her armpit, rubbing her feet on your face, sitting right on your face. You are sure you'll recognize her steamy musk anywhere at this point.
>Finishes up with a half hearted compliment to your skill and a condescending advice on how to improve.
>Constantly find her used socks, panties or bra in your locker, only for her to come out of a corner calling your a pervert and trying to make it look like it was you who stole them.

>Other times when is only the amazons training together, she constantly tries to make you watch her, and every time pretty much forces you to compliment her strenght, skills or techniques.

>At one point she catched a fucking vulture (how?) and showed it to you, almost like some sort of present
>You of course released the poor animal and forced her to go with you to the nearest water tap to clean her hands and the scratches of her arms, even if she was a bully, you weren't going to let her get an infection.

>The next week your classmates came to you, saying that the other amazons started to do the same thing to them.
>You are decided to go there and confront those tall cunts, ready to defend your people.
>But then they tell you other detail
>They all kept trying to catch a bird or a similar creature as a "gift"

>Yfw you realize what they are doing.
>Yfw you realize that since there is no men or smaller women in the place they come from, they have no idea how to interact with them.
>Yfw you add two and two and see that they are doing the equivalent of a boy pulling a girl's pigtails to get her attention.

>Yfw you thought you were the autistic one.
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This is great, thanks for sharing.
Very sweet i loved it.

>Be Chadanon McChaddington
>"Hi! I'm Anon,"
Immersion ruined.
>No idea why
Autists chasing off writefags and drawfags because they didn't share identical fetishes with them.

It was futa.
>Socially retarded giant girls bullying boys because they don't know how to interact with them for shit
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>tfw this hasn't been translated yet
I already translated this using AI
Rolling to bump.
Any pics of mini giantesses picking people up like large cats or small-to-medium dogs?
Like a girl this relative size or a bit smaller picking someone up with both arms.
Fuck it; let's see. The bigger, the better.
I need more of her, but that and this appears to be all there is.

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