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A thread for aficionados of baby-laden lassies of "realistic" proportions and mechanisms (ie, no hyperpreg, no mpreg, no oviposition/tentacles/insects or other super-out-there spins on the subject) though this by no means forbids mild elements of the fantastic (ie, monstergirls who follow the regular female reproduction pattern of "penis goes vag, 9 months later baby comes out). If you have to think about it for more than 5 seconds, you probably shouldn't post it.
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Will their offspring be vampires as well?
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Would it depend on whether they got knocked up by vampires?
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If not, wouldn't she eat or bite her human partner first?
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Never thought about how it'd be to fly while pregnant...
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Still waiting for this character to return, with the "results" of her efforts.
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Anybody know any manga with pregnancy arcs? Even if they're short ones. Was thinking of commissioning some art of characters with canon on-screen pregnancies.
And I do mean arcs, as opposed to just being on screen for a couple of panels or having a random supporting cast/background character be pregnant. The longest that I know of is Okusan's, which is still ongoing at least as far as the scanlations are concerned.
I thought I was caught up on this but I guess not cause I don't remember her actually getting knocked up, LETS GOOOO
Fair warning, it ends pretty shortly afterwards.
There's also Hokuo Kizoku to Moukinzuma no Yukiguni Karigurashi, but there's unfortunately very little in the way of on-screen panels of her visibly pregnant since that part of the story focuses heavily on the protagonist instead, and victorian maternity dresses aren't showing much either.
>Fair warning, it ends pretty shortly afterwards.
Turns out I was only a chapter or two behind >>11106682 but man that ending was wholesome as fuck.
I want this so bad it's unreal. Considering hiring a a pregnant escort. Never thought I'd sleep with a prostitute, though. Not sure how to feel.
A pregnant girl with two sweaters makes me understand guys ogling Sports Illustrated fold-outs.
Something about that teardrop shape you get from thin pregnant girls, damn.
It'd be easier to get a pregnancy-focused VN or something.
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>pregnancy-focused VN
Are there any pregnancy VN's worth seeing? It seems like all VNs with preg, either the girl(s) are pregnant to start, or its post game timeskip to bam 9 months. Where are the VNs with the whole timeline?
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I post this on /a/ somethimes so enjoy:
The greatest (mostly) vanilla, non-hyperpreg, non-body deformation, non-endcard-only pregnant sex doujins that exist on the website:
>>11107856 (me)
Sorry theres some tentacle and less-than-vanilla pieces in here soley because their artists haven't done anything more vanilla or as good.
Also a little paid preg-sex animation I got off fantia from the drawer of the greatest pregnant bellies I know of, Null (Nyanpyoun): https://files.catbox.moe/2jzhxv.mp4
Oh nice, how much did that cost you?
One anon on last thread made a pretty exhaustive list of pregnancy-themed VNs. I've played pic related (Maman Kyoshitsu), it's pretty hot, MC gets to work at a maternity coaching pregnant girls.
3 bucks
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Games in english with more than just "Jump to full term for the ending" pregnancy content:


HaraMiko Shimai

HaraKano (kinda dull in my opinion)

The HaraKano Joke patch (included with the Harakano patch)


Junketsu Megami-sama (plot/story relevant scenes all translated, not yet revised)

Games in Japanese with more than just ending , full term content:






Oyako Ninjutsu Kunoichi PonPon

Kozukuri Onsen (sequel to Oyako Ninjutsu)

Ninchi Shinasai!

Hara Marriage

Nin Shimai (maybe?)

Nuru Puri

Ane Hara mix

Ane Hara mix 2

Yu no Mura Harem

Ringetsu (kinda)

Shin Ringetsu (kinda)

Tsuma Mix (Shion's route only; fandisc to Ringetsu)

Sex Open World e Youkoso

Sex UNDERWORLD e Youkoso

Tsun x Bote (Norn game)

Elf Tsuma to Love Icha Omedeta Seikatsu (Norn game)
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Ringetsu Onsen

Large Pon Pon

Overflow Pleasure Box (Fandisc with sequel to Large Pon Pon)

Snow Radish Vacation

Summer Radish Vacation

Summer Radish Vacation 2

Bonus recommendation (western produced content):

Corruption of Champions 2; specifically Kiyoko's content and the other kitsune ladies.

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Manga content:

Kitsune no Oyome-chan, by Batta (ongoing)
(I also don't know if the fan translation has gotten to her pregnancy yet)

Teen Mom, by Theterm (Finished...? But the fan translation seems to stop after Fah, the main character, delivers)

To Save the World, Can You Wake Up the Morning After with a Demi-Human (on going)
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"Sex Open World e Youkoso" and the sequel "Sex Underworld e Youkoso" probably actually count more as "jump to full term" games, though that can also be worthwhile.

Inugami: Doggy Dojo is one I like on steam, though it also just jumps to full term for the ending scenes.

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I didn't mean to kill the thread; sheesh.
Some pissy nerd decided we need two separate preg threads and now they're both dying

Thanks for the info!
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Question about coc2, I liked coc1 and tried some of the start of 2, my main issue is that it seems very male PC centric, do you know if there is good female PC preg stuff later on in the game? At least early all there was was brint/Garret and defeat scenes really. Thanks anon
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I haven't actually tried the game with a female player character, though recent updates did add at least one character that can knock you up, so it doesn't look like it's forgotten as an option.
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>Satan trips
>RAEF curve porn
This is an all time great post
>inflation nigger but somehow start developing vanilla pregnancy fetish the older I get
>whorehound from time to time, before was a khv
>found a pregnant escort girl and wanted to meet up but didn't go through with it because it felt like shit heading south
>in whorehounding anything and everything can get fucked up, zero safety railings besides expected minimum of common sense from both sides
>find out later from side sources she is a bath salts addict and absolute vile shit to deal with
Your dick can lead you into an undodgeable massive caliber bullet which could make /k/ blush
>undodgeable massive caliber bulle
you just avoided wasting an hour or two with a bad whore, dodging a massive bullet would be just barely avoiding knocking up a pyscho bitch because you wanted preggo sex for a few months.
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>bath salts addict
that poor fetus
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There's a lot here. There's no loli shit in there is there?? I don't want to go sifting.
Guess Kazuma finally got lucky.
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Raikou mama!
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>Teen Mom, by Theterm
I binge read the whole thing and I'm so pissed that the TL is dead. It's in thai too, so there's really no guarantee that anyone will pick it back up and finish it. Fuck. It was super cute.
>just barely avoiding knocking up a pyscho bitch because you wanted preggo sex for a few months.
There are times I wish I'd knocked up most, if not all, of my exes
About a fifth of them are. Are you not using X-links?
English translations when?!
Dialogue doesn't look too difficult... I could maybe whip up some translation scripts, but I don't do typesetting. If someone is willing to typeset, I think I could go for it.
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Is anyone else getting just a blank tab trying to open these? How did you guys get past it, pls help.
Is typesetting hard? Id be willing to do it out if youre still up to translate it
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point and laugh at the sadpanda loser
Change the x to a hyphen bro
The 1/5th of them that have the lolicon tag will still be inaccessible though.
Text in bubbles is pretty straightforward, unless the text starts overlapping the edges (which does happen in this one). However, text straight over the image can be a lot trickier. That also happens a lot on the first few pages in this one. The jackpot would be a textless version, but I don't think you'll find one for the majority of works.

Anyway, it looks like a translator group is working their way through this artist's works recently (including the previous 2 chapters of that series), so it might be better to let it go and see if they do it.

Although, if you are interested in getting started with typesetting, I came across this list of resources that could help.
Guess I'll wait then for a translation, though could I ask kindly for a rough translation of this page? Thanks in advance
Top panel looks to be classmates' varied reactions.

Beyond that...

"It's gotten big, huh?"

"Eheheh... I guess so."

During summer break, once we finished our assigned homework, Kanou-san let me touch her belly.

"What a marvelous sensation."

"But I'm just a girl..." [Not totally sure on this one]




I had my first kiss with Kanou-san.
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I'd like to write something that's focused around loss of competency due to pregnancy, even better if the plot happens over a full nine months as it becomes increasingly difficult for the character to do what they're good at. A character who goes from strong and capable to struggling and worn out just by performing basic actions, and goes from protecting others to needing to be protected, or from being powerful to being somebody that even the weakest opponent can defeat. Even better if they're too stubborn to admit that they're becoming helpless until they put themselves in a situation that forces them to acknowledge it, or have no choice but to attempt whatever it is anyway.

I don't have any ideas for it, so I'm open to suggestions.
I've played a lot of both coc1 and 2. But I don't think I've paid in a quite a few updates. There is about equal preg content for both genders back when I stilled played. Glancing at the wiki that list has only expanded .There is just way less hard content in coc2(monster/beast fucking, rape , etc). Also if has the TiTTs problem where there is a crap load of progression you have to do.
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There is also Spotted Flower as long as you stop reading the second the kid is born
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I humbly beg everyone for their best game/fic/wn/etc recommendations with a pregnancy/impregnation fetish focus. I’ll take japanese, chinese, korean, western, whatever you have. Thanks in advance
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I made a thread with pic related you might like reading. A little /d/ tier though.
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Is this another BA pregnancy collection?
yep, and translated too, I hope they're going to make it a regular thing
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>a little /d/ tier though
kek I forgot I wasn't in /h/ there. Blame the thread.
Crowview is making me fucking feast. Based preggods.
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BA in general has been a godsent for preggo lovers, haven't had a feast this good since the peak of kancolle's popularity
I don't suppose you remember the thread number?
Fucking Irodori
(I can see it because I'm using the ExResurrect script)
well i guess sensei is fucking around
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Sensei is not allowed to play favorites, he has to impregnate all students equally
I guess you're right. For the sake of peace every student will be blessed with a baby
This game is probably the best metaphor for how to save modern Japan and Korea
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/h/ made a thread. Hopefully that one pissy mod doesn't axe it.
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This picture from this doujin was the picture that truly cemented my pregnancy fetish.
Null(Nyanpyoun)'s pregnant bellies are the barnone best I've ever encountered. PERFECTLY drawn.
On top of that this rather recent pregnant sex video by him became my favorite pregnant sex animation ever. Maybe sex animation period. And it's just a little voice acted tweening animation. Diamonds every time I even think about it.
I like this one too
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Why is pregnancy /d/ and not /h/?
Is having sex with a pregnant wife considered extreme or something?
because women think getting pregnant is supposed to be a vacation from having sex with the father of their baby, and even the suggestion that any man might still expect her to put out sends even women who have no intention of ever being pregnant into screeching sheboon-class hysterics
so it gets shuffled off to /d/ with all the other fetishes women hate
because the summer never ends
This anon >>11107856 here and it's because western-tier shit unfortunately rules this fetish and it overlaps a fucking lot with inflation, extreme-ready-to-pop, body deformation, monsters, birth-fetishism, and in general ugly art and uglier themes.
Even some of those examples have ntr and bad non-vanilla vibes because the artist doesn't do any other kind of pregnancy.
Damn, so there needs to be a new trend to associate pregnancy with something that's considered natural and desirable rather than icky
Vanilla Pregnancy really warrants a post in /h/'s sticky
Odd being that pregnancy makes women fucking horny as shit
that's not how it works in real life, seriously
that's cartoon tier "dropping anvils on peoples' heads makes them comically flat instead of killing them" cope
just keep the cartoon stuff in the cartoons, seriously
Don't run your mouth when you don't know what you're talking about
From the film "American Sniper":
Now it's making me imagine a haruhi endless eight like episode where a girl is stuck with a preggo belly in an endless looping day.
it depends on the woman itself. Like some get more horny going into nympho levels others just crave food and belly rubs

retard tier post

the usual female anxiety is that *men* find their wives fat and weird and disgusting during pregnancy and indeed plenty do go off and cheat and then it's not unheard of for them to give their wives stds they caught somewhere else the one time they have sex while the wife is pregnant
>but muh capeshit movie said
jeez, no wonder zoomers can't do anything right
Do you know what that word means? Dipshit.
That is only one example in a long long series of instances mentioning it in 3D shit I remember. That one in particular demonstrates it in the most unequivocal terms.
Besides all you have to do is google "Sex drive during pregnancy" to pull a plethora of medical sources.
It's definetely not some fantastical cartoon phenomenon.
Quit being obtuse faggot.
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>even on /d/ I can't escape fucktarded political takes, crass revisionism and bullshit that mostly just reveals that the poster's parents fucking hated each other
This timeline is so fucking gay holy shit.>>11137403
>Why is pregnancy /d/ and not /h/?
We DO have a preg thread on /h/ and /e/. /h/ Jannies have simply always been extremely over-zealous so it was only like a year ago when the first preg threads made it over there without getting derpleeted.
That and as the other guy said -- Preg has such a range some stuff really does qualify as fetish content.
>trying to turn anecdotal outliers into the norm
really should have put a stop to that when gays were demanding everybody else be gay so they could pretend they weren't 0.1% of the population
>inb4 "it's YOU that's doing that, not me!" because that's how liberals think logical reasoning is supposed to work
Medical. Sources.
I realize not EVERYONE is into pregnant girls, but you'd think it's the most basic-bitch fetish someone can have. And yet it's like you're weirder than being into feet or ropes or something. I just don't get it.
>a new trend to associate pregnancy with something that's considered natural
I wish this were purely joking
I have a few friends who started seeing women on the side when it became clear there wasn't any love in his marriage, but that's the very small fraction of cheaters I know. Most of them are just goddamn scumbags. Stepping out on your pregnant wife, you've earned a brick to the skull.
Actual uniroinc nigger-tier behavior.
Meant for >>11138915
>Stepping out on your pregnant wife
Well it's MOSTLY the last remaining embers of that admittedly understable paranoia that sex during pregnancy might cause stillbirth/general harm to the baby before modern medicine discovered the opposite is in fact the case.
Also theist puritanism which has morphed into puritanism-through-misandry ala progressives/trannies.
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Pretty good thread over at /a/ right now.
Not one single mention of Swaneye visual novels, or any other company's.

Are they that obscure these days...?
Archive link for posterity:

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Hey retards, the search bar exists.
/e/ has a thread going
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There's can't post porn.
it's nice to have for some erotic stuff without straight up sex involved, though.
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Impregnation itself is the basic-bitch fetish because it's just an extension of cumming inside. Breeding, losing yourself to lust, maybe fertility or virility. If you aren't into pregnancy itself, you don't think about it beyond that. Pregnancy as a kink is more about being into the idea of new life growing inside a woman, her filled with something more permanent, admiring the new curves of her body, maybe even wanting to be the father or claim her as a mother. That desire implies a sort of responsibility and tying together, compared to not wanting to think about it.
That's just my personal take though. It might be different for women, the societal expectation they'll bear children. It took until I got older for pregnancy to go from "no it'll ruin my life, I'm not ready" to "I want to be chosen by a woman to be a father." And that's ignoring how hentai games may set up pregnancy as part of a bad end, give it a distasteful air. Same reason it took me so long to get into bondage. It doesn't seem great if your first porn exposure is orcs raiding a village or something.

So, most people stop at this...
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...instead of moving on to this.
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I guess you're right about breeding versus pregnancy itself. Still, personally pregnant women really put the lead in my pencil. I can't imagine it's that much stranger than being into redheads or Asians, or fat girls, I guess. But say "I like girls when they're knocked up" and people treat you like you've grown a second head.
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NTA but I'd say its just a general education problem. There's a ton of misconceptions people have about pregnancy that they use as internalized turn-offs. Like the old myth of sex during pregnancy being a risk, or people thinking sex with a pregnant women is borderline pedophilia because the fetus is "Involved" (They never learned what an amniotic sac is). If it wasn't for these sorts of things a lot more people would definitely be into preg considering how popular breeding/plapping/impregnation/mating press talk is now. Instead they unfortunately get cold feet at the finish line, despite all their bravado.
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FUCK, Dearonnus apparently ragequit and pulled most everything from pixiv and DA. Sadpanda seems to have a number of specific image packs but general dumps seem to be limited to april and earlier. Might be able to pull stuff from Kemono since it only started crapping out around the end of August..
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There's also the ones he got raped by in the fortress of the brown girl who supposedly looks like his sister.
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>what good art, i wonder what this guy usually posts
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=IRlecJC7hOw isekai nonbiri nouka
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I only read the first doujin you posted so far, but that one was great.
If the rest are as good, then I thank you very much
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Christ alive she looks like he's having a stroke or something with that left eye rolling around
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It's at the top for a reason so no, but the rest are great too
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That is one of my commission on a platform call skeb

I ask the artist to draw her “she went climax, looks satisfied, eye glazed, mouth open, Slobber”

I think that is perfectly fine and a splendid work

Here is another one from the same artist
Oh don't get me wrong, I can appreciate some nice feel-good ahegao as much as anybody else. In fact, one of the hottest things I can imagine is for a pregnant woman's brain to be so thoroughly submerged and deep-fried in pleasure and overstimulation that being knocked up is the single most wonderful and important thing to her, a neurological gangbang of horemones and sex drive: the sheer gravitas and overflow of her belly and breasts, the powerful and precision satisfaction from her partner or device of choice engulfing her in a torrent of orgasms as she's fucked from without while her children kick up a fuss at all the hubbub and effectively fuck her from within, all of them having at her brain with no not the tiniest shred of hope for quarter or mercy.

But >>11174335 is just really, really uncanny, which is interesting since >>11172711 seems to go for that same angle (and even does an eye foll of its own for her right). Just one of those Eye of the Beholder things I guess and they're certainly nice pics by every other measure (that last one especially, classy preggy brides and dames dressed to the nines are underappreciated) so you do you.
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Different colour tone and better quality version

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