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Previous Thread: >>11170635

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Request anchor.
Multi panel, girl in a frilly tunic peeing into a potion bottle and in the next panel selling it
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Asuka comparing dick sizes with Rei.
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Requesting Marley futa
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requesting Merula Snyde using her wand to make her futa dick grow until it reaches her forehead
Tanned tomboy futa being teased by her friend cruelly bending over in front of her and showing her ass off while tomboy is pitching an enormous wet-tipped tent in her spats
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Woah, Asuka being the winner for once. What a nice surprise, thank you.
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And just like that, this became my image with the most reactions on civitai. Got 200+ yellow buzz in two days. Good haul for me.
Kinda been having fun learning how to do this the past couple of days.

Requesting redhead small penis futa magical girls losing to monsters and loving it. Breast expansion and/or shock from the initial transformation are nice add-ons.
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Requesting Nemona (Pokemon) giving futa Scarle Yonaguni a blowjob.
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Looks solid for a start. Is there a reason you're using those funky resolutions? I'd go with 768×1344 or 832×1216 as those are supported. Also you could look into using ADetailer to improve faces. And if you haven't already you should also play around with noob or illustrious checkpoints!


ratio resolution
0.5: 704×1408
0.52: 704×1344
0.57: 768×1344
0.6: 768×1280
0.68: 832×1216
0.72: 832×1152
0.78: 896×1152
0.82: 896×1088
0.88: 960×1088
0.94: 960×1024
1.0: 1024×1024
1.07: 1024×960
1.13: 1088×960
1.21: 1088×896
1.29: 1152×896
1.38: 1152×832
1.46: 1216×832
1.67: 1280×768
1.75: 1344×768
1.91: 1344×704
2.0: 1408×704
2.09: 1472×704
2.4: 1536×640
2.5: 1600×640
2.89: 1664×576
3.0: 1728×576

lol nice
Hyper muscular shortstacked futa Paimon, something that probably fits the standard here
I gotchu bro
damn really thought I ruined this but after coming back here and seeing some of the other gens I really should have tried harder
Can I see a pair of extremely pregnant shemales trying and failing to have normal sex, and having to resort to butt-to-butt double dildoing because their massive bellies and butts make it impossible for them to do anything else?
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Been a while, /d/. New model is actually pretty sick. Even btfo's Pony with its own Controlnet lmfao.
100%. Pony is so obsolete now, glad I never have to suffer through its bullshit ever again.
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Sadly you can't really prompt draenais from the get go. but it's amazing how you can just actually prompt most artists.
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So true, I completely moved on from pony and I couldn't be happier lol And it's also sooo much more visually appealing to me and much more fun to use.
I'm not sure about if I got the amount of hyper you wanted but that prompt is kinda funny
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I've tried noob and another illustrious merge/finetune(not sure what it was).I'm getting very mixed results,not sure if it's technical or I'm doing it wrong. Are there any models that focus on having consistent artstyle or is it more for prompting artstyles from danbooru artists?
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It's an actual relief since the guy behind it is such an insufferable cunt. I remember him actually on /h/ and seething about how he spent 60k on V6 and that he doesn't have to release V7 to the public blah blah.

I don't know what you mean exactly. I prompt an artist and I get the artist's style. If you're getting varied styles then you're definitely doing something wrong.
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last one for now
nta but if you're getting super inconsistent looks you could have too high cfg.
>It's an actual relief since the guy behind it is such an insufferable cunt.
kek idk, I really didn't keep up with that. I'm just happy we're free from that. Illu/noob was something that local desperately needed.
I mean that for example using the standard positive prompt (masterpiece,high quality,etc) and nothing else I can get quite a big difference between gens.

you know what you maybe be right.I had CFG at at least 8 and just noticed that noob recommends much lower.Might have to try it again.
Make a gen related to your fetish. That is all
Character personality wise honestly it should be a stoic and clueless Rei having an inhumanly large boner and Asuka fuming over it while trying to look like shes not fuming over it
(plus maybe Shinji having a panic attack in the background)
This may be a thinly veiled request for a gen like that.
No, I prefer it this way. It's a breath of fresh air.
Think of it this way.

Rei likes Shinji, and Asuka told her that Shinji prefers bigger dicks, hence Rei being hurt.
Girl with four massive tits (two rows of two) with a school uniform that barely fits and is obviously very shy and embarrassed about having four huge tits
How can shemales be pregnant tho?
Next you're gonna ask how can girls have a dick.
magic/new drug/virus/radiation/futobtainium makes their clits grow into a penis
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Similar tech as mpreg, but with more female hormones.

I'd like to see a girl trying to sit down after each of her buttcheeks is transformed into a giant breast, except that those breasts also have dicknipples, with balls.
That just sounds mean desu
Oh? You challenge me? Answer me then, where do babies come from? Ass or Dick?
Or following my headcannon: They have one gender, that's all!
But the question is, where do babies come from?
are we talking about in america or the rest of the world?
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i guess i got one more
> just noticed that noob recommends much lower
yeah, if you can use cfg++ you can go with cfg 1-2, if not you should start with cfg around 4
>using the standard positive prompt (masterpiece,high quality,etc) and nothing else I can get quite a big difference between gens.
Yes, in that case without a lora you're playing artist gacha. It's advisable to find an artist mix that you like to get a more or less consistent style on noob.
There are many artist lists, this chinese one seems to be the most complete https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DZGxRSXhvcmNmeHFv?tab=0olnrs But I like to just browse danbooru and try to mix the artist styles that catch my eye.
If you want some inspiration you can check my rentry, the random sets have very varied styles that I was messing around with. https://rentry.org/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
We're talking about a fiction, just imagine of an alternate world where shemale are one gender. Don't get me wrong, i'm not changing the topic, i'm sane in my own sense!
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requesting mythra from xenoblade 2 with a similar build and outfit to this pic
except with a cow print on the bikini instead
similar style too if possible
This might interest nobody here, but there has been a stealth change in civitai. In the past, if you set a weight to 2 or above, it would fry your image. This seems to have been caused by a bug in auto1111, which could be fixed by an extension. Anyway, now weights can go even beyond 2 without any problem. The downside is that if you remix your old images you get something different.
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it is good practice to make loras that give the desired effect around 1.0 weight, so the only times you'd need something like that is when the lora you're using is shit. still, good for them.
0.4 You outdid yourself Honestly, didnt thought someone would go to such a hassle to do more than just one, thx
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>I'm not sure about if I got the amount of hyper you wanted but that prompt is kinda funny
hello, its me again now that you mention it, i kinda see that she is lacking big muscles, but no biggie
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will have to get some heavy duty equipment for this one, that left cup keeps popping off
Elf milk! Does a body good
What model is that?
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>she is lacking big muscles, but no biggie
it's pretty gacha and I don't have that much experience with hyper gens but changing aspect ratio can add some ridiculous proportions LMAO
very cute
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Requesting a teacher casually cumming while reading, but with multiple penises
requesting a tall lanky beach girl with giant balls dragging behind her
requesting cock transformation sequence where a smug camilla gets turned into hinoka's hyper cock, cumming a bunch in the last panel
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How do I prevent clones on noob?
dont make a square gen
Thank you
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But it's hip to be square.
"multiple views" in your negative prompt
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Sweet, one of my gens is the anchor.
I couldn't gen something for the first part of your request, but I was able to do the ass-to-ass.
>balls touching
Oh no, it turns out these two pregnant shemales are gay! How will they deal with this shocking revelation?
Three girls each sucking a penis of a 3-dicked futa
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>1girl, solo, futanari
>(gigantic everything:1.4)
Yup, it's proompting time.
These are ridiculously hot. Her buold, musculature, huge thighs. And that giant horse cock. Yeah amazing. Can you post catbox for these?

>Sadly you can't really prompt draenais from the get go
God damn it anon! Before i even read anything you posted your imgs just screamed Draenei to me. And turns out your into them aswell.. yeah i PRAY that you can get some draenei going with this style cus it is gorgeuous.
Here is a drae i genned with NAI along time ago.

Oh would you take requests?

>So true, I completely moved on from pony and I couldn't be happier lol
Almost makes me sad to hear you say that 0.4 Im so fond of the gens you made for me using it. And those asukas and yamtos are forever in my heart. And on my discs.. and soon on some usb cus no way in hell im losing them.

But yeah i guess noob is the future for now. Its easy for me to romantasize it since i never had to deal with it ofc. But yeah you made some wonderful gens that i will never forget.
Requesting a luna moth monstergirl hyper futa

May I ask, what is the "new model"?
Just some candid shows of flaccid futas changing, like at the pool or gym.
Same facial expression?
A follow up to >>11173980 where the twin sisters snuggle underneath their mother's breasts.
Noice, arigato
how dare she trying to be cute when her fat swollen cock is urging to breed someone
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the duality of man
the balls
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pov: you're tied to the bed, while a limbless telekinetic dominatrix does her thing
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This is what it's all about

beefbox: https://files.catbox.moe/k3xfb6.jpg
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Nice one. I keep trying this niche but as I think you said before the tubes are so temperamental it drives me nuts
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Inpaint drawing them in runs the risk of altering the image too much.
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The elder dream demon.
Primary settings: anime screencap, retro artstyle, 1990,
Also, I found a new way to get the characters slightly more consistent.

Fun fact about the second image on this page. It was initially assembled from 5 different gens, THEN the tea set was inpainted in to finish it off.
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I originally planned to use a sepia filter on the images that are the protagonist experiencing a dream. But that would have messed with things too much. In the end I opted for changing the background to pink for the dream images.
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It is obvious as to why the protagonist isn't wearing the heart collar and heart earrings in the center image, she has woken up form the dream, and is back in reality.

I got a lot of use out of that background in the final shot, as it is the background in two of the shots on the first page... I just messed with the scale to reuse the one background.
Now for the "method" I used for the characters. Each project I try to generate an initial image of the character, with "straight-on, facing view, arms at sides" settings.

It is possible to inpaint reuse that shot, by inpainting everything but the head, give the AI the same prompts as the original, but introduce the extra changes in clothing.
The new trick that I used was to have "solo, multiple views" in the prompt, and change the inpainted image from portrait to landscape. The original head is in the lower left corner. The rest of the image was inpainted out... and I let the AI figure out the rest. The same prompt + extras was used. It did result in re-rolling a lot, but eventually I got the image that I wanted (and did a little bit of patch up inpainting).
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>May I ask, what is the "new model"?
ohh lol I missed that question. It's Illustious v0.1 and all the finetunes and derivative models that came out of it. Most notably NoobAi https://civitai.com/models/833294?modelVersionId=1070239 and this random merge that seems very stable https://civitai.com/models/835655/illustrious-xl-personal-merge-noob-v-pred05-test-merge-updated . Give them a shot if you want. I can't recommend them enough if you're tired of using pony.
>(gigantic everything:1.4)
>you made some wonderful gens that i will never forget.
Hahaha thank you Asuka anon, it's always been fun to gen for you. But it is what it is. And I've been lurking /slop/ a little since /ddg/ has been so ultra slow lately, so I saw that you're not short of anons that want to gen Asuka for you LMAO.And the stuff they gen there is sooo good. What's your fave gen you got there in the past days?
>holding whip in mouth
pretty neat lol
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no problem, I hadn't played with prompting for muscles on noob and it was a fun experiment. I got some other neat muscle shortstack gens out of my testing like picrel too.
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A towel is draped over the dick of a well-endowed futa.
A voluptuous woman beside her is gazing at the towel.
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>tfw cum so dense it behaves like normal underwater
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Giant woman or kids pool
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They got some weirdly shallow pools. Cant even cover an erect penis.
Nta but multidicked futa teacher casually getting blown during class would be nice
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Requesting Diana giving futa Chariot a buttjob.
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Just a manufacturing problem in general
once again ive genned something worthless
It's worth at least 1 cum
Then why did you post it?
im riffing on goemon
man, I hate changing models and having to figure out how to get the same look again.
thats why i aint changing model until things stabilize
On my end I was utterly sick of how pony looked so switching over is the most refreshing thing I've ever done since the 1.5 days.
I feel you on that one but im having a hard time finding something I like on illus
Same. It's kind of surprising to me how many people don't mind the pony look.
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>how to get the same look again
What style did you like on pony? You might be able to use the same artist tags or even the same lora. But honestly I'd recommend experimenting, there are alot of very nice styles possible. That's the biggest appeal of noob for me.
Yeah pretty suprising...I jumped off pony as fast as I could.
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i jumped off pony because of backgrounds. illust is much more coherent in that regard. same artist tags worked out for a similar style too.
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Pony is """fine""" if you use loras base pony look is atrocious. I've been using base personal merge look sometimes since it honestly looks pretty good too.
eh, you don't really need loras and mixes to make pony look okay, you can massage it into shape with just artist tags. but it doesn't have the "masterpiece" instant make-it-look-good button.
Why doesn't the carpet match the drapes, anon?
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Colored pubes / matching pubes feels like a 50/50 if it works.
so easy to fix with inpainting
Yeah the same expression would be great

Yeah, unfortunately it seems like the best you can hope for is for them to run off the screen and disappear somewhere. Maybe doing a close up shot with some tags like 'waist up' would help with that, but then you're missing so much potential.

The tubes are fairly straight forward so I might make a brush in Krita that can paint them in after the fact, but then you're still at the mercy that the generated ones at least make some degree of sense to continue off of.

Spell out 'pubic hair', booru tags don't often use slang.
How do you personally go about experimenting with artist style on Noob? Do you scroll through the top artists on danbooru or randomly combine some?
I was never using pony, I was using animagine with no artists, and it (sorta:1.1) works on noob, but not quite, and there's a (lot:1.3) of coherence issues, where a small change to prompt has an outsized change to outputs.
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okie dokie
Working on a elf milking farm sounds very fun. You get to breed them, maybe even snag a cup of milk every once in a while
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Thread needs, as always, more vore.
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>the biggest appeal of noob for me
Is this. What a worthless POS
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>scroll through the top artists on danbooru
That was the first thing I did and those artists are very well trained from what I can tell. It makes a lot sense to start there. What I also like to do is to browse for a specific tag to see what artists come up.
> randomly combine some?
Yeah, I made a wildcard out of a list of all (?) artists i found of civit. I filtered for all the artits that have more than 500 entries. you can find it here https://files.catbox.moe/feep69.txt
And there's also this spreadsheet here with preview images: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DZGxRSXhvcmNmeHFv?tab=t9wiqw I found many styles that I like already but I'm still playing around.
>small change to prompt has an outsized change to outputs.
I see, maybe that's caused by too high cfg? It's recommended to use very low values with noob like cfg 4. If your UI has a cfg++ extension get that and use cfg 1. That's what I do.
KEK something went VERY wrong on your end there. Are you sure you're using the correct settings? If you use the v-pred version make sure your UI supports that.
A1111, dev branch, the works. It's total unworkable garbage.
sorry anon but you may be stupid
Funny how everyone who shows noobAI being unworkable shit is wrong to you cultists.
Should've known you'd be defending it.
works on my machine. Catbox a failgen.
It's possible with enough of the right Lora combinations to combine SD1, SDXL and Pony models into a single picture. Was able to go that with Gallica and it rendered Pony pictures with Loras from the other two. You might not have the correct algorithm or Lora.

how did you achieve the lumpy belly? I've been trying to get something similar for oviposition.
Noob bros, is there a list of available author tags somewhere?

need way more of this.
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>breathing steam
>causes cum to become boiling water instead
Noob is fierce when coming from pony. Have to re-learn things, like when going from furry to pony.
it's just "breath", or "heavy breathing" if you want a lot
Noob uses danbooru tags, pony used e621 tags.
>>breathing steam
Are you talking about visible breath or a sauna or what?
Is there a list or do I have to do work?

Doesn't noob also use furry tags?
There must be something more to it than just tags, it seems to be more responsive to weights as well. I'm having to lower things from 1.3 to 1.1 or the details are too pronounced.

Visible breath
I just described it in the ESL language
The only thing I get with noobAI is >>11175122
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Illustrious definitely seems better at details if you can get the prompt tags correct. Pony would struggle hard at putting in the details but Illustrious manages to get these details more consistently with the base 768x768 Euler A (AYS) generation while Pony gives blobby results before upscaling. Illustrious has wildly different results with different tags though, like it can look good or like absolute shit depending on how you tag it, meanwhile Pony can give decent results with little to no prompt help.
you are not supposed to gen at 768x768
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That's just how the vore LoRA for Pony (it's on civitai) comes out; funny enough, I've actually been trying to reduce the bulges. Catbox'd so you can take a look:
Box, please!
I normally gen at 768x432 for a resolution that's closer to 1600x900 when doubling it in img2img which fits desktop background image sizes. This guide I saw mentioned you should gen at smaller resolutions for a base image to use in img2img. Do you have a recommendation on a better base resolution? I only did that one at 768x768 because I was testing it. Should I go smaller resolutions or jump to 1024? Higher or Lower? Higher would make my graphics card explode. I usually do 1 to 3 Batch count, 768x432 Euler A AYS 20 to 30 sampling steps for a base image, My graphics card doesn't even get hot at those settings. Once I gen something i like I'll send it to img2img and resize it, doubling the resolution at 1 batch count since I already know the outcome of the image I only need 1 made, then I send the result to inpaint for face adjustments, hand fixes, etc. If any are needed.
Would you guys keep paying for NAi if they take out the artists tags?
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haven't used NAI since like 2022 lol, but I never use artist tags
Pretty nice anon, how did you prompt it?
xl model use 1024x1024 as a base res, so variation of that is good like 896x1152 or 1216x832
your upscale method is fine
How do you even set a style?
Prompt: row of girls, head-mounted display, milking machine, sex machine, girls lined up, sitting, full body, multiple girls, legs spread, futuristic reclining chairs, nude, masterpiece, best quality, very aesthetic, highres, absurdres, sensitive
Negative prompt: cat ears, young, child, loli, teenager, teen, text, censored, censorship, watermark, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, extra digit, extra legs, extra legs and arms, disfigured, missing arms, too many fingers, fused fingers, missing fingers, unclear eyes, watermark, username, white background, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, messy drawing, amateur drawing, lowres, bad hands, bad foot, logo, negative_hand, negative_hand-neg

but you won't get that detailed of an image just from one prompt
Just find a checkpoint with a dataset that's more or less what you're looking for. I also use loras for style, but I pretty much never want to rip off an artist 1:1
Did you fix up the weird bits with inpainting? Or did you edit some parts of it in ps?
How do y'all come up with ideas of what to gen? I've got whatever images I can imagine at my fingertips(in theory), and now my imagination shut up and I have no ideas, wtf do I even do? Have I consumed so much porn my brain is fried and cant come up with its own shit anymore?
I don't think I can handle upscaling to 2432x1664 with DPM++ 2M Karras, I'm using an RTX 2070 and it gets pretty hot at higher resolutions, Should I gen a base at 608x416 then double it to 1216x832 after? I feel like my outputs aren't that bad at 768x432 or 432x768 though. Maybe I could upscale a base gen of 1216x832 at 1.3 instead of doubling the size?

I doubt it. The amount of porn I've consumed has only fuelled all the fucked up things I want to see. Just think of a picture or video that you always go back to, your "ole reliable", and figure out how to slap some character you want to see into that situation, whether it's an OC or not. Go from there.
Seek inspiration from life or someplace else, go watch a movie or just go about your day but be mindful about your situations and try to let your mind wonder a bit as well. Maybe think about a theme and try to view things through that perspective or something like that, or you know, just gen random stuff! It's like doodling when you don't really have a destination but the more you gen and think about what is going on, the more likely it is you will come up with new ideas to try out.
If you need some further nudge, Pixiv has a daily drawing prompt that you could try and see just how far your genning skills can push said theme.
Idk man Im always going for novel stuff, I havent had an ole reliable for a long time. Tho I do think I'll look back on some stuff that used to be my ole reliables from back when I had that kinda thing, so thanks :)
I've seen this advice before, funny enough back when I tried to learn to draw, cuz I had a similar issue. My well of creativity seems to have just up and dried out years ago. Things just dont flow out like that for me, if I try to go about my day nothing happens other than I go about my day, no creativity or inspiration comes from it. Maybe Im not mindful enough, or dont know how to be? Ive tried doodling(and genning) without a real goal in mind before, it never gets me closer to anything, it just has me refining my skills a little and feeling frustrated that I have these skills and have no ideas what to do with them. That daily pixiv prompt might be a starting place for me tho. I dont really like prompts usually, but its not like I have any better ideas, in fact, thats literally my problem lol
Both, separately and together
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im a simple man with simple tastes. i just gen the same handful of bodytypes i like in different outfits.
>my well of creativity seems to have just up and dried out years ago.
Don't say that, I do think that staying positive is a really good way to sort of be open to new ideas, I think? Because if you already rule that you don't know what you want to do, that makes it harder to actually do it? If that makes sense.
In that case, why not try out some chatbots? Try and go to a site that allows sexual content and things like that and sort of bounce ideas back and forth about what to do and new gen ideas.
I've had a lot of practice seeing things I like, and then iterating on them. That and just "character I like + fetish I like = :)" genning from time to time.
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>How do y'all come up with ideas of what to gen?
Think of a girl character you like, then give her a dick or whatever /d/ fetish you have.
Yeah you can do that, having a bigger base res is better than upscaling higher, worst case you up the denoise to make up for it
my 1hairygirl brainrot is just extremely strong
yeah you should always be genning at a resolution your model "knows", and then doing whatever upscale fits your purposes. For example for wallpaper for my 1080 displays, I gen at 1216x832 and do a 1.6 upscale.
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>Have I consumed so much porn my brain is fried and cant come up with its own shit anymore?
If anything shouldn't that make you hyperfocused on that one thing you've never seen but always wanted to see? For me that was cyclopses and robo lolis, barely any fappable art there. But Iimitless options can get frustrating too I guess. Especially when I try to find new artist mixes and nothing works out lol But I'm rarely completely out of ideas of what to gen. When I don't have ANY inspiration I go on danbooru and copy the tags of random images just to see what happens.
check this >>11175139 and this https://danbooru.donmai.us/artists?commit=Search&search%5Border%5D=post_count
get an tag autocomplete extension for your UI and a booru tag list. Makes genning so much easier.
That totally makes sense and I feel that too. I try not to rule out my creativity, but like...when you've been dry heaving for years, you wear down, you lose hope. I'm trying to stay positive, I'm just failing at it. I think that chat bot idea is a great idea, but idk of any that allow nsfw other than novelai's story teller thing which very much did not work well for me trying to do that earlier actually. I'm totally open to suggestions, tho, so thank you in advance!
Thats what Ive been doing since I started, and pretty much all I do, but idk what poses or angles to go for, or what outfits to put on them, etc.
I just deleted a couple GB of genderbent futa pissing pics, idk, maybe I'm just bored of everything I used to like.
That's exactly what I thought when I started. I have a ton of characters that I want hentai of that there never is hentai of. I've genned most of that now tho
don't feel pressured to gen all the time. Just do it when you feel like it, and you'll be happier about it.
Probably some of the best advice I'm bound to ignore :/ I pressure myself to draw or gen constantly to hone my skills, tho its probably detrimental to my creativity. I dont really want to stop tho, I loke to be constantly creating things, even tho it makes me feel like I'm out of ideas constantly
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yeah cool mechabare in general is just so rare imo. And the gacha with wildcards is so much fun.
Taking a break might from genning might be something that could help you find some enjoyment again. I hope nobody is forcing you to gen lol. The most important thing is that you have fun. If you don't, step away for a bit and do something else that you like to do.
>makes me feel like I'm out of ideas constantly
You could also do requests on here or the other boards if you really want to gen *anything*.
One of the reasons I started writing storylines, and then trying to gen pictures to them, was to stave off the boredom.
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Thanks for the tip, I'll gen at 1216x832 or 896x1152 as recommended and do a 1.3/1.6 upscale.
dont forget your adetailer
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Post what you're genning + what you're listening to.
The hairiest futas possible
No one is forcing me to but myself lol I'm having fun, just feeling like I have no ideas anymore, like I used up all my ideas already. I still might step away for a bit and try out this suggestion:
Ive been writing stories and characters a bit lately, so maybe that can help me drive some ideas again.
Couldn't get the same armpit hair texture, sorry
nothing worth posting that I could get away with posting, and listening to a youtuber ramble about a ps1 horror game
still came out looking amazing!
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I can't for the life of me figure out how to get Hex on all fours while Acerola is sitting on top of her and rides her like a horse, blissfully unaware that the former is getting aroused. I have to settle with this for now.
really nice
Thanks, sounds useful!
More like this >>11172816
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Nice work, dude! Thanks!
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>idk, maybe I'm just bored of everything I used to like.
No offense anon, but you sound like you might be suffering from depression rather than just creative burnout.
I'm gonna go off topic from stable diffusion just for a moment so pardon me everyone. For chatbot AI you can just grab Msty, After installing Msty click the "Local AI models" on the left inside Msty. Once there, click Browse & Download online models. Switch to Hugging Face and search for "Tohur" you'll see "Natsumura storytelling RP 1.0 llama 3.1" It should be the first one, scroll through the list and download the 8B.Q4_K_M one specifically it should be 4.92GB in size. Natsumura is an uncensored model. It's pretty decent.
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I'm figuring out that much of my struggles with illustrious models may be that it hates Euler A - and that's been my go-to sampler for ages.

Anyway, here's a post-apocalyptic catgirl suffering from acute corruption symptoms.
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>Good news, you found the lair of the dragon that's been stealing and hoarding gold from all across the kingdom
>Bad news, it's not a dragon, it's a gorgon jabberwock
>Badder news, it's getting hard to move...
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Here's one struggling with her sweater.
Definitely not flashing her crush, no sir.

Ah neat, haven't seen much petrification here, so that's a nice change of pace.
>I'm figuring out that much of my struggles with illustrious models may be that it hates Euler A - and that's been my go-to sampler for ages.
I might have the same problem, thanks for the tip.

Cute c@, especially the face. What style is it?

thank you c:

also, >>11174187
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I think this gen is perhaps closer to the request.

I did miss that one last thread - also quite neat.

>I might have the same problem, thanks for the tip.
Yeah, just switching to Euler seems to help, but I might also just be crazy.
>Cute c@, especially the face. What style is it?
I invoked deel_(rkeg) and ban!_bansankan, with a slightly lower weight on bansan.
I can't even get pony to make a loli.
>ran away
unironically skill issue
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I couldn't think of anything especially kinky to do with her, so enjoy a basic latex popstar Aerith
come on Aeris is clearly begging for an "all the way through"
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I request futas being transformed by potions, holding vials, bottles or beakers marveled at their new tools of mass pleasure.
Can try like "on all fours" and "straddling", or horseback or something.
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>Check boorus for pics I like
>Copy tags and convert them into a more coherent / useable prompt
>Set as a line in wildcard
Also checking other AI threads for shit since you may not like the content but it's good places for ideas for your own content. I may not like a lot of the content I see but I can be open minded enough to ignore it and take what's good out of it.
Yeah I had tried those. The sitting on person and the all fours tag just can't seem to coexist, and horseback just summons an actual horse, even with it in negs.
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What's the best /d/ thread for art combining all of these? Hard to find one that allows all.
>AI generated, growth, muscle growth, venus.
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love this one
Dammit, not again! No offense taken, I appreciate your insight, you're probably right.
Oooo thanks for going partially off topic for a moment, I'll definitely be looking into that :D thank you
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very cute! Love the glasses.
>Yeah, just switching to Euler seems to help, but I might also just be crazy.
I've read in a few model descriptions on civit that regular Euler A is not ideal. I'm sticking with dpm2m++ cfg++ and ays. That seems to work with any model at cfg 1.0
>Set as a line in wildcard
Why did I not think of that LMAO. Pretty good idea. I'll have to try that.
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Anyone this long in the game not using wildcards is doing themselves a disservice at this point.
Anyone getting: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'
When trying to inpaint on forge?
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fair enough
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double check your resolutions make sure they make sense
Seems like it's configured correctly... might just switch to comfyUI
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>ruins your pony gens in your path
I hate this fucker like you wouldn't believe.Thank god for lama cleaner,best extension I've ever downloaded
post screenshot of interface
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lol, true I bet I'd save myself from even more typing. I make heavy use of wildcards for colors and visual traits of chars but I haven't really tried it yet for more general parts of the prompt like scenes or backgrounds. Now I'm curious how that would work for me. I guess that would make things a little harder to change on the fly but less of a hassle when genning with only one free hand lol How did you setup the wildcards?
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Same as the others just
>scene 1
>scene 2
>scene 3
And I have them separated by content so there's
>solo girl
>solo futa
>het gens
>futa with female
what have you.
I dn't include characters since the AI has most of an understanding in that regard, 2 person scenes are a little trickier but it works if you just use a generic character / OC. So the formatting would be like

>*quality tags*, __style__, {__artists__|__artistmix__}, __character__, BREAK __futasolo__

ballpark that.
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Hmm, it seems to be working when I manually input it into inpaint. but using the button to move it there from Txt2img breaks it causing the error. I might have spaghetti'd the installation.
The /trash/ thread allows anything, mostly.
Moar pls
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trying to create Samus femdom generates SO MUCH shota

So much.
model knows what's good
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Your bunny robot maid got her new parts in.
but i ordered a lolibot-sized chest, it'd go so well with those wide adult hips and mature-ish face
she's been ordering without me it seems
gotta punish her by attaching her head directly to her hips
really easy with illustrious'ish models
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lol nice gen!
>*quality tags*, __style__, {__artists__|__artistmix__}, __character__, BREAK __futasolo__
Gotcha, thx for the insight! I was asking as more of a sanity check. I've got an idea now and I guess I'll have it a little easier since I don't care about sex gens.
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about to retire for the night, will try some more petrification tomorrow maybe
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>It is looking bad for Frieren-sama
Busty anime milf, any you can think of really, with her dick sticking out between her huge breasts, reaching down and kissing the head, looking at the viewer in a seductive way.
little she knows
frieren's been tying them down the entire time
once the bandages are off, she's got boobs that hang below knees
a bit saggy tho, that comes with a thousand years of life
fucking kek
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>get up to go to the bathroom
>come back
>see this
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More of this
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I give up. Resorted to cheating.
cheating is always the answer when you're trying for something hyper specific the AI has no concept of.

technically it's where the ability to conceptualize and draw the image yourself helps a ton.
> If i fall while riding you back, you can then ride me, are you ok with that ?
>Hex on all fours while Acerola is sitting on top of her and rides her like a horse, blissfully unaware that the former is getting aroused.
Thats stupidly hot. But hexes boner with that girl in her lap is also really fucking hot. Love her manic expression.

>I give up. Resorted to cheating.
OH shit you did it! Thats also stupid hot. Would love to see more obsessive hexes from you!
Hey ai is basically cheating anyways
Also its really fucking hot nice job
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no thankyou. I like my giant tits and thick women.
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love these! :3
catbox please?
Where did you find a good acerola lora? Is it a pony one?
you are killing me
You don't need one for illustrious.
Yes, thank you, these are both wonderful!
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>attempt to negotiate safe passage
>fail miserably
Nice tattooes.
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Damn that pitch black cock looks so fucking good
Keep em coming anon, this rocks
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Shot in the dark, does anyone maybe have an idea what lora or even model this image could be using?

Probably this. They seem to share the same thick outlines.
A trap "frosting" a toaster strudel, preferably while he's wearing a dirndl, while someone else eats another frosted strudel. So long as the one having breakfast is feminine, I don't mind what sex they are, but I would appreciate it if they do have a cock, they are leaking precum. If they have a vagina, they are masturbating.
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slutty bard
Most role reversal goes for shota
Love cute Genshin boys
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Published illu version of the strongfat lora.
A funny thing happened with the pony version. Turns out I loaded an old json as a template like I always do, and turns out it was one that used an earlier epoch of my giantsis lora as starting weights. Whoops.
If I get enough good samples for illu I might retrain the pony one. I am very checked out of SD stuff at the moment. Everything is moving too fast to keep up and I'm still dealing with leaving all my pony loras behind like it happened with 1.5/futanarifactoralpha stuff.
>>im a simple man with simple tastes
my thoughts exactly, i'm content with genning a bunch of bottom heavy sexbeasts every now and then but don't consider them worth posting.
love cameltoe wedgies
kino angle
amazing tail
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never had much luck getting eggs to work
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dito, here's something wholesome <3
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>manage to get her off in record time
>she promises to visit again with friends

to be continued...later...

this kinda kicked my ass trying to get a lot of the features right, and consistent enough, enjoy fellow futachads, gonna take a break for a couple days
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behold! boobies. now boob yourself, aura.
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she was so wrong
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top kek
>Everything is moving too fast to keep up and I'm still dealing with leaving all my pony loras behind
I'm also waiting on the noob vpred1.0 to begin training some concepts again. But training styles is barely necessary anyways imo. We'll have to see.
something like this?
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Requesting this but as a centaur
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These are super finicky to gen, but they're fun.
Made some lizzer sisters.

>these are both wonderful!
Thanks, glad you liked them.

>the best /d/ thread for art combining all of these
This is the thread. The thread is this one. All of these things are allowed here, in this thread.
/gdg/ may also be a decent spot - nothing in your gen is against their rules either (they just require size/growth/shrinking to be involved).
fucken' A
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Additional lizzers.
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o7 lol
hand drawn + inpainted
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I actually love this
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Rear view, laying eggs in public.
>'Don't worry officer, they're unfertilized!'
>'...that's not why I asked you ladies to put on some clothes'

Thanks - they're pretty high effort so I'm glad they're appreciated.
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I also actually love them too, very fun and creative!
Any bottomheavy is worthy posting
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I noticed Illustrious has many artist styles built in, It's honestly great to just add the name into the tags and have the style of the artist without needing to mess with a Lora. Musouduki, Ayanakitori, Aya Shobon, Lemon Snail, All work extremely well. Lots of artists don't work so well though if at all and need refining.
I'm having trouble getting it to recognize uno makoto.
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>'Fuck off asshole! If we wanted an audience we'd have sold tickets.'

More egglaying multitaur.
Probably my last of these for the day.

Glad to hear it.
pony had lots of artists too, but a lot of them didn't work without hashed tags.
Damn i just kind of assumed Uno Makoto would work, We definitely need a Lora for some of the big styles.
Your anatomy is really solid, do you post your stuff anywhere long-term?
Confess my love? Use my charisma!
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Sure, I haven't done a draetaur in a hot minute.

It's all in a big pile in my mega:
Sort by 'date added' to make it coherent - there's no other real organization.
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>Sure, I haven't done a draetaur in a hot minute.
Nta, im the guy who posted that original draenei. And the guy who used to request tuars and minotaurs with udders from you.

Just wanted to say that, that drae taur is magnificent. And that im in love. Once again your gens floor me ornate-anon.
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Does anyone know what artist style this is? The bulgedleg lora that I think got removed from civit seems to draw from it heavily and it's pretty good.
Never mind, found it, was signed out of civit
Still don't know the artist though
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I didn't feel like doing anything else with my elf right now, so here's a quick Misty suffering the consequences of an unfortunate terastal mishap. Unfortunately, the arena was obliterated, leaving an enormous, impenetrable crystal in its crater. No one's quite sure what happened to those who were inside...

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This new model is amazing.
How did you get the draenei part and the taur part to match skin colors?
This is way too cute
Which model is it?
Lovey-dovey boys are the cutest!
They really are! Gonna gen some as well now, really want to see more
Anons, i want to create a game with futanari muscle growth, so muscle growth stages are needed. How to do it with stable diffusion?
That'd great too! Thanku anon
What do you use for your quality prompts?
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Just what the model maker recommends,
>masterpiece, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres, newest, scenery
(pasted twice on the top and bottom of the prompt for some reason)
No highres fix? No Adetail? No CFGfix? No Pertubed attention? No inpainting? Just what's on that screenshot?
I just inpaint and upscale after a decent natural gen.
What do you use for the inpaint and upscales? (sampler, schedules, steps, resolution, denoising strength?)
>sampler, schedules, steps, resolution
same as the gen, Euler, karras
As for the denoising strength, the strength depends on how messed up the part I want fixed is, I just keep increasing it till it looks okay enough.
I upscale with R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B just a minor amount to make the image less blurry.
This should be slightly better and more true to the details than the 4xAnime6B, including for anime stylized pics.
Hello, internet police? I believe I just witnessed an anonymous-looking suspect commit a sexualization of pixels described as childlike in appearance...
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Yeah, I REALLY need to watch this anime.
Say, I'm tired of my 1660Ti to infer.
What's best, a 3060 12G or a 4060 8G ?
From what I inderstand, I should prefer VRAM over speed, no?
i would wait for the people to sell their gpu after 6jan2025 when the 5000's drop

a 3090 feels like a really good idea since vram is what will block most uses.
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Depends on your budget, I'd say just wait til next year and snag a 5070 since it's just gonna be faster albeit same vram as a 4070. If you're budget maxing then get a 3060 12gb since the higher vram opens you up to at least make your own loras which vram is inevitably the choke point on your AI potential usecase, particularly if flux or other shit ever gets bothered with and newer tech Vram is the end-game king for your GPU selection besides money. I was looking forward to 50x til they Nvidia jew'd out on the VRAM again so gonna pray the 5080ti has like 20gb or something over the 16gb, I want a '90 but spending $2.4k hurts my soul
The problem is that I only have ~300 buck max to toss on it.
I doubpt a 3090, even used, will drop so low
Yeah that budget just get a 3060 12gb I dunno if a 4060 would dip that low or even a used 4070.
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have a second one
The casual locker cock biding it's time.
can someone please re-generate this to clean it up?
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Noobai is funky
That's a nice post, thanks.
I see a used 3090 Ti suprim x for ~450 but I think it will sold before I can buy it.
It's over my budget, but it's a very low price (maybe too good tho, gotta be careful).

Yeah, I can have 4060 on amazon for ~325-350
But I want to know before buying, so your infos are really apreciated Anons, thank you.
Yeah people rec the used 3090s but this far out it's just buyer's gamble honestly if they werent' used for crypto farming for years and no telling how long they'll last, I''m just paranoid about buying used tech like that since it could last 3 more months or 3 more years etc. If you can scrape it then I don't see a reason to not get the 4060 I think over the 3060 if they're both 12gb, if not get the 12gb imo. There were a few places showing specs of it/s on gen speeds but dunno where they'd be now, maybe /g/.
you know how it is when you're at a hotel pool but you left your towel and keycard in your room so you have to walk back dripping wet and hope your friend is there to let you in, but when you dozed off in the hot tub you woke up with your breasts swelling and your arms missing so that just makes it all more complicated.
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crabs are pretty good in Noobai lol
arms' mass got transferred into boobs
Yeah, I asked on /g/ldg they basically said the same thing.
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I took a few liberties of my own with your request. Hope you enjoy.
Nta but this is great! I can really see the story behind this image
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Cute!, post em~ <3
for budgetmaxing why not go for a 4060 16g instead?
I didn't know it existed, yeah get that too that's sick for budget maxxing probably, slower obviously then 4070 but 16gb would be nice.
makes sense
meant to reply to >>11176281
Imagine the foot jobs
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the new illustrious model is bretty good, but a LOT more stubborn - or it hallucinates a lot less, depending on how you want to frame it. This is good and bad; it tends to give overall results much closer to your description, but especially when I'm trying to erase small details like a single tentacle, it can get very stubborn, even using sketch inpainting.
whenever you're trying to erase it's always better to just paint over the offending area and then inpaint it to clean it up.
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bretty good indeed...


Yeah, that's what I do, but in the above case, I was trying to erase a part of the tentacle going into her left breast (in a different variant), to try and convince it to have the tips emerging from her breast instead of going in, as though it were being birthed. It just wasn't having any of it. It would make the most egregious excuses to twist a tentacle this way or that so that it was coming up from the ground.

Decided to try out Illustrious, but all my shit comes out giga fried with different samplers on forge.
Gen moar of those whores
Clip skip 2, make sure no VAE is selected/automatic is set, CFG Scale 7, Euler A (Align Your Steps), Batch Count 1, Batch Size 1, 1216x832 resolution, No Lora, No Hires fix, no extensions Adetailer/Regional Prompt/Controlnet or whatever else, Seed -1. Test it with a simple prompt, If it's still fried then try a different model of Illustrious. This is just simple test settings since I know it will output with these settings. It's hard to know what's causing the problem. I use Automatic1111 though but Forge doesn't seem much different so it shouldn't be a problem. Just gotta troubleshoot really.
Which model do you actually mean by illustrious? Could be any number of reasons depending on the model
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Hi 0.4 could I requst Emiri Uchi the emoji girl from Watamote with voluptuous and exaggerated proportions like your latest uploads please? The contrast of a hot body and a simple cartoon face is pretty hot to me lol.
Meant for the anchor
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>Emiri Uchi
LMAO what a based idea. Your request made me boot up comfy again while watching anime just to see if she's trained. And I can't, picrel is the funniest shit i've ever genned. Idk if I'll have time tomorrow but I will for sure gen more for a small set.
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Bonus non-dick Emiri hag. But that's it for today I'm afraid.
>(pasted twice on the top and bottom of the prompt for some reason)
That's because it was instructed in the checkpoint's guide. It significantly improves the quality if you put the quality tags at the top and bottom of the positive tags list. I guess you simply forgot about it.
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we're gonna call this done. Even when it's AI, sometimes you gotta know when to call something finished.
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Hot damn thank you!
YES! please give her armpit and anal hair with spread ass like picrel. Take your time so you cook a great set even if it's not that big. I'm excited to see what expressions you make her do as well lol wonder how an ahogao would look on her
it only improves it if you go above 75 tags, and going over 75 is the reason you need to double in the first place
how would generate shrinking, specifically penis shrinking?
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it's a bit mixed but fine, not much transformation outside of horrific furry art.
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Elf followup for you.

I like using the regional prompter for sequences - you can specify the character's core/static traits in the common prompt and then define the changing pieces in the individual regions.

'blue skin' handles the drae upper part, then 'blue body' covers the horse. Seemed pretty reliable.
Nta but that's sexy as hell.
>Seemed pretty reliable.
I did try that, maybe it's artist dependent, unsure, thanks though
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So the setup looks like this catbox:
Have those core unchanging bits in the common prompt, then slap the specific parts of the sequence into each region.
Here it was dick size and expression being the only real differences between the regions.

>maybe it's artist dependent
Yeah, could also be model/lora bias getting involved.
Hello guys, it has been a long while
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Another example, same technique as above.

Incredible results! ... for a short time only.
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Fun finding!
Illustrious (or at least the finetune I'm using) isn't trash at genning firearms.
last one~
raw bonus
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Decided to go back and revisit this one with the new model. It's pretty spectacular - I think I'm in love.

>Come on, smile now~
>Your parents are gonna be SO surprised when they get this year's Christmas card...
> ... !!!
yeah its way better than pony based model, my only complain is that its not very good at 2.5D but it doesnt really matter
which mix are you using?

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