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Why cant it be at ground level?
post a smaller picture faggot
because it's a deli not a dlevel
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The city is sinking
non-racist reasons
whats wic and ebc?
Food stamps
Water intrusions maybe?
Here's a non-exhaustive list of possibilities:
>The floor was so messed up they decided to pour a new concrete slab right over the top of it
>They wanted more headroom in the basement so they just raised up the ground floor
>That particular corner of the building is older than the rest. It's from a time when the road surface was higher
>It's so the store owner can (literally and figuratively) look down on everyone who isn't shopping there
If a vehicle plows into the building it should get stopped by the barrier.
>ground level of NYC
The streets of NYC have been paved over and redone so many times it's nearly impossible for anything to be at the same height. If you ever see a cross section of a NYC street it's just a timeline dating back to when it was first settled.
I said smaller, fuckface
Careful, you're gonna get the mudflood schizos in here.
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that was the mudflood
Kek, right on time.
can you barebones the theory for me while minimising the schizo? Such as most likely sources for the mud.
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this is an incredibly cool image.
that 6inch space down there is actually an apartment that goes for 2k in New York
dirt mixed with water
And you must prove you make 30x the monthly rent every month in order to qualify for it.
Diversity is our strength.
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google mudflood or tartaria
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WIC = Women Infant Children. The US had a high infant mortality rate due to pregnant mothers eating like shit. WIC is a highly restrictive form of food stamps that allows pregnant and nursing mothers to get nutritional food (or what the government considers nutritional food). The vouchers list very specific things like "One Dozen Grade A Large Eggs" or "16oz can of frozen concentrated orange juice".
EBT = Electronic Benefits Transfer. Food stamps (now called SNAP) is one of many benefits that can be used via an EBT card. TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is another one. TANF is usually unrestricted cash which is why people sometimes say they saw someone purchase non-food items with food stamps because they confuse the EBT card with food stamps (SNAP), without understanding that different types of benefits can be loaded on the same card.
idk if ny has a flooding issue but in a really heavy rain which is to much for the drains that slab will save the entire store.
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there is literally cyrillic on the building
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the mudflood wasn't limited to nyc
Imaginary events are like that.
when did it take place?
Because then they get virtue signaling points for having a ramp and being cripple accessible
Whenever is most convenient for whoever is making the claim that it happened.
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no single person who believes in the mudflood has heard of foundations or basements, which were originally for servants and slaves whom rich fuckers didn't want to see, with windows partially exposed via a fucking hole.
I'm new to this schizo theory, what is it about? That the world once had a 2m slab of mud cover it for a while? Seems pretty underwhelming if so.
It started out as a Russian conspiracy fantasy, that's why its so shit.

Basically, and this varies depending on who you ask, there was the great world empire centered on modern day Russia. It was called the Empire Of Tartaria and it ruled the entire civilized world. It was destroyed by a world-altering mudflood that literally buried the empire. Later, as the world's modern day nations emerged, they conspired to erase all evidence of this world Russian empire because everyone hates the Russians and are trying to keep them down.

Some people have detached the Russian nationalism from the fantasy. The key points are the same. All of these buried buildings, foundations, ruins, no matter how old (or NEW) or well documented, are in fact the remains of this great world-wide empire and the modern buildings on top of them are part of the conspiracy to literally cover them up.

It is all some alcohol-induced psychosis or fever dream. Its not even that believable. Pure low quality bait of the shittiest veraity. Anyone that believes this crap should be sterilized.
sounds like a cover up conspiracy like the flat earth shit, real mysteries and conspiracies buried under shit (mud)

See a real weird one I know which is true is that proposed by Gunnar Heinsohn about how the recorded history on the first millenium doesn't make sense and is likely covering up or repeated events
So it's just a we wuz kangz thing but for Russians? Pretty unoriginal to have a story of an advanced civilization that was somehow beyond current humans but unable to handle an easily survivable natural event.
Thanks for the explanation.
A talk on the subject of problems with the timelines of recorded history
Mudflood never happened. What did happen was during the 19th and early 20th century, many towns in America were very hilly. When America still did stuff, there was San active push to shape the land so it was flatter and even. This lead to buildings getting ground floors turned into basements. You can see pictures of this in places like St Louis. Seattle had a similar thing happen due to flooding so they raised the street level and turned first floors into basements. retards get into mud floods because like flat earth and 911 cgi lasers, it's used to discredit real truth like the Jews doing 911.

WTF, claims to 'debunk' but really don't. I've done my share of construction including old and underground, and no reason they'd have "passages to storerooms" on the upper level that are all short WINDOW size VS normal doors on lower floor. Looks like remains of divided windows on...the windows. Window look at about right and normal heights in relation to doors below and normal ceiling height, etc.
wow lmao
so, people who watch too many movies and hbo who believe there must be a mid-season twist at all times?
>atheist dominion
you expected better?
Mud flood is when a black guy cums inside a white girl

T. Went to high school in the mid-2000s
usually about 50 cents on the dollar if you wanna spend it on booze or drugs instead of food
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>claims to 'debunk' but really don't.
you'll find this frequently happens in regards to the mudflood
>things have basements
Why is this concept so strange to americans?
>So it's just a we wuz kangz thing but for Russians?

Sort of, but you're forgetting that all advanced civilization was originally created and controlled by Africans, and "Russians" is just a term imposed on those noble warriors by white devils to obfuscate their origin.

So besides "we wuz kangs" it's also "we wuz tsars" which eventually compounded to "we wuz kangtsars" which eventually evolved into the term "gangsta".

This also explains the abundance of gangsters in modern day Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe, and also why ostentatious displays of wealth via ridiculouslly expensive custom jewelry and other luxury goods are trademarks of both Russian royal family and "gangsta" lifestyles.
>Why cant it be at ground level?
It can be. The question you should be asking is why isn't it? There are a number of reasons, but they will all just be guesses. For instance wanting to have the floor elevated above ground level to inhibit water intrusion. Or possibly there used to be a slab floor at ground level, but when renovating the space it was easier to just run plumbing through a new slab on top of the old one rather than jackhammering out the old slab. Or at some time in the past the sidewalk used to be higher there. If you want the real answer you'll need to contact the owners of the building.
pretty funny post
not american you retard but they live in your head rentfree I see, and why does a basement have doors and especially windows that lead to nothing but dirt?
this is the gopnik lore that I didn't know that I needed
It explains so many things about their culture
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>let's just build our basements with windows that only let you see dirt, that's not pointless and retarded at all
that's because it is tartarian architecture
they also literally self identify as orcs

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