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Every farmer needs a real hoe.
Sure, there's plenty of mass production brands out there at the stores.
Those work OK if you're dainty with them.
But does anyone know where one can get heirloom quality hoes?
Hoes that can take a real man working the dirt with them
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Had one for like 10 years, it takes a beating no diff
No offense but fiskars ain't exactly the wrought iron forged classic hoe of yore I was hoping to find suggested here. I need something to plow true grit. The kind of soil most men would take one look at, walk 360 degrees away and never come back to if they were planning on homesteading somewhere. The kind of frozen alaskan tundra that not even a kodiak grizzly could muster a foxhole in. Preferably something hand made, from a real blacksmith forge. Thick wooden handle. No fiberglass sissification please.
Well when you get done larping, go get a Fiskars
Son, it's not my first time touching fiskars.
They're fine for grannies and onions drinkers.
You just don't get it, so no need to even respond here.
Prohoe/rogue hoe. Made on missouri. roguehoe.com. Don't listen to the inventory warnings. Get it from an established distributor,s who can order the item you want.

Morgan County Seed is a distributor who ships and will accept cards over the phone. 573-378-2655.

Caution that USPS, which used to be cheap to ship hoes and other oblong objects, switched to dimensional weight about a year or two ago. It is a hokey system that adds weight to the calculation - if something is odd-shaped, like a hoe. Even if it only weighs ~ 5-10 lbs, e.g. their 6" wide turnip hoe has a 60" fiberglass handle (that I think you can get in ash wood), the 60J, it runs the shipping costs up.

For the 40HX42 and 100CR, one of which is 60" handle, shipping together was cheaper with UPS vs USPS, which wanted something like $68 vs $50.

The tools are well worth it though. Buy once, cry once. Their tools have a welded collar. They are meant for dealing with the ozark hard clay and rock, so anywhere else is even better.
honestly just buy a big block of steel (preferably tool steel or even just a decent medium carbon alloy), a plate of 4140 steel, and make a coal forge. heat the plate and hammer against the bigger block of steel until it's a hoe, dunk the tip of it in water after last heat and let the rest cool in air. take a torch and heat the tip after it cools until it's straw colored, then get a wood handle (sold everywhere) and shove it in the appropriate hole. cheap and cool like my working class balls
Cheers.. Just saw rogue. Looks pretty good, glad to see it recommended Appreciate the comprehensive sourcing as well.
If I'm going to forge anything, I'll be sure to make a proper forge. Just not ready to go that far into production facilities yet. Thanks for the suggestion anyways
Mower blade welded to a handle mount.
My sister's a hoe and she don't look nothing like that.
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SHW Friedrichstal or Idealspaten

both make like dozens of hoes and spades named after german regions or cities which developed acounting local soil conditions.
i like that they still hand forge in germany without being overpriced hipster shit they still make big lots and use robots for grinding a hoe is like 40€ and will last a lifetime.
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if i had to buy a spade (my ideal spade from grandpa still works) i woud get one of those, forged from one piece, self sharpening and a long eye to fasten the handle.

but the old one does not break.
That is just sexier than everything on the store shelves in 'murica
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I have this one and I believe its single best garden tool ever made
Is there no high end spade for sale in the US?
One that is built like my Rogue hoe?
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Closest I could find online is from predatortools
They make tools mostly for metal detection hobbyists, but some garden and digging tools as well
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Personally I think "the raven" model is badass
You can also buy footpads/kick plates to screw on to the top to make it comfier to really kick down on
Google "grubbing hoe" and thank me later.

Self sharpening? No. Real spadesmen carry a file for touch up during the work day. One pebble and that self sharpening ability is gone.
wwmfg.com, all steel, handmade. I've run over them with machinery and they don't break.
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This looks good but I can't tell if that's just a sticker or laser etching. Please tell it's a laser engraved hoe head
Spending more money on a hoe will not help it fill the hole in your life.
That's fine. I need a real hoe capable of making so many holes in my lawn that I don't even care anymore about "mole damage".
For those of who can't read minds, here's the link for that tool that anon could not spell the manufacturer of.



I'm getting a shovel boner.


Look at those raven shovels. I did. About $100.

I was going to post my top dog and 6" hoe, but fucked up the video. Yes, they are all dank.
Cheers, shovelbror
Numb Diggers rise up
True temper or razorback for a good forged shovel. Stamped shovels are bullshit. I also bought some good hoes from the local 2nd hand farm scrapyard place. They almost look like someone took a disk blade and wedged it up into pie sections and then welded a pipe socket onto it to accept a handle. But I think they are factory made by someone.

T. Farmer that actually uses shovels not some home gamer larping faggot.
You ever seen these predator tools for shovels?
Different strokes anyways
Thanks Farmer
>You ever seen these predator tools for shovels?
No, I have never seen a shovel like that in the wild. Long handled forged irrigating shovels are what is popular around these parts. I suppose in different areas of the world you would find different form factors of tools preferred due to different environmental factors.

Kind of how there are a vast difference in farming techniques for different areas too depending on weather, irrigation styles, and soil types.
Yeah - I needed a solid "regular" shovel anyways (for transferring dirt/gravel/compost and shit)
Thanks again
Is it a root cutter?
What about a mattock, anon? You can buy a vintage mattock off ebay for cheap as hell. Can be a lot heavier than a hoe, though.
There is nothing on this planet that's self sharpening. It's always a gimmick.
Meant to reply to >>2790376
Self sharpening in relation to anything that goes into the ground is a meme, sharpening with a file is a must - makes a huge difference and won't take all that long. If you really care about efficiency improvements, you could also buff off any rust and coat with wd40 to reduce friction as much as possible. Sharpening will make the biggest impact tho.
who the fuck sharpens a hoe
one with good steel and thin blade will not need it, and whatever edge you put on is gone the second it hits a rock
as i understand, self sharpening means it abrades the edge rather than rolling over
Tell us that you've never used a hoe for actual work without saying it exactly like that... When you're out chopping weeds in the summer because it's too hot to dig (trees, that is, nursery work) and you spend the last five minutes or so of lunch sharpening up from chopping all morning, that first swipe when you start back, and it just sails through some horse weed or goldenrod or something, it feels so damn good. You just feel like a real hoer.
last year i planted 300 saplings and the hoe used wasn't sharpened the last 80 years
Every man who knows how to hoe keeps his hoe properly sharpened, and avoids contact with rocks or even dirt whenever possible.
>and avoids contact with rocks or even dirt whenever possible.
i too keep my yard tools as wall hanger showpiece
300? Dude, that's one row out of at least 40. I'm not talking about planting, I'm talking about weeding once they've been established in the block. And there are at least 20 blocks.
Make one if want that but that's like caring about heirloom quality bog rolls.

> last five minutes or so of lunch sharpening up

Takes a few seconds with my flap disc on a cordless grinder. I hit hoes, shovels, pick axes, cane knives, machetes, and anything else appropriate early and often.
>flap disc
retard alert
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a good spade is self sharpening anyways

if you have to much time and take a file on it you stop the self sharpening effect.
i have like 3 of them and they stay sharp.
Fiskars is shit tier weak ass and garbage.
You must be limp-wristed to have that tool survive a single season. .
Structron makes strong tools. Ifyou want wood handles you'll have to look elsewhere. Just avoid european gayness
Structron. But handles are synthetic
if you make your own tools what's the easiest way to make a handle mount? grind a line down a pipe and splay it out?
Rework an antique spit or similar piece of steel of proven high quality.
Starting with a spit has the advantage of easily fitting in an induction heater coil of suitable power.
3? Wow. You do ball and burlap? How many a day?
I just use steel instead since I use my hoes harder than a Chiraq pimp. I found grounding rods with a vertical pull handle like Ames ergo rakes work great for raking thicc piles like when burning waste wood.

For a wooden handle socket cutting and splitting a section of pipe as you describe would work and to get an uninterrupted handle you could zip disc a wedge out of the pipe then heat and torch bend it together as a tapered socket.
Based Fiskars.
Forestry shovels run 100 USD and up

They look totally worth it, fully welded, better steel, etc.
>self sharpening
Ah yes, it's the new england 1 grit soil doing that self sharpening right?
America is a theme park. Most major brands are flashy gimmicks. It looks fun from the outside, until you’re in it and realize the only thing you’ve ever eaten is cotton candy and dry chicken tenders. At some point the rides stop being fun and you crave something of actual substance. The only big winners are the park owners, fleecing us all with $15.00 sodas.
>a good spade is self sharpening anyways

Lolno. Shiny doesn't mean sharp.
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WTF? no every farmer does not need a hoe.
>if you're dainty
that is the point.
>a real man working the dirt
hoes don't work in the dirt.

The one and only purpose of a hoe, is to "dainty" drag/scratch and pull up weed sprouts, once a week. You wanna dig? then get a sharp spade, You wanna peel clay?, then get an adze. Hoes don't dig or work in dirt. So get a lite weight floppy plastic hoe. who cares.
Farmers dont use a hoe you dumb fuck
I used a few bunch when I would weed an acre of corn since we didn't herbicide and the stuff wasn't super densely packed.
Having a dull one sucks. I have thin skin and could never develop calluses, so I usually wore gloves. Wooden handles suck, but the ones we had were super cracked and old. We had one with a soft cushion covering, but those never last long. Then i've seen cheap plastic hsndles which felt like cheap compacted fiberglass, and those broke quickly.
Anyways, i suggest wrapping your handle and then it's easy to grip with gloves if you have mire strength than your skin can handle.
>whats the point if youre a dairy farmer

you need a hoe to milk the cows
>t. Neckbeard IT support from commiefornia wearing a fedora
>t. The "Hoemaster" an elite bountyhunter and counter terrorist known for decapitating like a million bad guys with his signature weapon, a DIAMOND HOE that he crafted himself.
you could try not leaving them out to rot
garden center retard lmao take your teletubbies shit and gtfo my /diy/

>t. self employed landscape architect, builder and maintainer
Hoes are not meant to do any of the autist rambling that you decided to vomit out. You are the only one trying to dig with a hoe, nigga why are you trying to work clay with a hoe. they are for weeding you mouthbreather.
Architect is a protected title, this means you are part of the chamber of architect ins the landscape architects branch, my question is is this worth it?
Thats 8 years of uni right? Is there a lot of wirk for landscape architects so that it will pay off?
Also what do you think of my comment here>>2796192
Its pretty funny eh?
>Also what do you think of my comment here
>Its pretty funny eh?

I just got mine from my grandparents, whenever the handle breaks i just go get another handle for it. you can find old hoe heads at local junk yards and shit idk bro a hoe is a hoe, to be honest a lot of the ones from 1930s and back are way more fragile than what you can buy at walmart today, they were trying to use as little metal as possible to keep cost down and so the "neck" or whatever you wanna call it of the hoe is usually pretty thin and the metal is typically not amazing quality.
Are you even that anon?
Anyways be a baby about it then but that comment is still hilarious
If your post was funny other people would have told you. It seems that only you think so. You are still just a garden center amateur like he said.
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I had a sledge hammer handle with no hammer and a hoe with no handle
I inherited my favorite one. Great grandmother to grandmother to aunt to me. It holds the souls of 1,000 beheaded snakes. The handle is splitting though and I need to either wrap it or replace it. Very long, lightweight, just about perfect.

Thinking of buying a loop hoe for weeding though.
No im not a gardener at all but i fucking lmao at faggots who think theyre tough for gardening, kek
I was curious about what constiutes a good hoe so came here and then read that keyboardwarrior tough guy cringe, with these weird deluded fantasies
Also in case you havent noticed this whole website is like goar simulator mmo simulator
take a rusty spade and use it, you will notice the rust one one side is ground up by the dirt much faster than on the inside.
if the spade is hot roled conicaly like >>2793463 here it will stay sharp. if its just a piece cut from sheet steel with a welded handle it will dull
Had a japanese coworker. Her name was Yuho.
people like you are a threat to the herd
Morgan County Seed and Feed.
Iron ruins the soil. Use copper
Read viktor shauberger if you want to learn more
Remember that the earth is electro magnetic or whatever... the iron ruins the charge. That charge helps shit grow strong like bull
Copper used incorrectly will cause growth issues. That shillenburger cultivate elevate didn't have his own farm. Just promoted it without practical use of it.

A steel shovel does not kill your garden. You could argue for no-till or preserving mycelium, but a steel (not 'iron') shovel does not by itself, inhibit growth.
What you need is called a grub hoe here in USA.
I bought two from easydigging, a 4” and 6” wide. Not cheap about $50 each, but free shipping if you get both. Heavy wood handle and thick steel blade.
It’s a wonder they are not more popular in the US and Europe , in the rest of the world they are the primary digging tool.
Historically they're the primary and often only digging tool, with many poor subsistence farmers owning no other.
this is bullshit
literal fucking magnets-tier nonsense

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