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Why spend tens of thousands of dollars on campers when you could just build something like this out of free coroplast?


Hell you could even live on it.
weather proofing?
Go up hills?
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a gun. and did you watch the video? it has an alarm like a car

>weather proofing?
? it shields you from the rain. has a fan for hot weather. what more do you want?

>Go up hills?
proof you didn't watch the video. it's pretty light he says you can easily go up a hill and you see him do it
That looks so comfy….said, “ Nobody “
why build out of free coroplast when you can spend tens of thousands of dollars converting a van to live #vanlife
I was expecting it to be a trailer but holy shit you can drive that thing
All cozy in your fart sack and someone dooshes your plastic house in gas and you die encased in flaming napalm….how bout no?
Isn't that the case for any tent?
Good point !
could use a solar panel for some pedal assistance
Oh fuck. I lost it XD.

It's a bed on wheels. No, I haven't watched the video. Will I? Possibly. You can see from his size and that of the paddy wagon, there's just enough room to sit in it.

It's the 'western' version of a portable chinese bughut. You know their housing for billions, where they exist in a shoebox.
same poster as above (jannies turn on tripcodes!)

I watched the 30 seconds necessary. Kirsten Dirksen posts some meaningless shit, like this. 'Have your home on your back' uh no. Just backpack, then. Some rich guy on rich suburbia washington state housing area, makes a plastic shell around a recumbent bike. Because it rains there a lot. Or something. It doesn't require it's own youtube video. Some people will do anything for content.
The blonde is retarded but just search Paul Elkin's name and interesting stuff comes up.
He has boat stuff too.
I was mad at first and then I understood
Do not shit talk Kirsten dirksen in front of me. Her content is far superior to the average tiny house trash plaguing YouTube. Her kids must have some incredible memories, I'm envious of their childhoods.
My sister got into watching this american tiny house programme she showed me how she skips everything involving talking and just cares for the content, I think she finished the series in an hour or two.
needs a version where you can ride the bike inside to carry the home when needed but being able to detach so you can leave the shell somewhere and use the bike normally to run errands
Ugh... the only people who live the "#vanlife" in my region are druggies and thieves.

It's just a modified and icecream bike but I think this is too bulky to be small. A bicycle and a tent has more justification than this, aim should be a mini camper, where you just need to sleep and cook because you'll be outside more of the time.
Pointless to me. If i'm going to sleep like that i'll just carry a tent. Much smaller, much lighter and more room.

Tenplast/corplast gets soft in heat and goes brittle from exposure to the sun in a year or two. And he's not going to be using a campstove on that "table" he's got folded out between his legs.

lol. I wonder how that handles while pedalling on the side of a highway when a semi-truck blows by at +100 km/h,. Or in crosswinds.
bicycles are allowed on an highway?
That sounds like Curse of Oak Island. Or, just about any same style docu-series on pablem TV.

Ok. Calm down. I'm going to need you take a deep breath. Follow the penlight. Ok, your eyes are tracking. Sending you some love. Hope you get better.

The very concept of tiny house is communist b.s. I guarantee John Kerry Cohen doesn't have a tiny house. Elon might, that's based.

That's called 'a bike trailer'. They've been around in one form or another for awhile. Got to beef up the drive train though.

If you have a vanlife van you can park on my property and enjoy spring water and natural gas. No drugs, no cigarettes, no alcohol. Hitler, trump and putin don't smoke and don't drink. Need you to help a few hours a day, at most, with projects. Opportunities abound like this. And you need a simple dwelling, that is yours, that you can go back to when tired, when you need some down-time. There's no housing yet here, maybe in the future.

I will look. Thank you, anon.

> crosswinds
Is already blown off the road.
>That's called 'a bike trailer'.
you don't ride a trailer inside
>If you have a vanlife van you can park on my property and enjoy spring water and natural gas.
Very kind of you
>No drugs, no cigarettes, no alcohol. Hitler, trump and putin don't smoke and don't drink.
Hitler : Meth
Trump : Pseudoephedrine
Putin : you know he's roid'in or something
I see plenty of homeless living in them so they must be at least semi-useful. Mostly just a way to keep a warmish bed ready to pass out in when you got nothing else
>"I'm not even six foot but this could probably fit a 6 foot 3 person"
Yeah no, coming from somebody that tall, I'm not gonna fit in that piece of shit let alone sleep in it. That looks like the most miserable way to sleep.
Painter Man was put on drugs by his dubious 'physician', after an attempt on his life that nearly killed him. Mussolini wrote that his friend would not sit down. They had him on a cocaine based drug, iirc, then barbiturates to put him to sleep. Late photos of him, just before he left, had multiple bags under his eyes. That wasn't just the cost of war stress. That was from being turned into a junkie.

> trump 'phedrine
Going to need to see some evidence.

> Putin must be on roids
It's amazing how well you do when you work out, get health benefits from proper therapies, know and integrate certain things into your life, and e.g. aren't on fluoridated water, and don't drink (another source of fluoride, besides the damage of alcohol). This sack of fleshy protuberances I drag around is allegedly 50 this month, but everyone assumes I'm in my early to mid-30's. I know someone who is healthy and smart, like really smart not degree smart, and he's that kind of man. It's the kind of thing that you either have a bead on, or do not. When I'm 80, people will ask me 'what's the secret?'. There really is no one secret, they need to humbly open their hearts and eyes, internal and external, to what is all around them. Besides, by then, I used to think they will be 70-80 too, and it may be... rather late; e.g. I used to think they could have listened earlier, but no one thinks to ask or cares to. I used to think they are too caught up in other stuff, trying to achieve stuff of less significance, to me. God bless them: everyone has a course, I suppose. The more you bless your perceived enemy in his course, authentically, the more you defeat your real 'enemy'.

Most trailers will fit through a door frame.
>no drugs
>proceeds to write a paragraph about all the drugs he did

No drugs, then he was so badly injured he was going to die if they didn't do something.

It's called 'time'. You're probably too much of a zoomer to have a watch, so stare at your microwave for awhile. See how those numbers change?

Modern medications are for the most part, less addicting. Back then, all they had was crack, dope, smack and alcohol. Once that fraudulent physician got his hands on his health, it went downhill. He was surrounded by some loyalists, and lots of enemies.
a house is not a house if you cant stand up on it
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*blocks your path*

I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe. Been watching him forever. He worked for boeing making the tiny places like the bathrooms. What a fun retirement he's having.

>Kirsten dirksen
Also cool
Where you getting free coroplast?
I can think of a lot of better things to do with free coroplast.
billboards from political campaigns
Those aren't big enough for making much.
it's what the guy in the OP uses
I would appreciate if they acknowledged he is just a retiree doing dumb shit for fun instead of trying to pass this of as a valid solution for anything
Whoa dude you sure are sassy!!

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