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- you can collect your own water
- you can grow your own food
- you can produce your own energy

So why are internet contracts necessary? You can tune into radio for free so how come there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
tell me you have zero understanding of how the internet works withou- ack, nice troll bud
no one is stopping you from making your own internet
I have zero understanding of how the internet works

... but I know wireless internet exists. how come something that's in the air can be blocked from public use?
A certain slobbering mutt has shown that even this is untrue.
Verizon Visible $25 a month. You need clear line of sight to a cell tower. Use a conventional tetherphone (like at minimum, preferably an OG pixel 3a, although buying now i would get a 4a 5G), booster/tower/rooftop mast if necessary (complete kits are $200), and a router (I like the netgear R6350 or 6850 (same hardware, $20) running Openwrt. If it's broadcomm, you'll have to use DD-wrt.

Modify a few lines in the firewall commands to unlock tethering.

You can buy a dedicated mofi type router that has a sim slot, and do it all in one device, but I prefer to have the sim in a valid ordinary phone.

Visible uses standard verizon routing for the past year. That means, an upgrade, essentially. Visible had to send out all new SIMs. It should now work on ALL verizon towers, as it doesn't use their proprietary Visible software layer anymore. That meant, in the past, rental towers that verizon didn't own, would not necessarily also have visible coverage. It meant their coverage, by area, was ~ 78% of verizon's coverage.

There are other ways for 'free', like tapping in through a wifi running a captive portal, with a long-range wifi antenna, and running a VPN on top of that (can be done on the router). Wifi boosters are like $40. The directional antennas are like $90. Libraries, public school networks, are some examples of sources.
> "I have zero understanding"

Then start with google. Don't waste /diy's time with your self-imposed lazy ignorance.
it's funny - i just watched a jewtube today about some guy hooked a hackrf up to an antenna he made and he was snagging wifi off a gas station from a mile away. look up "hackrf death ray". stupid name, i know, and it's more of an ear than a ray, but it's not my video. what do you want from me?
anyhoo, i got by from 2006-2009 using nothing but aircrack-ng and a pringles can. things are a little different now, but at the same time, everywhere has their own guest wifi. i live in the middle of the woods and i have a half dozen aps i could poach if i cared enough to do it. but i can afford internet now, so i don't care.
the real mistake is thinking its essential to have internet at all times. just stockpile on lots and lots of media and you'll still be able to enjoy your computer time offline. and when you do need something just head out to a public library/coffee shop/family or friend's house

if you're worried about being in the dark as far as news, just like you said, use a radio

hell the internet is one of the major reasons people are miserable these days, chances are you're happier without it
Lol, good fucking luck negotiating your own trunk line with any government in any country anywhere in the first world.
>tune into radio for free
That's not how electromagnetic coupling works as every receiver puts a load on the transmitter.
What this means is that the radio waves generated by our planets rotation and movement through the atmosphere could be picked up by ETs (or some naturally formed receiver) and probably affect us on a planetary scale.
You seem very knowledgeable on the subject. What mofi style router would you recommend? Are there any that you can put an external antenna on? I would ideally like to mount the antenna on a telephone pole on my farm and point it at a cell antenna on a hill about 4-5 miles away. maybe make an enclosure box on the pole for the router to live in.

Then from there you should be able to use wireless bridge antennas to get internet to other buildings in the future if I decided to build a house down there right?
Will spoonfeed.

The reason why Anon, is you're paying for backbone access. The Internet is literally implemented as a glorified game of Packet based Telephone. The backbone implementing equipment (The Middleboxes) manage transiting vast amounts of data through physically interconnected infrastructure that needs to be upkept, maintained, and scaled. Hence the charging for access.

There are also additional duties put on providers (which are pretty fucked up) like implementing backdoors for law enforcement and what not that only kick in once you become an actual provider, but also factor into the bottom line of what you get billed to keep operating.

Now, why most of that fee extraction goes to executive bonuses instead of actual hardware rollout and upgrade, and throughput increase, ya got me there.
this. I was an internet addict for years until one day there was a massive storm that threw this region into chaos. I was without internet for a month and a half. The first 3 weeks I was freaking out and having legit junkie withdrawals but the longer it went on the easier it became and I felt my quality of life skyrocket with a sense of freedom, time to pour my heart into things and productivity boost that I had never felt in over a decade.

although valuable, the internet is one hell of a trap
anon there are projects out there for that, like guifi.net but out of certain areas they are not popular, you will need a community around you with the same idea and i mean geographically
>there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
Literally a skill issue.
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Get, or better yet build an antenna thats high DBI or able to focus on your neighbors wifi. Then figure out how to intercept and sniff their packets until you can decrypt their Wifi password. If they check their nework you will appear as a device hooked up to their network. If theres not enough packets to sniff its not worth connecting as the bandwidth is too slow. Its not gaymer tier internet speed, but its good enough to pirate and shit post off of.

Alternately ask your neighbor what it would take to get their wifi pass. a small fee? sexo once a month?
Also avoid malwaring your puter out. If you have malware all over your shit it can tip off the neighbor that his network is getting port scanned. If hes smart hes going to start cracking down and securing his network and probably boot u.
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2+2+2=potato eh OP?
Good idea, would be neat to download updates for that day's internet snapshot off some broadcast signal.

Another alternative I thought of is to use unlimited phone calls to act as a dial up modem. I think someone else did this recently though.
You are severely overestimating how much the average neighbor knows about networking.
Y’all who are talking about scamming & stealing your neighbors’ wifi, & other nefarious $hit… y’all can kissmyass. Grow up. Pay your way, or go without. Try speaking TRUTH
You can either get with a netgear or other mofi router that will accept a sim, and run an external antenna up a mast,

or do like i said: amplifier, comes with a directional antenna for outside and a panel antenna for indoors. put your tetherphone in front of the panel, usb tether it to the r6350 running openwrt. The Smartphone USB tethering guide is quite good, I wrote quite a bit of it (and then it was edited etc so a couple of people worked on it), for openwrt, and dd-wrt.

nft add rule inet fw4 mangle_forward oifname usb0 ip ttl set 65
nft add rule inet fw4 mangle_forward oifname usb0 ip6 hoplimit set 65
#for USB tethering, OR:
nft add rule inet fw4 mangle_forward oifname wan ip ttl set 65
nft add rule inet fw4 mangle_forward oifname wan ip6 hoplimit set 65
#for regular WAN ethernet uplink

It's a little tricky at the very beginning, because your R6350 after you flash it, will need a normal upstream internet connection through the usual blue WAN port. You'll see in the wiki there are some commands to retrieve additional USB modules after flashing; the router is going to try to pull those directly from it's upstream internet. I use a little TP Link box, ..702N, as a client to my phone hotspot.

Once it's flashed and modules added, per the wiki (don't ask here - go read the wiki - I am just summarizing for the other pros reading here), use dev tools on the phone to set the default to USB Tether, and remove any screen lock. The phone will default to USB tethering, and when the router powers up then loads the usb module, it will automatically tether.

You can run that routerbox (and most if not all) off 13.8. But do not connect directly to a battery and charger, as a good charger will push the voltage higher (like past 14.4) on a lead-acid. Not sure how offgrid you are but, what I do is have 48v LFPo's, with a multivoltage to 13.8 downconverter (~$30), to deliver a very consistent 13.8 to all my devices that run on the 12v bus.
Like my boomer dad who doesn't even have a wifi password, and leaves his laptop sitting out without clearing his browsing history so anyone visiting for the holidays can hop on and see that he was just watching "extreme blowjobs where she finishes the job!"
you are just mad as that you will never be as cool as him
No, I get mad when I get phone calls asking if I signed into his Apple account. You don't even own any Apple products dude, stop calling me every time some Pajeet scammer sends you an E-Mail.
Wow. I mean, wow. Fucking eh. Yeah i guess i have a boomer mom. Can't handle conversations about anything deeply meaningful or factual. Just some flowers she planted recently.

FYI, that contributes to senility. It's not the only thing, by any means, but it does push a person in that direction, when they don't use the brain they were given.

Ok, this topic has been beat to death.
I once cut out all technology not for work for 40 days. For the first two weeks i was bored and withdrawn but after that i was so happy. My wife would think i was crazy because I would just sit in a chair and relax, that's it. It was nice not having your eyes blasted by nonsense all the time. What's even crazier it how quickly I fell back into my old usage habits. I really should do it again.
- you can grow your own food
you cant. just a portion of it
I mean, you can make your own internet but there may be some desirable qualities missing
Anyone member altavista?
Member when it had free dialup?
Bro it's just like setting up a LAN, but with the rest of the world.
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You're in luck, fella!
I've got the perfect solution for you.
Boomer bandwidth!
receiving free unsecured courtesy wi-fi is not really hacking
advertisement from 1996 ?
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>Verizon Visible $25 a month.
Thanks. I've been paying $30 per month since June of last year.
I checked the site and new accounts get the $25 rate.
I contacted Visible Support and asked when I'd be given equal treatment.
It took a bit of time on a chat window but I ended up with the $25 per month bill.
Thanks again.
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Oops. wrong image attached.
how else will they begin to learn.
Wrong. The first radio antenna still required energy to work despite there being no receiver to hear it.
Ah, as to the second part of your question: a good bullet router terminating in an N connector, running into a directional Yagi, for each of the remote nodes (outbuildings) should work. The local high school is on a hill, like a small mountain bluff, 4-5 miles away. And I have clear LoS. Between a 19db directional 2.4ghz antenna, and a $35 signal booster, and a home mini router (but what I'm suggesting to you, is a less-hacky, purpose-designed and built, outdoor PoE model with 600mw radiative power) I should be able to make it work.

I'll have to dig up the router model I am thinking of and post it. I know it's a capable commercial model and wasn't that pricy at the time, pre-covid. Now it would be considered an 'old' model, but you really only need that 2.4ghz radio anyway, not 5.x. If you're happy with 20-30 mbits of effective bandwidth, that should do you well. Distance is not so much an issue, as is Line of Sight. You have to have clear LoS, at distance. Any kind of leaves, trees etc objects, cause signal issues.
Get you an old 80s satellite dish. Hack Starlink.
>You can tune into radio for free so how come there's no antenna device that pulls free internet from the air in a similar manner?
Radio stations are one way. Radio stations are paid for by advertisers. The internet is two way.

>But CB is 2 way and free!
Yes, if you and a bud own CBs you can talk to your bud for free. That's not the same thing as calling up any rando corporation for free.
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I think internet without paying for an ISP is possible, but it would require changing the way the internet works. It would require a new device that produces a very long-range directional beam, so it would only be able to communicate with any other computer that has the same device, and only one at a time. I can't really think of any way around this.

Ubiquiti Bullet M2
>but it would require changing the way the internet works
That's not the internet, it's packet radio.
the internet is just other peoples computers
you pay to use the infrastructure that someone else has installed to connect to those other computers.
big infrastructure companies have agreements to connect to each other for no charge because it benefits them both.
if you had some awesome web service that customers would literally change isp in order to use, then all the isps would offer to connect with you for nothing in order they keep their customers. thats basically it.
you can make mesh networks with wifi or laser or microwave but what people like about the intermet is that it has stuff on it. unless you get websites to join your network its just you and your friend talking to each other
Like >>2793984 said, the internet is just other peoples computers.

That's exactly the problem I was referring to. It's a mass-adoption issue. Even if I could figure out how to transmit the signal straight through the Earth to Australia, it wouldn't be useful unless I could get enough people to adopt it. And most people would rather pay a subscription fee for a more convenient internet that doesn't require the transceiver antenna to pan and tilt every time you want to connect to another computer. And that's not even including how much people would pay for the electricity needed to power the thing.

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