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these are the dumbest mfers, just gaping at you. fuck off, there is nothing to see.
I have no ground and I must scream.
It’s upside down
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I bet you think cars have faces too.
no it's sideways.
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There is no Code specifying direction, but hospitals/medical want it ground-up.
not in the hospitals I have seen.

the only places I have seen them upside down, was in a datacenter, and in my house on the switched outlets. In chicago they are mounted sideways.
maybe if you're some paranoid faggot who's worried about coins blowing up all your plugs.
The forbidden plinko game...
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Hey man, they're just doing their job and biding their time, waiting for a dumb kid with fork.
I get the child safe ones because it looks like their eyes and mouth are closed. Creepy mfers.
Just eyes I mean
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is there anything more useless than a 20 amp outlet
i have never seen a single device that actually needed this
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why does the elctricity go into what you plug into it, isn't it happy enough in the plug? when i put in a huge resistor oven it tries to go through. is it stupid? am i stupid?
Keeps making that dumbass face at me, I’ll make it choke on my dick
Heaters, big vacuum cleaners, compressors, and a concrete grinder to name a few.
You dont need it till you do and then youre stuck.
I had an over-the-range microwave that used a 20 amp plug.
You're moms vibrator needs one
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They won’t
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Portable AC unit. Mine kept blowing the 15 amp fuse until my electrician put a 20 amp fuse in.
They're useful for when somebody burns out their 15 amp outlets by running a high wattage space heater 24/7.
Yes, their internals are built better than a bottom-line 15amp outlet.


Ok, well I can't speak for mexico or squatamala, but it's common practice by electricians on the States. Like I said it's not actually Code, it may be an insurance requirement. Does insurance vary? Yes. Do things get grandfathered in? Maybe.

> 'electrician'
Was the wiring upgraded to 12/2 (US, 120v AC)? If it was properly wired to begin-with, the 15 amp breaker was to protect all wiring downstream, which would have then been 14/2. If a 20 amp is now installed, then why wasn't one used originally?

99% chance that it means the wiring was not rated for it. The price is the same between a 15 amp and a 20 amp, so if it was originally wired correctly, a 20 amp breaker would have been used. Congrats - you have likely increased the chances of an electrically caused house fire.

I could be off by a little - like not considering outlet limitations. Correct me if I am, if you are at a Journeyman or higher, or equivalent.
technology connections tore open a 20 amp outlet and the internals were identical to a 15 amp outlet made by the same manufacturer
In addition to the others said, power supplies and PDUs in server/network racks sometimes use them. What bugs me more is that whoever built my house had the good sense to use all 20A circuits with proper 12AWG wiring but used the 15A outlets. I mean, it'll never be a problem but it still bugs me. I understand since you can get a whole box of the 15A receptacles for the cost of one 20A receptacle.
> 99% chance that it means the wiring was not rated for it.

He told me that 14ga wire was fine for a 20A fuse. When I questioned him, he literally said “look, I’m the one that passed the electricians test ok?”

It was too bad too, I really liked the guy up until that point. Oh well, home he’s not out there burning down too many homes.
>I understand since you can get a whole box of the 15A receptacles for the cost of one 20A receptacle
Yeah, it's cheaper and code allows it since it's rare you'll ever plug in something that draws >15 amps at a single outlet.
Be happy you got 12 gauge wiring to all your outlets at least, my company uses 14 gauge anywhere they can get away with it.
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All the ones I have worked with are substantially heavier than a 15 amp. Maybe he bought some cheap retail shit, or didn't consider the density/strength/weight, just the looks.

They will 'look' very similar internally. i wasn't talking about that, but if you are mostly concerned with looks, I'm sure the chinese have some second-rate non-UL outlets that look the same, that they'll sell you. Your call.

In the circumstance, that the 20 amp breaker is on a single-outlet convenience circuit, next to the main breaker panel, hung on a wall and run through metal conduit, how I would do it, it should be 'ok'. If there was an overload condition, the wire is so short, that wire heating will be secondary to the breaker tripping. Although it won't be current Code.

> electrician test
They tend to be proud. It's experiences, though, not a test, that sets an electrician apart. That answer was something (((YOU))) can google. Who paid the electrician for his work?
Why didn't you put it in?
somethings in your eye bro
> is on a single-outlet convenience circuit,

Haha, no just one of the two “garage” fuses. I did google it, learned about how even though 14ga is rated at 20 amp or whatever you have to fuse at 80%. Forced him to come back and swap the 20A fuses for 15. I paid him, because his job was to replace the old 15A fuses, which he did. He just thought he was doing me a solid by dropping in the 20A ones.
Its not called the damn sky
also in australia
open wide and receive
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you use it for things plugged into a 20a circuit obviously. how dumb is this post.

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