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What can I do with these?
Put eggs in them.
they are the best sound proofing material. Sell them on Ebay if you don't need them.
+wild flower seeds
use as bio degradeable nursery for seedlings to restore the local eecosystem.
Put them in the recycling or give them to egg farmers at the farmers market to reuse
mix dryer lint and melted candle wax.
pour some in each slot.
great firestarter.
Just throw them in the trash dumb hoarder. Can’t believe you morons hold onto literally garbage and then try and find a use for it later.
This, eggcept they're actually shitty soundproofing material. But there's that meme, so guys will probably buy them anyway.
>Can’t believe you morons hold onto literally garbage and then try and find a use for it later.

just like your mom did when you were born
You can give them to the farm. Ran out of egg trays today. Laying 2 dz a day.
this, I give them to the farm I buy eggs from
Sick burn faggot, now go back to your hoard
Material for crickets to nest in
hand them out to middle aged women. also I’ve seen some people use these to start seed potatoes.
this is true one time a guy gave me $80 for some old puffy floor mats on ebay and even drove to my house to pick them up. you never hear from them again because they realize they're stupid and move on
You can glue them to your wall to improve sound acoustics.
stop spreading such misinformation and disinformation bigot or your privileges with be taken away
>having kids just to use them
Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love yo.
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they make good single use seed trays, and you can "plant" them and they will rot away.
if you want to go really diy, you can mix them with water untill you have made a mush, spread it out, dry it, and make your own card sheets. I have heard of people passing the mush through a sheet of fabric to make their own paper.
We used to use them as drying platforms for small wood staining projects. (It sucked tho.)
I like you. We ground up egg cartons, made them into dryish paper mache balls and put local wild flower seeds in them. Gave everyone at my wedding 5-10 and told them to chuck them around their neighborhood. They also got other things as a party favor but yeah, was fun.
Hand them out to women that look like they are single and over 30.
Raise backyard chickens to fill them. They're mostly trash though.
kindling for fire
Get your unfunny tranime faggot shit out of my face queer.
i give them to my dog and she rips them into little shreds. its funny
i put a potato in each egg slot a month before they go in the ground so they start growing
both potato and paper goes in the ground
That's how you get toxic shock syndrome
Use them for soundproofing in your rape dungeon.
if you wet it, until it's a bit damp, add some non toxic glue (paper glue works just fine), put the cartons in a vague mold form and repeatedly hit it with a hammer, it will stick together. if you let it dry, you have first class, long burning fire briquettes
alternatively you can store eggs in it.
breed cockroaches

If you light the corner and ember appears they burn slowly (no flame) and they smoke a lot. The smoke repels mosquitoes. I learned this trick from a fisherman friend.
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pour oil into them, freeze, then toss them out, instead of pic rel.
do this https://youtube.com/watch?v=0ItPfhx3ulw
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give them to me.
seeding and propagating

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