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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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My retarded boomer Dad cut down a bunch of tree branches (red circles in the picture below) and now you can see straight through into our backyard. These trees are 20 years old. I don't know why he did this. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.

Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son. What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
>. My Mom is very sad that he did this, she is crying.
>Mother's day is coming up and I want to be a good son

I'm laughing so hard I'm crying too.
I don't know why boomers are this way. He woke up today pissed off about some bullshit happening 16 states away and decided to go and ruin some carefully-curated trees.

I'm thinking I can fix it with a nice arched trellis with a planter box on top, I can put some shade-loving stuff in there to add height. I can add some trellises along the side and let honeysuckle or Virginia creeper green them out. Copy-paste the two azaleas and then slap some rhododendrons in the back.

Boom, great effort and expense and I can cope for 30 seconds of a retard with a chainsaw.
someone took a chainsaw to that fence too
They don’t have a lot of ways to express frustration or emotional pain. Once they are retired it got much worse, since so many relied on their jobs to keep their minds busy and distracted.

I can’t keep track of how many goddamn trees my dad has planted / over trimmed / cut down over the years.
You could get a few metal rods for hanging flower baskets and pound a few of those into the ground and hang several types of flowers from them.
Plant a row of Forsythia. She'll stop crying in 3 or 4 years, depending on the growth rate.
So he cut since limbs away from the house and some away from the fence, and you can't figure out how that might be a good thing? What do you do in the back yard that needs to be hidden so well? Besides naked twister, cause that's what all boomers like to play.

>Unthink that little visual, OP...
Plant Chinaberry trees. They grow like crazy and are pretty aesthetic
these limbs have been there for years. this was not a good thing.
Remove the white pine completely so you don't have to deal with needles in your gutters.
I didn't realise it was this common among this generation, mine has to mow the lawn every 5 days or he loses his mind. If it's been raining and the dogshit has sunken into the lawn he harangues me until I scrape it out of the grass with a shovel so he can mow the 1.5mm off the top over the course of 3 hours
unrelated but he also won't ever change his oil or mess with anything in his car, and has to buy from a dealership and have said dealership maintain his vehicle way past warranty no matter the cost.

I mention this because I wonder if this is another common thing these people do
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>What can I build or do or plant to try and help fill this space back in and have it look nice?
Depends on the climate i guess. maybe laurel, yew or >>2793137
That explains a lot. I've always wondered why boomers are such lawn mowing enthusiasts. I think quite a few get into food prepping, too. Like just chopping ingredients for later but never using them.
That the limbs had been there for years makes them more likely to fall than less likely.
can also be used for meking medicine and archer's bows
ive got a neighbor that mows his lawn every other day' like an obsession, a drug addiction.
i let mine go wild and may mow once every two weeks or once a month
>Landscaping help?
For which plant hardiness zone?
Also post location?
For a quick replacement of trees you want some vines and supporting structures for them.
Hops is cool, get some kinds your dad can brew a good beer with if he's into that.
Or sell for 89gp
For my dad it's not any one particular thing, he's just a very anxious, high-strung person in general. Like 99% of boomers, I think the only time he's ever truly relaxed is while zoning out in front of the tv.
He's unable to adapt to circumstances, stresses out over minor inconveniences or changes in plans, and traveling is a nightmare because he's always in a mad rush to get to the next destination.
I'd be amazed if he lasts another decade without getting a heart attack.
or soap and lamp shades
>My retarded boomer Dad
so... your dad is 70? and you are 50?
>and you are 50?
don't be an ageist
assuming someone's age based on a statement they made is not being "ageist" because that makes OP ageist for calling someone older than him a boomer.

ist's and ism's are the most incorrectly used words that have ever been.
If you want to be a good son, tell your mom to get her shit together.
kek. Also OP just get some arborvitae, those fuckers grow anywhere and there’s cultivars to fill any space. Hell you won’t even have to wait if you get some 6 footers and stagger them
Trees should not be allowed to grow tall next to a house and intercepting that shit before it requires an expensive arborist was the smart move.

Letting trees overgrow is a common boomer mistake because most of us (I are one) don't look up.

Console weak dumbass mom and take the arbor vitae pill at greater distance from the house where practical.
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>on a mongolian basket weaving forum and assume a normal age spread between parents and children
go back, zoomie newfag
t. mid 30s with mid 70s parents
>retarded boomer Dad

" For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death." Matthew 15:4

Respect your old man, don't be a nigger.
Fargesia robusta "Campbell"
Non-running bamboo. Let it grow tall or trim it as a hedge. Space plants about 3 feet apart. They'll fill the gaps in a 2-3 of years. Will provide 100% privacy
Boomers being retarded is just a factual statement, not an insult.
I'm going to go with:
He had a very good reason to trim those branches, but you and your mom are just too dumb to understand.
No, most boomers have lead poisoning and are sub 90 IQ
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Yeah they go fucking nuts when they retire.
It's sad actually. In the last 10 or so years of their career they can do nothing else but look forwards to retirement. As soon as they retire they go nuts within literally 3 months.
People need to do shit, we need to work. They spent the last decade of their career looking forwards to putting their feet up and doing nothing, and immediately realise it's hell.
As soon as the body stops working, it starts dying.
My conspiracy theory is that this is by design. In my country we have to pay on average 10% of our income year on year to our pension. This is a legal requirement so there's no opting out. Employer pensions are a legal requirement as well, so it's actually higher than that 10%, and then there's normal tax on top of that. So you pay a big chunk of your gross income every year, for 50 years, with the promise that you'll get it back when you retire, and then on average you'll live 5-8 years after retirement. Government keeps whatever is left outstanding. Massive profit for them.
Oh and also the state pension is invested in real estate, driving up property prices which won't be allowed to go down. If the housing market does crash then every boomer will realise they've been in a ponzi scheme.
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Actually, quite a topical thread for me. Zoomer here with a boomer dad who hasn't retired yet (old enough to see the moon landing), and I find that he *over* DIYs.

He knows his shit in a few places, for example he did a full cabinet overhaul for our living room and his shop from scratch, and has a carefully restored vintage motorcycle. But I find the prestige gets to him. It's making me resent DIYing. Everything has to have the "dad touch", save for some more larger and intensive projects which he contracts out. I've found recently if there's something that I want or that needs to be fixed around the house, either he doesn't fully fix the problem, or leaves it in a bandaid like state where if you touch it wrong, the whole house of cards comes crashing down and I have to have him "fix" it again.

Why would I ask dad for help with the squealing noise on my car's brakes, if when I get it back it's still making the noise? Clearly you know some things about cars to swap the brake pad, but not enough to solve the problem. There goes a day of my vehicle being nonoperational just for the problem to remain the same. I'd rather just bring it to someone qualified and have them do it for a little bit of cash.

I know you can save a ton of money DIYing, but how do I overcome this hump of the DIY not being "right"? I really don't like this attitude of "let me fuck it up first then go pay someone to unfuck it."
Ignore him, do all of it yourself and because you studied thoroughly it will be right. Most people refuse to study and make other mistakes like failure to have factory or high quality tech data (easy to download most times).

You don't have to let him do shit if you're an adult. You don't have to involve him at all. He sounds insane so I wouldn't.
Plant some roses and build some rose-grwoing helper trellis thing. Your mom will like it all bitches love roses.
Been saying the same thing, i cant find it now but there ws the case of a nun who did her regular nun work until she died and when she died they did a brainscan and her brain was seriously torn to shreds by alzheimers and strokes and what not, but you could not notice in her daily doing because she was still fit because she was required to.
>don't be an ageist
Don't be a faggot.
Everyone if they live long enough will outlive their mind. All humans either die in time to beat madness, or die mad. There is no third way. Most people are stupid and that doesn't improve with age though the most counterproductive behaviors may be moderated by negative feedback.

^This, though there are many traditional ways to retire early with a vested pension like government and military careers individually or combined. It's easy to fully retire if you spend a mere 20 years in the US armed forces (even better if you hang for the pay bumps). Then depending on how you invested (DIY is key to affordable homes and affordable rental properties) and if you qualify for disability pay (common since even a non-combat career wears out and damages body parts just as civilian careers do) you may permanently job-optional.

DIY hyooooogely complements retirement since anyone can find side jobs, contract work (like instructing at local cumunity colleges) and more. The more are varied your useful DIY skills the more jobs you can slide into smoovely. If you're currently un or underemployed consider volunteering because that filters most idiots and nearly all the unmotivated. That's how I got a job with my local cumunity college and how my bro I referred replaced me when chronic pain ended my fun. CC employees get a state retirement in many states.

He should get checked for hypertension. Heart meds can have calming effects. So can non-intrusive pain meds and sleep aids.
Stay out of it. It's their house, not yours.

because its easier to destroy things than create. Had my own grandfather do that exact same thing. One day my grandmother made some off the hand remark about him not being as active/working as much as he use to so he decided to just trim all the fucking tree branches off all the trees in the yard to pretend he was doing work.

the boomer generation loves unnessecary bullshit busy work, because they made huge amounts of money doing it all throughout their spoiled lives. Their parents were hard workers who built the country, and they tried to pass on a strong work ethic, but at the same time after ww2, many silent generation people just checked out of reality and went on eternal retirement/vaction so the boomers were left unsupervised. So when they need something to keep them busy, they need to do something that is OBVIOUS so other people can see/think about. And therefore they especially love chopping down plants and trees because even if they fuck something up, their logic is "lol it will grow back". Problem is, it usually doesnt in their life time since theyve already stuck around for so long.

Never ever leave a boomer unattented with a chainsaw or hedge trimmer. They will fuck the entire area up and leave you to fix their mistakes while acting like they did you a huge favor

>a good reason

If it wasnt because he was bored/frustrated, then the other common explaination is he probably heard some propaganda on the tv that said 'trim ur trees lol its fire control' because blindly obeying authority is another thing they love to do. Theres been a big push to get people to cut down all their trees on the west coast. Even though forest fires are literally started due to corporate negligence (old powerlines starting brush fires in high winds in unmainted areas), the local government keeps trying to gaslight people into believing its the trees on their own property that are to blame.

sounds like someone got a reverse mortgage.
>roses on trellis
not a bad idea, but that assumes that area receives a good amount of sunlight
I would just make a hedge from eastern white cedar or maybe even a boxwood
Be a real man and build a wall with a tower to place a machine gun to mow down illegals and negroids.

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