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Does anyone else feel intense amounts of rage when watching one of these DIY shows as much as me?
I'm a pretty laidback guy, but these shows make me want to assault women and fags.
>Does anyone else feel intense amounts of rage when a retarded OP imbecile thinks everyone watches the same stupid shit he watches?
>I'm a pretty laidback guy, but posts like this make me want to assault fags like OP
>Doesn't have family who watches this shit and comes to you with hairbrained ideas about remodeling their McMansion.
Must be lonely.
I don't watch them, at all. Why would you? They are not technical training, they're distraction for bored housewives of many genders.
What is it about shiplap that reinforces your homosexuality?
>couple with contracting business work with non DIY clients to buying and remodel homes
>create successful cable show to promote business, become professional media stars
> start a lifestyle brand catering to people who will pay for farmhouse chic crap rather than DIY going to a thrift store, become professional home furnishings and lifestyle product moguls
> lifestyle brand is so successful it launches its own cable network
>new cable network replaces The DIY Network, become cable TV network moguls

>muh DIY
>these shows make me want to assault women and fags.
so.... don't watch them? seems simple enough.
He wants picrel and that big hammer to case his opening
I don't watch those shows, but I feel same as you on those two, just from commercials several years ago. She's an obvious psychopath, and he, a cucked faggot.
what's wrong? do you not dry pour your off-grid barndominium shipping coop-tainer permaculture garden, or are you scared to use muriatic acid without gloves? you probably even outsource hiring a mexican to mow your lawn ya fuckin boomboom
>needing a reason to feel murderous rage
I've been saying "hair brained ideas" lately too
her face is so weird, it's like looking at a horrific car wreck
bet her butthole stanks tho
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>he doesn't watch Bob Vila kino
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The OG rage-inducing DIY show: Trading Spaces
Nothing else can compare to the amount of destruction these "designers" did to these people's homes.

I legitimately believe the whole point was for frenemies to passive-aggressively fuck each others' shit up.
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bob vila's a dildo, new yankee workshop is where it's at
>new yankee workshop
think bob ross but for carpentry, more along the lines of furniture building than home improvement projects.

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Pfft. "Electricity".
get on my plane, amateurs.
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y'all need to figure your shit out
this is where it's at
Sir, we are comparing WOODWORKING shows, not ROCKET DOCTOR shows. Dr Green PHD uses aerospace grade DUCT TAPE.
I don't know who these two are but a lot of the slop my wife watches makes my blood boil, so yes. I don't delude myself by thinking I'm laid back though. with friends I make a lot of jokes and laugh a lot etc, but I'm a very angry person inside.
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>get on my plane
I see what you did there.
What's the one with the 2 gay brothers or whatever, trying to find the right house for a young straight couple and their child?
Oh lord this boils my blood. I'd have family members frequently interject with ideas.
>Who's doing 100% of the work and spending 100% of the money? Me, that's who, so I don't want to fucking hear it.
I said it more politely but that's the gist of it.
With my wife now, it's impossible for her to get excited about projects, especially if they cost real money, so at least I don't have to hear nattering about any hairbrained ideas.
I don't know what you think laid back means if watching a tv show can make you want to commit hate crimes
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have you watched any modern tv?
>if you like jigs, then you're gonna love this episode
No. My wife and I love these shows. (Watching Rock the Block right now). Some of them spend a ton of money on superfluous or poor ideas that only work with their specific staging, but some of the things they build are kind of cool. I like pausing at certain points to get a look at various carpentry aspects, since I have never framed a room/window/slide between floors myself. It is also fun to see the visible mistakes they make and their clients don’t catch because they don’t know any better, such as making large planter boxes with 3/8 plywood and a Brad nailer, or not putting green board behind their sauna walls. It is a good reminder that even “pros” have their weak points and even if you have something contracted out you should still know how to do the job yourself so that you can check their work.
It's called "The One That Isn't A Hetero White Couple Where He Wears Flannel Shirts, Or A Black Couple Where She's Sassy"
You need to get your wife watching youtube DIY shows. There's plenty of female ones who actually know their shit and it's not some lame performative gay glorified interior designer.
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You sounds like a fuckin' nut to me.
The quintessential homeowner knocking a hole in their drywall with a sledgehammer scene. Always makes me cringe. Everyone always asks to come help me demo a house because it looks so fun. I tell them it's fun for about 10 minutes then it's just work. Especially if you're remediating fire or flood damage, having shitty soot rain down all over you for eight hours sure is a blast
>needing a reason to assault women and fags
OP is truly a lost cause.
>knocking a hole in their drywall

At least that's an actual thing; usually it's taking a few limp wristed tentative slaps at a kitchen cabinet door with a sparkling new sledge hammer while wearing equally pristine and unblemished goggles and hardhat and an unbuttoned color coordinated short sleeve polyester "work" shirt over your street clothes.

Don't forget to add in the jaunty, quick paced royalty free "getting to work!" background music.
Just don't watch. It's not healthy to expose yourself intentionally to things that stress you out.

For me it’s that entire channel. The commercials that come up in between the unrealistic segments make my inner Fuhrer come alive with rage.

>black couple
>audi commercial

I mean in Europe they are meant for Turks and Albanians. So who do you think they are marketing in US?

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