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How would one go about creating a small and discreet underground bunker?
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start digging.
dont forget diesel generator and sump pumps
The picture is self explanatory isn’t it?
> start digging
Post a picture of your site dug out
bump, also interested on how to build underground concrete structures without damaging the dirt ceiling
Above ground is so much easier and works essentially the same if you're not dumb.
>get giant concrete pipe
>set on ground
>close ends in whatever way you want
>leave yourself a door of course
>install vents
>cover in thick layer of dirt
>grow plants on top to hold dirt
>enjoy never flooding
Easy and cost effective. I plan to do this at some point.
>How would one go about creating a small and discreet underground bunker?
Let's say you need a permit for everything. Get one for a in ground pool. Dig it out. Then change your mind and tell them you filled it back in. Hide both vents. Now no one knows you have a bunker and city records only show a permit for a pool.
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Pretend it is an official project. Use professional equipment and elements, pic. related.
These threads are shitpost wastes of space perpetually on /diy/ but I think the easiest thing to do is to buy a really large concrete septic tank and just plop it in the ground. There you go, done. Rig it out how you want. You can get them really big.
Which one is the cuddle bunk?
The same way as the last thread you made.

Inb4: I've never posted this before!
what else should I add to my bunker /diy/?
Have two entrances incase something happens to one, and get a idea of how air will flow. Also I hear everybody wants a underground pool too.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
>Dig hole
>Put shipping container in hole
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/diy/nasuars I'll be honest with you. I really just want to dig a hole.
There was a really good screengrab from /k/ often shared on /k/ where this did showed pictures of the bunker he'd already built and how he could filter water and hide evidence of heating/burning and all the other essentials. I hope you find it.
>haha, sorry kids, looks like it's time to take a big dump again!
>let me just pull the curtain so you don't have to see any of this
>*flushing noises*
>wew, somebody light a match please haha
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how do you empty that septic tank?
If you live in tornado alley, wouldn't you have the rights to build one?
This meme is boring and uninspired. There I said it.
>There, I Saiddam Hussaid it.
what did he mean by this?
A family
>Is this just fantasy?
90% of 4chan is fantasy. Do the math
I have taken your feedback into account and changed the layout of my bunker and added some box fans for air circulation.
>be me
>shitting into bottomless pit
>feel a tickle on my bum
It's just Saddam
no escape from reality..
Based and dwarf pilled. Dig that tunnel but shore it up well as you do.
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why small when you could go big
why are windows forbidden in a bunker
you can't even have those little submarine pod windows with a shitton of insulating layers?

And what about air supply? one source is not enough in case it gets blocked
>tank full of doodoo right next to the food
I see no way this can fail
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You use a sewage ejector, the shit and whatnot goes into a tank that is pressurised with compressed air and blown upwards into the sewers or a settlement pond
bumping for sauce. I can't find it.
tunnel to a hidden garage
lmao, it never gets old.
nigger you need to cool your energy room and also put some fans in that bathroom
>take a shit
>whole bunker gets toxic immediately
And that point I would love some bombs to fucking obliterate me.
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality
Incredibly bad idea for obvious reason.
Just bury a septic tank
A spirulina tank for food and oxygen.
A power plant that provides heat and power.
>eating green slime in a dark, damp underground bunker

I'd rather die.
>build cement coffin above ground
>create artifical hill around coffin

ez pz
>little john saved for 30 years to acquire 50 million dollars to make this efficent coffin space tiny home
Depends on the purpose and how discreet it needs to be.
I've been thinking about this a bit, as the farm I'm living in used to be fortified against the french. Part of that used to be an escape tunnel in the wine cellar, that was sadly filled in some time around the franco prussian war, with only the entrance shaft remaining and being used to get rid of excessive water (and to hide nazi collectibles in 45, but that's a different story...).
Anyways, I'd start by ensuring the entrance shaft is stable (or digging one if I didn't already have it). Then dig a gate into the side a bit above the ground level (so water doesn't flow into the bunker).
Next, prepare a form for casting pointed arches, one half at a time. Cast two with enough steel in them, dig out enough to put them in, place them inside (lowering them into the shaft with a simple tripod an winch, then carrying into the tunnel and doing the final placement with a mallet or rubber hammer). Continue until the tunnel is long enough (I'm thinking 10m, since most of the bombing holes I've seen were around 4m wide, with two lines right next to each other, so two 10m tunnels should have a fair chance of one entrance not getting hit).
Then start digging a chamber, and fill it with precast cross arches. After that, dig a second tunnel with pointed arches, and a second entrance. This one would be outside the house, so I'd camo it with a hazelnut or some other shrub.
If the bunker is meant for long-time survival instead of surviving a single night of bombing, you'd also need a separate chamber with a toilet, enough space underneath to take the sewage (look up compost toilets for estimates) and preferably a separate ventilation shaft. If you're expecting ABC threats, you'd also need suitable filters and forced ventilation, which in turn would require electricity (or constant work on the hand crank).
Open your eyes.
look up to the skies and seeeeeeee
should be good for up to ten years of storage, even with three people
Use a toilet that separates urine from solid waste. That cuts down on volume and also the stink.
The urine can be used for the garden or your spirulina tank
The solid waste can be handled in a digester, and turns to mulch after 5 years. 10 adults dumping 100 g per day makes for 1 kg/day. A 10 m3 tank will last you 10,000 days or 30 years.
What's the purpose of that rifle
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>discreet underground bunker
Work this problem by going from the outside and in.
So the first problem is the entrance: it has to be inaccessible, invisible and uninviting.
Anywhere near major roads will be too accessible, make sure it is at the very least off road, perhaps past a creek, or better yet on a small island. Consider land mines.
And is someone were to get there, it should be well camouflaged, like covered with foliage.
Since a still standing garage will be occupied in a disaster scenario, that won't work. Even a transformer builing will look inviting with all that copper. All those will be too inviting. Try a concrete structure marked toxic waste, and make it smell. Spraying benzene safely from the inside will go a long way. Or camouflage it as an old outhouse, complete with overwhelming smell. People just don't go poking around toilets.

You also need a second entrance in case someone parks a car on top of your entrance. All paths of entry and all entrances should be defencible in depth, so combining entrance with storage, as in >>2810431 is not adviced. The terrain should be possible to monitor with no dead angles.

You also need ventilation shafts for exhaust, flue etc; and air intakes when that is safe. Huge spirulina tanks can provide oxygen in case of NBC attack.
You also need power, and if you have a sizable pond you can submerge solar panels just below the surface, which will be invisible at a minor loss in efficiency. If you have solar panels above ground, place soem broken glass on the surface to make it look they are cracked and not in use or worth stealing. Again there will be a cost in efficiency but that is acceptable.
You also need radio antennas, those can be camouflaged in disused telephone poles, that also can be used for cameras and microphones.

Inside you therefore need a sound proof room for power generators, a fire proof room for batteries, a room for a communications bunker, and more.
In that case don't live near a target or in the US if serious. Being an expat far away say in South America would be wise. North America is fucked in a counterforce strike and fucked worse in countervalue, plus you don't want to live in an economy shattered by war as it won't finish recovering in your likely lifetime. There are plenty of places to live that aren't targets or so close the consquences will overwhelm them.
That is why New Zealand is popular with the megarich in need of a apokalypse proof bunker.
Can buy one
Or try to hide in plain site lmao
Suicide about 4 days in.
by not posting about it on 4chan...
If you don't know how to learn things without asking for spoonfeeding, start there. Not kidding. You will never do it anyway. Those who do that sort of thing already have the relevant skill base and knowledge of real bunkers to build on.

Bunker threads should be bannable because they are all larpfaggotry,
>*lights match
>*explosion from buildup of gasses
Depends on the city and how to rigid they are with inspections, but otherwise a very sly idea. I like it. IIRC I think this has also been done in practice before too to build tunnels.
Thanks for your input chaim. We’re gonna build bunkers. You’re gonna seethe. Any questions?

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