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some freak keeps flying a drone over our backyard when my daughter is playing outside. we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence. do i set up a drone jammer (outside of my skillset) or shoot it down?
Don't blatantly shoot at it, you'll unironically get raped by the FAA.
You think the perv is just going to admit he was spying on a little girl to report OP shooting a $100 drone?

Blast it OP
Spray with a garden hose, those DJI units kinda suck at waterproofing
shoot it down with birdshot
Get a bigger drone and smash into it pearl harbor style
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Nets or other similar devices that entangle the rotors are the least legally problematic approach, and depending on the location and pathways/ altitude taken to access it they might be set up to create a barrier the way submarine nets protect harbor entrances, or deployed to block a return path once the offender is in your space.

Or you can get them that fire from a shotgun-


these deploy spinning weighted tethers like a South American gaucho's boleadora (pic related)


Unironically this. You're not doing anything illegal if you're also flying a drone, and crash into the other drone. It was merely a mistake, right anon? Go buy a cheap one. Or two.
how about you take a drive around and see who runs off? if they end up under your vehicle itd be a shame
not in the USA, so the FAA doesn't apply. not sure what the legality of shooting drones is here though lol.
it's never close enough for this, unfortunately.
+1 added to my motivation lol
technically, our area is a no-drone-zone anyway. there's an airfield/aerodrome nearby so they aren't permitted. the local cops won't do anything about it, hence taking matters into my own hands. i'll try drone ramming before shooting
>not in the USA
>there's an airfield/aerodrome nearby so they aren't permitted
If that's the case, unless you live in some tiny, shithole of a country, I guarantee your version of the FAA would be very interested in someone flying drones in controlled airspace.
Tell your daughter to stop dressing like a whore and they'll stop
how does it spin?
most shotguns are smoothbore
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>Don't blatantly shoot at it, you'll unironically get raped by the FA -ACK!
I've seen many videos of russians shooting at those drones and getting killed. As soon as they see a threat they slam up and back and move fast as fuck.

does this ammo detonate at a certain distance and use the shockwave to knock them down?

I'd like to see something that is the equivalent of a long range silly string shooter. You don't need a whole net , you just need a nasty fucking fiber to get wrapped up in the blades. like a confetti canon with fishing line.
Unironically just call the cops. They'll have a field day testing out all of their drone countermeasures.
Follow the drone when it returns to its owner with. Get a license plate, face, anything. Then you do unspeakable things.
with your own* (drone..)
just tell the little angel to stay indoors and dress more appropriately.

in all seriousness. call the cops, and explain the situation. you can record the incident while it's happening, and accuse him of spying on a minor. that or you can start practicing duck shooting.

>Is it trespassing if you fly over your neighbor's land? The answer remains unclear.

>As the consumer drone age has taken flight, legal scholars have wondered about this exact situation. If a drone flies over private property, is it trespassing? The short answer is that American courts have not addressed the question adequately. The best caselaw on the issue dates back to 1946, long before inexpensive consumer drones were technically feasible. That year, the Supreme Court ruled in a case known as United States v. Causby that a farmer in North Carolina could assert property rights up to 83 feet in the air.

>Ars spoke with two legal experts who found the judge’s conclusions in this case to be sound. Ryan Calo, a law professor at the University of Washington, said that he agreed with the judge’s opinion.

>"To get into a federal forum you have to meet federal criteria, and I agree that they have not been met here," he told Ars.

>Similarly, an aviation law expert in private practice in Washington, DC, E. Tazewell Ellett, e-mailed Ars that such a ruling was "not surprising."

>"The court is essentially saying that at its heart, this is a claim for trespass under Kentucky state law that is best handled in state court rather than federal court, and we tend to agree," he wrote. "That being said, it is a bit disappointing not to have a decision on the broader issues on which Boggs sought a declaratory judgment. As you say, a federal court decision on those broader issues will likely have to wait until another case."

tl;dr answer is unclear whether you can shoot it down in your particular situation. Guy in the article used bird shot. Different cases have had different results.
>in Nevada, property owners now have the right to sue for trespass for any drone operator who flies at a height of less than 250 feet over their property if the owner has warned the pilot once before. Similarly, a law in Oregon also allows for civil suits, but the height requirement is less than 400 feet.
>someone is using their eyeballs
>guns are the answer
Sounds real American to me, Karen.
Starting brain on think-mode: Use your binocs and you'll see the type of drone. I think drones are required to send out a unique identifier. That will also freak that operator out. You should at least be able to figure out the company and then contact them - yes, they will not know the purchaser right away, but they sort of have a moral tendency if they are a good outfit, to tell you what your options are.

It seems like one of those wifi hacker tools should be able to pick up any beacon if there is a transmitted ID. And someone is bound to have a unit that can do that.

> There is an airfield nearby and they are not permitted to be in the airspace.


That's easy. Contact the airfield. Ask to speak with the tower, or, if it's not regularly manned, get in touch with the biggest RC club that uses the airfield. Some group of GA (that's General Aviation) or, better yet, RC guys, will take care of the rest of the technicals.

Imagine perv-man flying his drone and you've got 5 guys, with better drones, ready to go airborne and physically track the drone back to it's owner. Unless the owner wants to intentionally ditch the drone when it's being pursued, in which case - free drone parts for the club - you'll find out who that guy is, and have witnesss. And one less brain-damaged threat to the rep of RC - neutralized.
... and cops with that drone, if he ditches, and the companies help (like DJI), should be able to get a serial and figure out who the owner is.
It's birdshot. the Ukie drones are usually holding mortar shells or grenades on a hook- With the mortar shells the birdshot makes it go off, that's why they explode.
>like a confetti canon with fishing line.
Reminds me of the graphite bombs the USA dropped on serbia during the yugo wars.
If only the seller had a description of how it works, and someone had provided a link to it...then you could have lifted one fat finger and might have read something like-

"To reach the full potential with this round you will need to use either a rifled barrel on your shotgun or a screw-in rifled choke. The round takes 30-40 yards to fully deploy and has about 125 yard range."
>most shotguns are smoothbore
For most shotguns you can get a replacement rifled slug barrel.
And jamming it will get you raped by the FCC which might carry even bigger fines.
Not in the US.
yes, this basically
this is the most based solution
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ohh, not buying it then
i have a drone, if it is a good one then it is expensive
so you can try shooting at it, but missing on purpose, it may scare the asshole
bust say you were skeet shooting and it flew on the firing line
>we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence.
sure it can.
>do i set up a drone jammer
not if you want a visit from the FCC or equivalent in you cuntry.
>$100 drone?
you haven't priced drones.
there have been several vidoes on youtube testing the ability to hit a drone at distance of greater than 50 meters with shotguns. the results are 1 bb hit in about 2 boxes of shotgun shells but did not down the drone.

shotguns on drones are only effective at less than 30 meters and traveling towards/away or hovering very still.
this was a lucky shot he probably hit the payload or detonator switch.
>whether you can shoot it down in your particular situation
if it is unlawful to discharge a firearm inside city limits except for self defense. a drone spying on you is not self defense.
>shotguns on drones are only effective at less than 30 meters and traveling towards/away or hovering very still.
You obviously have never hunted for game birds.
> You think the perv is just going to admit he was spying on a little girl
You don’t understand how bold and/or stupid some people are. Talk to any cop and they will tell you people will argue they actually had a higher amount of drugs than what they’re booked for to claim the cops stole some.
>to report OP shooting a $100 drone
I’m resisting urge to be rude.
drag a net under your own drone and snag that mf
Jamming in the USA is a felony. Not even local police have independent authority on this.

>The use of a phone jammer, GPS blocker, or other signal jamming device designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law. There are no exemptions for use within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle. Local law enforcement agencies do not have independent authority to use jamming equipment; in certain limited exceptions use by Federal law enforcement agencies is authorized in accordance with applicable statutes.
>It is unlawful to advertise, sell, distribute, import, or otherwise market jamming devices to consumers in the United States.
>The use or marketing of a jammer in the United States may subject you to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of the unlawful equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment.

He meant he's not IN the US, retard, read the thread.
That sounds a lot like pedophilia to me. Of course it's okay to shoot. Also, why would that pedophile report to the police that someone shot down his drone while he was harassing a minor?
well drones just use wifi bands don't they?
but if you connect a wifi access point up to a cantenna or something similar, set it to the same channel and spam it with junk, despite being essentially something that happens every single day, i think the nature of doing it on purpose for a purpose would get you in hot water and definitely should be avoided.
the only real thing you can do is report it to local airspace authority. if you are really bored try following it back to the pilot and get a few pictures.
I'm surprised nobody has suggested a super laser yet.
Sound a lot like prejudice and presumption.
There is zero proof the drone operator is doing anything of the sort.
There is however, proof of your mental instability.
or just shoot it with a shotgun and wait to see who complains.
I'm surprised no one has suggested muratic acid
I'll give you a real /diy/ anon. lightweight netting + potato cannon (PVC + accelerate) build and determine where your net blooms, then shoot drone from that distance.
I would really hate to have to defend myself against you because I happened to look in your daughter’s direction while at the store.
>it’s ok to shoot cuz pedophillia
Good luck presenting this argument to law enforcement and possibly a juror/judge.
>some freak keeps flying a drone over our backyard when my daughter is playing outside. we live in the countryside and don't have many neighbours so it can't be a coincidence
If you live in the country and don’t have many neighbors, how does said drone pilot know when your daughter is out to send it up? If a neighbor can see her then you have to be able to see them. How can you not know who it is if you don’t have too many neighbors and they have to be able to see your daughter in the backyard. This scenario makes no sense. Am I missing something?
>nice sunny day, perfect for letting my little girl play outside
>why is this weirdo flying a drone outside every time she's outside?

>nice sunny day, perfect for flying around my drone
>why is this weirdo and his brat always eyeing my drone, don't they have anything better to do?
OP is a paranoid retard boomer who thinks the government is putting up 5G towers to mind control people
Probably just the neighbor’s kid playing with his birthday present but people like OP think everything is an assault on muh kids and use that to justify starting shit.
wtf this is bullshit they jam all the phones when I go to a concert to prevent livestreaming
It's probably just the cell tower being a piece of shit because there's 20,000 people in one cell and yellow aren't sharing tge 1 gig unlink fair
They don’t jam them, the venue just gets terrible signal when you’re on the floor because you’re basically inside a gigantic box that blocks wireless signals. They could absolutely install infrastructure that improves this situation but that’s expensive. Even if they did install that they could simply power it off when necessary. an nba game where the league doesn’t care as much about fans posting tiktoks of highlights might mean the repeaters are powered on but then when taylor swift rolls in with an embargo on filming they just turn it all off. But this is different from jamming; they have no obligation to improve poor cell reception or keep expensive equipment powered up. Vastly different than active sabotaging communication wirelessly in a way that would almost certainly leak outside of the venue
>You think the perv is just going to admit he was spying on a little girl
Would be hard to prove his intention. Easier to charge the guy firing the rifle at the drone.
It would be even harder to prove the guy isn't going out of his way to fly over OP's property for nefarious reasons.
practise your fly casting skills.
i'm pretty sure a drone jammer would be just as bad you would get the FAA and the FCC
call raytheon?
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I have, and game birds are not drones.

an FPV suicide drone travels at about 87 mph. I doubt your startled dove, quail or duck is doing that.

and even when they stand still they are normally about 100 to 400 meters away. what's the spread of bird shot at that distance. yeah exactly that was tested in the videos. it took them about 3 boxes of shells with full choke shotguns to damage a drone enough to down it. they got lucky and broke one of the propellers.

don't talk about things you haven't actually tested.

There was a pretty good DEF CON lecture about this very case. It's pretty old so the software is probably updated but it's definitely a fun challenge.

bullets dont really set off bombs like you think they do, the stuff they use is stable enough to shot out of a cannon at 5000 feet per second
hell the only thing that probably would be set off is tannerite, which while common is not something you see at all on a battlefield
the fact that he exploded the drone with birdshot makes this either a miracle or staged
sorry meant to reply to another guy
>bullets dont really set off bombs like you think they do, the stuff they use is stable enough to shot out of a cannon at 5000 feet per second
Mortars specifically have a delayed prime so the launch or an obstruction doesn't detonate them. Bullets don't set off bombs because they destroy them before igniting the primer. Birdshot is too weak to cause damage and imparts enough shock to trigger primers.
All the recent FPV drones have very sensitive fuses.
And all the drop bombs have had their safeties removed and are therefore very sensitive to sudden impacts.
The videos I see of them in Ukraine show many with a wire with a loop on the forward end which seems to be part of the trigger mechanism. There are even another wire perpendicular to the trigger wire which is supporting the trigger wire.
They all look like they could have been formed from wire coat-hangers.
If you live in the county, blast that shit out of the sky OP. Kids safety> civil penalties
Just blast it.
When your daughter goes outside, go out with her and masturbate out in the open. Nobody out in a rural area wants to see "fag stuff," and will stop.
nope wrong. they still have to be set off with an initiator. military explosives are designed so that half retard 18 year olds can drop them without setting them off. There's video on line of guys opening anti tank mines with an axe.

putting mortar's on a lathe so they can shave them to use soviet mortars in french nato launchers.

people cutting open artillery shells with hack saws.
You are such a fucking pussy. You live out in the middle of nowhere
and you think someone is perving on your daughter with a plastic toy. On your own property.
And you're such a pussy that you come here instead of being a man.
^^^ Stand back, internet tough guy here.
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12 gauge buckshot, maybe a choke too. Here is a shotgun you can DIY if you need to. There are also 12 gauge under-barrel attachments for rifles, just in case you need to quickly engage a drone in a land war for some reason.
better yet, he should have his daughter masturbate him, then the drone operator will be creating cheese pizza if he films it and will have to fly away
>being proud of guns that have no trigger, grip, or sights, that basically can't be aimed and have a range of maybe 5 feet
do americlaps REALLY!?
completely incorrect. modern explosives even for commercial use are explicitly hard to set off. military explosives are usually C4 or Comp B which both need either an incredibly high current or another smaller bomb going off next to it to go off. the mortar shells being dropped from drones for sicc tiktoks have been already primed to go off normally.

it's an old meme/movie trope that action heroes would bang the ass end of a mortar shell and then throw it. this doesn't set off a fuze or anything, it primes it so the fuze at the head can work. (and even then, it takes quite a hard impact to prime those shells, it's not like playing with handgun cartridges(and even those you need a good arm))
>I’m resisting urge to be rude.
Are you? Ley's try another example:
>I'm not gonna say I think you're a massive faggot
Yet it really seems like I am.
Depends where you live. The highest punishment would be a ticket here, but could be higher somewhere else
>can’t tell difference between “I’m resisting urge to be rude” and “I’m resisting urge to call you a faggot”
K retard
Is calling someone a faggot not being rude?
shut up you fat fuck.
How close is the drone? Would any sort of cheap range finder work? Anyone know of any?
Okay now post the DIY shell and charge
ramsets are available everywhere
Here's an easy way to figure shit out. Just follow it back to the operator. Most of the ones made for aerial photography aren't very fast, and will rarely last for a whole hour.

That said, if they're just flying by and not hovering, they're probably not even aware that your kid is down there. Even my HD stuff can't make out people from >200ft in the sky as it's all wide angle lenses. I just fly far to enjoy flying.
400ft is the absolute maximum allowed by the law. Also I don't think the state rules actually matter much here as they're attempting to supercede federal law. States can generally only rule what happens on the ground, so unless you take off or land on somebody else's land, you're merely flying under easement rules. That's how basically every manned aircraft avoids thousands of trespasses a year.
If you're talking about Remote ID, almost nothing complies with that bullshit to this day. Plus the range on it sucks. It's a waste of weight and money to appease stupid government dipshits.
The only things you're going to see for $100 are shitty Walmart tier phone drones, or tinywhoops that are mostly for indoor/yard flying. They both have minimal range and minimal camera capabilities. OP's daughter is going to look like a piece of pixel art on those.
He doesn't have to prove that. Enjoy prison.
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When it's actually over your property, shoot away. The law is on your side, this once.
You have LoS, you can jam it with a directional beam that no one not in the beam path will ever detect
Enjoy alerting the ayy lmaos.

> accidentally beam to alpha centauri
> they wrap up a nice quantum kill vehicle into a single proton and send it over
> unfolds into von neumann in your yard
> eats your anime figurines and cheetos
> turns into a dildo
> ???
get a drone of your own and follow it home and then you know whose it is
>I just fly far to enjoy flying.
you're a fucking weirdo if you fly your drone over another persons property. But you're on this website so the odds were already in your favor
It's mostly just big empty fields and rivers, and I'm up high enough that they can barely hear or see it. Even if they did figure out what it was, I cruise at like 55mph so it would be gone well before they could do anything about it. It's about enjoying the sky and exploring the world. A small taste of freedom in a world where we're confined to roads and sidewalks.
>. Even if they did figure out what it was, I cruise at like 55mph so it would be gone well before they could do anything about it

yea so you're a weirdo and a prick
Eh, it doesn't hurt anyone and it's barely a mild annoyance. If that's all it takes to piss somebody off, they were going to find something to be mad about anyway. Several ton airliners fly over their land daily but nobody bitches about that, but mine that weighs about as much as a football is what riles them up. Like I said, I can't even make people out from that height, so it's not like I'm spying on anyone.
Shoot it before they kidnap your daughter obv

Make a large sign that says you'll shoot down the drone if it comes back if you're really to scared

Use a high power pellet gun if you're scared
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>do i set up a drone jammer (outside of my skillset) or shoot it down?
I've looked and thought about taking out drones. Here are 3 options.

Option 1; hijack the drone and crash it. You'll need something like a PortaPack H2 HackRF One ($200USD).

Option 2; home made jammer
Assuming you're going to make one instead of purchasing one
> directional antenna, omni-direcitonal will not work
> 2.4GHz transmitter(s) / 5.8GHz transmitter(s). Most drones operate radio on 2.4GHz band and video on the 5.8GHz band. That said, I build my own drones and operate them on 1.2GHz. DJI drones which the creep is probably flying is on 2.4GHz.
> Amplifier module (30dB gain at least, the more the better)
> Batteries. Max out the transmitters.
> It needs to be mobile and it's going to be HOT so you'll need fans to cool down the transmitter.
You also need to jam global GPS (L1 at 1575.42 MHz, L2 at 1227.60 MHz) because these DJI drones have return to home setting if signal is lost. Blocking GPS is highly illegal in nearly all countries but nobody is going to find you if you turn it on and off in small intervals.

Option 3; get a 12 gauge and let loose. Buy a 20 gauge if you're not used to firearms. If you're not in the US or Canada then this option isn't going to be any use to you. You will not have the accuracy to take out a drone with an airgun.

That's not jamming, that's 50,000 junkies all trying to use the same cellphone tower repeater.

I agree with most of what you said, but I've seen an odd video or two of ziggers using shotgun and getting exploding kills on FPVs. We have no way of knowing what explosive the drone was carrying though.
This one was relatively recent
good drones are thousands of dollars.
get your own drone, use it to find the drone pilot's location.
K retard
Define "good" for us. There's plenty of hobby class stuff that's pretty capable for under $400.
Just shoot it down already. And how the fuck is this /diy/
Slutty little girls are the bane of my existence. :-(
highly doubt anyone is filming your ugly ass kids
you post on 4chan we know you got a whale for a wife and gremlins for kids
Laser pointer the camera.
This didn't come to me until pretty far into the thread. Not tremendously expensive, permanently damaging to the camera.
Air cannon
Just don't do that near an airport.
>because I happened to look in your daughter’s direction while at the store.
Why are you a pedophile?
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>so it's not like I'm spying on anyone.
the point is that they don't know you're not spying on them. Your rationalizing is just a surefire sign you have no empathy for others and might be a sociopath in addition to a weirdo. I would ask you how you would feel if someone were to fly their drone over your property while you were outside trying to enjoy peace and privacy but i'm sure you would just say some more rationalizing bullshit.
get another drone and crash into it. when the owner comes looking, kick his teeth down his throat.
You don't own the sky. People can legally do this, they just can't be spying.
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Highly illegal but criminals have no recourse.
the cheap chinkshit led shop lights i keep buying seem to have efficiently utilized this feature in their circuitry design. cant hardly listen to fm goytunes within a quarter mile of them
microwave gun?
Get footage of it and report it to whatever your equivalent to the FAA is.
>you're a fucking weirdo if you fly over another person's property
Nta, but... bruh. Literally all aircraft is going to do that. I'd have to double check, but I'm 90% sure that anything above 200 Ft above the surface is public airspace unless special circumstances are present.
Whatever you say dude. Stay mad, and I dare you to shoot me down. It's a tiny dot that's hauling ass at over 300 ft elevation. Try not to mistake me for some poor dude with a paramotor on his back! (he has less restrictions than I do)
Nice suicide gun!
I suppose you could define it as something that could take a high quality image of a subject on the ground from the approximate altitude that the drone in OP's pic related is.
That particular question hasn't really been addressed either, though. It could be likened to protecting yourself from a stalker
You might as well take a bath with a hair dryer as use this death drap
rig a drone with some strings and fly over it and tangle its props, then swoop in fast to recover the data card. that should give you proof of who it is, but they wont have proof you did anything.

drones look down and around, so if you come up from behind and above you should be good.

your drone will fan the strings downward, and his drone should suck them in nicely.
hire some HAM with radio direction "Fox Hunt" gear, or just borrow the gear, to triangle the drone operator's position/nest.

Probably Step 1 is pay $40 to join local HAM club.

Of course, its likely the perv is a fellow member!

Ditto with local RC airplane club.

Join club and mention to the creepy guy about how you know where a little girl plays and you'd sure like to drone her.
that's gotta be terrifying, knowing that tiny thing is out there hunting for you.
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Shoot a tiny net at it.
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no one will find op even if he uses a broad band jammer that puts down everything for a few minutes.
just jam the drone untill it crashes and never use the jammer again.

to get the FCC involved someone has to complain about it to them, then they send out a van like pic rel and try to triangulate OP.
one leak in this thing and you will cook your eyes
then name your country, asshole.
EVERY OP post should start by naming your country unless you are in the US which is the default assumption.
why doesn't OP just hide somewhere in ghillie suit or soemthing similar and shoot the drone and that way no one can prove that it was him that shot it?
too serious
les funny
It’s probably just a DJI mavic or something…those comply with all laws have gps lockouts and remote ID and all that shit

If it’s a DIY 3S quad copter running like ELRS then yeah he can break laws and shit
Except for the part where it's not at all impossible to break the law with them. Going beyond visual line of sight is definitely illegal. I don't personally observe half the laws because they're ridiculous and do nothing to enhance safety.
Do you have a fence? Six feet takes away the natural right of vision from others. Drones and satellites don't grant rights.
I'm surprised no one has 3D printed something yet
This was my first thought
Buy a 600w powerful green laser and set it on fire or burn the camera lens
>600w powerful green laser
You really don't know enough to be giving suggestions.
Fly a drone up higher than his drone. Follow it back to him. Next time he shows up, hang him on a cross.

Or hang blades from your own drone and drop down on his. IDK but sounds like a fun problem to solve. Sorry there is a faggot watching you, he sounds like an absolute faggot and I wish you the best, OP.
>unless you live in some tiny, shithole of a country
Anon, he already said he didn't live in the USA.
it would appear that anon has taken apart a microwave, taken out the transformer, the capacitor, and then attached the magnetron to a cambels soup can. Using a plastic funnel lined with foil as a makeshift antenna, anon hopes that this will some how provide proper shielding and directionality to the intense microwave radiation being created by his device. What it probably does is generate dangerous levels of microwave radiation to everything in its proximity.
Also the user dies if they touch half of that stuff while it's powered. Transformers are one of the leading killers of electrical tinkerers.
>it can't be a coincidence
Unless the guy is your next door neighbor and actually sees your daughter going outside to play, then deploys his drone (one would wonder why he would bother if he can already see her) then it probably is a coincidence.
Complain to the FAA and local police after you obtain some video evidence to back up your claims.
Look up a RemoteID app for your phone and check it for the drone's ID while it's in flight. If the drone has no ID, that will be relevant in your complaint to the FAA.
Don't go shooting it down unless you want to be the one getting arrested.

Damn this thread is low IQ. Amazing.
You need a very powerful laser to actually do any real damage to a camera, and you also need to actually score a direct hit on the camera itself in order to do it.

>russian POWs getting executed with drones
You have to actually be braindead to believe this.
Why? Videos of soldiers all by themselves with no weapons and no covers getting droned doesnt happen organically, hohol piggers are executing POWs for demoralization and "comedic effect" dont get me wrong, russians also execute POWs
Theyre all scum
Hi Ivan. Take a break from pol posting?
the thing that creates the "heat" in a microwave,

basicly it makes water molecules dance so they get hot, and eyes contain 90% water so they will get damaged within secounds.
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Can you mark on the diagram where the drone flies over your lawn?
this seems great to use near your young daughter
no one is talking about military suicide drones you fucking retard
Yeah, it flies between Mudik and Myannis.
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honorary mention of that nitwit that "invented" that wood burning process with high voltage that darein awarded himself
This is the 3 Body Problem ending that I hoped for.

Before destroying your own drone, try flying directly over theirs to create downdraft.

Their drone should immediately start to drop.
>Paranoid idiot is also a parent

its all so tiresome

Be realistic the field isn't strong and would decay rapidly.

If home microwaves were capable of being improved to the status of energy weapon it would already be a thing
>What it probably does is generate dangerous levels of microwave radiation to everything in its proximity.
What will probably happen is he electrosuicides himself with a 900W transformer.
get binoculars (preferably a night vision scope so you can track down the signature), get in a car with your wife or friend and tell them to carefully track the drone, then just find the owner. most commercial grade drones fly low so it is possible to track it down.
when you catch the fucker make sure he stays there so the police can search his phone or computer for videos of your daughter so he is in extra trouble for it.
you can get somewhat powerful alser pointers off amazon, ones that can burn objects. just flash it in the face with one and the cameras should be permanently damaged.
If there is some sort of local facebook page/group for the local moms or whatever you or your wife should complain there about some weirdo creeping on your daughter with a drone. Just to cause them some grief. That kind of rumor will spread, and the goober will be humiliated and will be forever considered suspect. Or just shoot it
Yeah, let's just make a bunch of additional karens who will harass people who are flying just to fly. Good plan!
unironically this

either that or make a radio receiver, find out what frequency that drone is going at, and drive around trying to see where that signal gets stronger
So is it 50m or 100m? Nvm u r gay and haven’t tested shit urself nigger.
>the fcc
>we will so catch you if you jam a drone even though we cant catch all the 14 year old baofeng users
could you direct the beam of a microwave's magnetron to rape 2.4 ghz
Apparently you didn't bother to read the proposed solutions. Somebody already submitted a nice little suicide device.
>could you direct the beam of a microwave's magnetron to rape 2.4 ghz
Sure, I mean, that's the principle of an EW gun. You need to overpower several channels on the S-band though, it's not easy to do. Once you over-power the channel, then you need to overpower the GPS return-to-home feature.
OP has a kid, so presumably he doesn't need a falcon to bypass the NSP.
Why would he even mention he was spying on the kid?
It's a reactionless drive that uses a microwave cavity to push a spacecraft through unknown physics. Anon seems to have made one in his basement from a commercial microwave and wants the OP to use it to propel a missile into the offending libertarian's drone.
the fcc is a fucking boomer ham operator power phantasy
>look at me mortal, I am licensed by the FCC to operate a ham radio
>what no you can't do that you can't just buy a $20 baofeng and press a button no no no the FCC will get you you need to be a good boy and get a license from daddy government to manipulate EM waves
fucking ham operators are subhuman
Air rifle shot to the lipo battery should fix it. Virtually silent and easy follow ups if you miss. Should make a nice pop when you hit it. It isn't fire season is it?
Shoot it from cover if practical but go ahead, then smash it. Operator won't be recording on their end and can't say shit. Destroy the drone including any memory sticks completely then dispose of it in an undetectable manner like breaking it up into seperate household trash bags and say NOTHING if asked.
If technically inclined a HERF weapons is undetectable and unprovable and could live inside a plastic trash can etc.
Yeah, I got my license because I was trying to follow the rules and cover my ass for my hobbies, and came to realize I want nothing to do with the people who got theirs for long range chats. Have absolutely never needed it, and the cost of the test, drive, and time were all a waste.
He would have to say he was flying over OPs property
That's not a crime.
stop being a fucking pussy and shoot it down
This. But first use it to follow the drone back to its operator. Then you can go to his home, drag him into the street and beat him in front of family and neighbors so everyone learns a valuable lesson.
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Yeah. Arrogant types; can't stand them. Got issues, and I'm not one for encouraging other's psychological problems.

> If you get your license you can call me on the radio. I'll keep it with me.

Your cell phone already has signal.

> I only check my messages once a week.

Maybe that's why no one works for you. Lack of capability to lead and communicate. If you can't communicate with the people you work for/with, how's your inhouse communication? That's right; piss-poor. If your leadership was awesome, they would have joined you in your [recent] move. But, they didn't. [E.G. I think a bunch of Louis Rossman's people moved with him out of JYC]

> I don't have my phone with me/left it downstairs/it's on silent. [Notwithstanding, does not change or address the above issue.]

You know, you can set custom Notifications for specific people you regularly work with, so nuisance notifications won't interrupt your day.

> Some other excuse

I already carry a phone with me, so 99.5% of my world can contact me. I already have Notifications properly set-up (go watch a youtube video). Why would I want to carry a device that's twice as heavy/bulky as my own phone, in addition, just to communicate with another person, who refuses to use his own phone, because, idk... he's 'too good' for it? That makes no sense. Insanity and chaos is evil, it is no excuse.

Told another friend, that if the license was a behavioral test, and that's it, that's what it should be. All the technical bullshit should already be solved. Someone did it for the cell phone, and look at how it took off: right past HAM radio. Even better than CB's, and boy, they are barely less sore today about that!

> All that 10-meter band wasted!


true. true.
She is cute tho.
>Yeah. Arrogant types; can't stand them.
You can tell which ones in this thread have a license too. They're just dicks. I love my SDR with antennas and looking at /ham/, but the majority there are just dickwads that deserve to be repeatedly kicked in the nuts.
build a tall tower, put a camera with a good zoom on it and track the drone maybe
>shoot it down?
Shoot it down, might be raiders.
This is retarded. You said you have a gun just shoot the damn thing. Wear a mask if you think it's actively uploading video in the moment.
do you have powerlines or a railroad crossing your property, even a logging road?
to be clear on the faa comment, it would only apply if the drone operator notified the faa that he would be flying. if it wasn't a reported flight, no problem with taking one down over your property. I'd get a net gun. catch it and let it lay where it is, see who comes.
If you're caught, which is pretty much impossible unless you leave the jammer on all the time or go around telling people about it.
Ok then, .556 it is
Pedos get the rope. Shoot the fucker down with either buckshot or .556. Do it from concealment. How the fuck would they know what happened? Just grab the drone and wait to see if pedo shows up to claim it. If he does, beat his fucking ass. If not, just toss it. They get a new drone, repeat the process. No matter how much you hate pedos, it isn't enough
You're thinking of controlled airspace with LAANC. Class G, you don't have to report jack shit. I'm guessing he's not within five miles of an airport.
You stupid shit, OP is either an idiot or a troll. The drone is probably there at random, different times of day, but OP is an autist that only goes out once every four days with his kid, sees the drone, goes "Holy shit, they're SPYING on me! They're spying on my KID!" You're really going with use 5.56 of there's an airport within 5 miles? Enjoy your jail time, dumbass. Try to think a little more critically and maybe not like a moron from now on.
You're also supposed to report if you are near state or federal parks, I'm surrounded by them. of course, this really applies to long-distance long flight drones. No one gives a shit about the 50 dollar drone at Walmart.
Found the pedo

Get the rope, sick motherfucker
Go over there and yell a.... talk to... confront them.
>How the fuck would they know what happened?
The video recording...
>1 bb hit
Sounds like those youtubers are just bad at shooting.
A good hit will cause instant loss of control, and could be caused by many things. If the operator doesn't see it happen, it could resemble a motor, ESC, or prop failure. If any of those dies, it's death roll time.
I like his little survival shack he's set up
Report the harassing aircraft to the Propeller police. Then cut the top of your microwave oven and take it out in the yard
The FAA has no jurisdiction on land
not a bad ploy, the optical sensors on those things are sensitive, they will auto gain to max once the light makes contact and then black out on the over correct should give you less than 30 seconds to hit it with a fishing line just cast should get about 50-100 feet per cast light line and some weights, longer pole higher acceleration.
The quad isn't touching the land.
a bow has better range and a follow string means you get it back
The drone isn't landing on OP's property, anon.
Didn't some guy in florida get caught with only because every time people drove by his home they lost reception he didn't get any jail time IIRC
>Ok then, .556 it is
RIP your neighbors
You keep on with the ".556." Are you even old enough to post here? Or are you not American? You don't even seem to know what you're saying.
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Did I fucking stutter?
I sincerely doubt the creep is doing a sanctioned FAA flight, on top of that FAA only applies above X altitude
Incorrect. The second something is sustaining outdoor flight, it is FAA jurisdiction.
>Did I fucking stutter?
>and then he posts a DShK
Confirmed 12 year old
Buy an RC plane and do a dogfight.
This is probably the most realistic suggestion in the whole thread.
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had similar issue as someone used to fly into my pool while gf and her friends are there i just downed it with my carabine. i picked up the drone and it has an sd card and imbecile recorded himself launching it from his house, i turned it to dust and placed it into bag hanged in his door knob.
mount two shotguns next to each other on something sturdy the make a crank with two cams 180 apart that fit in the trigger guards and then put that nigga on a ptz and program a raspberry pi to shoot it down epic style with your shotgun turret
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>does this ammo detonate at a certain distance and use the shockwave to knock them down?

Anon... do you know why a shotgun is called a shotgun?
That's not jamming, that's just what happens when, suddenly, 10k+ people woth 1 or more cellular devices each all turn up and try using the same telecomms tower to upload their snapchat videos of the concert
How long until we have crow swarms to counter the drone hawks?
Take your daughter inside when you see the drone take video of it then report it.
it shouldn't be very hard to pinpoint since you don't have many neighbours.
>100,000 people in the same stadium
>why don't my magic vox work
net drone to catch the drone
Here's your (((you))). Reddit is missing it's psychopaths.

Adults are talking.
3 dildo problem
You're really gonna do the whole ((())) thing, then call other people psychopath, then claim you have any idea about "adults talking?" Wow.

And it should be (You), (You) had one job.
He is calling him a kike, retard. Imagine not knowing what the echo means.

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