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File: BEEG_-edg-.jpg (223 KB, 896x1152)
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223 KB JPG
>>2874951 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
File: SeasideAnchor_-edg-.jpg (395 KB, 1160x1696)
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Requesting either Mai Kujaku, or Mikasa Ackerman skinny dipping on a lake at twilight/night
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1girl, nude, waiting at the train station
Race Queens.
File: MoonPrincess_2800.png (3.92 MB, 2800x1683)
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Please put a fully nude Vocaloid IA in a field of flowers like pic related. You can make "nude filter" version of the girl in said pic as her hair is 90-95% IA-like.
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2.89 MB PNG
very cool, I like it. Edited out that weird girl blob in the background.
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1.87 MB
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a moth is fine too
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And here it is with a square painted in to fill the dead space.
Just noticed I tend to gen smaller and smaller tits until I make the highlights, then reset to melons again.
Highlights anon has an agend and questionable aesthetics, but I might try that this thread to see if I can trick his algorithm. Also realized he added the fucking dehya ritual posters request shit in one of them.
That one gave me pause too, but at least it's the fulfilled request.
Dunno it feels like peak shitpost / ritual post since it's just asking for stupidly simple edit of an AI picture and he's got a bunch of them it seems or a new one whenever the request is complete.
>Highlights anon has an agenda
at this point it just seems like they're encouraging literal garbage and super default looking shit.
do you even look at highlight posts
>70%+ of highlights are medium breasts or bigger
>they are still crying about occasional itty bitty
I swear you people aren't gonna be content until 100% of the posts are massive breasts. You overdosed on hentai.
>encouraging literal garbage and super default looking shit.
There aren't THAT many great gens lately. Probably would be wiser to just do one or two images nowadays instead of 4.

I'm not the person doing highlights btw in case you get the wrong idea.
40 images or whatever it is now is probably too many but that's a matter of taste just like picking what goes in them. and i do think the quality here is good. i like see what people post.
shh, she doesn't know
is it possible that you guys are just salty because your gens weren't picked?
it's just one random stranger picking highlights. you don't need their validation
aibooru post scrape is the best validation imo, still can't beat my old posts although they have extreme sepia and mangled eyes
how are you supposed to find your own stuff on aibooru though?
"hiiragi_kagami" in search works for me because i only gen wife
>blurry nai gen op
fuck off
>aibooru post scrape is the best validation imo
I'm sorry but it's not. It's pretty much completely random.
if someone sees my gen and goes through effort of uploading it somewhere else - it signalizes that gen isn't sloppy at least
>It's pretty much completely random.
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Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
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kys i bet youre friends with the highlighter faggot
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1 MB
here's an alternative in a more Capcom illustration-style
I haven't been picked in weeks now so my salt is smoothed over. Also it's just a temporary thing more poke fun at then anything. Not like we got much going on here to talk about besides one-liners on someone's gen.
Can I request someone fix the image? It looks really nice overall, but I can't tell if her nipple is purple or it's a failed AI attempt at a bikini top. And the hair bow is leaking paint onto her hair.
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>nogens still complaining about highlighter-kun while STILL not posting their own version of the highlights to compare to
i did last thread but didnt make a picture
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Requesting moyong hyun from the Legend of the Northern Blade

Kinda obscure character, so just a hope someone can make a ponytailed asian girl that retains [thicc thighs (this is very important)] [muscled] [large breasts] [sorta similar facial features] .

Outfit can be whatever, just has to be a revealing china dress of some sort, since this would be the noncombat outfit, so no need for the sword and big armored boots .

If it helps Pixai has this: https://pixai.art/model/1757351709545757805

Not sure if it actually works, I'm just asking.
Where are you going for this year's BAAV?
Wait a second, I know that girl. She's a thief! Get her!
She looks like an interesting character.

If you can give me 5-10 pictures more aside of these;

Im willing to bake a lora.
I could try with those 15 images but I would prefer to have at least 7 images more.

No need to be in color, just give me some pages with that character on them different than the ones in that link
File: 88567360_p0 edit jpg.jpg (2.99 MB, 2337x3804)
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Requesting Mari Makinami Illustrious showering, but with the Evangelion art style and shading (Rebuild style preferably).

Let me know if you need references.
Isn't that pixai thing he linked already a lora? But I can't figure out for which base model.
Yeah, I tried and you need to login and then it asks you for credits or something. Is faster and safer just make a pony lora
Just click the three dots on the image and download. I can't gen right now, but it is a .safetensors file at least.
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Tits are kinda shrunk but it's on the right track for sure.
Too hot for squats. Go for a swim
and oats and a gallon of milk a day
Wasn't sure if you wanted giant tits like in the example pic or tits akin to what Mari has
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Wouldn't she take the glasses and hairband off for a shower?
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Are you the requester and that's part of the request?
nah I'm just a guy who enjoys cirticising images
hope I wasn't too harsh
It's hot, let's go to the beach.
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Is there a list of UIs that are worth using? I've been on A1111 for a year now and wouldn't mind moving on. Also using an AMD GPU.

Mandatory moth post is always appreciated.

I would love to post more flat girls but it might get removed as "muh loli".
illyasviel gave up on it for 4 months already yet still mogs A1111 in performance while having same UI
if you have erection towards noodles you might enjoy comfy
if this stuff doesn't support A1111/Forge extensions i wouldn't even bother checking them
>I would love to post more flat girls but it might get removed as "muh loli".
how does /e/ jannies reacts to Konata btw?
anything with flat chest can be deleted at janny whim, even though for example /h/ has premanent megumin threads
guess i'll be catboxing kona-chan then (although she is older than kagami-chan)
One of my weaknesses
Lolis belong on /b/, but DFC are allowed as >>2845735 shows.
it's random, usually is fine
File: Grea2.png (120 KB, 960x800)
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Can someone gen Grea in a small tight and maybe transparent white shirt and tiny booty shorts?
I fucking despise moths IRL but anime monstergirl moths are real nice
It prolly just does that on habit and glasses are what Mari's known for and the Loras add them.
this aint even your gen
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1.52 MB PNG
Did anybody save this Asuka image? I NEED IT

misato one also appreciated
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Thanks, I'll check those out.

I never said it was. Who says you can only post your own gens?
damn, Animagine does pantyhose so much better than Pony...
This is very clean. What is your workflow like?
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3.18 MB PNG
generating your own is the point
else this would just be a pixiv dump thread
its nai you can tell by the smeariness and blur filter
what are you talking about?
that's /hdg/ consolewar baiter, do not feed him
nai images look like they have a nice helping of vaseline smeared across
not to mention the jpg artifacts
its a known issue going to be fixed in v4
thats the power of the cluster
it's "her", bigot
i was wondering why it looked so low quality
people really pay 25 a month for that? weird
not really sure why you wrote all this but I like the image.
Thanks, I know what to look for now. I've seen some similar images that look like they've been upscaled but they're still really "blurry"
Given the fact that 4chan won't be creating separate board for AI, I wonder why SFW AI generals haven't moved to /bant/ yet. Much better schizo control via IDs rather than feeding trolls.
its pretty easy to tell honestly. also if you see a blurry image get a reply quickly theres a 99% chance its a samefag. nai users need to justify 25 a month so they do that shit
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Lots of spaghetti. And then tweak the prompt and re-gen until it doesn't look like shit and hope FaceDetailer does a good job.
workflow: https://files.catbox.moe/ipm874.png
image: https://files.catbox.moe/wfy1pb.png
This guy has several proxies/ISPs to avoid bans, IDs would barely do anything.
thats why i cancel my sub
its super good at recognizing copyright characters however and i hope that stays
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pretty ugly anon, was this made with local? should have subbed to nai
The point of using local is not having to subscribe, bro
at least add a heavy blur filter then save it as a jpg 100 times to mimic nai
Man, he's ruining this general too.
And last time I've tried to help make /hdg/ clearer I've received a warning. Grim.
my 8 foot tall numen wife
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More of Usagi and Flannery naked together
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Anything with Sayo Hitsugi naked here
Well, you can't get anything really fun since this /e
My recent gens aren't /e/ material so here's an old oil painting gen then.
I ended up moving back to forge because I didn't know how to get the FaceDetailer to work.
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I've been referring all AMD fags to SDnext because it's supposed to be the easiest/fastest for you guys. I haven't seen anyone complain after trying it so I'll keep recommending it.
Come on, there's a tutorial and a sample workflow right on the github page.

I don't have my stuff right now, but if the catbox extension works from the archive you can grab this >>>8029998
I used the first half of this tutorial to get started
and then went from there. I guess there are a bunch of better tutorials though. The /edg/ has been very helpful with troubleshooting some detail errors.
Huh, they changed the cross-link syntax? >>>/h/8029998

It was around the same time I was learning comfyui in general and figuring out how to get SDXL to work. I'm just retarded when it comes to this
File: 1695609283116238.jpg (96 KB, 896x1152)
96 KB
Oh no she forgot her pants
nothing of value was lost
so blurry
so smeary
with large helping of jpg artifacts
youll never guess what was used to gen this one
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1.66 MB PNG
Whoever made the original, lower your cfg.
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More of a fun request, but can you get it to imitate the art styles of the great weird french comic artists like Moebius or Druillet? Or is it trained on anime style only?
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602 KB PNG

>Moebius or Druillet
There are loras for these artists but not for the model most people here use. Very unlikely to be fulfilled.
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111 KB JPG
>Or is it trained on anime style only?
Base SD is trained on traditional artists for sure, but I doubt they survived in the anime finetunes
howd you get smeary effect with the jpg artifacts?
Pic not related, but I love sling bikinis
Make it softcore casual fun instead
Masane from Witchblade having a naked staredown with her alt form in the mirror.
can you nude edit/put a nude body insted of the clothes? if so, take everything but the bow away.
I'll give it a stab
File: download.jpg (40 KB, 768x512)
40 KB
Ayyy, I made the highlights this time
tried fixing wife's leg, it was too thick than the other (only noticed it after looking at highlight posts) https://files.catbox.moe/qnpks3.png
what's the thing with gens sometimes being saved in more "vibrant" color profile in photoshop? how do i achieve this constantly? the only thing im doing is either quick exporting as PNG or exporting with specified scale, both options usually result in standard color profile being used (looks overexposed imo), you can compare this >>2876341 with catbox and see it being more colorful than yesterday's gen, and i haven't done anything different saving-wise
>>2876660 (me)
nevermind im being gaslighted by fucking mozilla viewing local files, they have identical colorscheme if looked through faststone
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Yeah, I've only been at it for one and a half months myself. I had to make the switch because my SD1.5 somehow stopped working and I couldn't for the life of me debug that python mess. I'm still just doing pretty basic workflows and I bet they're far from optimized I guess, but it's still a noticable upgrade in a lot of regards. But I have the feeling I don't even know half about a lot of things/nodes/workflows/techniques that a lot of other Anons would consider essential for good gens.
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3.12 MB PNG
Either way, I'm looking forward what lewd AI possibilities the next five years will bring.
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2.95 MB PNG

We need more of this. Very cute
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That's pretty neat and cute anon, I like it

So I've been trying off and on while I'm at work and I'm just shit at inpainting. sorry mate
Good coloring
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Welp Umamusume is coming to global and they told people not to draw lewd pictures of them I know what I'm gonna be doing next
cum is /h/ anon
Ah, sorry about that.
What do you mean. Its a white mana potion obviously
Just messing with the mixes again
Yeah, I see it now. I love my 6-7 finger freak
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At some point you (never) stop caring.
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The pic is also brutal to inpaint. I'm nearing completion now but I'm not stoked about what has happened.
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891 KB PNG
I surrender.
Dude, these are great.
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1.9 MB PNG
I love masked women so much.
I'll see what I can do. Those are already most of her appearances. The rest are mixed with other characters or action shots with distorted details, etc.

As the other anon said, click the three dots on the image, there's a "download" prompt.
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889 KB PNG
thanks for trying, did not expect it would be that hard so sorry for bothering
thank you for reaching out that far
the later images of her have only one arm (since one gets cut off). Would that be bad for the lora? Not sure if I should include them.
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3.83 MB PNG
Walmart Dia but I'm pretty sure I could have nail the design if I tried
Those are pretty rad bro, you are just missing the cool car with the girl, no idea if it will doable on pony based models tho, I might try it later
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1.54 MB PNG
Best I can do.


If this isn't enough, nothing else I can do.
So, race queens this time around? I thought race queens were the girls in tight shorts or swimwear who modeled at car shows though. Not the drivers.
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>I thought race queens were the girls in tight shorts or swimwear who modeled at car shows though
True, very true in fact but I wanted to post a that gen on particular
it's very likely we'll not get anything considerably better than pony, not because we've reached diminishing returns or anything but because of prudes and their censorship.
i believe in jordach's cascade tune
Last I heard from /h/ mentioning it his hubris got the better of him and the project is insanely close to tanking.
how do i get a generic, thin-line anime style with pony/autism without loras? all the loras i've tried fucked up the anatomy on complex prompts
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you have a great style anon. bouncing breasts is a good tag.

Play a guessing game / run an x/y plot on various artists and see what works and what's placebo.
File: Panooha_C.png (2.18 MB, 1500x2500)
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2.18 MB PNG
Give this a pass through the AI.
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Thanks! I did try several prompts for car and sports car but it only will give me non-Euclidian car interiors. I found one of my checkpoints I can generate a sports car on its own, but adding 1girl just shoves her torso into the hood. It means I can definitely just generate a car and then inpaint someone though. I might try it tomorrow.
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Could I possibly get this with the bra completely removed?
cute birdwife
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What did she mean by that?
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I don't know, I'm getting mixed signals, but I think she's really thirsty with that tongue out, and maybe she's signaling she needs a water bottle to drink? Also, she's probably taking off her clothes because it's too warm.
Whew, I thought she meant she wanted to have sex, if you catch my drift
good stuff, very interesting architecture too.
No, she's a respectable woman, probably saving herself for marriage.
You didn't specify.
Good enough. Give me a few hours.
Take your time. I'm gonna be going to sleep and will probably check this late tomorrow anyway. Was a tiring day cleaning up the house.
Nice. Really nice.
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Oh no, she found the camera...
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what a beautiful world we live in
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Whats the optimal resolution for cowboy shots with huge/giganitc breasts because for 832x1216 it results in long torsos
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reduce it until it looks natural
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Here it is.
The lora may be quite too generous giving her extra forehead dots, but thats something that can be fixed easily.
For the rest, I think its kind of solid considering the data

Here is the lora for anyone to use: https://file.io/gaG7mdI6hjf1
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forgot to mention, even if it should be obvious, this model is for pony
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2.2 MB PNG
nta but looks really cool, can't wait to test how it woks with other styles
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I tested her with raita since is the first artist that came to mind, but she looks like a horse-
But with Asanagi and other artists kind of worked fine
Can you try some Eishin Flash
Link says deleted.
I think my favorite is where she's on her knees, that one's great.
I like as well that she seems totally unaware of her situation, or is just so not bothered by it that's also real nice. Thanks for the nice gens anon!
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thx, I like to imagine this as official art from parallel universe
nice choco thighs
welp that was fast

might be better off on >>>/aco/ though
instead he's double-dipping in /hdg/
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soft pussy
all me
something about the coloring feels kinda splotchy
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Man I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to the horse names
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FYI, dildos belong in /h/.
only if theyre inserted
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I think that's the goal? Or maybe I don't understand what splotchy means?
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too petite
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Made a brunette milf
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Beautiful smudged nai garbage I love it!
Amazing gen, we need to see more of those masterpieces!
Blurry shit
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nta, but is this a thing? Are people so (you) starved that they would reply to themselves pretending to be someone who liked their stuff?
amazing! thank you!
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> I was indulging the schizo

I apologize, I hadn't realized it.
Gorgeous gen. Apology accepted
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wow very blurry and smudged
lovely gen
25 dollars is literally nothing though? and how would you receive validation from replying to your own posts? I don't get it
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Hagami's hagamis
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need more Fern
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"What did you say, anon?"
Nice borgar
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Alright, I don't wanna spam, so this is last Fern for a while
Sexy boobs
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Nice. We don't get enough faye.
autism much?
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I unironically love her character
totally adult wife
nice badonkers
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Made another milf
outstanding gen, anon
nice trips
small res but clean, would be cool with higher res
Very nice.
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literally any girl, built like a stick with gigantic saggy tits and big areolae
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She's so good, nice... quality aside she's just moving fast to out-run the yakuza with you.
if this is local i love it
if its nai i hate it
It's a local forge lora mish-mash, nai-free.
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These turned out really great anon! THank you so much!

Like, this one >>2876838
Is pretty much perfect. Similar outfit, delicious thicc thighs (very important), and scowly face.

This is a very entertaining cheerleader image. Again, accurate proportions and pretty good facial features, etc.
If you're willing to do more, can you do another generation or two of her in JUST the dress? Less of the armor, so it looks like she's just chilling at home or in a party.

More of this one >>2876836 is what I mean.

The manga already has plenty of action shots alongside this >>2876838 for the armored look

And THESE are very good nude/bedroom images

So just hoping for a bit more of the casual but not outright lewd attire. She's still erotic because god her body is sexy and the side gaps show off so much, but there's a veneer of classy-ness to it.

Either way, thanks so much for this! I am incredibly surprised and pleased to have gotten art of this obscure character.
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Adventurer gear, lv1 vs lv10
A girl with long blond hair and blue eyes on the back of a horse laid over like a sack of potatoes with her hands and feet chained ready to be taken to market and sold.
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Black hair milf
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any oldfags in the chat
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Very sexy 2B.
yes, but I don't recognize her anyway
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What do you mean byt that? Lurkers? Posters?
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2b is always appreciated
The girl from Full Metal Panic! right?
if so her eye color is wrong
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A2 deserves more love.
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how is this so fucking good, god damn.
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Just don't post kids? Is it really that hard?
posting images of a clothed cartoon gets this kind of brain dead green reddit response huh?
well, this place was okay while the former OP was on. bye.
You've got /b/ for the likes of you.
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Did you not even look at the image?
i did what do you mean
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more black haired girls, more girls with big tits, more pics with tiny resolution or more ultra generic pics in general?
>this place was okay while the former OP was on
Yeah, the OP totally determins what people post and what pics the jannies delete. Or are you just salty that you didn't make the highlights?
In any case, good riddance.
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>more ultra generic pics in general
Post something better then?
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sexy marin kitagawa
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She's a bit shy, but wants to show off, anon.
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While attempting to complete this request I've learned that it's a very dangerous thing to ask Pony to render horses...
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She asked for a tip
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Heh. Thans for trying!
hello nurse!
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I was going to use Bing's AI to make a basic image off your prompt since it's very good at matching prompts in standard language, then send it to img2img to enhance it, but I can't get around Bing's censorship dog. I could try a different model, but I only have experience with Pony -- not sure what would be best.
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Ask Bing for a sack of potatoes, then inpaint
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Maybe you're better at inpainting than me, but I don't think that would turn out well and it would take a long time. I'd want more of a framework than a sack.
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Here is my best shot. Can't put her like a sack. most I can do is making her ride the horse
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For Usagi's birthday today, requesting her celebrating it in her birthday suit
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I consider myself an inpaint wizard. get me a good/interesting bing image with the sack and I'll try it. catbox it if not /e/
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That's quite nice. There is nowhere near enough fanart of those in that mode.
Hey she's a cutie. The horse looks pretty cool too!
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Checkers are too hard
Thank you. We really need more of a grown-up Usagi naked.
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Cascade finetune 1B E6(.50) innate booru character tag knowledge.
1girl only, top 600, random seeds. Last entry "echidna \(re:zero\)" has a tag count of 871 based on the csv for reference.
Only the character tag is being wildcarded into the prompt (0 supplementary characteristic tags (i.e. hair length, hair style, etc) except "medium breasts").
Catbox for larger image: https://files.catbox.moe/eiuy0n.jpg
who the fuck cares?..
i care
lets all donate
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>Only the character tag is being wildcarded into the prompt (0 supplementary characteristic tags (i.e. hair length, hair style, etc) except "medium breasts").
Not bad at all, it got mostly all of them right with just that
now do "1girl sitting" instead
checkmate furfags
so...what's this?
May be is common knowledge but I need an explanation starting since the beginning
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I can't even prompt "A sack on top of a horse. Anime style." into Bing AI without it getting censored. I'm never using Bing again.
New model called resonance being trained on another architecture, SD cascade. It's kind of a joke so far, but they're still training so it might get better at some point.
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just started
this tech is wild
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Did you mean something like this?
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That's berry good for a start
Do you ever think people come in here to shill their AI services?
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Before telling you to take your meds, please state your thoughts about it
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ty, I stole a prompt from danbooru and adjusted it ehehe
tasty elf
ohhh thicc sailor moon, yum
I don't particularly care either way. I just gen for my own personally satisfaction and wouldn't pay for anything outside of improving my local set up.
>I stole a prompt from danbooru and adjusted it ehehe
I always do that unless I have something in mind, nothing wrong with it
the only people who care about 'prompt stealing' are mentally ill
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can't make bodypaint prompts to work
this is pretty impressive
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Eh, it works. That's a super cute picture so we'll call it good.
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"Hi anon, I live next door but I seem to have forgotten my keys. It's raining a lot out there and I was caught out in the open. I'm really cold out here, would you mind if I waited out the rain in your place?"
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>Pubic hair
Nice touch

Underrated body proportions
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Mind if I borrow that?
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They look really cute and colorful. What model and/or lora(s) did you use?
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thx, I wasn't sure about the pose, should it have been like this? https://litter.catbox.moe/7xd5ns.jpg
cute fish
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Is this bait?
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Can someone do Usagi and Shampoo in nude wrestling
reweik with 3 style loras, here is the catbox if you want to see the details
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cute butt
Early 3D Miku.

Great gen. The fang sells it. The only nitpick I would give is the skindentation is a little extreme on some parts of the body like the chest.

The smile is cute.

Nice thighs. Mind posting a box?
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No, like, the gray tent thing there except a girl. You know, thrown over like a sack thrown over the back of the horse. I guess I'm the only one who thinks like that.
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Any do wells or do betters here? Just trying to get better.
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Explain. I have no idea what you just said
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I think he's asking what he did well and what could have done better
its corpo speak i guess. Just what the image has done well and what the image needs improved. Just a general critique that tells both good and better
You can start by making it look more anime
Oh, guess I shouldn't be browsing when I'm half asleep because it reads perfectly now that I see it.

I like the image but I'm sure someone will complain it doesn't align with /e/
This first bits free. You're going to want to post catboxes when you ask for help and you're going to want to gen at resolutions SDXL knows.
>Anon, are you even listening?
gotcha, on the catbox, this one is a 1.5 gen. So I go small and resize. Do i need to get my gen aspect ratio right for 1.5 as well?
Oh. Yes you still have to gen at 1.5 sizes. i think its 512 x 512 or like 512 x 768. You should move on to XL unless you can't and then RIP
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I guess it probably is time. I just think 1.5 still has a lot of charm to it. This is my most recent 1.5 txt2img grid. The hands and stuff are wonky but ive gotten used to fixing that stuff manually. Ill have to start looking into what models and loras are out there for XL. Hopefully i wont need to fix so many hands/
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You always have to fix hands. Hands feel more reasonable to work with though by far with pony, feet fucking suck. If I gen socks it wants to add toes, if it adds toes it's always 7+ a foot at minimum and inpainting is just dice rolling every time I've fixed feet.
hmm I guess like this?
cute style
damn I really like the color and how detailed this is
mmm areola slip
hot mercy
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So, I even looked it up. If you type in "carried like a sack of potatoes" you get pictures like this:
I assumed it was understood but I guess it's a regional thing, maybe just midwestern US?
YES! Exactly like that!
Hahahahahaha! That's epic!
nice glad you like it
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hot sweaty tits

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