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Previous Thread: >>2870964

ENF=Embarrassed Nude Female(s)
EUF=Embarrassed Undressed Female(s)

An ongoing thread for ENF themed images, stories, or videos.

Previous threads archive:
https://archive.palanq.win/e/search/subject/ENF (All known threads are available, but after thread #106 most if not all images don't work.)
https://archived.moe/e/search/text/embarrassed/type/op/ (Goes back to thread #29. Thumbnails work, but full images relied on Nyafuu and thus do not work.)

Story Listing:

ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and MMD Videos:
(Due to the lack of upkeep on the docs, they are an enormous mess. Change it to "Viewing" mode instead of "Suggesting" if you want to be able to see them.)

If you know any other noteworthy ENF Anime, Manga, Games, and Videos, then add them to the docs. Changes have to be approved but anyone can add things to them. On the same token, make sure to check the docs for certain games before advertising them in the thread. If they are in the docs chances are they are already known.

As usual, any and all content is welcome.
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Dumb idea, girl went through an exhibitionist/nudist phase, gets embarrassed whenever someone brings it up now.
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Kind of a longshot but did anyone else have a copy of this one (formerly RJ184145 on dlsite, title 胸糞いじめっくす by イサムラ/Isamura? I bought it when it came out but stupidly didn't back it up locally and it got taken down later so I couldn't download it anymore. (I think in the future they changed the rules so you wouldn't lose purchased content like this but it didn't apply retroactively.) Concept was about a girl who transfers schools due to bullying only to piss off some delinquent girls at her new one leading to her being bullied even worse, including the scene pictured. I have always been a big fan of bully ENF so would be nice to have it again if I could.
Actually now that I think of it maybe I'll just message the creator directly on Pixiv, though I think the likelihood they're actually still monitoring the account is low since they haven't posted in years, but it's worth a shot I guess.
Nice setup, terrible payoff.
I love this kind that she is fully nude and give us a good view of the FAT ass. It’s like a huge reminder no matter how hard she tries to cover herself the butt will still be exposed
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[Haitokukan] Moteasobi Joushiki Kaihen Gakuen

Images comes from Chapter 2. It's story about a school that has fallen under hypnosis power that alter everyone common sense.....except the main girl. She has to pretend to go along with everything in order to catch a person who use hypnosis on everyone.

It's a stony with an actual plot and good main girl that you want to cheer her on. One of the most unique hypnosis theme story I have read.
Older teacher who went through a nudist phase in her younger years, now gets constantly reminded when students stumble upon photos of it.
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String panties are such good clothes for an embarrassing situation
Does anyone have that manga of the two girls who are in some sort of competition and they have to cross a horizontal ladder suspended in mid-air by dangling underneath and swinging from rung to rung, and they are wearing bikinis which fall off and eventually both of them fall into the crowd below
From the last thread, I’m trying to see if I could hunt down 2 anime ENF scenes from the past

One involved someone pulling a prank with having fake strings on their swimsuit, which ends with someone pulling actual strings from someone else

The other involved someone having an immense aura like they were about to explode, so when a maid (?) gradually moves toward to console them, their clothes kept getting ripped off
I've heard of string bikinis but not string panties
Side-tie panties are fantastic anon, you're missing out and have some catching up to do.
Well, maybe the correct word is "side-tie panty"
They create even better situation when the string accidentally undone.

That ways too few details. At least, tell what kind of anime are those
>One involved someone pulling a prank with having fake strings on their swimsuit, which ends with someone pulling actual strings from someone else
I remember seeing this in an old ENF thread, sorry can't remember the name though. Think it was in the last 1-3 years. Do these threads get archived somewhere? Might have some luck sifting through.
To add some details from memory, I think it took place in one of the girl's apartments, there were 3-4ish girls, they were going on about swimsuits or strings for some time in the episode. I didn't watch much else but it seemed like a slice of life comedy type anime.
>The other involved someone having an immense aura like they were about to explode, so when a maid (?) gradually moves toward to console them, their clothes kept getting ripped off
I vaguely remember something like this but really can't recall any details or context to help find it, sorry.
best of luck finding them, please share if you do
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Is the first this one?

Anime: Slow start ep9 at 4:18 - 9:10


And......I found some nice thing while searching for those...

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"I forgot my bloomer but my panties today is the same color as bloomer, maybe people won't find out"

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Yep that’s the one, it wasn’t anything explicit but the shock from being fooled left an impression

Now it’s the second one that I mentioned that I almost have no recollection off either, I just remember the slow walk approaching an entity that was about to self destruct, then a taller figure tried to move closer, the more she got closer, the stronger the was aura emitted, ripping her clothes off. Maybe they were both androids?
Saw the context for this, it was a subtle removal of side-tie panties. Anyone got similar stuff, mid conflict or fight, side-tie panties removal? Or like mid fighting, they don’t realize they get more naked
Yeah kinda funny how the first image is kinda better to jack to even though she's fully clothed.
This has potential depending on how long it takes her to get a skirt on again
Like that other zombie manga about the girl in a thong for the whole thing
Imma need a source for that
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Many of that kind of manga are actually good source of ENF. At least for some chapter.

This one name "Fukujuu Toshi" plot is about one day, they the clothes people wear suddenly turned into a man-eating monster. If they can take them off in time while the clothes is transforming, it will turn back to normal. IF not you won't,be able to take it off and it will control your body. Only some kind of clothes is affect BTW.

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Bocchi gems
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Later, the girl also ended up lost her skirt and spend like 30-40 pages running around in just panties.(until they find a shelter with unaffected clothes).
I'm sorry I don't remember the name
All the zombies suddenly had maggots in their eyes if that helps
Pretty sure the manga you're talking about is Infection. There's a few decent service scenes in it, but the ENF factor was pretty low, at least as far as I read.
Wholesome enf moment between girls
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Still one of my favorites. Imagine the view he must have gotten with that spread.
ENF idea, someone gets stung by jellyfish, girls pees on it for them despite the embarrassment
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Found this
The artist did a few ENF stuff
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Seishokuki chapter 142
The author's Fantia page no longer being updated on Kemono is fucking excrutiating.
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I remember there being a version of this but entirely with different ENF scenarios. Does anyone have it?
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I suppose you mean this one.
She's in a thong for like the entire thing and even rejects pants when offered
So you're right, shes not nude and shes getting off on it
it's a shame that they dropped visa/mastercard payments so it's harder for overseas people to get subscriptions. I literally had to drop a sub I had for years
Yes, thank you very much
Do we consider getting walked in on at the moment of orgasm a subset of ENF? Or a different fetish?
I don't see why not...
Kemono doesn’t update Fantia anymore and you can’t even pay for it legally? Shit sucks
You can, it just requires buying Toracoin (which winds up costing more), or getting a JCB card (which isn't available in every country).
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I’m trying to write an Enf story about a female spy infiltrating a corporate building. What are some good Enf scenarios that could happen?

Some I came up with are:
Stripped by security lasers.
Captured and strip searched.
Elevator managed to close on clothes.
Put on an emergency disguise which proceeded to fall apart.
She is discovered by security but they assume she is one of the missing models for the art show they're hosting and that she got lost. She goes along with it to not blow her cover, but it turns out to be for a nude show where she has to stand on display as people walk around and take photos. After standing there for awhile the real model arrives and the event coordinator realizes she's not part one of the show and she has to make her escape in the nude.

Alternatively, put a twist on it where security knows she's a spy but don't want to scare her off and so they "assume" she's there for an actress interview. She goes along with it, but the interview gets more and more demanding getting her to strip off and stand in embarrassing poses, eventually leading her into another rooms with other people to further her humiliation.
Whenever she tries to protest, they start acting like maybe she doesn't belong so she keeps going with it, thinking she might be able to get away with it, but it's already over for her.
>"Okay let's get started, remove your clothes"
>"W-what I thought this was for a regular interview, I can't do that!"
>"What do you mean you're not going to take off your clothes? Your agent clearly said you're fine doing nude scenes and that you have done them dozens of times before! That's what this interview is for! hmm but you look a little different than what I remember of your headshots maybe I should pull them up-"
>"O-o-okay, I was just mixed up, my apologies, please forget that" *starts undressing*
wrong pic
Each individual piece of her outfit is a secret one use gadget. A long and difficult mission could end up leaving her nude if she relies on them too much. Alternatively, she could mix up what each tool does and winds up wasting multiple in a single shot.
Got any ENF where a girl's boobs bounce wildly in different directions threatening to pop out of whatever scant covering she has on?
Spy knocks out female guard and decides to wear her clothing as disguise, but while spy is changing she needs to run and leaves her stuff.
This was a great comic. The artist also made one where a volleyball team did a game at a nude beach
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The female spy finds a secret entrance inside the corporate building which turns out to be a slide leading to a underground lab. But as she gradually goes down the slide her clothes start to rip away from her body. By the time the spy reaches the lab she's already completely naked.
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>She is made to impersonate a specific person using a holographic projector. Her clothes fluttering causes strange glitches, and she has to infiltrate, talk to people, and pretend to be someone else while completely naked, praying her holographic disguise doesn't fade, and self conscious the entire time.

>She steals the clothes of another worker, leaving the employee knocked out and naked. The employee wakes up and has to warn her bosses just like she is, not happy about it but understanding she has to. Who says the spy has to be the only ENF?

>The spy is cornered at the top of a building with no way out. Thinking on her feet, she strips down to nothing, using her clothes as an improvised parachute, while her underwear is used as the straps to hold as she makes her descent, unable to cover, in full view of anyone looking up.

>In the middle of the mission, the spy can be captured. She's left in a cell without anything on, and she has to make her escape like that.

>Spy has an inorganic matter dissolver meant to open the lock of a vault. Maybe due to a mistake, or maybe being shot at, the liquid splashes on her. The liquid not only dissolves her clothes but leaves a sticky layer that's very hard to come off, so everything she tries to wear also disintegrates in seconds.

>While fighting enemy agents, the spy rips her pants with a high kick. To distract another, she ties her coat to the face of another guard to knock him out, tries to run, has to leave her pants behind since they're falling off and getting in her way, and uses her shirt to put it against class so she can break it without cutting herself, to make her escape. Nearly cornered, she uses the hook of her bra to prop herself up a vent she crawls into, but it's barely too narrow for her to go through. She forces her way in, leaving her panties behind.
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This advertisement keeps popping up when I’m at /vg/. Does anyone know about this game? Or is this just an ad and actual game is some sick rape game?
the auito-translator erased her nipple
So, did you click on this ad?
> crawl through ducts, something gets caught when dropping out of a ceiling vent(thanks startrek enterprise)
Caught and stripped naked, but defeats guards and escapes AFTER they send her clothes away but before they can start torture. She then must fulfill the rest of the mission naked
I tried but for some reason I can’t open it on my phone
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She gains entry to the building by going undercover as a ditzy secretary (possibly having replaced and impersonated an actual ditzy secretary) and quickly discovers that her disguise is a lot skimpier than she expected and also very prone to coming undone. It eventually transpires that she was being set up to create a distraction while another rival spy achieves the mission. Needless to say the rival botches the job, forcing her to save both of them and the mission at the cost of her dignity.
Is it just me or does it feel like ENF is a dying fetish? This may be TMI, but I’ve felt so sexually unfulfilled for a long while now because new, good enf content is so rare these days. Enf on Iwara is basically dead. Enf on literotica is almost always paired with exhibitionism or some nasty shit. Enf on deviantart hasn’t been good since misayaka and creaturafabella stopped posting. Finding good enf on nhentai has always been like finding a needle in a haystack. And the enf stories on chyoa rarely update, most of them feel mass produced, and they almost always cap at around 8 chapters. What happened to all the enf creators I used to look up too? It’s like they all disappeared from the internet in the span of 2 years. Girlspns is the only one really keeping it alive, but half that sites shit is for pedos, and the other half is bully or revenge stories. Drew is the only author I like on there. Does anyone know a different site where I can find anything fresh? I’ve been on a desperate search for so long now!
I know the feeling bro. Well, there was basically no content for the kind of ENF I like the most in the first place, but I've just been co-writing stuff with AI.
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Consider taking a break? I find that brings my joy back into ENF, and usually when I come back there's some new content.
There's still ENF to be found in other genres too. Like that pixiv artist that does Otherworldly Slaves, there's a few ones that fit perfectly into ENF (if you can handle sifting through some of the other weird/gross ones) like
>Isekai girl ends up sold into slavery and one of her classmates sees her naked and buys her
>Girl exposed naked at the entrance of the tavern she used to work after being falsely convicted of aiding an anti-government organization
>The nice noble girl that was falsely accused of plotting to overthrow the state and has to admit to it to save her friends, put into slavery naked
>Platoon leader that was caught and has to walk naked to the capital in front of everyone (pic related)
>Hero girl that was captured after killing a demon working for the government, so she was stripped of her hero status and sold into slavery and her armor is hung up beside her
>Girl that was stealing from everyone is caught and sold into slavery, then forced to walk past them naked

idk I don't feel like it's dying, I feel like there was a lull, and there's always time between good content, but this past year has been good, we got a few amazing nagatoro ENF chapters, some great ENF from Gushing over Magical Girls, and character.ai has been fun to play around with.
I've never been too into just ENF written stories, so I wouldn't notice if people stopped doing them.
Creaturafabella is still making iwara content. I do miss some of the older iwara creators though, going back and watching Adam Smith's, StrangerMMD's, and uep20's stuff from years ago it was just so good.
I still enjoy some /aco/ tier stuff from masterzenus and blueskull.
The specific genre of enf I enjoy is girls getting their clothes removed and stolen by, or in front of, a guy whose interested in her, and her having no other choice than to go without that clothing. It’s even better when it’s paired with romance. Custom girls on chyoa is god tier in that regard, but all the good, long running routes in that story stopped getting updates. Kink development kit is pretty good too. Also Karl’s Rules on literotica.
I’ve taken dozens of several week breaks over the years, and every time I do there is less and less enf backlog for me to enjoy afterwards. Images and games don’t really do it for me, it has to be videos or stories. And when I mentioned creaturafabella on deviantart, I was referring to her stories. I’m aware of her MMD’s and do enjoy them, but even they are way more spaced out than they once were and many of them only end up being around a minute long, or sometimes less. Not enough time to get the job done if you catch my drift. Whereas I could spend up to 45 minutes reading one of their stories and make several sessions out of it.
>Images and games don’t really do it for me, it has to be videos or stories

I can see how you feel that way then. Embarassment is a very difficult fetish to work with, especially in a long form media like stories, because it's an emotion that functions on the unexpected. You can write a story where a girl has sex with goblins every chapter and it can sustain an episodic format, but a longform Embarrassment story struggles because after she's already been seen by everyone and had all her intimate parts revealed, she eventually wouldn't be as embarrassed as she was at the start. It's just the way the emotion works.

And as for video, that's just an incredibly time consuming medium to create in anyway, and I'd think nearly every fetish community would say their fetish doesn't have enough videos.
Have you tried wring a ENF story/fiction/novel for yourself? It might sound crazy but believe me, the feeling you get when you're writing a story is as good as reading another people work.
I've started writing like 6 different Enf stories that I've never posted and gotten pretty far in 3 of them. I can never finish one cause I end up getting too horny and taking care of business in the middle of writing a lewd scene, and when I get back around to it I end up forgetting half of what I wanted to write down. But yea, I have tried writing enf and I agree it's awesome, but these days I usually don't have the time/mental capacity for it due to other stressors in my life. I do occasionally jot something down whenever a really good idea randomly comes to mind though.
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I still can't believe that made it to prime television.
I had not seen this before, so to make it easier for anyone in the same situation, this happened in:
> Shockwave, Part II (27:30)
It's not a good scene, probably not worth the search.
Can someone repost the folder with all the 4H game machine translations? I know this gets asked regularily, but every link I could find was dead.
Here https://files.catbox.moe/24osjo.zip I'm the one that made them way back when, some of these may be more updated than what I posted back then since I redid a bunch of them since. Just went through and copied from all my installation folders so if I missed some stuff let me know.

For the benefit of archive searchers in the future: 4H machine translation patches
Thank you anon.
Embarrassing uniform will forever be most underrepresented yet great enf type...
Girl naked in front of guy without his glasses, tries to convince herself it's fine because he can't see
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I love 2.22 for the test plugsuit and I love artists for its... variations~
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Boku no Kanojo Sensei has some decent chapters, and occasionally the artist has alternate version with less clothing at the end of the vols. I edited some of them into the actual pages. The premise this chapter is that the female student is also a gravure idol and requests that the MC take some photos of her. Any other manga with plot like this?
This is an edited photo with the alt art
here's another
Are there any edits where she's fully naked?
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These feel more like exhibitionism as she's happy to be watched (not embarrassed). While ENF and exhibitionism are overlapped sometime, (for ENF) a girl doing exhibitionism act should be the type where she does it to get the thrill from the risk that she might be seen/discovered (but dislike the idea of actually being seen and become embarrassed if it happens) NOT the type where she does it to show her body to everyone and happy to be seen.

For your question, I think there are many manga/doujin with nude photography or nude model for art club.
in the original version of it (without the alternate art) she isn't naked, she's just posing. But as she talks to the MC her top becomes undone and she is quite embarrassed. I just liked the alternate art and wanted to show the panels I edited them into
You did a great job. I'd love to see the originals too.
Which chapter is this?
My man saw it all
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source for this one?
chapter 18
The originals just had her top on, All I did was match the alternate art from the end of the volume with the pages, wasn't too hard.
Thank you for sharing. I'm going to post a little more just cuz.
[Fall-in-love] Souda... Roshutsu Shiyou! 7 I Know... I'll Expose Myself!

Be warned, there is [spoiler]peeing[/spoiler]
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Stage accident..
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That might scare away some. For me, its a selling point!
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karamasarura is so good, I like the pyramid accident one, it's a little nostalgic as I remember doing pyramids exactly like that in class and girls were always on top because they were lighter. just adds to the realism so much.
There's just something about how her shirt ends up over her head and how her bottoms are so far away, it just adds to the humiliation in a nice enf way.

there's another one as well where she gets angry smashing her hands into her bed, while also getting turned on thinking back on a situation where she was pantsed. She ends up looking in front of a mirror bottomless to get the POV of how other people saw it and gets turned on again.
I don't normally like girls getting turned on during ENF, but afterwards like this where it's a mixture of anger, and that she just can't help but get horny and engage with it but not in a whore-ish way, just in her own privacy.
I think maybe it's her way of taking control back, like it's such a high emotion event that was out of her power so her brain convinces her that she actually enjoyed it, and she just can't help but get turned on when she thinks about it.
I never thought about this before, but do the japanese NOT have a term for ENF over there?
I think it would be really useful.
not that i know of or maybe it's not used often if one does exist. going based off pixiv tags the closest i know of translate to roughly "happening" or "lucky perverted situation" but they aren't always enf
I'm looking at his pixiv but I'm not sure it has all of them, where can I find it?
kemono has some
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There are many words you can use if you're looking for ENF or Exhibitionism. Use these individually or mixed 2-3 of them.

羞恥 = Humiliation
屈辱 = humiliation (not sure how it different from above)
羞恥プレイ = erotic humiliation
いじめ = bully
体罰 = corporal punishment
露出 = Exhibitionism/exposure
強制露出 = forcibly stripped
公開処刑 or 晒し者 = public execution
連行 = forced march
身体測定 = physical measurement
身体検査 = physical examination
健康診断 = Medical Check up
エロ校則 = Erotic school rules
ブラック校則 = Black School Rules
下着検査 = Underwear inspection
改造制服 = Modified Uniform
常識改変 = Change in common sense
全裸 = completely naked
全裸群像 = naked group
半脱ぎ or 半裸 = half-naked
鞄のいたずら= Skirt caught on bag
椅子のいたずら = Skirt caught on seat
風チラ = skirt blown up by wind
茶巾縛り = skirt lifted above the head
茶巾 = skirt tied overhead
下着姿 = Wearing Underwear Only
パンツ = panties
ぱんつ = panties
ショート = panties (They seem to prefer this word over パンツ nowadays)
パンモロ = flashed panties
パンツ一丁 = Wearing only panties
パンイチ = Wearing only panties
If they had more pubes he would be close to the perfect ENF artist for me
Do you know any keywords I could use to find:
nude art models
strip gambling/games/quiz/etc
magic act related nudity
Pixiv has one that gets translated as "happening"
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Not a tag, but I have found a japanese blog that archives ENF scenes in manga and anime. You can navigate it with little issued using Google translate.

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yooo this is great, I've always wanted a site that did this, fapservice and animebathwiki were the closest thing I've found but they don't quite hit the mark.
>nude art models

>strip gambling/games/quiz/etc
エロバラエティ ero variety shows
脱衣ゲーム strip game
脱衣麻雀 strip mahjong
放送事故 broadcasting accident (ie a nipslip during a live tv broadcast)

>magic act related nudity
手品 this is just the japanese word for that kind of magic
thanks fren
that and
ラッキースケベ = lucky perverted situation
ポロリ = slipping off
are probably the closest they have to a general ENF tag imo. I also personally really like the following:
ズボン下ろし = zubonnoroshi
ブルマ下ろし = burumaoroshi
パンツ下ろし = panties down

in addition to what anon already replied with, there's also
罰ゲーム = penalty game
エロバラエティ = erobaraethi
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I appreciate the love, I just haven't had a good idea in a while.>> I don't think it's going anywhere though, new manga settings are being done all the time!
Also, not to toot my own horn, but I've also done a story about this very thing>>2880015 before.
I've had this problem before too, the last story I started writing felt too mean-spirited, and I just haven't thought of how to balance it out property yet. (Also, DA seems to be cracking down on adaptation things, so that really makes me reluctant to post a new Sailor Mercury story...)
Shame they stopped the english translations.

Ya why did they do that to begin with?
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The main reason I've done pretty much exclusive MMD stuff recently is because the 3D animation and modeling aspect is really fun. All my work is purely hobby activity, I do not offer or even accept commissions. I animate and or write both when I have the time and desire, which can make for sparse productions.

Checking my deviantart it surprised me it's been over a year since I actually wrote anything. I have an MMD video that is nearly complete so maybe once that is posted I'll write another story.

I'm always curious as to what resonates with people who watch or read my material. Any feedback, good or bad, is welcome along with ideas for future projects.
god bless your for the enf mmds, friend.
Not the poster of this image but I recognized it, https://mangadex.org/title/1821360f-5760-4730-ab8b-823a5be3724e/kuso-zako-fuuki-iinchou-kaeri-chan

pretty decent series for enf/fanservice if I remember right
The comments on that site are also a goldmine. God bless japanese perverts.
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New ENF game came out today. It's about a magician girl who's asked to deal with a mass outbreak of monsters. The main problem with that? She can't use magic unless she's not wearing clothes. It's in English, and also has the "No Penetrative Sex" tag.
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Starting the game up, it's definitely MTL English. Probably even DeepL, since it's repeating lines left and right.
Now that I've played a bit, the description is a little off (might be the MTL). She can use magic, but she can't use her strongest spell unless she's in a state of embarrassment. Fighting naked has a drawback of losing a turn from embarrassment, should you choose to. I didn't have a lot of time to play, so I only saw a couple of scenes. It's a cute game though.
Does the game has something between clothes and naked? (underwear, etc.)
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Not that I've seen so far. The previews show her in a skimpy dancer outfit, but I don't have any context for it.
how silly
They're not accepting my credit card anymore on DLsite. I can't even buy it, though I'm willing.

This is exactly why piracy is so rampant. It's not available otherwise.
Do you have a PayPal? You can use DLPay to buy points that way.
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Lost bet
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@aiuemo0000 on twitter 1/11
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There seems to be more pages on their fanbox but i see them on kemono party 2/11
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cotrans is better btw
I did use cotrans for these
Any one know any doujins or JAVs like this? Forced Exhibition to keep up a lie or to protect someone else?
Apparently it's called girldivers

Sakurako Himegasaki 30 uncensored
Google search can't find that shit at all.
I almost thought you joking.
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Seishokuki volume 20 has been released
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Just post it here
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There you have it
for love of god gimme a link
If it's just 3dcg shit, why is it black and white?
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Had this piece commissioned from artist skechplezure and are thinking of commissioning a follow up. Any suggestions?
Here’s what I came up with:
Guda is wearing a blindfold now. The two try to get to work with the singularity and head upstream to find a nearby town. Mashu is worried about being seen by anyone else.

Mashu: Sorry senpai, I hope you’re not uncomfortable with that on.

Guda (thinking to themself): I don’t think I have any room to talk about being uncomfortable.

Mashu: here hold my hand senpai, I’ll lead the way. If we follow this stream, we may find a town… with lots of people… who will see me…

Guda: (she just remembered) how about you stay behind while I talk to them?

Mashu: good idea. (So embarrassing!)
How come you guys don't make ENF content on your own using COM3D and KK? I think it's a good idea.
Is KK kisekae?
I assume that anon means Koikatsu, since they are both anime 3D character makers with diorama modes to create your own scenes and stuff.
(At least, I assume the former has that, I've never used it.)

Correct. If only my PC didn't die last March, I would've made plenty of scenes for ENF. I can't model, it's too hard but plenty of original models made by others out there with hot girls. Anyway, you guys should try it out. ENF is sooo good and fitting for Koikatsu.
Agree. I have plenty of scenes I have collected through years, its a bit hard to get used to the studio mode, but its worth it!
based iwara poster, that's a fun one
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Done and bored with KK sometime ago after I create a long story of 1,000+ images about bully+exhibitionism to look at them myself. Personally, I find AI image generation to be more convenient nowadays.
AI art still can't generate exhibitionism scenes properly. I'll wait maybe 5 more years for that when the tech has improved so much.
Oh that page
/a/ is obsessed with that page because it makes her "unpure"
Why are you just inventing shit to be mad about? No one on /a/ cares.
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Speaking of COM3D/Koikatsu...
I'm working on making a Scenario Editor for an ENF/ENM game, I intend it to be more of a simplified version of Koikatsu studio with less customization but with more gameplay integration.
It's in heavy development but at the most basic level my vision is that it will be an easy way to create ENF, just drag in characters, write some dialogue trees, and tie camera/animations/expressions/actions/sounds to each line.
On top of that there would be more gameplay integration that can be setup, i.e. player enters a trigger -spawns a new NPC that starts new dialogue, or every X seconds NPC walks to a new position, or does Y action, or dialogue driven to put handcuffs on a NPC, etc. Maybe create custom objectives/variables/conditionals for more advanced systems.
The end workflow for something like a pantsing scenario would be as simple as dragging in NPCs, assigning an action to pull the other's pants down and it works. Add in some dialogue, a few facial expressions, setup camera angles, and boom you have a fun ENF scenario in 15min.
NPCs would also react to seeing nudity, making exclamations, point, laugh, take photos with phone, etc

Plan is to use this editor to make a story for the game, where your character and NPCs get embarrassed/humiliated throughout. This way I'll identify and develop features that I need while at the same time grow a reusable library of preset animations/expressions/camera angles to make further ENF scenarios easier to make - maybe even set it up so anyone can create/share their own scenarios to steam workshop or something (do they even allow adult content in the workshop?).

Since I'm in the trenches of development, I thought I'd ask if anyone has any thoughts or features they've always wanted for something like this? Any must haves?
I have a long list of ideas but I'd be interested in hearing what other ENF creators/ENF enjoyers would want the most in a tool like this.
I get the emperor's new clothes angle but what's up with the stocks, narratively
Sounds like an amazing work! Thanks for putting in the effort to make something like that.
From what you've explained, I take that the idea is to make it simple. You create some characters, then you can use them in scenes by just selecting a few options. Quick and simple. That's probably the best option for most people and most situations.
Making something that allows custom posing and more detailed customisation can be a lot of work, so that would be an unreasonable request. So my idea is something a bit simpler: allow importing stuff.
There are millions of models, poses, animations, etc. created already, and being able to use them would be amazing. Of course, you can't use any animation on any model, that's obvious, but you can pick an ecosystem and allow whatever you can from there. Say, you use the base skeleton compatible with Second Life. Magically we can use any of the millions of animations from there, when there isn't one you've bundled with your tool. Same with skins, clothes, etc.

Good luck Anon, reminds me of that old Spider-man Cartoon Maker “game” or the idea behind Spore Galactic Adventures (sans the Spore) , but pornier. Hopefully some autistic ENF-obsessed teen will spend hours creating dumb shit on it like I did with on my youth.
Hiding places and alcoves, lots of interactivity in the environment. I love being able to *explore* and find little nooks and crannies in games, and it pains me when most of it goes nowhere.>> (looking at you, Yakuza..)

Like, it would be wonderful if she could do things like hide in alleys, behind cans, in dumpsters, etc, if that's not too difficult to undertake...
Thanks for the positive message!
>custom posing
Custom posing is actually the thing I'm working on right now and it works well enough, no FK, just entirely IK driven, place hands/arms/torso/head and adjust elbows/knees and you have a pose. I intend it to just be a quick and dirty way to create animations, again similar to Koikatsu but simplified, no keyframes for each individual IK, just one keyframe for an entire pose where I will lerp between each one to animate it, and you adjust how much time is between each pose.
>detailed customisation
This is something I've been trying to work out. One idea I've done most of the legwork on is to have 3 different body types male, female, and thick female, without any body modifications except a height adjustment that simply scales their entire body and things like eye color and hair style/color.
The problem is I want a clothing system so you can equip items to wear them, but you need a different clothing mesh for each body type, or spend a lot of time creating morph targets for everything. Limiting it to 3 body types is I think just enough that I won't be overwhelmed exporting different clothing meshes for each one.
>allow importing stuff
I would love this but it's actually surprisingly hard. Right now I am using vroid studio, and I can export entire character meshes from their studio and manually separate the clothes into individual meshes in Blender and re-export them individually. It's some legwork but easy enough, just not trivial to automate.
I had one idea of importing the character mesh at runtime, splitting it up into separate meshes, and letting the user classify what clothing slot each mesh should be. This turned out to be difficult, I can load the entire character at runtime but separating it into distinct meshes is beyond my limit. Spent this past week trying to get it to work without any luck.
>importing stuff
I think I could get it to work if the clothing was a single mesh in a vrm file, but they would have to be exported from one of the 3 body types to match (and if they only did 1 body type the clothing would only work for characters with that body type). Maybe I could package the game with the body types as .vroid and .blend files so modders looking to add custom clothing could open them in Blender, install a 3rd party vrm plugin, add their clothing, and export without the body mesh to vrm. Maybe even support adding their own body types - as long as it conforms to the same skeleton it should be fine. Either way it would take some work to support importing like this. Do you think this is something people would do? Or is it too involved?
Not sure how animations would work, but could probably support doing any static meshes with FBX importing without too much trouble, and those could be attached to a bone like a hat, or as parts of a level, or objects.
I'm not too familiar with Second Life, I couldn't find anything about integrating their models. Honestly being able to integrate into an existing ecosystem of clothing and characters would save me so much time, but I just don't see anything around that I can use, and trying to do it outside the UE editor in a shipped build adds additional challenges. Anyway I've rambled enough, this is one of the more challenging problems I've been pondering about and vroid seems to get me most of the way there.
Thanks! lol didn't know about that expansion, sounds similar. It's nothing like this but the age of empires map editor is what came to my mind when I started working on this.
Yes! I was planning on having a stealth system so you can hide in the bushes or a locker. Not sure what else that could add interactivity in the environment beyond systems like that. What things could a scenario creator add to these little nooks and crannies to add to the experience?
Thats hot man! very nicee! Do you have more?
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Offhand, things like hiding beneath a stairwell, getting into a shaded alley, behind a park bench, a mailbox, ducking behind a low fence or window...

Roshutsu has a lot of this motif so far, so that's a good example, I think.
I didn't make it but it's from https://www.deviantart.com/kitsunestudio5667/art/Smartest-Bare-Butt-943579436
Ah okay so different ways of being in stealth, I see where you're coming from.
Thanks for such a detailed reply! With what you propose for custom models and clothing, and publishing the bundled models for reference, I think it's already a lot of fun for advanced users.
> Do you think this is something people would do? Or is it too involved?
Honestly, I'm sure 98% of users won't be interested. But that extra 2% will do insanely custom stuff and publish it, benefiting all users, and also you. Make sure to point the community to a single place for this, so the sharing is as easy as possible.

> I'm not too familiar with Second Life, I couldn't find anything about integrating their models.
A long time ago, for a few months I designed models for SL. All the formats used are open, and the skeleton is the same for all avatars, so that part is easy. But there are lots of morphs, layers, etc..., which is what makes it easy to have literally thousands of options for each clothing piece, but makes implementing this outside their engine a daunting prospect.
The benefit would be that you'd have many different bodies already designed, extremely detailed, with millions of combinations of skins, hairs, and every imaginable clothing type.
Probably still not worth the huge effort required... especially if you're not familiar with the environment.

My humble opinion would be: keep doing what you said, and don't worry too much about it. Then integrate a "marketplace" of sorts where people can share their characters and clothings. Make it easy to import models directly from the app, and document how to package and upload them for the modders.
I'd be happy to lend a hand on the online part of this (web, backend, ...). That's my field of expertise, and it would be pretty easy.
Anyone have the Seishokuki volume 20 download?
I can only find chapter 1 in English, where did you find yours?
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Is there anywhere where we can follow or support your progress? Cause another person, named afroeasysnack, was making an enf game as well which had as well great idea like yours but sadly it seems like he abandonded it for years with no updates.


I really hope the same fate won't happen to you, cause the video you've shared, shows tons of potential.
Thanks for the insight. Definitely agree that some sort of way to share assets/stories is important. A community can breathe more life into it than just what I can do on my own. Appreciate the offer to help as well but I have some close friends that are professional web developers that offered to help in that area when the time comes. If they fall through maybe I'll ask if you're around.
Don't tell anyone, but that's literally me. It's not abandoned, just been quietly going through a very lengthy transformation that I think will be worth it.
You can follow that account and eventually I'll make more posts about it. I've discovered that I have a hard time posting updates and developing, seems to kills my motivation for whatever reason and it's easier to grind away without posting, so I'll keep doing that.
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NTA but I've been brainstorming a lot of ideas recently about how I would make my own ENF Sandbox. I would have had it in a more God mode perspective where you influence the environment to engineer ENF scenarios upon a target girl. There'd be two parts to it: stripping and humiliating. The first part of the puzzle is finding a way to strip her in the first place. This could be things like stolen clothes or clothes dissolving to water. The second part would be about prolonging her nudity and embarrassing her as much as possible. Her first instinct will be to find some clothes to cover up with, but maybe you girl the fire alarm causing everyone to come out and see her in all her glory.
I have high level ideas of how to implement this, as well the the technical know-how. The problem for me has always been the content. I'd much rather make this a 3D game so you can actually see the ENF. Ghost Master became my #1 inspiration for this and is where I'm drawing a lot of ideas from.
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>Ghost Master
That was my immediate thought when you mentioned a puzzle to finding a way to strip her. The one level with the college girls walking around in towels and scaring them running out of the house has a spot firmly in my memory.

That's a fun idea overall. My mind went to going the route of how some puzzle mobile games work, where you have different levels in different setups and the goal is to embarrass her, and you can get 1-3 stars depending on how successful you are. Where levels are just different room layouts with different exits or paths she can go, and you get different objects to interact with in the world. Like you describe, a fire alarm, her clothes, sprinkler systems, pets or animals, a burglar, vacuum, leaf blower, maybe some birds sitting outside on a power line, random things like that. Initially it's just a matter of getting her outside naked. Then it gets harder where you have to figure out how to direct her to the exit with a crowd outside. Then you have to find ways to redirect or distract the whiteknight guy that will cover her up. Maybe she starts out in the shower in earlier levels, and later on she's dressed and you have to find mechanics to strip her.
Either realtime or where you set up all the actions beforehand and let it run like a rube goldberg machine and enjoy the shenanigans.
>The problem for me has always been the content
Content in terms of making scenarios? Or content as in models/animations?
Both of these are solvable problems. In the former, I would just try to write out as many mechanics as you can and just start with the easiest possible level, then progressively bumping up the mechanics and difficulty. There's lots of places you can take inspiration for ENF content that you can try to recreate as well.
In the latter, yeah that's always a challenge. Free assets combined with learning some basic animation can be enough to get you most of the way.
I had actually been wanting to make this playable on mobile, so drawing on mobile games might be a good idea, at least for the good ones. A simple three star system seems perfect for this. I'd been wanting to come up with a way to create only a handful of levels but create multiple scenarios for them for replayability.
>Content in terms of making scenarios? Or content as in models/animations?
A little bit of both. It feels like I've hit a creative road block when it comes to ENF. Coming up with scenarios is one thing, but it's another to translate it into game mechanics. As for models/animations, I can paypig my solution into that, but I need a concrete plan before going that route. I'd like to make a proof of concept demo before I start spending any real money on this. That said, I would like to keep it a simple low-poly cartoony style to complement the tone.
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>Coming up with scenarios is one thing, but it's another to translate it into game mechanics
True, what's sometimes helpful is moving away from the ENF aspect temporarily and thinking of it in the most simplified terms. Like a simple puzzle game on a 2d grid.
Represent the girl as a circle with a number, and the number represents how dressed she is. 0 = naked, 1 = underwear, 2= fully dressed or however you want.
The goal is get the circle into the blue zone on the grid (the area where people are and she will be most embarrassed). the closer to 0 her number is the better the score.
You can't move the circle, but you can place other shapes in the level that will affect the circle. These shapes will push or pull the circle in a direction, or block its path, or decrease its number. Maybe they will affect along a straight line, or a diagonal, or immediately around its shape. Maybe the shape activates only once, or has a cooldown, or some condition, maybe it requires another shape to activate it.
Throw in a red square that will set circle's number to 2 if it's next to it (the white knight dressing the girl to add some challenge).

Add walls to the grid to make a rough house/building layout and experiment and iterate with different layouts and shapes until you have something that's fun.
Then it's just a matter of replacing all the shapes with models/animations. It doesn't have to be realistic, maybe one of the shapes that pushes her is a linebacker and he pushes her through a wall. Maybe something that strips her is a leafblower.

Tangentially related, the God mode perspective reminds me of Black and White, could be interesting to play around with the idea of unlocking and gaining supernatural powers to create ENF moments, and getting more power the more humiliation you cause, which unlocks new abilities to create them.
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A kind of stealth game where you have to direct a girl to avoid people eyes until the goal? I think I saw many RPGmaker game but with Exhibitionist theme doing similar thing. Exhibition Academy (露出学園), for example.

How is this game (Roshutsu) currently? I played the beta(?) 1-2 years ago and kind of forgot about it.

Try another name: [Haitokukan] Hypnosis Quest

I got each translated chapter from Fakku collection uploaded by rbot2000 on nyaa
It's still a sandboxy experiment more than a game for the moment, but it has a lot of fun potential, especially with modes like 'locked out' and 'find the clothes', but at this point, I'm really wanting the new areas like the cities and things, which is why I'm really excited for the new project>>2883043
, since it seems to have that from the jump.
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Damn, it looks like the new 4H game will really be good enf content, as he teased there won't be any sex in the game, just pure embarrassment.
Honestly the game sounds like it'd be better served as a 2D Ghost Trick-like puzzle game with several solutions with the harder/more complicated ones granting better ENF scenes. With a quick but easy strip just leading to some embarrassment and a scene where she sneaks off with minimal exposure but the more Rube Goldberg solutions giving a more humiliating scene where she is revealed to more people. But that could just be my bias against 3D porn games talking.
Koikatsu always looked fugly to me but it's the one almost everyone uses. A big studio sandbox thing with a better look has been sorely needed.
It's looks far better than Daz3D
If you're just going for the moe look I guess. It could do a lot better.
KK has plenty of options and mods that cater to people's tastes it even has Daz3D and COM3D mode. For hardcore modders, they even model tanks and buildings for Zero Hour mods from KK Studio.
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I can't seem to find this artist on kemono, not sure if the search engine is failing or if they've been removed
Really want to see vibrator in pussy while trying to avoid getting caught
ENF Scenario:
>girl with cyborg arms gets hacked
>her arms start pulling her clothes off in public, making her look like a pervert
>she's fully aware and completely powerless to do anything but run
>running happens to be quite challenging without the use of her arms for balance
>standing also gets a bit difficult once her hand goes into turbo-fingering mode
>her only real option is to keep hiding until her arm batteries run out, which could take hours
>even once she's free of her arms' torment she still doesn't have a good way to put her clothes back on
>or get her key in the door once she sneaks back home
(this pic could have also worked)
They should fingerbang each other in public.
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Source? SauceNAO gave me nothing.
I like it
could be other fun things her arms do to her too, like spanking
Reminds me of this Watamote fic. Also probably one of the best if not the best ENF fic I've ever read.
I was loving it up until she got used to being naked. Once you get to the point where she fingers herself in an arcade and orgasms in front of the class there is really nothing else to lose and thus is stops being embarrassing.
Should be someone else's turn to be naked by this point.
It's a shame because before then it was probably my ideal ratio of "girl is embarrassed but also really horny and has to resist getting aroused in public"
I appreciate the detail that she has her hair down as a result, so easily overlooked.
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Part 2
Twitter making Likes private was my ENF 9/11 because the absolute best way to find good ENF stuff was to look at the Likes of someone who was already drawing it
I wish cotrans had a batch option, having to do each image manually is such a pain. If I knew how to program stuff maybe It'd be possible since there's a github
Seems like character development to me.
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Being naked/half-naked during classroom lesson is one of my favorite situation
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Especially when character get called to the front of classroom
I know this is not for questions. But there was a comic here a few threads ago about a girl sneaking around a mall naked as her phone batery slowly runs out.

Anyone has it still? It seems to have been purged from all the major sites
Not very relevant in a fetish work.
It's a fine line to walk to still suspend your disbelief. It's easy for it to be too ridiculous and unbelievable. There has to be some explanation for why she's not just given an extra coat and told to go to the nurse or something.
But when it's nailed it's great.
This? "[Jukkaku Komado] Konna Kibun mo Natsu da yo ne | It feels like Summer [English]"
Apparently MTL'd by the way. Original source is https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110326226
Reminds me of the latest Yowa Yowa Sensei chapter, I know it's not believable but damn would I love it if the teacher got naked in front of more people than just the club. (At least the mc seems to be more on board with it lol)
Everyone thinks she's wearing clothes
Magic/hypnosis is a good enough explanation generally for me. The only problem with those is that you can lose the embarrassed factor obviously, but that doesn't seem to have happened here so great.
(I'm also very proud of myself that I thought that was the case based on the japanese mentioning "nobody's noticing, everything is normal")
Nah I disagree. Seeing how a character's fetishes evolve into something progressively depraved is wonderful.
Agreed. It's a shame that most stories/JAV that use this scenario only spend a couple minutes on it

If your fetish is seeing them get embarrassed, then it's not satisfying to see them get used to being embarrassed.
Jesus fuck, that’s hot
Nah dawg, people can have multiple fetishes. Why you feel the need to gatekeep what you beat your meat too?
Yea that always ruins it for me too. It's hard to find good enf anywhere cause it almost always gets twisted into exhibitionism or vanilla at some point. I know of authors that have pulled it off, so I know making good enf is doable. I think there's just not enough talented + creatively driven individuals in our niche fetish group. That's a pretty uncommon trait combo to find in any group.
The author is into nudism and exhibitionism aside from ENF. Maybe you should ask them kindly to write more ENF stories instead of complaining.
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It's just expressing annoyance about how the fetish of something turns into something else that's a personal turn-off. You're the one's getting prissily defensive.
Personally I'm also into exhibitionism (though if it's focused enf I kind of prefer it stay enf), my gripe is things turn into sex or gangbang WAY too often. And it's fine to complain about turn-off trends.
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