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Previous Thread: >>2872365

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MMD, mikumikudance, R-18, 紳士の社交場, 紳士向け
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I'll be the first faggot to ask
Does anyone have nikisa's magnetic motion?
Anyone got 000mmd up & down - exid motion?
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2d tutorial someone
OK so I skimmed through comments and figured that the artist said the pubic hair was by quappa-el, yet I went through as many models of his as I could but still couldn't find the same pubic hair. Anyone could help?
oh boy can't want for all the upcoming zzz slop
all those characters look generic and soulless as all the other chink gacha slop
it sure will be revolutionary and life changing to see them dance to chocolate cream and all the other 5 fucking overused motions that everyone uses for everything
i should probably quit the mmd scene because i can't take this shit anymore
this one is full body
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why are they like this?
Anyone have this?
get the fuck out of here with that trash, this is a ZZZ thread now.
I think this is it
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anyone have this model?
This is what I see on my machine:
While very hard to see, the ripples don't follow the model if I follow your guide, regardless of the scale and matching. They don't appear at all during motion playback or rendering:

I'm out here looking for T-ARA Bunny Style motion data and only one there is is behind a paywall, wandering if anyone has it?
Search the storage that begins with a T.
I doubt it, that looks much wispier
If your talking about the mediafire link, copyright got it
After a month without Niconico, this guy has decided to quit and, following the time-honored bushido tradition, make all of his content inaccessible, but not before giving an advance warning on Twitter. His cameras are alright, probably worth hoarding, especially since there are many less popular motions in the list. You have a few days to do that.

> storage that begins with a T
>> mediafire link
Anon, I have bad news for you: you are not just a newfag but also retarded. Lurk more.
concede to be a newfag to /e/ yeah
>check the storage
>No "storage" in OPs post
Just tell me goddamn it
Nevermind I found it, had to search older threads that you new post-2015 faggots use

Does someone have the pass for this since nico is down?
I'm retarded and bought an animation on booth expecting it to be a vmd but it's a unitypackage.
Now I don't know what to do with it. Any advice?
Yeah, that is very strange. Although the ripples shouldn't appear on the RippleRegion.x object, but the plane.pmx with the material_water_ripple.fx. I'm not sure if I've made it clear before, adding the material_water_ripple.fx to RippleRegion.x did not work for me at all.

Just in case and to avoid any confusion or anything I missed, I've uploaded my minimalized setup with everything non-essential removed. You'll probably get asked for some files not found though, so I'm not sure how useful it actually is. Although locating the models while loading, and a search&replace of the file locations in ripple_test.emm should make it work I think:
Just to keep everything else the same and make sure that it still works, I'm using the "skatemiku" of the original ice show shared a few threads back in the test file.

Otherwise to make the motion work with a different model, it mostly needs a "grandparent" bone 全ての親の親 that is the parent of the usual 全ての親 bone. (And some unusual IK for the arms, but that won't matter here.)

Well I'm using Wine on linux, so that likely won't be very useful. I've set it up to use the standard DX9 HLSL compiler though, so I think that should make no difference even though it runs on OpenGL as backend (without that none of the MME stuff worked anyway).

Especially since I basically just copy-pasted stuff; the only part that I really had to merge in a more complicated way was the "technique" section, to call both the DigitalRipple shader functions and the Ray-MMD functions. If I had to guess that's the most likely source of any funkiness...
thanks for the heads-up

But goddamnit I don't even have half of these motions, this is going to trigger my OCD something fierce.
Anyone have this?

have you checked his older, not available anymore models? i'm sure there was one with that kind of thick bush
I assume the pipeline would be as follows:
Import the purchase into Unity > export the animation as FBX > open the FBX in Blender with mmd_tools installed > export the animation as VMD.
Every step should already have a googleable tutorial.

Aha, so you did forget to mention actually needing a [controller (material_water.pmx) to set a] >0.5 smoothness value to make the waves apparent. The scale of the water material also has to roughly match 0.138 (??? but definitely not reliant on the size of RippleRegion) to correctly position the ripples. Why? It stretches the plane (~46x46) to ~600x600, which equals the MirrorSize value of 6*100. Plus, RippleRegion should not be much lower than the water material, as its Y determines ripple height. Then it starts working as it should, and I definitely agree that it's way too complicated.

You can, however, use RippleRegion's size (which equals its display value*10) to determine OwnerScale by making DigitalRipple into a .fxsub file, which also allows you to just use the water model itself with the following:
> float OwnerScale: CONTROLOBJECT < string Name = "(OffscreenOwner)";string item = "scale"; >;
> static float2 MirrorSize = 46.42726+(4000*OwnerScale);
(The values stem from the corresponding initial and maximum sizes of the .PMX model; alternatively, you can use the intrinsic length function, e.g. length(AddedLeftEdgeBone-AddedRightEdgeBone), where bone positions are float3 string items. Probably less optimal than multiplication & addition of defined values though.)
Then you can add an elevated bone to plane.pmx to control ripple height and get rid of the accessory for good:
> float4x4 MirrorWorldMatrix: CONTROLOBJECT < string Name = "(OffscreenOwner)"; string item = "RippleLevel";>;
Note that bone/morph names are limited to 15 AN symbols.
Swap <float3 at> and <float3 eye> in calcViewMatrixInUp to get rid of Rz 180 (test for side effects).

>> Wine on linux
So you got it to work after all, huh.
Does anyone have KYN Motion. because this dl is down. i can't download. please reupload please!

Looks great but I can't access the nicovideo page nor the password, is nicovideo down or what, when can it recover?

I tried some but didn't get lucky with what I could find, maybe there are more out there
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ts fawzgrnfna4l
Awesome. I truly appreciate each and every one of you for helping
>Aha, so you did forget to mention actually needing a [controller (material_water.pmx) to set a] >0.5 smoothness[...]
>[...]its Y determines ripple height. Then it starts working as it should, and I definitely agree that it's way too complicated.
Alright, thanks for the analysis, I must've done that on accident playing with all the sliders in frustration until something worked. I had no idea that they're actually both that important in the end.

>making DigitalRipple into a .fxsub file
>Then you can add an elevated bone to plane.pmx to control ripple height and get rid of the accessory for good:
Honestly now that I'm done with the video I found that I have very little motivation to work on the effect anymore. If you would like to polish it up and put it out under your name or whatever I'd have no problem with it, I don't think I deserve any credit for my hack job anyway.

>>> Wine on linux
>So you got it to work after all, huh.
The only thing I really had problems with is the encoding and I could make only raw avi's until I recently found that ffdshow's huffyyuv works (utvideo doesn't for some reason). I had some other problems that I thought were wine problems, but which actually were MMD/MME problems in their own right...
Wonderful! Thank you!
That's a big bush
Still needing pass for this one as the nicopage in wayback isn't loading for me still, so someone with a better internet connection, would you try this link to see if it's just something on my end?

I have the same problem with all captures from May 2024 on, even though that should've been from before the attack. The only thing that appears is an error message.
I cannot get it to work in MMM anyway. DigitalRipple_MMM also pathetically spits out a single ripple when loaded on its own and does nothing else. I tried incorporating MirrorWater_MMM and Water_MMM instead, but they also refuse to produce the expected output as Ray materials.
So it isn't just me then. That's a good sign at least.
Yeah, for most pages there are older captures that still work, I guess they changed something on nico around May that made for bad captures.
Someone share this, please
Still no deer girl model around?
anyone have this model? link is dead
oh nvm accidentally found it
pm'd u teh fix
>over a month and still down
nicobros this isn't funny anymore...
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>tfw nico still DED
Can you mail it to my mom's house?
Blame the RUSSIANS.
Anybody have Pecora's mom full body model?
Anyone knows the password to these stages?
I've been searching through all the other pages and archives and I haven't found anything other than stupid hits like "password is an emoji tehe~"

I really don't want to join her discord and follow her retarded rules since I heard you have to fill a form for her models and stages
Does anyone have any of the new nikisa motions?
So anyone have a fix for when a Model's Facial manipulation breaks when you slide anything besides the eyelids? I'm having a problem where only the eyelids work and all other sliders just move the eyelids
I can't found it
can you give me the number?
ts pekomama
How do I give an image for something moving like that? Here's an example


I already tried the fix, all options only move the eyelids
gotcha thanx
does someone have this motion?
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>put model into raymmd
>weird pixelated specks on her skin
What is causing this?
The model: https://files.catbox.moe/vejrd7.zip
I had a model with this problem, it was that somehow all the japanese morph names were the same. Load the model in pmxe and check File->PMX Info for errors, I bet there are a bunch.
The model has a myriad issues in pmxe, but none that appear related to this. However the skin texture has an alpha channel that might cause issues in ray-mmd.

Which material did you set for the skin? Do the spots only appear on materials with a bump map, like skin/cloth? Do they change when you move your light sources?
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For me it looks good
It was caused by the alpha channels, fixed that up, thank you so much.
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a) You can screenshot a state where it's clear that the face should look different. For example, having the morphs that move the eyebrows and an open mouth morph at 1.0.
b) Install screen capture software such as OBS, set it up, record your screen, then either convert the output to a < 4 MB webm with audio track REMOVED (for example, via https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm; < 720p resolution, > 35 CRF, <= 30 FPS, audio codec = none; best not bother with videos > 40s long) and upload it directly to 4chan or use a file sharing website, such as litterbox.catbox.moe (select the maximum expiry period before uploading).

As for your problem (in this order, stop if fixed):
1. Inspect the model using PMXEditor > File > PMXInfo > (uncheck circle filter) and fix any errors (google <fixing pmx inspector>), check again.
2. Make sure your MMD version is no less than 9.31 and check if it fixes your issue.
3. Check if the same happens in MikuMikuMoving
4. Review English morph names using PMXEditor > Edit > batch name editor, fix duplicates, check again. Pretty sure this doesn't matter for recent versions of the software, but who knows.
5. Provide dxdiag and the model.

Yuo no rike NatsumiSan/skming versions?
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not excellent but it works
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her face is supposed to come off like ben stein's in the son of the mask movie
anyone knows what the name of this dance is called? seen it before but i never found at the name
Asking again, does anyone have both the mega files from this video? the file is no longer available :(
You have an account if you can see it, so why not ask the creator directly? Though the way it looks reminds me of NikisaSan for some reason.

Google "mmd alice reimu sleep raped." There are at least several working mirrors, though the output appears to vary on different devices. I also suspect that simply googling the name of the video could yield some more.
What is the "L" button in the bone append settings supposed to do?
Hi! Could anyone here help me with the password of this one?:

I already got his other Miku model: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dpyujuej0sh8ifb/REM式プロセカ風+Pミク.zip/file

But I'm still trying to get the v4x sekai style one and I tried to enter Miku's birthday in all ways since that was the password hint, but still nothing... T_T
anyone have this models?

Does anyone have the MMD model of Yoruichi or Kocho Shinobu made by waifummd?
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The Japanese date format is [YYYY]MMDD, get used to it, as you will hardly encounter any other on a Japanese website.


In short, it reads the full transformation state of the local/granted/append parent from the default state, including the whole parent chain, as opposed to just the local/granted/append parent:
The behavior in target software may differ from PMX Editor. This feature does not work in MikuMikuDance 9.31, unlike MMM.
Also note that movement can only be propagated down one generation of local appends in any case (like in my demo here, where the primary eye control inherits transformation from the bone for head accessories while "bequeathing" its resulting transformation to individual eye bones in turn).
For anons with Blender knowledge, is there a way to easily mould a shape to another shape? For example stockings, is there a way to easily have them adapt to the shape of a model's legs? Other than editing vertex by vertex or sculpting
Anyone help for this pw?
>Yuo no rike NatsumiSan/skming versions?
I know it just came out last week, but have any ZZZ R-18 models been released yet?
The shrinkwrap modifier?

Give up.

>> Perhaps you would be satisfied with the existing motion by NatsumiSan and the short one by skming @ aplaybox?
>In short, it reads the full transformation state of the local/granted/append parent from the default state, including the whole parent chain, as opposed to just the local/granted/append parent:
I'm not sure I get what this is useful for. But as you say it's broken in MMD anyway, so eh.
>The shrinkwrap modifier?

Ah I hadn't thought about that, I'll try to use it to fit stockings onto my model's legs
At -1, it acts kind of like a retarded IK bone but without the need to set up an IK chain. There's also something about being able to propagate physics-caused or AP offsets (will require the child bone(s) to be AP as well), but I don't really get what it changes.
>don't ask Me for DL, someone broke my rules!
what a fag hat, needs to be slaughtered irl
Thanks man
>Give up.
You Stink
anyone know if the goofy dance club dances from Lost Judgment have ever been ported to MMD?
i found this but it's apparently in blender
Anyone knows ways to disable ABC in order of bones, material, or morph list from blender? These stuffs I made in pmxeditor is completely messed up because of blender that changes ABC in order when I exported. Any tips?
you mean it gets sorted, or the names get messed up?
Maybe, it's fucking over 35 Celsius all day in here after all, but how would one even obtain that answer without knowing it in the first place or asking the uploader? The low download count is telling.

What? Are you referring to PMXE > Blender > PMXE?
I have not observed this with Blender 3.1, mmd_tools 2.2.6, or an older version for 2.79. I don't use any custom translation or order-related parameters. All it does is reorder morphs per tab and replace next bone links with coordinates if there are multiple children (which may break IKs and is why you should import the blended model back on top of the original skeleton/rig/armature).
Yeah, I'm looking for ways to prevent blender from re-position everything in the morph tab due to ABC after exporting.

Pmxe > blender > pmxe
And I never changes anything in blender. I leaves the original default custom all the same when I first downloaded. That's why this pissed me off.
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Is this how those defaults look, save for the scale and toggled "remove doubles"? What I use doesn't do any alphabetical reordering, and sorting morphs per type (Blender tab) is only bad if you're too used to the old order and don't want to adjust to type grouping. It messes up nothing in terms of functionality. If the old order is that important to you, you can import the blended model (with all bone & group morphs/rigids/joints removed, though you can do that after importing) on top of the original state (with all materials hidden prior to importing through PMXView > F3 > R), merge morphs of the same name, then remove the old meshes by flipping the visibility with R again and selecting & deleting every vertex. (In some cases it's more reliable than selecting and deleting materials in the list.)
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Anyone have this model?
Bro.....just recolor a Miku model....
>I think you need physical bones (bodies) constrained by joint limits instead, which is how modelers make breast curtains or necklaces only bounce up. Front slide Z -1?
I tried going this way (then got side-tracked), but couldn't make it work. I'm using RGBA式おっぱ and there's a mess of colliders there and the cloth collider just bounced every which way. Not sure this is the right approach.

I tried making a separate collider group and attach one to the chest bone, but that's a physics bone and the collider wouldn't move when set to "bone track".

>Alternatively, just add a -Z offset to your clothing bones / nullify non-Z movement and rotation.
How do I do this "nullify"?
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Multiply the X and Y movement/rotation offsets for all keys in the project by 0 (and follow up by deleting unused/redundant keys). (From the Edit tab/dropdown menu.) This assumes a presence of unwanted X and Y offsets in the first place, which can only reasonably come from baking the physics in MMM or NeXGiMa.

>> I tried making a separate collider group and attach one to the chest bone, but that's a physics bone and the collider wouldn't move when set to "bone track".
You should have two or more bones (one will also do, but I guess you'd have to fully rely on collision physics for its movement and attach it to upper torso 2 instead) parented to 左胸/右胸, and they will either be AP bones or carry physical rigids joined to the respective chest rigids, and none of the chest rigids should collide with clothing rigids. Keep in mind that no colliding rigids should be touching by default. Separate them if they do. And keep gravity in mind. If a rigid is not positioned along the axis of gravity relative to its joint, it will rotate and slide to align with that axis once physics are on. If joint rotation limits prevent the alignment and there are no colliders to stop its movement, it could start twitching randomly.
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Ok. I didn't know about this when I first downloaded the both of blender ( and mmd_tools zip (2.10.2)

Here's the picture what it look like. And l will figure it out to solve this problem between import and export of these blender and pmxeditor.
It's slowly coming back
anyone have this model?
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Can I make MMD physics run faster than 60 fps? Looks weird when it only updates every other frame at 120 fps.
The program itself is not meant to run at anything but 30 FPS to begin with (disregarding the rendering/display rate) and requires a third-party hack (untested) to _switch_ into the 60 FPS mode motion-wise. Use MikuMikuMoving if you want to work with motions and render at an arbitrary FPS. If you wish to render in MMD still, you can use a workaround: bake the physics in MMM at 120 FPS, multiply the timeline by 4.0, set the project to 30 FPS, save the motion (being wary of MMD's 20k keys limit; you will most likely have to split for it to load in MMD), render in MMD, speed up the output 4x in a video editor, and you will get a smooth 120 fps video.
>The program itself is not meant to run at anything but 30 FPS to begin with (disregarding the rendering/display rate)
well yeah, the rendering rate is all I care about since interpolation means I don't need a key for every frame; problem is while "normal" bones interpolate arbitrarily, the physics bones only up to 60 fps.

>and requires a third-party hack (untested) to _switch_ into the 60 FPS mode motion-wise.
Right, but I don't need an actual 60 fps motion.

Still gonna try your suggestion via MMM, so thanks, although it does sound pretty tedious...
good morning frens
are there any active discords where i can go to talk about and find links for mmd and iwara videos?
i know iwara has a discord but are there any other ones?
even if they are japanese thats fine
Anyone have these models? They also have PMX versions as well.

Is there a reason to have weird normal directions in eyes? I understand the concave mesh itself for the "look at camera" illusion, but shouldn't the normals still be convex?

At least this double curvature causes weird circular reflections.

can someone help?
I'll grab it for you
ts wb4pn1d6rzgh

Anyone got this?
Of course
ts y1phkx51znym
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a shame, can't get her naked like in the anime
it's a classic
Is there any way to mirror bone weights?
Nevermind me I'm retarded
by any chance, does anyone have this stage?



its password protected, and not only the guy apparently changed the password because the guy in deviantart revealed it, but since nicovideo is still dead, its not possible to see the video with the password.
sorry, forgot the pic
Thanks bro.
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I think this is
yeah, seems thats the one.
thanks a lot, man!
How do you get lighting like this? I'm too retarded to understand this mini tutorial
Can't even copy step 1, I don't get my model all lit up on the edges, it even looks like Postrimlight2D
This is most likely intentional, matching a specific simplified animoo eye style. But you can average them, test under different effect setups and lighting conditions, and see if you like the flat eye more.

That's not rim lighting. Enable outlines in ray.conf, assign one from the corresponding folder to a model.
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>see if you like the flat eye more.
I just made the normals spherical-like, emanating from the eye bone. It looks much better to me.
anyone know something like this but more naughtier and some other body tattoo
Eww, the butchery of that innocent face. You're the true destroyer.

Some sort of Kiara model had some.
To create your own skin overlay, copy the body mesh(es), leave the parts that would be good for it, unzip
https://sideload.betterrepack.com/download/AISHS2/Sideloader%20Modpack/Starstar/ if it's the one that had the degeneracy, create a texture from it, and if you go with the more versatile transparent overlay, create UV mapping and morphs for those parts one by one, separating them, but remember MikuMikuDance cannot stomach more than 255 morphs.
Everything you need is on deviantart
Every MMDer knows
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>Eww, the butchery of that innocent face
Innocent face I'm going to show you an innocent face
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Sorry I forgot the filters
Luminar Neo
Photo Optimizer
and others ......
Does anyone have this motion?
what is this model?
Illusion bro life is an illusion
Absolutely hideous, get out of here with your stinky 3DPD filth.
>Eww, the butchery of that innocent face. You're the true destroyer.
wait, which side is butchered
both sides
That's the reason I prefer 2D waifus.
real life sucks
oh ok then at least it's not my fault

Pretty sure the model had no makeup originally.
I don't even know where you see makeup. I haven't modified the face or the textures or anything there at all (besides the eye normals).

Although I did apply a skin material with more gloss to the lips. There are some slightly tinted lights in the scene so that could be it too... but calling it makeup? You must be the guy who flipped out about that Touhou vid with nail polish, right?
Could I use Kirakira to make wisps of fog move about to make a realistic-ish morning fog? Or does something like that exist as a proper effect?
the fuck, that's not that many folders for over 3gb, unless they each have like 100 different subvariants
Anyone willing to share some models from whitewolfkun?


I only have one. I'd like someone to share others too.


Thank you!
I hope someone can share the others too as well.
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does anyone have this model?
ts ywu2l88xlfl6
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>> wisps
VolumetricCloud and V3 (#define NOISE3D) lights from the sdPBR package work standalone.
is there some way of downloading from aplaybox without having to register
anyone have this motion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvCf5wp2wZY
11 hours left to enjoy this kino before niconico swaps its batch of old videos again
>didn't even work
yowch, I doubt my toaster could take that, ok not as easy as I hoped
Does anyone have these cams?
How can I make a figure completely black (#000000) when using Raycast? So not affected by shading at all, just black
Just recolor it black in PMXE?
Raycast shading is still visible, I want the entire model to be pure black as in #000000, no shading no lights no nothing just black
use an editor material and set the sliders so that nothing is reflected, but even then some ambient light will make it to the camera, so what you're asking for is only possible in very low light conditions, just like IRL (or possibly if you completely turn off ambient light), and there's more but this is sentence is already
I see, that makes sense
Is there a way to exclude a model from being affected by Raycast shading? Otherwise I'll just try low lighting and see if that looks better
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Set the specular and occlusion values of the material and SPECULAR_MAP_FROM to zero. It will still be affected by bloom and other color mixing post-effects, and, if your model is not pitch black, some color or texture contrasts will be visible if viewed through a glass, but you can get rid of that by also zeroing ALBEDO_MAP_FROM and the albedo value. (Based on the default material_2.0.fx.)
mind sharing this one?
Anybody got these?
I have those two
ts rqkkgkt1qek7
The first one
please help
zzz stage
can anyone get this model?
Thanks, lads

here is miku
ts 64l9mjfytofx
ts bnf7o7r9lmkq

Nope. However, it's possible to register anonymously using a free SMS service, and I have done so.
Thanks anon!
here Kuneru

well shit, i had just installed gfl2 on my phone because i was gonna dig the files to see if i can do anything with them with my inexperience in porting/ripping anything
and it was mainly for this model lol
as it would be a shame to not be able to feed her a popsicle
Thanks anon, she's nice Mesu-gaki.
Does anyone have Owari Bunny And Swimsuit On Full Ver? https://yokechiya.booth.pm/items/5285628
wow this dude is just taking models from other places and packing them in and selling it for 15 bucks
What do you think,
is he a businessman or a scammer?
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>Akayuki Sakura Angel

Did he at least fix her tits before he sold it? I don't remember if I uploaded the fix on tstorage or not. Which is all of those came from! kek
Does anyone have kkili kkili motion? I have been searching everywhere to no avail. Thank you if anyone is willing to help.
still available only on the patreon, never shared, so up to you to do the needful
Gotta help a nigger get his dues then.
Anyone got any of these videos?
Hey guys!
Is there any DL link of lewded Ponpu-chou's Murasame?
Search ROUHUHU on rule34video
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A shot in the dark here, but anyone has this model?
How do I make fur shader work with Raycast? I'm trying to put my model in a fuzzy coat only but it looks so shit
Which shader are you using?
Can someone help with this password?



Does anyone have a motion made by 千刃花?
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Jsn is finally done with his model.
The R15 version is available for free, next he will work on the R18 version.
loli version I like it
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It wasn't made with RayCast in mind. You could still attempt to merge the fur-relevant code with a material though, similarly to how it was done for ripples in the last thread, but I wouldn't bother for what it gives when an appropriate texture + cloth material are good enough.

Beamman's FurShader, or "Far", it must be.
you could also look for a fur PBR material, those can usually be converted to raymmd
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>"MMD is all about reusing motions"
>Every single model I try has significant enough differences that any pose breaks on a different one
I could just make everything from scratch but I wasn't expecting to need to. How do you guys deal with this? Is there just some small subset of models that everyone uses?
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You're SUPPOSED to adapt them, anon. It's far easier in MikuMikuMoving.
Tda is the most popular model type though, so a large share of motions gets made with those models, thus making them compatible with other (assuming the proportions and utilized morphs are preserved) Tda models out of the box. YYB and Sour vocaloids are also highly popular, primarily among the Japanese and Chinese creators, but in the end, there is such a spread that hoarding various source models makes a lot of sense even if you don't give a flying fuck about 99% of them, just to be able to load them and know for sure how your target model is supposed to be during any given frame.
Model-to-motion compatibility can be checked with a tool from PMX-VMD-Scripting-Tools (and it's very advisable to check every motion with it before use), and there is also the dubious VMDSizing tool that is supposed to automatically calculate offset adjustments based on the differences between the source rig and your target model, but I have no idea how to actually force the expected result out of it and just assume that its users know some trick that I don't.
Yeah its Far
Oh good idea, I should do that, thanks :)
>"MMD is all about reusing motions"
there are people who do their own mini-cartoon series which they have to make their own animations for in general so that is not true
the only people who say this are those who just copypaste dance routines so they can get cheap views from people looking for the motion downloads themselves
and besides that, i personally don't even use animations because i just do still pics
for the most part I actually like motions looking a little different for each model, like each girl dancing a little differently, adds some variety

of course you need to fix clipping issues either by adjusting camera angles or the bones, but usually that's just adding some offset to a bunch of keyframes
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Does anyone have this model?
I'm almost positive this is just some fag reselling tbomb models.
lf Joker motion : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH7qEWZaD4U&t=2s
Anybody could rig this to r18?

>> .deviantart com/bunglescrungle/art/BanG-Dream-MMD-No-Music-Yes-Summer-event-set-DL-1076991612
You can't say that, don't you see he is a businessman
>>> Perhaps you would be satisfied with the existing motion by NatsumiSan and the short one by skming @ aplaybox?

oh, I didnt find a NatsumiSan version thats why I linked the other, but yes thank you if you have it
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Thanks for explaining, I'll check out the recommended software.
Yeah, I don't mind things like that at all. It's more stuff like when the legs end up sticking in the wrong direction because of some minor difference in the rig.
Does anyone have Endibell China Dress Teto? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n8WdrauN8k
I found china dress miku, but i cannot for the life of me find this one. thanks
Anyone know where these models came from?

Porn is degenerate.
Ooooh, I see!
But, this is art!
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Sorry, I was retarded and confused it with WIFE.

Leg rotation in IK-based motions depends on many things, starting from the relative positions of IK chain bones and ending with IK settings, so you can only fix that manually, or by choosing a matching model, or by trying to find loop/angle settings that would fit your model the best through trial and error.

Maybe, but this is erotica, don't be mistaken.
can someone help get these two scenes?
I like it when cock in pussy
oh, so there was a kem that had a sketchfab downloader, explains what that yoshxxxxxxxxmmd guy was using
of course the mega link is now broken
Lost my copy of 被害妄想携帯女子 when moving storage and the bowlroll link seems to be deleted https://bowlroll.net/file/53515. anyone has it?
Someone please tell me there's an archive for ものたまご motions somewhere. His stuff is so popular I refuse to believe no one has them.
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Oooh, you like it, huh?

If I'm not mistaken, he moved all his public distributions to 3d.nicovideo not so long ago. Well, that sure worked out nicely.

The monotamago pack on tstorage has the motions that are public or were reuploaded. It's missing these fantia post numbers, taken straight from my current barter list (there could be 1 or 2 more that I didn't include due to finding them worthless):
1127545 + 1144020

Low priority:
1947358 + 1960077
1444230 + 1399971

Assuming these are obtainable at all:

The above would cost about 14,000 JPY to buy, counting the tax and not counting the currently applicable toracoin purchase rate.
A lot of the paid ones typically just reuse the same old movements or are very short extras and thus have little value.
That and his money-making scheme + fantia being fantia likely have a lot to do with there being no full collection.
sorry if this is obvious but is there any tutorial on editing a model to nude? there's this model that I want to make it became nude but I don't want to just crop its head and put it on another body
Ask her (or him) out on a date.
I think I found it on my hard drive. Hopefully it's what you're looking for:
Step 2 ... ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o0JnaJh-Xo anyone have this motion
anons, does anyone have the pmx version of the zy0n shantae model?

I had the pmx version but I deleted it thinking it was in the rar file of several zy0n models I have, but I just checked that I only saved the fbx version, damn, I just lost that pmx model of shantae.
Yup, this is what I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing!
compliment the model's shoes
okay guys it's not funny anymore when is nico going back up
Can you Blender? If you can't Blender or any orther 3d software then just give up

The answer that makes the most sense will always be to just do a head swap, I've tried both and editing a body to be R18 is just retarded
If you insist on being a retard, you at least need to know Blender/other 3D shit
Gist of it is find the version of your model with the most bare skin possible, and consider chopping up other models for parts (pussy/nipple/tit transplant), or if you're autistic use them as guides to create the topology yourself
Depending on how autistic you are, if you choose to use other models body parts you can either stick with those transplanted weights, but you also have the option of copying the weights from your old model to at least the edge vertexes of these so you dont get those ugly gaps between the meshes
If you choose to create the missing vertexes yourself you WILL need to edit the weights yourself
And don't forget the texture edits lol you don't want your pretty model to have funky patches of differently colored skin

TL;DR dont be a faggot and do a head swap
What body is this?
Can someone help me

Google the character's title and find a page on any dedicated wiki that includes a description of her Last Word spell.
thank you
Password help onegai
I got the numbers part down but I tried a bunch of variations of the last part and I just can't get it.
>i had to do math
Oh for fuck's sake
Thank you.
I really love this trend of Huge breasted huge hips small waist or HEALTHY miku that has been going on recently.
culture of the west bro
One more little help

You're not me.
Are you sure?
I am you, You are me
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here is proof
old cartoon 80s
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and japan
yep , it is a woman
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I forgot about the anime 80s
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how I wish this style would make a comeback
i think you're on the wrong thread dude
Everything is connected, soul, body and mind
result = MMD
Yeah, flat in front, flat in back. Those were the days.

Just google exactly what it wants from you. 金剛改二丙の実装日
I'm impressed, thanks man
Does anyone know where I can get 2023/2024 motions free? Really don't feel like paying Natsumi 30 bucks a pop
Does anyone Know That Password From Arca?


국룰 비번 소문자
Lowercase national rule password

I don't know korean fuck words.

"realvam" is not applicable in this case, but you could definitely use the guidance.

Yeah, fuck that pigger hoe.
You're a fucking legend man.
The real legend (*cheerful homelander.jpg*) is https://tstorage.info/users/jam10003, who personally bought and shared many of these.
o7's to him, damn.
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Hi may I ask anyone here know whats the model for this girl? She looks real cute but I cant find her model anywhere...

there is no record of this version of lain iwakura anywhere on the internet
yes... maybe he commissioned someone or he made improvements himself. Private model, perhaps.
I asked him through twitter DM no replies either.
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anyone have this model?
I see, im learning on making donut on blender rn I'm hoping I wont get bored and just moveon to otherr thing lmao
>I asked him through twitter DM no replies either.
he was never going to tell you, that much is obvious about that kind of person
the pass is "freetibet", just bruteforced it :D
lucky he didn't put special characters
thanks man
Yeah, no shit he didn't use any special characters when the prominently pinned rules of that forum explicitly limit permitted passwords and provide an immediate solution for the hint.
No that is very much IVatu's Lain model for MMD. You'll find both it and the virtual persona variant from the PS1 game on his site:
The author of the video likely ported it to SFM from the GMod port (portception, I know).
I found the model on that site and did some comparison, they are completely different from porpotion to texture, even normals. That's why I posted the question to this thread.

Whats that gmod port thingy?
It's this one:

Hmm, now that I look at it it isn't quite the same, but it definitely looks to be an edit of IVatu's model geometry, while still using the same set of textures. Still pretty shitty that none of the model or map sources were listed, edited or not.
Does anyone have alra's models?
I know the amamiya model exists on tstorage.
Any other models?
interested in this one, because finally she'll have the correct breast size
if you say so.......
Can anyone share the PMXplugin ロリ顔モーフ (fantia products No109040)please?
yeah i do say so nigga who ya is
Someone who isn't wrong.
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Has anyone seen a model that has slim body but a bit saggy giant breast like this picture?

Also... has UtiFutubo new model been shared?
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Look for TararaTarako on kemono. Even if you find none of the models slim enough for your tastes, they have body-modifying morphs. Also check out Quappa-EL's website.
Can anybody help me figure out what the live ID of her is for the password or share the model itself, please?

Thanks so much for this!

And woo! NND is returning!
I want to choose, this is a free market okay !
Search "shirase" on tstorage. 40.4MB file.
Thanks homie never thought Tstorage can search stuffs


honestly i hope it succeeds long term because we need an iwara alternative
sorry but i outright you by 1 millions
Yeah Yeah , whatever whatever
and ever amen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y1wm7CFRCQ
Does anyone have Magnetic from Nikisa San?
Thanks in advance
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You can try it.
It's a Vroid-based model, unfortunately not my favorite.

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