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>>2880175 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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These highlights suck
I wish they were sucking me if you catch my drift
>Barely posted last thread
>Still made it
Pure skills

It's okay if you didn't make it anon, you'll get it next time

Not required, but do you have a challenge post too?
We're never making it again anon. But no cap that last page I see like 2-3 fucked hand images. Rest are whatever that last page is the questionable sauce.
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Requesting a nudie harem of these 5 ladies together

If you're wondering which is which, their names are:

Usagi Tsukino
Sayo Hitsugi
Hakufu Sonsaku
Isane Kotetsu
>Roxy and Eris
>complainers instead of doers
Here's my last gen of the night anons.
skill issue, obviously
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I think I'm doing pretty ok.
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Requesting either something like this but with IA nude or AI-nude-edit pic related.
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Galarian ponyta works too kinda but I keep thinking if I didn't know what I was making this would be some humanized MLP character.
Who's the character on the lower left?
That's one of my random gens. Not a character, just a prompt.
can that be done with pic related?
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at this point I've just accepted that the fag making threads is a shitposter and that keeps trying to prop up bad gens on purpose.
>collage within collage

Have a quick edit, op.
Was at odds at that blamk space and those chuubas fit the bill.
Interesting result. Thanks.
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More of this bitch.
Damned good job sir!
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Serious question - what the hell do I need to do to get "panties aside" to work without inpainting? It's got over twenty thousand images tagged with it, how in the world is that not enough of a sample size to get it to generate properly?
A schoolgirl wearing nothing but shoes, socks and a skirt with no panties and a ribbon around her neck standing on the rooftop of her school looking over the edge at her lost shirt lying next to a group of guys playing sports and contemplating whether it's worth the risk to get it.
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Like, shit dude, I've tried every combination of genital-related tags to try and get that strip of fabric to scoot just a little bit over and not a damn thing works.
which model are you using?
score_9, panties aside, pussy
neg: cameltoe.
100% success rate.
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Here you go anon, and now, I sleep.
awesome! thanks a lot.
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this is the same model lol. the akihiko tag seems pretty weak sadly.
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Autism pony 821aa5537f

Sure, I can do *just that* in the prompt and it works, pic related, but by the time I write the actual rest of the prompt, it's like it completely forgets that that tag exists. Everything else generates just fine. I'm not even using any style loras that would overwrite that.
So increase the weight? (panties aside:1.5)
Without seeing your actual prompt it's hard to help.
using someone elses image in an attempt to give your troll post more credibility? pathetic

I doubt you even know how to use this technology

you faggots are here just to shitpost and discourage others from posting

last thread OP was fucked up in several ways and I was the only one complaining about it, interestingly none of you were talking shit, in fact someone praised the shitty OP instead

I've suspected it before but now I'm convinced, the only reason you're here is to troll
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Somehow increasing the weight doesn't help, it just gets more stubborn about putting panties there, or removing them completely. Sometimes it makes them narrower. I can keep rolling and luck out on a gen but I feel like I shouldn't have to, with this tag. Catbox is in the image title, here's the second of the set.

I'll admit the prompt wanders a bit but it's not nearly as autistic as others I've seen before, but feel free to fuck with it to make it work better or call me a retard if you want, I don't mind
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The perspective is pretty hard. I tried multiple times but no luck. Anyway, here's something that's at least kinda close
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This prompt is 100% success rate: score_7_up, 1girl, solo, close-up, white panties, panties aside, unworn panties, pussy, cleft of venus, uncensored, rating_explicit

Mixing it in with your one:
score_7_up, 1girl, solo, full body, white panties, panties aside, pussy, cleft of venus, uncensored, garter straps, pleated skirt, black thighhighs, small breasts, open shirt, covered nipples, looking at viewer, petals, lying, on back, blush, brown eyes, half-closed eyes, light smile, short hair, aqua choker, bedroom, interior, on bed, night, rating_explicit

Negative: source_pony, artist_name, watermark, simple background

With this I get around 50% success rate, could probably make it higher by adjusting weights but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader. Catbox for gen details: https://files.catbox.moe/f0pv7k.png

Your prompt also has "cameltoe, [fat mons]" in the negatives, encouraging it to make SFW art and not show any privates at all. Think like the machine does; what images and artists are ones that feature those lewd details?
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I would like to see more titty monsters being turned into flatties, please.
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it's too hot
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>you faggots are here just to shitpost and discourage others from posting
m8 your highlights are like, 3-4 people that just keep posting the same exact style and random garbage that has awful nonsense backgrounds.
These are HIGHLIGHTS. They're supposed to be objectively quality in the actual sense, not the dumb meme sense.
Your garbage taste ass is busy consistently encouraging 1.5 model 1girl standing shit with no variation or imagination involved and a fuckton of shitty 2.8d garbage on top with most of it being listless, stoic expressions with no obvious clear goal of what it is it's actually trying to show or do anything with.
It's like you set some bare minimum number of things you need to include for some arbitrary reason and instead of actually looking for things that are interesting or novel you intentionally pick low tier shit and try and place it as some sort of participation trophy. You could cut the number of shit you highlighted to a third and it'd still probably be a questionable list.
And the worst part is YOU HAVE LITERALLY ASKED FOR FEEDBACK. Specifically even over the goddamn fucking highlights. But when you're given it all you do is deflect with "haha ur just mad ur not on it lmao xD" and "no ur just a shitposter." It's just dumb at this point.
im in the highlights and i agree
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While I not disagree completely I have to say that may be you have not considered that THAT is the level of the thread.

I mean, I can't refute your points because in first place I would agree with you in most of the claims, but I also understand that's about the general level so its expected the overall to be kind of mediocre.

And Ill make a comparation, its as if someone is making a top 10 ecchi anime shows and you complain the whole list is garbage.
Yes, you may be right about all 10 being garbage under general standards, but...come on, its top 10 ecchi anime, what do you expect
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i think he should stick to like 10 images tops, doing this 50 image shit devaules it

the rest of your post is wahh wahh wahh i wish the 1girl, standing thread wasn't about 1girl, standing, kys
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yeah, it should probably stick to just 1 image like it used to be.
So you're not gonna refute his argument that you're just a troll who didn't complain about previous thread's OP? Got it.
*and used not even your own image
There's 69?(if you count the grid as 'one image') of these "highlights." I guess 71? if you also include the OP and the request anchor choices.
That's 23% of the the entire thread. Actually a bit higher when you take into account people posting random unrelated images/other shit instead.
Why the literal fuck is it that many? Again, even dropping to a third of that amount their list is going to be questionable. But as it is now it, instead, has shit like expressionless AOM 1girl walking down hallway.
I'd rather there were no highlights than this shit. It was also just an OP posted to have a thread as opposed to someone trying to put any amount of effort into anything so there wasn't exactly anything to bitch about.
stop fucking responding to the troll and giving it an excuse to spew out a wall of text
I browsed through the archive for the old "based" OP and his highlights also had random crap in them. But with just 10-15 images the actually good ones stood out a lot more.


That's a separate issue. Wouldn't mind a slower thread of higher quality images.
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Based shitposter. Don't forget to request Dehya's bra removed.
"challenge" idea for this thread:

Your personal tiddy-size preference
>i have 2 images in each highlight
nothing personnel
<lora:Tsuvida:0.7> <lora:aaaa_(quad_a)_v1:0.6>
meant to reply to
good enough to me, Ill take it later
>lowres hyper low effort 1.5 closeup gen
>still manages to fuck up a hand
prepare for like, 3 slots in the next threads highlights
salty nogen bless us with your wonderful works
I'm being serious though?
or if that doesn't work https://archived.moe/e/thread/2870052/#q2870058
he was unironically included twice in a single highlight and probably more than that when I wasn't paying attention.

Also, calling someone a nogen while not posting anything doesn't really mean anything.
Welcome back, hyper-autist-sama.
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image returns an error.
conveniently there's a catbox link in that archived thread with all the highlights, albeit with red lines everywhere
that is pretty convenient. and yeah, that was a silly double highlight.
How would somebody illustrate 'proportional to their body' in 3 images?
souunds kinda easy to me
Requesting this Rias Gremory scene but in the DxD Hero artstyle, with slightly larger tits. Try to keep her facial expression if possible.
Post three different girls with boobs proportional to their body.
I don't know why you're assuming I'm the OP/anon who made the highlights because I'm not him. I don't even care about the highlights, if you have genuine criticism go ahead, I've no problem with that

if you are the same guy who circled out mistakes and bad images earlier then you should've stuck to doing that, it's more effective than low effort posts that come off as trolling

>But when you're given it all you do is deflect with "haha ur just mad ur not on it lmao xD" and "no ur just a shitposter."
I call out shitposting when I see it, if you're the guy who had legitimate complaints about the highlights in the past previous threads then perhaps the replies you're quoting were trolls, we've had some weird shitposting here for a while now, or maybe it's the way you sounded, if people continuously assume you're a shitposter then perhaps you should reevaluate your communication skills

that said I don't think someone is trolling by being hostile or aggressive, do what you like, but people are less likely to listen to you with that kind of approach
>I don't know why you're assuming I'm the OP/anon who made the highlights because I'm not him
Seemed pretty personal about the last OP.
And, to be frank, last OP "was" better. We don't need this forced "community" bullshit if it's as inciteful as this.
>if you are the same guy who circled out mistakes and bad images earlier then you should've stuck to doing that
It's not worth the effort and it's one reason why I blatantly call out OP as an actual shitposter.
They just keep placing a ton of low effort shit into highlights while putting a vague minimum "at least it looks okay" stuff to try and pretend it's not trolling.
And you mentioned me supposedly trying to discourage people from posting. That's straight up bullshit and the exact opposite of what I'm doing.
I'm discouraging a single person from posting. The OP. Because they're a fag. But if I were through and actually marked everything out, then I'd actually be actively discouraging people from posting. Because suddenly there's an autist who cares about every minute little detail and god help you if your gen isn't 100% absolutely perfect.
When in reality I do not give a shit. I'm just telling a single retarded person that they're retarded.

And here. Let's put it in a much more simple way.
If the OP wasn't a fag choking on an untold number of massive dongs and restricted highlights to only 10-15 'acceptable' quality images(you know, 3-5% of the thread) none of these conversations would have ever even happened.
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>throw a shitfit about a legitimate problem
>become irrationally angry about people not liking you throwing a shitfit regardless of the validity of your problem
You're right. Everyone makes shit gens. You, a never gen, are always in the right. OP is a faggot. The whole thread actually should be nuked.
Or you could just fuckoff to g or h where you belong.
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I have a legitimate question. What do you consider to be a "good" image post? Should it be a unique style? A complicated composition? Should it have lots of detail? Should it be 2d, 3d or something in between? What if the image has been edited/fixed with a different program, does that elevate it to a "good" image post?
Personally, I don't care what type of image it is, as long as it's anime. But apparently, there are some people who have a cut-off of what's considered a "good" image. What is it?
if it makes my peepee feel funny


For me, as long as you're trying to improve and not avatarfagging I am content. We all made shit images at one point. I jerked off to 2b with 12 fingers at least once. I would be embarrassed to post a 12 finger image now though.
>Should it be a unique style? A complicated composition? Should it have lots of detail? Should it be 2d, 3d or something in between? What if the image has been edited/fixed with a different program, does that elevate it to a "good" image post?
Idk, those are all pluses. But it should be this >>2882862 in the first place so there was a base to give pluses to, you know? Then maybe not to the level of the highlight-schizo, but annoying mistakes and distracting mangled mess must be fixed.
Very pretty girl by the way, love her, her pubic hair, the pussy juice going straight through panties, the cute bouncing boobies of just the right size, the young face, the facial expression. I'll forgive the two pinkies, one melting into a thigh and one being cut by a shirt. Otherwise
>What do you consider to be a "good" image post?
You just posted it.
if you wanted a list of things to fix you could've just asked.

also note mentioned is that the window is pretty fucking tall.
either way, all that really matters is that effort was actually put into it in a meaningful way.
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Saw a girl just like this earlier today...
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It could just be because people post girls with melted eyes and act like it's okay
looks clean, catto?
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Effort or care, I see the same sloppa in 2 poses 20 pics in a row I act up. It's been the death of the other AI threads cause it creates a chain circle jerk of the same 6 people human centipede'ing each other in some feedback loop of "make mediocre image -> self flagellate, one anon posts "moar" -> post same mid sloppa with 1 seed difference".

Dunno I'm in the wrong I just get irrational about the same shit. Mix up pose, whatever: same style, fine but put some care into it. The big thing I want in an AI thread, which doesn't matter ultimately to most others it seems, is variety of posters and images so if I got a problem I see anons solved it in a way to get the pose I can ask him or get the prompt info. Or have another avenue for resources since dumpster diving civitai is awful and anon may have a cool Lora he might share. I also like gacha rolling ti see what shit pops out from AI. I think though now we're in that lull point of nothing new and the stagnation is hitting hard since we're hitting limits on local / nai so hopefully nai4 comes out or the furries finish whatever shit project they're working on just to inject some fresh life into the scene.
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Are you japanese?
I tend to just post raw gens because I want to show off what SD can do. I try to gen for correct body parts more than anything before I post something. But I don't go any further than that. If I start to manually edit an image too much then it becomes less relevant to the thread in my opinion.
A lot of the quality complaints I've read so far are related to the limits of models/SD. Would you guys prefer to see mostly manually corrected images here?
I actually completely agree with this.
>I tend to just post raw gens because I want to show off what SD can do
Idk makes no sense to me, I always fix everything I'm not blind to.
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for me it's misty
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>I tend to just post raw gens because I want to show off what SD can do
I mean, I only do really basic inpaint (things that mostly bothers me) and upscale but I could post raw gens as well just fine, the thing is, I don't feel like it has to be this way, I don't want people to post perfect 10/10 gens only but maybe just fix the girl at least
>Are you japanese?
No; just literate enough to vaguely pretend to be literate on occasion(yes, I know what I wrote).
And "何それ," specifically, is just such a really specific and succinct way of saying "the fuck is this" that it's hard to not use if I'm already posting on a weebshit site. Well, that and nonon forced it as a mind virus years ago when klk was airing and you can't really get rid of that.
>Would you guys prefer to see mostly manually corrected images here?
Inpainting is a thing. I personally have a pen tablet and use photoshop but the only time I'd leave it to a pure, raw gen is if I'm intentionally demonstrating something specific.
But I don't see these threads as a "technology demonstration" thread. I see it as an "art" thread. Of course, you can demonstrate the technology through that, but the art part should be the higher priority most the time.
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Of course this depends on the type of character, but since certain type of character is not allowed on /ecchi/ I will just focus on the one allowed

Im totally biased towards small tiddies, the size of the hand like fruit is just the best size for me but Im open to anything that goes from small bulges (not completely flat as a boy).

My max tolerance is the equivalent to the head of the girl, more than that is overkill
this is pretty much my opinion as well, though my perfect is just a tad larger, and my minimum a tad smaller.
Max kinda looks like the manyu hikenchou girl...at her smallest.
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sometimes i like an image that fits my taste even if it's not perfect, aside from that even if an image isn't to my taste i can objectively find it to be good or decent
my main criteria would be no glaring, obvious, in your face ai mistakes
>Should it be a unique style?
>Should it be 2d, 3d or something in between?
>Should it have lots of detail?
i couldn't care less about the style as long as it's not too western looking and i'm not a fan of realistic faces either but realistic bodies are fine imo
>What if the image has been edited/fixed with a different program
that is something that can often take a mediocre image to be a good image. i can tell 99% of the time if the image had no work put into it aside from writing the prompt and pressing generate. i do prefer seeing images that someone invested some time into. if you look at your girl and ignore the background you can use low denoise masked only inpaint with 1024x1024 resolution over hands, crotch, breasts and face - that alone would clean up and sharpen those areas which would be a nice improvement in my opinion, but i also realize some people might have little time or slow machines, so i don't throw fits over messy or raw images
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You are remembering the show wrong, at some point she was flat as a washboard,

And its the manyu girl
I must've blocked out those painful memories
Butt have you considered?
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A few months ago somebody posted this pic.
I tried retrieving it from the archive but it won't show me the full resolution.
If someone could repost it, I would appreciate it.
The filename was 00082-2380494994.png
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That was quick, thank you so much!
If you happen to have more oppai loli gens in this style and you'd like to share them, please feel free to do so!
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No problem, can't share more though: not my gen, don't have a nai sub, saved it because the thighs are just the way I love them.
Metadata should be there though if you are in the have-spare-$25 club.
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For a thread endlessly arguing about muh highlights bad muh highlights, you sure love posting nothing but garbage. This is probably the only good image in this thread >>2882788
I can't believe how many people are posting six fingered sluts:

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Requesting firefly's bra removed
Oh shit, I know that girl
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>This is probably the only good image in this thread
>This is probably the only good image in this thread >>2882788
Complains about fingers, points out as "only good image" one with a character that has no fingers at all,

Oh, I like it
ey, it was a great ecchi anime, Probably one of my top ecchi shows.

The reason being unlike most shows that only rely on lucky pervert situations or just showing tits and asses casually that one made the ecchi part a core part of the plot, what made it kind of dumb but also quite creative for ecchi standards.
Good b8 m8, here is your free (You)
May be he was devastated by those finger creepers in elden ring and developed a phobia
This is a good one,
I'd edit it a little so that kind of p at the end is an f instead.
So it can be read "pomf"
It had potential, but the boob stealing thing kinda disappeared in the second half. I expected that she would get bigger every episode.
File deleted.

Question for people who upload models to Civitai since I know plenty of you lurk here.

Whenever you upload a model, do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well? I want to start doing that myself because I want others to know how to train these things too and want to share the methods and tools I used so that others can do the same. There are surprisingly few of us that know how to do the things we do, so if I ever go through writing up a detailed easy to understand guide, then I want to be able to link to one of my data sets as an example. Are there any down sites to doing this? Civitai has an option to up the data set in the file field next to the downloadable model, and I also have a hugging face page full of past trained LoRAs and their corresponding dstasets (though most aren't public yet).


>uploading to CIVIT
lmao, even
>do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well?
thats like a terrible idea. civitai is not 4chan, you would not believe how much people out there is all about "NOOOOO, you can't train your AI using fanart made by other person!"
"did you delete the signature of an artist to use that on training?!!!"

Don't do it. Just don't. Unless you trained it exclusively with screenshots of the show do not share your data.

And Im the first guy Im not into treating ai as if was some sort of secret kung fu. I do not mind to share my prompts, my loras, I dont get a fuck about getting credited either. If people asks something I answer easily, I even tell how many repeats, steps etc I use, how do I tag, etc.

No problem in share all that.

But sharing the dataset is the only stuff I WILL not do. That would be a mistake, because the "fanart gestapo" runs wild and you dont want to deal with that shit
File: too much time.jpg (3.64 MB, 4176x5085)
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I think I had too much time to do this lmao
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I considered it would be fun to i2i!
>hand still fucked
>shirt bleeding through her wrist
>has a black eye
>ear on the right is fucking massive
>hair isn't properly cleaned from the background
Doesn't matter. Civitai does not give a flying fuck whether or not Twitter teens disapprove of us training LoRAs off of art. Civitai technically does have a "report if this resource is trained off of your work" section but that does not necessarily mean they'll remove it. That's just alerts admins that they need to "discuss different options" with them. Per one of their own admins in the official discord server, they very rarely remove styles. Link to the message if you feel like reading their original message. You will obviously have to join the server in order to see it:


The only scenario where I could see them ever doing that is if the uploader was a dumb enough (some of you people are like that unfortunately) to ONLY use Loli, shota, or scat as the showcase images (All three are explicitly banned and yet there are idiots who act surprised when they get their accounts nuked for persistently trying to bypass those rules). I've had multiple people DM me about their disapproval of me training off of styles or people but nothing ever came of it. I suspect the only reason they were able to get other styles or LoRAs removed in the past is because of intimidation.


Social media is not a real place but these guys forget that.
nta but I really like the style
I meant on the framing, but each their own. I'm not here to post master pieces.
womp womp
taking a photo and cropping out/magic wanding something takes like, a minute, though?
You may think this refutes my point or may convince me of the "safety" of sharing training data, but actually you are doing the oposite and convincing me thats the right decission.

Because thats one dumb conversation with a dumb twitter artist you could have skipped entirely by simply not sharing the training data.

Not having to have that sort of idiotic conversations with that sort of idiotic people is the reason I don't share the data.
The actually editing yeah, but I'm still working and had to actually look for templates plus reroll a few times. What takes about like 3 minutes took about 10 minutes because I'm distracted
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lmao, this was actually a TileResample of this
>Because thats one dumb conversation with a dumb twitter artist you could have skipped entirely by simply not sharing the training data.
I don't get what your great frustration is coming from. I didn't even respond to crisppyboat when he dmed me. Whether I talk to them or not makes no difference

>Not having to have that sort of idiotic conversations with that sort of idiotic people is the reason I don't share the data.

No one forced you to talk to them. There's curly a deeper reason why you don't want to share
>mfw work is driving me crazy
>Will need to do another all nighter
Does that need to be lineart for it to work or can this also make it go? I mean it to give it a proper coloring, nipples, etc.
Thank! Still figuring out the limits of the model in terms of styles.
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NAI gen, throw it here:
embedded, get the extension
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hm, experimenting with some img2img repainting
that image was without lowlight lora
this image is with lowlight lora, img2img 25/50 steps, euler_ancestral_cfg_pp
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Here is a quick gen test. It can handle color it seems. The resulting style is based on the model of course.
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behold: blasphemy
Holy fugggggg
sorry, I'm done sinning against the Goddess.
what model do you use for lineart on controlnet?

Or may be its the prompt, when I try to color something always look quite pale.

Or may be its the base model
Here, pretty sure I have both of the LoRA's I trained (Style and character) in here.
Best one in this thread by far, Io just looks so natural like that
that looks good. thank you.
Muelsyse from Arknights, Miko Yae from Genshin, and Wakamo from Blue Archive masturbating and/or squirting please
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That's using Anytest.
It's the CN-anytest_v4-marged_pn_dim256.safetensors
version, which is trained on Pony. It has been the only controlnet I manged to get working on pony based models and it works damn good.
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POV the new farm hand says she needs help in the hayloft...
The model I'm using is this mix I made.
I'm also using an Auto extension that increases the saturation of the image. (sd-webui-color-enhance) I use it at 0.5.
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Requesting Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco) lounging topless on a pool chair.
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requesting Nemona's breasts be reduced by 50% and the nipples be redone to point outward instead of being inverted
I live for cute underwear.
finally, a request anchor. requesting 1girl, nude, holding a giant wooden club and 1girl, fully clothed witch
Thanks for trying bro! She's a cutie!
Hmm. A cybernetic witch seems like something that shouldn't work for some reason.
>a challenge post too
I feel like the challenge has to be posted earlier, perhaps it's too late for this thread. I'm going to throw out a random theme for next thread: your waifu painting, as in painting something. Not a painting of your waifu.
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I've only ever read a few random chapters of Kanokari, and it seems like I always happened on the ones where some random bystanders are admiring Chizuru's boobs for whatever reason.

I should test these later when I have time.

I live for cute flatties.
>I live for cute flatties.
You got it.
>boob overhang
nice touch
>Whenever you upload a model, do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well?
I exclusively use images made by other people and there's more and more people stirring shit about "using material you don't own for AI" so I'm just keeping my collections to myself now.

I feel like in a year or two image-gen AI will be outlawed entirely. So PSA to all to download all the models you like and back them up.

How can I get this style? I've been stuck in a rut with pony and smooth style 2 for months and I need something new. I love this.
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I like this very much. Thank you!

I missed this earlier, but very nice.

Anon these are hilarious
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Extended cut
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I keep making the same mistake and not fixing it.
Cerestia of Life, well renown titcow from another gacha, being reduced to a cutting board.
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Awwwwww, someone didn't listen when we said that AI was coming for their jobs. Someone didn't listen at all.
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>training off of ... people but nothing ever came of it.
I know for sure an eceleb got her loras taken down. You can absolutely get it removed if it's your likeness. Artists can get fucked afaik however.
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Images that generate a response. Whether it is because the image is especially horny or cute or funny or cool doesn't matter.

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>upload bajilion videos and pictures of yourself to the internet
>wtf someone else can download them and do something weird?!?!
tale as old as time

objectively correct
So glad this vapid cunt got the AI replacement treatment. The way she talked down to her viewers was insufferable, and now that there's an AI alternative to her content, she's mad. Be mad, you smug piece of shit. Be mad. Be mad until you are old and dead, I fucking despise you.
Nice pic! catbox?
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Whoops, I needed to fix something.

I miss the days of weekly LizeLulu Listen...

I also wanted to add a thank you for the kind words!

She's beautiful. Thank you for this Cerestia of Justice!

Thank you! Here's a catbox:
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>pic is perfect except for the fucking hands
foiled again
wrong board bro, 2.75d goes on >>>/aco/
I agree, but it's not about dimensions. Full on 3D goes on /e/ if it's Artificial Academy, MMD or the like. Not this though.
What about DoA renders?
i meant it colloquially not literally
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are you sure you don't just have jungle fever?
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normally not a fan of Sakura but your gens of her make me wanna gen her too
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very lickable
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Can I pose a 3D model (from a 3D program/game) and use it as a base in the latest update of NAI? To direct the pose basically.
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literally just taking official art and nudifying it
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Thank anon. Also, does this count too?
Did you use all three Roxy, Sylphie, and Eris LoRA's to make this? It's got Eris/Roxy's hair bangs, Roxy's blue eyes, and Sylphie's ears.
more likely it's just a random 1girl
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Heh, I see what you mean. But no, I'm not using any character LoRAs. I am using a mishmash of 7 LoRAs, and I don't believe any draw off of Mushoku Tensei.
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Probably just a all in one mushoku tensei lora, or you just prompt for that none of that is complicated features.
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I saw it and thought "damn that looks so uncanny"
I spent the last 3 weeks reading the LN's and genning images periodically, but it's nuts if it's just a 1girl with no MT in the LoRA's.
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Is she an ogre? A chad? A pro baseballer on steroids?

Anyways, "holding a huge baseball bat" was the only thing wai-ANI would interpret correctly because everytime I tried "club" it would instead give me a hishaku.
I'm sorry. He's still dead, bro.
What the fuck? I was banned for the chloe gen
I was going to take a break from all of this anyway since apparently my current pc build is not enough to handle my new 4070 ti super so I'll have to either buy a new motherboard (I damaged it a bit trying to fit the new GPU) and a more powerfull PSU or a whole new pc build but I'm still deciding if doing the new build it's worth it since it hasn't been that much since I build my current pc
Well, that's it, see you all hopefully soon
Here or in another board?
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Here, which is kind of funny since I posted that exact gen here as well some time ago
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requesting more like >>2882476 or like that request anchor pic but applied to pic related with a touhou's reimu (or look alike like the way the girl is in the pic) going around outdoors in shrine settings. if you can also fix the girls hands in this image it would be appreciated.
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Who is this girl? She's cute.
>>2883017 (me)
Roxy Migurdia from Mushoku Tensei
4 seasons are out (Season 1, part 1 and part 2, and season 2, part 1 and part 2) but as someone who's on Season 4 (estimating in the LN's, volume 20) would highly recommend.
There's an audiobook version available as well and the narrator is great.
Would recommend watching season 1 before hopping on the LN's. Anime is great, but LN's are better (obviously.)
box please
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I'd love more desert dancers in these kinds of outfits, but with noticeable elf ears.
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Cute elf.

Intriguing atmosphere in this gen. Catbox, please?

That sucks on both situations. Hope you're able to at least get your PC situation worked out soon. If you have an Intel 13th or 14th gen CPU, you'll probably want to look into getting it either patched or replaced due to the recent defects discovered, too.

I like this flat Ahri, but why does she have hearts over her nipples?
The prompt had "heart-shaped pupils, heart-shaped nipples, heart in mouth, hearts, heart (symbol), heart background" or something. I was in a mood.
Can you catbox the Kuro post? Was it Alice in Wonderland cosplay?

Seems like a just needed a more powerful PSU so I just ordered a new one and hopefully it will be all I need

>Was it Alice in Wonderland cosplay?
ty, where can I grab fdy and deadnooodles lora?
should be on the /hgd/ archive but I can upload them elsewhere if needed
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too long
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Im also in the mood for retro style today.
But I believe you messed up with the resolution, bro
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moo indeed
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found fdy there, but no noodles
This is the deadnoodles lora
I'm aware this may be a controversial opinion, but I firmly believe elves should be always flat as a washboard, or small bulges at most.
If it has cow tits its probably some half human or a demon in disguise
Think of the children, they will starve...
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elven birth rates are on the floor anyway
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thank you
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Textbook dwarven propaganda.
very based
Holy shit I agree.

seems like that -loli is not doing much
that's local or you deleted metadata?
if you remove the - you see it's doing quite a bit
It's local.

https://files.catbox.moe/hmqq8l.png got the ComfyUI workflow embedded.
It's very obviously local.
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Elitist, haughty elves get mad when they're reminded that their bustiest women barely approach a human b-cup
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best sailor scout
bro its fucking cooked
I don't believe anyone should always be anything. I turn flatties into cows and cows into flatties. Balance in all things.
believably based
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I tried to flattify her but I got filtered. Nice zipper.
Hah, better luck next time
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Flat-board society rise up!
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thems fightin words
Requesting Stheno and Euryale from Fate.

But make them into thicc, busty shortstacks.

Doesn't have to be both in the same picture. Separate images are fine. As long as the styles look similar.
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flat chest, thicc thighs!
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>flat chest, thicc thighs
...well played, sir
Taking a few NAI requests.
Give me positive/negative prompts.
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i2i because I love Eris. Although not very happy with the result this time but oh well, I tried.
Also your gen without grey overlay: https://files.catbox.moe/ywpo7u.png
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Wtf she's super pissed. Eris I know has outgrown the rebellious phase! (well not without some help from one very manly "tooth fairy" of course)
is there any ai to make less anime like images/ more classical paintings or images of women.
I am new and wish to create cover art form the 1960's scifi books. the cover art done by frank frazetta, basically. but most ai companies ban this type of stuff
I don't have a specific request, but if you could use this style mix:
>{mikoyan}, {{nakamura regura}}, {{{honjou raita}}}, {{{tenchisouha}}}, {{realistic}}, {{{{zankuro}}}}
It's from https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117627391, I love the look, but the guy died months ago and nobody else uses it.
If you're posting here, I'm assuming you want to generate NSFW images? civitai.com has LoRAs that reproduce Frank Frazetta's artstyle for various versions of Stable Diffusion. But if you want to run it locally, the first question is always "what kind of graphics card do you have?" You can also ask further at >>>/aco/asdg/
okay thanks. not necessarily hardcore pornography, more just slightly erotic nudity that might appear on old cover art for sci fi books, edgar burroughs or people like that had books with cover art like that. I guess maybe something more artistic.
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god she looks so squeezable...
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i like these
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Been messing with this dude's lora last night its got some weird strengths on some monsters it's kinda annoying. Trying to trim it down to the monsters it does well since like Anubis has some of the most MGE tags and every Anubis pic gets completely fucked and blurry if I use artist loras feels like then shit like Bunyip is perfect.
nice idea, lets try more MGE

she tried a spell to reduce backpain

Probably a curse.
scroll down the gallery
you might strenghten the curse even more lol
Regular XL models (not porn, not anime) are better as generalists. Look for user "Kappa_Neuro" on CivitAI as an example.
AnimeConfettiTuneXL has some western traditional artist tags that don't look anime and its mostly compatible with Pony loras.
You'll also want to use img2img instead of just text all the time because a good base image can drastically change what a model generates.
HINT: Krita AI diffusion is good for changing models quickly and combining the best of everything.
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Why did you link me to this garbage gallery? If there's something you want me to see specifically, link directly to it.
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ok you sound like a douche
I didn't call you garbage, just the webpage you linked to. It's full of real-life-esque AI women being turned into blow-up dolls. You're telling me to scroll through hundreds of posts of that to "find something", I'm not even sure what that is so I'm asking for a direct link.
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Here you go. Sorry I don't like big breasts, hope you still like it.
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Sure, all boob sizes are good. Thanks!
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Bonus: https://litter.catbox.moe/g2vqbg.png
merged her feet
Yeah I realized after posting.
I am getting a 404 not found. Is that just me?
That's normal, litterbox links are timed and the max limit is 3 days.
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requesting having a nsfw edit of this
is it possible to have nude or something? i want to see boobs at least
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upscaling is a pain
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thank you very much
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it was this https://litter.catbox.moe/rrkz8i.png
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>All three are explicitly banned and yet there are idiots who act surprised when they get their accounts nuked

To be fair is quite hard to tell where is the line there. Even here in ecchi as moody as the janitor are you can pretty much tell whats fine to post and whats not and whats on the line
In there I still have not even able to figure if there is line at all-

I mean, I didn't have my account nuked or but I got warnings of "image deleted for breaking tos minors displayed in sexual context" with two girls fully dressed next to each other in a room.
I also had the same warning on a picture with a little girl dressed as a teacher in a classroom.

Meanwhile there are tons of models that are plagued with hardcore loli porns in the examples and its been there for mothns
Jesus those legs scare me.
>The way she talked down to her viewers was insufferable
She talked down to them? This is news to me. How so?
Please do not give e-celebs attention
Messed around with police girl hagami for an /h/ gen, this is a byproduct.
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Box me that raiju mine was scuffed as hell.
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lol. this better?
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I'm aware of boys policy in ecchi, but please, allow me this one
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Or this?
I can see the Goblin Slayer coming up with such a plan.
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Thank you!
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thank you, your fox girl is rather cute as well
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To that Anon that was asking about monitors with simple smiley faces on them replacing heads, I came across this lora and this was an example gen. https://civitai.com/models/386938/pony-diffusion-xl-love-live-school-idol-festival-artstyle-and-characters?modelVersionId=521765
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Quality gen anon

>Touches Grass
>No longer attracted to feet.
Be sure to go outside anons (also nice gens)
Nah feet isn't something solved by touching grass. It's a miswiring in your brain when you're born. You have it or you don't.
Finally some demonic Dawn. People always forget she's basically possessed by the devil by the end of Platinum.
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literally 50 year old demon, Junior Admin
please understand
what tag do you use to get that angle? looking_up?
nta but "looking" tags are for the character, not the viewer. This would be "from below" or "low-angle view"
Thank you anon for the assistance. I bless you many perfect gens with no artifacts.
I'm sure you can be conditioned into it with enough exposure.
the real miswiring in the brain is being unable to appreciate every part of a womans body
NTA, for stuff like that I like to use "from below", "looking down at viewer" and "low angle"
Thanks for thinking on me. Im still struggling with this idea
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Getting close though btw
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there is one thing I think people forget about the highlights. they are roughly always around 20% of the gens from the last thread. but the last thread is a finite pool of 300 images...
if the quality of the thread is less impressive than usual, the highlights will reflect that. the OP is not gonna pull 60 golden images out of their ass. the previous thread is all they have to work with.
therefore, when you complain about the highlights, you are complaining about the output of the community in general. which is a dick move because the thread is open to people of all experience levels. instead of complaining, participate. and if your gen doesn't make the list, remember it is one person's opinion.
Where are your gens, anyway? Can you post a gen you didn't steal from twitter? lmao
nice trips, you won a pro-tip: don't feed the trolls
nah I think I'll do as I please
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Cute butthole.
What if you went to a board where you belonged instead of catboxing things you know don't belong here?
>I don't like 50 year old women
I like the stuff that anon posts, therefore he should stay. Simple as.
isn't there a sub/r/eddit that's missing a jannie? why don't go find it.
>why don't go find it
third worlders deserve the rope
Try capitalizing and punctuating your posts if you think a typo is a comeback, retard.
if they were 5% it would be better
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My good man, this is a tibetan yack fetish forum, please get it right.
This is too menacing, I can't subdue this woman, post emaciated Eris so I can pretend I could dominate her.
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On one hand, I feel bad for Rudeus.
On the other hand, I feel envious.
I wish I could use [spoiler]spoilers[/spoiler] on this board; I don't wanna spoil my homies.
Quality Roxy.
To begin with there was no reason to catbox this since she's clearly not a loli by any stretch of the imagination. I suppose anon just wanted to be safe in case janny was being dumb. Looks like you're just here to virtue signal about your taste. Get over yourself.
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>4 (four) ears
the better to HEAR you with, my dear!
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Kek, I'm not even sure why they're there. I didn't put them in prompt.
extra ears is a properly working tag, just slap it in negatives
I like 4 ears because I'm not a furry and just pretend they are very high quality nekomimi my gf is wearing for my sake.
only ears and maybe a tail is 5% which is not furry
blarkive normalized extra ears so its based now
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nice qual

of this >>2883946
>my gf
good joke, anonymous!
Have they made it easier to do this? I haven't been keeping up with animation shit. What did you use for this?
it's lumalab you have 30 free tries per month

but there is so much stuff going on like tooncrafter, mimicmotion, liveportrait, kling, runway, pika, lumalabs, sora, etc...

2025 will probably be the year of the video
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Awesome man, thank you! I like how their attires turned out. WIth one having a shorter dress, but the other one's dress is transparent despite being longer. Real good.

Would it be possible to make their boobs even bigger, or is this as big as you can make it without the AI getting weird results?
Nice! You think you can give her a seductive smile as well?
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Please post more bikini girls in this artstyle!
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More Backrooms stuff please.
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post more robots

very nice,got a catbox?
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Those eyes are so god damn sexy
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posting a somehow failed attempt at lifeguard looking over viewer
Super sexy still. If you do requests, would love to see her pull her bottom to the side and show off her pussy

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