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Fitting through narrow gaps edition
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I'm usually into fat chicks but I can appreciate a skinny girl sometimes, I just want to fuck everything if I'm honest
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had surgery a month ago, is starving myself a bad idea, or should i just get straight to limiting again?
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I can't wait for you to binge and hate yourself as you put on two weeks worth in a day.
Women just need to accept that >80% of them have genetically bad shape/proportions and they only look "okay" when skinny. As soon as they put on weight you see their shape is all off, broad shoulders, flat ass, fridge body even if they have long legs.

Most women look acceptable when they're young and thin. And even that is a rare combo these days, all the kids I see are already overweight.

God please destroy this planet. Global nuclear holocaust is necessary. Reset "humanity"
there's no way that's real wtf. the first thinspo that's actually hard for me to look at. there's no way that guy is alive anymore.
as if men were any better
do you really think women or girls care about your opinion, you balding manlet.
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I really hate how common it is for people to be overweight now. It genuinely puts me in a bad mood when I'm out in a beautiful space, museums, restaurants, workshops or ateliers, wine shops, and clothing shops, books shops, antique shops or furniture stores and there's some fat fuck there ruining the aesthetic.
I don't care how men look.
Has there ever been thinspo thread that was geared towards lean and athletic thin women rather than the flabby restrictive diet ones
I post them sometimes. But I strongly prefer fashionable thin over athletic so it's not often. Be the change you want to see and post some inspo.
>fashionable thin over athletic
what's the difference?
Muscle definition
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Pic related. Girl on the left is ready for fashion week, and girl on the right is ready for the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Are there any AI/chatbot coaches out there? I could use the motivation and accountability
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I hate weed (it destroys lives) but does anyone else lose their appetite from it? I know thats kind of ironic because of the whole munchies thing but I find I lose interest in eating when I do weed especially the next day.
Just drink coffee. Can't you be normal for once?
desu no one wants fat people here lets be honest , only know i know i've lost wait is to no eat so gl but that works very well

btw captcha is reading wrong now it is pathetic
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I use weed as an appetite suppressant too, it's fun. I just can't do it everyday anymore bc of uni and responsibilities.
girl belly tickle sex
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Jenna Ortega is my goal because I think she’s closest to me in proportions/height. Was has been working for you all to lose weight? I think I’ve hit a plateau.
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anyone else make food take literally 3-4 bites and realize you don't like food
is my brain ruined by ana i hide food in my dresser to throw away later as not like one can just throw it away right away
inb4 must be 18 to post here most of us have people that care about us

tummy guy wants more tummy so i'll give
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Yeah, pretty much. I find it helps to eat at certain intervals, like fifteen minutes or so between each substantial bite if you have the time. A schedule quickly establishes itself.

Also, keep track of the stuff you stash away. Cereals and bread are generally OK, but obviously anything with moisture goes bad very quickly, and trust me
brain fog can make you forget where you put things.

My saving grace was dog poop bags. They're like mini garbage bags. Just ditch stuff in them, wrap 'em up TIGHT, throw them into your nearest public trash bin at your earliest convenience. Nobody blinks an eye.
the smell reminds you if you were that dumb it takes like 3 weeks for meat to rot and fruit fermenting takes around 9
i'd post myself but i feel ugly so here is another stomach
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Don't do this. You will develop cavities. Try to finish your food in one sitting and brush your teeth twice a day.
My girlfriend started putting on weight so I started hinting that her ADHD was getting worse until she got back on Adderall and now she's tight asf
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everyone who c/s though my type just doesn't eat knows you do a floride brush
though the lack of starch/sugar mages it easy to go a long time
but the throwing up really ruins the teeth
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ive been jacking off to eugenia cooney
oh no the tranny called him a manlet/balding on the internet! how will he ever recover!!!
thread dies if you all fat fucks dont post images
at what bmi does your belly stop protruding i'm at 18 (male)
Please post a pic.
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kys bucket crab
Lmaoing at you fags and all your ridiculous tactics to eat less and lose weight. I'm skinny as fuck without even trying because I'm too fucking lazy to eat or just straight up forget to
i think i just found the best visualizer.
If you're down to be coached by a person I am willing. I can help you plan meals and stay motivated but I have never coached before.
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friendly thin post
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snoop isn't a fatty
It's mostly genetics and somewhat muscle I think. I'm at BMI 19 and male and mine is almost concave if it weren't for my abs. You should think of working out if you aren't already.
That escalated quickly
Thats not skinny
Thats slim
Thats normal bmi that goes to the gym
Victoria secret, bikini fitness girls, track athletes and runners, fitness models
Yo why do these supermodels have the facial structure of teenage boys?
Left is better. Looks smoother, squishier.
Yes im aware their body looks like teenage boys but their face do too
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how much would i need to lose to look thinspo level thin? i know im nowhere near it yet, no need to remind me
bmi 17.7
You're literally almost my goal. My goal is 17 bmi so you're close.
Restrict 500-300 cals from your tdee and in a few months you'll be PRIME
what are u rn?
i consume like probably under 300 calories because bulimic idk
50kg 5'4, I have a long way to go.
Though I don't want to have an ed. I eat normally just under 1200 cals and I've been steadily losing. My hg is 54 in January.
Hw* sorry
ur not that far, it goes down in the bmis 18 sooo fast faster than any other bmi
Has has helped me lose weight personally. Makes me realize food really isn't THAT good to keep eating.
Retard, if you had a surgery then your body needs proteins to repair as quickly as possible. Eat a high protein, vitamins and minerals diet.
Right looks tranny. Too muscular. Women need a bit of fat on them to look feminine.
Fasting gives me mad hemorrhoids. 15% bf trying to get to 12%
I think my body is cannibalizing muscle
Any tips?
she is my goal wife
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>thin gf
>bad posture

yahhhh..... I'd rather have a girl that's slightly fit
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Switch to keto fasting, instead of intermittent carb fasting
hit the gym you lazy fuck
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This girl loves BBC.
UK state propaganda?
that girl is ugly and boxy lol i dont want to be muscular
what do you do to keep yourself warm?
Wearing a hoodie 24/7? Drinking soup all day?
As an ana male 6’1 while I was deep in cardio by 18 most here even felt concerned but by 15 I literally couldn’t pull skin but they inpatient me so good luck
Just eat less more energy spending
That isn’t thinspo or fa. Roid girls are ugly
cope, you are mentally ill and your body is a reflection of that

>everyone who lifts is roiding
dumb skinnyfat faggot
Look at her and deny the truth. Either way she is ugly focused on quads and her arms lol
Not fa
this is a better post imo
uh wut im just warm
i wear sweaters and sweatpants and lay with blankets
i like my body much more than that ugly misshapen bitch posted, idc
what did you expect from thinspo general like go to /fit/
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Have a nice Spring time Saturday /thinspo/. Wear something nice, go some where beautiful, make sure to eat under 2000 calories today.
2000 is literally so much, you should be under 1000 at least to see any changes
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I'm talking about maintaining, for the anons who aren't fat. If you're not fat go out and enjoy your day, if you are fat go to the gym instead.
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guess my bmi since I don't have a scale (soon) plus low rise is back if you're not wearing low rise idk what you're doing desu
between 16 and 17 bmi
nice tummy, very lickable
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I was once 105 pounds (5'8) and hated it. Nobody tells you how COLD you'll be. Literally if I wasn't in active exercise or a temperature above 75 degrees (80 preferably) I'd be dying.
Flat tummies drive me crazy.
>i wear sweaters and sweatpants and lay with blankets
Ah okay
You also sue a hot-water bag to keep you warm or just wait for your body to warm up the blanket?
ehehehe u think my tummy is flat anon thank u >.<
body warms up blanket!! im too tired to make hot water bottle.. too lazy
What's your diet?
caffeine and carrot + vitamin pills?
im bulimic
foods i eat and dont puke are matcha, fruit and vitamin gummies
nta but why do people think thin people only eat cucumbers, drink coffee, and chain smoke? You can literally eat what ever you want and still lose weight. You can eat McDonalds for every meal and lose weight. You just have to eat at a calorie deficit, people eat way too much food. If they control themselves then they wouldn't be fat. I eat whatever I want, when I want, I just don't eat a lot of it.
if you ate 300 calories in avocado vs 300 calories in fries, the weight would appear differently and your body would be different. youll be skinnyfat if you just eat shit all day but ‘keep it low cal’
>nta but why do people think thin people only eat cucumbers, drink coffee, and chain smoke?
I knew a girl that would eat 500g of low fat kvark + caffeine + multi vitamin pill which is around 350kcal a day and then eat nothing but fruit the next day and rotate the next day. So yeah the caffeine + low caloric intake food + vitamin is pretty common and everybody has their own preference to do this.
Also a lot of throwing up/purging, which I wouldn't do because it destroys your teeth.
yes yes nutritional value is important, and your organs process different foods in different ways. However for weight loss, that honestly doesn't matter, as long as you are eating under the daily requirement for a person to sustain their weight you will lose weight or remain thin. Going to the gym and toning your body will help to not be skinny fat. Your doctor will advise against your French fires only diet because you'll lack the vitamins, and minerals, and proteins, and fats your body needs to function, but you'll still lose weight if you are eating at a calorie deficit.
>French fires
french fries
Want to point out that eating disorders are not the norm for thin people.
I know plenty of thin and in shape people who simply don't eat a lot. My ex barely ever finished a quarter of her food, but she had regulars meals and normal cravings, and certainly wasn't bulimic. For myself I will eat a huge meal once a day and not touch anything until the next day. I also noticed that I naturally take much smaller portions than other people when I make or serve food for myself. My entire family is fat and eats four times as much as I do. It's like they can't help themselves, but food addiction is a real thing so they probably can't.
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You look fat
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I lost 30 lbs and realised all my shoes feel too loose. For boots I just wear an extra pair of socks so they still fit, but smaller shoes/pumps, how to I pad them from the inside so they fit better?
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Think you're just going to have to buy new shoes, queen. Good job on the weight loss.
Use an extra shoe insole :D
This, when I used to wear boots I'd put inserts inside for comfort which required that I buy a half-size or so larger than normal.
skinny girls don't really excite me like they use to
zoomer gym girls are way better
theyre usually polite and are easy to get along with
they have more tomboy personalities
> 50kg 5'4
Heh almost the same as me (5'3)
What are the chances
Is there a /thinspo/ server? Preferably without moids but whatever is fine
around 18-19 bmi if you're fit. 17 at the lowest, but you would have to be skinny fat at 17bmi looking like that.
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I used to frequent these threads when I was 19 and 48kg at 5ft5 and now I have a child and a family and I ballooned up to 58kg with no muscle definition and it's not getting better
The fact that some women look like this fills me with so much hope.
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It's one of the main reasons I'm into fashion, and fitness. Everyone around me looks like shit, it's fucking depressing but then I can just open instagram or check fashion sites for runway shows and everyone is thin, and beautiful, and in lovely clothes, and I feel much better.
Yesss 18.5 I weighd myself today, I'm still 50, I'm >>18098279
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None of you will ever understand the pain of losing weight from being an obese lard waste.
I let myself get to 122kg (269lbs) a few years ago, I'm 62kg now and look skinny in clothes but you guys don't even wanna know what my tummy and legs look like. Loose skin that looks dead and garbage. GAWD. Part of the reason I maintain my eating disorder is to get back at myself for letting me get so heavy years ago. I will never be thinspo and I can never show my stomach to anyone.
You will be thinspo and you'll get that skin removal surgery, start saving from now. You'll be comfortable in your own skin and be happy for the rest of your life.
People love you and want to see you succeed professionally and personally.
Where do you meet girls with adhd.
menhera whores are better desu
go to inpatient
might as well just call it a pedophile thread, if you find women with no secondary sex characteristics attractive you need to be institutionalized
do ex-fatties keep their ugly looking navels or do they recover with weight loss
Narrow waists are one of those you mong
>ugly looking navels
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when accompanied with wider hips, which none of these girls have, good cope though
many such cases
oh :x
still better to be skinny and have one than to still be fat ofc
Well done. I got lucky, in the last year and moved away from my parents. They did things differently that I didn't know was weird for a long time, they'd make giant dinners and get mad if you don't finish it, they'd buy lots of trash food with short shelf life (like donuts) then get mad if you didn't finish them before they expired. Any time I tried to improve my life they would stop me, stop me from learning how to cook, threaten to kick me out if I went to the gym or buy basic fitness stuff I can use in my bedroom. I'll never understand why they tried to sabotage me like this. Since leaving them I went from 85kg to now 64kg. I think my goal might be 52-55kg. I won't know until I look in the mirror and like what I see and I hope to reach thinspo level someday. It's hard learning how to cook nice tasting food and working out the portion sizes because giant full plates have been ingrained but I am getting there. I have learned some cooking recipes from youtube, some turn out good, others bad. I've been lucky that there isn't much loose skin so far, only stretch marks. Pushing through the hunger and waking up many times to pee at night because your body is shedding the weight is tough but it helps that I live alone now and do my own shopping, so I don't buy unhealthy snacks or junk food and no one is telling me what I have to eat.
How to you get motivated to fast again after going a while without doing it? Once I get past the 36 hour mark, I can usually go for several days at a time, but lately I keep caving before I make it there. I'm sick of false starts. Any advice?
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/fit girls are /fa as fuck
she loves BWC
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Anti thinspo
Wow <3
Please give me pointers, fellow thin anons. I get cold feet and hands plus belly rumbles from hell at night before I try to go to sleep on a caloric deficit. Any wisdom to help me?
That thread has immaturity against Zendaya. This doesn't help me at all.
Nah I'm trolling you lol
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>tfw no skinny gf
I know one but it's 99% males and trannies
Bro... just come out as gay, no one cares anymore
There used to be thousands of proana blogs and websites back in the day what happened?
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Fellas is it gay to like women
They all finally died or killed themselves (if they didn’t go through recovery) probably. Eating disorders are still disorders and not really sustainable.
You can't win, you're gay if you like muscular women, you're a pedo if you like flat chested or thin women. Men are just always in the wrong no matter what. People (both men and women) really should just go to the woods and start living with bears instead.
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>People (both men and women) really should just go to the woods and start living with bears instead
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This may be a stupid question:

I've been considering going to the gym to accelerate weight loss, but I'm concerned about looking more muscular than thin. Can one exercise regularly and still look thin and frail?
Don't do it. I started going to the gym and within one week people were asking me if I was taking steroids.
Stick to cardio and you won't build much muscle, your legs will get a bit more defined but you won't have the legs of an Olympic sprinter with just casual cardio two or three times a week.
Yes, it usually depends on what you eat. Protein helps build muscle, so if you workout and just continue nibbling on carbs to fuel cardio with minimal protein you’ll be fine. Most models still workout so they don’t look skinny-fat.
This is just retarded not even a guy wanting to looked ripped achieves it in one week. They were trolling you or you just already have wide shoulders because you’re literally overweight
I would love to know what a general model exercise routine looks like. I'm sure they have their own way of doing things
There are definitely some routines out there already that you can look up. It also helps to get a trainer because a routine tailored for you is always best, but if you don’t have the funds or just don’t want to the internet can help. You can probably also look up what ballerinas eat and do since they’re extremely fit but maintain petite frames
Also lookup dogpound on instagram. Lots of models workout with them. The key is generally not to go too heavy, higher reps helps with tightening and heavy compound lifts would create muscle if you were tracking protein
what do you guys do to supress appetite? i need to lose weight fast until august for a wedding. any good tips? no drugs.
water, tea, coffee
already do this. should i maybe soupmaxx and just make simple, low cal, high volume soups?
smoke, coffee, i used to lick salt when i was a teenager.
ideal weight for 170cm ? im a girl desu, i just want to look frail
god honestly
Like i work out regularly but do i look like that? no, im not there yet.
I think im fat because my bf% is like 30% but people lose their shit when i call myself fat because apparently fat means like obese or near obese.
Skinny is unattractive. Skinny means skin and bones. You were right saying this isnt skinny. God, skinny and muscular are COMPLETE OPPOSITES.
fucking hate retarded men. their only differentiators on looks are "hot" and "not hot" and they cant even tell the fucking difference between skinny and muscular.
Did you see that thread for /fa female fashion? Half of it was generic outfits on women who had big tits. They really do just classify women as hot or not and any other labels are an afterthought.
Exercise with a blend of wieght resistance, cardio/aerobics and stretches >>18105928 >>18105934
I think you lot really underestimate how long it takes to pack on muscle and how dedicated you need to be. You need to be going to the gym for at least 3 hours in week for at least a year and pushing your reps to failure. In the first year if you are extremely dedicated you'll pack on Maybe 10 lbs of muscle, the average person will pack on 5lbs. After the first year you'll pack on 1 to 3 lbs as it becomes more difficult after the first year of training.
Allot of retards will say bmi isn't accurate because it doesn't take into account muscles, whilst technically true, if you make statements like that you're obviously overestimating how easy it is to pack on muscle. Most ppl who make statements like that don't understand how difficult it is to put on muscle.

The skinny fat look has allot to do with poor posture, if you do the minimum in terms of resistance training and stretches - especially for your back, core and hips- then your posture will improve dramatically and you will be able to wear clothes like a model.

If you want to gain muscles then your protien intake needs to be 1.5 to 2grams per kg of body wight daily. I seriously doubt any of you are doing this.

How do I know all of this? My fiance is a gymbro with a personal training licence.

Carbs are what make you fat and make your buccal fat grow. Not eating enough protien and non processed fats (ie olive oil, avocado, omega three, animal fats) will make you look older at an accelerated rate. Carbs make you look old.
The aim is to look thin and youthful but not like the crypt keeper.
>people lose their shit when i call myself fat because apparently fat means like obese or near obese.
just because i'm not nikocado sized doesn't mean i'm not fat, mom.
Depends on body type
But I guess around 55 kilos?
I feel this because I don't really have a way of explaining to my family that I may not be "fat" but I would still feel better if I was skinnier. They hear that and think of a skeleton
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I like to call it italian fat. Native Italians hold themselves up to higher standards when it comes to beauty - Winx came from Italy, I think that says allot.
You can also call it 90s fat. It's all about standards and we won't let ours slip dispite the propaganda.
American fat is superobese, American skinny is fat.
I got to skip dinner today :-)
True but did you even read what I typed?
I did not underestimate, you're confirming what I said.
you must be 18 to post here
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I'm 19
i've beed doing omad every day for the last month (1200-1400 calories) and ive started having one or two days a week where i water fast. i burn 300-400 calories with cardio most days.
i was wondering if this sounds sustainable? i'm 164cm and currently 52.5kg. i would like to be 48kg, hopefully in a couple months.
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Hey dude, I wanna thank you for this post. You see, I'm a fat fuck and you made me realize how my fatness affects people around me. Goddamit, I'm just figuring out how many sceneries I ruined by being fat. I mean, just imagine. You're out there in nature, and you see me. I'm a hulking, lazy, piece of shit who'll definitely ruin the view for you. It doesn't just end there however. I'm thinking of all the food I ate when it could have been given to someone else. I'm thinking of all of the space I've taken in my life. I shouldn't be taking space. I'm not good enough for that, man.

I'm going on a jog to start losing weight. Then I'll start planning out a diet and exercise plan. To any of the fatties who think I'm just self hating, I want you to take a look at this pic. Can you think of yourself as being in this picture without ruining the scenery?
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Yeah. I also eat a lot of broths and soups. I picked that up when one person compared their diet in America to their diet in their home country. They ofc gained weight in the US and lost it when they moved back to Asia and they mentioned one of the noticeable differences was that they didn't eat or fill up on as much solid food while home but instead drank lots of soups with every meal.
If you are serious I'm glad my ranting helped. Good luck, one thing at a time, one day at a time, take progress pics, have fun, you'll be beautiful soon enough.
Unironically he helped me by giving me something to thing about to stop pigging out too kek
>generic outfits on women who had big tits
thats because thats generic male taste lmao. Like im pretty flat chested but im still aiming to get thinner even if my boobs disappear
same and i just tell them i would prefer to look better. yeah people will sometimes give you shit and call you anorexic but its like, just because you think its unhealthy doesnt mean it actually is. like just because they think its weird, doesnt change the fact itll just be calories in calories out
That's great, I also come from a family of garbage eaters and am the only one in decent shape. But it's somehow muh genetics. Learning to cook delicious, healthy food for oneself is incredibly rewarding.
Realistically how hard is it to achieve this most healthy at 4,11, I'm 44kg and still look skinnyfat
Absolutely do NOT restrict water. Drinking enough water is essential to literally every aspect of how your body functions, and going with out it is a very bad idea, especially since your skin will be visibly uglier if you're dehydrated.
When people judge skipping meals/days, I often think of our ancestors who lived in caves and how they absolutely weren't eating 3 large meals a day, or even eating every day
Most people might eat fruits through out the early and mid parts of the day like apples. Then 1 big meal at evening supper.
Being dehydrated makes you burn less fat
Yeah people think you'll die of starvation, or pass out if you don't eat that day or do skip meals. It takes a month of not eating for a human to starve to death. humans are built to go the distance, we can operate without food but we constantly need water. One day of fasting is a blip on the radar.
i think you're both misunderstood as to what a water fast is
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down 5 pounds. roughly 10 more to go
wwooo. just waiting to see any difference in my thighs.
upside down Niiicee :]
Any soup recipes? Everything I see seems like it wouldn’t be that low cal or maybe I’m paranoid
Very nice! Just a warning the first 5 pounds is significantly easier than any weight loss afterwards so don't expect it to go as quickly
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>25% of the people in my country are classed as obese
>an additional 37% are considered overweight
>get told I need to put on more weight everyday at work
I wish it was publicly acceptable to make fun of fat people as they seem to have no issue with always telling someone who is skinny that they're not healthy.
being a normal healthy weight has become the exception in a lot of western countries.
damn man, eat a burger or something, that's not /aesthetic/, that's /crypt-keeper/

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