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Is it true the lingerie business is dying? I heard that almost no women under about age 40 (so millenials and zoomers) wear lingerie at all anymore - not even for special occasions. Anyone here with any insight into the lingerie business?
Now that you mention it I haven’t purchased nor spared a thought towards lingerie in a while. It just seems like a useless expenditure. Last thing I bought was a savage x fenty sheer bra back in 2017-2018? Can’t even pinpoint the year lol.
All only fans whores and cam whores wear it tho
Yes I'm aware porn exists and that it's still a part of porn, but I'm more asking about the general market as a whole and what I heard recently surprised me. Not so much that it's gone down but that it's more that they aren't buying it like, at all.
Can I ask if you're in a relationship? As in, when you do try to be "sexy" for your significant other...what do you do/wear? Anything?
If I had to guess, it's less that lingerie in itself is a dying business and more that it's been put in some sort of shame corner, as if it's a bad thing to want to be sexy.
I'm mostly basing this on the kerfuffle that Victoria's Secret went through a few years ago. I do believe they're working on a reversal of that previous creative direction, though, so maybe in a year or two we'll finally have our angels back.
Millennial and zoomer women find this stuff degrading and objectifying, so they don't want to wear it, despite sucking cock in bathroom stalls and getting their assholes blown out by random guys from tinder.
Curious and hilarious.
I dated a few feminists like that, they were into being slapped, choked, beaten, wanted me to spit on them, pull their hair, tell them they're whores, etc. The full package basically. But they drew the line at lingerie. One of them broke down crying mid-sex and asked me if she could take the stockings off and then asked me if I thought she's a whore, kek.
Luckily my current gf is more old school and loves to wear this stuff to feel extra sexy when she wants me to rearrange her insides.
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Western women are too masculine now to wear them. If any i see fembois wearing them.
I’m not in a relationship currently, never been in one. Maybe that’s why, lol.
Probably explains your simping for thots
I’m the femanon not the guy talking abt OF girls lmao
It’s become quite trendy to wear lingerie as outerwear? the leather/latex space is having a renaissance at the moment too.
women don't care. they're demons. Satanic monsters to prey on men. The only women buying lingere are onlyfans models. No woman buys it for their husband or SO.
the fuck is this coming from if anything due to whore "culture" its became more mainstream you literally got girls that wear lingerie pieces out in public but with jeans and shit so its some what acceptable.
lingerie is worn by men now
Why do you think that looking like this attract males(the ones you actually care of)?
Also for onlyfans, i probably won't watch your content.
I think you just choose weird women anon. I haven't been with any women who find lingerie degrading. Maybe the way you approach it is what's making them feel like they are cheap whores. I've always looked at it as matter of fact under garments, by not making a big deal out of it being sexy. If you do it comes off as "I'm buying this specifically for you to wear while we fuck", and the attached but unspoken statement they hear is "or else I won't find you sexy".
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>go outside
>hamplanets, landwhales, hippos and other big specimens everywhere
>imagine them in lingerie
>pic rel mfw
>I heard that almost no women under about age 40 (so millenials and zoomers) wear lingerie at all anymore
Doesn't map on my relationships. The last five ones all own lingerie and busted them out on their own.
> Insights?
I think the stuff that's super sweet, White, pink or other pastel with a lot of bows and laces are out. Same with conventional styles where it's just your nicest pair of underwear. I think women in general started to spend more on underwear and this middle of the road approach died because of it.
The kinky leaning ones like Agent Provocateur and Baed Stories are in. Black, chokers, chains and super revealing/ouvert are in. Doesn't surprise me that people are not super open about sharing that though.
Also the very opaque and highly decorated style that >>18095640 and >>18095645 talk about.

Some dumb shit.
We have to buy European brands to get my wife's size.

People are so fat in this country it's insane.
The sexiest thing a woman can wear is my t-shirt. Alas, there is no porn of this.
>n-nuh uh *proceeds by projecting* wahmen are sacred you creep
Lmao okay calm down lil buddy.
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>Some dumb shit.
The rebranding actually happened, though.
you sound gay
there are plenty of smaller design studios doing lingerie. there is still bigger stripper/porno stuff but the things that actual women are into usually are on etsy or instagram in small runs with a niche design they are into
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>Black, chokers, chains and super revealing/ouvert are in
>t. one of these niggas
It's always one of you hilarious school shooter-looking fags that type this tasteless, pseud, low class shit out KEK.
Its become a trend to use it as a shirt under a jacket, as long as it has some boob coverage. But only if the woman actually has a body worth showing off. It really exacerbates the difference between ham planets and thin women, a ham can't get away with that shit
Lingerie is for countries with hot women.
Not the US
I don’t look like that nor do I have an OF, lols. The only previous post I had aside from my replies to you was talking about how I haven’t purchased lingerie in years— please work on your comprehension
combination of rising cost of living (no spare cash to spend on something frilly), and IG-exacerbated self-image issues (don't want to spend money on something that highlights your sexiness if you don't feel like you have sexiness to highlight).

Capitalism kills everything it touches.
nice story, but your prose is shit. keep the roleplay blogging on wattpad, faggot.
Fat women look absurd in lingerie and many many women are fat now.
>me relations
are they bio women. or trans women in sports and chris chan?
Married dude here
When I want my girl to dress up for sex it's usually lacy bras, thongs, stockings, heels, etc.
i'd rather see underwear and sometimes bikinis if that's what i want than lingerie
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Something that comes off in a few minutes isn't worth the price for broke zoomers. Though I keep hearing ewhores and escorts constantly talk about Honey Birdette
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honey birdettes apparently steals other designers work and slightly modifies them to get around copyright infringement high class bitches with taste wear agent provocateur or maison close
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>I dated a few feminists like that, they were into being slapped, choked, beaten, wanted me to spit on them, pull their hair, tell them they're whores, etc. The full package basically. But they drew the line at lingerie.
I can confirm this, been with the same sorts of women myself. Not to the point of them crying etc. but definitely the same combo of being into degrading and rough sub stuff while also being against anything "objectifying" including lingerie. My longest-term ex was even a very active serious cosplayer but refused to dress up for sex. and was also really prudish about her cosplays, if she had to wear a shortish skirt she'd wear opaque skin-colored tights with a second pair of very conservative panties over them and so on.

It sucks because I've got plenty of female friends who are openly into lingerie and other sexy dress-up stuff, plenty of male friends who talk about their gfs/exes being into it, but I always end up with the ones who have that mix of feminist outrage toward anything visually appealing to men, from lingerie to shaving and so on, and exclusively hard sub fetishes.
Zoomers are a sexless generation, they’re all incels and they’re not having kids either. The human race is doomed thanks to their retardation.
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>wife has been working from home almost exclusively since covid
>doesn't even wear normal bras let alone anything sexy, fucking high coverage sports bras 24/7
>get her a gift certificate to local lingerie store
>she just uses it to buy normal bras that she wears if she has to go into the office
Fucking kill me bros, I love lingerie so much.
Personally I don’t wear lingerie because I have no reason to and I think many of the other women I know are in the same boat. I’m not in a relationship so why bother even having it?

Plus I’m ugly and it isn’t gonna fix that.
Get her bra, panty, and stocking size and buy it for her, do date nights and ask her to wear it for you. If your marriage isn't complete shit she'll be ready to do this simple task of wearing lingerie for you.
Have you tried talking to her?
I buy my girlfriend those $10 fishnet body stockings on amazon, I find those a lot sexier than regular lingerie and I don't care if I destroy it.
my gf wears lingerie but jesus it's expensive. I can't fathom how women even afford that shit.
I bet fatties do good business for lingerie because they want corsets that suck their gut in.
cause theres a massive market for it and the big brands and a massive bragging right amongst women if you can buy expensive lingerie thats why they all go on about honey b and shit there is even a massive resellers market for it where rare shit is auctioned off cause its limited production
>that fucking fridge waist and ugly hand tat
this is ALL women.

they think its cool and edgy.

I use to really love tying girls up. then I realized they are just laying there and doing nothing.

it fucked with my head and I stopped.
Feminists are retards
>I dated a few feminists like that, they were into being slapped, choked, beaten, wanted me to spit on them, pull their hair, tell them they're whores, etc
The biggest feminist I dated would always tell me "do whatever you want with me" and I would choke the shit out of her, fuck her without foreplay, slap her red, etc. good times. Not worth the non sexual periods, though.
also . most "lesbos" still want and crave dick.
Nah my marriage isn't shit, sex often, fun date nights etc. I'd just like her to do something spontaneously sexy
Personally I buy lingerie corsets and stuff like that and just use it as normal clothes like for school and stuff cause it’s cute. And lingerie is actually really popping off rn, like love and lemons w their high end cute stuff. It just is fun to wear frilly things idk why im hardwired that way (also can someone tell me how to solve these fucking captchas)
"lingerie" is now plastic shit made in china.
Same here my man. Sex a few times per week. Date nights at least once. She just never uses her vibrator or dresses up fun anymore.
our sex life plummeted. legit sex once a month. not even married. but i think the pill kills her sex drive.
mean while I'm jerking off alot. we've talked and she basically just thinks its me. desu I learnt ot just jerk off I don't REALLY initiate it anymore only in the morning im super horny to fuck her. but she doesn't like morning sex.

I dunno we gotta do more date nights and just drink a bit and fuck. I wish she had more of an umphf for sex , past gfs just want to bang like crazy and fuck.
Its cause no one wants to spend 120 bucks on some undies their bf wont notice
Same thing happened to me with my last long-term ex. We hit a point where our horniness never really lined up and she totally stopped initiating after I made the mistake of admitting once that I hadn't been in the mood and had only had sex because she wanted it at the time. She also refused to do anything to incite me to want to bone, she always wanted it mid-day but that was usually when she was at her least attractive, sitting around in old sweatpants with her hair up and skin stuff all over her face and so on, and like I say she'd never actually tell me she wanted it, just get mad that I wasn't coming onto her at those time.
This is when you unironically start considering ENM. 4chan shits on it but if both partners are adults they can decide if theyre cool with it.
Most people are better off just breaking up and finding somebody else in that situation. It never gets better and "ENM" is a scam for 99% of couples, there's always a loser in that situation. I'm in SoCal and involved in alt scenes so I've known a lot of poly, open relationship, etc. people and it NEVER works out in the long run, so many friends that have sworn to me that it's such a great setup and then a year later they end up hurt and single because of it.
desu. I think its me. I just jerk off in the shower and call it a night. I'm sure I should just stop jerking off and gooning. but I like to masturbate and cum. even after sex when she passes out I'm usually pump with blood and still horny.

not sure. I'm sure its natural for things to slow down but its been a while now.

I'm HORNY alot and sometimes just jerk off cause I can. I'd imagine this is a problem to some degree but it wasn't with my EX. my EX wanted to fuck just cause. my new gf is LESS interested in sex.

weird too cause when we didn't move in together we would sext a bunch and send snap chats. I think that helped but now living/working at home. we don't sext.
Women these days are all too fat to wear it.
i'm a 36yo boomer. i do not understand this zoom zoom jargon. what is this
The only people buying it are guys close to 40 and above buying “nice” shit for their sugar baby. The industry should just partner with onlyfans sluts and whatnot.
It was kinda the same for me too. We fucked a lot for the first 6 months living together or so, but then she just stopped putting in any effort to be appealing to me and guilt tripped me whenever I'd say anything about it or ask her to do stuff like wearing sexy panties instead of ragged Target granny panties, to shave her pussy, etc., all stuff she did when we first got together. That's not even getting into the stuff I wanted her to do that she was never down for, even though most of it was pretty mild. I ended up fapping a lot just because I wasn't getting what I was into from her anymore.
My fuck buddy grew her hair out because her boyfriend pissed her off, I’m glad she did because I like to tug on it while I’m driving.
just to follow up on >>18099536 i urban dictionaried this. holy shit, borccoli head. this is why western civ is dying.
Like i said if both people are genuinely cool with it its fine. The issue is that a lot of time one of the partners isnt cool with it but goes along because they dont want to be alone.

If a couple enjoys eachother but simply doesnt have an interest in sex then theres no reason to stay miserable.
t. late 30s man on a fashion board in a lingerie thread
No, that’s not what is required. It only works if both people are legitimately “hot” and can fuck whoever whenever they want. That’s the 1% of the time it works. The other 9% of the time it works is if they’re both basically fuck buddies and fucking around until they both find somebody to settle down with, but they’re also both at least 7/10s and thus gain entry into the kool kids’ klub in the local scene. That doesn’t really count, though, since they just say they’re poly to go to parties and slut it up.
i buy lingerie lmao
wtf else am I going to wear around the house? sweats?
You are completely right. People are so damn afraid to be alone. It's okay to be single. Instead they'd rather play these stupid games with each other. Just be alone, you are not a loser because you aren't romantically dependent or attached to someone. People are really so starved for affection that they'd rather torture themselves for months or years trying to be poly than just learn to love themselves and be content with their inner thoughts and family and friends as companions.
You're right but people have advertising brains. A relationship is "success" so they'll want to look successful so they'll get a dangerous or terrible relationship.
Yeah, thank fuck I never had to deal with the poly/open thing myself but I wasted 5 prime years of my life trying to make a broken relationship work for exactly the reasons you said, and it wasn't worth it, especially because it put me in so much worse of a situation than before that relationship. Being single fucking sucks in its own way too, especially as you get older and it gets harder to hook up or date, but it's still not as bad as being in a relationship that makes you miserable.
What does have to do with embarrassed nude males?
that's because everyone realized girls wearing briefs with superheroes on them are way sexier. No pedo
Give me her name right now and nobody gets hurt
>Aiming directly into the camera with finger on the trigger
this is how Helyna Hutchins died
So insecure.
I don't think it's gone away so much as styles have changed obviously the stuff you saw on skinamax back in the 90's isn't going to be popular today. I know this is a coomer thread but I feel like there could be a legitimate discussion on how styles have evolved over time. Babydoll camisoles seem to be shilled to fat chicks because they hide everything gross and blackedfags love Tommy Hilfiger inspired bra and panty sets.
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>But they drew the line at lingerie
this was my experience with a girl, a millennial not a zoomer, but still
she would have sex but she refused to dress up sexy for me. she had stockings, heels, tight dresses, lacy bras, etc. and she wouldn't wear them just because i wanted her to
i think it was some feminist "i'm not gonna do what a guy wants me to just for sex" kinda thing because she was kind of a bitch about it when i asked her to wear the heels
we broke up a week later lmao
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Pretty much all the whores I visit have at least a few sets.
nice, how long is it?
This. I never had a bf so I stick with cheap chinese children underwear
This is why they are putting chemicals in the water, they want to sell them to men
Most people are massively overweight so I'd imagine that cuts into sales. Although fatties seem to have no shame anymore and think people want to see them looking like a package of ready to bake biscuits.
Kill fats.
I’ve never seen the appeal of lingerie. I think it’s a boomer thing.
Zoomers are buying and wearing lingerie are regular tops now, but it’s not lingerie brands selling it, it’s coming from places like F21 ect
back before the internet you couldn't just see a naked woman whenever you wanted at the touch of a button. you either saw one in person or you had porn magazines or VHS tapes
lingerie was a foreplay, teasing, fun thing. it was about the imagination and the build up
nowadays everyone has been watching porn since they were 12 and their brains are completely rotten to the point only disgusting blacked anal gangbang shit even gets them hard anymore, so of course lingerie doesn't interest them
Because you have no aesthetic sensibility or taste.
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To wear lingerie, you first need to have sex, which the vast majority of zoomers and even millennials aren't having. And two, you need a decently fit body to rock it, which neither zoomer nor millennial fatass women have. Most of them haven't even decided whether they are women or not.
>No woman buys it for their husband or SO.
>no woman [singular]
It's HER husband you degenerate tranny. You are part of the problem.
Hard but true.
the average woman in the usa is 5'4", 170 lbs, and tattooed
we're currently in the swimsuit era. my insta feed is filled with zoomie and gen alpha chicks wearing bikinis. their exhibitionism and early sexualization will certainly lead into another lingerie era, especially once instagram stops being weird about lingerie vs. bikinis on younger girls.
tee period pedophile
Fembois are the new women. Get with the times
I think it's more of the fact that love in general is dead. Nobody is fucking or in serious relationships.
I work at a Nordstrom and all the young women only care about the Skims section. There's Natori, Wacoal, Etam, Free People, Hanky Panky, but I only ever see them checking out Skims, which if you've ever seen her stuff is far from sexy.
exactly, you can sell more material at a higher price and call it empowering
It's a wholly one-sided thing, you buy lingerie to look sexy for your man. They don't get anything out of it. And millenial/younger women are programmed that doing anything solely for your man's sexual gratification is demeaning and wrong.
Just buy her lingerie holy fuck. I buy it for my GF and she wears it because she love how I look at her while she's dressed sezy
It's too much of a hassle and it doesn't feel good to wear, I imagine. Also I heard it's a bitch to wash.
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I think for most women it is about daily functionality and special occasions replaced lingerie with fetish gear and "outfits"
It's legit one of my fetish's so I buy my wife shit to wear all the time.
>The rebranding actually happened, though.
>you sound gay
I don't think I am. I'm not against the idea in principle, but I have never felt attracted to a man. I think I know what you're picking up on. I'm male, but nonbinary or some kind of agender.
>are they bio women. or trans women in sports and chris chan?
Bio women. Usually bisexual because I'm too high maintenance for straight women. I have also never felt attracted to a trans woman, but I'm not opposed to the idea in principle.>>18097102
>same combo of being into degrading and rough sub stuff while also being against anything "objectifying"
Yeah, I understand the struggle though. Submissive women still want to be respected and they should demand to be. In my experience they usually warm up to the idea of dressing up to please me after they realize that I'm not an asshole.
I have told my current GF that I don't care if she shaves or not, because I don't. She does it because it's what she prefers.
King shit.
>i think the pill kills her sex drive.
It absolutely does. Copper IUD or condom. Hormones mess with women's libido.
lingerie was made to make woman less ugly
modern woman like to be ugly
Yea it just seems old and dated, it's also heavily associated with what AGP men wear to get off on their sissy fetish. A lot of women talk about how they can't even buy any feminine panties without seeing 100 reviews of it by trannies. It puts women off so the tomboy style is more popular now

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