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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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Is this norwood 2 or 3?
Shaved my head last week, beside the vegeta hairline I don't have any hole in the vertex
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Keeps canceled my subscription because they didn't wanna give me a discount anymore.and I wasn't about to pay $80/3mo for life.

Indian generics websites sell fin in boxes of 10 for both 1 and 5mg sizes, a year's worth of 1mg fin would be like 40 boxes shipped, but the same amount in 5mg tabs would be a 4 and a halfyears supply if split into quarters, and both are priced more or less the same.

>1mg would work out $6/mo
>5mg would work out to $1.52/mo
but you'd have to split them tho
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hello bros
picrel is me today. im 27.
is this male pattern baldness? or diffuse thinning? desu i would prefer the M shape baldness with strong hairs compared to being bald like mine but eh we cant choose our baldness.

also I just started finasteride 1mg daily and redensyl (3%) (spray six times n massage it on scalp daily). am i on the right track? what am i in for? my doctor asked me to pick if i want minoxidil spray or redensyl spray. minoxidil is old but proven, while redensyl is new and not rly tested. i picked redensyl because i learn minoxidil is manipulating the blood vessel.

maybe a thing to note, could be my wishful thinking, but my bald spot has been similar since 2020, is this normal? if so, this could mean the baldness has stopped and will stay like this for a long time.
need your advice. thank you for your guidance.
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Threadly reminder that you can take topical min orally if you lack sulfotransferase enzymes on your scalp, if you hate having greasy stuff on your head, or if you're just extremely lazy!
Many people have trouble getting oral min tabs prescribed, liquid min 5% can be taken orally as all the ingredients (PG, ethanol and water) are food safe!
Measure out your min dropper and figure out how many drops are in 1ml, (it's usually 40)
Each ml contains 50mg of min, so each drop is about 1.25mg of oral min, adjust to suit.
Does caffeine shampoo work at all or is it a waste of money?
this post has huge groomer vibes
>but you'd have to split them tho
that takes 3 seconds with 2 dollar pill cutter
i had a theory like skulls in picrelated "tear apart" your normal hair are and you're destined to bald
look up people with normal skulls they very rarely bald

also i think gay skull can happen if you're to immobile in front of pc in your developing years, because i looked at my baby photos and the skull more round looking, no weird ass hills and slopes
If you're following the Norwood Hamilton scale no number of shampoos or natural treatments will help.
Finasteride & minoxidil or you go bald. It's simple really.
Check with a dermatologist but it looks like diffuse thinning. There's still a lot of hair there you might get away with just finasteride. It might be progressing slowly because you have thick hair is all.
Not sure what you mean by manipulating blood vessel topical minox doesn't do anything like that. I have no clue about redensyl but minox is proven to regrow hair a lot of people are non responders to it though butr you can turn into a responder if you use tretinoin or take it orally.
I have a full head of hair at 30, zero recession or thinning. Can I still go bald any moment now?

My father and uncle experienced little balding until 60, but my mothers' father did bald at 40-50.
It's cope man. There are no real skull patterns that show anything. It's genetic predisposition of the follicle to shit itself when DHT is present that's it.
It's always possible when you're male. My dad has strong hair genes as well, but I inherited my mother's side. It's embarrassing having a worse hair line than your 60 your old dad.
I think you'll be fine, though. Monitor the temples once in a while and if you see anything go to a dermatologist.
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What's the earliest one can go bald?
Congratulations on cope world record
embrace or die. don't shave it. don't comb it over. don't grow a beard. EMBRACE.
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Can I expect regrowth where those little baby hair are? I wouldn't know if I had those before treatment, it's been two weeks (min+fin+microneedling).
That's just how weeb brained posters talk
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How over is it?
I work a really stressful job and i think thats what may be fucking my hair up - i catch myself scratching my head for hours - so perhaps if i change jobs it may come back ? I hope and pray
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>gay alien skull means you have a fully developed frontal lobe but also a fully developed occipital bun. most ethnicities only got one or the other. congratulations you're genetically superior
crackpot anthropologist, other ethnicities have fully developed brain-parts just within a more rugged casket.
I've seen the reaper hit as early at 16, though I can't be sure if this was natural or the result of blasting creatine and roids.
Good point, sometimes I observe white with extremely sloped foreheads and I wonder about that as well.
Yes, somalians are obviously the pinnacle of human intelligence!
If you took the person with the biggest brain in the world and gave him a larger brow ridge he would have a sloped forehead, dumbass. Try actually using your massive gay alien somali bulbhead brain.
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>gay alien skull means you have a fully developed frontal lobe but also a fully developed occipital bun. most ethnicities only got one or the other. congratulations you're genetically superior with a more fully developed brain than most people.
This board is slow as shit you could see no activity for 3 days and not fall off the catalog.
If you're bald, just go for women with high estrogen (wide hips, big ass, big tits, etc.) they seem to love bald guys.
Yeah I'll definitely buy one of those when my order arrives, please hope!
If anything grows back? Yeah probably.
is the fin shed real or is it just a cope?
on solo fin for 5 months and it looks worse than when i started.
Looks like diffuse thinning. Diffuse thinners typically respond well to minoxidil and microneedling. Hair fibers are magic for diffuse thinning so you could try that too if you don't get the results you want from medical treatment.
Every day I take finasteride, I feel like Guts from Berserk defying causality and destiny itself. The Godhand (Norwood reaper) sending in hordes of Apostles (DHT molecules) to rape and kill my hair follicles, and I have to deal with them with my Dragon Slayer (Finasteride tablets). Every shed more brutal than the last, but I will never falter and give in to destiny (just shave it brah! grow a manly beard even!)
I am the Eternal Norwood Struggler.
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crown/cowlick or is it over for me?
VGGHHHHH... the feeling of nuking DHT is only second to total TND & TKD
It's real. hair growth cycles take a while whatever you do do not discontinue it'll restart again but this time it'll probablyt regrow way weaker without fin.
utterly useless pic. I'd just a lick but hard to tell.
if they're black maybe.
It's real if DHT was already doing damage, my shed started at 4 months and continued into month 6, I was back to baseline at month 8 if it makes you feel better.
I also started min around this time and only then did I start seeing real regrowth, the effects are almost immediate because it made me shed within 30 days of starting, just not nearly as bad as the fin shed.
my shit started heavily receding at 17. Was at the point of needing to shave my 18.5-19. I knew one guy who started earlier.
What are your thoughts on taking oral min twice a day?
so we got any buzz inspo shit anymore or is it all fin and cope? i gave up after three years of depression side effects
that wasn't the fin, you were probably low T, and yes you can still get your hair ravaged even when you're low T if it's all being converted to DHT
It really looks like a cowlick to me, you have overhead lighting so you'd see more thinning there if it really was the start of crown thinning.
okay I'll bite - what's the go to increasing T options?
go to your doctor
or go through the same gray market channels /fit/ goes to score their steroids
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Comparison pics
2 years on 10mg oral minoxidil

It stays in your blood for 24 hours so it's pointless is what I've heard
Whats your family history of balding like?
I had this when I was a teenager, but the radius gradually started growing in my mid twenties. I'd get it checked out at a derm and possibly get on low fin doses to stop it dead in its tracks. Best be proactive with this shit because vertex balding is the worst since you don't really start noticing it until it gets really bad.
T. Knower
Great for speedrunning cardiac arrest
Working out regularly. Eating nutrient dense, high protein foods, and cutting down on processed goyslop. Getting enough sunlight (at least 30 mins daily). Unhealthy slobs who don't take care of themselves are far more likely to experience sides from any medication, not just finasteride.
God I really hate my thinning crown. Why did God curse me with this shit? I would accept balding if I at least got the classic receding hairline, but not this fucking embarrassing creepy old man thinning spot on the top of my skull. Thinking of getting a golf ball sized SMP back there so I don't have to look at it every time I step out of the shower and thinking of killing myself
Shaving my hair off was the best choice I ever made. No longer have to worry about god damn styling can save money.
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It's never too late to convert.
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Don’t you miss this?
No its much easier this way and evens out the youthful face I have. Then again I am gen z makes me stand out more because every guy is desperately trying to prevent balding when its a part of life. That and my hair just never would style the way I wanted it too always a fucking mess and looked goofy. It still perplexes me that men think being bald as a guy is bad when we have it easier then woman in this aspect because if woman doesnt have hair she is automatically viewed as mentally unstable and unattractive
Hair was thinning out pretty bad so I just shaved it all off yesterday. I don't know shit about skincar though, so how do I keep it from being dry and flaky?
Ever heard of lotion dumbass?
>every guy is desperately trying to prevent balding when its a part of life.
Where? All Gen Z I know are just letting it happen. Finasteride only has 8 million prescriptions in the US and a lot of those are for BPH.

You reek of some bald crab.
I wanna finpill every baldie I meet, but I don't know how.
having a whole general for this lmfaooo just do steroids and get a beard like every other guardiola. can't relate tho i'm tryna get my hair like julian casablancas circa 2006
Men need to be told fin exists, getting bombarded with ads for predatory subscription services selling you generic prescription fin is not enough.
just wear a wig like girl be fr
Keep taunting the Norwood reaper and you will become a regular poster on this general in a few years
converting to judaism to get money
converting to gain influence over world governments, mass media, and unlimited power
converting to hide norwood
I've been getting sloppy with liquid min, taking 6 drops (8mg) with no ill effects, the hypertrichosis is real tho, specifically the area between your temples and eyebrows, they'll start to fill up with hair with time.
You can just shave the excess you don't like.
personal experience with oral minox

1.5 years in on only oral minoxidil & i've kept most of my hair, i shed once in a while but it's nowhere as bad as losing 200 hairs a day like i was b4hand

completely aware that this is temporary and that i should be doing fin (didn't react to it well) but i've accepted ill go bald, just didn't want it to be joever asap at the tender age of 23, i already look like a divorced father so i've just leaned into that
Not possible, too much fragile masculinity, most of them will think you're gay if you wanna keep your hair too.
yeah i have an excessive amount of hair from minoxidil, i've already adopted a shitty beard so it doesn't always suck but if i dont trim once a week i turn into a ape
I get more pussy now that I'm 40-something losing my hair than I did in my 20s
take that fwiw
Just got my minox last week, I'm slathering that shit on my cheeks and temples. Not only will I defeat the Norwood Reaper, but I will grow a beard as well. Godspeed niggers, see you on the other side.
Has someone actually said this to your face though?
I'm not sure if I'm balding, when I buzz my hair short and look at it at certain angles I can see my scalp, when it grows a bit and I comb it forward it's okay, also my hairline has receded a bit on the sides though not Vegeta bad yet. Is there something with zero side effects I can take as a "just in case" thing?
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Anyone else became extremely horny on finasteride? I've been having wet dreams almost every 2 to 3 nights which is a pain in the ass now that I have to wash my sheets so frequently. I'm 26 btw which is why I am a little concerned, even when I was a teenager I didn't have that many wet dreams. I read that fin increases testosterone levels by up to 20%, is that why I've been jizzing in my mattress so much?
I did the first few weeks, though never to the point of wet dreams, it also gave me whiteheads like when I was a horny teen, though after a month or two you get used to the increased T.
This is cope. I have a full gay alien skull and I wish I had a flat occiput and a neanderthal fighter brow. I hate being genetically weak. If I get punched in the head it's over.
but I'm into femcels
who for some reason always want hair, maybe it's because of high test/male brain that also makes them get into male hobbies
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2 weeks regrowth from full shave
Does it look that bad on the temples?
are you retarded ?
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Thinning is worse when it's autoimmune induced, at least with MPB you know what you're dealing with and can just take fin+min, with anything else there's too many variables for you to even know how to fix it, your meds don't seem to work so you take supplements because you might be vitamin deficient, you tell your doctor about it and they just brush off your concerns, and yadda yadda, it's all so tiresome
How can I tell what my skull looks like before I shave it all off?
i am 28 and the back of my head is itching from time to time. I've read its how it starts often

holy shit im scared
do you have other scalp conditions like flaky greasy dandruff?
my DHT itch started like that, the flakes got so big that they would come off and have lots of little miniaturized hairs embedded in them.
no, no other stuff, but itching
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Added oral min to my stack 6 months ago.
Been getting a lot of new regrowth because I get a lot of different-length hair whenever I put my hair in a bun. Baby hairs are still coming up, especially around the temples.
Other results: beard got fuller, body hair got thicker and denser, eyelashes got thicker and longer, eyebrows got thicker.
You be the judge.
looks great, I almost look forward to taking minoxidil lol
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Op is albanian lmao
why is there a balding general in /fa/

balding is not fashion
avoiding balding is fashion
it doesn't really belong on /fit/ because they'll call you a fag for taking pharmaceuticals to block a specific hormone
it doesn't really belong on /lgbt/ either because they already avoid hair loss by nuking T completely.
I started min about a month ago.
Got some new hairs around the edge of my eyebrows and my beard is stiffer and slightly more full.
Had some side effects at the beginning but they're gone now. Looking forward to more gains.
yeah this shit looks awesome. or like Steve ballmer. my tech professor had this hair too.

personally for me balding is just scary because it makes you acknowledge the fact you're no longer a boy or young man. you may still be young- especially if you take care of yourself- but no longer will you or anyone see yourself as young. and it has less to do with the march towards mortality but more like saying goodbye to a time in your life when you could be who you wanted to be.
Don't take finasteride bros. I was on it for 5 years, quit 1 year ago, and the side effects still haven't went away. Lower libido, erectile dysfunction anad much lower semen quantity. Sex and orgams also don't feel as pleasurable. Also my flaccid dick is more wrinkly and veiny, and seems to have decreased in size slightly. My erect length seems to be the same. Morning wood is much less frequent. I have maintained a pretty good hairline and I don't know if that's due to the finasteride or if it means I never needed to take it in the first place.
I don't fucking get it, even if pfs was real, why would you stop taking it?
That is what you deserve for follow the crew fags that uses fin
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I wanna rename this general to "hair regrowth general", nobody actually copes with balding here.

1 year of fin and 2.5mg oral min
Impressive results. How bad are your side effects?
I have hair loss pretty bad on the side, just above the ear- the parts where even a norwood 7 should spare. I think it's from chafing since I sleep on my side, will minoxidil on its own work for this situation?
Oh yeah that was a reddit pic I found

No side effects past the initial shed
I look like this and I'm 5'5"
its over
Taking drugs that can make ur fetus retarded.
just dont take fin when trying for baby
Taking finasteride for like 5 years by now, used min up until 2 years ago. Diffuse thinning on the whole fucking scalp and receding hairline, shit never stopped. Owari da.
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>1mg fin ed
>massive amounts of regrowth
>no side effects
>actually increased libido
>get hit with gyno
I'll try my luck with ralox, DIM and CDG
>trying to save hair
>take fin
>sperm now can produce nigger tier level babies
>dick doesn’t work for making retarded babies
Why balding is a curse
hi, 30 y, NW 4 here
I want to start with Minoxidil, but I am afraid of Finasteride, because I don't want to lose my sexual functions. Does anyone have experience with 17-beta-Estradiol or Minoxidil without Finasteride?
slav heda
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Is it over, guys?
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>diffuse thinning
hi sorry for the late reply i was busy. anyway just wanna say thanks for the confirmation. i think i will continue with the redensyl+finasteride+hairtonic for now. but i will try both of ur methods if i dont see results with my current treatment. thank you both again.
You're afraid of fin but you're gonna take fucking estrogen?
You people are unreal.

Min will absolutely increase hair density and induce hair growth, but if you have DHT floating around, it will eventually overpower the stimulating effects of min and you'll go bald anyway.
You don't need to nuke testosterone to keep your hair dumbass, get on fin right now.
it's crazy how fear mongered it has become as of late. it seems any time the importance of something is highlighted by medical professionals like say sunscreen alternative grifters give you a 'natural' solution or some batshit shit that doens't work almost the same day. Their audience just lap it up and howl at anyone not following their bullshit.
I blame the constant howling about THE MOST POTENT ANDROGEN crap which doesn't amtter when it's only localizedd to certain area.
Trust in the medical establishment was destroyed during COVID, the scientific community reaps what they sow desu
Nuclear stack ASAP
Now that you mentioned COVID, did you guys also notice your hair loss substantially increase after getting infected? Only after a few months getting hit by COVID my hair loss became so bad to the point where I was like "yeah I need to do something about this" and started finasteride, wherein my hairloss was rather slow and not progressing to such an alarming degree for years
serotonin/melatonin dysregulation?
or maybe some kind of autoimmune reaction
can fin cause beard thinning?
I started aggressively balding at 15 and was Norwood 7 at 18 before graduating highschool
I've never seen proof of it actually thinning out the beard. It can increase the time it takes to grow out the beard, though. If it's a concern you can probably compensate with oral minox you'll get nice lashes in the process as well.
3 weeks into oral fin/min and the shedding is absolutely raping my ass. I just gotta trust the plan right b-bros?
first 2-4 months after starting treatment expect a massive shed that will leave you below baseline, but don't panic that means the drugs are doing their thing. all the shitty miniaturized hairs that were raped by DHT for years are rapidly cycling through sheds to be replaced by stronger healthier hairs. you can expect improvement in density at around month 6 to up to a year depending on the severity of your hair loss, but you're on min too which will likely give you faster results so worry not.
Rationally I know that I in all likelihood I will recover and gain but seeing those never ending hairs in the shower (a lot more than when I was just balding), seeing my hairline move upwards and my bald spot grow larger while reading horror stories of people shedding for a year or never recovering just fucks with ones head.
I'll keep going, we're all gonna make it. Thanks anon
COVID can cause tellogen effluvium, I know a few people that had it after getting infected
I've been buzzing for almost four years, and I'm still not even as bad as that.

It was over half a decade ago, senpai.
>had hairy forearms before oral min
>now my forearms are even more hairy
>slightly more peach fuzz than before
>still no real body hair where there was none before
You wont turn into sasquatch unless you were already hairy everywhere.

My hair has never looked better, unfortunately my ass is hairier than ever, how bad of an idea is it to use nair on your ass and genitals?
I'm at 11 months on finasteride and going through a second shed myself. I can lose anywhere between 40 to 60 hairs a day in the shower (rough estimate eye balling, it's probably more), which can get demoralizing believe me, but when I look in the mirror, I realize my hair is way thicker then when I started treatment, and I just have to trust the thousands of pages of clinical and scientific data backing up this drug.
trt. I take test undeconoate once a week along with dutasteride and dialled it in so that my testosterone is peak normal range while dht is as low as I can get it. Testosterone is plenty androgenic by itself making dht redundant.
Diffuse thinning, get your labs done to check for any autoimmune diseases or vitamin deficiencies before you jump the gun on fin+min.

t. suffering from hypothyroidism related hair loss.
I'm now facing the dilemma of gyno vs hairloss.
I'm in the middle of a shed so tapering off fin will leave me JUSTed but I'm growing bitch tits at an impressive rate after 3 weeks of 1mg fin/2.5mg min.
I haven't done any bloods but I'd guess it's from excess estrogen due to aromatase of increased test since I'm also having a much higher libido.
Has anyone had their gyno stabilize or regress after their sex hormones returned to baseline after the initial spike? Obviously this won't happen if it's the lack of 5ar byproducts competing for receptors instead of the increased est.
I'm thinking about powering through it since full gland removal gyno surgery is always an option meanwhile hairtransplants are limited and a waste of money without fin/dut.
poggers if true, my iq is pretty high so that might be the case
is anyone else's thinning really slow?
it's kinda a pain since idk if fin is doing anything
Are you fat?
Lose weight fatty
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Should I use both minoxidil AND finasteride?
Or I can get results with finasteride only?
I'm not norwooding, but my hair is thinning globally.
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>To embrace is to become based
you'll want min if you want your hair to get thick again in the short term, it'll also make regrowth and recovery from the shed take less than a month.
But then what would happen when I stop min and stay on fin?
just got my oral min, starting out with 2.5 mg a day. I'll get fin if I see no improvement.
definitely stay on fin only for at least a year minimum. check your results after that period and decide if you need to add min to any problem areas.

if you start with both you will never know which of the medications is actually working for you and could end up on minoxidil for life thinking its working when its not
Nobody is really sure, thin ass hair that sprouted from min and didn't have a chance to thicken will likely fall out after stopping min but hair that turned thick will probably stick around as long as you keep taking fin.
Again, if you're diffuse thinning get your labs checked, not sure why most people don't know this, but diffuse hair loss that happens all over your head and even on the scalp is typically a sign of an autoimmune disease, stop rushing to fin+min until you've found the cause of the hair loss.
Diffuse thinning is 95% of the times androgenic alopecia. People have become so used to seeing the same Norwood scale pattern of balding diagram that they'll think as long as their hairline is intact, it's not genetic hair loss, while their entire mid scalp and vertex are getting raped by DHT, often beyond the point of no return, until the "Oh fuck" moment of realization that their ancestors screwed them with shitty genes starts slowly creeping in on them.
Here but I've only been on fin for 6 months so I can't tell if it's working either. I just take my pill every morning and try not to think about it. I think you're pretty much SOL if fin doesn't work so there's no point worrying anyway. You're doing what you can and that's it.
It's really hard to tell sometimes because every loudmouth that screeches about fin not working starts to get desperate and switches to dut and then those russian chemicals, and then it turns out their shit wasn't working because they stopped right as the initial shed was setting in.
if you white n bald and have at least decent jaw and chin do the wigger/disconnected goatee and maintain it. latinas love that shit. and on some lookism advice do some neck exercises--pencil neck with bald is legit unattractive lol. gl out there.
Vaccines caused so much worse effects. Not a problem :) they probably got it from stress too
After I take min i feel light-headed, and sleep much longer than I used to. Is this normal?
Not really, no.
How much do you take?
Like 10 sprays?
are you trolling?
That's what doc recommended me
looks like 3, doesn't necessarily mean your crown should already be balding. perfect transplant candidate
on your head?
you should not have drops in blood pressure either way
>you should not have drops in blood pressure either way
It's one of the main side effects of Min since it's a vasodilator (widens your blood vessels).
Not at the dosages for hair growth, how much did you take?
Oh I'm not that Anon. 5 mg could have you feeling dizzy when going from lying to standing if your blood pressure is on the lower side by default.
I suspect that nigga probably didn't do his homework and took way more than 5 mg.
Currently a NW2 and just started min. Is it possible that I get gainz without a shed?
Hair can't switch from resting back to growth phase without shedding and starting over.
A shed tells you that it's working, min accelerates healthy hair growth too so the effects of a shed won't be noticable for more than a month even if it hits you hard as an NW2.
How long did you guys shed after starting treatment?
>even if it hits you hard as an NW2.
What are the odds of it hitting hard? Will a shed always make a cosmetic difference to others?
It all depends on how many of your hairs are in resting phase.
Normally, 10% of your hairs are in resting at any time, since you have substantial hair loss at NW2, it's gonna be more like 15%, it shouldn't really be noticable unless your hair was already DHT cooked to begin with.
Thanks man. Hopefully it's not too bad. My density is pretty good overall, I've just lost my temples and it's now starting to eat into my actual hairline. I've been using min for 2 weeks and have noticed new baby hairs so that's a good sign I guess
I'll also add that I'm microneedling every 10-14 days at 1.25mm so idk how that affects shedding
lurker chiming in
my hairline is fine but i have diffuse thinning. less severe than >>18138745, but still noticable difference in density between top and sides. i have had quite good results with just the Intelligent(TM DPMD psyop enterprises) keto shampoo and im even gaining some density back with locking in diet on top of this.
Im also taking two fat scoops of EAAs every day, eating fish once weekly, and eating at least one egg everyday (plus bromelain and sucking down a lime slice for digestion). I'm doubt any of these help regrow anything, but protein being important for hair is real
Considering orals but I told myself I'd wait 6months.
Is Ketoconazole shampoo a meme? Considering adding it to my stack.
My head is really prone to dandruff, I've gotten rid of it more or less by shampooing only 1-2 times a week carefully.

Whatcha think, should I go buy some?

t. diffuse thinner already on finmin
i never had dandruff until using min. it's not actual dandruff its dried minoxidil. are u sure its actual dandruff or that?
Was dandruff for sure, had it for many years but didn't care that much about it until now. Started min a little over a month ago.
It cured my dandruff, now I just smear a drop of nizoral onto the problem area every week to keep the dandruff from coming back.
Nice, I'mma pick some up from the pharmacy tomorrow. Even if it wont help regrow hair, it must be nice not having to worry about getting dandruff.
Shit, I've stopped taking fina for 8 months now.
And my hair is falling and thinning globally.
How can I tell if its MPB and not other medical condition?
why would you even need to ask this?
>stop finasteride and start balding again, how can i tell if its MPB?
Fin is for life unless you switched to some other, more destructive way to block DHT in your body, like HRT.
Are you stupid?
Maybe, I just couldn't get my prescrb for a while
How do you niggas deal with the minox bloat?
My cheekbones are now gone even though I weigh less than before.
To those who regularly take finasteride and minoxodil, how expensive is it?
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>tfw its beginning to settle in that thanks to this faggot DHT in my body, I will never ever in my life get to be an attractive and beautiful handsome man
if you don't like doctors, buying 5mg fin grey market can be something like $20 a year if you buy in bulk, at least 5 years worth.
Oral min is easy to get, just buy topical liquid 5% min and take it orally, it's also OTC everywhere and a 6 month supply will last you several years before it goes bad for $30.

So... maybe about $30 a year amortized over 5 years?
Pocket change to keep your hair and keep away many forms of heart disease if you're genetically predisposed to it too.
Hypertension runs in my family, my blood pressure dropped from 135ish to 115ish after starting fin and it stayed there.
I have noticeably receded temples.
Is taking pills for the rest of my life really the only way to get growth back there?
>Is taking pills for the rest of my life really the only way to get growth back there?
No, there are other conventional methods and methods attempting to address the root cause.
Taking pills or applying liquids, yeah. Microneedling monotherapy doesn't really work. I tried it for 6 months. My cope for applying min every day is that I have to brush my teeth every day anyway. To be honest, I don't care if I lose my hair in my late 30s onwards. Just trying to maintain my hair while I'm young and then will probably just let nature take its course.
Such as?
I think what really annoys me is that even a transplant cant fix this shit without taking fin and/or min for the rest of my life afterwards
Creams like minoxidil for the former and for the latter... it's a complicated rabbit hole you probably don't want to go under. I mean, botox scalp injections work and it shouldn't be possible if you believe in the mainstream pathogenesis model.
Yeah man, I'm 24 with a NW2/2.5. I know I'm extremely vain for saying it but it sucks to have less hair or at least a worse hairline than your peers. Anyone who tells you hair doesn't matter if you want to be attractive to women is a liar. I already have a naturally wide forehead and a gay alien skull so me going bald will kill any attractiveness that I once had. It's pretty demoralising to have your body do that to itself. I'm convinced bald genes have largely been passed down because bald men managed to reproduce before they lost their hair.
I've heard things about topical caffeine but haven't really looked into. At the end of the day you're trying to resolve an issue caused by your genetics so any treatment is just that - not a cure.
>caused by your genetics
Not really, otherwise identical twins wouldn't bald at different rates or start balding at different times. Predisposition isn't a guarantee.
Sure, it would be more accurate to say genetic expression. But are you suggesting that other factors can exacerbate one's predisposition to AGA?
>But are you suggesting that other factors can exacerbate one's predisposition to AGA?
The twin data suggests the environment is what triggers it and what dictates the rate at which it develops.
Which environmental factors in particular? Did they cite dietary differences too? At the end of the day, my dad's bald and half of my maternal uncles are bald (but funnily enough, none of my paternal uncles). I always had a strong chance of balding. Sucks for it to be sooner rather than later
I was thinking about this study. They didn't look into diet or even reported associations. I simply brought it up because it demonstrates genes AND environment are at play. Now, I could argue why say, magnesium, is one of the countless factors that limits hair growth in male pattern baldness but it'd be too complicated since I'm still learning. If you're interested in an alternative view and want to take the root cause approach even if it's much more difficult, look into energy metabolism and the scalp tension hypothesis.
Thanks. I still lean towards the classical DHT sensitivity theory but I'll have a read. Also does anyone have any info or anecdotes re: minoxidil's effect on collagen production and aging?
>fell for the shave it off cope
>I look even worse
>b-but muh confidence
baffles me how redditors unironically think this
My new cope is that my hair is gonna grow back stronger thanks to the good scalp exfoliation i can now do
>I still lean towards the classical DHT sensitivity theory
As expected, I didn't post anything convincing against it.
>minoxidil's effect on collagen production and aging?
There are papers on PubMed that apparently show it inhibits collagen synthesis. I don't know how to interpret the studies which is why I typed "apparently".
European here, why do Americans talk about balding in a way that makes it look like losing a family member? It's not just "I look worse now", it's something like "I lost part of my identity" for you guys, I always found it weird
Men in their 30s are functionally identical to men in their 20s, losing their hair in this age means their life is over, they haven't married, bought a house or even become a father yet.
How do we normalize men caring about their hair?

I have a beautiful hair fetish and seeing pictures of balding men makes my stomach sink because I imagine what if I looked like that, the fear of losing my hair hair gives me incredibly body dysmorphia.
Copypasting from the other baldie thread.

Got a hair transplant a few years ago. Made a lot of good investments over the years but this was the best one by far. Quality of life went through the roof. Obviously in part as a result of increased confidence, but also because people just treat you better when you don’t look 40 in your late 20s.

I’m pretty open about it too. Normies worship celebrities so if a man gives me shit about it I’ll just mouth off a few athletes who got it done like Conor McGregor, Floyd Mayweather, Lebron James, Lewis Hamilton, Mo Salah and basically half the men in hollywood and any sports league, and suddenly they think hair transplants are amazing
well it's been 2 years on fin, no side effects at all, and my hair is stable. i'm really happy that i started when i did.
i know legally they only advertise minoxidil as being effective in the back because that's all they tested for back in the day, but the front is the only place where i have thinning. what should i expect if i were to start using min?
You can expect a small shed when you start min, but since min elongates and amps up the growth phase, it won't be anywhere near as bad a fin sheds.
You can also expect to grow hair anywhere it's applied, some people get dandruff and many people don't respond at all, so oral is always a good option, it always works, but it will thicken existing body hair if you have it already.
i just went from norwood 0 -> the entire right side of my head is 70% thinned no bald spot in 1 week. i've been on spiro for over 10 years i don't think its dht hair loss.
things i can think of:
- was sleeping on only that side
- tried head and shoulders right around when it fell out
- i have chronic health issues and i have nutritional absorption issues cause i had to have a bunch of my intestines removed
- i think i have hypothyroidism but i can't get a doctor to test me, maybe they will with the hair loss (yay obamacare) i have all the symptoms.

obviously i should get panels done (i haven't had a doctor since covid) but if its caused by the head and shoulders wtf can i do?
i understand a lot of these hair loss causes i CAN'T do a hair transplant for because it'll just fall out again right?
also is it gonna keep spreading? possible to get it back? if its just the side that goes as long as the top of my head's fine i can live with that and style my hair around it pretty easily. just locks me into certain aesthetic and high maintenance styles.
This desu. I'm not even American and I just can't imagine myself balding before my late 30s to 40s, and neither should any man. Men just shouldn't have to deal with that crap at such a young age, they should be focusing on careers, build lasting friendships, establish relationships, and cannot do so without feeling 100% confident in themselves and appearance plays a large part in that. You just can't afford to lose your hair at that age. It signals unattractiveness, poor genetics, premature mortality and is an aberration.
I read that AGA is hard to predetermine from a hereditary standpoint because there's a trillion different allele sequences in your DNA that are responsible for how sensitive your hair follicles are to DHT. It's kind of the same reason why there is no cure for the common cold, because there's a billion different viruses that are responsible for it. Anecdotally, one of my friends who is my age (26) still has perfect NW0 hair, while his brother who is about 3 years older has been balding for as long as I've known them. This shit is still shrouded in mystery and why the current pharmacological solutions we have are only temporary treatments that require continuous use and will likely stay so for a long ass time. We've barely scratched the surface of the Norwood disease
What do I tell the doctors to look at for autoimmune diseases/vitamin deficiencies?
I just had a chimp out to myself because I'm balding in my mid 20s. I can't married any time soon for reasons I'm not going to get into here so I basically get to watch my looks fade away without being able to put them to any use. Fucks you up desu. And no, I'm not going to fornicate like a degenerate
you sound like balding is the least of your problems
Rapid onset body dysmorphia is a real thing and the peace of mind from taking fin is the cure, I know it first hand.
>I read that AGA is hard to predetermine from a hereditary standpoint
No, we have heritability estimates, it is highly heritable (~0.8). That doesn't mean what laymen think it does.
>This shit is still shrouded in mystery
Not if you go down the rabbit hole. Something similar happens with acne, people, including so-called experts, don't know we have a very likely cause already pinned down.
I'm on the same boat as you brother. Currently 26, I started shedding a fuck ton of hair at around 22 years of age. The first 2 years, it was the least of my worries. But it's when it started progressing to the point where I couldn't take photos of myself in brightly lit environments that I realized life as I knew it was never going to be the same. I'm horribly diffuse thinning in the mid scalp and on the crown. When my hair is at medium length, the sides behind my ears look thick while all the hairs from top of the ear to ear look thinner, curlier, and whispy. It's become impossible to style my hair and I look like shit all the time. I've been taking finasteride for about 11 months now, it's mostly maintained and possibly gotten sliiiightly thicker (but it could be placebo). I don't know man, if finasteride doesn't fix my shit in a couple more months I'm gonna add minoxidil. When I started finasteride I set my expectations too high from seeing all the miraculous recovery stories, but I'm starting to have my doubts. The reaper is relentless
>I started shedding a fuck ton of hair at around 22 years of age

I don't want to kick you when you're down, but the right time to start this shit was when you first noticed the hair loss. Sure, it can bring back some hair but it doesn't magically restore full coverage.

Think of it this way, say you notice hair loss, figure out you've lost 10% of your hair. You start taking fin and minoxidil, get half of it back and maintain it. You get 5% of your hair back, and maintain 95% of your hair as long as you keep the treatment up. Pretty damn good right?

Now let's say you notice the hair loss at 10% and it continues for years. Now you've got 30% hair loss, change in coverage, change in how the hair looks, etc. You hope on treatment, get 5% back, and now you're frozen at 25% hair loss.

I'm not going to say it's pointless, but if you're maintaining at a level that still looks like ass, maybe it's time to reevaluate.
>that wasn't the fin, you were probably low T
nta, but I had 640 ng/dl total test nd experienced broootal sides like constipation, depression, poor memory and malaise. What do? I don't wish to lose my hair bro. Are the sides due to estrogen imbalance as kevin from haircafe cliams?
>sides due to low test?
how does that work given test inevitably increases when on fin? Btw, my test got raised to 1000+ ng/dl on fin and this explain my early onset of balding as a huge amount of my test was getting converted to dht

oh, inspite of the increase inn test, my libido died out and the semen after trying to coom forcefully was very watery. The watery semen also seems common in those who consume fin. What gives?
>broootal sides like constipation

I take kratom, it utterly wrecks your intestines if you do it long term and don't plan ahead.
1: Triple your water intake. Aim for a gallon of water a day. This is just good for your health anyway
2: Eat more raw fruits and vegetables
3:Get the right amount of fiber, consistently. Take a supplement, switch to grain bread, eat steel cut oats for oatmeal, eat black beans, etc.
This will generally prevent most bowel issues.
4: Drink a big glass of milk every day. If you aren't a bit breakfast guy, mix some protein powder in the milk, boom, all you need to start your day.

If you are constipated, do not strain, you will get hemorrhoids which are a bitch to deal with. I've been shot, and I would genuinely prefer to be shot again than deal with my ass tearing apart for months.

If you haven't shit in a few days:
1: Get milk of magnesia. Drink 60-90mls, brace.
2: Do that again the second day, really clean everything out. Hydrate, you'll be shitting liquid at some point.
3: Take stool softeners every day for about two weeks, a long with the diet changes recommended above. Also, work out. Lift weights, do cardio, get your body moving. If you start having loose stools, discontinue the stool softeners, maintain the diet changes and exercise. If your bowels feel normal, stay on the softeners and get a bulk bottle from Amazon, it's like 20 bucks for 500 pills. Take 2-4 a day.

Anon it sounds excessive but please trust me, fix your ass and prevent hemorrhoids. If you do get them, treat immediately with witch hazel wipes and preparation H cream. Take it from me, you don't want your ass to feel like there's a razor jammed up it for months.
You're absolutely right, I've considered hopping on it since 2021, but I was scared shitless of potential side effects and didn't know they were grossly overblown at the time. It's all because of low test PFS baldcels and their ridiculous horror stories. God what I would do just to turn the clock back two years to start the pill when my hair was still salvageable.
For what it's worth, I started balding as soon as I got out of the Army and had a visible bald spot in two years at the ripe old age of 27. I immediately shaved it off, decided to Jason Statham/Nico maxxx and never looked back. I hit my hair and beard with a trimmer every 3 days, maintain perpetual stubble, and it works great. Helps to be in decent shape or be a bloatlord, this doesn't work on twink builds. If you're a balding twink, I am so sorry.
Tell me what my problems are
Sorry to hear bro. Diffuse thinning is brutal because if you have decent density you can at least have some cope hairstyles. I've been microneedling and running min but it's too early for results. I'm too afraid of fin because of the potential sides and fertility problems so basically we're doing things in reverse. It's so demoralising to see your body destroy itself in real time. I honestly couldn't care less if it was in my late 30s or 40s, but in your 20s is brutal given that if starts now there's very little chance it'll stabilise
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Does it look like I'm balding bros? My dad is bald but I'm in my 30s and this is what my hairline looks like.
You look great man, don't stress it. Solid NW1
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Is it over bros? Other side of my hairline is practically intact. This side is fucked though, but it has been the exact same since 15 and I'm 26 now.

Buzz or nah. Will show full hairline in reply
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Need to loose weight obviously
You're fine, shut up
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I'm mostly speaking from experience here, I have hypothyroidism and have been diffuse thinning slowly over the years, had a really bad bout of hair shedding around October of last year. Funnily enough, the hair shedding didn't begin until AFTER I began taking levothyroxine, which has hair loss listed as a side effect, tried switching to another type of thyroid medication and my GP said no, so of course I stopped seeing her and will try my luck with someone else. I was also found to be deficient in both Vitamin D and Calcium when I was initially tested, and a couple years after that I was iron deficient, which I found out inadvertently by taking some multivitamin gummies that had iron in it, as well as B-12 deficient. Been considering going for a carnivore diet, I've heard many thyroid patients fixed their thyroid this way and even grew back their hair.
Thanks, but why is this happen right after taking finasteride?
I've been lifting weights consistently for about two years specifically for this reason, and don't plan on stopping. I accepted that I would one day in the future have to bite the bullet and shave it off because finasteride will not be enough to hold on to it, so I might as well get jacked before it gets to that point in my life so I'm not a complete lost cause cosmetically.
Man don't do the same mistake as me and at least give finasteride a shot, especially if your hair loss is still in the earlier stages. If you're too worried about sides you can microdose it starting with .25 mg a day, and then slowly work your way up to 1 mg to see how well you tolerate it. All the medical literature behind it is solid and the sides almost always subside within a few weeks of stopping, if they even occur at all. The ridiculous horror stories should not prevent you from greater improvement of your hair gains, and you're already on minoxidil so might as well stack it with fin for more powerful results
Okay folks, I've been on oral fin + min for about a month now, and so far the only effect I've noticed is that my flaccid penis seems noticeably smaller. Like it's not like I was ever packing before, but now it's almost always in a nub, teenis tier state.

Now the thing is, I don't have any issues getting hard or cumming or anything like that. It might have lost a little bit of size when fully erect but nothing I can't live with as long as I have hair.

This isn't a joke btw. Is this a normal response? Is it possible things could go back or is this a sign that those side effects could worsen?
Is it true that finasteride ends up in the sperm and if you conceive while on it increases the risk of birth defects?
is it that hard to stay off fin for a month while trying for baby?
you need to stay off for 3-6 months before.
Yes, and pregnant women should not touch the pills, it can penetrate her skin pores and end up in the womb causing birth defects
Yeah I'm not interested in playing fast and loose with my children's health
My father is completely bald and my maternal uncle had a full head of hair with a receded hairline until his death at 65

Im 24 and my hairline is already fucked but my hair has the same texture and quality as my uncle's, even has the same pattern in some places.

Now the fun begins
its alll in your head
fin isn't doing shit in a month
>Testosterone metabolism to 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone and synthesis of sebaceous lipids is regulated by the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ligand linoleic acid in human sebocytes
stop eating seed oils and evenvbetter fats and sugars in general. shit makes you bald and fat.
My dick probably shrank 1 or 1.5". It's an ok tradeoff imo.
Could be worse, at least you're not diffuse or crown thinning. You can still cover it up with the cope cut
Mexicans consume nothing but fried slop and gallons of coke every day, yet most of them never go bald. It's just nature's twisted way of nerfing white people
Are you supposed to dilute rosemary oil if using it topically? Shit burns my eyes and lungs.
That's only because of their indigenous genes, and native indians have almost no balding genes whatsoever, the diet may or may not have something to do with it but there's practically no way to tell without an extensive scientific study done on the matter. And the Mexican diet is more than just deep fried slop, there's plenty of dishes that are very high in protein, pork beans are very popular and they're cooked with pork lard I believe, barbacoa which is shredded beef served with various vegetables, carne asada, pozole, menudo which is made of cow cheeks I think. The point is the Mexican diet heavily involves meat and animal fat, statistically speaking Latinos have the highest testosterone rates compared to other ethnicities, but according to hair loss experts, high testosterone is the root cause for MPB, so if that were the case why aren't Mexicans balding at a faster rate compared to the rest of the world? In fact, White and Arab/Mediterranean men go bald the most, and Asians significantly less, and the Asian diet is also high in protein, in fact a lot of their food products, including junk food, is made using pork fat, maybe high protein diets are the key to alopecia? Who knows.
Why are you even using that shit? Trash it and get 5% minox.
Nah. Yes, it's true it can end up in sperm but the residue so low that it'll hardly affect anything. Recently NHS updated their disclaimer about pregnancy. It seems fine to do it even if you're on it. If you really want to be 100% sure wait one month that's how long you need to wait to donate blood if you were on finasteride. You won't lose any ground honestly since it takes a long ass time for hair cycles get a shed probably that's recoverable.
As for women not touching the pill, they only can't touch if it's SPLIT. There's usually coating that prevents it from interacting with skin.
Yes you are, you're supposed to put it in your shampoo, add a bit of water, and that's it, I'm not sure how the hell it's burning your lungs unless you're ingesting it. Rosemary oil is known for being very strong and can cause the affected areas to burn when applied undiluted.
Bros, I am 20 and my hairline has receded quite a bit compared to 2 years ago to like a norwood 2.5. Am I coping, or is it possible that it just stays as is from now on? I'm fucked because I have a young looking face and have relied on long/medium length hair to look good. Has the twink death finally arrived? Or is it possible that it's a maturing thing and it stays? Does having long hair affect the process in any way?
Post your hair line. If it started at 20s it's likely you'll get ravaged. Mature hair line has always been cope. We can't tell if it'll go past that but for most people it will go past that NW2 mark.
Long hair doesn't affect anything. Nor diet. It's genes. If you're white you have a way higher incidence rate. The book for AGA says that the rate for AGA is near 100% for white people. Obviously includes older ones but with rate that high even young ones get affected.
>is it possible that it just stays as is from now on?
the worst thing you can do to your hair is wait and hope it gets better by some kind of miracle. now is the time to act and to get on fin, or simply accept your fate if the side effects are not worth the risk to you.
How worried should I be about scarring from microneedling? I did it for the very first time last week.
I bought a dermapen, set it to 1.2mm because I wanted to be cautious (people reccomend 1.5), went to its middle RPM setting, and ran it across my bald spots in straight lines, applying little pressure. I made certain to properly sanitize the needles beforehand and rinsed the alcohol off afterward. As best I could I followed tutorials I found on youtube, basically.
Result was I had immediate hair loss on the edges of my bald spots (not severe, but I definitely noticed hairs falling into my sink and I noticed a difference the next day), visible redness in some spots for a day and a half, with some spots noticeably discolored for around four days. I know of course that you want redness immediately afterward but it was how long the redness lasted that concerned me.
Today my scalp looks the same as it did before the session, but with slightly less hair (you would need to be looking for it, but it's definitely there).
Can anyone give some testimony from dermapen usage?
It sounds like you've ripped out some hairs mechanically rather than induced any actual shedding. I've been microneedling every 10-14 days for about 6 months now. First I started it as a monotherapy because I was hoping to not take anything. I didn't get any results so I've recently added min. Apparently min+microneedling is a potent combo. Anyway, I tend to needle into I have a good amount of redness where I want to regrow hair. I'll get some pinpoint bleeding but nothing beyond that. Usually takes 1.5 days for the redness to go completely but after 24 hours it's pretty much all gone. I also use a dermapen and set it to 1.25mm for similar reasons to you. I don't think microneedling will cause scarring unless you're doing it too frequently which is why I lean towards doing it 10-14 days. By then my skin feels perfectly normal. You'd rather be slightly less aggressive than too aggressive. I tend to just press down so that the cartridge touches the skin but not any more. I'll hold it for like a second and then lift up and press again a few times and then move to adjacent areas. I'm NW2 so I just focus on hairline and temples. Takes me about 10 mins total
>If it started at 20s it's likely you'll get ravaged
I started around 21/22 but didn't notice till I was 23. My dad's in his late 50s and his hair is utterly cooked. Wears a hat everywhere and doesn't buzz it off. That's my destiny if I don't do something about. He was already quite cooked by the time he got into his late 20s. To be honest, I don't care if I don't have hair my 40s onwards. Happy to buzz it then. It's more so when I'm young and meant to be attractive that I care. Thanks for reading my blogpost.
Man I don’t know if my scalp is thick as fuck but I started micro needling with 1.5mm I don’t feel nothing. I pressed hard and no blood and nothing. Buy new device (derma stamp) and go up to 1.75mm still no bleed and nothing. I will go to 2.00mm after 7 sessions more.
This was over like 5 years ago
I appreciate the input, sounds like my experience isn't far out of the ordinary.
Worth noting though: the parts that stayed red the longest (majority of my scalp was back to normal after 2 days) were tracks, almost like I had scratched my scalp. They were only on a few spots, but they were clearly along where I had run the microneedler. It was most noticeable on my crown. This was where my concern about scarring was greatest; if it's cutting instead of poking, that's a lot more likely to leave scars.

I also tested it on my arm first and noticed there were a few scratches, like from a cat. I think I'll give it another try in a few days, this time lifting the pen off my scalp from one spot to the next instead of any sort of dragging or running motion at all.
>I don’t feel nothing
It's not supposed to be very painful. Are you achieving redness on your scalp? You don't want a lot of bleeding, just visible redness. The idea is to leave micro-punctures.

Consider doing more passes over your scalp instead of increasing needle length or pressing harder; 1.5mm SHOULD be enough to penetrate your epidermis. Going longer is playing with fire imo.
This site has fucked my perspective of what a normal adult male's hairline is supposed to look like. Can someone post one to bring me back to reality.
Yeah I think you're getting those from a dragging motion. Just lift and press. And don't press too hard, just so that the cartridge touches the skin so you know you're getting 1.25mm. Good luck bro, this stuff really sucks. It's demoralising to see your body shoot itself in the foot in real time
sure thing bb

Here's your typical 40yo hairline
I'll be there by 30
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Hello friends, it appears that God has played a cruel trick on me. Growing up I hated my hair, it was very thick and spikey and I never grew it out long enough for it to stop looking like a porcupine. Lived most of my adult life with a buzzcut, broke up with gf last year and been growing it out since. Started taking acne medication a couple months ago (epiduo) and combined with the new hair things have been really good - on three separate nights last month I got approached by girls (admittedly most were pretty mid but this never happened to me before). Even when I had the buzzcut I think I had a slowly receding hairline, but this past few months I've been shedding an insane amount. I've stopped the acne medication, but I figure I should probably hop on fin while I'm at it. I'm kind of nervous about side effects because I got mild gyno as a teen that I thankfully grew out of. Today 84x 1mg tablets arrived - should I stick with the standard 1mg a day? 0.5 mg a day? 1 mg mon/wed/fri? Any advice would be appreciated.
tldr; 24m, mild gyno as a teen, pic rel hairline - how bad is it? how bad is it going to get? how much fin should I take and how often?
Hairline and density looking pretty solid.

I do 0.5mg a day because I'm cheap, otherwise I would go with 1mg. You can start off with 0.5mg every day or 1mg every other day if you're worried about side effects but looking at your pictures I don't even know why you'd even bother with medication - you look like you've had a tiny bit of temple recession as 95% of men do, for many it stabilizes after that. The rest of your front seems to be in line with your widow's peak.
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This is definitely something I would see a derm about if I wasn't a broke student. I've read a fair number of other people online also claim that retinol has caused shedding for them. I think the correct course of action is to hold off from taking the Finasteride for 12 weeks or so, and see if the hairloss stops. I'm of two minds regarding the Epiduo - on one hand if this is what's causing it then I should just stop and hope things go back to normal. On the other hand, not having acne is pretty nice, and I've also read that retinol can help promote hair growth[1]. Could the shedding just be a phase similar to the shedding phase of finasteride? If so then I could try powering through it, potentially risking my luscious locks in the process.
[1] https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bpb/30/1/30_1_21/_pdf
is this thing really saying you can take fin once every 4 days and it wouldn't have any difference over taking it daily?
No, nothing in that graph indicates that.
This graph indicates diminishing returns on increasing fin dosage. If you're thinking of staggering your doses, check graphs that track how long it takes serum DHT to recover after a single dose (iirc four days but do not quote me on that).
Do not waste time. Get on finasteride. Biggest regret of my life. I saw it coming a mile away when I was 16 and was too chicken shit to do anything. Being bald a curse I wouldn't wish on anyone.
Take care kids. It's just 20 bucks a month. The side incidence is no worse than ibuprofen.
I just shaved my head trying to get it to feel better any tips more smooths a better overall shave?
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I noticed I was thinning in the front, almost like a bald spot, after getting the jab. And then after getting infected sometime last December I think I have POTs now or something. Should I still take min? I heard that's bad if you have some kind of heart condition. >>18150206 This anon is right, I'm also still kinda hesitant on the idea in the first place because of the jab, but I'm getting desperate now. I had shitty chud hair for most of my childhood, and now I'm gonna zero hair. It never ends. Is rosemary oil + Vitamin D actually effective lol?

Does my hairline look like it's because of telogen effluvium or some kind of autoimmune problem?
No but it's definitely starting
You're balding from DHT, my front looked just like that when i started.
It's gonna take at least a year of min and fin before you start seeing thick hair again.
How do I get oral minoxidil in Europe? It haven't found a doctor or dermatologist yet who is willing to prescribe it to me?
drink rogaine

be careful dont just drink it you can literally have a heart attack from 1 drop (pressing the dropper) you need actual drops like the excess coming out of the end of the dropper on its own like you see at the end of a doctor's needle in movies
bro that's not one drop, that's 1ml of liquid, one drop is 0.02ml of liquid stupid
and which sounds more likely to someone who has never done it before when they hear one drop stupid
How big is a drop of water to you??
.5 to 1 ml easy. knowing the specific unit of measurement for a drop is not part of most peoples common knowledge in my opinion
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Has anyone from NA/EU ordered fin and/or min from IndiaMart?
What's your experience? Were the products legit?

Fin is hella expensive in my country compared to IndiaMart prices, doctors refuse to prescribe me the 5mg which are 1/8 the price. Oral min is not available in tablet form just like >>18169167 said. I'd rather take a pill than mess around with a dropper like I'm currently doing.
you could try one of those online doctor services and then just transfer your prescription to a local pharmacy. its only like $40 a year for those services might be worth while
I got my 1mg prescription from an online doctor and they're not allowed to do off label prescriptions at all, i.e. no 5mg. He told me to reach out to a local pharmacy which I did and ended up getting refused again by some other cunt doctor. I'm in Scandinavia btw.
i got my 5mg script from one although it's a pill for enlarged prostate the doctor still gave me the choice of that or the brand name 1mg. na btw
Has anyone experienced more prominent veins underneath your eyes after starting min? Not eye bags
My hair seems pretty normal when It's layered, however when I start to comb it or move it a bit my scalp is visible, is it because I have thin hair or is this due to balding? should I get it checked?
Indian here, IndiaMart is high risk. tons of scammers on that site, it's a fucking den for those subhumans, but if you're able to verify the vendor then it's definitely a good way to get stuff,
Post pics for a proper diagnosis
6 months in and i think im a non responder to fin
then get off in case sides randomly kick in and you get off. whats your overall situation like though?
I've tried but so far the best I have is just hair hanging forward covering my temples. I have a somewhat young face so my options are looking too youthful or like a weird creepy hybrid of babyface and balding. I'm 30 and it kind of works but I fear for the coming years when my youthfulness is fully spent and I don't have enough hair to push forward.
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Reminder that residual DHT lives in your scalp sebum and sweat, so every time you skip washing your hair when you sweat or masturbate, you're letting topical DHT accelerate hair loss.
>washing your hair after masturbating
Is it because of finasteride that my loads aren't big enough to need to do this?
More serious response though: do I need to bother with shampoo? I try to only shampoo a couple times a week to minimize stripping away oils and dehydrating my scalp and hair.
If you're gonna worry about stuff like this, maybe you should instead figure out why your body is making your scalp produce abnormal amounts of DHT and fix it.
if i drive a miata with the top down will i go bald faster?

need answers fast
>driving to his referral appointment with a doctor who said he needed to lose a certain amount of hair in order to qualify for a transplant
6 months is still too early to jump to conclusions, some people don't see results until 1 to 1.5 years, and if you've only maintained that means the drug is still working, you're just not a hyper responder (who are a minority btw)
i got some chinese hair recovery shampoo with ginseng and shit in it, it actually works. Norwood 2 > Norwood 1.5 now.
Do you apply it every day? Do you let it sit in your scalp or rinse it immediately? I've been operating on the assumption that recovery shampoos are a meme since it's bad for you scalp/hair to apply it every day and it's not on your scalp very long. I'm very interested if I'm wrong.

Additionally, please post the ingredients list.
Store the semen cryogenically
Enough for making many offspring
>Now that you mentioned COVID, did you guys also notice your hair loss substantially increase after getting infected?
nice try pfizer
Isn't there dutasteride as the next step up from fin?
Yes. Fin eliminates about 70% of DHT from your body because it only blocks 2 of 3 expressions of 5-Alpha Reductase ("expressions" might be the wrong word here), while Dut blocks all 3 and slashes DHT by 95%.

Personally though I just use Fin and topical herbal stuff to try and root out the remainder from my scalp. I'm not well-read enough on Dut to know if its risk profile is just "fin but worse" or if there's more to it.
i had decreased libido for a while then i was extremely horny then just normal
whatever retard
Eurobros where do you get fin? can't get it prescribed it seems and these private online derms seem very expensive in the long run so I'm looking for some alt sites. Is there something like those yugo websites that sell tret?

I've never heard of that theory but now that you mention it I feel a bit nervous lol because I've been using tazarotene 0.1%, tret 0.25% and standard retinol for a while now.
No issues with acne anymore, but I feel like the past few weeks or even longer than that I've been shedding more hair than usual and my temples got slightly larger, I have long black hair and I feel like I have to hide it a bit more than I used to. It could also be related to my workout though because I've been taking it a lot more seriously lately, wheras in the past I rarely worked out to full extent.
I've also been using topical min for almost 2 years only on my temples and it doesn't seem to be doing much at all. I see tiny hairs at those temples but I can't tell if they're regrowing or if that's hair that is about to fall out.
How long after hair shedding as a result of treatment (e.g. minoxidil) does the hair start growing back?
I'm currently taking fin and using some herbal topical stuff with caffeine and peptides and I noticed after a few days that my vellus hairs were thicker (like my scalp is fuzzier) but a bunch of my real hair has fallen out and I'm concerned.
Not taking minox because it gives me really bad side effects.
>Not taking minox because it gives me really bad side effects.
What were the sides? Topical or oral?
>How long after hair shedding as a result of treatment (e.g. minoxidil) does the hair start growing back?
I'd presume they would grow back at the normal growth rate had they not fallen out due to min, subject to any further miniaturisation from outstanding DHT.
Telogen phase lasts 3-5 months. How long have you been doing this routine? Virtually all treatments say you need to wait several months to see results.
>How long have you been doing this routine
Fin for a year and a half but the caffeine stuff only about a week and a half. I guess I was more asking for people's personal experiences, I knew that there would be a shedding phase as a bunch of my hair follicles synchronized their cycles but I wasn't sure if I should expect to see like stubble, or smooth hairless areas for a few months, or what.
I developed post finasteride syndrome after 7 weeks of finasteride use.

Complete anhedonia, tinnitus, penile shrinkage, skin changes, muscle wastage, and gyno.

Coming up on two years now with no relief in sight. Made a video about it on the Moral Medicine channel.

I've always loved this board. Strange that it will be the thing that most likely killed me.

Take care lads.
I'm very sceptical towards this "post finasteride syndrome" thing since every report of it comes from one country (US)
surely people all over the world should be getting it
It should've been obvious that drastically reducing DHT systemically is a bad idea. Unfortunately the seemingly popular notion DHT serves no good purpose after puberty doesn't help. Your advice probably falls on deaf ears considering the OP.
fuck off already
none of you PFS retards ever post pics
there's no reason why PFS would continue and lead to muscle wastage and tinnitus even after fin leaves the body and you go back to making DHT at full force in about a few weeks.

You are mentally ill and it wasn't the fin.
>shave head
>growing beard for the cope
I feel like I look like a disgusting orc
taking saw palmetto daily bc fin is hard to access and full of risks. I know it's not on the same level of scientific effectiveness but there are a lot of positive anecdotal reports.
what am I in for fellas? anyond tried it?
There are reports from all over the world. It's just that you don't hear about Korean, Chinese, Indian, Russian cases because they are typing in another language.
Please note the patients have developed PFS after years of successful finasteride treatment, just by simply missing a few doses.
Has it ever occured to you that you have fibromyalgia?
Anytime PFS is mentioned, the symptoms are nearly identical, it's a somatic disorder that mostly women have and it comes about because women are far more likely to medicalize everything and freak out about every little thing in their body and being on multiple antidepressants doesnt help.

That's another thing I found, literally every PFS suffer I've ever read about was already on antidepressants and susceptible to nebulous and impossible to disprove mental disorders like generalized anxiety disorder and have regular panic attacks, they are hypochondriacs of the highest order.
It does not make any sense for negative side effects of fin to stick around forever even after the body went back to making DHT with 5ar working un-impeded.
>no new thread
DHT won.
"That's another thing I've found"

Git gud scrub.

Go back to gargling Kevin Mann's cum you tranny.
>It does not make any sense for negative side effects of fin to stick around forever even after the body went back to making DHT with 5ar working un-impeded.
There are actually 3 hypothetical reasons why it could happen, low DHT in the penis resulting in fibrosis being one of those.


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