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Hygiene/skincare General #9 it isnt even summer yet edition

Previous >>18106499

Post your routine, holy grails and strategies to shave balls. Share experience about skincare products and your skin issues

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:
Sell me your strongest moisturizing conditioner.
not sure about this one. i think you can use it during the day but i would still wear sunscreen. why half ass anti aging anyway..
eurofag here, never had these. they dont import them in my region
depends on your skin needs but maybe cerave pm or cetaphil instead
chewing uses muscles, yes
i got gazillion red pimples on my back last 2 weeks
i also have a large PIH on my cheek and its been there for a month now
no idea whats going on
ive seen online reviews of derms that dont even looking at the patient. get second opinion desu and then another one if you feel like. there are retards among doctors just like in any other profession
depends on your goals. cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and retinoids are the most "rewarding"/efficient. oils are meh in my opinion. i would only buy one if my skin was extremely dry and mix it with moisturizer in pm routine. did that with squalane some time ago. oils on their own are used for glass skin looks these days or something occlusive
beside >>18138724 check if water is lukewarm/cold and if you hair/scalp is oily too
it is obvious that experimentation is needed to find what suits you. just like with fashion
>trust your body
>you dont really need those meme skincare products. Just cleanser + exfoliant ( salicylic) + moisterizer (ha/vaseline)
same experience here, some other anon wrote about it a few posts earlier too. this could change ph of a product but with moisturizers its perfectly fine
how about something with shea butter
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>not sure about this one. i think you can use it during the day but i would still wear sunscreen. why half ass anti aging anyway..

How do I go full ass on anti aging anon, also if you're the one that post the Asian girl pics, I really appreciate all the help you share in these thread :)
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>If possible try to leave your face just a bit damp after washing it and then apply moisturizer. If you moisturize before your skin air drys it helps to lock in some moisture and keep hydration up, kind of the same idea as wetting your hand.

This method actually sounds better than wetting my hands.
see >>18135065 >>18135896
just remember you cant mix certain ingredients in a single routine like vit c and retinol/retinoids. or any combination of copper peptides, retinoids and direct acids. get sunscreen first and a moisturizer, then vitamin c serum or your first AHA exfoliator
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Hi skincare experts. I want to wear a mineral powder sunscreen over a chemical sunscreen (Biore) however I have seen some comments online claim it will ruin the the chemical sunscreen. Considering many chemical sunscreens use zinc/titanium and usually some other chemical I am not entirely sure if these claims are accurate or even make sense.
>depends on your skin needs but maybe cerave pm or cetaphil instead
I use PM at night already, which is okay I guess. I've tried Cetaphil but it made my skin red and feel really hot (no other issues like skin flaking or anything, but the feeling was terrible).
I found this thread on reddit by googling male hormonal acne. I am in my early thirties and have struggled with under the skin, blind pimples/cysts for my entire twenties and now thirties. I've always thought it was hormonal somehow because it's not constant. I'll be completely fine for months and then get a bunch all at once, with zero change to skincare routine. I am super intrigued by topical spiro. This guy updated his post this month saying it's still working for him. I have always been super jealous of women as they have so many more options than men in terms of spiro, birth control, even spearmint tea or things that lower test.

I really might try this. I have had my hormones checked and whole it came back "normal", my free T was quite high. It could also fluctuate more than normal.

Anyone have experience with topical spiro?
>cold water every morning and night
>witch hazel (no alcohol) before shower
>physical exfoliation every other day
>jojoba oil
never had clearer skin
>tfw want to cold shower but it's winter and the hot water relaxes my muscles after the work day
I suffer
It's hot and humid here. Wrecking havoc on my oily, acne prone skin. My skin was sooooo good from like November-Early May.
>be me
>start exercising in January
>surprisingly stick with it for once
>best shape of my fucking life
>throw out my entire wardrobe last month
>get new, high quality, fashionable summer clothing
>excited, plan a week long trip with my bro to a beach town a few states away for next week
>immediately break out in the worst cystic acne I've had in years
lmao. just lmao. why does the universe hate me so much?
I'm pretty sure that's what caused my breakout I've been doing a lot of stuff outside and it's been really hot out at night, my AC is busted so I wake up sweaty and sticky.
should I skip lotion if im going to use sunscreen on my face? dont want my face too oily looking
I use a sunscreen that has moisturizing properties anyway, so I just use that.
yeah that's fine if your sunscreen moisturized your skin enough
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how does Adapalene gel (Differin) compare to retinol, retinal (retinaldehyde) and tretinoin for anti-aging? some sources say it has great anti-acne effects but not so much anti-aging, while others say Differin is great for anti-aging too. any thoughts?

also, for several years I've been struggling with "acne under my skin" (?) basically inflammation and some pus and a lot of extracellular fluid that doesn't form a pimple (the fluid comes out if i press on it hard) - mostly on my chin, sometimes on my cheek. what is it? any ideas how to treat it? i don't have a good derm doctor rn
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Still dealing with this terrible breakout. I think some are showing signs of improvement at least... But I can tell this is gonna be around for at least two weeks. I really want to shave but don't want to irritate my skin anymore than it already is. Am supposed to go to dinner with some people tomorrow but am too embarrassed so will probably say I'm sick lol
Everyone focuses on the face but what about the body? Any good body sunscreen lotion that doesn't leave your hands feeling oily?
i'm the anon with similiar breakout currently, though mine is worse. just use a fucking concealer and 80% of this won't be visible
Use sprays!
any specific reason to prefer sprays over normal sunscreen
You won't get greasy/oily hands
Wouldn't shaving be a good thing, since it is a physical exfoliant?
>I have seen some comments online claim it will ruin the the chemical sunscreen.
Nah it's fine
Shaving is very irritating for the skin and with potential for cuts and ingrown hairs.
Roughly for anti aging Adapalene .1% is equivalent to .025% tretinoin (the lowest dose) both are superior to retinol etc etc.
Assuming you are in the US Adapalene is the most potent retinoid you can get over the counter.
>Acne under skin
Cystic acne i think
Try Adapalene + azelaic acid you should be able to get 15% azelaic acid cream on Amazon, plenty of 10%, 20% is prescription only in the us.
Azelaic acid in the morning under your sunscreen, Adapalene at night.
Read up on how to start retinods properly, start only using it every third day for a week or two then every other day then daily if you tolerate it well. Remember it might make you break out a bit more at first and dont get freaked out and quit.
Sunscreen is mandatory. Get some Japanese sunscreen on Amazon, skin aqua uv super moisture gel or the Japanese nivea.
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i already have experience with retinoids and use retinal .05% (retinaldehyde) which more potent than retinol but less than tretinoin. i was thinking whether i should upgrade to .2% retinaldehyde or look for adapalene gel .1% which could be stronger

i started with it by using it daily in the pm and my skin had no problems with that so i thought i could go stronger with it
What's a good one?
My skin looks so bad I legit feel like kms. I'm so depressed
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Currently using pic related, is regular aquaphor effective as a lip balm?
Do you have acne or something?
how effective is spf after 8 hours
Yes I have acne. Breaking out bad for no apparent reason
This fucking shaving is driving me insane. I can't figure out what the fuck I'm doing wrong... every single time, I shave, rinse, dry, and it looks and feels smooth... but then I wait ten minutes and suddenly there's visible and tactile stubble. It feels like sandpaper. It's like I barely shaved anything at all. Every fucking time. That's too quick for it to be growing back already... I have to be doing something wrong. It seems like as it dries out afterward either my skin is tightening up or the hairs are getting harder, or both, idk. I tried heavily moisturizing to see if that would slow it down, but that didn't do anything and too much moisturizing causes me acne. I tried shaving in ice cold water to see if that would tighten my skin while shaving... but no difference. It seems like the only thing I can do is just go back and shave every ten minutes until it's clean enough... but of course that just causes razor burn. I don't know what to fucking do...
What’s a good natural way of cleansing?
I have seb derm btw
Starting to get forehead lines. Anyone in their mid 30s with combination skin have suggestions?

Is The Ordinary effective? Their prices are insanely good.
I’m only a random young anon, take it as you will.
But I doubt there are any creams that can reverse a wrinkle that already exists.
I’ve heard Botox is very good for the forehead.
All the skin influencers on YouTube are doing this beside their retinol, and glycolic acids
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What's your current routine like? How often are you in the sun? You probably can't get rid of the lines unless you go down the road of Botox and such, but you can prevent it from getting any worse.
Just wash your hands with soap after applying it.
botox is the only way
But I want my hands to be protected from the sun as well.
You are mentally ill
The ordinary multi peptide + copper peptides serum in the am, followed buy moisturizer / sunscreen
Tretinoin at night, or at least a strong over the counter retinol.
The peptides work to reduce visible wrinkles but don't really have a permanent effect, retinoids are a longer term fix that requires consistent use.
If you're male then it's just gonna be like that, you're never gonna get fully smooth for more than a few hours unless you laser.
If your natural 5 o clock shadow is causing you mental anguish then you're probably trans unironically
All retinoids are the same.
they are metabolized into pretty much the same thing, yes, but potency matters
No, not really. They're dosed appropriately to their formulation. More is not better. The best thing is consistency.
Got new gf, she invited me over. Went to toilet at some point and couldn't help but noticed - she and her bestie roommate (~26yo) have terrible skincare products. No retinoids, no sunscreen. Instead I found 5$ hyaluronic acid serums and other <insert random catchy ingredient> products like collagen cream etc. Seems like their main requirement is that the package must be pink. Maybe one (poorly formulated) 3% vitamin C serum but that's it, the rest was trash.
How do I tell them? Where do I even start? Should I? I'm male
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Anon, be the biggest chad ever and just start flexing your routine to them. You know how people spread their cash in pictures, do the same but with skincare products.
Don't comment on their skincare routine. No girlfriend wants their boyfriend to be a bigger girly girl than them, and skincare still comes off as girly girl.
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I'm starting to get smile lines. Is there anything that can undo it or at least prevent it getting worse?
Gain weight
I'm already slightly overweight as is, so no chance I'm doing that.
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So I just got this. What am I in for. I've never used a retinol thing before. I rubbed some on my face and neck, and my stomach. My face is slightly warm but also cool 20-30 minutes after application.
Technically botox can work but then you will get a puffy, uncanny valley face, or at least risk that. Avoid Botox imo.
this paste again?
Fuck that shit, I'll only ever go as far as some kind of cream. I'm not injecting nor surgically altering my face just to look younger.
Apply only once or twice a week, make sure to moisturize and always use sunscreen when you go outside (as retinol will make your skin very sensitive to UV).
>(as retinol will make your skin very sensitive to UV).
Thanks I did not know that.
>Apply only once or twice a week
Hmm the box says work up to 2 times a day. Is this a concentration thing or just general tips for all retinol products? I had planned at first to start with every other day, but maybe I need to reduce it even more.
>make sure to moisturize
This is described as a moisturizing cream with retinol. Should I also use a moisturizing lotion on top of this?
>Hmm the box says work up to 2 times a day. Is this a concentration thing or just general tips for all retinol products?
It does depend on the concentration, but it's also good practice to start slowly. 2 days a week initially, then 4 days a week and then daily. Twice a day sounds pretty excessive unless the concentration is extremely low.

Basically, just see how you go and ease off if you start getting red or start having blemishes. You don't need to totally stop, but just move to every other day or something.
>Should I also use a moisturizing lotion on top of this?
Always good to have a little extra. I have moisturizing retinol but I still get some slight skin flaking from time to time.
You cant fix lines with creams unless you’re dehydrated
Seconded, that would be sick
I wonder what his skincare routine is...
I am a noobie, I read the wiki. I got this toner. Is this kind of toner useless? I feel that maybe I should have got one with AHA or SA.
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It's a fairly basic hydrating toner. Good for daily use, splash some on while you face is still moist after washing and let it soak in for a minute before putting on moisturizer. I have always used various hydrating toners like that, usually Korean or Japanese ones, i like em.
AHA toners are nice but you need to wear sunscreen if you start using one regularly.
The Neutrogena Neutrogena Skin Perfecting Daily Liquid Facial Exfoliant either the sensitive skin or normal skin version is a good choice for an aha toner. I wouldn't use it daily, 2-3 times a week at least to start and see how it goes.
>while you face is still moist after washing
By this i mean gently pat your face dry with a towel, but don't scrub it dry and leave your skin slightly moist, I don't mean just put the toner on while your face is dripping wet
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look at this shit i mean what the fuck
one day it's all fine and then another i get ~6 breakouts on my chin, with some of them being almost in a straight line. the rest of my face is mostly fine
is it random or am i doing something that causes this? i already
>wash my mouth/chin after eating
>i'm very conscious to not touch it
>i got a toothpaste without SLS (read it somewhere)
AND it's already been a week. so i'm looking at ~2 more weeks before it stops being red and probably half a year until it heals completely
fuck me
I just bought a bottle of this neutrogena toner today, also for the first time. I will try it later tonight when I shower and clean up after my evening workout. I hope it works well for both of us! I even bought cotton balls to use with it. Also a Neutrogena foaming face cleanser.
Maybe try some aha/bha peels to stop this
Scroll up in this thread a lot of people are dealing with this right now. I think it's pretty typical for people to break out in the beginning of the summer.
How old are you? I'm 30 and still get this occasionally. It's very random. I made an appointment with a derm during a breakout, and it was scheduled out a month in advance. By the time I got to the derm all I had were some slight red marks. So annoying. I think it's hormonal but I have had my hormones checked and everything comes back "normal". Have you been stressed lately?
Does caffeine really help the eye area?
I know that it's a very difficult area to treat because the results will always be minimal, but if I am going to spend on a product I want to know whether or not I should prioritize those that contain caffeine.
Personally, I am looking for a solution for dark pigmentation, not eye bags or wrinkles.
How to get rid of bug bite scars? They are dark spots.
shampoo recommendations?
i use shea moisture shampoo but i'm not black. i wash my hair every other day. i like it but it's expensive and everything else i've tried fries my hair. i want to try something else because the one i use (picrel) leaves my hair pretty greasy after the first day, but washing every day makes my hair too dry and then too greasy after about a week
umm if they are fresh it might be an allergic reaction so you could try an anti-histamine. If they've been there for a while it might be scarring or maybe even toxins, not sure how to treat that.
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He injects high T mens jizz right into his veins. He skips chin day though.
you should be fine. sooner or later you will get a comment like you should not mix them because of formulation blah blah but these are filters and should be ok
tried cetaphil recently and sometimes it makes me red too
havent heard much about spironolactone before, will check it out
checked and sorry to hear this
i get a cyst or two every 2 months or so, usually randomly. no idea how to prevent these
try both and listen to your skin
some comparisons can be found here, pretty sure you can find a better study
>"acne under my skin"
i have these too, they are not active in any way, not much visible and you can squeeze them out. get a facial from time to time i guess
underrated post
it might be a death sentence in that area and/or you would cut yourself if there is a bump
just a friendly reminder that acne is illness and should be treated. go see derm
depends on spf. there are pocket mirrors with uv camera you can try out if you want
time for a laser hair removal desu
if you are asking for anti aging regimen then ill just copy paste from previous thread, though you might also be interested in a procedure like nucleofill i think or something
check out basically anything that stimulates collagen production eg retinoids, high percentage AHA exfoliators, vitamin c serums, copper peptides. obviously sunscreen for prevention and moisturizer for protection
>Is The Ordinary effective
its often recommended by youtube derms
its like saying pickles and cucumbers are the same thing
anti aging skincare regimen
consult beautician or whoever who can perform procedures in your area for recommendations
expect results in a few months
i have the ordinary AHA 30%/BHA 2%, but i'm not supposed to use chemical peelers along with 0.1 adapelene

>beginning of the summer
it's been years for me

i'm 26 and also been dealing with is for a LONG time. i think the "face maps" linking chin to hormones is bullshit, as for stress i'm always at the same stress level so idk.
thing is it feels and looks like it's a "physical" issue of some sort, i'd except the breakouts to be more random and not in a straight line.
>the box says work up to 2 times a day. Is this a concentration thing or just general tips for all retinol products
id stick to once every few days at first and use only at pm. then every day but still in pm. most retinoids are photosensitive meaning they loose their efficacy when exposed to daylight. if the box says you can use twice a day (meaning morning too) its probably formulated in a way it can withstand daylight exposure but i would still wear it only in pm as you are just starting.
>This is described as a moisturizing cream with retinol. Should I also use a moisturizing lotion on top of this?
that is up to your skin. i like minimalistic approach so continue are you are and once you notice dryness or flaking - get extra moisturizer
if you are starting, your focus should be on cleansers, sunscreens and moisturizers, then maybe retinoids. toners are optional these days. id consider one if i would still need additional moisturizing factors if my moisturizer would be not enough
get cerave AM (moisturizer + sunscreen combo) and see how you like it. next maybe a cleanser that fits your skin type
whats your routine? or did you post it earlier already
caffeine helps with puffiness i think. for pigmentation see the list at 8:34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74eZe8KsHsw
did you scratch them
checked. maybe look for shampoos that are non foaming. i think i read somewhere on reddit that Maui Moisture Revive & hydrate + shea butter shampoo does not foam. also consider r/curlyhair for product recommendations even if you dont have curly hair
>leaves my hair pretty greasy
sometimes its because of silicones and their buildup iirc
>i have the ordinary AHA 30%/BHA 2%, but i'm not supposed to use chemical peelers along with 0.1 adapelene
nta. you can, just not in the same routine. so basically instead of adapalene do the peel.
>it's been years for me
nta but have you been to derm?
>nta but have you been to derm?
yes and i've been prescribed several different creams and some antibiotics. looking at my old pics from 2019 it's been like 80% reduction in acne (except this fucking chin breakouts every other week)
i'm sticking to 0.1 adapelene since for me it worked way better than tret. overall in my country there aren't many choices, the strongest tret is 0.025% too
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>0.1 adapelene
have you tried epiduo? its adapalene + BP. seems a better choice in your case. if you havent, ask your derm for forte version (0.3) next visit and hope it will be a little better for you desu
ok i lied, this is literally what i'm using. 0.3 adapelene, not 0.1, i was mistaken.
anyways this is what has been helping me the most, i'm at the very end of my 2nd tube, i'll probably get it for the third time.
ok great. i assume you already reviewed your lifestyle, what not to eat, not touching your face etc. so i can only suggest to get 2nd/3rd opinion somewhere else. maybe look for a derm that has best reviews in your area or nearby or one that specializes in treating acne for adults
all derms are fucking grifters. they'll just throw another prescription hoping it'll work out. and maybe it will, who knows. that's just the thing with acne, it's random what will work for an individual
Yes unfortunately
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If you could only recommend one skin care product for every male to use every day, what would it be?
Sorry just one thing doesn't cut it
Tretinoin or some other retinoid
Rinse face with water
Thin Layer of moisturizer
Wash face with cleanser
Tretinoin or retinol cream or whatever
That's it, that's all you need, anything else is just fluf
Moisturizer sunscreen combo
Yeah this would probably be it. And if you had to break it down to just one then the lighter your complexion the more likely it is sunscreen, the darker your complexion the more likely it is moisturizer.
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I won’t relapse on diary
I won’t relapse on diary
I won’t relapse on diary
I won’t relapse on diary
Fuck I meant dairy
The point still stands
any nigganons out there how do i apply jojoba oil to my waves? i haven't gotten a haircut in a month. like one or two drops and rub it in or what?
Wait is dairy bad for skin?
For many people it causes breakouts and inflammation
It gives me really bad cystic acne
oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I suppose I should feel blessed because I Like dairy and it doesn't give me breakouts. Though it does make me fat.
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What temperature should the water with which I do my routine be?
I mean whether to use cold or warm water. Because there are some products that specify which one in their instructions, but most only say wash with water but do not specify whether cold or warm.
Which one is better to wash your face and why?
I can't give up dairy
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Botox can cause your facial muscles to weaken over time and lead to sagging. Just a heads up. Best not to start using it too early.
Winlevi is topical and approved for men with hormonal acne fyi. Similar to compounded topical spiro. Women are not as lucky as you think. A lot of us have acne due to excess estrogen (as opposed to androgens). Birth control still helped prevent the estrogen spikes to some extent but I opted to go off of it after having my hysterectomy. Been dealing with hormonal acne ever since. I tried oral spiro awhile back because my doc didn't check my hormone levels and assumed it was due to testosterone. Didn't help and felt like utter dogshit.
Just tape pink on the packaging. I got one of my friends to stick with his routine because I made stickers of his waifu and put them on the packaging. Washi tape (see picrel) will do the trick.
It's glycerin and panthenol. It should help hydrate to some extent but you might save money by just buying glycerin and a panthenol serum.
I use Philip Adam ACV shampoo and conditioner. Dry shampoo in place of washing occasionally might help if you get dry hair. Also consider trying deep conditioning treatment and hair oil.
Hydrocortisone is good for allergic reactions too. Aquaphor anti itch cream is the best brand out there.
WD40 all in one moisturizer, cleanser, eyedrops, shampoo, and conditioner (jk)
What type of fixes should I use for my hair?

There are so many from sea salt sprays, waxes, gels, pomades and even after searching online I cannot tell the difference between them
Well for a start, this is the wrong thread.

The difference are in appearance. Some will be wet looking, some will be matte looking. It also comes down to hair length as well.
How do you deal with uneven tans?

My face and neck and shoulders are noticeably more tan than the rest of my body. I'd like to be paler and same throughout.

What's the best way to fix it? Is gluthathione good? I want some thing more natural because applying creams just might make me more splotchy.
If you are talking about what to use for your hair the two variables on the products are the level of hold and the amount of shine the product gives to your hair like anon said here. >>18144485
I would look at the American Crew website to get an idea of different types. I use the American Crew Defining Paste, which is medium hold and light shine. If you get a puck from them, a little bit goes a long way. I get a dab a little bit smaller than say a pea (my hair is maybe an inch and a half on top) and rub it into my fingertips than rub it into my towel-dried but still damp hair out of the shower. Then I shape my hair using my fingers then finish styling using a rounded wire brush and a blow-dryer. The blow-dryer helps add volume. You can look around at other brands as well, but regardless of which brand you choose I would avoid hairspray or hair gel.
i started using sunscreen everyday and it's part of my routine now. anything else i should be doing? so far there's nothing else i do for my face.
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Is this good? Can it be used as a PM moisturizer or do I need a separate one?
its a wound then and needs healing. exfoliation/retinoids might help speed it up. you could also use sunscreen on these spots if you are exposed to sun for extended periods of time
moisturizer + spf like cerave AM
luke warm or cold
hot water strips down oils more. look how oil reacts to heat on a pan
>WD40 all in one moisturizer, cleanser, eyedrops, shampoo, and conditioner (jk)
chaotic good
r/curlyhair is a better place for this
i had a friend who hated uneven tan and she was tanning naked to reduce the difference. she also went to a sunbed or whatever it is called a few times. but if you want be paler and dont want to apply sunscreen then uv clothing, uv umbrella or a big ass sombrero might be the way
>i started using sunscreen everyday
well done
>anything else i should be doing
depends on your goals. no goals - nothing is needed

>depends on your goals
i'm 30 years old. my goal is to not let my skin look aged. or look younger if possible.
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What do you recommend for a Tretionin/Retinol cream? I always see these creams suggested, but never one specific brand that is the holy grail?
Try to eat some carrots and tomatoes weekly to get vitamin A.
For tret, just buy tubes off skinorac
The brand doesn't matter too much.
I would get two tubes of 0.025% and two tubes of .05% then decid what to reorder from there. Keep the unopened tubes in the fridge to maintain freshness.
For retinol, CeraVe retinol resurfacing serum, Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Retinol Pro+.5%, the ordinary retinol in squalane, or if you are lazy Olay Regenerist Retinol 24 Night Moisturizer cream since it's moisturizer and retinol in one.
I just skipped straight to buying tret but whatever floats your boat
Oh CeraVe also makes Anti Aging Retinol Serum now, which is maybe preferable to the resurfacing retinol serum. Only difference is the resurfacing has niacinamide and licorice root extract probably doesn't make a huge difference but a small amount of people find niacinamide irritating.
I've never been in this general and I don't plan on coming back. I want to start using an exfoliator. I'm just a regular, everyday, normal dude. Shill me something that isn't overly expensive and actually works.
Generally acid exfoliators are recommended over physical exfoliators these days but that have tradeoffs.
AHA toners, typically using glycolic acid are the common suggestion. Neutrogena Skin Perfecting Daily Liquid Facial Exfoliant for normal skin. Use it 2-3 times a week at night, wash face, put on aha toner, let it soak in put on moisturizer.
However with aha toners because they effectively remove dead skin from your face they increase your sensitivity to sunlight and you need to use sunscreen while you are using them.
Assuming you will find this unacceptable i will recommend a PHA acid toner, it's more mild and doesn't require the use of sunscreen.
A few products
The INKEY List Polyhydroxy Acid Toner,
Haruharu Wonder Centella 3% PHA Gentle Liquid Exfoliating Serum
Aveeno Calm + Restore Nourishing PHA Facial Exfoliator (this stuff says to wash it off but that's unnecessary)
Or you can just buy Aveeno Tone + Texture Daily Renewing Lotion and put it on at night after washing your face, it's a moisturizing lotion with pha in it so it's easy
buy Aveeno Tone + Texture Daily Renewing Lotion and put it on at night
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Thank you anon, if I knew you in real life, I would chuck a can of Chef Boryadee's Ravioli at you (in a good way).
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Is it advisable to use two different cleaners, one for AM and another for PM?

I want to use a good "expensive" one that I already have, but I don't want to use it up very quickly and therefore have to replace it very quickly.
The idea of extending it a little by using it once a day is more comfortable for me.

Is this bad?
If not, how do I choose which one to use at what time of day?
When should I use the best quality one?
I like the Nivea one with the beads, use it once a week and feels great afterwards
It's possible to just wash your face with water in the morning. Using cleanser twice a day can be unnecessarily harsh and probably isn't necessary unless you have greasy skin.
Otherwise yeah sure, just get some cheap gentle cleanser from cerave or laroche possay or some other drugstore brand.
I haven't tried it but Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Face Cleanser is cheap and probably pretty good.
I have an greasy skin, so I guess it would be good for me to apply a cleanser twice a day.
Logic, and indirectly your comment, confirm it for me, but I ask just in case, the powerful cleanser would be at night, right?
To clean all the impurities accumulated during the day.
>laroche possay
What a shame that this brand is premium in my country, at least for the price.
>the powerful cleanser would be at night, right?
>To clean all the impurities accumulated during the day.
Yeah generally you use the stronger cleanser at night.
>laroche possay
Their stuff is nice but not worth paying a premium for.
I got a new kind of toner. Do I need to clean my spray bottle or can I dump and refill it with different toners without caring
I would rinse it out a few times, but I wouldn't worry about it being sparkly clean or the toners having a negative reaction to partially mixing. I would also spray with just water in the bottle about a dozen times to clean out the sprayer itself and the line feeding the sprayer.
New to this- I picked up some CeraVe Renewing SA, and have been applying it and then removing it after about a minute. Is that right? The directions are a little vague.
I have no acne and I only get a little sun each day so I don't feel the need for anything heavy-duty.
if you are looking for anti aging regimen i copy pasted it in this thread somewhere earlier
it requires prescription, cant really ask for specific one. unless you are buying from indian pharmacy. its also about the main ingredient anyway
cerave, olay, neutrogena, maybe the ordinary are most popular and most recommended
>holy grail
problem with these is that there is always someone that wont tolerate a "holy grail"
>Only difference is the resurfacing has niacinamide and licorice root extract probably doesn't make a huge difference
these ingredients are precisely why it is better formulated for acne/hyperpigmentation
>I want to start using an exfoliator
what for?
>Is it advisable to use two different cleaners, one for AM and another for PM?
you can use 14 different cleansers and use them one by one all week everyday
>how do I choose which one to use at what time of day?
the one that cleanses better for pm in order to remove spf
>When should I use the best quality one?
it would be better if you knew its actual advantages rather than quality and/or how much you paid for it. and just a reminder: cleanser stays on your skin for a minute or less, if it was expensive it might be better to put that money somewhere else next time desu
clean it
>been applying it and then removing it after about a minute. Is that right
you good. unless you feel your skin is still dirty afterwards
>don't feel the need for anything heavy-duty.
SA cleansers are pretty heavy duty
If I wear sunscreen while outside will that interfere with my body being able to produce vitamin D from being out in the sun? Like most people I work inside, but I do try to make sure I'm out in sun for 15-20 minutes every day for vitamin D. Will sunscreen block this? I also like the little bit of color I get in my face from being out in the sun.
Just consoom vitamin d tabs and there are ways to make your skin brown (although I don‘t understand why anyone would want to negrify themselves) without sun exposure
I don't want brown skin, just not super pale. And I definitely don't want to use any sort of spray on tanner or anything like that.
Just inject Melanotan II
>SA cleansers are pretty heavy duty
Should I switch to every other day? My skin feels great as it is and I don't want to overdo it.
Thanks for all the input.
Best to have some PM too. I've used that Retinol and while it is excellent, it can sometimes lead to some dryness.
I'm using a Retinol moisturizing cream in the PM, but what specific benefits should I be looking for from the Retinol. It does feel a bit warm on my skin for a minute or two when I apply it.
It mostly just helps with pores, acne scarring (like when pimples leave dark spots) and very slight wrinkles. You can get more powerful retinol that will do a lot more but it can also cause issues like increased outbreaks, while the Cerave version is a pretty low dose.
>but what specific benefits should I be looking for from the Retinol.
For me my skin is noticably smoother, i has helped with dark spots and discoloration and my skin overall looks healthier and younger. Also i have absolutely no whiteheads on my nose anymore
A lot of the benefits with retinol are more longer term usage things, it helps keep you from getting wrinkles, it helps keep your skin looking younger basically anti-aging benefits.
ahh ok, I'm using what I think is a low-dose Neutrogena one so I'll stick with that. I don't want to up the dosage and risk outbreaks.
>. I don't want to up the dosage and risk outbreaks.
This risk goes away with continued usage. Say use a few packages of whatever version you are using now, then you can switch to one of the stronger retinol products like Neutrogena retinol pro + night creme. Use that for a few months then consider getting a 0.5% topical retinol serum, Neutrogena makes on of those too but it's cheaper from the ordinary.
Once your skin has gotten used to retinol upping the dosage shouldn't cause breakouts.
Starting high dosage retinol from scratch can because it makes all the pimples deep in your skin work their way to the surface quickly.
So I recently started using a retinol cream and a toner. I noticed today while chopping up some jalapenos that I could feel the heat on my fingertips very noticeably whereas before I never did. Is this linked to the Retinol or toner? I'm applying both to my face and neck, but I use my fingertips to apply so it gets on my fingertips obviously.
Retinol does greatly increase skin sensitivity, hence needing sunscreen if you go outside when you use it.
Thanks, so can I just apply that and then immediately Cerave PM moisturizer, or do you need to space them out a bit?
Space it out a little. The advice I've seen is to let the Retinol sink in for about 15-30mins (being Cerave is a low dose, go with 30mins imo) and then apply the PM over the top. I personally don't do it every time but just occasionally since I sometimes get a dry patch or two.

It's also good to give your skin a break every now and again, so there are some nights where I apply absolutely nothing. Skin needs rest too.
Guys I slug my face every night and its completely changed my life, its vastly reduced the various skin diseases I have. Problem is I'd like to start anti aging by using a retinol but every single article online says not to slug after retinol because it traps it in and actually makes it too strong? Does anyone have experience with this? How can i gracefully and safely do both of these things?
Just wash your hands after you apply retinol
>single article online says not to slug after retinol because it traps it in and actually makes it too strong?
Nah people are retarded, it's fine to slug with retinol, lots of tips for retinol out there are to reduce irritation as much as possible and they will tell you that you MUST do or not do things that are completely fine to do because they might slightly increase irritation in some people.
You just need to start slowly, every third night for a few weeks, then every other night for a feww weeks, then every night. Use the right amount, take your time starting, ease into it, and it will be fine
I think I might be allergic to tolnaftate (Tinactin)... it seems to be making the situation worse.
Buy some Miconazole Nitrate cream instead
Lol I'm actually even more allergic to miconazole. That gave me massive hives, completely blew up my entire foot. Though, that happened using a spray, maybe a cream would be different.
Of the off-the-shelf options, I know I can use Clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF) but it works so slowly... I might try Lotrimin Ultra or Lamisil creams again, but they're so overpriced.
Just soak your foot in water + white vinegar for 10 minutes 2x per day
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first time posting here, sorry for the rant/wall of text. i recently completed a 6 month course of accutane, which largely cured the lifelong acne i had on my nose and back, yet the acne on my cheek (image is on my profile if it doesnt show here) that ive had for years remains untouched. the only thing that has helped it were antibiotics and doxyclcline, but it just goes back to normal as as soon as the meds run out. my dermatologist has been perscribing hydrocortizone and tacrolimus for it, but it does nothing. despite the pic where it looks tame, it usually bleeds and is dark red, and painful to touch.

i recently went to a health clinin to get a std panel just in case its related to that. but i came out clean so idk what it could be that not even accutane could fix it. when i asked them for an email or physical proof of being clean to show future partners they basically told me to get another std test, but i digress. while i was there for the std panel, the doc saw my acne and perscribed me more doxycycline even after i told him i tried it multiple times in the past with no success. and then he told me "you're taking it again anyway" and to come back in two weeks.

i dont have health insurance, i dont want to blow what little money i have saved on both a dermatologist and a health clinic doc when neither have given me a permanant solution the acne patch on my cheek. im probably not gonna go back to the health clinic and will ignore any phone calls from them.
Im not a doctor and this isn't medical advice
Try this shit
I have no idea if it's safe to use topical Clindamycin long term.
If you don't want to take something, don't take it. But, don't ghost your doctor or his office, it is bad habit to get into. If you don't want to take something all you need to say is you don't want to take it.
Waxed my lower back, and broke out terribly a few weeks after. I went to a dermatologist and have been prescribed Tazorac gel .05% and have been using it for the past month. It seems to have worked so far, but I was wondering what I could use to help hyperpigmentation from scarring
>but I was wondering what I could use to help hyperpigmentation from scarring
Get the derm to give you a script for azelaic acid cream 20%, or buy 10% or 15% on Amazon.
Or i guess try some cosmetic product like good molecules discoloration correcting serum or some other brands Tranexamic Acid Serum.
Azelaic acid stings when you put it on btw, that's normal. You get used to it a after a week or two
Thoughts on kojic acid?
I looked at kokic acid products i see lots that contain glycolic acid or retinol.
Glycolic acid and other AHAs can be good for dark spots but require you to wear sunscreen.
I'm brown and have dark patches on my face. I've tried Vitamin C serum but didn't have any luck. Any suggestions?
Azelaic acid cream or some serum with tranexamic acid in it
Damn they’re inventing new acids every day. I got some mandelic acid the other day, and it seems like all AHAs are basically just a sliding scale from low to high molecular weight but otherwise very very similar?
Also I hope everyone is wearing sunscreen every day anyway!
Oh I forgot what I came here for, do you guys do like monthly pictures in controlled lighting to see progress or effects of new products in your routine? I’ve found it really useful, but not sure if I’m missing any tech. Sadly natural light isn’t really possible to keep things the same.
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any idea what this could be? popped up in my elbow pit overnight. about a week ago i treated a small eczema there with corticoids but then it looked good for a few days
>I got some mandelic acid the other day, and it seems like all AHAs are basically just a sliding scale from low to high molecular weight but otherwise very very similar?
Yeah my understanding is for AHAs glycolic acid penetrates the deepest into the skin, then lactic acid then mandelic acid is supposed to work mostly on the skins surface.
>Will sunscreen block this?
depends on many factors. do you wear sunscreen on all exposed parts of your body? if not, i would not worry
here is interesting sentence:
>Overall, other photoprotection behaviours (such as seeking shade, wearing protective clothing and long sleeves) may have more impact on vitamin D status than sunscreen use
though they tested ~spf 15 mostly
if it works for you, thats most important. in case you notice dryness, you might want to skip using it in AM every now and then or start moisturizing
>what specific benefits should I be looking for from the Retinol
there is literally too many benefits to list. you use it for many skin issues like acne, uneven tone or texture, anti aging etc
space them out. i was told to apply epiduo 20 mins after washing my face for example. then apply moisturizer on top once it soaks in or 20-30 minutes
disregard online articles as they are written by one person and they are just bad statistics. people often lean into "be safe" spectrum rather than "try shit out" and hence the stingyness. listen to your skin first and foremost. i slugged after epiduo and was fine
since they are on the side of your cheek - are you touching your face? does shaving affect it? i assume you reviewed your lifestyle, what not to eat etc
its worth documenting what works for you and what does not so that on next visit there is clear picture. it also makes the decision/next step easier for the derm
azelaic acid or (less effective) moisturizer with niacinamide
nta but its pretty good especially combined with other ingredients
retinoids or >>18148399
also post your vitamin c
yes, pretty sure you can find an AHA for every type of skin
started recently, taking picture after every vit c serum bottle finished. i do it in the bathroom (no windows outside)
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You do not need anything else.
Literally how you tell you are using tik tok without telling you are using tik tok
The bridge of my nose gets insanely dry over night, what the fuck am I supposed to do. I have been trying lotion and it doesn't solve anything
Anyone here use a wash cloth when showering for exfoliating? I recently started but esseetnially only use it on my feet, knees, elbows, back of the neck and behind the ears. Mainly I use it on my feet, especially the soles and heels since I fee like it can smooth out roughness there.
Just put on some benzoyl peroxide and already my face feels tight and slightly itchy, is that normal?
Also, is microneedling worth it, or just a meme?
Update on this... It's gotten worse and I am pretty positive that it's gram negative folliculitis now. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a cure. I'm completely fucked. I had perfectly clear skin less than a month ago.

This was caused by using topical clindamycin phosphate lotion for too long. I used it with epiduo forte and my dermatologist stated that clindamycin does not build resistance if used with benzoyl peroxide... But this is apparently not 100% true.

Anons, if you are using clindamycin or other topical antibiotics, I strongly encourage you to stop. I am so depressed and in such a dark place right now, it's unreal.

enjoy your endocrine disruptors
your study just said there was no difference in retinoids. besides the psoriasis cream.
Has anyone who had diet related acne ever been able to go back to eating dairy without it coming back? Seriously anons, my life would be so much better if I could have the best of both worlds. Currently my skin is ok. The only things I'm not using are hormonal, finasteride and spironolactone, for eg. Is that the secret?
I lost a few pounds and my wrinkles disappeared
where were the wrinkles? Usually people have the opposite effect where when they loose weight they get wrinkles.
they were frown lines between my eyebrows
I want to grow a beard, should I try Minoxidil or will it age my skin/make it look bad?
How would I fit it in my skincare routine? Foam or oil?

Current routine is:
AM - wash with water, light moisturizer, sunscreen
PM - cleanser, heavier moisturizer; 3 times a week I do tretinoin using the sandwich method
anon, just let your body naturally dictate when you can grow a full beard. Though your instincts are right in that you shouldn't try to grow a beard until you can grow a full one.
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rate my lil routine i just started yesterday
recommended to me by chatgpt
I'm 27 and I can't grow a full one, I just really want one!
I was 28 when I could grow a full beard that didn't look bad. If it just looks a little sparse just wait a year or two. If it is very thin, then I wouldn't even bother trying and just accept that a beard wasn't meant for you.
Actual retard incapable of conversation
Minox won't age your skin, I recommend topical over oral form
>no sunscreen...
I'm not a retard.
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>30s, never had acne, pimple almost non-existant, never had dry skin, never paid attention to skin at all
>accidentally buy old spice gentle face wash instead of body wash
>also happen to start wearing sunscreen, lots of welding in direct sunlight was burning me up
>face wash felt nice, decide to go down bit of a skincare rabbit hole
>buy CeraVe Foaming Cleanser, Cerave AM (with spf) and PM moisturizer

>morning and night routine longer
>shit stings face
>week goes by, nose looks like its covered in blackheads
>several pimples have broke out on face
I didnt know exactly what I wanted to happen, but this is probably the exact opposite of that.
its winter here in australia
Yeah, its had the same effect on me. I guess rubbing a bunch of unknown shit on your face is not a great idea.
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This sunscreen is godtier but its too expensive for hands/legs, i only use it for face. Is there some other sunscreen that is matt and cheap
>CeraVe retinol resurfacing serum
Is 0.3% enough to do anything? I just started it and my skin tolerates it very well, I was under the impression people went for 1% to actually get results though.
See a derma. Either your skin is purging or you just don't respond well to the products. As a rule though when starting skin care you should space out new things you try to see if something specific is causing it.
Please tell me you still wear sunscreen when it's not sunny... that is skincare 101
nope but only because i never leave the house because im not showing myself until im completely looksmaxxed
if you're not wearing sunscreen daily then you're just making it harder for yourself
Sunscreen lasts less than an hour after you apply it
Are you putting it on all day every day?
Its one of the bigger scams in skincare quite frankly
explain how, assuming i get no sun exposure
Blue light from your computer and phone you fat lazy fuck
Im sure your skin looks like grannys purse
>Are you putting it on all day every day?
>explain how, assuming i get no sun exposure
see pic
I have aluminum curtains
my skin looks noticeably much clearer after only using cleanser and moisturiser and also by not using bar soap on my face like i have for the whole year (oops) and by patting dry my face with a towel instead of rubbing it (oops). fuck sunscreen im not putting that shit on unless the suns gonna be out and its hotter than 25 degrees. if youre asian and having the clearest skin helps you stay in the upper caste, i get it, but im white, so i dont care about having the clearest skin possible. i just want it to not look like shit is all, and it seems ive fixed that problem with ease.
anon UV rays can pass through sunscreen too. It is just a matter of how much of the UV rays pass through. It is kind of like how all the food you eat is radioactive to some degree. But it doesn't really matter overall because it isn't in high enough quantity to matter.
I wear sunscreen if I am going to be outside for more than a few minutes. So if I am just walking from the parking lot to the grocery store, or parking lot to the office then I don't really bother, but if I am outside doing some yard work during the day, even if it is just for 5 or 10 minutes then I put it on.
>should I try Minoxidil or will it age my skin/make it look bad?
FTM detected
>Is 0.3% enough to do anything? I just started it and my skin tolerates it very well, I was under the impression people went for 1% to actually get results though.
It's a start and an easily accessible product that you cab find in most drugstores.
Jumping straight to 1% will not be a fun experience.
.3% is definitely a huge improvement over not using retinol at all
>anon UV rays can pass through sunscreen too.
This is why you buy japanese or Korean sunscreen that actually lasts all day and has effective UVA blockers.
Wearing American chemical sunscreen is a waste of time and you have to reapply every 2 hours to get any UVA protection at all
Still the best
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this is all too confusing so im just buying this pack fuck it
just get cleanser and moisturiser, its all you need really. cleaner to clean the shit out of your pores, moisturiser to give you that glossy "i do skincare" look.
Not that anon, but how does cleanser differ from just normal soap? I recently started using cleanser and I like it but before I used Dove Body Wash while in the shower and I would wash my hands with just Dial, hand pump soap. How does cleanser differ from these two?
im also confused about the different type of cleaners. there's a salicidc acid one and a hyaluronic acid one, which one is best?
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>0,3 retinol for day
>salicylic acid cleansing gel
>zinc cream for night
i have no idea what im doing
Natural oils protect skin and keep it healthy.
Cleansing and moisturizing is the balancing act of cleaning the skin while removing the right amount of oils, and adding more protection/moisturizing with the correct amount of chemicals.

Regular soap is far harsher and strips oils way more.
To do the balancing act right, you pick the products that match the type of your skin. If you have dry skin, you dont want a strong cleanser and weak moisturizer like an oily person would.
Hey dude, I see you mentioned being on antibiotics. How long did you use them? The location of one of your blemishes(close to lip) and uniformity/spacing is concerning me.
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Is it a meme? Also it says I should use it in the evening, can I also put hydrating cream on top? Should I wait some time before applying the cream?
>for several years I've been struggling with "acne under my skin" (?) basically inflammation and some pus and a lot of extracellular fluid that doesn't form a pimple (the fluid comes out if i press on it hard) - mostly on my chin, sometimes on my cheek. what is it? any ideas how to treat it? i don't have a good derm doctor rn

Same question to you. Have you used antibiotics in the past?
never in my life
How do I get rid of stretch marks? I have them all over my body, but I mainly want to get rid of them on my stomach and around the chest area. Are the creams a meme, or would you recommend any?
get new skin. stretch marks are nature's way of letting everyone know you're a former fattie and are nonrefundable
stretch marks are scar tissue. If you treat it like that it might improve. If it is red or purple color it will fade over time with healthy diet (for skin health and for weight control) as well as moisturizing your skin and perhaps even using a retinol cream on it. While the discoloration will fade over time you will likely have some visible, mostly skin-colored, marks there.
>Also it says I should use it in the evening, can I also put hydrating cream on top?
Yes you absolutely should.
Put the retinol on let it soak in for a minute or four then put on moisturizer.
Make sure you don't over apply retinol, you only need a very small amount.
Any scentless/neutral body soaps and shampoo reccomendations?
What to do about second puberty mack and shoulder hair?
Does it worth getting laser for it?
why is my face darker than my body?
uh... because when you go outside your face is exposed to the sun but a lot of other parts of your skin are not. Do you have a farmer's tan as well?
>Any scentless/neutral body soaps and shampoo reccomendations?
Soap, dove sensitive skin bar
Shampoo, free and clear shampoo and conditioner aka vanicream shampoo and conditioner
shampoo depends heavily on your type of hair (curly, straight) and how oily it is. Check https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q6Dj9WAZxlfBhJSyS5on2rw3-if5cOV3oV-dQ3B0AHA/edit# if you've curly hair.
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I've had laser treatments on my neck, it's made an incredible difference. I have to shave everyday and my neck would always be irritated and red af, not anymore.
I would absolutely recommend laser treatment, but only if you have the $. I make okay money and have really good credit so I got on a zero-interest payment plan that's $80 / month. The more surface area that needs to be treated the more they charge, I know a guy who's getting his shoulders / back done and it's like five or six thousand in total. They do a treatment every five weeks and it's like six months - a year of treatments. You also can't get a tan on the areas treated otherwise they tell you to come back when you're not tan.
How many sessions? session once every 4-5 weeks? so six in total?
And I'd stay hair free?
What about some poeple that they claim it stimulated the hair follicles instead?
I've been going to treatments since last October, I've had seven or eight so far. I'm taking the summer off because I love the sun and can't help but stay outside and maintain a tan through the summer months. I'll do my last few sessions once fall is really in swing. My hair reduction is around 85% and is staying that way, it absolutely does not stimulate growth. I'm getting this done through a professional place and not doing it myself of course, some companies are better than others. If you're going to shell out for it then choose the best one ofc.
maybe try petroleum jelly/vaseline
i have a sponge and use it once every month or two
>benzoyl peroxide
its a strong active, can be drying and itchy. give it some more time
its often recommended for atrophic acne scars from the past and certain other issues i think
idk man. what do you use
maybe its worth bringing the dairy amount to 0 and then try little by little to see what amount you tolerate. its definetely a topic worth studying to see if something like gut probiotics could help with this etc
ive heard about a guy who thought he couldnt grow an even beard due to lack of testosterone. he started doing pushups daily and apparently it got like 5% better but idk about science behind this
cleanse first, shave, then moisturize
gilette skinguard is the shit
guess what happens to your body when you suddenly change your habits
thats like exercising after a break without a warmup . or trying liquid diet for the first time ever after eating steaks all day
give it 2 weeks at least
>Is 0.3% enough to do anything
>I was under the impression people went for 1% to actually get results though
your skin needs to adapt first. its also worth mentioning that many people go for more potent retinoid after retinol
good choice
for am do step 1 and step 4
for pm do step 1, 2 and 3
>which one is best?
there is also recommendation on the package what skin type it is for. learn whats your skin type and you will know which one to buy
not bad but use sunscreen when using retinoids
for me its the knees
I guess this is hygiene related.
Any shampoo/treatment recommendations for persistent dandruff and oily scalp?
I've tried most shampoos and I can't seem to ever get totally rid of dandruff, it's really bad too, I get visually large flakes on occasion.
Whats the best way to remove milia on the cheek under the eyes? Can't believe i'm getting this old
This guide is actually good for most peoples hair. For people will less curly hair you just need to use less conditioners oils whatever.
>Any shampoo/treatment recommendations for persistent dandruff and oily scalp?
salicylic acid shampoo
Or pyrithione zinc shampoo
But i would try salicylic acid first
Read about the different kind of scalp conditions and try to figure out what you have specifically and look for specific treatments recommended for it.
>Whats the best way to remove milia on the cheek under the eyes?
Best way? Paying a dermatologist to lance them.
Supposedly aha acid treatments help or gently massaging that area while you wash / moisturize your face.
I feel like shit can I get away with taking a single hot bath or is it going to ruin my skin
Do i need a sun blocker if I work for home and I only go out every sunday to buy groceries?
>maybe its worth bringing the dairy amount to 0 and then try little by little to see what amount you tolerate.
I'm at 0 and a small cup of milk is enough to give me a few small pimples by the end of the day. I have a very omega 3 heavy diet, so I'll try taking omega 6 pills and then microdosing dairy. Wish me luck. Also, about probiotics, what would you indicate, specifically? (I have no lactose intolerance, it just gives me acne.)

There are a few types of dandruff. I recommend talking to a dermatologist so they can evaluate what would work best for you. Make sure to note exactly what they say your condition is. If they're not giving you coupons for a certain product, you can trust whatever they prescribe you.
shit, I meant the opposite. Omega 6 heavy diet and I'll try taking omega 3 pills.
i recommend my malebros to buy some vagina soap for your dick and asscrack, specially if you're uncut. leaves your privates feeling soft and clean through the day. also, airdry down there after getting out of the shower
How do I alternate hyaluronic acid and retinol serum around the week? I use the first daily and made wonders to my old scars but I haven't started using the retinol serum and I really need to put it into my routine
HA in the morning and Retinol at night. Retinol makes your skin sensitive to sunlight, hence the specific routine.

Me, I use a cleanser with HA in it so I skip the HA serum.
Makes sense, can I keep exfoliant in the morning before HA?
Yeah do that, it will be absorbed better that way.
If any of you niggas miss drinking and eating dairy. Goats’ milk doesn’t make me break out at all, didn’t taste as good and has more calories but it’s well worth it
Any sunscreen recommendations for me?
>absolutely despise cleansers and having to use cleansers (besides lukewarm water) to remove sunscreen
>most of the time when I go outside I exercise so I will be sweating
>not on a budget willing to spend
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>5 € a liter
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Apparently my apartment has hard water
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Is this sunscreen good quality?
Should I just go to a dermatologist?
Skincare is such a fucking meme, i am done with this shit. I am sticking with generic cleaner and generic light moisturizer everything else is just a globohomo jewsih garbage.
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Looking to up my sunscreen game this summer, found pic related to be promising. Any opinions on this? Would be much appreciated!
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How long will it take for my pores on my T zone to shrink if I've had them for pretty much my entire life up until now that I decided to start taking care of my skin at 34yo
get a good dermatologist, they can give you the best advice if you can afford one
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I had the same issue of pimples under the skin and my dermatologist gave me this + 24 hour moisturiser
All my skin problems disappeared
Anyways you should check a doctor to know if your skin problems have an underlying cause
> is regular aquaphor effective as a lip balm?
Literally the best thing you can use
Lose weight and hope your skin face tightens. Check your parents and grandparents faces for reference
Maybe it’s inevitable
dont reply to me with this garbage
probably within a month or three. obviously varies form person to person.
Is the Dr. G Green Mild Up sun+ gone now? I cant seem to find it
Same problem. Epiduo worked better than differin, though what really made a difference was daily usage of azelaic acid under the sunscreen. Epiduo is now for my ocasional breakouts (if they're really bad I just get mad and use the three of them at night lol, but that's rare).
your best bet is derm. ducray kelual ds worked for me though i didnt have large flakes
mine does not go away whatever i do to them
>can I get away with taking a single hot bath
no idea if you will break out from this. put some body lotion on afterwards if you suspect you will
if you sit by a window i would use it. if i go out for more than 10 minutes i will wear it as well
>I'm at 0 and a small cup of milk is enough to give me a few small pimples
thats similar to me
>about probiotics, what would you indicate, specifically?
this is something that the scientific flavour of chatgpt told me. i will need to investigate this a little further once i get some time
>absolutely despise cleansers and having to use cleansers (besides lukewarm water) to remove sunscreen
thats just wrong. come back once you start actually removing sunscreen form your face. water alone just wont cut it. especially if you want a sunscreen that is somewhat targeted for outdoor activities
duba dubs checked
its worth googling <skincare ingredient you are looking for> + clinical trial. they know a little better than all of us here
a few months probably with appropriate skincare routine
not sure if i understand correctly but combining two retinoids or retinoids with BP within the same routine is not the best practice. epiduo is formulated specifically to make adapalene and BP work together but combining differin and epiduo is something i would not do
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This shit + a simple light moisturiser is all i fucking need
I'm microneedling to get rid of some scars and just had a few years of tretinoin (of which I was quite disappointed with all things considered)
This shit, slugging with vaseline at night and antihistamine is nuking my dennie morgan lines
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Not sure where else to ask this but is there any effective way to repair clothes stained by benzoyl peroxide?

Have a jacket I like that I don’t wear anymore due to BP stains, thinking about trying to rit dye it dark green as a last ditch effort before I get rid of it. Fabric is 100% cotton.
Grab a bottle of the ordinary Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1% Serum
Use it long term, at least 6 months. Great stuff in there, improves skins plumpness and elasticity, and the copper peptides really help for skin health and are usually only in much more expensive products.
I think you will like it.
There is also the inkey list polyglutamic acid serum does similar things to hyaluronic acid but is more effective.
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I think I’m a handsome bastard, other times I see myself as a hideous beast
How often do you guys do this
Every morning
Invest in an applicator. An unused soft toothbrush would work too
You might have BDD.
I am once again asking for tips to deal with eczema. I am sick of being a disgusting monster who leaves a trail of dead skin everywhere I go. Applying moisturizer on my exposed skin every 20 minutes so I can larp as a human.
>Get on dupixent
Already on it
>Cold showers
Already doing them
Tried it for like 3 weeks and it made my shits rock hard and my asshole bleed and the toilet clog every time I pooped
Life fucking SUCKS right now.
You might find this helpful:
Ive always had really fair skin, under my eyes have always looked darker and im starting to get bags.
I am cleansing and moisturizing, what am I supposed to put under my eyes?
A good cleanser, moisturizer and drinking a fuck ton of water works for me. (cleanser; perfect whip by shiseido, moisturizer; Cetaphil) and also sunscreen (Skin aqua tone up) pretty inexpensive routine if your looking for something simple.
>and drinking a fuck ton of water works for me.
Old meme. This is counterproductive.
Omega 3 anon here. Been on it since my post. Tried dosing some dairy starting three days ago. During this period I ate three pastéis de nata, a buttery bread and a sandwitch that had some cheese.
I've kept my routine of daily azelaic acid and tretinoin every other day. I've not gotten any new pimple or blackhead during these three days, only perhaps two slight bumps on my cheek. I should note that the weather was colder and my life less stressful than the average during this test period. With all that considered, I still think it had some positive effect on me, even if it's placebo. I think this is enough evidence for me to relax my 0 dairy practice.
>I am once again asking for tips to deal with eczema
Get sun on the affected areas ideally for 20 minutes a day, uv light treatment seems to help for some reason.
Also try a Hypochlorous acid antibacterial spray on the affected areas multiple times a day, easy to find on Amazon.
Also use the mildest shit possible in the shower, search like eczema cleansing oil on Amazon and use that instead of soap.
Get some really fucking heavy lotion and use that at night
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Circled in picrel is what changed in my skin during the test period. A fair price to pay if I get to eat at least some dairy. I'll give updates if there are changes worthy of note in the next few days.
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This shit changed my life. Been fighting acne for 20 years and this cleared it up in a couple weeks.
>I still think it had some positive effect on me, even if it's placebo
You should look into pantothenic acid, the possible acne cure. I'm on it.

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