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/fit/ - Fitness

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What could you add to this, /fit/?
A whole bunch of food. Namely meat. It's enough sure, but I'm not an old world plowman. I don't get much in this hellscape but I do eat well.
Lean protein obviously. The carbs and fat will get you through a day of plowing the fields but that meal is not going to build muscle.
Sounds kinda lit, you need to digest your food if you're getting back on the plow

Eat meat at dinner
Seems a bit lacking. I also prefer to ploughwomen
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peasant high elf dock fighter ahh meal
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We don't even live in the same universe, that bread has more nurrients and that cheese more fat and protein than a whole grocery store today. Earth was not depleted. Plus their work was more settled, they woke up early but more easily, they didn't have to rush and get stuck in traffic, they had the time to say a prayer in the morning before heading out, not to say their work was layered, it wasn't and all-today-meet-deadline type of work that we have today, nature is lenient to those who work with it, not against it.
Their mental state wasn't yet raped by the evils of the modern world, although their lives were hard and they worked all day, they were not concerned and did not deal with the shit psyops that we do today. Mass demoralization campaigns weren't even a thing yet.
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>marketed by cheese bureau
>cheese bureau
shut up vtuber fag
This, but less autistically long.
>nutritional density is about 1/3rd what it was a hundred years ago
>he doesn't know about Big Cheese
>that bread has more nutrients and that cheese more fat and protein than a whole grocery store today.
Eat meat. Buy the meat that costs more. >Earth was not depleted.
Drink iodine.
>Plus their work was more settled.
Relax. Don't tryhard for your wagemaster.
>Their mental state wasn't yet raped by the evils of the modern world
Spread antisemitism irl. And remember that while we may be in the middle of the craziest war of all time, it is an informational war. They can't hurt your or stop you from resting up and getting stronger if you turn off the electronics.
Doesn't look bad, the onions and ale will be avoided though
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Takes one to know one friendo
>Dump out the ale, replace with milk
>use the bread to catch a fish
>butter, into the pan, get a nice sear
>onions go in
>melt the cheese on top
It's not even a historical meal just something pubs invented when it became trendy to serve food
standard additions are corned beef, boiled/pickled egg, pickled fish and/or pickalilli. all shit from the pantry, nothing even vaguely fresh except the bread. even that bloody onion should be pickled
What's with you niggers and saying "ahh" instead of ass? Is it ebonics finally bleeding into written English? Speak and type like a normal human you fucking monkey.
Don't aks me bruh.
This is an odd ploughman's. Normally you'd have salad not just sliced onion. Often a variety of cheeses: cheddar, Stilton, etc. And then chutneys also. Optionally ham too. And crackers instead of bread if you want, but bread is more traditional.

The true modern ploughman's is S tier. Dodgy ploughman's can't make it out of C tier. I like the addition of ale though, but mead might be a better choice.
Stop reposting from /ck/
Seriously, get new material
Excuse me, the proper term is African-American Vernacular English.
I hate what niggers and Americans have done to the English language.
I make cheese and onion sandwiches at home. Healthy amount of Tabasco on it and it's a fucking winner
tiktok has made talking like a retard cool.
it's gonna be weird when people start saying shit like this more often in professional settings.
Witnesses no longer need to take an oath, they will simply say "on god"
>on god?
>on god, your honor
>I ain't going to lie, your honor, I did no, -
>wait a minute, were you lying up this point?
>to be honest, I
>so you were dishonest?
my lying ahhh
They would almost certainly have swine with it, either bacon or just lard. Pork was an absolute staple in Europe since the Roman times.
Salted pork
Another onion.
yeah but you couldn't have gay sex back then

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