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I've just read about this, and holy shit, I have it. Besides boobie thing because I am a skeleton, everything else is true.
It's so over. So, so over.
I even got the boob thing
It's so fucking over
You can just be hypogondal and the rest just kind of comes with that rather than having some rare chromosomal disorder. Good news is it's mostly reversible with hcg.
>a newbie joins the fray
Heh. Buckle in brother, welcome to hell on fucking earth
Mine looks a lot worse.
Can't you only really tell if you have this by having an official diagnosis on your chromosomes? Looks wise for the body I look exactly like the left guy, but I'm certain that I have low T. Also, my face is not very manly looking which provides a weird disconnect between my face and body.
Do I look like I have Klinefelters?
dunno post from the back
Okay- give me like 5 minutes; let me get naked again and take a quick photo. Please provide feedback whether you think I have klinefelters or not afterwards.
Are your testicles shorter than 3.5 cm in length?
Here it is. Yeah I know I'm dyel. I used to workout, but I only did long distance running. Used to be 160lbs, shot up to 210 pounds; I'm now at 193. So, klinefelters or no?
Hm, I'm not sure, but if I were to guess I'd say they are
If you have to ask you don't have it
kek gaylord
kek niggas think they have some ultra rare genetic disease instead of lifting weights and eating right to not look like shit
>1/1000 men
>ultra rare
> hcg
human crowth gormone?
>0.1% of the population.
The real question is:
Are you steril? Klinefelters are steril. Also problems in the form of lacking/degenerate puberty can be a sign.

For me I did not hit puberty when I was 16, went to endo. Was diagnosed with pubertas tarda. Got TRT for 2 years. then, everything was fine. Normal dick, testicles and test level. Also, healthy sperms. Now, I am 38 and I thought I would also have this shit (since many signa are true for me). I have very little facial hair, almost no body hair. But my sperms are normal and I have to two kids. So for me it‘s probably some other shit than klinefelters. I don‘t know. Got test checked last week. Still normal for 38 years.

Long story short: if you have it, get treated, if you don‘t then move along. Either way, eat healthy and lift.
>But I only did long distance running

You just answered yourself. Comparatively overdeveloped lowerbody + skinny fat. Work on your lats and upper body and it should balance it out.

Also watch out for winged scapula, weak serratus + rounded shoulders can pull your ribs in, giving you that klienfelter build.
none of these is klinefelter
klinefelter has female pattern body hair, both of these have obviously male one e.g. trail of hair leading to belly button
you're 10 times more likely to have actual autism than kinefelters
It’s almost impossible to be born an intelligent nigger. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen anon
no you're just fat and dyel
no you look chubby
human chorionic gonadotropin
Has some interesting effects on adult males can cure testiclar atrophy/steroid induced hypogonaism and it can treat miropenis or shrinkage related to loss of erections.
You don't, you're just dyel. Completely fixable bro, do not worry about it.

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