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Uhhh gymbros? I think we lost
but when I eat less I lose weight, and when I eat more I gain weight.
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>spending 30k and 3.5 years to win an internet argument with an internet autist
Who really won here?
Might as well have gone to tafe. Would have been cheaper
you could have just saved 30k + whatever food costs and 3.5 years of your life by not being a retarded fatty.
>3.5 years later
>It's still calories in, calories out
A real degree from Curtin or Murdoch beats out some shotty, pleb tier, participation-prize cert from tafe any day.
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It gets worse: Lavoisier's law on the conservation of matter is literally high school chemistry.
>lose 30k, 3.5 years and your most important years to still be wrong
Kek I love women
I just looked up the course requirements and it’s actually NOT a bullshit degree. Good for her.
>diets dont work
>they are hard to keep up for your entire life

>calories in/calories out doesnt account for the complexities of an animals body, appetite, metabolism
Uhh I'm about to apply for a bridging course to get me into curtin as a 26 year old boomer who dropped out of high school. What's so bad about curtin?
Been eating less and losing weight lads, WAGMI.

I hate women
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Except it isnt, you low IQ jew golem.
It's true, diets don't work (for some people (because they are weak willed faggots))
Is this moxyte or ketoschizo?
>CICO means eating as much junk as possible IIFYM
It works to lose or gain weight but that is obviously not a reasonable way to eat, and that should be apparent to anybody. So apparent that I feel like nobody ever thought they’d have to make the clarification.
CICO is literally correct, though.

Based and group of 8 pilled - UNSW grad
>waste 30k+ to tell people 'too much bread is bad for you.'
> its literally tHerModYnAmiCs and therefore incontrovertible
> but plis dont ruin my theory by getting FATTER on 1700kcal of goyslop a day

only low iq r*dditors think that
>wasted 3.5 years and 30k$ for me to still ignore her and tell her to shut the fuck up
Authority worshipping retards are almost cute
I would fuck her raw, then and starve her to prove her wrong and coconut is right
Based retard
is that why all the nutritionfags on this board talk like girly womenfolk? They're queers?
Women who makes reels like these have a huge victim complex who think the world it out to get them. I can guarantee you she probably holds all her friends in contempt and is always looking behind her back in case she gets "backstabbed". A pitiful existence, filled with anger and bitterness to prove themselves to people who care not about them.
I would easily lose weight on 1700 calories. That’s a large Big Mac meal and a protein shake with milk. You’re implying I’d get fat if I ate just that every day?
>Women...have a huge victim complex who think the world it out to get them.
Yea fheyre dumb but theyre like dogs or children, they dont know better
Just be firm with em and have fun
No hes implying youd get deficiencies from malnutrition amd fuck up your body (and theyre right) but contrarians literally just want to feel smart for aguing with people so they say it's the same thing as what you said because they are very smart and know that you can't live well on just big macs because you'll feel like shit
Please just ignore literal retards who try to pretend >>74222774 isnt real
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why do leftists never look happy when they smile?
>Obese fat fuck suffering from "malnutrition"
Oh I am laffin'
Because they aren't happy people anon
projection mostly
>I'm not happy so nobody else can be clearly
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>diets don't work

Then how exactly are these mother fuckers so thin?
No, he’s actually autistic and he’s terminally online getting triggered aboht CICO and rants about calories not existing. I know what I mean, you know what I mean, but lurk moar
Spent 30k and 3-5 years in higher education just to still be wrong lmao
Brother, just because you've dropped weight and lost muscle through CICO doesn't mean anyone who has beyond a surface level of nutrition is impressed.
>people are so frothing at the mouth to argue that i literally cant even understand their posts
This is the power of being brown
She’s sort of right. There’s something else going on with fatties, and I’m inclined to believe that it’s food addiction.

Corporations have already proven that they will intentionally shill highly addictive and harmful products (OxyContin) that will get people hooked and keep coming back for more. Why do you think the highly processed food that these companies make are any different? It’s all addiction.
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co part is heavily dependent on hormones, insulin sensitivity and so on. carbs boost metabolism fat doesnt. so is hunger even if days following feeding. also high energy feeding induces fidgeting more in normals than in fatsos. proper diet is picrel. might want to include lean meat. or beans but meat has arachidonic acid which is lower on vegan diet. lean wild animals are lean and not literal obese pigs weaterners eat.
opiates are bengin when compared to fatty/sugary slop. they dont always take your dignity. you have zero dignity being fat. you ignite pity and repulsion in most people seeing you. people selling drugs to kids are less bad than moms feeding their fat kids poisonous "food"
The argument is: if diet then achieve weight goal. Failing your diet because you're an addict doesn't mean dieting doesn't work. It means you failed at dieting.
I agree. Addictions you can get away with for a long time without repercussions are always the most dangerous ones, because they are insidious and once you’ve realized you’ve fucked up it’s already too late.

Plus the legality and affordability of these products make them even more of a problem.
>use government food stamps to buy government subsidized corn slop
Kek. It’s bad.
>a nuanced argument melts anons brain
Aw. Let me see your crayon pictures, buddy. I’ll stick one on the fridge :)
Depends what you’re doing. I’ve heard it’s good for eng and tech.
afg thread?
Yep. Same with weed unfortunately. Destroying our youth as I type this
I would like to have shared class with this lovely ass.
CICO is right, it's just that there are many systems in the body that will alter how much energy you store vs how much you burn.

If you strictly do CICO and eat nothing but processed food, your health will gradually decline. The quality of your food matters, and whatever is affecting your metabolic system. Some people have naturally high metabolism and NEAT, some people don't, and many things can factor into this from mental disorders like autism / adhd and diseases like diabetes / chronic pain
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She's making that text misleading on purpose as "diets don't work" can be referred to starving yourself or being on permanent deficit that will fuck you for sure. In the end it is all about click-baiting when it comes to social media.
Now you are 30k in debt, men still don't care what you have to say and you are 4 years closer to the wall
Women really are petty
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>$30k and 3.5 years
And all I have to do to btfo her is flex
Eating goyslop will kill mitochondria thus lowering your metabolism, even if it was naturally high to begin with.

CICO isn't just incomplete. It's plain wrong.
>>CICO means eating as much junk as possible
As much junk food as allowed by your goal calorie intake, yes. For junk food, that isn't a whole lot, maybe only one meal
>If you strictly do CICO and eat nothing but processed food
Where the fuck is this meme about CICO being about only eating fucking processed food even coming from? I really dont fucking get it?
I mostly eat foods I cook myself and count every calorie I consume and guess what, I LOST THE FUCKING WEIGHT. Its just so fucking annoying how people assume that if you count calories you only consume fucking processed shit. Granted, I do eat some junk food every now and then since I dont want to restric myself too much, but I STILL LOST THE FUCKING WEIGHT BY COUNTING CALORIES.
Paid actors. No mass graves were ever found, and no evidence of anything relating to mass extermination of Jews was ever documented. They were underfed prisoners, no different from those in American or Russian camps. Feeding your prisoners isn't a high priority during wartime when food is already scarce even for the guards and the camp director
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Calories are calories
It comes from the same fucking worthless retarded lazy fagety cretins who say AmErIcAn FoOd Is PoIsOn! because MUH SEED OILS. It comes from a desire to blame something beyond their control for their catastrophic existential failures so they can abdicate all responsibility for those failures and get back to doing exactly fuck all about them
that's because the most cited source for CICO is that guy that ate nothing but twinkies and lost weight.

If CICO is strictly true, you should be able to eat only twinkies for the rest of your life and not have any problems whatsoever. That is what is implied by the people that cite this stuff. It's how the argument is structured. If you believe that food quality matters, that is diametrically opposed to the notion that it's all CICO.
Yeah, you are probably right. Far easier to just blame the fucking seed oils or carbs or whatever fuck the fat cunts come up with next than look in the fucking mirror.
Yeah no, I never even knew about the twinkie thing, but I have always known about calories. Also, anyone with a brain knows that nutrition matters. BUT CALORIES IN, CALORIES OUT ARE STILL THE BACKBONE IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT.
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Why this board is always hating this girl?
She has a great body, clearly lifts well and will cook healthy meals.
You fucking incel DYELs would kill to wife up a woman like this.
if nutrition matters, then CICO is not entirely correct. Refer to this post >>74223323

Each one of those stomachs and bodies will feel much differently even while eating the same amount of calories. I don't know how else to elucidate this to you. The problem is that it is much more nuanced than just CICO because humans are not robots, they are living things with biological, not mechanical, processes.
If you eat 1600 calories worth of Twinkies daily, you would lose weight, yes. Sure this comes with a host of other problems so you shouldn't, but strictly speaking, ignoring health concerns, this calculation is true for weight loss

>You fucking incel DYELs would kill to wife up a woman like this.
She uses terms like "mansplaining" unironically and spent half her prime years in college just to BTFO some Gym bros. Plus she posts videos of herself online. She is NOT wife material
all that effort for them to just ignore you and not care
>bullied by tweets
>Each one of those stomachs and bodies will feel much differently even while eating the same amount of calories.
I dont give a shit about how it feels.
You will lose weight if you consume less energy than your body uses. No one is talking about how you feel.
>this calculation is true for weight loss

but its not practical, you are just winning on a technicality, you aren't improving long term health outcomes, so the entire point of losing weight is thrown out the window.
>obnoxious feminist takes herself out of the dating pool
I see this as an absolute win, I guess bullying really does work
Bitch should have studied Endocrinology instead.
"Chemistry" can land you a job as food technician but you can spend your whole life without knowing how your body actually works.
>No one is talking about how you feel.

That is what makes CICO a bad argument, because it removes the human condition from the equation, and how the body processes calories coming from different food groups differently.

You are completely ignoring biology, you have the physics down, but not the biology. This is why I say its a nuanced topic.
Sure, but that is a completely different discussion.
CICO (or fucking energy in, energy out) is still the basis of ALL weight loss plans. No matter if its low carb, high carb, fasting, whatever. CICO is still what matters in the end.
How you achieve CICO is up to the individual to figure out.
Dude nobody is talking about longterm health with CICO. It’s strictly taken at face value, to gain lose or maintain weight. You’ve invented all that other shit in your head as something tk argue aboht because you’re technically and factually wrong.

Nobody is talking about a healthy sustainable diet, we’re talking about weight gain/loss/maintenance.
>If CICO is strictly true, you should be able to eat only twinkies for the rest of your life and not have any problems whatsoever.
bait there is no way youre this fucking retarded
Shut the fuck up about feelings you faggot

95% of people fail diets when trying to operate under strict CICO. This is a fact.

It doesn't matter what you think is true, what matters is the impact it has on humans, and it's not good. Saying people don't have willpower obviously isn't working. I offer you the totality of the human population and how people are getting fatter despite CICO being the dominant form of dieting.

It demonstrably doesn't work for most people, it does work for 5% of people, but that's a shitty metric to gauge success. Snake oil has better success rates due to the placebo effect.

So many uninformed people on this board.
>despite CICO being the dominant form of dieting.
all these goysloppers eating mcdonalds every day in excess are following CICO
her name is madalin giorgetta

she hasn’t posted any pics in years
yup, and these diets don't count calories. They leverage the body's internal systems of satiation and take advantage of the limited volume of the stomach.

These are much easier systems for people to adopt other than to autistically track and weigh every calorie they consume.
Mistaking winning for losing

Imagine you need to bring in authority to win the argument if diets work, a fundamental truth of human life.

>Saying people don't have willpower obviously isn't working.
>It demonstrably doesn't work for most people, it does work for 5% of people
This is purely because the food industry is MUCH more powerful than most people's willpower. Combine that with the phenomenon that fatties are enormously profitable customers: They consume much more, they use much more healthcare and they die way before retirement age, who do you think pockets their saved up retirement money? Curing people is not a sustainable business model. unfortunately healthcare and pharma are businesses.

>people are getting fatter despite CICO being the dominant form of dieting.
This is because those people FAIL their diet, they eat more than they report and they lie about it. There's nothing inherently faulty with the diet itself
It's ironic that people like you will argue to police against the truth on behalf of losers who you would never in a million years simply argue to police against their own stupid behavior.
I agree with everything you've said, I said that CICO is right, but it's technically right, where it fails is in its practicality. It ultimately is what is happening to people when they lose weight, that's the physics part of the argument, the biological part is what you just brought up.

If we want to cure obesity, we must go after these food companies that sell us poison and claim its food.
Your pic lacks water
animal and human studies show that both creatures will prefer a drug over food. It's a biological fact. Strict CICO doesn't leverage the body's internal systems to produce a desirable result.

It's like saying gas powers a car, but you need an engine, you need fuel intake, you need oil, you need wheels, you need a transmission, etc. While you are technically correct in that you need gas to power a car, it's not the only thing that contributes to the car's ability to move.
Yes, and this is why burgers, pizza, Starbucks sugar coffee and ice cream are healthy. Oh and fried chicken, of course. Fuck calories counting shit, that gives you the malnutritions.
Because autistically scanning and verifying a certain food group is acceptable to include in your self inflected restrictive diet it's less autistic. Seriously, this whole diet culture thing is worse than a picky child.
I just find it so funny / tragic how hard it is for normies to lose weight.
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>spent half her prime years in college just to BTFO some Gym bros
Do you actually believe she so stupid to have done all that for some retarded online bullies? LMAO.
And everybody post vids/pics online if into social media. You have incel mentality, sorry my negro.
ppl who say it's a nuanced topic are all uniformly overweight tubs of lard simple as.
the only nuance you faggots have is when you feel bad about yourselves

Water doesn't have any calories
you don't need to scan, you can just look at the nutrition label or for some diets, plug in the food into an app and see if its a food you can have. It's not nearly as much effort as avoiding all restaurants because they don't accurately report their calories, and avoiding the majority of food that comes with a large amount of ingredients because food companies can legally lie about how many calories those foods have.

You have to eat a severely restricted diet of food that you have to weigh and make yourself vs making it a lot easier by tracking how many carbs you're eating or how many points a certain food has or utilizing the volume of your stomach to reduce caloric intake.
>Do you actually believe she so stupid to have done all that for some retarded online bullies?
I'm taking her caption at face value, yes
Is having your diet consist of mostly unprocessed food really so rare these days?
You have to actually be retarded if you're accidentally gaining weight on a 90% fresh produce diet. Anyone that clean bulks knows this
>be lazy fat cunt who can't do even elementary school level calculations (I clarify this for you: you don't need to be autistic to be able to do some calories density times food weight)
>we must go after X
Kek, always fantasizing about revolution but never being able to do ANYTHING, if only someone would fight this imaginary battle for me, that would be great! It can't be that I am stupid, it has to be a CONSPIRACY which is TARGETED at me!
having any kind of bread or grain is processed

having any kind of ground meat is processed

generally speaking, the outer walls of a grocery store have the least processed food, everything in the middle that's boxed and canned is processed.

It is physically impossible to eat unprocessed food. It is simply unavailable for the majority of the population.
I never counted calories or eat healthy and I always had a six pack. Meanwhile schizos with eating disorder eat goyslop and take literally penis meds for old people (aka whey protein, muh creatine, muh cialis) and are still fat. Here's how you do it. Give me all your money and then I'll tell you ^)
Your argument is basically
>We have the power so you are wrong and we are correct
Almost if that was the point... Imagine how full your stomach would be!

Not being able to understand the difference between marshmallow and ground beef might indicate that you should probably have a legal guardian
>marshmallow and ground beef

No, it's the difference between a roast or steak and ground beef.

You are unable to tell the difference between 15% and 45% fat in ground beef, and all grocery stores put more fat in their ground beef than advertised because they are not legally bound by it. This is what I mean when I say ground beef is processed. You are getting much more calories per serving than you think you are, simply because the grocery store you go to lies to you.
Imagine being so desperate to be near a woman you'd wife up a poisonous harpy, no matter how good she looked.
Absolutely pathetic.
>you can just look at the nutrition label or for some diets
1. Every nutrition label shows calories
2. If your diet consists mainly of packaged foods and restaurant dining then you're never losing weight anyway, no matter how many things you remove from your diet
3. The more things you don't eat the more child-like your behavior is, which makes you look more autistic. Seriously, autists are the pickiest eaters look it up
4. You're a burden on social events and family gatherings because other people need to accommodate because you've now decided you won't eat something anymore
5. I've never seen anyone on a restrictive diet actually lose weight, and having them exist and being so well known make people more retarded because it establishes things like le flour bad
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Calories from carbs spike your insulin and cause hunger flashes
Calories from fats don't, leaving you satiated
Some calories cause active damage to your body; others don't

>cALoRiEs aRe CaLoRiEs
>oNE rAcE: tHe hUmAn RaCe
kys, kike
>having any kind of bread or grain is processed
>having any kind of ground meat is processed
Does your diet consist of mostly bread/grains and ground beef? You're just further proving my point you bozo
>1. Every nutrition label shows calories
No it doesn't. It can be up to 20% off, which means in 2000 calories, you can be off 400 calories, this is why most surplus and deficit diets tell you to reduce or increase calories by 300-500

>2. If your diet consists mainly of packaged foods and restaurant dining then you're never losing weight anyway, no matter how many things you remove from your diet

Sometimes we don't have the time or money to make good food and sometimes we go out to eat with our friends and family.

>3. The more things you don't eat the more child-like your behavior is, which makes you look more autistic. Seriously, autists are the pickiest eaters look it up
>4. You're a burden on social events and family gatherings because other people need to accommodate because you've now decided you won't eat something anymore
>5. I've never seen anyone on a restrictive diet actually lose weight, and having them exist and being so well known make people more retarded because it establishes things like le flour bad

By counting calories the right way, you are restricting yourself to minimally processed foods that you can weigh yourself and make yourself, this is a much more restricted diet than any of the fad diets as the fad diets do allow for more processed food to be eaten. You cannot trust any food label or restaurant if you are doing CICO.

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But it IS a conspiracy, except it's targeted at everyone
>60% of americans are OBESE
>increasing numbers of OBESE NEWBORNS reported worldwide
>average body temperature dropped by 0.5 °Celsius in the last 100 years, indicating a drop in metabolism
>average calorie consumption has DECREASED since the 80s, but obesity increased

yeah sure, it's a willpower issue and a "not being able to cooountt calooories issue".
>You are unable to tell the difference between 15% and 45%
Well, maybe YOU are :D but sure, if you can't trust the macro distribution or just buy some whatever meat then I can see how calorie calculations might be tricky. I personally don't live in a third world country so it's hard for me to grasp that concept but sure, in that case I believe that it must be difficult.

But then again I also don't buy ground beef, I have a knife and skillet which can be used to turn a piece of meat into steaks.

Are these "we" in the room with you right now? My argument was actually that you are a retard and seems like that is your argument as well. Looks like we have an agreement.

>muh autism
>muh family gatherings
Spoken like a true double digit IQ cunt
Many such cases
He has a point you're just gonna ignore eh
>let me cherry pick some random statistics real quick
Shoutenings :D go outside "america" and you might be shocked that mobility scooters are not a common sight anywhere else. Yes, the willpower has gone down. Or what makes you think that you are equal to your grandparents in terms of willpower? You live in a shit culture that celebrates laziness and teaches you to be an infant that blames everything on someone else. Do you think that when it comes to weight related factors it is only the amount of calories that has changed while everything else has stayed the same?
Oh my g*d, she's doing SCIENCE?!

people have varying levels of fungiform papillae density. Because the modern diet is high in fat, most people have a reduced chemoreception to fat. You are an outlier, you are an exception, not the rule. Because of this, your personal experience is different from the average experience, and is thus not applicable to the conversation, as we are talking about the general population.
>No it doesn't. It can be up to 20% off, which means in 2000 calories, you can be off 400 calories, this is why most surplus and deficit diets tell you to reduce or increase calories by 300-500
And the le magical 2000 TDEE isn't slightly off either? Do you burn the same amount of calories every day? Why do you consider the tdee measurement accurate?

>Sometimes we don't have the time or money to make good food and sometimes we go out to eat with our friends and family
Keyword being sometimes. An exception to the rule. You don't need to follow any diet every single day 100% for results

>By counting calories the right way, you are restricting yourself to minimally processed foods that you can weigh yourself and make yourself
Is this what retards actually think tracking calories look like? I'm not sure why I even bother replying

>this is a much more restricted diet than any of the fad diets as the fad diets do allow for more processed food to be eaten. You cannot trust any food label or restaurant if you are doing CICO
I'm not sure if you're fat or new to fitness or whatever but eventually you're able to eyeball how much you eat and caloric estimates become more precise by just look and feel. Counting calories, just like everything nutritional related, is an estimate. If your goal is to gain weight estimate lower, if it's to lose it estimate higher

I really can't imagine someone into lifting gaining muscle that not only can't at least loosely track their macros but is actively against it because it's not 100% accurate. Please don't post outside of /fat/… there's always one up. That's your thread. Leave the rest of the board to non fats. No need to shit up everything else. Lurk but don't post. Thank you.
this poster has to be larping no one is this retarded
Who should i trust on athleticism, an athlete with a bunch of athletic achievements and experience, or a sports science person who has studied the sport without ever practicing it or accomplishing anything in it their entire life?

Who do you think would be better suited to give advice on participating in said sport?
No CICO is a fact. However, like the relationship between CI and CO, its incorrect to assume we know everything about human biochemistry. In fact, what we do know about gut microbiome is more then likely superceded by what we dont.
I have been working out for 7 years, I have lost 105 lbs, 270 to 165, a 39% reduction in bodyweight, putting me in the tippy top .1% of weight loss, as only about 1% of people are able to lose 40 lbs or greater and keep it off for 5 years. I did this without counting calories and doing intermittent fasting and leveraging my hunger to make better food choices. I not only have experience at losing a MASSIVE amount of weight, but I have experience in keeping it off and staving off the constant hunger I am now in every day. I know more than most people what it takes to lose weight and keep it off.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You are either too young or too inexperienced with fitness to understand what I'm talking about.
athletes are genetic outliers and if you see their workouts you will know that they don't know a lot about exercise.
The sports scientist knows more about what the average person with average genetics is capable of.
Using your own logic, you should just roid, as roiders have the most amount of athletic performance and aesthetics.
Sorry retard.
source: idk i just think that's the thing, i'm not here to do your research look it up yourself! please don't look it up though.
I'm not saying that I lick the meat and then shout out the accurate percent :D but do you SERIOUSLY have no idea if you eat fatty or lean meat? They taste completely different... But yeah, first of all you should be able to use your brain and not rely solely on taste. The color is different if the "meat" is 50% fat. Also when you fry it, the lean meat doesn't fill the pan with inch of liquid fat.

But I see that you have decided that you are just a victim and it is totally impossible to do anything about your own situation, you are merely a raft in an ocean.
Look up people who live to be over 100 years old and see what they eat, not a single one cared about their diet and just ate whatever the fuck they wanted
>buy 10 lbs of 90/10 beef
>pan has more grease than usual
>throw all of it away

You don't even make sense.
People too obsessed with theory and studies are worthless because they never try anything, they live in a make believe world of assumptions, ideals, and theoreticals

You need practical experience in the real world.
Hunger flashes doesn't make you fat, retard. Giving in to those urges makes you fat

here you go, train like this then. I suggest you set up an appointment with an ortho ahead of time, it can take months to get in.
Agreed. Losing weight does not equal gaining health, we agree on that. Flat CICO means losing weight, but does not mean it's healthy per se
She didn't win, she's still wrong
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Her pothos is stretching and has fucked up leaves because she doesn't give it enough light
dedicating years of your life to win an imaginary argument on the internet is such a female thing to
>you must eat in defiance of your biology, goy
>remember, if your (((diet))) causes you to become a flesh golem, it's your own fault because muhh willpower

kys, kike
Man, weird boomer diets were kino.
My grandma once spent a month eating nothing but bananas and peanut butter
>Obese babies are being born around the planet
>More babies also become obese within the first 6 months of their life
Its a WiLLpOwEr iSsUe !!!!!!!

And then you claim that "everything in the world has stayed the same in the last 100 years"
Let me ask you: are you blind or dumb or just a kike?

>look at me im a massive faggot
>i have nothing WHATSOEVER to say, but i feel like i must say something anyways
gym bros don't tweet diets don't work, fat people do.
>let's use a model for COMBUSTING FUEL as the basis for explaining how our body uses food
>ok ok ok ok, there are tons of biochemical processes at play that we must understand before we make this THERMODYNAMIC model in any way shape or form useful to us
>b-b-but the model is FACT! It just is, okay???
>make a stupid, provocative claim with no evidence
>people disagree with with you
>"this is bullying :''''(((((("
>spends $30,000 to learn nothing and continue to be wrong
>nutrition degree
Literal meme degree
The reality is that most harmful food could be abolished but the powers that be refuse to do so.
Understanding that fact, it is only sensible to distrust any authoritative position on health.
The people in power want you sick and diseased. We can guess at their motives but their actions are plain and obvious.
day has 24 hours
>If CICO is strictly true, you should be able to eat only twinkies for the rest of your life and not have any problems whatsoever.
either you're genuinely sub 80iq or this is the most pathetic attempt at a strawman i've ever seen
if all calories are the same, then it doesn't matter what calories you are putting into your body. That is the literal definition of CICO.

If you believe in the thermic effect of food at the very least, you do not subscribe fully to CICO. The point of the argument is that the calories going in aren't always the calories going in and the calories coming out aren't always the calories coming out. The equation is not balanced, and we can, at best, get a rough idea of what's going on.

Considering that measuring devices and calories on nutrition labels can be wrong, you may very well be losing or even gaining weight at a 'maintenance level' as calculated, just because your calculations can be so wildly off.

Losing 10-15 lbs isn't real weight loss, if you had to use CICO to lose that little, you are already have a terrible diet to begin with. I lost 40 lbs just making a dietary change, not even changing the amount of food that I ate. I need to elucidate how insignificant losing 10-15 lbs is.
why are you assuming that following CICO necessarily implies you're eating processed garbage food? CICO is a model that predicts whether you lose or gain total bodyweight; "long term health outcomes" are also connected to presence of micronutrients and absence of artificial chemicals with adverse health effects. the two are not mutually exclusive and you can combine counting calories with eating healthy to get both effects
if you believe this, then you do not subscribe fully to CICO, as with CICO, all calories from all sources are treated equally.
These dumb autistic debates are so fucking gay.
Eat less, get skinnier.
Eat healthier, be more healthy.
I'm not sure how fucking retards can shit up so many threads debating this.

Why is American education so awful? Honestly it doesn't surprise me you guys are losing the war to China. The average chink definitely won't say something so absurdly retarded. Probably because they still teach basic facts in school (eg conservation of energy). This seriously saddens me.
>curtin university
Sounds like a degree mill
CICO is a simplistic model to get normies to understand the fundamental principles of how a human body processes food and manages itself.
incorporating all the variables to make the equation very precise would be borderline impossible. but that's besides the point, because most of these have negligible effect and cancel themselves out in the grand scheme of things.
if you eat at a maintenance, when you begin to reduce caloric intake in increments while keeping your dietary choices the same, you will eventually begin to lose weight
restriction diets work (if they even work) because they use this fact implicitly
also reddit spacing
Jews being evil is literally correct as well but you shit eating faggots keep screeching
>not all joos
Fucking pathetic.
You kikes can't even admit you're Jews. You're just jew-ish.
Yeah I guess. Idk don’t take my opinion as fact I’m just some anon on the internet
>Mansplain it back to them
So he identifies as a man now? He got bullied into being a tranny?
CICO just says you'll lose weight eating low amounts of slop. It doesn't say you'll have a sexy body. For that you need to eat clean as well as CICO
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>all these kikes in the thread
>kike professor
>supplemented twinkies with protein shakes, vitamins and god knows what else
>the only proof that he actually did it is "trust me bro"
Wow im convinced

If you regularly eat slop, your mitochondria will die, your metabolism will slow down and you'll start gaining weight while eating at "maintenance"

Once again proving that CICO is for cuckolds.
Cicoldry, if you will
>Obese babies are being born around the planet
This disproves your retarded claim because babies don't eat junk food
>And then you claim
Did I really?

Maybe you should go back to you know where?
why do jews think I should be hungry and use muh willpower to resist eating? When I could just not be hungry and not have to exert willpower and achieve results?
>nooo you must eat ze slop and exert willpower to eat just the right amount of slop! OR ITS YOUR FAULT! BUT ALSO EAT ZE SLOP!
meh, pass.
>the calories going in aren't always the calories going in and the calories coming out aren't always the calories coming out
This got me curious – do you even know what "calories" means?
if you eat 500 calories of protein, 150 of those calories will be burned by your body trying to metabolize them. This is not the same with carbs or fats. Please, just learn nutrition before you speak, because it makes you look retarded.
>When I could just not be hungry and not have to exert willpower and achieve results
Anything worth doing costs effort. I would even go as far as to say that effort almost equals results, because for men, overcoming difficulty is their purpose, so striving through something difficult is the best way to both become content and achieve results
funny since the 'diets dont work' meme is about psychology, not real science
Willpower means doing something today so that tomorrow you can do something you cannot do today
You cannot become better from inside your comfort zone
no offence but she looks like her brain 'doesnt work'
>if you eat 500 calories of protein, 150 of those calories will be burned by your body trying to metabolize them
How do you come up with these retarded claims :D did you know this: if you hold your breath for 45sec your toenails will grow twice the speed they normally do?
>Verification not required.
Nah man going to sleep when it's dark is really easy.i do that shit without trying.
let go of your I need to be sooooo masculine and FORCE myself to eat tiny amount of bullshit instead of just eating healthy food that satiates you.
Because you're retarded.
>nutrition degree
Call me when you get your RD
>that 'toss
I mean, England pushed in India's shit a long ass time ago and has been eating vindaloo for over a hundred or so years.
Would be more apt if it was about germans and currywurst.
lol How about I don't just make my life difficult by eating poison?
Creating your own problems to "heroically" overcome them is retarded.
There is no virtue on self inflicted suffering.
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where is the part where she explained something?
NTA Being <15% bodyfat isn’t some Herculean effort, it should be easy. If we didn’t eat the most artificially calorie dense shit on the planet while sitting down all day we’d land there naturally for the most part. And the truth is when you stop eating modern garbage you don’t miss it.
thermodynamics you retard.

like I said, you are either too young or too inexperienced in fitness, read some more.
Because they're mentally ill. Talk to young liberal people and you will see that most of them have either been diagnosed by theirs elves or doctors.
People underestimate how many calories are in carbs. Trust me, fatties are always eating carbs and sugar.
I love how fake this looks.
And where does the mass come from you nose-women? But seriously her nose is freaky looking. Better not say it too loud though, I might inspire her to get a 4 year degree in nose studies to "prove me wrong".
You can’t really be addicted to sugar. Just because you have a bad habit doesn’t make it an addiction. Stopping eating like shit is easy, stopping being addicted to opiates will be a struggle for the rest of your life.
Why does Gen Z not understand what POV means…
So she wasted 30k and 3 years to still be wrong?
You are a nigger with the reading comprehension of a brick. There's no point arguing with you.
I just want to tell you that you should kill yourself

>using European Art to push a kike agenda
>"ur not a man if u don't eat goyslop and then gracefully accept the consequences of eating it"
Do kikes really?
3.5 years of school yet she couldn't volunteer a morsel of advice or tips of losing weight??? You would think with this much dedication she would make a youtube channel or something at least but no she uploads videos of herself in a lab coat dripping liquids into beakers with inadequate PPE
Imagine spending 3.5 years and $100k to know less than shit flinging spergs on a Portuguese rat taming board
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>4years if time and money to be need emoji incarnate
>gym bro can just flex a cep like plato and ruin your entire shit
CICO is a fact, actually quantifying it is guess work. Doesnt mean CICO isnt objective, just that are understanding of calories out and the relationship between the two variables is so limited as to make it almost useless.
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>"Study" for 3.5 years
>Learn nothing - you just wanted a credential to stamp on your own preconceived notions of the subject
>Announce to the world that you just spent the past three and a half years getting a Nutritionist credential and still have nothing to offer them - because diets don't work, didn't you know?
The only time this dumb whore is going to "mansplain" anything to anybody will be in the do-nothing job she picks up at her local hospital, telling diabetic blacks that their diet of popeye's and church's chicken isn't good for them (they won't listen and they won't read any of the printouts she sends them home with either)
Already been with a few who look like this. They're always the most insecure, and you can make them go ass to mouth really easily. Shits cash

Yeah, I went from obese to 23 FFMI but my nutrition had nothing to do with it.

This is very low quality bait. Social media has retarded algorithms, so she gets a lot of engagement saying retarded shit (so people will call her bs out in the comments) while also pandering to the hogs, which are the majority of the population nowadays. You bit the hook and she is actually smart and is milking your attention.
Losing weight is an achievement? That's like saying it took you 20 years to learn how to read. Healthy people don't have to diet or reverse years of bad health. All that weight loss, but are you strong? Are you aesthetic? Are you actually healthy?

Or are you just a recovered food addict who has learn to eat less, but not how to eat right? Eat healthy, learn how much you need to eat. That's all nutrition is.
the jewish university
>If we didn't, we'd be lean naturally for the most part
But we don't, and we aren't. I mean as a species, as a population in the West people ARE eating slop and growing obese. So if everybody around you, all media pointed towards you and your own biological urges are telling you to eat fatty slop, it does cost a Herculean effort to be lean. Especially in America where every problem is 10x worse
Quote the post where I said you should eat goyslop. You are purposely misrepresenting my arguments to make them easier to argue against. I will not continue debating until you can repeat my arguments to me in a way that I agree with
The perfect woman: hot and retarded.
Ah yes, "science" where she goes in looking for a specific outcome. She will be able to create it, and thus the human race is set back because we have to waste resources correcting something we already know.
she probably won because idiots will take the bait there even worse than they do here
>Losing weight is an achievement?
He said he lost a bunch of weight, so therefore he knows a few things he learned about losing a bunch of weight along the way. It isn't a complicated proposition. Are you being a dumb faggot who can't read on purpose?
The Jewish university, the Jewish bank that provided her student loans, the Jewish insurance company that she can work for denying insurance requests, paying her a fraction of what money she saves them, the Jewish coffee producers to sell her $12 coffee daily in the local cafetaria
absolutely not.
>he knows a few things he learned about losing a bunch of weight along the way
Yeah, he learned the same lesson anyone with common sense does: eat less calories, lose weight. But that's not enough, CICO is just dieting 101. You can pretend you gamed the system by using some fad diet or fasting like a fool. But it's still about eating calories that are healthy and rejecting calories that are not.
>nooo you don't understand, i'm fat because my mitochondria aren't working right!!
i like how the fatty copes are getting more and more esoteric
even if this were true and you eat less but still don't lose weight because your metabolism has slowed, i think i've figured out a solution:
We are in agreement.

Calories, as a unit of measurement, are simply not useful for studying changes in body composition.
We just might as well use "Voltage In Voltage Out" while claiming that our bodies are batteries.
And whoever questions VIVO is anti science because they are going against the laws of ELECTROMAGNETISM
No way I didn't know we already had the solution for infinite power generation.

I had this pic framed when I was studying to get into the uni. As corny as it sounds, it worked. I'm thinking of framing it again, since my life went way off tracks.
The mitochondria work well enough but there's less of them in our bodies. So much so that human body temperature has dropped by half a degree celsius over the last 100 years.

>the solution is eat less
People eat fewer calories on average as compared to the 80s, but are way way fatter.
Your solution doesn't work.

Care to try again?
Killing mitochondria creates power?
Kek ok, go give it a try :)))
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>billions must study
>co part is heavily dependent on hormones, insulin sensitivity and so on.
Correct. The problem is that slop can dramatically change our hormones, especially when we're young. CICO does work for weight loss, but if you're trying to do anything more specific with your body(burn fat, build muscle), you need to pay attention to the actual food. And even then if you've been fed slop your entire life, you're not going to be able to build as much muscle or lose as much fat as someone who was fed actual food.
When was the last time your car ran out of gas and you could still drive it another 300 miles?
Is your name Optimus Prime?
If your body doesn't have energy, it's not going to perform well. It's not even controversial, what I am saying.
honestly, kudos. I kneel
>When was the last time your mp3 player ran out of energy but you could still listen to music for 10 more hours

VIVO (voltage in voltage out) is KING!
There's so many faggots writing entire novels in this thread lol

That's right, so we should use VIVO to understand how much we should eat and exercise
Diets work. Diets don't work for people who dont stick with them. Or who cheat. Also,degrees doesn't make you intelligent. It just shows you were able to conform to a system. She is good at conforming.
Explain how if I eat below my TDEE I wouldn’t lose weight.
that's the female version of the chud
> and I’m inclined to believe that it’s food addiction
Which means they eat more food, and ingest more calories
>if I ignore what he said then I’m still correct
> If you strictly do CICO and eat nothing but processed food
Who has ever said to eat nothing but processed food? No one ever says this is a good idea.

CICO is literally just eat less. Keep the types of food you eat the same, just eat less. If you already eat shitty food, eating less shitty food isn’t hurting you.
This is excellent bait or actual retardation in action. I honestly can’t tell.
>why do you hate a harpy who “brags” about spending $30k and 3.5 years to win an internet argument
>an argument she’s still wrong about and loses
She started shit and can’t handle the bantz. Also I’ve never heard of her until this morning
Based VIVO
> you aren't improving long term health outcomes
Not being fat improves long term health. Why are you strawmanning CICO as “eating twinkies forever”? Even fat fucks know that’s a terrible idea.
> 95% of people fail diets when trying to operate under strict CICO. This is a fact.
>hurr durr people fail diets because they eat more than they should
Wow. Amazing insight. Post body tubby
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CICO is not 'technically right but impractical' because CICO is not a method of dieting. It is an abstraction of the concept of energy balance.

Your argument would be against counting calories, which is not CICO, but close to it. Counting calories is a very simple, and as such, flawed methodology that any intelligent dieter uses as a tool instead of a method.

The idea that 95% of diets fail is only true when you explain that 'fail' means they regain the weight within 3 years.
Many more people succeed in losing weight, and if they used modern methods of maintenance phases and refeeds, or utilised pharmaceutical interventions like semaglutide then they would also be far more likely to keep the weight off.

While 'just use your willpower' is shitty advice, there is a clear correlation between motivation and diet success, hence why cultural pressure, diet coaching and health scares are effective in making people diet successfully.

Dieting is not as impossible as people make it seem.
>average calorie consumption has DECREASED since the 80s, but obesity increased
Yeah? I don't see her argument, just some stuck up appeal to authority.
And arguing with "gym bros" about dieting isn't bullying. Dumb victimized bitch.
>20% off
While that’s true, reality shows it’s around 4%
This is for snack foods, but there’s no good reason snack foods would be misstated by less than normal foods. Why would a company mislabel a snickers bar by less than a chicken breast or a roll of ground beef? You aren’t getting much fatter from eating more meat. You’ll be full and eat less.
I'll bant her 'til failure and bant some more.
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I would kill her if I saw her walking on the street at night
This is so braindead. If you eat less than your maintenance, then you'll burn fat and lose weight. Why would that promote buying slop?
Should alcoholics be praised for learning to drink in moderation? If a crackhead changes to just cocaine for a party once a year is that good? Are they the experts in how to moderately consumer alcohol or drugs, or the person who never let it get out of hand in the first place?
She looks like she’s dry sobbing
>waste 30k just to lose an internet argument
there must be another reason, otherwise: Woman Moment
>/fit/ very nearly realizes that CICO isn’t a diet but an analysis of any diet

How are you all still this retarded? Calories in vs calories out describes being alive. If you exist as a living creature, then there is an amount of calories consumed to measure against calories expended. If you think that CICO is a dietary or nutritional plan, then you are a fucking retard.
>humans have never been hungry in the entirety of history until now
You are mentally retarded
>Reddit spacing
>Mouth breathing retard takes
Like pottery
> I lost 40 lbs just making a dietary change,
> not even changing the amount of food that I ate.
Pick one. Also what was the change? Were you not eating fewer calories?
>rule over the American empire by profiting off women being retarded

While goyim were holding doors open for women, jews sold women fancy gloves to open the doors themselves.
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No one ever achieved anything noteworthy by never having to try. Kill yourself fatty. I always call for TKD but you are just lazy.
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>30k just to learn about CICO
curtin uni?
any other perth boys wanna go bully her irl?
>Should alcoholics be praised for learning to drink in moderation?
>If a crackhead changes to just cocaine for a party once a year is that good?
Yes, but the cocaine needs to be cut out.
>Are they the experts in how to moderately consumer alcohol or drugs, or the person who never let it get out of hand in the first place?
Both can be experts in their own right.
A stupid cunt and her father's money are soon parted so she can still lose e-fights but type "I have a degree" during them.
This is honestly a large part of what's wrong with academia. People just use it to enhance their cope and mental gymnastic skills instead of simply seeking and accepting the truth.
God help the poor bastard who marries her. She'll spend $100k on a Doctorate in order to prove how him cheating on her in a dream means he should apologize.
>Nooo it doesn't fit into my narrative therefore it's wrong! Nooooooo!!!!

Because it implies that eating calories from Vegan Oreos (TM) is just as valid as eating meat, assuming it's same amount of calories.

>there has ever been a time before the last 150 years where humans have had to deal with hunger flashes caused by the regular consumption of sugar
You are a nigger with negative iq

If you regularly eat slop, your mitochondria will die, your metabolism will slow down and you'll start gaining weight while eating at "maintenance".

Lainey is exaggerating (for the sake of humor) but she's exactly right.
women like this don't count the daily 2500calorie starbucks because it's "coffee"
>it removes the human condition from the equation
Deciding you are a dumb animal without will makes the human condition irrelevant.
>physics down, but not the biology.
Biology cannot violate the laws of physics.
How does eating processed food kill an organelle inside the cell?
Well I'm sorry anon but I feel like I should have the same results eating 4000 calories of donuts and spaghetti as if I ate 4000 of steak and chicken. I refuse to subscribe to your reality with unhealthy cookies in it and will create my own and I'm beautiful too
Anytime you think about taking advice from /fit/, remember retards like >>74225344 exist
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>3.5 years learning chemistry to become a nutritionist
So she failed chemistry for 3.5 years and switched to a bullshit major? A nutritionist degree doesn’t need chemistry, they only study nutritional dogma. And chemists don’t study nutrition. Definitely not in undergrad.
>mitochondria will die
Don't be so butt hurt, he kives closer to the truth than cico types
I really doubt those 110 year old Japanese mamasans ate McD's, pizza, and drank Mtn Dew for decades of their life though.
>spend years and thousands only to still have to admit CICO is key to fat loss
Women, amirite?
Kil yourself, Cernovich
>he doesn't know about mineral deficiency

Very real. It doesn't violate CICO, but can help explain why fatties keep eating when they have no reason to.
Definitely. There can't possibly be TWO people this retarded here at once.
Are you saying that Anon should stop eating altogether?
The mitochondria don't allow it
>wasting time and money on gymbros
Shiggy diggy
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>subjects overrepresented physical activity by 51 ± 75%
> 51 ± 75%
Yeah bro, go get your information from Dr. Kike Israeltel instead. At least then you'll be sure you have Basedence on your side.
Btw how many boosters did you get? :)
It's true. You'll see as you get older. Like I did. Getting emotional like a faggot over this makes you look weak, calories from different sources are just different. Don't be afraid of that fact.

definitely looks like a girl who went to school for stem
Midwits i swear…
See if anyone would actually rationally argue that it's not the principal that's wrong, it's the implementation, then maybe they wouldn't sound so retarded; instead, you get a bunch of fat bitches screaming non-stop "diets don't work!1!!!!" and it's taken by many to mean that CICO doesn't work which is objectively false.
You ARE a fucking retard. Portion sizes have increased and so has caloric intake since the 80s.

YOU made the initial claim to the contrary with zero evidence. The burden is on YOU to back up your claim with evidence.
She was wrong with "dieting doesn't work" but I'd bet money she now just argues semantics, moves goalposts, and makes self-important remarks about her unimpressive bachelor's degree from a state college, like all "educated" women do when they're incorrect about something.
If you say CICO works (implying 'works' for weightloss), she would probably respond with "no it doesn't work because you'll be nutrient deficient" and other nonsense that's technically true but doesn't refute the argument.
Everyone needs to just ignore women like this, and at best give them a patronizing pat on the head for going to Big Girl's School for 4 years.
>People eat fewer calories on average as compared to the 80s
Absolutely delusional.
Lol, you'll bulk, but the amount of muscle you add will be different. IIFYM.
Yes obviously bro. Your take is retarded. It’s significantly harder for sometime who’s addicted to quit crack than someone who’s never been addicted, the the former crack addict will know much more about quitting.
Quite ironic post.

How am I not surprised on your learning material sources :D also how does this disprove the fact that limiting calorie intake results in fat loss?
pick one, you dumb fuck.
>homosex male posting on mongolian image board full of other homosex men
how's that going for you?
Yeah you're not going to convince anyone of that
Scathing rebuttal, lol
kys, Israeltelovich
>metabolism will slow down and you'll start gaining weight while eating at "maintenance"
Your calories out changed and you’re eating at a surplus. Which is why you’d gain weight.

Post body
He’s implying you get fatter on 1700 of “goyslop” whatever falls in that category. This is in fact false for the average adult male but could be true of a below average weight, short female
She looks fine it’s just those glasses are a terrible choice. It’s like she’s trying her best to look her most unattractive
I think it has more to do with the seed oils. It’s really easy to underestimate calories in foods cooked with these oils (any crunchy/crispy snack food). Take a big handful of chips and put it on a food scale to get the calories. You will be shocked at what you see
>says she did the science
>falls for the appeal to authority fallacy
that's physics and she did chemistry, tho
You can fill this shit with water and gained no calories
Why were there no fat jews in auschwitz
There were.
That Polish officer that infiltrated Auschwitz came out fatter than when he came in
>Because it implies that eating calories from Vegan Oreos (TM) is just as valid as eating meat, assuming it's same amount of calories.
Because it is. Whether I eat 1500 calories of oreos or 1500 calories of meat, if that's the only thing I eat that day, I'll lose weight. If I eat 4000 calories of oreos or 4000 calories of meat in one day, I'm going to gain weight in both cases. It's as shrimple as that.
>wasting several years and tens of thousands of dollars because some dudes told you that you were stupid
women lmao
CICO is an inflexible basic rule, it is not a diet. All diets, balanced, keto, vegan, etc., all adhere to this rule. If you eat more than you burn, you gain weight. If you eat less than you burn, you lose weight. Saying "if CICO is strictly true" is like saying "if gravity is true." It is true and cannot be argued against. The only arguments to be had are on which diets are the most efficient for whatever you are trying to do with your body.
This retard thinks typing in alternating upper and lower case is a valid counter argument. Why are zoomers so braindead?
>you are wrong
>I am right
now what chud?
Calories are heat energy produced when you burn a substance. They are NOT an approximation of the amount of energy your body receives when it consumes a food substance.

There are more complex processed involved in weight gain/loss than just calories. Calorie counting, at best, is just a simple guideline to to instruct people on eating more or less.

And it doesn't account for the weight being bodyfat or muscle mass. Eating 1500 cal or gummi bears vs 1500 cals of steak in a day are not going to produce the same body composition, if we even accepted the idea that a calorie is a calorie and it doesn't matter where it comes from

I can't consume and block of wood or drink gasoline and gain the amount of calories that lie in those substances.
> They are NOT an approximation of the amount of energy your body receives when it consumes a food substance.
Yes, they are. It’s literally why they are measure and calculated in the fist fucking place.
>I can't consume and block of wood or drink gasoline and gain the amount of calories that lie in those substances.
Because gasoline has zero calories in it. The term calories, when talking about food, doesn't mean "the energy in the substance" it means the "available food energy."
If I took 1lb of boneless, skinless chicken breast and ate it, I'd get about 600 calories of food energy. If I took that same piece of meat and burned it in a calorimeter I'd get a number in the tens of thousands.
Your body does not directly translate that into the amount of energy that was originally in the substance

I've LOST weight eating more calories than my body needs. How does that work?
Sounds to me like she learned nothing.
>I've LOST weight eating more calories than my body needs. How does that work?
Your body needed more calories than you thought it did, or your body wasn't consuming all of the calories you ate.
Gasoline does have calories in it

I'll say this again. The amount of calories contained in a substance is not directly the amount of calories your body absorbs.

You have no idea if your body is getting 600 calories of energy to use.

The calorie model is for energy produced when you burn a substance. There is no way to tell how much energy your body is actually receiving from eating something.
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that fucking picture
Which means that the amount of calories in the food I consumed doesn't directly translate into what the body uses, which means counting calories is not a reliable way to track weight gain/loss
>There is no way to tell how much energy your body is actually receiving from eating something
There is, the calorie model. It's roughly accurate and with some empirical testing on your own body you can get it very close.
>She's sort of right. There's something else going on with fatties aside from eating too much, and i'm inclined to believe it's food addiction
Bet that sounded smart in your head lol
It's so funny to me that the anon could just tell you were a fatty based off your posts alone LMFAO. Honestly I firmly believe the fats that post outside of /fat/ are what bring board quality down, not the zoomies

Should a rapist be praised for not having raped for 7 years? Should a child molester be praised for only watching CP instead of personally harming a child? Fats are so delusional and have such a strange relationship with food, I'll never understand fatties
>>Nooo it doesn't fit into my narrative therefore it's wrong! Nooooooo!!!!
>noooo don’t ask me to back up by horseshit claims
Show me average calorie consumption has gone down over the last 40 years.
> there has ever been a time before the last 150 years where humans have had to deal with hunger flashes caused by the regular consumption of sugar
The slave trade in the Caribbean was set up primarily for harvesting sugar. That started in the 1550s. Funnily enough in 1706 laws barring jews from owning plantations in Barbados were also dropped. What a happy coincidence.

You are a braindead nigger. Post body.
That’s not remotely what I was getting at. Nor do I understand how you got that conclusion. However for that specific guy I was replying too, yes I think he should die and if he wants to pick starvation that works for me.
Do you think you are fat because of biology? Do you think you are biologically designed to be full all the time? I don't understand what point you think you're making.
>the point
>your head
I never said someone who’s stopped being an addict doesn’t know more about quitting that addiction. I’m saying the person who never let them get addicted in the first place despite exposure to something is likely more knowledgeable about that substance. Someone who drinks but was never an alcoholic understands alcohol better than the alcoholic. Someone who eats sweets and snacks and a variety of foods but wasn’t fat understands moderation and a healthy diet more than a fat ass who lost the weight.
>I've LOST weight eating more calories than my body needs. How does that work?
Your body used more than you thought it did, or you suck at math. Post body.
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There are plenty of other anti-cico arguments ive left in the thread, yet you choose to engage with the funny letters
Joke's on you brainlet.

Not so shrimple. You just took an exaggerated example.

How about 2500 daily kcal of oreos and fast food VS carnivore diet. And do that over the course of a short time... say half a year. It's short because people literally eat like this for YEARS.
The outcome? The goyslop eater will be fatter, flabbier, more tired and have a lower metabolism. Whereas the carnivore will have probably LOST weight and gotten more toned.

Cico is for cucks. How did anyone think that the combustibility of food in a fire (what calories actually measure) is a good proxy for the biological processes in our bodies???

No, my friend, it's NOT that shrimple.

Yes but eating a certain type of calorie directly caused the CO to go down.
So if you blindly follow CICO over the course of a year while eating mostly goyslop: you WILL get fatter.

OK I'll post body, but if you don't post yours WITH TIMESTAMP then your mom will die in her sleep this month. This applies to you too, fag >>74227141

You're probably not even White you fucking redditor, but you've done such a great job googling factoids about sugar trade, you forgot to find out when it became a mass-consumed commodity.
And while you're at it it google average consumption of calories in US too, you nerd.
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Follow the chain of replies and then you'll understand it.
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>She has a great body, clearly lifts well
Am I the only one who saw this picture and was like "holy shit that's the same woman!?!?". She cleans up nicely.
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>Dieting is not as impossible as people make it seem.
Diet as we typically use the term implies a temporary change in eating habits, not a permanent one. Diets "fail" because they generally don't entail permanent lifestyle changes. If someone made a diet a lifestyle choice (i.e. cutting out processed foods permanently) the reduction in body mass would likely hold long term
POV: you don't know what POV means
when they say "diets don't work" are they expecting diets (and Im assuming we all mean a not-permaneent diet designed to cause weight loss - thats not the defintiion of diet, but it seems to be the one they are using) to cause some sort of permanent change to the dieter's metabolism so that when they STOP the diet they can somehow retrun to a different method of eating/caloric load and that somehow will never be reflected in their body weight/fatness levels? Is that what they mean when they say it doesnt work?

That is doesnt cause a permanenet metabolic change to the body that renders the dieters impervsious to high calorie eating that causes body fat gain?

If so, well thats stupid. The problem is what theye xpect diets to do.

Thats like buying a Toyota Camry and calling it a piece of shit, because when you tried to drive to the bottom of the coean it died. Thats not what a Toytota Camry does. Its not a submarine.

And a temproary weight loss diet is not a permanentn change to the metabolism that allows fatties to eat 4,500 calories per day and not weigh 250 pounds.

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