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Welcome my lean and soon to be lean brothers to the Lean Pill General!
Hump Day edition

>What is the Lean Pill?
The lean pill is accepting that as long as you are fat, it doesn't matter you can bench LMAOnly 4pl8s.
You have eaten the big "nutrition" lies. Time to wake up and be LEAN.

>What is /LEAN/ for?
To share data, questions and anecdotal experience about how real the lean pill is, particularly if you were fat and lost the weight.

>Who is /LEAN/ for?
Skinnyfats, hamplanets, powershitters with painful knees, normie mode, dad bods, skinny fags and skelly mode anons that want to ASCEND.

>Why do it?
"Life ends and begins at 12%"
"There are male models of all races and sizes. Some models aren't tall, but they are ALL lean"
6-pack in public, enough said

Regarding women it's not the muscle mass, it's lean muscle.
Look good == Feel great
Confidence attracts like nothing else

Build muscle but, most importantly, be LEAN.

- Cico, low carb, keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting (don't do this)... Pick your battle, fight it and win.
- You need some muscle to be lean. Lift, eat at least 2g protein / kg goal weight, but avoid the carbs.
- Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
- Drink more water
- Hiit exercises are good, anything sprint related: cycling, rooning, swimming, air bikes, rows
- Focus on the objective. Only one life anon. Do you want to live it without knowing what life is on an easier difficulty?

As always,

>> 74497505
This is the lean pill? Oof. You sincerely look like shit
post body
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T. Powershitter cope
Is HIIT as effective swimming as it is sprinting?
>low carb
1 week with 100cal over maintenance
Still not fat
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arguably better due to more muscular engagement
3000 calorie surplus adds 1 lb of fat
4000 calorie deficit cuts 1 lb of fat (assuming continued resistance training and protein intake)
3k and 4k? Are you serious
pretty sure its 3500 both ways
>3000 calorie surplus adds 1 lb of fat
>4000 calorie deficit cuts 1 lb of fat (assuming continued resistance training and protein intake
A month? A week?
Can I get sauce on the cable equipment?
It's 3500kcal. this has been known rule of thumb for a decade or more, and its the approximate caloric value of a pound of fat. its basically 1lb, it's used for up and down. a 500kcal surplus daily, is 500x7 days = 1lb/wk.. so on and so forth
Damn. So I need to reduce my surplus to 50 cals over maintenance?
4 abs visible but the bottom two are still hiding a bit. So damn close.
if you wanted to gain weight.. at an immeasurability slow pace.. assuming your capable of measuring your input... and caloric output to that fine of a degree.. but i doubt it.. what are you trying to do here?
Depends on how long it took you to burn that many calories. If you burned 500 calories a day in 7 days that is a 3500 calorie deficit which should lose you about 1lb of fat/week. If you burn 1000 calories a day that’s 2 lbs a week and so on.
This is too lean to maintain bro, put on a couple pounds of muscle and about 2% bf
>those scars
this faggot got lean with surgery
are you referring to the crease where the waist band on his sweats were sitting before he decided to pull them down like a giga homo to show us a picture of his pubis? if so, hes a homo, and you're a moron
when will you tell everyone here youre on the sauce bro
be honest midwest-chad, how hard is it to maintain this?
Dawg you've got way more mass than Brad Pitt in Fight Club
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>cable machine
Universal Gym
got it from a dead feminist's estate (she died alone)
>verification not required LMAO
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>on the sauce
fuck, I wish
this woulda been a LOT easier
but I'll have this when I'm 50 since i'm still progressing
>how hard to maintain
honestly, not bad
sugary shit makes me sick
I've been laid up for 6 weeks with a broken leg
Still have a 6 pack
gained 2 lbs not lifting and eatin with the GF while trapped in bed
today was the first day I was able to lift at all
I am gettin back to my 2lbs of meat a day
sugar still makes me sick to my stomach
greasy food gives me the shits
so it really becomes a feedback loop
WAGMI brobro
Leanpill got me a gf bros
Trying to gain muscle but no fat lol. I'm on 100 cal surplus and protein maxing
Thanks bro
Protip that worked excellently for me back in the day:

-Exercise fasted
-Do warm up stretches
-Lift hard
-Low intensity cardio for 90 minutes
-Post workout meal after an extensive hot then cold shower regimen

You'll feel S-I-C-K but it cleans up your skin, kills excess skin in general and naturally boosts gains. This effectively forces the body to tap every single resource it has and tissue that isn't actively being used comes first because torn muscle fibers are marked as vital tissue to retain. Once you eat your insulin response will be primed to shunt amino acids where they belong.

This also means having ice cream is incredibly valuable.
I've been walking 6.6 miles a day.

3.3 miles before workout and 3.3 after.

I set treadmill to 3.3 mph and 5.0 incline and walk for 1 hour before and 1 hour after the weights. Burns about 800 calories.

I got way more veins showing now, getting leaner every day. And the walking is really low intensity so it's easy to do.
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>belly gets tighter
>moobs stay roughly the same size
Bro you're a lying faggot lmao. OP you are rocking bruv.

As a side I pulled more women being chubby over jacked. Personality is really the game bros.
the fat is inevitable, but I feel you. 100 is tough to nail down accurately, I prefer 200, 0.3lb/week, 1.5 per month, 15lb over 10 months, assume half of that is fat, then drop 1lb a week for 6-8 weeks. or do 5 on 1 off. you'll stay lean and get thick without capping to much of your gains on the upside
Get on fin ASAP and book an appointment for a transplant with a top doctor.
>its le hecking personality
get out
who needs hair when you have abs like his
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I wish
What does your heart get to and is this good for cardio gains? I do a 35min 5k on treadmill
You get tindehoes like that or you have a good looking face? Because from experience just being swole and lean doesn't help that much.
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is this lean enough to bulk? 171 cm, 69 kg/5'7'' 153 lbs
>tfw was the lean pill then bulked and now cannot get to the same leanness

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck sakes bros
why are you mixing metric and imperial zoomy
Anyone else has an eating disorder in this thread?
I can't stand the smell of other people's food so I eat alone at work. I don't like eating real food, I prefer things that are easy to make or ready to drink meals.
I avoid social gatherings especially if it involves eating food.
That's a 10-pack bro, yoked
No, get to 60kgs and ask again
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Picture was peak lean for me at some 94 kg (6'5), achieved by a lot of cardio. Currently 105 kg, some muscle gained, mostly fat i think, and cutting down weight again
Do you really think you're fooling anyone?
Who cares if he is or not, that shape is attainable natty.
just cutting soda out of your diet will lead to approximately 8-10 lb loss annually
>3500 both ways
Takes 10-12% larger deficit to convert fat into useful energy. And it is a sliding scale, the first 4 weeks it is only 2800 kcal to lose a lb, then increases and plateaus around 4000.
Easier to set the goal high since most people will only lose at most 2 lbs a week and want to lose more than 8 lbs total.
3920 kcal can be safely rounded to 4000 and is easier to remember
>get more hair
bro, I have way too much hair and have to get haircuts every few weeks
shit is thick and curly
super annoying
Try and take a “candid” shirtless pic. Being hot is number 1, but every little bit helps.
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Chewed up piece of gum general
How does on get this big and lean without having atleast some chest or abs. Worst physique I've seen in a while
Thanks chief
Low part/obliques of abs seem overdeveloped compared to upper abs
Last time i saw something similar was when a dude was posted who took roids and didnt train
Also other one was a diabetic dude who was shooting shots in his low abs so it was popping wild like this
Eat 20 hard boiled eggs a day.
Believe me, you will be so full you'll want to vomit. An oly 1300 kcal
Keep us posted mate
>I dont get enough attention in the cbt so I need to make multiple other threads to spam pics of myself
Get a life
why do you look so terrible here but so good here >>74531129 ? Or are those different people?
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How to get leaner?
I'm stuck at 16% bf.
Why do you have the neck girth of a 14 year old girl?
>tfw my TDEE is 1200
Personality is important, but so is the self confidence that comes from having a lean, athletic body. I’m far less likely to confidently approach women when I’ve put on weight.
Back to the bucket for you, crab.
Mine is 1300
T. Manlet and also for some reason I need less calories. I used calculators and they say my maintenance is 2000 cal, but it made.me fat
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Based baker.

The jannytrannies banned the original baker because he was based and said the n word on a blue board.

stop talking to yourself and go back to where you're from faggot
He looks like shit
>too lean and skin looks grainy and unhealthy
>shit insertions. Dude literally has a gap in his abs
>short biceps
>obliques look like a tumor
>dresses like a child
>turbo gymcel
Looks like a worm.
Imagine coping this hard
Here I’ll post body first for you. Now you
>being this gay and cringe
It's time to stop.
>gets called out for samefagging
>n-no you’re cringe!
Back to looksmax faggot
Bros. Need some enlightenment here.
> guys at work tell me I look good
> some other guy tells me life must be easy with my face
> gym partner tells me I should model underwear and everyone laughs and agrees
> boxing instructor tells me if he was gay he'd do things to me (dude is definitely not gay BTW he's a sex addict and bucks girls half his age)
> no women attention
> no gf

What gives? This has happened my entire adult life.
Why such a difference in perception between the sexes? Women hate my guts.

Props to you for being that height and choosing the lean pill. Easier to go bear and drink beer and eat steak every single day.
I do and I pull girls. You just have a shit personality you fucking loser.

Yes and yes. You can have both bros. Read a book. Maybe a magic trick? Guitar? Something. Some girls are shallow fucking nigger cunts but so is like half this board. I am advocating for fitness but it's not all there is. If you want to be 2d meat cannons that can't read go right ahead. I'ma take my little belly and play guitar until girls are fucking DRIPPIN.
>Post body
>wearing a shirt
Ok fatboy
I have a similar deal going on except some female attention and I had a (now ex) gf. But squandered potential is my life story.
It's not enough to just be pretty unless you are air brushed model tier, you still have to make the moves and not be socially retarded. How girls show interest can vary wildly so have fun with that btw
> no body posted after 3 attempts
All gays
Totally agreed with you and I’m not one of those psychos that thinks I’m worthless above 12% body fat, but man it does wonders to your confidence when your stomach is flat and tight in a pair of good fitting jeans.
You look like sharts
>1300 TDEE
eat half of your calories in proteins and fat and the other half in carbs. exercise into a deficit of 100-200 calories. if you lift as well then you can just jog lightly for like 20 minutes a day in your downtime.
>You need some muscle to be lean.
>Clean bulk is the ONLY bulk.
No objection.
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Cutting my way down after the first lifting bulk of my life from skelly mode, stoked to finally have visible abs at 34. Once I'm there i think I'll shoot for another slow gain of ~10lbs and maintain that
How often do you Jack off anon?
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33M, 176 cm, 70kg.
What should I aim to be leaner?
idk have you tried dating apps? do you get matches? dating apps really are the no bullshit way to know if you're attractive
>get matches?
you're attractive
>don't get matches?
you're ugly
White Power.
your body burns fat everywhere
Will take a while for everything to shrink, especially when you have fat deposits in strange places
struggling hard rn bros
>did a 12 week cut
>2 week maintenance
>at my 5 week of 8-12 remaining
>last two weeks plateau despite the fact i added way more cardio
>finally at 85kg (i'm 187cm)

the remaining fat is fat deposits i never was able to get rid of in my last cut (lower abs and a bit of love handles)
how hard is it to get that shit off?

also i literally wake up at 5-6am everyday due to hunger (i started intermittent fasting again to beat the plateau)

any advice? trying to get leanpilled by the middle of july
Woke up late, so I basically skipped breakfast. For lunch I just had half of a bagel with some cream cheese which should be under 200 calories
I'm having coffee right now
I'm a turbo manlet who's in okay shape but I want to be lean and cute and find a woman to physically abuse me
>wake up early with hunger pains
drink more water brochacho
I have to wake up and drink 32 oz of water first thing
If you are intermittent fasting, drink coffee or your zero calorie caffeinated drink of choice shortly there after.
Your body will bloat for about 20 minutes followed by a nice shit and lean mirror mires time
>how hard to remove stubborn fat deposits
you drop fat everywhere, so you'll lose it from your legs and love handles simultaneously
you look crusty
>just cutting soda out of your diet will lead to approximately 8-10 lb loss annually
what if I don't have soda in my diet?
you should already be on track to whither into dust within a couple decades
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6'1 170lbs 8% bf
I do PPL Metallicadpa but 3-4x a week and I train legs once every 2 weeks.
10k steps a day at least.
High protein, high carb, medium fat, around 3500kcal a day.
I am glad I've never had to starve myself or go on a cut to be this lean
I'm 6'0" 180 lbs and have been so for a couple of years now. I was 120 lbs before then and got down to this point by skipping breakfast, and getting rid of all snacks (I never drank soda but I did have a sweet tooth). Now I eat around 2,000 calories a day which should be a slight deficit, but I'm just maintaining. Should I just fast one day per week? I find my current diet quite enjoyable and feel like if I remove anything I'll just be hungry and sad. I already skip breakfast half the time.
>captcha sukm8
With those stats worry more about building more muscle than losing weight.
Just don't eat more carbs.
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the sunpill help's with the leanpill
What is a good replacement for potatoes, oats & rice? Do I need to up my protein intake as my body use more of it as an energy source?
Up your protein but at this point I'm almost certain that a gram per pound of bodyweight is stupid.
Lean and soon to be lean brothers: Will drinking a couple of glasses of wine or having a couple of beers a week stop me from getting lean? I usually adjust my calorie intake in order to make room for such things, so I should be fine right?
Also I suffer from chronic insomnia which means I often don't get enough sleep per night. Is this impacting my fat burning?
Dude this is a real ass physique. Congrats, but you should smile more. You are confined to hiding in the shadows of hell on 4chan, you should try to enjoy life more, you look like you deserve it.
If calorie adjusted and you just can't do without then every now and then is probably fine, helps you stay motivated n' shit. Take a multivitamin if you're obsessing about maybe missing some vitamins and minerals. Condolences for the insomnia I have it too and try and get something for it because shit sleep negatively impacts basically everything and in regards to fat burning yes because you'll want to eat more and have less willpower at the same time which will hamper the process.
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I finished my bulk a few weeks ago at 226 lbs. First time I’ve ever been this heavy. This is an unflexed photo at the very start of my cut. Hoping to get down to 200. Been counting calories, getting at least 200g of protein, and doing at least 20 minutes of intense cardio like weighted jump rope and stair master in top of my normal 5 day gym split.

How insane do you think the cut is going to be?
Eat at a deficit and every day is ab day. You’re welcome.

Also, bread is shit, and seed oils and vegetable oils are shit. Animal and fruit fats only. Some nuts are ok, but extracted nut oil can mean consuming pounds worth of peanut oil in just a few tbsp. Really consider how many nuts, or fruits, or vegetables, or seeds you would need to consume to ingest a tbsp of their oils. Some shit just isn’t meant to be consumed in that kind of volume.
retarded degenerate
ricecel here. 1.5 months in, 5kg down in cutting after bulking from 61kg to 77kg.
Forgot to add: get plenty of sleep. You need real sleep to make significant change to your body. For all you autists, training earns skill points but you need sleep to spend them.
How do you break plateaus? I have been cutting hard, doing cardio, lifting but once I went below 20% bf plateaus became a tough wall for me. What if I add some light cardio after lifting, will that mess with my muscle?
Anon I'm mirin your dedication to be lean but your ab insertions are absolutely horrific. You've also clearly overdeveloped them so they look very disproportionate to the rest of your body. Just makes you come off extremely desperate like a chick with a terrible boob job. Lay off the ab roller for a while and focus on your other tiny muscles.
Haha I appreciate it anon. Rest assured I enjoy my life very much and smile plenty, just not for selfies. Always looks off to me when I do
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>/lean/ replacement for potots, oats, & rice
if you are really tryin to cut then meat and lettuce
I eat carbs, but only in the mornin to fuel throughout the day. 8 hours later I am draggin, but not goin to bed with any carbs in circulation.
>does calorie deficit increase protein consumption
no, but it can if you are heavily restricting and only giving your body protein as an energy source and have hit dangerously low BF% (2-3)
>1g protein / lb bodyweight
Proven time and time again to be the peak returns for building muscle or maintaining during a calorie deficit
Beyond is diminishing returns but .mil feeds new recruits 300-400g protein a day during boot to maximize body recomp
Given the average American, that works out to around 1g / lb
>wanna drink while lean
If you just wanna get drunk or a buzz
Take a shot of the highest proof you can handle then drink zero cal shit for the rest of the night. Also, go in on an empty stomach to maximize effects.
1 shot of vodka has 70 calories from the ethanol alcohol alone
1 shot of everclear is 190, again from the alcohol content
but 0 from the bullshit malt or flavoring
Cardio and make sure you are gettin enough protein to maintain your muscles
took me 8 months to cut 60 lbs from 220+ to 160
That was cycling 26 miles a day with no change in diet
>overdeveloped abs
I am workin on shoulders since only shoulders matter
but the abs are the ultimate compensation tool
you can say or do anything then start laughing and bask in the halo effect
put a shirt on and generally people are shittier
>lite cardio
always good to add bro
Is walking a good first step to getting lean?
>do PPL Metallicadpa but 3-4x a week and I train legs once every 2 weeks.
nice, im currently running a very similar template. was doing PPL for a couple months but now I'm doing 5/3/1 bbb with ppl accessories 6 days a week. (5/3/1 bench, ohp, back squat, front squat, w/ some pendlays.)
>stomach getting a bit tighter
>weight doesn't move
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I have three months until spring. I have to lose 40 pounds in three months to enter LEAN heaven.

Is it possible bros?
Fuck off back to your bodydysmorphia threads like cbt. This is LEAN.
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how the FUCK do i lose this bodyfat? I don't care about looking like a skelly, I just wanna be LEAN. All I've eaten in 2 days are 7 eggs. should I keep fasting? what's the quickest way to 12%? I bench 215 btw
7 day fast minimum. Stretch and do light ab work every day. Come off the fast slowly, like sub 1k calories. From there, you can keep it as low as 1500 for a prolonged period and not feel uncomfortable. The biggest perk of fasting for an extended period is that it shrinks your stomach. All the unpleasant hunger pangs happen in those first 3 days, after that you can cruise. Then coming off of it, a small amount of food feels extremely satiating.

Potatoes are your friend. Sweet potatoes are god tier for flavor, nutrition, calories, and filling your stomach.
>3 months until spring
oy, m8. fighting roos is good cardio I hear
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Here to remind everyone that even if you're fat as shit, you can still have abs but shitty ones at that. I'm 280 ibs 5 ft 10 but have a shitty six pack. You don't need low bodyfat for abs, you need good fat distribution for abs.
>I'm 280 ibs 5 ft 10 but have a shitty six pack
Height and weight? Seems like you lack muscle mass. Circlejerk not withstanding, muscle size has a huge impact on how you look when you cut down.
I don't get it? Why did you quote me?
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>Why did you quote me
pic related
sorry but you dont look anything like brad pitt in fight club. He looked like a stringy, nomadic athlete. You like a fitness freak. Not to say its bad but two very different things.

Its why "oh you cant get too big bro" is total bullshit.
What's the word on Ray Peat and thyroid function? Lately I've been eating deenz, fish once or twice a week and nuts and I've gotta say bros, losing fat has never been so effortless. Getting rid of sneed oils and doing schizo yoga Stacey stuff like grounding are legit though.
>Drink more water
why exactly?
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>why drink water
helps with bodily functions like metabolizing fat into energy
What separates the two?
How do I look more like Brad and less like fitness freak OP? If not bait
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What bf% do I need for a woman to deem me worthy ? Assuming I'm 6' bald, and make $120k/yr.
Stop gymcelling and go play a sport or go climbing or some shit instead
I don't understand...

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