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What's more beautiful than teaching your kid awful habits?

Previous thread >>74538580
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She has kids and will live to see grandkids, while /fit/ will die in a gay bathhouse sauna childless and young.
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>wow, isn't it a mystery that i'm not attracted to big disgusting beasts?
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>My daughter will never have a mom that's older than 35
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doesnt she get a heartattack in that episode?
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goblinx general
I didnt see this was FPH and i thought it was a wholesome thread, with a pregnant woman showing the bump to her daughter... sad...
Jesus christ did they actually say that on the show? They'd be fucking crucified nowadays
Uhh.. excuse me, sir- I'll die of suicide in Thailand after spending my last coin on ladyboys, thank you
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>everyone on /fit/ has a congenital heart condition
kek keep coping
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>be me
>teen super athlete
>travel the USA winning gold medals
>working out 12 times a week and eating like it
>turn 18 and stop.
>slowly gain weight
>at 30 I finally snap while at 232 lbs.

It's been 3 weeks and now I'm 224 lbs, plan to make it to 210 or less.

Fuck fat people, they are miserable hams that gaslight themselves into happiness. I already look more thin and it fills me with joy.
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I experienced this all the time despite being obese at one point. After I got lean I was getting treated basically like a celebrity. Face genetics are pretty important
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>a big girl on her phone
that's way less artistic and classy
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you can see her transforming into a hamplanet in real time in that webm. what's wrong with you? she already waddles like an overweight housewife who has given birth to 3 kids and is in her 40s, but she doesn't look any older than 25. have some self-respect, anon. get some standards.
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These threads used to motivate me. They made me think "I don't want to get that fat".
Now they do the opposite. I see the lards and think "well at least I'm not that fat".
What do?
>These threads used to motivate me
Find new motivation. If you don't want to get fat, don't get fat.
you're becoming complacent in your old age
fight it
hone your will like the edge of a sword or you'll kill yourself on it when your hand slips
Its hard. There is a very brief moment in late teens / early 20s where that extra weight just screams "its time for a good breeding." Indeed in preindustrial times, a woman who looked like that would probably actually thin out from pregnancy/feeding/childrearing/and working in general. These days they're just getting ready to get fatter.
these threads arouse me
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looks like a (you) problem
git gud, i guess
don't post shit like this while I'm cutting
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You guys are weird, and these threads are not pre-industrial society LARP threads.
fuck, meant >>74552291
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i'm a gay guy with a fat fetish but the more I interact with gainers and feeders and FA types the more I realize that the bulk of them seem to be really unhappy

a lot of the pictures in these threads are just gross but I get it
What is the intent here? Is it a game show where they try not to laugh?
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euros like putting weird fetish porn on TV and calling it commentary
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Why can I smell this image?
Where can I get these plates?
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Is this chick dead yet?
As Brian said in that episode, I would wreck that chick
It looks like she lost some weight at least.
This is fetish porn, right? She's doing this for a ttention, she has to be. There's no way that even tastes good.
The worst part is that kid will probably grow up fat and never know what it's like to have a functioning body. Literal child abuse.
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>not owning your own hydration station
Kek her face does indeed look fat the moment the camera angle ceases to distort her face.
Would until she's pregnant and twice that size
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well, you're a better man than me, anon. you're a better man than me. she seems like she's conceited and high - maintenance. it kind of defeats the purpose of dating girls that big, for a certain type of man.
i have a couple bottles of these and sometimes I'll put a lil splash of peppermint or hazelnut in my morning coffee :)
can i still make it /fph/?
>first day of a cycle is always hardest
>hunger peaking for the day
>see this
>hunger instantly vanishes
Thanks Anon you saved me.
idek what anime this is and I'm outraged at this desecration
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>Healthy at every si-*SNAP*
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That would be Melony, the Ice-type gym leader from pokemon sword and shield. As you can see, she's on the thicker side, which means she's a hamplanet.
Not him but she looks totally smashable. I agree though marrying her would be an awful idea. She will blow so quickly.
Set workout goals, keep blasting through them, eat less, browse /cbt/ or something
I was never fat but based on what I hear from fatanons the toughest part of losing weight is getting over the bad habits ingrained since you were a kid. The kid is going to have mountain to climb if they ever want to lose (chances are they won't and will stay fat)
Thank you for your service
oh OK, that makes sense, I guess I can't blame the fatty for cosplaying as the fatty but boo in Nintendo for pandering like this. Thanks for the info anon
She does have a somewhat vapid, influencer personality but I kinda detect a hint of loneliness. I bet if she got with someone she'd probably humble real quick.
I don't think it's pandering, that character isn't nearly the same size as that actual fatty. The fatty easily weighs twice as much.
Just edit this into one photo
Not seeing peppermint in coffee.
Just imagine, you sidle up to her, penis erect, and without using your hands, it glides its way into her vagina and with each thrust you see her soft ass jiggle. You bring yourself to climax inside her and collapse from pure ecstasy on top of her back
No one cares that you have standards to the content you masturbate too
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Ok this is based
I would rape Lana Del Rey into next week.
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fuckin gross
For me it’s remembering the 4 or 5 times the girl of my dreams shot me down.
>die in a gay bathhouse sauna
>implying I go out in public
Kek shows what you know
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>well at least I'm not that fat
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He has to be stealing the little guy's life force. That's has to be the only way to get morbidly obese in the turd world.
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Would be so hot if female
Those are the mugs that give you lead poisoning, right? lol
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I have that one.
a coworker came over to me and whispered, "there's donuts in the breakroom"
suddenly every fatty in the vicinity rose off their fat asses and began marching to the break room just like this pic
i wish i was lying and that this didn't actually happen
Well done! I didn't want to post that pic you included in the top left because I thought the jannies would be faggots about it and ban me. In context, there's nothing NSFW about it
*erection achieved
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I like the ones where they're putting onions and candy with nachos and shit. It's absolutely disgusting but fascinating.
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>When you're Jewish
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>Be at pool party
>See a fat dad cajole his fat son into coming into the pool
>Kid is embarrassed but takes off his shirt to come in
>Fuck he's fat
>Gut already starting to fold over on itself
>Not only fat but gyno with huge areolas
>Not even nipple pasties could cover those honkers
>His nipples were inverted which was very lewd
>Had to sink underwater so no one could see me laughing
>We start a game of volleyball, not even real volleyball just casually peppering the ball in a group
>Kid warms up to it
>See him jump for a ball that's too high, his boobs fly up - and fly back down and smacks his stomach with an audible plap
>Duck underwater again to stop from laughing
>Eventually he gets out to dry himself
>I turn around just in time to see him lift up a boob to towel his underboob
>Didn't laugh but I did smile stupidly
Fucking fat people. I sincerely hope this kid never goes to prison because he will be raped day 1.
I used to jack off to gay fat fetish stuff all the time but then I dated a guy that was almost 400 pounds and I could never get hard, his life just seemed so depressing he would just stay in his room all day and watch YouTube or play video games, whenever I tried taking him out to places he would just complain about how tired he was. Just seemed like a sad existence at that point
>My daughter will never have a mom who is ashamed of her body
If she has a mom for longer than 10 years. And this woman may not be ashamed, but her daughter will definitely be horrified to be seen with her in public after age 11 or so.
If you wouldn't munch her box after exiting that porta john you are low T and you should get that tested by your doctor.
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I was at my kid's high school the other day and all those kids were fit. I mean, some may be a tad overweight (10-20 pounds), but there were no fatties and the overweight ones were less than 10% of the crowd. I don't know if that's just because I'm in a well-off conservative area or if this is a trend for kids to not be fat. I've been curious about that for a while.
Damn, anon. You sound hella horny.
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lol fats are so disgusting
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Is that supposed to be chocolate hotdog pizza? Please tell me that it's meant to feed more than one person.
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It was one of those "I'm not gay but I'ma bite those tiddies" moments.
C'est magnifique
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scale malfunction? what's going on here because she doesn't look 195 at first glance
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If you say so.
I really don't understand what the point of such a fetish would be.
She could be really tall. Hard to say.
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let's say your wife did this over 7 years. what are you gonna do
This is normal. He just needs some extra assistance. His money is as good as anyone else's. That boat should continue to provide their service to people who need assistance on the boat. If they can't assist people of supersize they need to find a less fatphobic job.
> Life is too short
For you, yes it will be
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> redhead
> long, thin face
> goth

she would be totally my type if she lost 350lbs
4oz of water and 36oz of syrup and powder
she lost weight but she's got shadows of fatness still
QRD on goblinx? I've been gone for a year.
She lost the weight. Just look at her instagram.
what kind of chair is that? I need a gaming chair bc rn im just using a wooden dining room chair for gaming

>nice FEET too
Why would anyone have kids in current year? They will just get raped by troons and faggots and turned into some mutant abomination barely resembling a human being.
You asked the same gril out multiple times?
this is /fph/ not /pol/
The funny thing is that about a thousand times as many kids are groomed into being hambeasts as are groomed into being faggots. Society isn't worried about the right type of groomer.
Daddy never loved you huh?
that ass is unnaturally fat. like damn did she get botox injections in her ass?
that's just a plain old garden variety nigger with favorable fat distribution. the cream cake quite literally goes to her ass
Bless the people who save marine creatures
Yeah it was aussie wipeout. It's on prime, like episode 2 I think
I would climax inside of her vulva, if you know what I mean. Sex.
Anon what the fuck, even anonymously you should feel ashamed to post that. Please pray and atone. You can get better.
look at the thighs and botox lips, something isn't right
why is this posted all the time? I don´t get it
>Beautiful fit and fun wife becomes fat stressed out ugly hag in 2-5 years
> Never loses the weight because "I grew a whole human"
> Kid turns 13 and starts hating you
> Gets social media and quickly becomes a faggot if male, a whore if female
> Becomes adult, moves away, talks to you once a month, sees you only on holidays. Both only out of obligation
> Wife is still fat and ugly
Failed meme. Seethe.
Good job dude.
Keep up the good work.
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holy shit, based aussies
Dafuq? Is this some new white people slang?
Look at how she walks. Just sauntering around with the minimal expenditure of energy. You know she’s weak and lazy in every aspect of her life
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Oof. She became British.
She exhausted from the tongue lashing I'm boutta give 'er
that's a BBL combined with ass implants dude her name is Zmenna Orr
She could lose half her bodyweight
She could lose 2oz of skwart all over my face
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Anon. You speak in riddles
Neat to watch these, but I wouldn't eat more than a bite just to try it.
This is an engl*sh speaking board. Please translate and retry.
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Ozempig, innit?
This is brutal.
Not everyone here is so fond of Zyzz, buddy.
Holy shit it's real
Prime meat, but you can tell the expiration date is somewhere in her mid twenties when she blows up into a fucking lard elemental.
What does the ass have to do with anything here?
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The prospect is awful just staring at her walk mode.
I bet this ass has its own gravitational field by now.
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Fuck off with this cryptic bullshit
She would have to be over 6’1”. Which could be the case but a scale that reads heavier there would also make sense
>dat angle
Also the fingers speak for themselves.
You made me laugh, bro. Nice.
Hit the 105 on scale today, 62kg down. Thanks lads.
Life isn't short unless you are unlucky or obese.
100 years is enough time to do anything you want. 95 year olds have gone skydiving and gotten phds.
This is insane. How many calories are we loading up with each one of these fuckers?
Peppermint in coffee is good, especially in the winter
The reason this person in less than 1,45m height is due to the shit she tries for eating.
Synthol. Not even once.
Yeah I had to leave some screens out in the middle when I made the pic otherwise it would have been too long. Basically cut out the bit between tinker bell getting through and the wicked witch finishing. It's still true to the joke though
>I'd rather half-ass it than not ass it at all
Fatties really are just sloths. No concept that she could give it 100%.
>fat for me but not for thee
what movie is this? hellraiser 9?
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She's doing this as rage bait. I like organic FPH material, this bitch is begging for people to be grossed out by her.
The bulk is insane with this one. would
Sherlock holmes: hounds of the basketchicken
Would obliterate her shithole.
Her kids will slurp dick for a living just like you do, faglord
Peak feminine physique. She can clearly survive a long stretch of low food availibility, and is therefore ready for pregnancy.
>I am a discontent
>I'm dark and edgy
>Mommy why don't you love me
That's you.
I thought whale hunting was outlawed
They were charging people to swim with it
>the tons of syrups
>the visibly pudgy hand
>the pink Stanley mug
>the narcissistic drinking shot
Christ. The water cooler pump looked kinda cool tho.
I was with this until he mashed the cheese fries into a fucking paste and shoved it in the sammy. Vile.
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But I do
I put in some peppermint extract in cold brew, shit is so fucking cash
Those small packets of drink powder are sugar free, but I guess the fatty needed some aspartame in her drinks as well.
I would honestly choose sugar over artificial sweeteners that directly cause cancer and heart attacks.
/fph/ is a specialty subcategory of /pol/ if you think about it. /pol/ is mostly driven by hatred of a variety of different groups of people. /fph/ simply focuses on hatred of one general type of person.

besides that, the individual featured in that webm is indeed overweight.

many people theorize (with some validity) that what drives many overweight people to indulge in boutique political activism (feminism, metoo, pink pussy hat, etc) or what drives them to embrace the latest trendy niche sexual identity is the fact that they are overweight. they are overweight, have no particular interesting aspects of their personality, and have nothing meaningful (ie a family, a fulfilling career), so they become cringe activists.
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interestingly enough, the woman in pic related seems to be overweight.

there is probably a strong correlation between overweight people with no personality and nothing of substance to live for (like a family, a fulfilling career, etc) and the predilection to engage in trendy boutique niche activism.
it's a form of overcompensating:
they have no personality of their own, so they let the boutique-activist industrial-complex be their personality for them.
at least she didn't cut her hair short. a lot of women end up cutting their hair really short to complement their "new look" after popping out some kids.
I don't get it but some women cut their hair after giving birth.
I like how he made her knuckles look like she just got back from a bare knuckle session
I've always wondered this. always hated it. I get it from a "convenience" perspective but all it tells me is they are no longer interested in putting in sexual effort for their partner. although 8 months "eating for 2" even though one of the party of two is the size of an eggplant, then continuing to do so for the subsequent year+ is probably the stronger indicator of low sexual effort
She is tall, but more telling is that it looks like she's in good shape. If she's got a lot of lean muscle under those clothes, around 6'0 and 18-20% bodyfat would put her at 195 or so. There's a girl at my gym who is in excellent shape and is 5'7", 150 at around 18-20%. Muscle weighs a lot
go back to anatwt schizofag
Given that fitness is ostensibly a hard right dogwhistle these days (according to all media outlets and just about any commie or fatty you ask), and self improvement and overcoming difficulty are marks of a right mindset, yes. This is nu/pol/. Lift, bitchtits, or gtfo.
Count Dankula did a video on this where he roasted her like a suckling pig. Some of the funniest shit I've seen in ages.
I was at a theme park today.
Saw some large lads get to the front of the queue only to have to do the walk of shame when they couldn't fit into the rides.
Outside the queue area of all of these there is a sample seat, to make sure you're not too big to sit in it safely.
I wonder if any of them saw it as a "come to Jesus" kind of moment and will adjust their diet accordingly, or if they're going to continue down their path.
i would slam that like a screen door in a submarine
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Manga chapter about appearances

I wish someone shows up to Dr. Now like this one day.
>MTL-tier English translation
Imagine posting on an anime image board and not knowing Japanese lel. Couldn't be me.
Ah a noble black KWEEN looking for a white boy to BREED
Short hair looks so damn good on some girls though. The cut definitely makes a difference. Face, too. A lean face is necessary to pull it off. Lana's cut looks like a zoomer boy. Picrel looks incredible.
height probably. taller people weigh more. i don't really care about the number on the scale but about how they look, she's skinny and not some distended muffintop hamplanet.
Thanks for coming out anon, I just want you to know that this is a safe space and we’re all supportive of your choice. Happy Pride Month!
Idk what this is but it looks like it slaps.
post-partum hair loss is common, some women cut their hair to hide the thinning
>based noticer
You will find a suitable woman to have your kids
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exactly! combine the "I'm a mom now so I'm allowed to be overweight and never get rid of the pregnancy weight" with the typical dyke haircut and it all signals that she's no longer putting any effort to look good for her partner.
what most men hate the most, though, is how she changes her sexual game in the bedroom afterward.
"oh, I'm a mother now so I don't do [insert sexual act here] anymore."
that's the type of shit that drives men to cheat on their bitch ass fat dyke-look-alike wives.
nope. sorry. I'm not into women whose haircuts make them look like boys / men.
there's no excuse for it in my book.
>lean face is necessary to pull it off
and we were discussing the issue of overweight women who chop offal their hair after they've given birth to a kid or 2.
most of the women who do this do not have a lean face.
also, if she has a lean face, she will look like a young male, and I am not into that look on a woman.

webm related is your typical, "I'm a mother so I don't need long hair anymore" type of woman.
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what are your thoughts on cold hotdog pie?
What a waste.
Every bite probably shaves a day of your lifespan.

If this would have happened at ATL, she would have gotten a boyfriend out of the whole situation
I just noticed this. I get the tranny flag, but why the rest? Is it just because those places are evil and it alignes with them?
If you'd eat this, you pretty much get whatever is coming to you.
I ate it and won the lotto the next day
what a fucking waste
No she didn't.
short hair only looks good on women with extremely feminine face and yes they need to be skinny, the chubby middled aged 5/10 who chop their hair off look horrific
long hair takes a lot to keep it healthy and looking good. When you have a newborn/toddler, you just simply don't have the time/energy to spare, so it would end up looking greasy and smelling gross most days. Also I imagine spit up and shit get in it occasionally, which just sounds like hell to me.
t. woman with longish hair.
I would. And I wouldn't be ashamed to tell my friends, either.
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>the more I interact with gainers and feeders and FA types the more I realize that the bulk of them seem to be really unhappy

And the women who are fat will *always* blame you for that unhappiness and expect you to fix it. Every single time. Another reason to avoid fat women.
good work
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>we danced in front of these ob*sity researchers to the music
kek they probably looked like this
lmao at the keynote speaker not even bothering to acknowledge the fatties.
That first slice of cheese she shoved in her mouth had more calories than what I eat for lunch.
Just like with being fat, you can choose not to be a faggot.
Therefore I can hate you without guilt because it is not an inherent trait.
This fat retard knows what she's doing and should be fed to a wood chipper at the first opportunity.
All a woman has to do is blow a man for 10 minutes everyday and he would be the happiest man on earth. Just 10 minutes a day is all he needs and they are too lazy even for that.

Imagine having a dream job where you can be mediocre but you only need to do 10 minutes of real effort a day so that you'll never lose it.
i saw the thumbnail and thought it was one of those cross sections of a dead fat person
Remember the pride parade in NYC in 2022 or 23? "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children."
They really are trying to recruit, like hijra before them.
Would you want a pregnant woman to subject her unborn to slapping by their older sibling? Speaking from experience, they can do enough of that when they're older.
To be fair, selecting the left all the time is how you get Asian men.
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How is it worse than 9/11? She was thin, but she was never beautiful.
> I’m actually considering getting these plates
Do… do I have body dysmorphia?
Most people don't know how adipose tissue is an aromatizing organ.
Why are they slapping that finished painting with a dry paint brush?
You sound like a giant faggot
No. It didn’t.
You remember when bots and shit were spamming, "she looks like she goes for black guys"?
This is actually the young, top-tier sort of that woman with a shelf life of a couple of years remaining.
Damn, I actually forgot about the taco time ogre. It’s been awhile.
What’s with all of these “beautiful” celebrities that were always just meh? Is it because they are pushing diverse celebrities so they’re just not as pretty?
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Or you just smile more you'd be surprised how few people are properly socialized
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Xir is a cult classic of /fph/
That too but I do also have a good face
what i find amusing about the fat activist community is that they're completely right about the diet and weight loss industry, and then miss the mark on everything else. you could sit me down with a fatty and i'd listen to them talk about how dieting doesn't result in lasting changes to someone's weight or how a huge portion of the fitness industry is just grifters feeding off people's laziness and i'd be nodding along the entire time. of course the whole charade would end once i bring up how the real solution to losing weight is permanent lifestyle change. lol.
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Fatties being active is off limits serve him the ball more
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>driving back from the gym
>really fat parents and their kid walking across the street so I have to stop (shouldn’t have)
>the dad is fat, the moms even worse, and then I see what’s holding her hand
>their kid is literally a diabetic at 4 years old. Looks like his face and whole body is swollen
>so fucking fat that it’s taking her ten seconds to cross the street with her fat ass kid
>im so disgusted how they would let their child look like that so I make pic rel face when I go past them hoping they see me because I had zero shame in then seeing me being sickened by their sheer size
>as I look at them the mom is picking her nose and puts her fucking sausage fingers in her mouth

I know this thread is called “not living to see your kids graduation edition” but I don’t even think the kid will make it to his own graduation
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God I would suck on those breasts all day
You severely underestimate how many calories are in cheese.
No. I don’t.
Men are *more* likely to be kind to old and fat women because there's no flirting aspect. Personally, I'm rudest to hot, young women. The less I want to fuck you, the nicer I'm gonna be, like pity.
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Fat ugly bitch at work keeps trying to hit on me
>disgusting dyke haircut
>easily 350 lbs
>revoltingly puffy face
>stupid cocky smile on it's cunt face
Everytime i see it i'm filled with pure rage. Just seeing "it" puts me in a foul mood. I put alot of care and effort into my body, the fact that it thinks i'd give it a chance enrages me beyond belief. fuck fuck fuck fuck i want to punch it's stupid smug cunt face in, not worth going to jail over a creature like that though. Plus i'd have to touch it....
>I put alot of care and effort into my body
Yikes. Bro you need to step back and realise you sound like a homo.
Yeah he sounds like christian bale's american psycho lol
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first day on /fit/?
i think they're aware of a lifestyle change being what would fix it they're just in extreme denial and probably fear the steps to change imho
i can fix her
Sounds like you secretly want to fuck her. Extreme emotions usually means attraction. A normal guy would just ignore her.
if they served that same thing as 3 separate dishes I'd eat it or at least what I can manage, the sandwich was looking pretty great at first but it got too big in the end
>short hair = male
Get out of here with your troon logic. A short-haired female looks very different to a male because sexual dimorphism is anatomy, not fashion.
how do I get a Jewish gf as a latinx
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Drink the blood of children with them
It's a favorite pas time of them
I will force feed all the women.
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Seems /fph/ to me
Brb, imagining the smell
another cardio session down. wasn't feeling it but /fph/ pushed me and now I feel fuckin great
are you a man or a woman
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I'm going to spoon feed her all that nutella...
>piggy eating nutella from the pot with her hands only whilst you plow her wobbly behind
Worse than that. Her daughter will probably despise her mother for not spending time with her when it involves doing literally anything that isn't laying down. May God help her overcome her difficult life of figuring out nutrition on her own and protect her from becoming like her mother.

>be me
>Have little kid relatives
>mother is incredibly obsese and a bitch
>Her husband was a fatass but he recently lost a lot of weight and is 1/4th of his past weight
>She gained weight and can barely walk
>One day go to their son's birthday party
>Throw a ball with him and his sister.
>Both adore it
>The girl says sadly their dad never plays with them like this
>Want to stop because we played fo 30 minutes
>Forget that idea after her comment and play for almost an hour for the kids
>Kids manage to be at a chubby but not obese weight and I hope they stay that way
could be bigger
we can get to work on that
more nutella is required
I saw a video where a bunch of average weight girls where getting on it and it was saying they were like 90 pounds unless they were all under 4'10" I'd think the scale was screwed to make you lighter. That would make sense since if you weigh over 300 pounds you get free food or something. This video is confusing cause unless this chicks like over 6 feet tall she doesn't look like she weigh that much.
That was made by a woman. Only women care about bone structure and details like being very thin with narrow hips and being tall. Women are why female fashion models were freakishly thin with long horse faces before ugly became the new pretty.
They're lying to other women like all fashion magazines to make them feel inferior and insecure. Making women feel both makes them buy crap like pounds of makeup.

To any femanons: all studies on attraction have found men only care about fitness. Being healthy for your body type is the most attractive thing you can do to get a man.
Yup. Not saying I wouldn't hit it but she's likely terrible in bed and would be an awful mother/wife.
What a sad creature you are. This creature would be excited though
It's a way to ensure fat girls eat their unhealthy slop so they can get more pathetically fat faster!
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They would *if they remained skinny*.
The big contender is that when you become a literal pile of rolls and cottage cheese, it's actually kinda hard to distinguish what sex you are outside of the attire you wear.
There's a reason troons and pooners who are fat end up being the ones that pass remarkably well in still images.
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I saw multiple people get off rides for being too fat at six flags in Massachusetts. You'd think there would be less of that because they have one of the obesity rates in the country, but I guess not.
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Cabbage fast for 4 days. Organic Kimchi and sauerkraut with probiotics will especially help. A study found animal protein interferes with probiotics that aid weight loss. A 4 day cabbage fast once a month will help with losing weight.

Cutting out bread and sticking with organic vegetables and high animal protein diet with 2/3 protein sources from animals, will help keep the weight off. Bread we now know has a chemical that disrupts the chemical for feeling full. Protein supports the chemical for feeling full. High protein will also balance blood sugar.
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It's like watching the thing or Slither.
>Not living to see your kid's graduation
what's there to see
this sucked, the fat suit is awful
I hate spheres
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A fine addition to my collection
You're a fag if you like that ass.
maybe when she's gained a few more hundred lbs she'll have a real nice ass
Who is that gal? I remember she used to get posted here a bunch back in the day, some guy always larping about her being his teacher or something
Where are these vids even from?
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>"Loving yourself" means making your body a monument to ugliness and health problems.
Guise why are fat people like this?
To please me.
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>plapjaks when their slampigs wanna try facesitting
Also, these hamplanettes really remind me of the clone room clip from Alien: Resurrection.
exactly what I thought of jej
Are you admitting to being a homo? That's on par if not worse than being a fat slob.
well yeah. that autistic rant calls out the "weight loss industry" while in complete denial about the sugar industry that wants them to stay fat as fuck.
Where do you think you are?
Imagine being both. Life would be hell. Getting the trans- mental virus on top of it all.

>came in my fat pad
imagine the rash
>Injected ass
>Injected lips
>Turned yourself into a cartoonishly exaggerated version of what people find sexually attractive to the point of becoming grotesque
How do you live your life at this point? Do you just seclude yourself in the house you bought making porn or do you go outside and show yourself to innocent bystanders?
But you live in one.
I hate flavored, thick or sparkling water, it makes me gag
Get extracts instead. You can even make your own with 80-90 proof vodka.
>Half water, half vodka
>cover finely chopped herbs
>Let it sit in a sealed container for a few months
>seal in new container, enjoy.

It's great for forgetful people because when you rediscover it or remember it, it's ready to be used.
They're a nitpicky kind of artist that keeps blending and shading when they're fucking done. Being able to match real life with art is actually a low level ability in today's world. People want abstract or simplified art styles because it can't be replicated with a camera.
High energy and lots of play means they burn the calories. Especially if they are active and in sports. Well off areas do tend to be thinner since they are more conscious of eating healthier. And it's not fucking income. I've been rich and I've been poor. The poor have more retarded people. They mock eating healthy or blame being poor. Meanwhile my fucking ancestors survived the great depression while poor and eating healthy. My grandmother and aunts are all intelligent and healthy. I really think nutrition is linked to IQ and studies keep showing it. What a woman eats while pregnant is incredibly important for IQ of their children.

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