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Eat your tuna edition.

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Carb chasers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74561190
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>waffle + pb + berries
the fuck thats terrible advice
I ate. It's over...
To be fair, it is better than ice cream. But you're right it's the worst thing on there for weight loss. Not horrible for a post workout bulk snack though.
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I could have changed my eating habits and lifting years ago, but I dated a fatty for 5 years and her habits became mine. Just getting back on track now, 3 years after we broke up.
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Had some vodka, pad thai, and a (home)burger
I told myself I was going to do cardio at least 6 days a week but I've skipped 9 days out of 22 so far this month
I need to lock in
>go to celebrate late fathers day at pinstripes (imagine bar food plus lawn games, its a chain)
>no anon its ok just order something healthy
>sorry anon this restaurant doesnt have nutrition information for any of its food :^)
>ask for manager
>yeah we dont have that info
>ur smart, just guess :^)
>ruin fathers day for my inlaws because I refuse to order anything and my father inlaw took it personally
>this is just like last weekend when you wouldnt have any cake
Yeah im the faggot here but I dont give a fuck
I went through the same thing today w/ my family. I got ostracized for not wanting any beer. It agered me in ways I haven't felt in over 10 years.
To hell w/ them though. I'm losing weight, they're still going to stay fat.
I've been on a plateau for over 2 months. What do i do??? I lift 3 times a week and diet has been the same. Nutritionist says i need whey powder but i can't afford that right now. Any tips?
Eat less
Cardio with lifting
I’m male, almost 6’2 and woke up this morning 163 lbs. yet I still have all of my fat in my butt and legs. Will it ever go away or do I just get lipo? Top half is lean and can see veins and muscles. Bottom half is just gay and I hate it so much
I'm already on a 1600 cal deficit and i do cardio after each workout + started doing cardio on my rest days. I told you, my diet is on check. I don't understand why i stalled my progress.
Bros, I was on OMAD for like a month or so, only eating a single 5-layer beef burrto from Taco Bell and nothing else for an entire month, and I went down to 185 lbs.

Then some literal schizo told me that was extremely unhealthy and that I should eat more I got scared and listened to their advice.

Now I'm back to 220.

I just want to become the skinny twink again For the record I'm 5'6"

What do I do?
Estimate and add 20% to your guesses?

Any chain would have things easy to estimate like a Ceasar salad with grilled chicken. Or a burger with a side salad
If you were actually on a 1600 cal deficit you wouldn't be on a plateau for 8 weeks. You're eating more than you are counting
That really sucks to hear when i know for a fact i've lost 28lbs steadily over months and stalled without changing anything about my lifestyle. My doctor told me last week i can't go below 1600 lol but sure, thanks for the input buddy
It took me a moment to think about why that would be terrible advice.
I just immediately assumed they meant low carb waffles, like https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/product/birch-benders-keto-toaster-waffles-6-count-508-oz-b07r7xhv5g
Same thing with the wrap at the moment. Grab a low-carb wrap from la tortilla factory or something.
The only problematic items left are the brown rice, and to a lesser extent the beans, but that can be mitigated by playing with the quantities I suppose.
>6'2, 163
Are you sure you're not just body dysmorphic
Another possibility is that your BMR is no longer what you think it is. Weight loss will also lower your BMR, so maybe you've just about reached your maintenance rate.
Regardless, in both cases the fix is to aim lower.
I’m 1001% sure. I was 230lbs when I started, and on a cut and lifting weight I made the number on the scale go down, but I still look like a kaRdashion

See this pic above, basically me
Very little in this world is more unhealthy than being fat. If STBBAD (single taco bell burrito a day) helped, then just go back to that and don't worry about what anyone else says. You should try to slowly wean yourself off the taco bell though. Cook a small portion of ground beef and beans yourself, season it a lot (I highly recommend the goya "sazon" seasoning packets), and eat that now and then. Try to increase how often you eat homemade instead of taco bell, especially as you manage to make it tastier.
Even if that doesn't work, being skinny on taco bell is better than being fat on anything else.
Sorry, the truth hurts
To be honest you are being kind of a bitch here. The refusing of cake I can understand unless you made a big stink about it, but you knew you were going out and this was to be someone else’s day and you were kind of ruining it. Should have done OMAD and ordered a salad with or something
Nutritionist and dieticians are trained by the seventh day adventist church, so this cancer of a meal suggestion guide follows their eugenics program nicely.
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does this make sense to you
As long as you weren't being really bitchy about it on the sly that's not on you at all, not your fault that your smart choices set off adult babies
Doesn't work
>Nutritionist and dieticians are trained by the seventh day adventist church
Well it finally happened, someone in my loose associate circle is mad because I have lost over 35 lbs and they're insisting I'm "unhealthy" and a dick for declining eating out.. Honestly I just didn't fucking want to, it had nothing to do with fitness.

I've heard to expect this and more but damn.
Nah I’d say it’s 100% on anon. They knew that they were going to a restaurant so they should have been prepared if they wanted to stick to their diet. There definitely was no reason to not order anything and be the single autist with nothing in front of them while everyone else eats. They definitely had options and were being a little bitch
What do you not understand about it? It's not breaking the laws of physics.
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I'm sorry /fat/her >>74567294

>The Academy's founders were a visionary group of women — led by Lenna F. Cooper and the organization's first president, Lulu C. Graves


>To give structure and professionalism to the field of dietetics, she was the first to propose the formation of the American Dietetic Association (now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), which she co-founded in 1917. She became the Academy’s first vice president and later served as the fourteenth president in 1937.

>In 1901, Lenna graduated in nursing from the Battle Creek Sanitarium (a Seventh-day Adventist health institution) in Battle Creek, Michigan. It was there that she became a protégé of the famed vegetarian physician, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, superintendent, and medical director of the sanitarium.

Literally founded by seventh day adventists, the institution that made the field of nutrition and dietetics. No surprise, considering her close ties with the father of hospitals, Dr. Kellogg (why men are circumcised in the US and why we eat breakfast cereal)
Both proud "vegetarians", which was the word for it before they came up with the name vegan
You cannot eat calories, and the second sentence doesn't make sense even if you thought you could. Also, in practice, calories in vs. out is wildly innacurate and doesn't predict weight gain or loss accurately.
I don't get the mentality at all
I've not ordered food with friends before, they've not ordered food, there's nothing weird about it, you're there to socialize
If it's the other person I offer some of my food or to order them something in case it's a money thing, but if they say no I'm not assblasted
Someone else's choices that have nothing to do with you should not affect you like that
It’s weird and awkward. Never have I, nor have I went out to eat with someone that has, not ordered when at a restaurant with others. I’m more than willing to bet that anon made a whole big deal about it considering they went as far as calling for a manager. More than likely they are leaving out details to make them look like less of a fag than they admit to be
So they're Protestants... not jews. Is it just a r*ddit atheist issue? I don't see the major problem.
He wanted to know what was in the food. If the restaurant couldn't tell me what the fuck they put into the food I wouldn't want to order either.
>Also, in practice, calories in vs. out is wildly innacurate and doesn't predict weight gain or loss accurately.
You're in a thread full of people that are doing exactly that.
But I'll bite. What do you think you have to do to lose fat mass?
Hey /fit/ first time posting here. Let me get straight to the point.
>160-178ish, I lost my scale, but I know I'm borderline overweight
>want to get slim, lose skinnyfat
>want to get twinkish physique
>want a nice butt
What do? I eat fast food quite often, but have been cutting down on some of the heavier stuff(I used to eat whole pizzas, but I stopped because I realized how absurd the calories were, or really anything big from any place with heavy calories)
I'm also quite shy to go to gym, so most of my workouts consist of daily 1 hour walks, and occasionally doing squats, but I feel like it's not enough for my goal.
Help me out here, tell me what I need to do, and possible alternatives to gym(or you can just say to suck it up)
My friend made a bunch of fried rice while I was over and I ended up eating too much.

Should I purge?
Purging is like cocaine: it's for women.
Read the first post.
Figure out your approximate weight, and your TDEE. Then log everything you eat in an app like MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Keep your daily calories 500 below your TDEE (the app can help you with all of that, at least Cronometer can, just guess your weight).
Oh, and to get a nice butt you need to either take female hormones or stay doing glute exercises. Weights are a good idea for it, so gym is a good idea if you can afford it.
>I'll bite
Fuck off, it's a fact, not a statement. Your meme diet is based on theology.
Then tell me how you think weight loss works. I want to lose weight. What do I need to do?
You don't see an issue with an entire profession being steeped in religious practice? One that informs scientists and doctors what to study and teach patients? One that had a significant foothold in government to the point where their position is enshrined in nutrition guidelines sans-proof?
I've been breathing my whole life. Why am I fat?
You're not doing it right. Breathe in, breathe out.
Safe play would just be to order a drink like a diet coke

I have been plateaued with very little progress and I think it is due to my excess cheat meals when I stress eat. Also stomach is still looking like shit with stretch marks which I don't really know how to fix it.
>For the record I'm 5'6"
might as well just give up and die at that height bro
The trick is to order food that can still fit within your calorie budget.
For example, I can fit some of Jimmy Johns' "unwhich" abominations in my macros. Sashimi sets from the local sushi joint works too (it's almost 100% protein, hard to beat.)
If you have a craving for more "normal" foods, it gets hard fast, but it can still be done. For example, you can get a plausible Burrito Bowl at Chipotle like picrel. The macros may look kinda high, but you can trust the restaurant managers to have instructed the workers to skimp on many of the items, so you'll probably end up in a better calorie deficit than you thought.
If this happens to you then you should order something safe like boiled potatoes or steamed rice. You can eat like a full pound of those and it won't blow your calorie budget.
i soft withdrew from a lot of my circles for that reason, I hated putting on weight every 2 weeks because of a gathering with crappy and I don't want to make a fuss about not being able to eat whatever they had or seem impolite by refusing to eat
If its unplanned I just order a salad or whatever. You should have fasted all day if it was preplanned.
>Also, in practice, calories in vs. out is wildly innacurate and doesn't predict weight gain or loss accurately.
Keep telling yourself that while you sit on your ass all day and shovel fat and sugar into your face
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest
I had two beers tonight at dinner after 22 days sober, now my wife is making me write a Facebook status apology for being a liar about quitting drinking to lose weight
First, >>74567211 is right.
Second, get supplements. With any kind of fasting or restrictive diet, it's easy to start lacking in various micronutrients, and I think it's probably the steelman argument of your neighborhood schizo's "unhealthy" claim.
So get that omega-3/fish oil supplement going. Also get a good vitamin D one. And a full spectrum multivitamin, preferably one that makes a mockery of various recommended DV%.
Third, if you live in a country where healthcare is affordable and/or an option, get a doctor to run blood tests on you every 3 months so you can make sure your diet is agreeing with various bodily functions.
Fourth, being a skinny twink has a fairly short expiration date, after which you're just a skinny middle-aged man, and you'll want to quickly graduate to "hot dude." This is where strength training comes in.
>now my wife is making me write a Facebook status
Divorce her immediately. If you got married w/o a prenup you're a dumbass.
I accept your concession
That's tough love. Next time it's your ass
fat ass
Are you a pokemon or something?
I just realized I am 100% of the time subconsciously sucking in my gut
Like I never ever just let it hang and relax until I'm laying down to sleep, trying to walk or stand without it sucked in feels so weird it's almost like I can't
I tend to get erections when I do that. I imagine something wacky is at play down there. Same for when I really need to shit
If I wanted to go out to eat yeah I would but I didn't want to go out and they'd blaming it on my fitness, it's garbage
You're probably tensing your pelvic floor at the same time which puts pressure on your prostate
>My wife is making me write a facebook status
Jesus christ.
Lmao cuck
>normally don't eat during the day or eat minimally just things like yoghurt
>today I had:
>1 chobani tub
>2 biscuits
>3 samosas
>2 bananas
I think this cold weather is fucking me up.
> cold weather
must be nice
t. deep southerner
Alcohol free beer can be very light in calories, like 17cal per 100ml check your local brands and drink those. I tell people I take meds and can only do light drinking.

Nothing to confess last week was pretty great next to no binges and if unplanned snacks happened they were healthy or like protein yogurt ice-cream

For social gains order a diet cock and some meal that you can expect to lean or at least like a healthy excuse.

> Diet drink
> Tomato mozzarella
>Some fish meal or like steak with Brussels/asparagus. Bean chilli etc

At home do a bit of exercise to burn it down to a normal meal
>Cold weather
Fucky you, lucky shit
To be fair, I'm Australian. It's 17C and too me this is freezing. I've doubled up on socks, put on an undershirt, and a jacket while indoors in my office.
I don't know if this would be cold for you.
Eating healthy while out is incredibly easy. Just order steak and replace the carbs side with another serving of veg.
to me*
Ah, I suppose you're a little further south than I am then.
17c would sound lovely right around now.
But it's okay, I'm solving my problem the American way, blasting my AC units to 19c while it's 35c outside.
Yoga helped me relax my stomach clenching. Do a flow that has you tense your stomach and release it a few times. I notice that I still clentch when I drive or have a tight shirt on, but I'm trying to relax and not think about my looks.
I usually have apple and peanut butter for afternoon work snack but have also read fat and carbs together mayswell be eating a donut. Should I be eating something better?
No, that's a solid snack, and much healthier than a donut.
Not all fats are equal. Your peanut butter's fat is mostly unsaturated fat, and the pectin in your apple will help to neutralize some of its saturated fat anyway.
Don't change a thing, especially if you enjoy it.
peanut butter is not the devil, it's not empty calories, peanut butter without any additives (lots of brands are pure sugar and other slop, look at the ingredients list, the less ingredients the better, this is general advice you should be looking at the ingredients for literally all foods) is good food and you can lose weight eating it, there's two problems, portion size and snack/binge risk
most fatties used to eat PB before their diet but just ate giant spoonfuls, when I say you can still eat it I mean literally like one teaspoon or a couple, each is around 30 calories.
it's risky to keep this on your kitchen, I used to grab a teaspoon here and there even when I wasn't hungry at all "because it's natural dude" yeah I was a fucking moron fatass. it also has a high binge potential imo, those days when you just feel anxious and there's nothing but meat and veggies in your house and you really want to eat something nice... there's the jar waiting for you, easy to pick up and take to the living room.

tl;dr PB can be done if you have self control, if not don't put yourself to the test
>lose 11kg
>forget to update tdee
>tdee now ~1700 cal
>caloric target ~1200 cal
should I continue or start bulking

Ate a bunch of kettle chips today because I had a hockey game tonight and knew I'd burn them off. Still wish I hadn't.

Captcha: PMBM lol I took a BM at 11:30 tonight

>now my wife is making me write a Facebook status apology

Jesus bruh I hope you don't have kids so you can gtfo this situation. But get back on the no drink horse tomorrow if that shits fucking with you.
He has a Facebook, he has to be over 45 by the rules of Facebook.
I unironically have a fear of getting skinny because then I might get a gf and end up a cuck.
Why do 9 oz of cheese have more calories than a gallon of milk
Weight has nothing to do with your attractiveness to women
Cheese is denser because of reduced water content, so more calories per volume
Don't worry, calories don't matter, it's bullshit.
What’s bullshit is the idea that you can lose fat while eating any food whatsoever. If you eat 4 calories a day of pure protein you will gain a gram of fat a day, this is scientifically proven.
It does when you're over 350lbs like me
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Yeah but I see shit like this and just hope there aren't poor kids who wind up in a broken home because a low confidence simp married and knocked up a fucking psycho woman. If its only you affected by this person fucking bail. If not you have 16+ years of horror to endure before you can be yourself again.

Also empathize with people who struggle with booze, thats my life too. I hope bro can gtfo and have a better life without booze AND without the fucking cunt.
>My schizo headcanon proves this
Typical fastard
Nah you clearly just aren't tall enough
I missed all my workouts for like 3 months and started smoking again.
Im stressed out AF and hate uni.
why are you on this board fatass. Fucking whale go read the sticky and fix yourself.

Fasting doesn’t work either. If you starve to death you will die with fat on your body. In 300 years your corpse will be identified male by the androgens in the fat deposits that still remain.
lurk more newfag

Clean the cheetoh crumbs off your keyboard before you reply again.
weakest bait imaginable
would you rather be fat bastard mode struggling to put down the fork, or skinny twink mode struggling to pick it up?
Twink mode because then atleast I wouldn't have destroyed my body and have horrible loose skin
>stop doing 1400 kcal / day because I reached normal bmi
>start lifting
>lift 3 times a week
>start running
>run twice a week (10-12 km total @ 10.5 km/h avg)
>eat 2000 kcal / day
>scale hasn't moved in 5 weeks
>progressively use tighter belt holes anyways

it feels weird because the scale isn't moving but I'm visibly getting thinner (and my pants agree). Is this "recomp"?
thinking of using a different way to measure progress than the scale at this point, I'm no longer fat (78 kg, starting was 104kg). Everything else is going in the right direction. My lifts are getting bigger, my 5ks are getting faster. However, I didn't expect the scale to stall completely. Especially since I'm at least 6-7kg away from 12% bf and don't look lean yet.
Thoughts? Should I keep going this way or am I wasting time? Should I cut harder or just accept that at this weight, this is the pace?
keep using the scale and keep doing what you're doing for a few more weeks, it's literally working
after 12 weeks of no changes in weight start cutting again if you want
>I'm at least 6-7kg away from 12% bf and don't look lean yet
this doesn't make any sense with what you're saying, you're using tighter belt holes, you are losing fat. the biggest changes in appearance happen at this level, start taking pictures of your body every week to see the progress if the belt thing doesn't convince you. measure your waist using a tape as well
I have to say, after losing the weight its pretty easy to get laid on demand. Good luck fat anons. Hope you can join me on the other side soon.
Pushing 30 hours. Trying 72 but if fine I'll push a week. Just had my electrolytes. Good luck, everyone
looking trim isnt just going to be about losing weight if youre proper skinny fat. you may need to put on a tiny bit of muscle to have that flat clean look
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inb4 ends up with a ton of loose skin and chicks run away when the shirt comes off
Fatty Contest

a bit dehydrated but fuck it, I'll take it.
clearly I need to reduce calorie intake further, this is slow as fuck
I'd increase cardio instead, but my knee is starting to hurt :(
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Mathilda making sure everything is up to code
If they were talumdics I'd see a major problem.
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i let myself go and put on over 15kg so far this year
this is the day i turn things around
if I lose weight, will I get loli gf bros
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No anon wanted to be able to put an exact number on the amount of calories because that was more important to him than the people around him having a good time, most likely because he is retarded and already ate that day on top of being unable to make an educated guess on how many calories might a dish be or request modifications to a dish to be more healthy. So many ways anon could have gone about this and he chose the worst way possible
Extremely based Konata wall scroll. If I ever have a home gym I will decorate it similarly
I’ve only consumed 750 calories today
> Especially since I'm at least 6-7kg away from 12% bf and don't look lean yet.
body dysmorphia
So i'm approx 107kg (ausfag here) and am on my second week of counting calories. doing 1200 calories a day to see whether there is any significant changes. I am completely new to this and usually eat like shit.
1kg bodyfat = 7,700 calories
a 700 calorie deficit results in losing 1kg per 11 days. hope this helps.
Eat more
I researched "how to lose skinnyfat", and yeah it's telling me pretty much the same thing.
Still really shy to do gym though, how often would I need to go to roughly achieve what I want? The fortunate thing is one is near me. I think I'll be able to suck it up if it's infrequent(like 2-3 times a week or something)
Just go
I'm gonna look so gay though anon
Id have ordered a salad if there was a rough approximation of calories but for some reason there was not
Last thing im doing is throwing off my cal count for rabbit food to please a boomer
>I can't have a good time unless you eat something at a restaurant designed around lawn games
Anon wut? Eating isnt even the big event at this establishment.
Bruh it’s a salad. Tell me you don’t eat greens without telling me you don’t eat greens. If the dressing concerned you, you could have opted for a vinaigrette or something. If it had cheese remove the cheese, etc.
It’s part of the experience. I’m sure part of what his father-in-law wanted was just to sit down and have a nice meal with his family for Father’s Day
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there were so many multiple bad things happening to me that i lost focus and regained 3 kgs. fuck my life.
If your goal is to lose weight then no, you shouldn't.
If you want to gain strength then maybe. You could also just eat at TDEE and exercise. You will lose some fat, gain some muscle.
I dont eat greens regularly.
I know I was being a bitch about it but the point of the story was that my refusal of cake stuck in this dudes craw for over a week.
Just beware that the first few kgs will come off quickly, but this is not the real rate of fat loss you will have throughout your diet. Don't get discouraged once the weight loss slows down and keep it up. Make sure whatever diet you do is something you believe you can do indefinitely, and don't stop doing whatever diet you attempt before you have given yourself the chance to adapt to it.
Isn't that your goal though?
Salads are for queers
Fair enough, so as long as you know you could have handled this way better
Time to get back to it! Regaining 3 kg just means you're slightly delayed. That's it!
Meh... I'd rather others not watch me.
Either way, if gym is the only way, then gym it shall be. I'll make it work. Thanks for the advice anons.
Fat loss is going great I started at 100.5 kg and been working out for 15 days. 30 minute dumbbell workouts after and 30 minute walk after dinner. I'm only eating 2 meals a day too. I don't have a weight machine but I noticed a visible difference my face is sliming and moobs shrinking. WAGMI.
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thanks anon, i think the storm has passed so i can refocus on working out again
My butt has been developing a rash from running too much
Literally any ointment will work overnight
Gold bond cream and aquaphor work best for me
This kills the chub rub
1200 kcal is a bit low at your weight. 1500-1700 is going to be a lot more sustainable. Just try to get close to your protein goal and leave it at that.
Gay as in happy to go to the gym? That's great anon.
If my scale is accurate and my lean mass is 113.6lbs right now, I estimate in another 10-20 lbs it will drop down to 105lbs if I want 12% BF. Which means I have to drop down to something like 120lbs. I'd be a freaking twig
I think I'll do an inBody scan at 130-135lbs to make sure first
Drinking on a cheat day.. set myself back by 2 weekdays of calorie deficit
Welp here we go...
>Vit C gummies + others (40)
>Choc cake (200)
>Cheesecake (300)
>Chocolate (100)
>Coffee (50)
>Potatoes (100)
>Chicken meatloaf (250)
>Dumpling soup (300)
>Wine (50)
>Salmon + cream cheese on bread (600)
>Smoked meats (200)
>Red bull (10)
>Sugar free caramels (20)
>Mozzarella (300)

Most of this consumed out of the house, the calories are over-estimations
Still on track to hit 179/180 by the end of the week
Nothing but slop again, you disgust me.
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lost 3 kg (106-103 kg) in 3 weeks, felt woozy after pull-ups and dips on Thursday so I skipped 3 days of bjj classes and a day of lifting and have hit like 3000-3500 kcals every day since then. omw to bjj class today and following my macros today though. hope I'm not a cunt for the foreseeable future. i loathe my physique and need to look good for September/forever
today I bought a huge bunch of junk food, ate some before being overwhelmed by the disgust for myself, for the money wasted on that poison, for the fact that I was going on eating despite not feeling like it nor liking what I was eating
decided to throw everything in the trash and I feel like it was an important step as I never threw food away before, maybe it's time to change
Can anyone aware me on what’s going on with my body?
>Spend years eating like shit and being lazy no longer workout
>get fat, shits become diarrhea almost daily for long time
>get shits to be mostly solid but they’re bright green and super soft cleanup is a bitch
>get active again start walking daily and lifting
>clean up diet, eating way less
>lose 15lbs in last three weeks, still losing about a pound a day
>become very gassy
>start pooping every other day
>shits are getting more solid and darker in color, gradually becoming a healthy brown, they’re now dark green, cleanup is a bit better
What is this? Metabolism or digestion? Should I care that I only poop every other day now? Also, previously I would know I had to shit. I had to drop everything and hit the toilet. Now I don’t feel that way at all and have to remind myself to go sit on the toilet and try or I’ll go 3-4 days before I “have” to shit/feel like I have to, what’s that about? I would say the amount I shit when I do is roughly the same it’s just not as often. I understand this is my body fixing but I want to understand what’s going on exactly
Why not exercise to prevent your own body mass from disappearing?
I meant lean body mass. I hate typing on a phone.
I'm exercising every day, lifting and cardio, but I can't really put on lean mass at a deficit, at the most all I can do is prevent myself from losing more than if I didn't
>Milk (520)
>Oats (145)
>Waffles (243)
>Black bread (176)
>Butter (50)
>Ham (25)
>Cheese (110)
>Pork sausage (557)
Total: 1826

The waffles were a waste of calories. The bread is also too high in calories for the protein. It was free though.
>Count calories, all of them.
So an eating disorder?
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Took up more space than I thought but it's finally done. Now all I need is an adjustable bench
Losing weight, feeling great, still enjoying food
I'm down to 63kg, probably 20% bf
Now my tdee is like 1700 cal so a cutting diet is like 1200 cal
Should I keep going or not? I still look flabby but people keep telling me i look too skinny and need to gain weight fast
Black bread is delicious, I need to bake some soon
What is your target calorie limit?
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how tall are you? Try maintaining and start lifting while doing it, you'll recomp a bit and then you can really consider bulking
>people keep telling me i look too skinny
are they fit fit fit people? like people who have been working out all or doing sports all their lives?
or just the regular friends and family that didn't offer any help at all when you were killing yourself with unhealthy food?
if it's the latter it's crab mentality, completely ignore their shit advice, it's worthless, you now know more about nutrition than them, they want you to be fat because your self improvement makes them feel bad about themselves
What are you going to do differently to affect change?
I took a look in the mirror and not to toot my own horn but I have a ridiculous bubble butt for a man
post bussy my love
I love your gym bro
The KyoAni wall scrolls for the extra test boost is so smart

Best thing about having a home gym, not just mirrors and old people
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Lost 5 pounds in the last 21 days. Down to 190.5. No idea what I did differently because I've been disappointed with my targets recently. I only lost 0.5 in May. I did try eating less but it didn't feel like I actually was eating less. Either way, super pumped. Maybe I can hit 175 by the end of the year after all and finally leave this general.
Usually I'm well below it, but since I injured my leg I figured I wouldn't skimp on it for a few days. Even thought of going up to TDEE, but decided not to.
>might as well just give up and die at that height bro
I'm on vitamin D and have been taking Centrum Men's vitamins, are there any good ones out there that I can just order online?
I crashed and fell asleep after eating my lunch today despite having very strong coffee, I had only woken up about 4 hours earlier.

I've been eating approximately 1200 calories per day, 160ml of rice ( that's before cooking it) and two cans of beans or veggies, for about 2 weeks now.

I *did* have blood taken this morning so maybe that was the reason.

Should I worry or think about changing anything? It's been going so well, I'm never hungry and lost 5kg already.
>Been eating at a consistent 500cal deficit, measuring meals, not counting exercise etc
>Only down 4lb in a month
Thanks for the rec. Never thought the tube of eczema cream I bought years ago would come in handy. It’s already working
It's definitely the blood man. I'd wean off the coffee if I were you, too. Coffee makes you crash. Trust me you don't need it and you'll be much more energized without it especially if you are exercising
>>eats at a deficit of 1lb of calories per week
>>loses 1 lb of weight per week
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I used to take One A Day Men's multivitamin, which is sensibly equivalent to Centrum's version, but an anon recommended I try Natures Plus Source of Life instead. A look at the ingredients (see picrel) reveals two things:
1. It has many more micronutrients. Do I need all of those? I don't know. Maybe?
2. It laughs in the face of recommended daily values. Am I at risk of overdosing? Probably not, but my urine has almost certainly become the most nutritious liquid in my entire household.
One downside is that you're expected to take three fairly large green pills every day, but I already take other horse pills, like my omega-3, so it's not a huge disruption for me.
Anyway, here's my current supplement list:
- multivitamin: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00014D80Y
- omega-3: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FM9KNSI
- vitamin-D: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0032BH76O
- lion's mane: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078SZX3ML

That last mushroom stuff is just something I'm taking because I give it to my wife, as part of my insulin-less approach to handling her diabetes, and I wanted to make sure it didn't do anything weird first. I honestly can't tell if it does anything for me.
He's implying that exercise should've caused extra weight loss. But he might've just gained muscle/glycogen that offset the extra weight loss.
> Coffee makes you crash
Slanderous. If you happen to feel sleepy a few hours after drinking a cup of joe, that only means it's time for another cup of joe. This is a problem that solves itself. And also not a problem.
Yeah it indicates something was wrong somewhere, when it is freezing out in the winter I won't be able to go for runs so I need to keep up losing through that, hence concern I'm doing something wrong
With those numbers, just take one a day. They just want you to take more to buy more

Alright thanks, I'll assume it's the blood test for now and see if it happens again.

I'm not giving up coffee though, I've given up everything else I love but I need my two mugs a day.
You should take an extra magnesium supplement of up to 200 mg on top of the multivitamin.

The extra vitamin D supplement might be a bit too much to take in the long term (over years). You should either take some extra K2 with that or get like a 2000 IU version of D3 instead.

Retinol is better as a source of vitamin A than beta carotene, but it has enough beta carotene that it shouldn't matter.

It's one of the best multivitamins I've seen, but I'm not sure I like that there's such a large excess of some vitamins. Nutrition isn't a figured out science, so there might be stuff we don't know. None of it should be a negative in the course of a year though.
Fatty Contest
Just ordered a set of dumbells, time to finally do the meme of lifting heavy thing to get muscles
Hey guys just wanted to say, that if you have very little muscle mass ot may be impossible to cut into abs. If youre of average height with a belly and are under 155lb, it may be time to bulk instead of continuing to cut. You actually need a bit of muscle mass to get even that flat pretty boy look. Just something to keep in mind if you've already lost a lot of weight.

Good luck. Its worked for me and Ive even started really loving it lately. Try to get a decent mix of people to listen to that focus on fun like Eric Bugenhagen and more educational stuff life Renessaince Periodization. Look for exercises you like and make you want to come in the gym. For me its pullups.

Even if that is the case I want to cut down to 12% just so I know I'm starting from "zero" before bulking
Fucking hate not having access to gym, need to spend another 150 euro dollars on 50kg dumbell/barbell set because I already maxed the 30kg set I have
My closest gym is 1 hour and 30 minutes walk from my home
>Drive there
I dont drive
>Take a bus
it's still 50 minutes by bus
>Just walk
lol no
Just keep using the 30KG set dumb dumb
Gym here is like 40-70€ per month. In a year you'll probably make back what you spend on the equipment.
Gym does have more variety though.
How many reps on 30kg.
Also you can improvise a ton of exercises, especially if you live in bumfuck nowhere. Pick up rocks, whatever.
Its fine. Just understand it may be hard to ascertain if you've hit 12% and that it may not look great. I say this having seen anorexic as hell looking people on fit saying theyre fat because they have loose skin. Personally I can say I felt very uncomfortable seeing fat come back on during the bulk at first as well, so expect that. Just trying to give my perspective as someone whos like a year ahead of you probably.
Idk what happened. I just shit pure dark green liquid after this post. Like pissed out my ass. Should I dial back on cutting so hard if it happens again?

Or is no one answering because you guys have some hang up about discussing another’s bowel movements
1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories, a 500 cal deficit is designed for exactly 1 pound a week, there's nothing wrong

when people say don't count exercise they mean it, calorie counting isn't an exact science, sometimes labels are wrong, sometimes something was measured incorrectly, sometimes there's errors, etc.
Yeah for the most part I'll be going by my scale. I'm at "14.9%" but I'm going to check with my gym's InBody machine for a second opinion
I've lifted for long periods in the past but always followed up with long periods of not going to the gym at all so I'm really clueless as to how much muscle mass I've actually retained. The only muscles I have confidence in are my legs where my 1 rep max was about 3pl8
At the moment if the right lighting it looks like I have the faintest outline of abs, but I wonder how it will look once I actually get to 12%
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>Be an alcoholic
>There are 3800 calories in a 1.75 liter bottle of vodka
It's over for me
I was thinking of buying a stationary bike to start exercising and starting to do keto to fully commit to a diet that I feel I can't stray away from as it doesn't allow cheating, then once fall rolls around starting to see a therapist and joining a gym, do you have suggestions?
3 eggs a day, is it healthy?
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The Earth's mass is approximately 5.972 × 1024 kg, and if all the mass was converted to energy, either by nuclear fission, we could plug this into the good ol' E=mc2 which gives us 5.367×1041 joules, equal to 1.283×1038 calories (kcal), or the same as 2.279×1035 big macs.
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I am currently sitting at 79kg (174lbs) at 176cm (5.7ft). Been losing weight with a calorie deficit for like 4-5months now (down 10kg/22lbs), maintaining high protein intake along with 4day strength split.
A question to more experienced /fit/friends: should I still lose like 3-5kg more? I was thinking about switching to calorie maintenance for my current weight and just trying to get more muscular definition. What's the best course of action? I don't mind cutting more, being strict made me a better male and, to be honest, the journey so fay was surprisingly easy.
> take an extra magnesium supplement of up to 200 mg on top of the multivitamin.
That's right, I forgot to mention I did buy a ZMA (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000GIQS02) before switching to this multivitamin. The overlap in Zinc and B6 drove me to stop taking the full dose of 3 capsules/day, but I still take one capsule at night, so that's ~145mg of Magnesium on top of the 100mg in the multivitamin.
> You should either take some extra K2 with that or get like a 2000 IU version of D3 instead.
Maybe yes. Once I started taking the 5000IU D3, I realized that I had been low-key depressed for while. Mood, motivation, etc., all increased noticeably over just a few weeks, so I suspect I had a long-running deficiency.
I wonder if I could bug my doctor to test my levels, so I won't have to guess.
> Retinol
Hey I recognize that one, that's the stuff I slap on my face every night to try to pretend I'm not as old as I am.
> not sure I like that there's such a large excess of some vitamins.
Yeah, same. The gratuitous amount of supplements feels borderline silly, albeit hopefully not harmful.
It could make sense to revisit this.
I'm already at 20 reps per set and it just takes too long until failure
I'd rather do it in 10-12 reps with heavier weight to hit failure sooner
I DO want to go to gym that's not the issue
The distance is the issue, it's too far
I finally calculated the calories in what I ate yesterday and it came to 2733 calories... Fuck.
Keep cutting down to 12%
Then bulk
Then cut down to 12%
Then bulk
and repeat infinitely until you reach your maximum potential for natural muscles
Is 540mg of Magnessium too much daily?
Good job, keep tracking your calories. It's one of the most important habits you can acquire to help you regain control.
I think I sprained something. To the Anon who congratulated me the last time I posted & mentioned that your record was 35km. I just want to thank you for giving me the motivation to push harder. 40km is within reach but I'll need to better prepare myself for that trek.
Seek help
You sound like the exact kind of person who would be more capable of bulking into abs. My abs show past 20% with big love handles lol. If you train them 2x-3x a week for 10-20 sets per week total with progressive overload theyll grow. Dont get hyperfixated on the specific % metric which will probably be calculated inaccurately anyway. If anything, lose 5 pounds which should be equal to that 3% BF loss you want and go bulk up. Youre stronger than me already. Max I got was 3 plate in deadlift, let alone squat. Ill probably be going back to more compound lifts after this training block though. Im more of an isolation split brah right now
Jesus fuck dude. I hope you live somewhere nice because trekking in the urban wasteland would be too soul-crushing for me.
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>only eating a single 5-layer beef burrto from Taco Bell and nothing else for an entire month,
Congratulations, anon. I hope you enjoy the trek though, it shouldn't be about breaking PRs. It took 8h out of your day after all.
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>Jesus fuck dude. I hope you live somewhere nice.
It's nice enough. For example, I've met a chicken on my way back home.
thanks. rough measurement puts me at around 18%, so still long way ahead.
>I got scared and listened to their advice
Retard. The amount of literal monkey-with-typewriter tier advice in here is off the charts. If you started OMAD you should have already known fasting is inherently far healthier than eating multiple meals a day.
Praise the blessed animal of gains.
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Fine I'll try this
This thought has crossed my mind more than a few times.
One of the people who told me this cut down from 100+kg to like 80 i think, couple of years ago. He's a colleague and we go get evening snacks (i just have tea + biscuit) and there it becomes evident how he became 100+ kg
Anyway it's none of their faults, i actually look very skinny because I wasn't morbidly obese in the first place. I just have zero muscle, and losing the only kind of weight i have (fat) makes me look skinny. Besides most of my fat deposits were on my ass and thighs, so I looked like a skelly with big legs to begin with.
I would have taken the chicken home if I were you
I am roughly 250lb and am in the early stages of doing stronglifts 5x5 while eating at a deficit. Losses have been solid so far.

I feel like I should be adding some core work onto the stronglifts (abs and back) but I don't think I have a lot of options in my apartment gym.

Gym has a squat rack, but no back extension type machine so I'm not sure how I can work in some extra core work. Any ideas?

Equipment list:
Squat rack
Flat/incline benches
One of those machines with cables and various rope/handle attachments
Machines for press, leg press, leg extensions, etc
Romanian or nigger?
We don't look too kindly to chicken rustlers 'round these parts, partner.
>mens vitamins
Try these
I just really want a pet chicken
Not much experience with gypsies (same shit) but niggers logic with stealing peoples pets is no joke
And that’s best case it’s usually more delusional and cope
Just to then usually not take care of the damn thing, have it become an outside animal which escapes to get back to its actual home and hit by a car and die, at least for cats and dogs. If it was a chicken it would just become food and they’d claim to think it was wild even if found on someone’s fenced in property with a coop.

I hate watching how they use similar mindsets to this finders keepers bullshit with fishing
>harvests every out of season / over and undersized or over bag limit or illegal to harvest fish they can get, no license, sometimes using a cast net to do this so not even legitimately catching them, destroy a waters population in weeks, don’t even at least cook them well just boil it into stew usually with enough seasoning to mask the flavor of literal fecal matter then claim that it tasted good
Buy one like a human being.
Damn guys it's just a chicken
Didn't mean to trigger nobody
I don't even live at a place where it's suitable to keep chickens
you've taken us down a rabbit hole, there's no going back
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My parents were walking the dog (mutton nigger retard with small jaw and an ever reducing number of teeth) unleashed and the dog picked up a random duck that was waddling around, and ran away
The owner came out and said she'd "murder" the dog, but because my dog has no teeth the duck was left alive to see another day and so was the dog.
(I swear this is true and not a parody of the nuns or whatever. Some people around these parts eat ducks and that's why they were raising them.)
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Thank you, anon. I know I shouldn't push too hard but monkey brain sees numbers & monkey brain n wanted higher number next. Now I need to go & eat something because I'm getting shivers despite it being 25°C+.
>I'm getting shivers despite it being 25°C
Wonder what that's about. It also happens to me when I get active. I think it might be the body compensating for the energy expenditure by slowing down the metabolism and thus not converting as much energy into heat.
/fat/ is slowly turning into /fit/
Somebody posted about getting hemorrhoids yesterday and I thought "thank god that's not me" and now today there's a big one poking out my butthole
It's so over I got cursed
>Yeah, same. The gratuitous amount of supplements feels borderline silly, albeit hopefully not harmful.
The excessive ones like the various B-vitamins and vitamin C aren't a big deal. You should be pissing the excess out.

Only one I would worry about is vitamin E, because it's often in Omega-3 fish oil capsules as well. But the multivitamin itself is still well below the line where studies have shown negative effects (400 IU).
I’m still concerned about when the exercise slows down (I live in a pretty cold place without a gym)

I think I might need to cut more but I’m worried about losing muscle
Could you bike to the gym?
I think I'm the one that mentioned 35 km. I did it only once though. Are you sure you're not overdoing it? These are some long ass treks.
don't worry bro, you don't have any muscle, it's just fat
You're insane bro
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>Are you sure you're not overdoing it?
I probably am. I'll take it easy tomorrow & refrain from doing any exercise. Especially now that my body is punishing me for pushing it this far.
I live a small studio and have no space to put the bike anywhere
>lock it outside
it will be gone in less than 30 minutes
just take the bodyweight exercise pill, /fit/ is obsessed with weight lifting because it's the most efficient way to build muscle and it's great in general, but there's a fuckton of information on just using body weight exercises if you just google it or look up on youtube or whatever
>b-b-b-but big weights
so your dumbells are 30kg, do you weight less than 30kg? if not then you can do heavier bodyweight exercises
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Anyone else had this shit? Mine is hurting for two months already, I‘ve lost so much gains it‘s unreal

Any fucking tips from anyone ? My doctor told me it can take up to a fucking year and I don‘t have time for that shit
>fish oil
>creatine HCL
>EC stack (1 dose daily)
>1500mg L-Carnatine
>10mg Cardarine
>6-8km hike 5-7x weekly
>1000 deficit
>no alcohol/drugs aside from nicotine and psilocybin
I think I may truly make it
>nicotine and psilocybin
Not with these
I own a stationary bike and a dumbbell set, and am willing to just stick to a diet of eggs, chicken and water for as long as it takes. What exactly would be an ideal routine for me to stop being a fat fuck? I typically cycle for 30 minutes and I've been improving my diet but I have no idea what kinds of weight lifting I'm supposed to do or how long I'm supposed to do it.
150mg psilocybin every 3 days, and Swedish nicotine pouches. I’m not perfect after all
its honestly the thread with the most supportive people on board and maybe 4chan. you guys helped me reach my goals more than you know. its why i stick around. how can you not succeed. also knkwing there are other people here doing their best and that my backsliding may demoralize someone really kept me accountable.
Does nothing.
Yeah I've got a ton of good advice and supportive comments from these threads it's nice
Honestly you can just start with the diet. Read the OP, count your calories, and eat 400g of boiled vegetables at least a day
If you really want to start working out right off the bat, it sounds like you're a beginner so check out the /fit/ sticky and just hop on Starting Strength (just ignore the part about eating like a pig). That program will teach you the most basic lifts and get you going
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Accidentally spilled half a stick of melted butter on my couch.
I read that as "on my crotch" at first
You can take solace in it at least not being that
I'm a weakling overall, but I've somehow been blessed with wrists able to accommodate 4 decades of fucking around in front of a computer non-stop without getting strained.
I've seen many coworkers deal with this tho.
The ways they dealt with it was primarily to embrace ergonomics.
They all had weird little fucked up keyboards that forced their hands into odd positions that apparently were good for their condition.
Mice were often swapped for hyper-ergonomic trackballs. Standing desks were common, usually with a little motor so they could use them as sitting desks during moments of weakness.
And of course they all had an office chair that didn't suck and was carefully adjusted by some ergonomics corporate freak that'd show up just to set up their work station properly.
Alas, none of that will help you work out, but if done right, it should help not make things worse while you browse the interwebs, so you don't keep delaying your body's natural healing.
Also, take whatever supplements help with healing this stuff. Don't ask me which, idk.
Cable machines are generally very versatile if you know how to use them. You really don't even need any equipment to do core.

> Swedish nicotine pouches
Is that chewing tobacco? That's fucking gross.
You'd be so much better off drinking a glass of red wine a couple times a week instead. Like a Chad.
>I read that as "on my crotch" at first
>You can take solace in it at least not being that
yeah some chubby anon itt might have tried to suck it off you lol
I am a dumb fuck who was down to 188lbs last year and casually went back to 201lbs because I'm a dumb fuck.
It's just 13 lbs lad you can get rid of it in a couple months
What was your highest weight?
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trying not to be a doomer about weighing 2 pounds more than I did last week
it's probably just water weight
probably just water weight
probably just...
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-14.4lbs from last time
this hit me recently due to overreaching on wrist curl weight. i cleaned up ky lifting technique. dropped weight on wrist curls and gripped the dumbell as lightly as possible during bicep curls to take my wrist out the motion while it healed. healed in 2 weeks
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Many such cases, but we can only deal with what's in front of us.
Good job, bro. Keep up the good work. What's your target?
180lbs, give or take
I overate like an uncontrollable fat beast on Friday and Saturday.
>3 coconut Samoa cookies
>2 chocolate chip cookies
>2 oreos
>Cheddar Chex Mix
>2 Pretzel Sticks
>Tostitos chips
>3 glasses of coke
>Chocolate bar
>2 glasses of milk
>Sandwich with cheese and roast beef
>2 coconut cookies
>2 oreos
>3 chocolate chip cookies
>More chex mix
>Doritos Sweet and Spicy
>More soda
>More brownies
>4 servings of vanilla ice cream, two cones
>5 shots of whiskey
>Another sandwich
I undid two weeks of progress, as I had gained a pound for each day. All because I decided to smoke and drink with my friends. I wish I had the will power to say no.
What's done is done. Track your calories as accurately as possible for those days and moving forward.
With practice, you'll start building an sense for the numbers of whatever you're about to stuff in your face.
It might help you make better decisions. Maybe.
I miss Chex Mix. I can't wait until I can have my celebration day of eating so bad
>Ate too much dessert when visiting my parents for dinner
>got mad at myself
>walked around my neighborhood afterwards to burn some extra calories
>Had two big gin and tonics afterwards anyway
I need to work on my self control
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>2 weeks of 1600-1700 keto diet (no more than 25-30g carbs total per day, including fiber)
>Scale has gone from 252-253 to 254.4Lbs
I did do a 6 day water fast to just reset my system, before switching to the keto diet, and I was like 268ish pounds when I started that. Am I not continuing to lose because my body is replenishing water weight I would have lost during the fast or something? I've done similar things before, and I don't remember it taking so long to start losing again. Unless nutritional labels are just straight up lying, there is no way I am overeating, I could / measure everything and usually assume 50-100 extra calories just to be safe.
Cabin bro?
I meant to take pictures of the stuff I brought, but I was impaired.
It’s a dangerously tasty combination.
Maybe I will make homemade Chex Mix for the special day
>got over a cold from last week (easy 3lbs lost)
>go back to gym today, not feeling it too much
>feel amazing now
it's amazing how much exercising does for your mental and body
>work was good even though I spent 6.5 hours on my feet time passed by fast enough by shooting the shit with a new work buddy
>had a great KB AMRAP right after work
>kept below my caloric intake for the day
>weather is finally good, even if working out in 80% humidity in a no AC gym is murder
>can truly see a brighter tomorrow for me

Thanks again for talking sense into me guys. I really was going to do something stupid.
>broccoli, carrots, peas, diced chicken breast with onions sauce + ginger
>white rice
That's all I've been eating for the past 3 weeks and it doesn't get old. Ginger is so fucking good.
>it's amazing how much exercising does for your mental and body
It's why I exercise every day. You should get into running

Sunshine always follows after the storm my friend

Start eating real whole foods. You will never be satiated eating that garbage, thus you will cheat, thus you will fail, fail and fail.
reminder bros
absolutely no snacks
dont be like my fatass who molested a snickers bar last night

I've gained 5 lbs over the past 2 years and I consistently fail to make improvements. I've already done the journey and escaped /fat/ once, tripled my abysmal bench to a PR of 245, squat of 315x3, deadlift of 345x3 and I still have about 90% of my strength, but look like shit because I consistently fail to eat right.

Its not even like I'm eating the wrong things, just an excess because of work stress and being a new dad stress.


I feel like I almost need an entirely separate /fit/ style guide for doing this shit as a parent/husband. It was so fucking easy to do all of this shit before kids.
did you eat it?
>should get into running
I usually just do a ~45 minute walk every day but I've been thinking of starting a couch to 5k plan on my off days from lifting. I've been feeling really motivated to challenge what I can do since losing 30 pounds. I got decent walking shoes but don't have actual running shoes which is a big excuse I have had to not start. I should do it.
Very nice the longest I did in the last year was 24 km but that was just day hiking in the mountains.

Pretty nice stuff, very impressive and very nice for your health milestone.

(Fun fact world record marathon runners do 42km in like 2:10 )
Fatty Contest
How was jail?
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Cottage Cheese w/ Tomato and Black Pepper
Miso Soup
313 cals
oh and some ponzu over the salmon
threw out my booze
threw out all candy and sugary shit
haven't eaten today
i must do this. i've been fat since 2019 and every single attempt i've done, i've failed. Why do we fail bros? why do i go a week being a good boy, not see any progress at all and then relapse. why? why can't i stop this?
Former fatty who still occasionally lurks to insult ketoschizo and drool over the bulimic here
Depending on how heavy you are, consider the elliptical in the gym to not fuck up your knees. Running really is something I'd only do at normal weight. I started at BMI 24ish, but noticed that every further kg lost made a massive difference to how I felt the next day

Couch to 5k is meant for 60 year old couch potatoes, if you're in an acceptable weight range and younger, you can probably speed up the program a lot. I went from being unable to run 1km to doing sub 30 min 5ks in 5 weeks.

You don't need expensive running shoes. As a noob, they won't make a difference. Get running shoes but don't overspend
You alone are not the only one controlling your body. There is someone else, possibly a multitude.
you saying im schizo? that im fat because im a schizo?
>you saying im schizo?
easy way to find out: how do you feel about low carb / no carb diets?
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Lost 3 belt holes but the scale hasn't budged
thou shall not suffer a carb, for they are of the devil.
never tried. probably not scientifically good diet but if it works i'm not one to judge. Fren did keto and swears by it and he really was fat fuck , he made me look thin
It’s me
Awful. They only let me out for this one day, I won’t be back until 240lbs
bros serious question, i smoke and yeah its unhealthy as fuck and i wanna stop. But right now the goal is to lose the weight and smoking suppresses my appetite. Should I quit? or lose weight then quit?
Ah I see, I'm sitting around 27.7 bmi, about 24% body fat. I was always a bit unsure about how much to invest in running shoes if theres a big difference between cheap 40 (CAN) dollar shoes from walmart or 80-90 leafbux shoes from shoe stores
Quit first. It’ll make it easier, trust me on this. Your new addiction will be unhealthy foods and snacking
Since I started going to the gym I have a strong feeling of regret that I didn't go sooner. My social anxiety held me back. Nobody has said shit to me so far. Everyone has been helpful or just left me to it. Somebody at work recognised me which should have been mortifying but they were instead just supportive. It's the weirdest thing. You get used to being shat on for being fat so much, but when you actually go to the gym, it's like everyone is encouraging to you.
don't know why i bother asking
seems like /pol/ is leaking again
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That’s nice of you but I don’t feel skinny yet lol. This journey is only about half over
u look 80lbs girl
just kidding but srsly u look skinny
In my book this looks skinny
>t. looks like an m-preg fetishist's fantasy
Thanks :)
can i eats chiken with bbq saws?
i liek it
I don't know the Canadian (or any American) prices but in the 40 € range you can find pretty good no-brand running shoes in Europe at least. So they're probably fine. It takes a very long time and a lot of running to actually profit from higher end running shoes.
As for your BMI, when I was at that weight, I picked less impact cardio, such as the elliptical (which looks gay as a man, but who cares?) or indoor cycling. You could try to run, but if your knees or something hurt, stop and wait until you're lighter.
The question with sauce is how much. Some sauces get well into the 400 kcal / 100 g territory and one quickly realized while counting calories, that 10g of sauce is not a lot. Losing weight has made me appreciate mustard. Spicy mustards start at around 90 kcal / 100 g. Ajvar (110 kcal/100 g) is also great with chicken, and with broccoli
fug. figures. i like the honey muss bbq jack daniels one
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no more saws
Will going hungry for a few hours regularly slow down your metabolism?
Probably not. Humans are designed to be hungry, we're just not used to it anymore. Technically being hungry is just an inconvenience for the most part. At least if not for extended periods
Gotta find the right sauce. For me it's sriracha or ponzu. You can also make your own sauce from the leftover drippings/fats you cooked with
>tfw i’ve been calculating my tdee wrong
If you’re not active THROUGHOUT THE DAY, you need to set your TDEE calculator to sedentary. I thought lifting weights and cardio counted, but you’re really just overestimating and overeating. If I would have chosen “Exercise 4-5 days a week”, I would have been overeating.
Bros.. I just ate an entire Sobey's roast chicken. Well I hate 80% of it. My mother had one of the breasts.

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Well, the good news is that you probably met your protein macros for the day..
Fuck, I haven't thought about that video in a decade

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