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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Determined Ducks who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74566925
I'm fat
Hi fat, I'm balding.
For the first time in two weeks I over ate today. It's difficult to do the calories since I ate at a restaurant with a friend.
I had a an egg salad sandwich with pimento cheese and green tomato slices. Very tasty would have again. Their fries weren't that good.
It seems impossible to keep at 1300 calories and eat out to be honest.
>For the first time in two weeks I over ate today.
Hell yeah. Glad you enjoyed it. Time to get back to the grind for a bit until another nice meal with a friend. Also unless youre a girl, 1300 is too low. If youre a man that weighs more than 150lb 1600 calories is the absolute bottom you should do day to day.
Why give stupid advice?
It’s pretty difficult. Even salad is often gigantic and covered in dressing. A bowl of soup is your best option. I go out maybe once every other month so I usually fast for the day and get something nice. I used to regularly get a deli sandwich from a place nearby, just turkey cheese mayo and veggie toppings on sourdough. I recreated it a few months ago using a food scale
>1200 calories
>used to get it 2-3x/wk
>used to think it was a light lunch
No surprises I got so fat lmao
I got pretty damn lean at 1600, lifting, and walking and im only 5'10. At what weight do you think someone is too heavy for only 1300 calories? 180lb? 200lb?
Mustard is a cheat code
i would sometimes start to blackout stepping out my car at that much and had to up it to 1800
where's the confession fatty
Pretty much any place will have a ceaser salad with grilled chicken. Ask for the dressing on the side and only use half of it. Nix the croutons if you're really trying to be strict
what app is that?
These references are getting weird.
Every time I look at salads I feel like they'll have a lot more calories than I expect. I still look at them first. I'm not too strict. It was just annoying that my food today ended at 2pm.
I'm 5'8 180. I've been doing fine eating like this for a while. Tbh I usually go lower than my goal by 100.
My bmr is like 1700 so it's really not that much. Not like I'm dying. Sometimes I get shaky at the gym but that's it.
My hands are always cold now
There's a reason why I said caeser specifically. It's easy to count. It's got romaine, croutons, cheese, and dressing.

Other salads may have 5+ ingredients, some of which are really calorie dense like nuts, and seeds
Well if you're good, you're good. For me, the less fat I had, the more I had to up calories by a few hundred and cardio to compensate. If it gets tough as you get skinny consider that.
>bed time
I had to stop.
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>Cesar Salad without grilled chicken breast
Fatty Contest

I ordered a southwest chicken salad recently, was aware the dressing (cilantro lime vinaigrette) would add a couple hundred but was expecting like 800 cal max. A behemoth of a plate came out for me, luckily with the ingredients pretty well separated. Approx
>4 cups romaine
>an entire large chicken breast maybe 8 oz cooked (seasoned and grilled, pretty gud)
>about a cup of black beans
>about half a cup of shredded cheese
>half an avocado
>large squirt maybe 1/4 cup of sour cream
>tortilla strip croutons
Disregarding various veg like cherry tomatoes, pickled carrots and green onions. Along with the dressing I’d guess 1300 cal min. Honestly the macros seem decent but the portion sizes over here are ridiculous. Salad was really good though.
face gains are real
so are dick gains
>It seems impossible to keep at 1300 calories and eat out to be honest.
My strategy is to do extra cardio all week before going out. If I know I'm going to probably go a few hundred calories over Saturday, I do an extra 10-15 minutes cardio M-F. It should easily offset the bad day Saturday
The longer I drink milk the more I like it. I'm thinking of upping it to 1.5 liters per day. Half my calories are gonna be milk.
Gained .5kg after refeed day which is unsurprising. Hopefully a week or two of OMAD locks it in.
Don't drink calories dumb dumb
Is it normal to feel hungry most of the time when you first start eating less?
> take a hot bath
> sweat out 3lbs in an hour
wtf. this is like a cheat code. should i be saunamaxxing?
based nuns & ducks artist
not that weird. that's one of the most famous paintings in the world.
Yes, it's normal. You're getting hunger pangs because you're at a deficit. It's a good sign that your body is burning more calories than you take in.
Yes. Get used to it.
I hate summer so much. Easily the worst season.
Yeah but your body gets used to it if you keep consistent. I honestly have a hard time eating to maintenance now (unless I tried eating ice cream or something) because I get full off of my normal deficit.
Yeah, but it fades from being a distracting and uncomfortable pain to a mild discomfort if even that. One that even reminds you that in that moment you’re losing fat. Like if you’re having trouble falling asleep from the feeling, in a couple weeks it’s really nothing to notice. Might have something to do with blood sugar regulating idk.
My physique looks like shit compared to last year. Gained 15 lbs and that includes muscle loss from slacking at the gym. Never though I'd miss seeing the loose skin. I've been back in it for about two weeks now but I need some whitepills bros
stop masturbating
>1cm left until I've lost a full belt loop
I'll have to buy a new belt because the next one is not attainable.
just make an extra hole
It's stupid how easy it is to be fat now. Hungry? Can order fast food directly to the door. That just encourages thoughtless gluttony.
For sure. I have a hard time seeing a difference in the mirror, but the belt holes don't lie.
Jerking it helped me lose 50 lbs, fuck u
It's not the hole, it's the loop in the pants. The back one is further back, so I can't lose enough weight to make it pass there. I would need a different set of hips.
Yes, but you should never be so hungry you start to stalk the pantry like a starved animal. You shoudl feel a light hunger at all times except just after a meal. I like small snacks like welchs fruit snack packs, frozen fruit, and quest chips for when I absolutely MUST eat a snack and am on the verge of a binge.
Just stopped myself from ordering an XL pizza with 2 sides of stuffed cheesy pepperoni bread. I'm not even hungry why the fuck would I buy it? It's a drug
If it works, good on you, but I think snacking is something most /fat/ties will have to unlearn. Using that crutch will probably be a problem when returning to maintenance levels.
Good job, anon. Don't let the addiction get you
Pizza is one thing I miss eating a lot of, but I find it hard to justify eating when its 90% bread. I've eaten it a few times at gatherings but I always feel I could eat like 4 slices if I want but I know 2 is already pushing my calories.
best thing that ever happened to me was becoming friends with a couple of models (some male, some female). Finally not feeling pressure to eat out when hanging out or being shamed talking about dieting. Which is also going great btw, just a single day this month where i went over my goal and not even by much
Models are literally the most unhealthy people in the world, all diet schizos
yes but who cares
Enjoy developing an eating disorder and a drug problem then
>Using that crutch will probably be a problem when returning to maintenance levels.
i disagree. snacking on healthy and occassionally unhealthy foods is part of living at maintainence. this is a good opportunity to build the habit of reaching for fruit and healthy foods when you need a snack, as well as quell the hunger in the short term. Dont understimate the satiating power of the fiber, water, and intense flavor of fruit relative to its calories.
lol you sound jealous dude, chill man
I am, but it doesn't mean I'm wrong.
imagine getting all of your knowledge of models through tv and movies and thinking you know shit, giving advice to someone who has befriended models IRL

like, just imagine the situation, some anon says "hey guys I've become friends with some palaeontologists they are pretty cool guys" and some fat basement dweller on 4chan started sperging out about the consequences of bringing dinosaurs back to life, lmfao
You do have an eating disorder tho
Seems like I hit a nerve schizo
holy samefag
You are so mad lmao, why don't you go throw up some food like your model friends
who do you think you are replying to?
It's different for everyone but I'd say snacks are essential for success as long it's healthy.

Sure thing like fasting for X hours might be better but anything is better than failure to improve. So light snacking on veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, cheese, yoghurt etc is fine. As long you don't over eat the calorie dense shit like nuts.

If snacking on a frozen yogurt keeps your motivation and mental strength up it's ok!

Personally for me it was necessary in the detox/addiction phase. It was impossible to fall asleep hungry for the first weeks. But a carrot and a Protein cinnamon sky helped and didn't sabotage me to much. First I formed normal habits with small steps that cost little willpower. Than when eating pickles and cucumber as a snack was learned I pulled the trigger and accelerated the calorie loss.
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my DNP has just arrived, now I need to wait for colder weather
>Personally for me it was necessary in the detox/addiction phase
I found it necessary the whole time to be honest. Otherwise I end up driving to buy candy or clearing out all the protein bars in cabinet. All of this past experience will be useful in my first real cut following this bulk. I wouldnt consider ehat I did before a "cut", just unfucking my poor diet and lifestyle. Just saying, I got THIN on mostly 1800 calories a day with a week or two at 1600 at a time. I actually cut out hard cardio (HEMA) and just walked, which actually helped me lose more weight since it didnt make me hungry. Bulking has been fun though. I train my soul out and get rewarded with essentially infinite food as long as I diet off like 10-15 pounds once or twice a year.
Hi fat, hi balding. I'm fat and balding.
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Your cat wants you to make those gains
btw ive rebounded like 100~ lb repeatedly since i was a teen. this is the first time ive worked out and kept the weight off for a significant amount of time (just under 4 years now). My previous rebounds happened pretty much immediately. Things like healthy snacking, a variety of easy or fun cardio, auto-regulation of my diet, and looser calorie restrictions have been a big part of staying healthy. You guys are gonna enjoy being leaner. The quality of life differences are nuts, but only if you dont let the process turn you neurotic or burn out so hard you rebound.
Day 2, my mind is already cracking and breaking apart. But I will stand strong.
Question for those who have gone through serious weight loss.

My starting point - 230 lbs. 5'9. I want to get to 180 by Christmas to surprise the family. It's a difficult goal but it's one I'm determined to get

Most calculators say I should be eating 2,500 calories to lose weight, I'm bumping it up to 2,300 because I can eat that and still survive easily.

I'm getting into cardio but now I'm confused on what to do.

Say I'm eating at 2,300 calories. Now I introduce cardio, and burn 500 calories on the treadmill walking for an hour. That takes my calories to 1,800. Do I now need to start eating 2,800 calories to make up the calories lost through cardio or am I right in thinking 2,300 calories is my target despite cardio and weights being involved?
You supuld only beat eating 1800cals and doing the cardio fatty. You won't lose shit eating 2300cals
my man, at your weight and height you should be eating 1500-1800 calories max to reach that weight by then and should never ever calculate exercise into your calorie allowance because you'll always fuck up, exercising is a bonus
2300 is way too much to loose weight, don't put any exercise in the calculator. Also, if you're serious with your very steep goal (it's almost 2 pounds per week), i would suggest ramping up the cardio. I lost 50 pounds in a similar amount of time but i spent 2 hours per day on my bike during the week with longer sessions (4-8 hours) on the weekend
>4-8 hours on a bike per day
Schizo shit

Thanks for your replies. I'll take that into consideration. Everywhere I look it says I should cut calories by 500 from maintenance as well as exercise. But I'd rather take advice from people who have actually been there and done it rather than online calculators. I'll bring my calories down to 2,000 for now and see how it goes. Thanks.
500 calories works but it takes much longer and it's harder to do if you actually exercise seriously. If you eat more you actually gotta exercise quite a bit to lose it, as far as I recall losing one kg is like 7700 calories
at first you'll lose some water weight so don't take that as a sign of how fast you'll be losing the weight. We're the exact same height and the journey from 100 to 80 kg(your goal) wasn't that fast at 1500 calories a day+one hour of cardio+resistance training. Lost 70 kg overall, my suggestion is to abandon the notion of eating above 1600-1800 if you want to actually complete your goal in your timeline because as you lose weight your maintenance calories will also be lower. If you worry about being hungry just do two 800 calorie meals a day that focuses on protein and a shitload of veggies and reduce your carb intake, lowering carbs completely killed my hunger and cravings
nah that's what people with cycling (in my case, mountainbiking) as a hobby do you fat fuck
Fucking schizo
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The scale was teasing me making me think I was going into the 130s
At least my love handles and gyno are almost gone
Thanks guys. I posted this question because I was having trouble falling asleep like >>74574763 said, which I found weird since I was exhausted. Glad to hear it's normal.
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the camera on this new flip phone of mine is fucking epic
>BCAAs on the left, PWO on the right
>someone who has befriended models IRL
is this bait or something zoomies actually consider an achievement?
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I hit a plateau the past two weeks. I blame the sushi and fried rice balls for the stall.
Once I cut that out again i shed weight fast. The whoosh effect is really guys.
>flip phone
Fatty Contest
Welcome to calorie restriction
Take your coat off, stay a while
I found my body adjusted after a while and returned to normal temperatures
My wife told me I had to go slower because its getting too big and seemed a little concerned about how much bigger it would get if I hit my goal weight
Best compliment I ever got
On calorie tracking apps do you enter your final goal or short term goal?
1300 cal is pretty insane
Please tell me you have a backup plan, we can all do extreme dieting for a while but in my experience the more extreme the more you need a contingency plan. I recommend OMAD if you ever find yourself white knuckling too hard or suddenly off the wagon
>tfw seasonal affective disorder is so mopey it's acronym spells out SAD
Is there any reason I should start running instead of walking for fat loss?
Enjoy your brain parasites
time savings
you are missing out on heart gains at low intensity.
If you are concerned about injury, try mixing in some biking that keeps your heart rate elevated for 20 min at minimum.
If you care about keeping your current muscle mass, stick to walking

If you don't, feel free to run
the camera's like a built-in time machine to make everything look like it's from 2004
Impact training strengthens bones and tendons.
You should jump rope instead
Source on this? How does running kill gains
>Mozz w/ tomato (600)
>Red bull (10)
>Milk (100)
>Cheese stick (80)
>Sugar free caramels (40)
>Chicken breast (450)
>Blackberries (70)

weighed 182 today
Running is a pretty top tier exercise. If you're not really feeling it that day, just run slower
Energy drinks and candies, energy drinks and candies...
Eating at an asian place it isn't too bad, last time I got thai my dish was basically chicken on top of a ton of mixed steamed veggies in a flavorful broth, the rice is on the side
Losing weight, feeling great. I do not want, nor feel I need, nor do I think I can sustain 100% clean eating
I entered a short term goal of 200lbs. I honestly don't even know what my long term goal weight should be. I'm going to get to 200lbs, see how pudgy I am, and re assess.
It's very hard for me to find the time to go run unfortunately, at this point in life it's run or sacrifice an hour 30 of sleep in the morning. Not a great place for an evening run
Short term, and lower it every time you reach it
I run a small business with 15 employees, just had my first kid and cook all of our meals at home
I run 4 times a week, there's time.
hi fat, hi balding, hi fat and balding. im fat and balding and a virgin.
All larp btw
Yeah Im sure mom is with the baby when you're running. I am the mom, and as of now the baby would not be cool with my absence for 60-90 minutes
You could be a stroller jogger
Not a bad idea and might start that soon, need to order a replacement tire for my current, can't really drop money on a specialized stroller just for jogging so it's gonna have to be The Behemoth
Fatty contest

Didn't pass a big BM this morning after waking up but passed a bunch since then. Crazy how much lighter I feel
todays meals:
Breakfast - caffeine pill and glass of water
Lunch - coffee with tiny bit of butter
Dinner - energy drink and half a pickle
Just fast if you're going to do this, it will probably be a lot less difficult
fuck it I'm doing the OPM routine for exercise, I don't wanna get super lean anyway just build up a bit of muscle.
Aside from the 10km run at least, I cycle 20km a day for work.
The OPM routine is retarded and literally came up by a DYEL
I can't get to an actual gym ):
30 lbs down
everyone at work commenting on me losing weight
people asking me if somethings wrong

I cant tell if theyre asking that out of concern to make sure theyre not saying well done when im suffering or if theyre jealous
Sometimes people lose a lot of weight when they are depressed because they aren't eating
yeah I told them Im trying to better my life and they didnt reply to that. Think its a mix between thinking Im going downhill and also them looking at me and thinking 'hows he done that and why havent I'
It's not healthy to believe that everyone is jealous of you anon. Most people aren't going to ask if someone is okay because they are jealous
also "I'm trying to better my life" is extremely vague and it sounds like you're going through something. Stop being weird and just say you're on a diet
Or, you know, have cancer.
I mean people know that I'm doing exercise and eating better so its kind of weird to ask me if theres something really wrong in my life when Its known Im on a health journey

People know im on a improvement cycle so It doesnt sound vague to me
I think it may also have to do with the "why?" especially if you've been fat since you've known these people, people might be curious why the sudden change. A lot of times people tend to try and better themselves after a breakup for example
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If I wanted to try Keto again but not risk losing hair, how long should I try to stay on it?
I'm going out to eat at an Italian restaurant. I'll probably get lasagna and it comes with a house salad.
Hard to guess calories. I tried 3 3×3 slices on my counter app. It says 900 calories I hope that's accurate.
I won't be eating anything else today so hopefully my coffee with banana milk, a house salad, and lasagna only add up to 1300 calories.
Anyone know light calorie Italian dish?
yeah maybe
I told people I was sick of drinking and feeling like shit so Im going to better myself

and then when I achieve it people are like is something wrong? I made my intentions clear to the people who are asking and theyre surprised Im going through with it like I'm in trouble lol
Just do high protein instead of keto and don't lose hair duh
>lose 15lbs
>almost choke on a pill last night got stuck in throat panicked it would go down into lungs, was coughing and puking spit and all
>chugged half gallon of water
>still felt like it was stuck there, was the gelatin capsule type
>ate the quickest thing I could get, an emergency protein cookie, had half still felt like it was there so just had the whole thing
>still was under maintenance for the day felt crappy anyways
>weigh self today, gained 4lbs
Feels bad brehs. I know it’s just water but it feels bad to me, I’m fat as shit and every pound is significant to me right now. Until I drop to under 25% bodyfat every pound feels huge to me. It’s mental but that’s just how it is. Shits making me wanna say fuck it and take today off to eat my maintenance. I doubt I’ll do that.
There are lots of chicken or veal cutlet based dishes. I'd avoid the fried anx cheese covered parmigians. Franchise, saltimboca, marsala etc are all a cutlet of meat with a pan sauce and a side of veg. They will be much less calories than a cheese, sauce, and carb bomb like lasagna and pasta
Down 32lbs since Jan 1st. Started at 278 and I'm now 246. 51 more to go, I'm 6'3".
Get whatever you want but have that be your only meal for the day. Don’t even weigh yourself for the next week. Immediately tomorrow get back to your usual diet and go on a walk/do some cardio to compensate. Don’t put forth any further thought than this. You will be fine. This is how you develop a healthy relationship with food and be a normal person. You are allowed to on occasion go out with friends or family and have something not exactly “healthy” if 99% of the time you’re on top of your shit.
203lbs this morning
Started at 220 4 months ago.

I guess the 500cal deficit = 1lb/week is pretty much spot on.
no way the lasagna is only 900
a lot of places have calories listed on the menu now thankfully
There's been a sort of social-ettiquette change lately to not congratulate people on weight loss because they may just be having serious health problems like cancer
What meme is this?
Just take supplements and you won't die of scurvy while on keto, for crying out loud.
do low carb high protein CICO and get the same benefits without the downsides
I'm having difficulties losing the last 10 lbs.
Any tricks?
BMI is within normal now, but I want to make some reserve just in case.
I've short so TDEE is low
so we all know that beer is bad, but what's the least damaging type of alcohol to drink while i'm losing weight? gin or tequila maybe?
Alcohol is a macronutrient. Every gram of alcohol your body manages to metabolize provides 7kcal (much more than carbs and proteins at 4kcal, but less than fat at 9kcal.)
So the least damaging type of alcohol is not too much of it.
It's true that hard liquors have the benefit of having relatively few other nutrients in them, if you can stomach them neat.
My personal preference is to drink the occasional glass of wine or light beer (corona premier for example, at 90kcal and 3 net carbs can fit easily in my budget.)
You can absolutely fuck up your diet with those too, if you end up going for an entire bottle or pack.
Know yourself. If you're the type that gets thirstier the more you drink, this is probably a bad idea altogether, given that alcohol will eat you harder than you're used to since you're no longer filling your stomach with slop.
The fittest mom I know has one of these, 2 seats for 2 toddlers. She jogs a few miles a day with them, stops at the grocery store and puts the groceries on the bottom to jog home. 35 with visible abs and that’s the only exercise she does.
>have my first bowl of cereal (krave) in years yesterday
>degenerated into me dunking my face into the bowl and eating it like a dog
Just do cardio and drink a beer or two from time to time.
I just want to give a PSA that recomp does work. The only thing I don't do is weight training on fasting days, but even OMAD gives me insane gains.
It's actually almost sickening how quickly I'm gaining muscle on what is at least 800 cal deficit.
Its really fucking weird how 7700 calories really is equal to 1kg
I remember when I first started reading about weight loss I was in butter disbealth they could somehow track a number of calories to a weight and assumed it must have been a rough estimate that works for 10% of people
No, it's literally 7700=1kg
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I’m genuinely growing to hate my sister for how fat she is.

Every day she knocks on my door asking if I want the rest of whatever fast food or insanely unhealthy junk food she’s gotten.
She can’t go one day without stuffing her fat fucking face with the shit.

She’s like 5 foot exactly and her gut hangs past her generals, I never want to get to that point.
Wow. She's just offering to share some of her food with you. You don't have to eat it
Only works for noob gains
no matter what she looks like, you shouldn't hate your own sister
This don't be an asshole because your sister is being generous
Fair enough
But running only really takes like 30 min w/ stretching and cooldown
Just get hubby to take the kid
My wife still does yoga 3x a week and that takes a lot longer than a run

If it's making you hate your own sister, your fat loss quest is warping your brain and you need to think about it differently. This should be about improving your life, not self-superiority or hatred.

You need to realize that she can't make you eat and that her body is her own business. After you've done that and calmed down a bit, just tell her that you're the to lose weight and when she offers to share extra food with you, it doesn't feel supportive of your goals.
Just send her this diet plan: https://isotropic.org/papers/chicken.pdf
This is why I believe some fats don't deserve to lose the weight. Some fats are only superficially kind to at least have a single redeeming quality. The issue is that their true character is bad and it sometimes comes out as they lose the weight
she’s a lazy gluttonous pig, why shouldn’t I hate her?
She is your sister schizo
Im going to try, it's just there's other older ones in the mix too, and there's usually some other basic necessity to do that I have to 'spend' the time on instead. But that's a prioritization issue

Just did a 1.25-1.5 mile walk with em all
So were/are you, and then something changed and now you're trying to tackle it. I hope you succeed, but you may not, or may succeed temporarily and fall off the wagon again. There's major things wrong with you, so do not hate your sister for what's wrong with her.
I’m only losing weight so I can finally hang myself
Food that she is offering you is food she isn't eating herself. You should praise her for that, at the very least.
Make the hangman's noose from steel wire, whale.
Nah I wanna leave a decent body plus don’t want the folks to have to get an XL coffin or some shit
she is everything I never want to be, if I got to her point I would kill myself
she’s a moron who eats 20 Oreos for a snack and then has a lean cuisine and thinks she’s doing something
You could easily offer to return the favor by cooking a healthy meal for her. Or to try to get her to join your journey.
You should kill yourself now
one day you will grow up and understand that people aren't perfect, and that family that loves you is really all we have in this life, and that you should keep them close no matter what.

you aren't necessarily a bad person, but you are young, naive, and haven't experienced the true extent of hardship that this hellish world has to offer.
shut up you fucking fatty ass land whale >>74578166
She’s too fucking stupid
You kill yourself faggot
She would probably fucking eat me if we ever experienced hardship together
Choke on my dick
>she’s a lazy gluttonous pig, why shouldn’t I hate her?
She may be struggling with things you're unaware of. But you'll never find it if she doesn't perceive you as a safe and supportive person to talk to.

>she is everything I never want to be, if I got to her point I would kill myself
>she’s a moron who eats 20 Oreos for a snack and then has a lean cuisine and thinks she’s doing something

If you rely on hatred and judgement to be your motivators (popular on this site, I know!), you'll still be socially deficient and miserable no matter how physically fit you get. Stop fueling your own mental illness and attend to your mental fitness, too.
You'd like that wouldn't you, faggot
Sounds like she doesn't understand nutrition, which is less of a problem than being callous or self absorbed
Hatred and judgment aren’t my motivators they are just what I feel.
I have nothing but contempt for fatties like her.
It will be more of a problem when she’s dead in 10 years from a clogged artery or some shit
post body
>not eaten for only 2 days
>chore to lift my arms and even type
>liquid shit constantly, despite not eating
tell me this gets better bros
go to therapy you dipshit
>ate 2 family size pizzas and 9 beers alone yesterday

How do I recover from this? Im feeling so fucking guilty
>How do I recover from this?
don't do it again.
your diet (if you were even dieting) has just been extended a couple of weeks, no big deal if you're in it for the long run
I just want to say something.
If you hate fatties and think you are above them because you are losing weight. You are retarded. You are not better until you aren't a fatty anymore. Stop celebrating before you crossed the line you lard ass.
I'm better than you
why? so they can spread some fat acceptance body positive bullshit at me?
holy shit kill yourself fatty
im trying to shed off 25lb desu
>175lb 5’11
Post body.
My fucking gut doesn’t hang past my fucking dick, so I think I am better.
I’m just overweight not a lard whale like a lot of you
Well it ain't gonna happen by eating like that lol
go back to /pol/ you nonce
Pathetic. Actually thinking you're better than anyone when you're still a fatass. The lack of shame and self-awareness is exactly the reason you gained weight in the first place, and it's why you're going to gain it all back.
We all die
not a fucking nazi, you retard
Nope because I’m not a fatty like the dude who literally ate 2 whole ass pizzas
>I'm slightly better than a pig so I'm not going to rebound oink oink
Alright let me kill your then if it doesn’t matter how or when we die, fucking dumbass
>manlet can't even eat two pizzas
more than slightly and they are more like a giga hog
My back is looking really good and almost muscular.
But then my ass is still fat and has flabs its kind of weird bros...
im not fat lol I just pigged out now I feel guilty I just wanted to get some insightful advice from the only source I could think of
back to r*ddit plebbitor
you got the fat mindset sitting there scarfing down all your pizza and beer
Weight loss is a mental game
If you're not fat, you don't have to do anything. Just eat normal for a couple weeks. Google metabolic adaptation
took me 2 days to /fast/ off a personal pan pizza.
honestly, worth.
>caffeine pill
>caffeinated drink
My brother... don't do it.
I ate the slop. Don't even know why I did it, can't let it get to me or else I'll start getting a defeatist attitude. I'll do better again tomorrow.
You'll understand when you're older
Just factor in slop, it's okay, most normal weight people don't actually eat 100% clean. I see people here trying to be 100% clean breaking down and doing mass binges regularly
I’ll understand when I’m older that it’s perfectly fine to die early from preventable causes?
>Had a work conference last week
>Ended up drinking and eating a fair bit
>Including a filthy donar meat wrap at 1400kcals
>End up losing 4lbs that week
new health food discovered.
In reality I ate little during the day at the event and worked a little harder and ate a little less than usual afterwards but I'm glad that even though I felt like I over indulged, I actually didn't. Hoping it's a sign of a better relationship with food this time around because last time I lost 50lbs+ I ended up rebounding to heavier than before.

I think this is also key. Strictly eating miserable diet foods for months is inviting binges. Plus once you hit your goal weight, you're going to want the slop every so often. You just need to learn how to fit it into a decent diet.
Cringe caffeine addict
post body
>How do I recover from this? Im feeling so fucking guilty
You don't. You let yourself enjoy what happened without guilt and hop back on your diet and exercise regimen without trying to compensate for it.
nice you and me are pretty much the same, though I started maybe 225. I can't wait to be under 200lbs. I haven't been under 200 lbs in probably 10 years.

at what point should I stop losing weight? Right now I'm cutting - so - caloric deficit, cardio and dummbell exercises about 3 to 4 times a week. I imagine at lets say 175 or 180 lbs or so I'll want to bulk?
>Just factor in slop, it's okay, most normal weight people don't actually eat 100% clean. I see people here trying to be 100% clean breaking down and doing mass binges regularly
unfortunately so much of this process is tied to our emotions. it makes it hard to make objectively good long term decisions over short term fixes that cause large amounts of mental stress.
Unironically the solution to mood swings is vitamins and good consistent sleep. I feel like a strong mind god since I started taking vitamins and sleeping at the same time every night
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My current daily goal is to walk 3.5 miles per day, usually broken into a 1.5mi morning and 2.0mi evening walk. Some days I have to walk ~1mi round trip to work. Should I count the extra mile into my daily goal or ignore it as a bonus? Counting it makes my daily goal easier on those days, but not counting it means more total mileage and more total calories burned. I'm torn.
>my goal is walking
>guys should I count all those times I walk during the day?
Does it really count as a walk if the intention of the trip is not the walk itself? (I might be autistic)
Just go on a walk every day. I did what you did and ate pretty copiously for a week and didn't gain any weight.
>might be
Walking is walking regardless of purpose. Log it, and enjoy the days where you surpassed your goals.
Why must pasta meals taste so good? I just wanna baked ziti but there's no amount of meat I can put into that shit to turn it into a functional meal.
You're right, if I'm a little stricter for a few days I'll break even on the slop slide.
>caved and ate crackers and cheese
Not all cats have toxoplasmosis, anon
Unless you're in Brazil
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you ate white people
Is OMAD a meme? No schizo replies pls
Yes, TWOMAD is vastly superior
Eat when you're hungry. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
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>Eat when you're hungry.
I refuse. That just means I'm burning calories.
are you fucking retarded???
TWOMAD kings always win in the end
I'm obese, have gyno, and I'm really physically weak and I'm finally sick of it. What are some good workout plans for me? Went to the gym 2 years ago with my shredded friend and lost 20kg in 3 months but I was sore every day and injured myself doing his routine.

tldr weak man wants a workout plan
fucking fat bitch best diet = fast all day eat a big dinner and puke
Starting Strength
Get a set of dumbells and youtube a beginners routine and start with that while you diet
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All diets are memes
Bitch if I did that then i'd be 300lbs
Twinkmode is for the young. If you're already in your mid 20s or beyond, you're better off working out and gaining some muscle definition because "look at that hot old twink" is not a thing.
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Man a non-overweight in-shape body does feel weird at times. Not bad, just weird.
This is the least relevant part, but last night I slept two hours and still felt fine doing my morning workout and throughout the day.
Day 4 of drinking 80g worth of protein shakes (totals to 430 calories) only
Am I gonna kill my kidneys?
I'm still working out and I feel fine for the most part as of now.
Started going to the gym. Actually enjoy it.

Swimming Yesterday
Cycle/Run today.

Is it a problem to go tomorrow as well? I know usually people talk about rest days to let you recover, but i'm not trying to gain muscle, I'm trying to get my 5'8 self down from 80kg!
do you intend to do this for a long time? Yes that sounds very unhealthy. You’d probably be better off eating 450 cal of Greek yogurt, chicken breast, etc real food. But in general extremely restrictive diets like this are not healthy and are not good for us fatties. We got here because of disordered eating, try not to make it worse.
Nice, that feel when you start exercising and realize you actually like it so look forward to the next workout is amazing. But you use your muscles while doing cardio too and need to give them some rest and recovery time. When I started running I followed the Nike app and decided I could go harder than it told me to- one morning I fell on my face trying to get out of bed. My legs could not support me and I couldn’t go for another run for a week. You can absolutely go every day, just don’t go from zero exercise to trying to run/swim an hour+ a day every day. Either go for a shorter period or take it easy (walk/jog instead of run, breaks between laps etc).
i ate chicken, and sweet potato. i feel pretty good.
what the fuck. is this what being lean is like? wasnt expecting it to be lile this.
How do I cope being the ugly duckling turning into a swan?

All the girls I grew up with are getting old, worn down and fat, I see their crazy eyes on FB photos...

Meanwhile I've slimmed down, exceled at my career.

What should I be doing bros, parents are pressuring me to go the arrange marriage route if I want a younger girl to start a family with and dating apps are hell right now.
>dating apps are hell right now.
the trick to the apps is to stfu w the autism, call them attractive, and let pictures of your body and penis do the talking. not an insult btw, just my startegy
no I mean the girls are ass, all fat pigs. I don't want to be plapjack after all this hard work.
my r3commendation is to drop the self loathing, get your miles on the town bikes, then use that experience to get someone worth a shit
nope ain't fucking a fatty, i'm gonna go abroad for prostitute sex in greece/spain.
>parents are pressuring me to go the arrange marriage route if I want a younger girl
If I had the opportunity with someone my parents vetted I would go for it.
kick her ass
I know a Korean couple that were in an arranged marriage. They got married in college and are late 20’s now. They’re nice people and seem to have a happy life and healthy marriage. It’s not like their parents just brought them as strangers to a chapel, they met a few times and got to know each other before all agreeing. I’d assume most arranged marriages in first world countries work like this.
Chronometer has a lot of values for those bagged salads without the dressing in the grocery.
I splooge like half the dressing in a bowl and then make like 3x that by adding yogurts and the vinegar/spices found on the ingredient list.
I'm jealous of fat guys who don't have much moob to speak of
My body's like "hell yeah some more fat, 80% of this is going straight to the tits"
I'm gonna have grandma sagbags once the weight is off
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Ive lost 10lbs. Only 90 more to go.
Good start, dont stop now.
Only for marathon pace running. If you do sprints, you should be fine although try to find some soft ground to do it. You will fuck up your knee if you keep on doing it on concrete or asphalt.
i'm in the same boat basically. my plan is full-body and focuses on compound exercises. full-body is nice because it's a 3-day program but if you're extra sore you can only go twice a week and that's OK. i alternate between workout A and B each day i go to the gym:

>workout A:
>trap bar deadlift, 3x8
>chest press machine, 3x8
>seated row machine, 3x8
>cable face pulls, 3x12

>workout B:
>db split squats, 3x8
>db shoulder press, 3x8
>lat pulldown machine, 3x8
>db lat raises, 3x12

it's not too much volume which is great for lards like us, and you can be in and out of the gym in an hour including warmup.

honestly i think diet is a lot more important than workout routine specifics. lots of protein, mostly/only whole foods, count your calories.
Why are the fatties not on Ozempic yet? Are they even serious about losing weight?
You fucking nigger I started losing weight because everything here costs a million zimbabwean dollars do you THINK normal people can afford that
im high body fat with very little muscle. should I worry about hitting a high protein goal when I am trying to eat at a deficit?
30lbs down, relearned how to cook and eat, broke my addiction to sugar and caffeine.

Don't need fucking drugs to fix myself.
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>"nah, today's shift was rough, i'll get some mcdonalds, i can take it seriously tomorrow"
How the fuck do I stop doing that?
Don't buy McDonalds

Happy to help
higher protein % will satiate you more and make the deficit itself easier to maintain. I don't think you need to worry about protein-per-leanmass math if you're fat.
Still too expensive and there is a qualification process I wouldn't pass anyway. If I could buy a month of dose for 20 bucks next time I go to a grocery store no questions asked I would try it. I'm not anti-drug or anything like that.
You need to stop rewarding/comforting yourself with food. Just suck it up and find something else to occupy your time with until you go to sleep
I started buying myself warhammer figures and steam games whenever I get the craving for food
Based and Cavill-pilled.
So daily? Can I be your 5'6" boyfriend and have you buy me things?
Only if you are anorexic and young
Was that his strat?
>today's shift was rough
>time to undo all my effort because I can't allow myself to get ahead
This is your brain on obesity.
what's wrong with mcdonalds? just skip the pufa fries
You're going to be fat forever.
All the snack shit I would like to try and make use protein powder. I'd only buy that shit for that reason
Trying to lose 30 lbs, willing to do fasting so I can lose it quickly but I am worried about loose skin. Should I be?
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stubborn love handles suck
im in this image!
hank hill lookin niggaa
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>wanting to binge
>literally, dreaming about eating a large pizza
>but the moment i see a lot of food, the moment my anxiety fucks me up
>so i cant order shit
>instead,i have to walk aways and practice deep breathings
i dunno how to feel about it
This is partially true, but to reward yourself with high quality foods is legitimate. Like a good steak, free range chicken, oysters, etc...
Don't you have any decent food where you live? When you have a maintenance day try and develop a taste for that.
But yes, until you can manage your weight you will have to deny those cravings.
it feels like having a second ass above your first ass
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Ma'am, put the rock down and back away slowly.

what would you replace the flavor powder with, in those bake dishes?
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I've been having issues with taking a shit for some time now. I've been implementing stuff to help with this like fiber, dried prunes, drying more water etc but I'm not seeing any improvements. I even started drinking coffee which I've never done in the past. Last time I took a dump was on Sunday? Should I be worried? Is there anything else I should try?
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>posts bowel problems
>doesn't post diet
Just stop popping opioids and buy some dulcolax or some shit. If that doesn't do the trick and/or you don't feel like waiting, grab a bottle of magnesium citrate. You will need to stay close to a toilet.
I took a screenshot of this post, going to frame it, this was literally part of my brain for so long, it's still there the fat fucker hiding somewhere.
QTDDTOT is useless so I'll ask here

How can I jerk off less when sitting on my desk chair stimulates my balls?
Like, the pressure on my balls turns me on and makes me want to masturbate to relieve it... But I need to sit at my desk to work
I tend to be kinda slowly jerking off all day while working I don't see what the issue is.
Please and I really mean this. Please kill yourself.
>Eat a good sized portion of potato and meat
>Don't feel hungry till the next day
Who knew it could be this easy
How do you roughly equate a 1-plate barbell OHP to a dumbell shoulder press?
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I guess you can apply the same logic as this image?
jerking off too much? just say no
i plapped today and had a 2x2x2 at ihop. good times PLAP PLAP
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Forgive me, /fat/.
>dipping rancid seed oil chips in seed oil for the extra oxidation
I can forgive the chips and the dips, but not the regular soda
you are truly never going to make it if you can't AT LEAST go for the diet one or zero
Never ever EVER going to make it.
could cut calories by switching to diet coke and making dip with greek yogurt
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Fatty Contest

Glad I lost almost 1 full kg because I've been eating like a pig the past few days due to my final exams and lifeshit. It does make sense because the last time I weighed myself was after a massive meal.

I am done with exams and now in full summer vacation until I start living on my own in October, incredIbly motivated to start the diet and exercising every single day again.
all I've gotta do to reach my goal is eat 1500 calories per day for the next 240 days
You can do this bro
>Summer vacation
Oh to be a child again
throw in a couple of fasts over the weekends to shave off 2-3 days per day fasted and try to give yourself some smaller goals in between to have something to feel accomplished about
some form of exercise would also be great to get there faster
and buy a fucking food scale if you haven't already
you can do this anon, i believe in you
I am 24 so I am not that young, but my next job offer (and its the opportunity of a lifetime) doesnt start until October so I am kind of forced to live a last summer vacation.

thinking about getting a part time job meanwhile.
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Fatty Contest

Finally, number go down.
It's not like a regular thing, I'm just doing this just this once.
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Got shitfaced last friday. Afterwards didn't pig out on hangover food, just ate kind of normally but was naturally quite dehydrated. I weighted myself on monday and had lost half a kilogram compared to friday. Now I weighted myself again and I've gained over half a kilo back. I'm pretty sure that's just water weight.
Would dehydrationmaxxing be that stupid? I normally drink maybe around 1,5-2 litres of water a day. I feel skinnier after a roon or a night of binge drinking, essentially when dehydrated. When I guess properly hydrated I feel more bloated.
Yeah bro water isn't even important just don't drink any, great plan.
What job?
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>I am 24 so I am not that young
the mouth animation makes all the difference this 100% needed to be a fucking gif

why don't you fuck off back to tumblr faggot
Cringe child
ok so I start working out with the stronglift 5x5
just wonder why are there squat in both workout A and B?
I thought the wholepoint of A and B workout is to alt the muscle parts?
can I swap squat in the workout B to something else?
nope, squat all day erry day until you can push over cars
oh my god whyyyy 43kg wont budge just die die die i only ate 2x and purged yesterday what gives i want waffles. if i made waffles would anyone eat some?
kill yourself
Accidentally ate 6.600kcal on refeed. Maybe I shouldn't wait until after the meal to track the calories...
Lmao god fastards are so stupid
Today I ate:
>Milk (611)
>Waffles (162)
>Hot chocolate powder (218)
>Cheese (110)
>BBQ Sauce (37)
>Ham (13)
>Meatballs (243)
Total: 1394
Didn't get enough protein. Trying to save some money.
you should really consider replacing milk with something more high protein like cottage cheese or some lean chicken or fish. 600 calories of mostly fat is too much and liquid calories don't satiate as much
Fellas, I am on a strict 1500 calorie diet to try to lose weight before a trip in ~ 1 month. I fucked up last night with my family and at 2500 calories. Should I fast today or do you think it will fuck me over in the long run?
Three weeks in and I’m exactly down 6 pounds. Pretty par for the course
You are actually revolting
Can you fat retards give another fat retard some advice please?
It will not fuck you over. But fasting as a reaction to overeating is retarded, because it will teach you it's okay to overeat as long as you fast later. It's doubly retarded because you decided to overeat and are talking about your family as if they had anything to do with your decision to overeat. It shows you don't actually think things through. It doesn't matter if you fast or not, you're never going to make it.
Are you retarded? Genuinely? I know you may not leave the comfort of your basement but high calories are inevitable with social events.... Not that anyone cares about you enough to invite you to one or you know anyone to organize one with.
>high calories are inevitable with social events
No, they are not, you retarded fucking pig. You can always say no, the fact you're acting like it's outside your control is why you are fat and you will ALWAYS be fat.
I never said it is outside of my control, I said they are inevitable. I am trying to figure out the best way to deal with the higher calories today you smooth brain fucking unloved incel basement dweller.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
>it's in my control but inevitable semantics bullshit
You are a retarded pig oinking at a human being. Your inability to recognize your responsibility for your actions is why you are a fat fucking pig. You could have prevented it with a single "no". You didn't. It was not inevitable, you are just a pig giving excuses.
Little piggy can't stuff his face all the time boo hoo faggot have some self control

I really think you might be on the spectrum.
Good thing pigs don't get a vote.
Anyways, probably going to either fast or reduce calories by my overage today, despite what unloved shitskin thinks.
Eat less you fat piece of shit
>fat pig calling others unloved
Dont get mad at me, I am not the one responsible for loving him.
>Comes to /fat/ and tries to justify his piggy mentality
>Is surprised when he gets btfo
Do Fastards really?
How many calories do you burn bagging groceries?
The amount you eat? Probably thousands
>you should really consider replacing milk with something more high protein like cottage cheese or some lean chicken or fish.
Those are all expensive as fuck. Cottage cheese and fish taste terrible to boot.
>and liquid calories don't satiate as much
Because most liquid calories don't contain fat and protein. Milk does.
Because I can actually eat at a decent deficit?
Can confirm
>Those are all expensive as fuck
lmao are you begging for change or something? Cottage cheese is like a buck per cup
I had a lot of success with a program called Nourish.
Completely covered by insurance, it was a little like therapy but mostly was there to set you on the right path for a heathy lifestyle.
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>not a fucking nazi
OMAD isn't a diet by its elf.
So depending on your food intake it can vary wildly from reasonable and effective to complete memerinski
Im hungwy :(((((
You have to find something you enjoy
I tried to lift for years but it wasnt until I did fartleks on the tredmill that I started showing up regularly.
Step one is building the habit.
Once you have gone to the gym 4 times a week for 2 months then start worrying about effective muscle building.
Chicken is cheap and I'm actually a poorfag. May Allah bless factory farming. Mear would be so expensive without it.
No such thing as a free lunch. its just another faustian bargain. Sorry pharma, I'm doing things the old fashion way.
Been doing cardio for a week at the gym just to get used to being there. Today did a full pull routine using weights for the first time ever. I'm 30 years old and have never used my muscles. I'm aching in places I didn't know it was possible to ache and that's on baby difficulty. Feels good though lmao
The anxiety cheat worked for me for about 2 months but now its gone (praise Jesus) and dieting is back to being difficult. Just be aware that the same could happen to you.
>full calorie coke
An unforgivable sin
You need to exercise
You arent even fully developed yet, tadpole
Too bad?
No fiber, anon. Eat more saturated fats and stay hydrated.
Everything you've done so far is a recipe for constipation
Yeah pretty bad
Is it better to have skin sag and be fit or stay fat but no skin sag?
It's better to jerk off to jav than both of them.
Making oatmeal, tryna cut

1.5 cup oats = 450 kcal
1 scoop casein proton = 130 kcal
Tablespoon pb = 100
Unsweetened cocoa powder = 0
Tiny splash of milk = 0

680 kcal total. is that right? just wanna double check
This is the end of /fat/
That splash of milk is not 0 calories. Don't cheat yourself like that
okay hmm so it's like 20-40 kcal then i guess. 700-720 seem right for this meal?

also do you think i should skip the pb? I added it for the fats but it is calorie dense so idk
Buy a scale fellow fat
I'd skip it if that was my breakfast
Peanuts have lots of saturated fats and not even the keto schizos try to defend them
Exactly. I bought some manager special drumsticks on Sunday. Turned out to be six 100g (cooked) servings after taking it off the bone.

160+ g of protein for $3. People who complain food is expensive don't know how to shop and cook
nvm just checked, the fats aren't that bad, i'd still skip it cause 700 cals for breakfast (when you're naturally the least hungry) is simply too much
What huge servings. My morning oatmeal is
.3 cup oats
2/3 scoop protein powder
20g peanut butter

The peanut butter is maybe 100/350 Cals but it's worth it because it makes me not want to kill myself. The peanut butter is already so rich, why do you need milk?
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I wont forgive you. If youre going to pig out then at least pick some good shit to pig out on like a greasy homemade cheeseburger or a local mexican place slopfest. Lays arent even good and regular coke taste like battery acid.
actually i only eat oats for dinner
tryna stay full that's why the extra .5 cup oats and that pb
brekky is just black coffee and maybe plain toast
it's actually my dinner, brekky is pyoor black kawfee

hmm you're right about that. i generally add milk while it's cooking cuz it tastes richer but pb should get the job done too
then it's fine calory wise
Post your favorite low-cal breakfast
Here's mine:
> 1/2 cup of oatmeal
> handfull of frozen blueberries
> small piece of 90% dark chocolate
>scoop of whey If i know that i won't have enough protein for the day otherwise
microwave for 3 minutes with water, then top IT with
>3 tsp of low fat greek yoghurt
>1 sliced banana
>some cinnamon
Pure eating disorder. Not food
which part of that is ED, enlighten me please?
Cup of tea + Toast
The part where you don't eat 3 mcwhoppers or whatever, is what I presume he meams.
>Trying to lose 30 lbs, willing to do fasting so I can lose it quickly but I am worried about loose skin. Should I be?
loose skin is largely dependand in wether you're a hambeast already or just chubby, as well as genetics. If you have stretchmarks, you're gonna have loose skin
I'm only about 30 pounds overweight. 5' 8" 180lbs right now, trying to get to 150.
you should be gucci then
Just think you'll be like me in only 6 months, 55 down 95 to go over here
sic transit gloria /fat/
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I still feel like I'm so far from my goal, but if I keep up at my current progress, I will be there by the end of the year. 27 weeks. 180 days. It all seems so doable when you put it in these terms. Everything I'm doing feels good and is sustainable long term. I just need to maintain the willpower.

Deep down I think I've been afraid of the 100lb barrier. I've stagnated here for 6+ months until recently. But now my motivation is renewed and I'm ready to push through.
two strawberry brooklea protein yoghurt pouches (50g protein 290 calories)
one pwrtek protein cafe latte (20g 125 calories)
multivitamin stack (a-z multivitamin, magnesium&zinc, omega 3 fish oil, collagen tablet, Lions mane capsule, two skin hair and nails gummies)
this or similar has been my staple breakfast for months, never really had any issues with it personally



Ayy congrats on the progress. What was your starting weight?
at 180 you wont have loose skin. just make sure you lift so your muscles can compensate the fat loss
347. A number that will be forever burned into my brain.

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