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/fit/ - Fitness

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Achievable natty for a 5’11 guy in <2 years?
somebody on /fit/ was asking me what eating ass is like: it's like the texture of kissing someone on the mouth but the smell is like an armpit.
Rat-like lower social class physiognomy & skull shape, and junky tattoos
He’s literally the most attractive cbt user dude
Which isn't saying much
Void anon is the most attractive user that posts in cbt newfaggot. Giddy is hacked and charming but has Incel stare
Randy left
Kam is obese schizo
The 6’4 guy has shit tats
Gynonigga is black
So yea void wins
>Gyonigga has shit tats
and this idiot doesn't? Looks like a methadone recovery patient
>The 6’4 guy has shit tats
and tiny forearms+short arms

that's a <225lbs bench and weighted pull ups
his arms are small
Anyone who resembles OP pic needs to be executed immediately.
Talking about this dude btw
Relatively newfag with T. rex arms and weird ink blots
He’s very new tho
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Yes, if you figure the basics of training and nutrition out within the first years, you can achieve picrel on right in 2 years. On picrel left I had already been lifting for roundabout 6-9 months. I started at 58-60Kg

I think he looks really good. If hes 6'4 he must be wide as fuark
You look incredible no homo
Also NTA you’re responding too but based for sticking up for others and not shitting on people
He barely benches 80kg
checked, you guys are on a roll
first pic is not untrained
might even be regaining
>caring about numbers instead of the look
Strength and size are intertwined, so yeah strength somewhat matters.
Show me somebody that benches 60kg that looks big.
My stats are stagnating at the lower end of the potential of my current mass, because I am lifting like once a week. I have been focussing on recovery last year and on martial arts this year.

Thanks brah. Shitting up people on the internet isnt my style.

>not untrained
Well yeah thats why I wrote I had been lifting 6-9months before.
Brah now youre just making shit up lol. When would I have gained the mass in the first place, if I was regaining as a 16yo. lol

Dont forget that a higher bfp also correlates with strength. So looks can profit from strength or it can lose out on it. Strength is a complete shit indicator for everything else than strength. I have mad respect for people who train for and with force, but its not my style. Sometimes I feel it for a few months and up the numbers gradually, but I prefer lifting for pump desu.
t. voidbrah btw
literally the most interesting poster on /fit/
i remember you from several years ago. You got a cool apartament dude
all these asswipes crying cuz they wanna be you
no one wants to be that guy, sorry
Yeah I think you can probably get all those shitty tattoos in a weekend.
>My stats are stagnating at the lower end of the potential of my current mass
Nothing wrong with that
As a natty you're bound to the triangle of Looking big, being lean and being strong.
You can only have two.
Void looks like he does because he has good genetics, was never fat. But people on fit would say he benches 2 plates squats 3 plates and dl 4 plates for 5 reps because he is lean.
Isn’t this guy German
Powersharter spotted
Fuck off Kam
Yes, you can get even bigger than that in your first two years natty. There's literally nothing about this that requires gear.
Look how happy he used to be before arthoes ruined him
ass and asshole are not as soft as lips and it doesnt kiss you back so no
Looked up the achieves and void benches 90kg x 5 on a good day and deadlifts 100kg for reps because he doesn't have more weight at home at a height of 184cm and 77kg bodyweight
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Most good looking people are low bodyfat, lighting and angle frauding.
Why doesn't he go to a public gym? Or is this a stupid question when I see those anime thingies in the back xD =D
Dunno but I would kill myself if I had to rely on public gyms to workout.

It's so much better since there's actually good selection of equipment, my lifts suffered so fucking much when I had to workout at home gym during covid
Accurate summary.
Cock and ball torture
All people posting in cbt are massive faggots and women enabler. This shit needs to be banned
2 years if you are already kind of in shape no problem. If you are starting from nothing then it will probably take 3 or more years.
>it doesnt kiss you
It does when she's in love with you
This is achievable natty in 1 year. I almost look like this in 9 months starting from DYEL.
>t. Started weightlifting 9 months ago
>He barely benches 80kg
which is very respectable when you are not a bloatfag.
my 1rm used to be 75kg from just doing push ups and not even training them right
if he's benching consistently there's no way the bar is that low
>in <2 years?
maybe if you have an athletic background and are already in decent shape. most people won't get there in that amount of time and those that say they did will never post body.
yeah that's possible depending on where you start. If you're immensely overweight it'll be a lot harder, but if you're just a normal weight or a "skinny-fat" fag that is definitely achievable. That's like a 1/2/3/4 build. intermediate at best. 1 or 2 years is a very good time frame to hit that
It absolutely is not
A guy's ass or a girl's ass?
Nice physique but that's some of the worst ink I've seen.
lol and people say this board is shit. its full of the most entertaining faggots and autists ever.
You included lel

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