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/fit/ - Fitness

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Bulking doesn’t work for natties, it’s roids or bust
>t. poorfag
Prove it wrong (pro tip you can’t)
This is what people lacking in intelligence say after asserting a claim without providing evidence themselves.
Cico disproves your entire mindset.

The dyel mind cannot comprehend eating more, and lifting heavier
>you need SAND to build a sandcastle retard, you can’t just BUILD it out of nothing
Ok I’ll just use the amount of sand I need and that’s that
>NOOO you need to lump it on there in large chunks and then shave it down!!
No one has ever adequately explained why it has to be this way
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Don't give up.
burden of proof lies on the one making the claim
I've offered a rebuttal, you've offered no support for your own point
back to >>>/b/ if you want to troll, 2/10 bait
well if bulking your way isn't working, and this works for everyone else on the planet......
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Tubbies and Skellies HATE This ONE Simple Trick!
Who said it doesn’t work?
>Bulking doesn’t work
in the OP you illiterate nigger
>illiterate nigger
I’ll will show you the irony of your post
>bulking doesn’t work at all
>true, bulking is a wasted effort. recomp instead
>bulking (recomping) doesn’t work, bulking works
>who says recomping doesn’t work
Duhh the OP said it
Not him but bulking and cutting IS recomp
yeah it does
>fucking annihilated
you made the thread retard
I actually didn’t mean the fat burning part of recomping. Just eating the amount you need to live and repair your muscles, can’t call that bulking though
Why is the 'cord trying to push this meme all the sudden?
4/10 bait
You can because you can't predict post exercise metabolic activity with any kind of accuracy so your only real option is cover that unknown with a large enough surplus that it's not a deficit. And that assumes you at least have an accurate interpretation of how much growth can occur which is also not a constant. If you were in a lab where they could track every step and moment of fidgeting and every gram of your food was prepared for you. Maybe we could get it down -/+ 50 but you'd still have err on the plus side to actually have it do what you want. I don't think labeling and individual logging practices are up to the task with any reliability.
Then why do all the football jocks have more muscle than you
Stupid bitch
>recipe calls for 1 egg
>put in two just in case
>in case of what? The recipe only needs one
>yeah but you don’t really know if it will bind correctly with one, might as well put the extra
>he doesn't know how large the egg is
>he doesn't weigh/sift or level the flour
>he doesn't know the temp of the oven
>he doesn't have a timer
This food analogy falls flat because if you're half an egg short the cake wouldn't bake at all.
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Yeah I did it for your benefit. Your point is eating the right amount is basically bulking else because you can’t do it accurately enough. Even if that were true and you couldn’t, in theory they work differently
No you did it to try to confuse the issue or obscure your reasoning with a more simplistic system you understand better.
The reason why you don't see maingaining outside of advanced lifters who are ped heads is because they're the only ones with body that's composition and hormone profile that is constant enough to cut it that close (because they have assistance). In natrual lifters there is too many unknowns and inconsistencies to do that reliably.
>Make baseless claim to cope with life choices
>Put burden of proof on the accused
Looks like somebody forgot to work the most important muscle group: the brain
No I was just baiting for a >food analogy reply. Your argument is “yes it works BUT…”, so you already agree.
I said it can in some really tight hypothetical and controlled setting. That doesn't mean you'll be able to replicate it in reality with the kind of reliability and consistency on a long enough time line you need to see growth in the world we live in.
What's the deal with the Demirurge?

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