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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chubby Chickens who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread: >>74583982
Today I was on the treadmill for 40 minutes and supposedly burned 350 calories. Would be nice. I also lifted some weights but no idea how I'd get an idea of that.
Anyone try a fitness watch? Do the count calories burned well?
While I'm losing weight I'm not going to worry about counting exercise calories. As long as I'm within my deficit without counting activity everything else is just pure bonus.

Like today I've walked almost 7km and done a 15 minute KB AMRAP at home but I'm still almost 200 cals below my 1910 deficit without counting any of that shit.
as a rule of thumb do not count the calories burned in excercise
I write down the daily calorie burn the treadmill spits out at me but I don't account for in CICO stuff
It just feels nice to keep track of it to encourage me to keep it up every day
I'm pretty sure I'm not burning 750 calories from an hour of mild incline walking lol
I do not count calories burned into my deficit. I ate 1200 calories today so my deficit is 800~ regardless of exercise.
However I am getting closer to my goal in which I would like to count calories to gain some weight while lifting a lot more.
>Dumbells arrived
I have no idea how to use these things but time to start working out
look up exercises to avoid injury
I feel embarrssed of my ~25% body fat when I'm having sex with my fit boyfriend. I hope to lose weight in the next 6 months so I can believe that he likes me.
Some guys like their girls a little on the thicc side
Sex me instead
Does losing weight too quickly actually cause loose skin or is that cope by fatties to excuse slow weight loss?
David Goggins lost 100lbs in 3 months (Apparently) and has ZERO loose skin. He was in his early 20s when he did it, i think the truth is the longer you're over weight for and the older you are the more likely loose skin becomes. If you are young and have only been fat for a short period of time (relatively short so like 5 years) then there is a good chance your skin will bounce back. But the truth is no one really knows.
Yes, the body eats up the loose skin slowly that's why you see fatties with no loose skin issues.
I will be losing about 60lbs total. From 250 to 190 by the end.
I think there's a bit of genetics involved too, everyone's skin is different
That is the most unintelligible answer I've ever heard
I really can't say, no one can.
>But the truth is no one really knows.

if u have stretchmarks you get loose skin
You have zero proof this is true
>100 lbs
>early 20s
That's why
I have over twice that to lose and I'm 31, I really doubt taking it slow would result in no lose skin, I'm gonna have flaps no matter what. But fuck it, it'll be better than this
Same for me bro, i'm looking at losing about 150lbs myself. But i don't care what i look like, i just want to be a normal sized person again and be able to live life. The loose skin is worth the weight loss for me.
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>the first muscle definitions start to slowly show

1.83m / 84kg / 19% bf i guess
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>the last 5kg
It's a bitch to lose it. Probably going to take another month.
How can a biofem burn tit fat because they weigh almost 20lbs?
It comes naturally with the weight loss
ever seen what happens to a blown up balloon once u squeeze the air out? compared to when you don't blow it up to a huge size, simple physics

if strecthmarks weren't a thing, what would happen to the skin if it's getting blown the fuck up by all the fat
on loose skin

amount of fat, the less the better
age, younger better
how long you had the fat, shorter time better
genetics, some people have more stretch
there might be others too, like being tall being better

I don't believe in claims about some weight loss method being better than the other. It's all he says she says. Nobody ever has any believable evidence. I think lot of it is also grifters playing on people's fears(use my method so to avoid loose skin), (look at this guy he didn't do it properly he got loose skin).
So no proof then, idiot
>can't rotate a cube in your head
figured you are retarded
Is it possible to build strength and muscle while being in a -600kcal deficit?
everyone should watch me make my mini flower cakes and love it
Stretch marks happen if you gain volume fast, pregnant women get them, I got them around upper part of my bicep because of lifting.
If you get them on stomach or legs you are really pigging out. I don't think it necessarily results loose skin. It's kind of evidence of contrary, they happened because your skin wasn't able to expand fast enough, you are a fat man with skin too small for you.
Lost a solid 50 pounds and holy fuck it’s true, my dick is far more visible now, “gained” around an inch
>35kg above my goal weight
>can already walk indefinitely without breaks
If I lose another 10kg, I feel like I won't need sleep anymore, I'll just never get tired at all. How do people ever get tired if they're not fat? Are skinny normies just incredibly lazy?
>Stretch marks happen if you gain volume fast
no, they happen because your skin breaks, and body has to create more skin, pure logic, that's why the cure is to cut the skin off
>I got them around upper part of my bicep because of lifting.
different parts of body have different thresholds for stretchmarks
I think it depends on how the fat is distributed too. When I look at his fat pics I don't think his belly really protruded outwards in that distended way people with a beer belly get. Some people carry their weight very evenly and well which I would imagine gets better results when you lose it.
Nice video. Very cute
>I don't believe in claims about some weight loss method being better than the other. It's all he says she says. Nobody ever has any believable evidence. I think lot of it is also grifters playing on people's fears(use my method so to avoid loose skin), (look at this guy he didn't do it properly he got loose skin).
This is something I'm noticing lately. So much of fitness is designed to induce FOMO. Loose skin worries, newbie gains, and novel diets/training.
I'm jacking off to this
>Is it possible to build strength and muscle while being in a -600kcal deficit?
Considering that would be a 600 calorie surplus, yes. Thanks reddit. Real answer is it will depend on if you're really fat, new to training, and genetics. The fatter and newer you are, the more muscle you can grow while losing weight. Imo, the way to go is to cut from fat until skinny fat, bulk into strongfat (you'll look wayyy better than you did at similar weights previously) for like 6-8 months, then cut back down to skinny. Truth is if you've never been active, you can't cut into ottermode since you lack muscle, you just become a big belly goblin. That said, if you stick to the process you end up getting insane results over the long term.
thank you! they are really light and soft and raspberry and im trying so hard not to eat all of it
can you please not do that!
that's a lot of cake, I hope you made yourself puke after
i wanna shove that cake against your dirty asshole and scarf down that pineapple upside down cake
will i still gain muscle and get strong even if my form is bad
i had a guy showing me the ropes all week and walking me through my routine but next week i do it alone
i know my form realistically isn't going to be perfect right away but do you still get strong even with bad form?
i wanna cover your tits in flower, jizz on them so the flour cakes up and then sprinkle almond slivers on them
of course i did!
I haven't smoked in over four years now but this feels like the type of video I would have loved watching high. Nice vibe
>i know my form realistically isn't going to be perfect right away but do you still get strong even with bad form?
absolutely, but your goal is to strive for you best form. your focus now is to LEARN to train, not to train your body yet. Train for a week or two until you're doing it well then get a form check from someone experienced. Then start adding weight.
AWWW THANK YOUUU!!! :3 thats super sweet to hear
Y'all know this is a 350lbs neck beard yes?
>tfw no hyperactive Smeagol gf to make cakes with on a rainy day

Goddamn I'm lonely. Apartment feels so empty with just me in it.
>your focus now is to LEARN to train, not to train your body yet
That distinction makes actually makes for a really logical perspective for my neurotic mind, thanks Anon.
You should go to an anime convention or something
>didn't know about/eat beef liver until after going through puberty
I think I didn't develop correctly.
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Confessions: I just ate a 2,400 calorie meal. A half chicken, a whole head of broccolli, a big portion of rice, 4 chicken goujons, a small tub of hummous and a salad. Its like, all the components were healthy until I combined them all and ate enough for 4. And it was covered in hot sauce.
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Took off tomorrow so today is the last day of work for the week. Dinner soon, steak, veg, and honey cottage cheese; can't wait
Probably should. Might make that my reward when I hit all my goals. Maybe I'll even do cosplay.
No confessions so far this week, I can feel a binge coming but I'm battling it best I can
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Did you just google the word smeagol?
You should, those people know how to have fun. Play your cards right and you'll find yourself in one of the hotel room parties
Then why dont women who had kids walk around with massive deflated pouches? Have you ever seen how big their belly gets? It shrinks back 90-95% and also has stretch marks
is that gonna curse me or something
I just stress binged, mostly chocolate
please send mental aid, anons
please open a book anon, PLEASE
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He's just embarrassed because you didn't get the reference and it's a Pokemon
Or watch one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time.
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>only lost about 8lbs since april
>measurements way down
feels good
BRUH put some spaces between the dates
>zoomer doesn't know lotr
I'll forgive you if you make me one of those cakes.
I bought the cheetos
I ate the cheetos
I have 2 more bags of cheetos
just had chinese food after a good weigh in
special fried rice and a half dozen chicken balls with some sweet and sour sauce
probably shouldve skipped the ration of sauce because I shudder to imagine the calories of it
Why did you buy three bags???
>He's just embarrassed because you didn't get the reference and it's a Pokemon
Thats a fucking smeargle dude. Jesus fucking christ. If you called that a smeagol to me irl I'd fucking curb stomp you.
>i hate the vibe of those movies
I'm going to pour cake batter into your eyes you aye-aye looking whore.
Lol my bad
Does anybody else think obese parents shouldn't be allowed to have kids until they lose the weight? I say this as person with morbidly obese parents, one of whom I love. But really I think it drastically increases the chance of the kid being fat too.
Did you guys ever calculate what your old daily binge habits amounted to?
Mine were around 5500 calories
thank you
wtf why do you look like that lmao
Don't be rude but the answer is bulimia
Don't know if strictly fat-loss related, but I'm a fat fuck trying to improve.
I got a fancy new smartwatch that reads my BPM throughout the day, I know those are not 100% accurate medical tech, but for BPM they're not too off.
Is it normal to have like a big amplitude in BPM? My resting BPM is at 70 but on days I go to the gym it can go up to like 150, and when I sleep goes to like 55.
Am I going to die? I know having a low resting bpm is good, but I'm scared it swings so much
Not really a daily binge but sometimes after a hard week I would treat myself to a bag of Chex Mix and two tallboys of Sapporo. I usually only ate half to 3/4ths of the bag of Chex Mix though. So at most it would be an 1180 calorie sesh, honestly not as crazy as I was expecting it to be
In a sitting I was able to do 2380 calories in a McDonalds meal based on the calculator on their website. Total In a day I think I was able to do somewhere between 3500-4000 calories with the rest of the calories being in lunch or breakfast. Not my proudest thing to say...
didnt know bulimia causes bug eye head syndrome lmao
i just want to beat her up because of the way she looks lol
I'm curious what that girl's story is. She seems to live in a nice house, clean, with both of her parents and has a relationship with her father too. An otherwise good foundation but she somehow became this alt girl (real) with an ED that posts on 4chan
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I cracked the code. All you need to do is sleep in a shitbox that heats up at night so you spend all nighters failing to sleep.
As a bonus, if you keep it up your heart will give out and you get to leave this cursed world.
That lemon buttercream sounded like heaven, have you tried other citrus? Bet orange would be a hit.
Just as long as it gets me some of age, alive, consenting and non related strange.
I didn't want to pay for delivery of a dumbbell so I ordered it to the store. I ended up bringing it home by carrying it and using a bus. The box it came in was awkward to carry at the weight. It was an absolute nightmare to carry this big 25 kg box for a kilometer. The only way I could hold it was to hold my arms underneath.
I was so sore in that same evening that I developed a high fever and fell ill.
I wish I had had it delivered or that I had taken it out of the box and just carried it in my hand.
bug eye
Finally free, time to cook dinner
how the hell am i supposed to answer that then. i dont know i just popped out like this. sorry for the inconvenience
You have made it! How far is your goal?
Yes. They are lacy.
i want to punch you in the face just because you look like that
but its fine ill accept your apology for now
Is it normal for the muscle soreness to hit like a truck after your first ever week lifting? I'm 30+. Not in pain as such but my arms and upper body feel heavy af, like still weighted. Never lifted before now.
makes me feel better and happier for punching some bug eye whore
even better when you start crying
it would make you think long and hard about what you're doing to yourself
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these are my only temptation
>Is it normal for the muscle soreness to hit like a truck after your first ever week lifting?
Yes. Muscle soreness is linked to novelty. Usually in the form of new exercises or a higher level of intensity than usual. It'll become rarer as you train longer.
I can never buy chips again they're too fucking good
quest chips are amazing
Running has been going so well that I am going to time my mile on the track on Saturday
Im psyched
>lemon pepper chips
Sounds gross dawg
thats awesome. i've only started enjoying lifting recently myself. go get those lap times down!
As I suspected, 2.5g of honey per 1/4 cup of cottage cheese is the perfect ratio
the only soft thing you will feel is your gums after your teeth fall off from your puke infection whore
For me it's a little bit of egg and then a little bit of plain cottage cheese
Sigh they're doing it again
You mix those two together? How's that work?
I eat them side by side switching between the two, with some of the yolk running into the cottage cheese (also hot sauce from the eggs)
What? Cottage cheese is way better keeping it savory I never got the sweetness thing it's not yogurt
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>on the treadmill at the gym
>ad comes on the TV
>ive seen this ad before but for some reason this time it makes me physically sick
>something about someone who is that size covering up their stink with spray deodorant im sure
>i now associate dove products with metabolic syndrome
>Contrary to most itt, I do actually eat back part of the exercise calories.
I do as well. I find that eating half the calories I burned makes me feel great. It actually gets my calories higher for the day. Im a physical workhorse, but my hunger is my weakpoint and this helps address that.
Cute desu
The other day I saw a commercial on the gym tv of a giant fat black lady getting in a car wreck, for car insurance or something

They're really pushing the giant fat black ladies lately
Cheat foods only cheat you
There is no such thing as a cheat food as long as your calories stay in a deficit
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>Cheat foods only cheat you
look at the macros. they fit perfectly into a weight loss diet. they also get you into the mindset of eating healthy foods when you need a snack.
Third here, I actually need to exercise in order to make 1200 cals a 1000 cal deficit. It’s a great motivator to get me exercising a ton because I need to burn at least 300 actively every day. Love me Apple Watch
Of all the demographics I have no idea why they would want to push that one
I wonder if there's some kind of arousal to be had forcing people to look at ugly things as if they arent ugly.
Maybe not even ugly but sick. These people are ill and its physically apparent.
NTA but that’s actually impressive. And these tastes good? Not that I have room for snacks in my calories anyway
That's really not that bad
I guess quest chips are a lot better than the quest bars
Not to mention how processes they are
And by that i meant the quest bars would be bad enough on their own due to how much bullshit they put in them to keep them shelf stable
>stevia in chips
We as a nation need to stop with making everything sweet
>NTA but that’s actually impressive. And these tastes good? Not that I have room for snacks in my calories anyway
The tortilla ones taste pretty good. The catch is the price. When I diet I basically use them as my protein shakes since the macros are similar, the actually help fill me up since its food not a drink, and you get a psych boost from eating something in the form of a chip.

>Not to mention how processes they are
That's fair. They're not exactly a staple part of my lifestyle. I just eat them when I diet and lets keep it real. Its far less unhealthy than what we were eating previously. We can take steps to improve over time and I think moving to a healthier processed snack during a diet is a good intermediate step.
A serving size bag of Fritos corn chips or Lays potato chips is 160 calories, this is not a diet food lmao it's just protein heavy which psyops you into thinking you're doing something good

I guess if you struggle to get enough protein because you're only eating chips, yeah sure
After consistently losing 4 pounds a week since mid April, my weight hasn't gone down even a tenth of a pound since Saturday.
Plateau or water weight. Be patient.
worked for me
I suppose it is mostly a mental game in the end, if it resets how you behave with a bag of chips then it works, plus making it harder to binge that much protein
I tend to shock my system with one brief uptick in intake followed by a single day fast and this goes away.
It's probably bullshit superstition. I don't understand the body.
done with a period of maintaining, time to cut some weight again
you are in enough of a deficit to lose water weight and glycogen quickly but not enough to now lose actual fat
let me guess, low carb diet?
>I suppose it is mostly a mental game in the end, if it resets how you behave with a bag of chips then it works, plus making it harder to binge that much protein
Definitely a big part of it is the mental benefits of eating chips during a cut. It made me less stressed out. I also like that it contributes to my protein macros for the day. Dieting is really really hard, so I figured the more psychological tricks I could employ to get it finished, the better. If anything the novelty of trying some new "diet" food every week or two kept things fresh and kept my mind off binging real junk food. Halo top ice cream is a nother big one for me.
>fuck off diet and eat a ton of junk for 2 days
>gain like 10lbs
>today back to normal diet and exercise
>already lost 5
Been pissing like crazy. I’m never doing that again. I didn’t even enjoy the food. I’ve gotten to the point I just see food as fuel I don’t even find pleasure in that shit anymore.

Anyways, how do you all feel about ERG/Rowing machines? I walk every day for about an hour. I wanna speed my cut up. Can I row for 20 minutes every day in addition to my walks? Form isn’t the best and without a coach I doubt I’ll ever have great rowing form. I only wanna row until I get to 220lbs then switch to running. So it would be rowing for like 4-5 months. Idk that I would do it every day but probably 3-4 days a week.

Also how do I get over the anxiety of being the fat retard walking outside? I’ve been going at 4am. I want to do a second walk before bed. Excluding any rowing if I walked for a second hour I would be losing like 6-7lbs a day right now (fat as fuck, eating very low cals).
Rowing is based. It’s like running for your arms, back, and little bit of your legs. Great workout when I sprained my ankle
I’m trying to avoid messing my knees up worse than they are. Learned from past mistakes when I went balls to the wall to lose 100lbs in a year 10 years ago. Still going balls to the wall via diet and overall activity but I’m not full blown sprinting for a mile straight while being a fat fuck. Not running at all until I’m 220lbs. Rowing would be a good addition I think, I just don’t know how often I can do it. It would potentially take me from 280 to like 245 in 2 months. I’m not worried about how fast I’m going got deadlines
Yeah I know. 6 months of consistent weight loss and I just had a bout of sadness and went and bought fucking cheetos, I don't even like cheetos that much, it's so fucking weird.
>>Anyways, how do you all feel about ERG/Rowing machines? I walk every day for about an hour. I wanna speed my cut up. Can I row for 20 minutes every day in addition to my walks? Form isn’t the best and without a coach I doubt I’ll ever have great rowing form. I only wanna row until I get to 220lbs then switch to running. So it would be rowing for like 4-5 months. Idk that I would do it every day but probably 3-4 days a week.
Every time I've tried to intensify the cardio, I fall off the wagon diet or cardio wise. There's a reason walking is recommended. That said, since you know that now. You can just try rowing and if you get tired of it, just shift back to walking for a while.
>Yeah I know. 6 months of consistent weight loss and I just had a bout of sadness and went and bought fucking cheetos, I don't even like cheetos that much, it's so fucking weird.
Treat it as an opportunity to learn snack portioning. You have two bags left. Portion out 100-150 calories of them per day to enjoy.
it's primarily your legs
This is actually a great fucking point. I can definitely see myself ruining everything doing too much at once. Becoming actually ravenous and hitting that tired headspace where I’ll have food in the fridge but end up eating a pizza or some shit anyways then hating myself. Fuck that. I’ll try just one day a week for now. But use this as motivation to get over my hang ups of being the fatty walking in daylight, I’ll do my second walk
>But use this as motivation to get over my hang ups of being the fatty walking in daylight, I’ll do my second walk
fwiw i always get very hype when i see fat people walking or in the gym
Boredom really is the enemy
Goggins had/has stretch marks
I lost and kept off 60lbs when I was a teenager. I'm in my mid 20s now and have some loose skin but only if I pinch it or bend over.
Anyone else hit their "target" weight to only realize you still need to lose another 10-15lbs to actually be as lean as you thought you'd be?
>Anyone else hit their "target" weight to only realize you still need to lose another 10-15lbs to actually be as lean as you thought you'd be?
This is super common, but be careful. When your muscle mass is low, its pretty much impossible to get lean. You end up just looking a weird kind of sickly skinnyfat. No amount of cutting can make a fat man into Zyzz, they'll need to bit the bullet at some point and bulk. You may actually need to maintain for a bit then bulk. If you want to post a picture I can give my thoughts. Otherwise give me your weight and height and I'll try to help.
That's gonna be me
Tentatively setting 200 for now but I'm coming down from 410
Hell, that might actually be reasonable now that I think about it again, recently saw a clip of a dude that came down from 500 lbs and his loose skin amounted to 30 lbs of weight total

Different question for me I guess, looking good isn't in my cards just being healthy and feeling good
You okay anon? That's quite underweight for most women
Milk is so good.
>decent protein amount
>tastes good
Goggins was 28 actually. He says what he did was develop a crazy routine where almost every day he would do shit like bench and barbell row with a very light weight and span hundreds of reps “in order to keep the skin tight”.
I have not been able to find ANYTHING about this logic or whether it truly works or was just chance. I’m currently doing something similar trying to turbo cut 100lbs so I can join the navy (not seals) with a fucked up broken body at 28 too, and I worry immensely about loose skin. I’m in a rush. I fucked up, I already lost over 100lbs when I was 17 and miraculously had no loose skin. I did that fast, I went from 300 to 165ish in a year. But I was 17 and I think I even grew a few inches taller at the same time. Now I’m fat again almost 30 and I already abused my body and skin one time doing this. Idk if I’ll pull it off again, come out unscathed without loose skin.
I'm almost at the halfway point of my weight loss. I'm thinking that when I reach normal BMI that I will go on a keto diet for a month or two. Right now I'm just doing regular CICO.
What do you guys think?
Yeah sort of. I don't think I can cut much more weight. I'm lifting and trying to keep calories around maintenance.
Ever since I started dieting I’ve begun to associate feeling full with being fat.

All I’ve had today is a burger that was 600 calories at most and this feeling makes me feel bad.

I think I’m developing an eating disorder.
sounds retarded
Why? I get to experience meeting the first goal and then a quick reduction in weight on top of that. Sounds like a great combination.
>Why? I get to experience meeting the first goal and then a quick reduction in weight on top of that. Sounds like a great combination.
Id go with what got you the win. Hell, I'd actually go on maintenance for like a month or two instead. Why not experiment with your training instead?
I've been doing OMAD since monday and I'm at the end of my rope here, today I had to eat half an hour earlier than programmed and just swallowed all my food in 10 minutes.
I'm doing clean OMAD by the way, today I had
>green leafy veg
>cherry tomatoes
>pickled red cabbage
>some chopped onions
>half avocado
>100g prawn
>6 chicken drumsticks
previous days have been similar, should I be eating more or even dirtier for my OMAD?
also some feta, like 50g or so
>previous days have been similar, should I be eating more or even dirtier for my OMAD?
why not just eat a chicken breast or two at the end of the day? Youll be less hungry than if you just dirtied up your omad.
feeling full is an indicator that you're overeating, you are weaning off your eating disorder
normal people don't eat until they feel "full" they eat a normal plate and then no longer feel hungry until their next meal, this is how it's supposed to work
if they ever felt full they'd think the same as you did, that they ate too much
The new girl at the coffee shop smiled and remembered what I order. I think im starting to make it.
Yes. I got to my target weight and look ok, but know i need to lose another 10lbs to finish the job. Ive actually gone off diet for a bit and focusing on trying to get fitter and stronger for a while. Ill continue to monitor weight and start round two of weightloss when I feel the time is right, maybe a couple of months
>Sprained ankle
Ive been too scared to try and run again since doing mine. Started using the elliptical and its kinda based.
All I had was a homemade burger tho
Anorexia is strongly comorbid with autism
That is what is wrong with her. she has aspergers. Bet her mom didnt take folate when she was pregnant
There is no girl with anorexia or aspergers fucking retards, there hasn't been a timestamped post with body. You're being catfished by a fat schizo who's posting someone else's photos.
literally 0 of that is true. no idea where u got this bullshit from
R U RETARDED LIKE ACTUALLY. my youtube vids like are living proof
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is this you?
yes, unfortunately. you should try fasting for 152 days like i have
Post body with timestamp, it's that simple.
You don't have a phone with camera? don't you have a pen?
You are a pathetic schizo. I wish the con would end soon but the way these pathetic fat retards shower you with attention I can't blame you for continuing with this farce, it's just too easy.
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Now let's all just sit and wait for that picture of body with timestamp.
Spoiler: not happening.
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tried to put on my cosplay today and it still doesnt really fit only have 20 days left till the con so im trying to walk as much as i can im up to 3 hours today and gonna try to keep it up everyday until the con while continuing to eat next to nothing wish me luck
She is retarded so she might take the bait bro
literally do not care. not posting that. think what u want, loser
5 amino 1MQ
It's no bait, it's ancient knowledge.
People just assume the "tits or gtfo" thing from /b/ is just a meme, but it's defenses against these schizos. They can't post a picture of tits because they don't have access to those pics, the original person didn't post them.
I'm not even asking for tits, which is reasonable not to post, just a simple text on a piece of paper. There is absolutely no reason not to post that.
We've called her tranny and retard for months. She wont leave because she likes it. She likes older men
He likes the attention.
Ok maybe she's a schizette whatever, but not the girl in the pictures, she's fat. And not in a way that "the anorexic girl in the pictures in fat" but in the sense that a fat woman who has never posted body is posting the photos of some other anorexic girl.
She picked an ugly "model" then. There was a video with her face which revelaed she has FAS
I am now convinced that you are the same schizo trying to bait me into degrading you/the girl in the video. I can see your mental illness through your posts. Get help, seriously.
i have a boyfriend and do not want to post photos
explain youtube then
wait do you think ‘the anorexic girl in pictures’ is fat????
genuinely really hurt to read x_x
why does everyone think that everyone is pretending to be someone else
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Fatty Contest

I hate plateaus I hate plateaus I hate plateaus I hate plateaus WHY does the scale not go DOWN when I eat LESS??? Is it broken?? Am I retarded???

Turbo retard is forgetting to reply to the post number he's referring to again. Dumbass thinks this is reddit and his browser knows which posts to quote!
Post body with timestamp, simple as.
>no photos
>yes videos
Solid logic, truly believable. Those are not your videos.

I'm not giving away (You)s fucking newfag. Here's one >>74595424 hope you can sleep happy now.
I miss cabin schizo it’s way better than this faggotry occurring
im happy i lost the weight that i did so far im glad im not a total disgusting blob but aaa was really wishing i could make more progress
why would i say that about myself and open field for people to call me ugly
Because that's literally why you are posting, schizo. Post screenshot without the (You)s. Post body with timestamp.
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>Broke my 2 month long plateau
I know the feeling too well. I’ve noticed that the weeks where I walk 5 miles a day I lose wayy more than normal, but that’s not always feasible bc of laziness. I also have a summer job luckily that involves me just walking around.

Anyways I’m sure that you’ll look very cute in your cosplay soon, just gotta stick with it. The dopamine hit of hitting a new tenth(180 -> 170) feels very satisfying, and has kept me going
yea 100% i was 179 on last weigh in so im excited and scared to see what number comes on the scale tomorrow morning
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Blessed be ye scale!
Just ate 2 scoops of ice cream and a cola..
It was at least a diet soda, right?
I only drink pure fructose slop..
Threadly reminder that WAGMI
>Murica and Aussie hours come around
>Nothing but endless shitposting
>Euro hours comes around
>Civilised respectful discussion
I wonder why
>weekend outing with coworkers
>lots of alcohol and barbeque
>gain two kilo, couldn't get enough sleep
It's over
Define euro hours
Binged on 40g of almonds
>navy method days I am 17% bf while being 25 BMI
Did I recomp a lot from manual work and lifting?
Brow almonds are really high in cyanide. You shouldn't eat a lot of them.
>DOMS from push and pull days
>leg day today
>terrified of weakness in my arms causing me to fuck up exercises
bros i don't want it to end like this
MIght go try on some garmins tomorrow morning. I always having trouble finding something that fits my wrist without getting in the way of lifting, especially bench.
>Becoming a schizo about how much I'm losing
>Unhappy of its less than I want
How do I fix this, scale go down was suppose to make me happy but I get annoyed it hasn't gone down enough.
Starting again. Last time I tried losing weight I did a complete 180 from slop to all the healthy meme foods and my digestion went berserk and I was just blocked up for weeks. Now Im slowly introducing healthier foods, and plan to do more and more each week. Meat, fish, sweet potato and broccoli will be the staples of my day by the time im up to full speed. Goal weight by years end bros
I do the same thing to the point I wasn't even happy when I dropped below 300lbs after spending close to 12 years at 300+.

I've come to the conclusion of living in the now, sure it's nice to set goals but I'd sooner just keep doing what I'm doing and check my weight once a week and as long as its less than last week it'll do.

I wanted to be 285 by the start of August initially, now I don't care and will just grind until I look better in the mirror.
entered a level of fire fatigue where humans look kinda yummy
*diet fatigue
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Finally broke past 140!!! Yes!!! I was so close to saying screw it and having a maintenance day yesterday but I’m glad I soldiered through it!!!
Aiming for 135 next!!!
Fatty Contest

I just keep moving forward.
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Made it 20 lbs down bros. Took me longer than I wanted but happy with it
gratz anon
The one thing I dislike about dropping weight is now that I'm 65lbs down I'm starting to get random boners. I don't really need to be getting bricked up at work body thanks.
Dieting has been relatively easy so far, lost my first 15 pounds, but how the fuck am I supposed to keep this up for 10+ months?
does anyone have any recipes for long term success?
which app is that?
autism helps. Just imagine yourself as the anime protagonist in the training montage or some bullshit like that. You need to invoke your thinner self
Try a lot of different things and figure out what you enjoy. If you're suffering the entire time then you'll just go back to old habits.
I’m just here from the cbt bulimia girl post. Show more tits you fucking whore.
Post the original
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How to survive the weekend? I can easily maintain my diet during the week because my job keeps me in check, but I have to spend the whole weekend with myself, and that guy hates me and wants me to keep ballooning forever. How do I keep him in check?
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Going to a convention and meeting with freinds today so had slop for breakfast. Purely just so I can be sure to meet my protein goals while still having a reasonable amount of calories to work with later (about 900 now)

Thank you

Fitindex, it's the proprietary app for my smart scale by a company of the same name
Do you cook your own meals? Do you keep junk food around the house?
Congrats anon
Yes I cook my own meals and no, I only keep healthy food in the house.
I've been toying with the idea of getting one of what used to be my usual junk takeouts as a treat and "to see how far I've come" and prove myself I couldn't go back to eating like that.
I know this is the purest form of fatty cope, I have successfully convinced myself not to do this shit for the past couple of weekends and I feel great every time I win and end up eating healthy, but I still get anxious and I'm afraid one of this day the fatass me is going to win.
Occupy your free time with a hobby that won't sabotage your progress. When I get bored I'm counting the minutes until my next meal. When I'm occupied, I don't notice the time passing.
Add me on snap. I’m jacked and not fat.

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>i never showed my tits
i can just look at my man-boobs in the mirror
I ate too much...
Today there shall be no deficit :(((
But at least eating a lot cleared out my bowels. I actually don't remember the last time I had a bowl movement (except today).
When I get really in the mood for takeout I just make a healthier version of it at home and my cravings magically disappear.
Lmao fucking loser
lindon? more like london




If im not hungry I make chicken
If I want something that actually tastes edible i boil eggs.
4 eggs and I don't feel like eating anything anymore
That sounds miserable bro. Make some food that both tastes good and fits your macros. This guy has some great recipes https://www.youtube.com/@Felu
Idk I like it.
I didn't like what my mother made back home. So i ate the bare minimum but because it was so deficient in protein I kept swinging between skinnyfat low and skinnyfat high. I fucking love eggs actually. I like chicken too, but I can't cook it well. Ill check that channel out
I'll ch
I've lost 20lbs and my wife hasnt noticed at all. I'm getting very resentful.
Yeah I know what you mean. At one point I was eating nothing but lowfat greek yogurt and tuna, and I loved it. Still, that mindset didn't last forever, so I try to find a middle ground.
Where do I find a girl like this
What a chad
I added you

This post isn’t me btw >>74597100
Ask her if she notices anything different.
You have to commit isekai. Don't do the carbon monoxide method, it sends you to gensokyo, which is a different universe.
I like this world though
It's another episode of I eat so much on my refeed I get afraid of whether or not I'll have lost weight my next weigh in.
Post ring on hand or it didn't happen.
what's your CW? it took me a lot of weight loss for it to really show. I'm down from 340->250 and have somehow only lost 2 pant sizes.

My whole friday schedule is in shambles. I normally take an early lunch break at work and work out early in the AM. But today my cleaner re-scheduled for 10:30am and then my afternoon is full of meetings. I don't want to postpone the workout because I am trying to will myself to go on another 10 mile hike tomorrow.

I somehow lost 4.4lbs this week at least. not sure if GMI
For sure going slower will help. The fat will act like a framework to hold up the skin. Its not a one or other but many cope about it because they get their guts sliced up and have no choice but to lose quickly. Many gymcels also think they can undo years of unhealthy life with 3 months of super dedication and suffering because slow and steady is the harder, healthier way.

Rapid lose can also destroy some of your organs . I will have some skin for sure but when I drop weight my skin gets worse then tightens up over a few months. Im 31 and lost 40kg just about in 14 months. Covered in stretch marks.
I ate a quest bar on a road trip at midnight. Really regretting that 200 calorie hit. Took away my breakfast.
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>started drinking liquor again because work is about to make me kms
>now eating more because drunk hunger
I'm at a lowpoint
>drinking liquor because work is about to make me kms
>work is hard, so I'll drink because that will make it easier
Alcoholics are a special brand of stupid.
I don't deny I'm stupid, Anon.
Take the soberpill
What are you going to do differently to make sure this doesn't happen again?
it was more verbal
I should just pour out the rest of this bottle. It's just going to lead me to getting fatter
can you create a tripcode so I can filter you more effectively?
we're living in a post council of Trent world honey, if you don't have a ring and the priest didn't announce your engagement then you're not engaged, you're just a ho
Should? Or will?

I told myself that I should pour out the bottle hundreds of times. It wasn't until I actually did that I realized I was ready for change.
I have no way of knowing your exact struggles or circumstances, but I believe it's best to tackle problems with a sober mind. Try to learn from issues that arise and think of ways to lighten the impact they have on you. You may come to find that we tend to suffer more in our minds than in reality.
>the person behind the "binging AGAIN because bf isnt here to distract me and i dont exist without his control" is calling someone a baby
kill yourself already, let your boyfriend find someone he can actually count on instead of someone with no accountability
I swear he'll get over you really quickly
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Hey fellow fat losers! I have a recommendation:
Make a free account on nutritionix. It has helped me a ton to plan out my week's meals and change each day slightly to keep them fresh but still under calories and hitting macro goals. Its food database contains most of the branded and regular foods so I don't have to constantly remember those numbers on my own and does all the math for me. It also logs weight, exercise and water intake. Ever since I started using it I've seen a nice improvement on the scale since I was more accurate on what I was eating and planned out better in advance.
Suck my dick, bitch. Stay fat if you want.
Yeah this is definitely just some fatass guy larping.

>won’t post timestamp
>won’t post ring but is “engaged”

Fuck off fatty
Fuck yeah dude that’s pretty similar parameters to what I’m doing, where/when did you start and where are you now if you don’t mind my asking?
we just plan to get married in the future, its not some retarded basic ‘will u marry me’ crying thing. we like to call eachother fiancé
For as long as men tolerate you, you can continue to be the parasite that you are. Yet patience runs out and the clock is ticking. Soon enough, you will be an aged infant with no agency, and there will be nothing left to love about you once your youth is gone too. You are degenerating and coping about it. Anyone that can look you in the face judges you for it, so you come to anonymous imageboards and because you are still desperate for attention you use every post to remind everyone that you are a girl, worthy of attention with no effort on your part, except the only ones that give it to you are coomers with no better choice. But that's not enough, you want more attention but are too committed to never doing anything difficult in your life, so you eat and puke thinking you are gaming the system. Everyone who looks at you tells you how much uglier you've become, but you are still deluding yourself that you can eat like a pig and remain good looking. Act like a child. Think you can get away with it. I don't need to be a prophet to see your future.
48h post upper body and the DOMs hurts like a motherfucker. Christ man. How do people cope with this shit. Still pissing clear.
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>and he loves me too
I actually like DOMS. Makes me feel like I accomplished something. Feels good when I stretch with DOMS, it's cathartic almost.
Make sure you are eating a ton of protein, at least ~65% of your calories should be protein. Also go get a massage, it'll make you feel better.
Fair play but man this is the kind where even lifting a cup to my mouth or holding my phone lying down in bed causes pain. Tbf I never lifted before and I'm a pussy.
It kinda sucks when you get so conditioned that you don't get DOMS anymore. Your muscles still grow, but you don't get that feedback and you miss it.
Holy larping

Reminder to everyone that there is no anorexic or bulimic girl posting on /fat/, it's a catfishing fat schizo. I could easily be proven wrong with a photo with timestamp, that that's not happening because this is a scam designed to get (You)s (and some particularly stupid thirsty guy posted his snap LMAO)
Fatty Contest

wtf why am i up 2 pounds from last week i hate everything
Fuck. I manage to clear my plate a bit. Walk to the gym, and homie is barefoot bench pressing 70lbs in the squat rack. No time to wait so I walked back home and am going to have to try again later
You are pretending that youtube channel is yours the same way you do the pictures.

Again, phone, piece of paper, body, it's THAT simple, yet impossible for a catfish.
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It feels so good to know you're going to succeed before you even reach the finish line. I think I'm closing in on two months of rolling 48s. 111kg to 101kg. I want to reach 65kg before growing back to 70kg. Fastchads, WAGMI.

I made this, please give me feedback
ur really stupid bc if i did a timestamp id do like half of my face to show its me from yt but its obvious u dont actually give a shit
guys rate my slime video https://youtu.be/dosCAz45my0?si=wln2HICjf3BHIHCz
ur so talented! :D
ur all fat retards, i'm never posting here again!
get a life u losers!
Suddenly, the thread stinks less. Some very disgusting creature must have left.
The ketoschizo has finally died of terminal autism, or maybe it's him now pretending to be multiple girls in this general.
I honestly preferred him talking about keto, at least that's nutrition related.
For context I live and work in a very small remote village ~1800km away from my friends and family (5.9milliom subway sandwiches for the Americans) and my family is asking me to come visit them at the end of July.
Am I being incredibly selfish by not wanting to go home to visit until I make more progress in my weight loss? I was hoping to wait until September to go visit when I feel like I actually have something to show for my hard work but when you start at 260 nobody is going to give a shit about 20-25lbs down. I just don’t feel ready to let people see me again so soon. What do /fit/?
Might as well go and show your fat self again, then next time you visit which might be a long time from now you'll have lost a lot of weight, assuming you continue with your plan.
no, fuck ketoschizo(s), I haven't been here for a couple of years after I made it and decided to pop in out of nostalgia, there was a ketoschizo baiter even 4 years ago(perhaps the same guy, who knows), it shitted up every thread because of how /fat/ works
>people make it and go away
>people fail and stop coming here out of shame
>you have a constant influx of new people that want to lose weight
regulars ignored him which was effective but there was always someone new to fall for the bait and shit up the thread
Do what you want but your reasoning for not wanting to go doesn't make too much sense.

They know you were a fatass, and you are still a fatass, the fact that you'll eventually stop being one (if you continue working out) doesn't change any of those facts.

If you decide to go and want to avoid any unnecessary conflict, just don't mention you're trying to/losing weight at all unless you want to be bombarded with useless advice and stupid comments in general, just act like you would have acted last year.
If it's that bad, take some painkillers man
Just to elaborate on this, because you sound so autistic and may not know how to react to a compliment or dealing with people pointing out your weight, if someone does notice that you've lost weight just feign ignorance.
>Hey anon, you've lost some weight haven't you?
>haha, thanks? not sure really...
then change the topic
In September when they see you again you can take the compliment with more confidence
>Hey anon, you've lost some weight haven't you?
>Yeah, thank you.
That’s fucking retarded
kill yourself attention whore
You are a very insecure person
250.0 lb
binge on pickles and raw carrots
I stopped myself and made porkchops instead
fuckin pickles have saved me more than I'd like to admit lmao
New thread:

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