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/fit/ - Fitness

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chubby Chickens who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest:https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Readhttps://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage:https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE:https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss:https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky:https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks:https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki:https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous thread:>>74592427
>tfw raped by calories again
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Weighed at 244.2 today.
Walking seems to be working.
I want to buy a cemita from a Mexican place. Realistically it wouldn't kill me since I've only had 400 calories today at its max like 1500.
I've been really strict with my diet of stating 1300 calories a day. Usually end up with 100 calories left.
Idk bros. Not sure why I'm craving it so much other than it tastes good.
bro congrats on the progress. I'm at 222 from 247 in March. What do you do to get so much walking in during the middle of the day? Im in an office setting and cant walk all that often until after work is done. wagmi
Is it fine to eat less calories then my BMR if im eating enough protein and vegtebales
I don't think that one day of maintenance every now and then is a bad thing.
I work an office job too but WFH Fridays. I I've been walking 3-4 miles before work and some after on days I'm in the office. Vacation next week so I'll probably walk all days it's not raining. Definitely getting easier the more my body gets used to it.
I'm still finding it crazy that I'm satiated and not hungry on 1700 C a day when I used to be eating around 4-5k
Turns out all I had to do was be mindful and care
Fatty Contest
363.8 lbs
Now that you mention it, "Gavage" would have been a great name for me to use the fatty contest
fatty contest
Walkers in the thread
Do you struggle with your legs always feeling fatigued? Once I get moving I feel better but especially in the morning my legs feel weak. Not muscle soreness, just like they weigh an extra 20lbs each.
Are you eating or drinking before walking or no?
How much of a deficit are you on?
They used to feel fatigued in the first 15 minutes of walking but would warm up and be fine for the rest of the hour, doesn't happen anymore
>t. big fat fuck, 335 down from 410
Sometimes I'll eat dinner before a walk and sometimes not. Depends how hungry I am after work.
I'm running about a 1000 calorie deficit, give or take.
Yeah the problem isn't while I'm walking. I feel fine once I get moving. I walk every day at least 3-5 miles, I'm not really pushing myself that hard. Just wondering if its a fatigue or a general weight thing.
Yo bros, what's the fastest way to burn body fat? I've been strength training but i dont mind losing some muscle mass and strength in the proccess of decreasing the most amount of body fat in the shortest time period. I've been thinking of OMAD, and i know i can manage it for the time period that i'm thinking of cutting (about 1 to 3 weeks). What are your thoughts?
You said it's worse in the morning though. Are you eating before those walks?

I'm not really getting fatigued like how you describe. Makes me think you should check in with a doctor. I wrote a lot of my past fatigue as being caused by my weight but I was actually dealing with an underlying medical issue ontop of being a fatty.
Fastest way (without frauding) is same as any other way, eat less, workout more.

calculate your tdee, it would be usually somewhere between 1700-2000, this is the energy you spend on daily activities, this is the maximum you can burn if you literally eat nothing and don't do exercise.
3500 calories is ~1lb of fat
1700-2000 x 7 days a week = 11900-14000 calories a week if you cut them all this is 3.4-4.0 lbs of fat a week, again, this is if you don't do exercise, do not eat anything, and you only burn fat, take it as a theoretical maximum without exercise.
If you do a 500 cal daily deficit that's 3500 a week, or 1 lb a week, this is very easy to do. So anywhere between 1 and 4lbs of fat per week. You can burn more if you will exercise, but then again you also probably will eat.
If you want to keep muscle, people say eat lots of protein and do strength training, but that's not as clear cut and might be opinion territory, sounds reasonable enough to me.
total fasting + 3 hour walk
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I forgot to take my steak out of the freezer last night, so today I had to order a large pizza and fries.
>so I had to order a large pizza and fries.
no you didn't you fucking fatass, don't you have a microwave? can't order something healthy for takeout? can't go a single night of fasting?
stop self-sabotaging bro, what the fuck are you doing
>I had to order a large pizza and fries.
No you didnt, you could've ordered something healthy. You had a fall today but dont delude yourself
keep some emergency supplies for cases like this, a single can of tuna would have saved you
there's 0% chance you absolutely had nothing to eat at home
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>the fastest way to burn body fat
2,4-dinitrophenol aka DNP. It works by increasing your metabolism and body temperature to burn off up to 1 pound of fat per day. I have mine ready, I'm finishing all prep (I should be done this weekend) and I'm going to try it out on Monday for about a week or as long as weather permits.
i struggle with my feet, i supose being a lazy fattie made my feet weak, and now, i have calluses all over my soles. Any tip?? it hurts sometimes when i want to walk
Thanks for the replies
>2000 tdee
More like 3500 last i checked. But that's good because it'll be easier to just not eat so much. I'll just do OMAD i think and eat a lot of protein in that meal and continue to train like you said, i think that'll do it
For me it's always having a couple shitty ~300 frozen slop meals on hand
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You trynna blow me up dawg? But honestly i'm not looking to take anything that could compromise my health, just looking to manipulate my diet and training to burn fat
I got this tip from my mom when she was pregnant and had bad heel calluses, "Epoch Sole Solution" is crazy good at softening up hard cracked feet, way better than other lotions I've tried
In general wear thick socks on walks and buy new ones if you wear a hole in them, if you get a full on blister take it easy for a couple days
I am going to the restaurant with my family today, and I am going to eat a reasonable amount. I am NOT going to overeat, even if the food is free goddamnit.
You got this bro
drink water, do not drink calories
most importantly, enjoy!
Down to 196 after starting at 245 on May 8th
dropped 50 pounds in under 2 months but I have 50 more to go to reach my goal
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I had a thread up with picrel about a month ago. Since then I sourced my DNP from the dark web and I'm about to finish my prep (got a mattress protector, throwaway bed sheets, thermometer, just need to get a fan).
The debate in the thread convinced me to push back my main cycle into September when the weather is cold but I'm going to do a short test run now while daily temperatures are below 25 Celsius and nightly temps below 15.
Yes, DNP itself is explosive, so what. Keep the powder damp or get it as a solution with zero risk of combustion/explosion.
Eat at a caloric deficit. For some people that’s omad, for some it’s 3 small meals and some snacks. I personally skip breakfast, often lunch too, make a raw veggie plate with some cheese or jerky right after work (wfh) then have a large dinner around 8.
I've done DNP before @ 500mg/day, it's really not as bad as people say. yeah it gets hot, yeah every fluid coming out of you becomes orange (ever seen fluorescent cum?) but it's whatever.

my protip is to keep antihistamines on hand, I'd say something like 20% of all people develop rashes on it, antihistamines get rid of em right away.
You can thaw meat quickly in a bowl of cold water instead of the refrigerator overnight.
Holy shit! I am 227 and would love to be 196.
That was very quick for you...what are you doing? How many cals do you eat a day?
>Yes, DNP itself is explosive, so what
I was literally just memeing. Why are you doing something so extreme though? Are you a massive fatass or a roid dude that's used to this kind of thing? I'm curious about your current weight and goal

That sounds good. OMAD is doable for me apparently because it's 5pm and havent eaten anything and i feel fine, just a slight hunger but very manageable. Usually by this time i would've stuffed myself a lot kek
I have an appointment coming up so I'll talk to him about it.
I'm curious too. Fasting?
I started it with a 9 day water fast from May 8th
then I maintained and maybe lost a couple pounds eating a 1000 calorie deficit low carb for just over a week
I threw in a several 24/48/72 hour water fasts here and there but those feel so short that I don't really count them
through the end of May / start of June I did a 6 day water fast then I maintained for a week then did another 6 day water fast
I ate a 500 calorie deficit for like a week and currently I'm on day 4 of another water fast which I will extend to 6 or 9 days depending on how I feel
my goal for July will be to weigh at most180 by the end
I feel like my discipline has really improved and my cravings for junk food have disappeared
also after several water fasts it gets really easy especially the first several days it's usually around the week mark that I start missing food
to clarify I've eaten below maintenance by either 500 or 1000 calories since May 8th I haven't touched fast food or sugar in that time
I have eaten some carbs like small cheese pizzas or lean cuisine pastas in that time
a lot of pickle spears and salads
80 calorie bags of plain popcorn as snacks
when I'm not fasting I drink gatorade zero/ bodyarmor zero/ tropicana zero
I've avoided diet soda because I am staying away from what made me fat in the first place also haven't had caffeine in that time
500 mg/day is a very, very high dose, though different levels of moisture (which is mandatory for powder form) may make comparison difficult. Considering the half-life of 36 hours (assuming it's correct, but so far I could find nothing to contradict it) you'd be on a sustained dose of 1500 mg (see picrel, daily 100 mg plateaus at 300 mg equivalent of shorter half life). I plan to do 150 mg daily during my test period and if it's ok then increase to 250-300 mg in September.

>orange fluids
How fast do you flush that out? And how is the sweat, also stained? I need to meet my parents half-way into the test run and I don't need them asking around.

interesting, thanks for the callout. I'm going to skip for the short trial and evaluate my experience.
500mg is the typical "starter cycle" of DNP, or at least it was when I last did it (about 7-8 years ago), with a trial period of 250mg/day for the first couple of days. og /fraud/ers used to do 750mg and even 1g, though I would never go to 1g personally.

>How fast do you flush that out
honestly I don't really remember, something like a week maybe.
also stained yeah, you won't notice it on you but you'll notice it on your mattress/sheets
Also I stick to 6-9 day fasts because I don't like taking electrolytes so I just drink spring water
saltwater makes me nauseas
and usually I get acid reflux or muscle soreness near the end of the fast
also no loose skin
I've known about DNP for about 20 years now and always been fascinated by it. Back then being a student fag I could not afford it and I did not want to risk the potential health impact (it's carcinogenic etc) but now I'm willing to accept them (or rather avoid them by not being an idiot).

A year ago I was 130 kg at my heaviest in all of my life. This was due to my life situation and abusing alcohol to the tune of 1/2 l of vodka per day and it felt like shit. I'm 104 kg now (I dipped under 100 kg few days ago fasted and with depleted carbs reserves) thanks to keto and fasting, I fixed my drinking, my diet and just recently I started running and lifting weights again.

I want to use DNP to expedite losing few kgs now in July to make running easier and safer for my joints. The last time I tried to get back to running at about the same body weight I developed a crippling pain just under my knees which made me stop. In September I plan to do a proper cycle of about 3 weeks to lose 10 kgs and reach weight that I want to maintain from that point. I want to do a 10k race this autumn and a half-marathon next year (I've completed two in my life).
>forgot to take my steak out of the freezer last night
I threw a completely frozen steak on the grill for lunch 4hrs ago and it was fine. Plz don't be dumb anymore.
Hey all, dislocated my jaw today and after snapping it back in place the doctor said to not eat anything chewy for the next few days. My go to diet is steak and chicken breast which he told me was out.

What's available in high protein that doesn't require chewing, or will I be eggmaxxing?
>dislocated my jaw
Eggs and yogurt and protein shakes
Maybe mashed lentils if you want to get weird
I have no idea, I woke up and it wouldn't open fully
sloppy toppy
500 mg was way too high when I first studied DNP 20 years ago and per my research it's too high still. But as I said, it needs to be kept damp so different amount of water in the powder makes straight comparison difficult. That's why I appreciate that my DNP came as solution with 150 mg per ml.

>something like a week maybe
oh shiiiiit, I may have to reconsider. Did you experience any discoloration to the white of your eyes?

that I do know, which is why I got a plastic sheet to protect the mattress and a throwaway bed sheet, blanket and set of linen that I'll use when on DNP so I don't ruin my nice bed linen
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just had a Lahmacun with meat, onions and shwarma sauce. it was very good.
I've been drinking flavored sparking 'zero sugar' water, the label says "one 250ml glass provides 0kcal". But I feel thirsty almost afterwards, and am drinking 5-6 litres a day (with 'normal' water, I can drink about 4 litres max a day). Does it sound suspicious to you? It tastes so good.
Drink water instead then idiot
Fucking christ bro
Be careful of artificial sweeteners' impact on gut health
This stuff isn't as bad for you as all the sugar and calories but it's still not good for you, good to use to curb cravings but a habit that extreme can't be good
>The skelly girl is posting her cringe videos on /tv/ now
Since I stopped overeating I'm having some major problems hitting my 2,200 cals goal. Today I only did 1,500. It is okay for one day but I'm worried that consistently it's going to burn me out. I'm also having difficulty getting enough protein. I'm only at half the protein I'm supposed to eat daily for my lifting. Shit sucks. I have no idea about how to actually eat right when I take away the junk food.
>Difficulty getting protein
Literally how? It is fucking so easy, Meat, Eggs, Milk, Cheese you fucking name it, it has protein in it.
>put some mukbang compilations on youtube
>notice their obvious low iq feederism bullshit
>become irrationally angry and feel like i want to punch their heads off irl
>hunger is gone
weight loss is easy
I don't know how to cook man.
So your excuse is you can't cook? Fucking learn then you retard
thanks anon, im gonna search it
/fph/ is a great motivator
I'm dying bros.. guacamole is just took good. For real.
I DRANK THE BEER, i am a failure
6 litres a day, bravo anon
OMG ur obsessed lol also thank u 4 saying skelly
Do you live in northern Russia or Alaska? Running DNP in July is some insane behaviour Bulk Hogan, and forget about running until it’s flushed out of your system. Do what you’re gonna do but I think this is a very foolish dangerous idea
you didnt you stupid fuck. you could have ordered something healthy or gone to the grocery store to buy some simple shit to eat. you also dont HAVE to eat a dinner type meal every single day.
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>april 2023 i was 375lbs (43%bf)
>i'm now 250 lbs (27% Bf)
>at the point now where chubby women want me
I honestly love the attention I get from them. Should I just go full chubby chaser mode for the summer?
>250 lbs (27% Bf)
>those nipples
Are you a pooner?
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I need to do my pushups but I don't want to bros...
What are your thoughts on Weight Loss Clinics? I can afford one, but are they effective or just a placeabo? I think having a sense of structure and accountability would help, plus they also prescribe medical solutions
Had to look that one up. Nope not a tranny, just Polish-Burger w/ some Irish, Italian and English sprinkled in there. Had a cock since day one.
You're honestly better off taking ozempic/mounjaro and working with a personal trainer.
wtf is a weight loss clinic
What it sounds like. A medical clinic where you get a suite of care from a nutrionist to a doctor who will prescribe you Ozempic or PLI.
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Do it anyway you faggot. You even said you 'need' to do them. Now quit being such tremendous fucking faggot, and do your fucking pushups, or fucking kill yourself.
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Why does cutting suck so much bros? I am constantly starving all day and energy is at an all time low. I envy those skinny twinks that always whine about bulking. If I ate to the point of satiety I'd be morbidly obese.
I did thembro.
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>Blood test says I have very high LDL
>Either I fix my lifestyle or go on meds
Just eat more meat
>you also dont HAVE to eat a dinner type meal every single day.
So starve to death?
Lost 23kgs in 3 months (110 -> 87). Went to the gym 5 days a week, serious strength regimen + 500mg test a week, hell, I even made light gains despite starvation (I only ate 1000 cals of chicken breast). Now, I need to switch to maintenance till November (my next cycle). But its scaring the shit out of me. I got so used to eating 1000 cals, that seeing anything above, especially FUCKING 2800 cals I need for maint in my calorie app is giving me anxiety. How do I get over this shit? I am so fucking scared of gaining weight back, but I can't afford to keep losing muscle when I'm not on roids. Any suggestions? I plan on doing ~250 grams of protein.
just eat less?
Fatty Contest
I'd kick your faggot ass
nah, I could probably kill you with 0 issues as I'm taller and stronger than you, by a lot
>I had to
no you didnt
You ain't shit midget
>Any suggestions
yeah, b&c instead. you ARE going to lose everything by eating at maintenance during PCT.
187cm, which is definitely taller than you
Also broke 100kg bench last week, so way stronger than you
but sure, keep coping
>Not even 200cm
lmao midge
Been on Ozempic for 3 months and I've lost 30 pounds. I'm a cheating fraud but it feels so good
Just eat the food? You can't actually gain weight all that fast even if you are somewhat overdoing it so there is no reason to be worried.
Just eat more fiber. I eat a high fiber diet and my TOTAL cholesterol was like under 120 and my ldl was like 35-40
the issue is I'm so used to eating 2 portions of shitty chicken meat a day and I'm actually full. I got my body used to that. Now I actually have to eat triple the calories of varied food, and I'm scared to go back to the old habits of 6k calories a day and being a disgusting, fat, fuck because I lost control. I keep yoyoing my entire life because these diets make me so fucking mentally tired, and I just say fuck it after a while. I actually have to keep a proper regimen, for my entire life now - and I really fucking hate counting calories, but I have to live with it now, and forever it seems, or its over for me.
The meds do nothing, consider drastic reduction in fat intake. Low fat vegans all have low cholesterol you probably don't need to go that crazy though
how do you get ozempic when you're from the fucking balkans
Just re-add calories slowly, google 'reverse dieting'
Eat mid density carbs like potatoes and rice, don't add any oils.

If you want sauces stick to ones that are sugar based , buy decent quality orange juice and drink that throughout the day it has some decent minerals as well as calories.

I found if I eat rice or similar before I'm really even hungry I never really get all that hungry and despite the quantity I'm eating it would be a nightmare to go over 3000 cals eating like this
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>Be woman
>Be obese
>Fuck 10/10 men

>Be Man
>Be obese
>No woman will even look at you
>how do you get ozempic when you're from the fucking balkans
i don't understand, ozempic is a european drug, why do you think it's hard to get for you?
unless you were making a joke about the balkans themselves
that sounds viable, thanks

so I should have a rice cooker running every day? I'm starting my prep for maintenance, 750 cals per burrito, 70 grams of protein and some 30 carbs. 2 of those a day with rice should do me good.
It doesn't exist in my country, and in neighboring countries its not a thing, or is in extremely small quantities and they don't buy your bullshit to easily get it. What I'm trying to ask is how do I order it online, no prescription?
Trust me you'll get hungry again
Yeah a rice cooker is definitely ideal, the cheapest ones that are $10 are fine
To anyone who made it, what was it like? Obviously you felt better, had more energy, etc, but did people treat you differently?
>did people treat you differently?
Yes, but how much of that came from their improved perception of me compared to my improved self confidence and esteem is not clear
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Out of interest how was your test dosed?
Like was it one 500mg needle every week or spread out over two or three doses?
Was reading shit yesterday about this and it's amazing how slow the industry is to realize that multiple/per week doses is better.

Also, your physique *is* going to change because you're off gear. Just accept that if you do things correctly that you're still in a better place than if you went natty all the way down to 87. Remember when you start appearing more "flat" it's still normal and you're just not holding as much fluid in your muscles and yes, eat at maintenance so you can consolidate and get all your micronutrients too to recover your hormones. You stay eating 1000 calories a day natty after stopping gear you're in trouble.
>Also, your physique *is* going to change because you're off gear
My healthcare system has a clinic. It's really legit and has been helpful. A NP has been managing my care, they've connected me on consults with a dietician and psych(I had alcohol and binging issues). I find the help and accountability of regular appointments really helpful.
2 times a week, 250mg
Nothing wrong with gear if done properly, just do test and never touch tren and other retarded shit
Can you give me a typical daily diet for you? How many g of fiber and what sources? I find it hard to eat a lot of fiber unless I'm eating beans
Ok yeah that's a very sensible dose. I see people that do 1 dose every 3 weeks because "iM sCaReD oF nEeDLeS". Are you doing this on your own or through a clinic?
400g Weetabix
6 celery sticks
2 cucumbers
1 can baked beans
Half a baked potato
150g blackberries
Steamed spinach with garlic
Fatty Contest
I want to keep going but don't want to burn myself out. Going to lift tomorrow.
How?! Explain yourself.
Went and bought some protein and creatine today. I'm on a cut, but I want to maximize my gainz when I do lift weights. Never had creatine before but I know a few side effects. Anything in particular I should look out for?
Stay near a toilet just in case.
Drink plenty of water
Massive improvement. Way healthier. Keep it up
I have eaten a minimum of 198 pounds of cottage cheese so far this year
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Thank you Kind Friend. Another 50-ish pounds to go.
clinic, covered by insurance
I don’t want cataracts
Fuck monsterlab with their weird vials
We all have an imbalance somewhere. Admitting it and being cogniscient of it is the first step to improving yourself. For example: I'm sad because I'm lonely. And due to my abundant income I can afford to spend a copious amount of money on food. So I eat, get fat and that makes me less desirable. I was in a catch 22 for a while. But now I'm making the choice to eat healthy, exercise and also save more money for investing instead of overeating. The loneliness is also held back by self improving. Through that I know I'll get another GF when the time for me is right (probably 2025).
Dr Mike pushed a video out today about Bryan Johnson, the guy that plans to live forever by becoming increasingly more effeminate.
So I watched that, then I went to the dude's youtube account and watched some too.
And.. now I've bought a bunch of his pills and powders. I'm going to live forever guys, by putting cocoa powder in my coffee, and drinking a weird juice and all his weird pills and shit.
I wish I was kidding. Am I going to be okay, /fat/ ?
bruh youre gonna get so fat again once you reach your goal weight. your habits are awful and youre gonna yoyo
Looks similar to me, I think we will be lucky not to have too much lose skin bro. Grats and keep it up.
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I put the treats back today bros. Rule 1 for me is dont let sweets and treats enter my shopping basket, Im like an animal eating that stuff if it makes it to my home. My diet and eating plan is coming together too, bit by bit. WAGMI
I need to hit somewhere between 1500-2000 to make it. 1500 is on my low side and I digestion starts slowing up too much and over 2000 I just seem to go no where. I need to plan my days in advance otherwise I eat like 1000cals up until dinner time and either have to cram in cals after dinner which is not ideal or just deal with the side effects of too low cals.
>the guy that plans to live forever by becoming increasingly more effeminate
>now I've bought a bunch of his pills and powders. I'm going to live forever guys, by putting cocoa powder in my coffee, and drinking a weird juice and all his weird pills and shit.
>I wish I was kidding. Am I going to be okay, /fat/ ?
Go Canadian healthcare system yourself.
Rollerblading may be gay but it sure is a fun form of cardio that isn't murder on my knees
Id get a bad pain in the back of my hip when I started walking. I just pushed through it and luckily it went away after I got fitter. Cant reccommend always pushing through pain, but a lot of it can be fixed with conditioning.
You got some salami nipples there boy
Shit, I used to blade back in the 90;s. Is it coming back?
Not quite salami, more large pepperoni.
you could try and get some on the darknet, but then you'd have to get it tested to make sure it's not a scam lol, not worth it imo
Fatty Contest
105.0 kg
About a third of the people at the skating rink I go to use inlines. Personally I like to switch between the two during sessions because quad skates feel like they require more muscle activation but inlines tap into desire to go fast.
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I think I might have found my trigger food and why I had been struggling to shit. Id tried, high fiber, no low fiber, high fat, low fat, dairy free, lactose free, higher protein, lower protein and looks like it might have been the oat milk I was drinking which was pumped full of calcium carbonate. Fuck me dead, just had the best poop after throwing that shit in the bin about a week ago after almost 6mths of hard pebble poops. If this was truly my issue I am going to be reborn and nothing will stop me hitting my goal weight now. Lets fucking gooo
Just to add to this, someone mentioned here recently when I posted about feeling like I would get more backed up when eating red meat and they suggested maybe low stomach acid and try acv, which did seem to help. Turns out calcium carbonate is what that use in some anti-acids, so I was probably killing my stomach acid and fucking up my digestion by downing this stuff. A lot of things suddenly make a whole lot more sense.
how much oat milk were you drinking? I only put some in my tea so just 50-100g a day and I have been pooping way less often but it's coming out normally so maybe it's unrelated and just because I'm eating less.
Went over 2k cal today damn it's been weeks since I did that
what was your test/free level before you started and what did it become during? any idea on your estrogen? finally did you take an AI or not need one
Not a whole heap, maybe a litre every couple of days, and I never used to have a problem with it, think just with eating less slop its become more of a problem. I can handle real milk but just liked the taste of the oat milk.
>oat milk
There's seed oils in that garbage. Just drink regular milk.
what's wrong with seed oils retard, go on tell us your schizo meme about how fucking plant seeds are somehow less natural than a cow's tit
shove your trad garbage up your ass faggot, oat milk tastes better than cow simple as
>I had been struggling to shit
I'm doing keto, and I haven't shit in like 5 days. Though I'm eating considerably less due to not really craving anything. Most days are just a piece of grilled steak, beef or chicken, and for dinner just grill another one.
hope you're having veggies to go with that anon, leafy green vegs are your friends
Enjoy your estrogen, bowel cancer, reduced/diminished cell regeneration and/or blood clots.
enjoy being a walking meme and forever regurgitating stupid garbage

I know for a fact that you haven't ever tried any of the other milks, I was like you a couple of years ago, it just tastes better. I know you think this is woke garbage and won't listen to anything I say, you're just fighting a culture war on milk lmao, just have one glass retard.
You have nothing to support goy oil, lmfao. You've lost the argument and now you're in a hog rage
>just have one glass
>just drink poison
No. Seed oils will fuck you up. You're probably vaxxed too. Fake milk is for women, real milk is for men, keifer is for Chads. You have a vagina, and because of that your reasoning skills will never be above the equivalent of a 13 year old.
You're almost to snap city. Those chicken bones you call hip bones are gonna break clean in half. Bone density is lost with excessive cardio ESPECIALLY while on a restrictive diet.
I can fix her...
>restrictive diet
Uhh I ate 2 steaks, 4 pieces of salmon and drank a bottle of keifer today. You also don't know what you're talking about.
Fuck that shit. Blend that steak or grind it really well
fatty contest

reaching a point where things slow down considerably unless I actually starve myself. Didn't expect shit to get *that* slow a few kg before goal
You're still on your way to snap city, anon. Your situation doesn't matter, bone density is still lost with excessive cardio and you will snappen, chicken bones.
Yeah of course. Though now I'm sort of semi-forcing myself to eat since I don't get hungry, but think that it would be better to eat something.
Cite your sources. I'm losing weight in a healthy way and making sure I'm meeting my macros according.
I'm just warning you, anon, it's up to you to continue learning. If you want continued bone demineralization, continue your path. I'm not your search engine. You claimed to know about the subject by telling me I knew nothing, after all. I think you breaking bones in your hubris is an apt karmic punishment, but if I'm wrong, you'll continue being a smug idiot who doesn't do his own research, which is kind of a punishment in and of itself.
You're valid.
This must be fetish gainer content or something
No way she could so that without shame otherwise
>do your own research
translation: read the same schizo blogposts and watch the same scam videos I did, then repeat that misinformation forever and everywhere, no matter the context
What's in it for you? Why are you so concerned about me Kind Friend?
I like her little dance after every bite. It's like the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard
>Wah, studies I don't agree with are schizo blogs now!
Carry on, anon, this doesn't concern you.

I just dislike the idea of you inspiring others to injure themselves through your actions. Whatever you want to do is up to you, but as this is a public forum, I will continue to speak up for the sake of those potential readers.
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>anon walks 30k+ steps daily
post body
pretty sure it resembles pic related
>inspiring others to injure themselves through your actions
I just posted that I walked 15 miles today. Are you going to go to /run/ and tell them they're all wrong too? Post body and scale, I've posted mine >>74598943
But we both know you won't, especially body.
Yeah, you're malding.
Post body lardass. You're just jealous I'm making progress while you're going to always be a fattyboombatty.
Calm down, anon, I was just trying to save your bones. You win, you can keep doing excessive cardio and you'll stay healthy no bones will suddenly break in half while you stand up from the toilet. There, are you happy? Your worries are now gone
this is why it's obvious you're a fucking fatass, holy shit go outside
You're an odd one.
So walking 15 miles isn't cardio? Okay, whatever you say. Stop shitting yourself, anon, it's just words on a screen.
Drink your seed oils cunt. Have fun ruining your gut biome. Dumbshit.
You believe vaccines are bad and women can't reason, and Azathoth knows what else.
Your opinion on seed oils will be given all the consideration it deserves.
it's not cardio if your heartbeat doesn't go up, hence the name, if your heart rate goes up considerably just by walking outside at a normal pace then I'm sorry but you DO need to walk more

seriously anon, I know that you can lose weight just by sitting in your home, if it's working for you keep doing it, I don't even walk myself because I don't have the time, but the idea that it's dangerous is just completely detached from reality, and you trying to crab that other guy and anyone else who enjoys a walk is disgusting
>vaccines are bad
mRNA has never been tested on humans un 2020, and it's creator said it was a mistake. I'm still for measles and tetanus vaccines so don't put words in my mouth.
>women can't reason
On average men are far more reasonable than women. Men created civilization, women just live in it. You know why there's a women's history month? Because you can't celebrate all of man's accomplishments in just one month. Mind you I'm not as much of an asshole w/ in person conversation as I am online ;)
Cute. It's a cartoon character Kind Friend, not real.

I still like you immensely though.
I'm actually in an active job that works outside. I don't do 15 miles of walking a day, but I'm not sedentary.
If you've ever done a long walk before, especially at a decent pace, you'll note that it meets your new definition of cardio.
Also, warning others about trends towards othorexic/anorexic thinking in a fat loss thread is not crabbing. If anything, you're just extremely self-conscious of criticism.
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>do omad monday to thursday, while going outside for work
>lose decent weight daily
>friday relax a little, have 3 meals, one of them homemade fried chicken breast, while staying home and literally not going outside all day
>lose even more weight
sure i'll take the win but why
Not pooping is a new anxiety I have never realised could exist before. Eating so little that the poop moves so slowly through you that it dries up and just rots away inside you is something that I never want to experience.
>keifer is for Chads
What do I need to look for when buying this stuff? Less ingredients the better im guessing.
>Anti vaxxi telling lies
Like the sun raising in the morning. Did you take your daily dose of horse meds and chlorine ?

mRNA is 90s tech had human trials in the 2000-2010 years stuff like cancers and rabies. And like 15 other diseases.

T. Anon that works at a CDMO that make this stuff.
Happens with me too and it smells real bad. I don't think I even shit daily, it's like once or twice in 3 days, or if I eat a lot of carbs.
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>binge on 5k calories yesterday
>weigh myself today
>only gained 100g
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Fatty Contest
108 kg

I fucked up big time and binged like 3 days non-stop. Luckily i kinda balanced it out with heavy lifting and cardio so the damage isn’t terrible. Nevertheless I repent for my sins and renounce satan.
Just wait for one more day.
>walk for 1hr on treadmill. burn 700Cal
>lift for 30min for juicy pump
>walk another hour and burn another 700Cal
WAGMI bros
Does 1hr actually burn that much? Sauce of you please
going to sleep hungry for 1 night isn't going to kill you. stupid fat retard
>13 incline
every treadmill is different just use an incline level that works for you
>3.0-3.3 speed
idk if the treadmill measures it by mph or whatever unit it calculates
just make sure its difficult. sometimes I even catch myself almost falling off the treadmill cuz I'm not keeping up. that's when I start walking faster. whether it be longer steps or pushing harder with my calves or both. make sure its not an easy hour. you're not going for a walk in the park. during that hour I'm sweating like crazy. the hardest part is being there the entire hour. I prop my phone up on the treadmill and just watch some YouTube videos or a movie or an episode of a series in watching. sometimes I'm listening to a podcast. and I'm probably not actually burning 700Cal but that's what the treadmill says I burned so I'm going off that. I don't have a fitbit or anything like that to tell me otherwise
Different anon here.

At 230 lbs, I will at 5incline and 5kmh and I burn 600 calories an hour. He might be heavier or going faster/higher incline, but it certainly does burn that many.
Oh you people are extreme walkers
I admire that. I can't walk fast. I can run 5km (or maybe even more if I tried) but fast walking I never do
Kek im the opposite I can walk 20km in the mountains but force me to jog 1km and you gonna have to resuscitate me
Keep a caloric deficit at a level you have strong will. Eat healthy snack healthy. Do a fuck load of spaced exercise.
Eat a normal meal with 500 cal but then go on a walk while listening to you favourite vtuber for an hour and burn 300 of the 500 of. If you are hungry in the evening don't eat just go to bed. Drink lots.

This works for me and is my how the fuck is this so easy routine. I like food and I like sports I just had to increase my burn rate a bit.

>>74599195 the great part of walking moorings (beside the nice weather and mood ) is that exercise when you are fresh. So even if you had a long hard day you already filled you quota and don't have to struggle with motivation.
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How much water should I be drinking when trying to lose weight?

I'm currently 240lbs. I've swapped out every sinlge drink in my life for water. I used to drink porbably 0.5L of water a day and 2L of soda. Now, I drink purely 4L of water a day.

Yes pissing every 5 minutes is a fucking struggle but I know it's beneficial.

I'm just wondering, am I over doing it with the water? Am I making myself piss all the time for no reason? Everywhere online says 2L-3L of water a day is ideal. I've just never looked into how much water you should actually be drinking a day for fat loss
I drink the same amount and I piss like every 90 minutes. It's never an issue unless I start having caffeine.
they say you should drink like 2-3 liters of water everyday
probable a little more when its summer and hot outside
but remember there is some water in vegetables and fruits, i wouldnt worry about drinking to much at only 4 liters
You can pretty much go by colour of your gamer girl water and/or feel + slightly above. Your performance starts to dip pretty early with thirst. So it beneficial to drink when you are feeling it.
Some very basic ideas follow the Drink until you are not thirsty then add one glass like 200-300 extra.

This is just for normal conditions. With heavy exercise you need to watch it more and keep minerals in mind.

I think There is a documentary on YouTube about marathon runners and over and under hydration that explains it well. Both a bad and some runners fail because they over hydrate at every water station etc.
So don't force it that much.
1/4lb ground beef with and egg and veg for dinner. Also some cayenne pepper and a bit of franks red hot for good measure. Was pretty good, ngl 500cals though.
What veg
Broccoli, carrots, and peas. I have a frozen bag of mixed greens I'm working on.
Fanks I'll try these.
Fatty Contest
Stalled out 2 weeks ago, back on the losing weight train. Down 7.2kg so far in about 5-6 weeks. Really happy with progress.
Fatty Contest
Yes, you are trying to lose weight right?
Fatty contest
Certified Turtle

Life might suck but week over week I still try to eat cleaner and be more active. The rest will happen when it happens.
>Went from 150lbs at age 20 to 210lbs now at 30, InBody tells me to lose 22lb
What am I in for bros? I have never lost weight before and what I have came from an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Cutting 1lb per week by dodging the lunch buffet and stopping drinking doesn't sound too bad.
Back to tracking cals next week. Couple of weeks break, and back to the grind. Im almost back up to my hard reset weight, so best get back to it and hit the next goal.
Fatty contest
77.2 kg
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check if some of your local store carry these vegetable fires.

its parsnip, carrot and beetroot. they taste pretty good and are great cheat meal base at 176 cal per 100g. these a plain chicken wing and curd cheese (Quark) with herbs or plain yogurt with herbs as dip.

tho they are not perfect since they pre fried and have a very minimal starch (?) coating to make them more like normal fries.
It's fine once you get it into your head it's a marathon, not a race. Losing 1lb a week SEEMS easy, but there are going to be weeks were you don't lose anything, and that's fine. Keep pushing each week and in the long run you'll thank yourself for it
I’ve lost the battle with ADHD, I’m going to remain an autistic man child for the rest of my life. The last 5 years of a hundred failed self improvement attempts has resulted in no progress. I’ve become undone.
I've been doing OMAD + keto for 3 weeks, lost weight quickly the first 2 weeks, but I've plateaued this last week, I've been stuck at 200lbs. I'm sure I'm at a calorie deficit, I only take coffe, salad and about 300g of meat, I also do about 12 miles of MTB every day, I roughly estimate my calorie spending to be around 3300kcal. Why tf I'm not losing any weight?
Be honest about how much you're eating
I'm being honest, I'm 6'2, 200lbs, in fact, I think I'm burning more than 3300kcal a day, should be +3500kcal with 1.5h of MTB I do everyday. I'm eating plain lettuce with 2 boiled eggs, about 250g meat and a coffe. What I'm noticing is I don't have any desire to poo. Yesterday I pooped a small shit, but It's been like 6 days since I last pooped. Could it be it's just that I don't defecate that often that's making it look like I'm not losing weight?
Stop lying
>300g of meat
>250g of meat
You can't even be consistant post to post.
It changes everyday, 50g of meat is nothing calorie wise
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Fatty Contest

well somehow i lost weight this week despite my best attempt at self sabotage
anyways I've decided that I'm going to fast for 70 days. something has to be done about my inability to stick to any sort of diet. by making my diet nothing for such time I can precisely controll everything I've eaten for the last month easily, and set good tastes and habbits there.
>50g of meat is nothing calorie wise
This is exactly your issue brainlet
>125kcal is meaningful on 3500kcal daily expenditure
You are so stupid lmao
>lost weight quickly the first 2 weeks
yeah no shit. your glycogen stores are empty and you pissed away most of the water that your muscles used to store. everyone loses water weight in the first few weeks. now your actual diet starts.
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How am I doing?
Plz gain it all back and let me cum all over your cute beach ball belly.
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is that you?
hello again friend!
have you tried fasting it's a good way to lose weight. I'm going to fast for 70 days. my internet boyfriend isn't around to tell me that this is a bad idea so I have little reason to not do it.
last time i wanted to do a long fast i failed but this time will be different. I've prepared for this one in a very different way so i expect the results to be different.
plus 2 weeks of weight gain (overall) is annoying and probably difficult to achieve when just fasting.
I'll be fine. I'm drinking salty water every day.
that just reminded me to take a sip.
What is your lifestyle like anon?
>6 months into diet
>have to do another 6
I would rather satan stab my nutsack with his pitchfork every day than keep doing this
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don't give up friend!
you can do it if you just keep going.
don't think of it as 6 more months. just think of it as all you have to do is get through today.
if you truly cannot keep doing it even with that then perhaps you need to change something. try a different diet like fasting or keto. try asking a friend for help or advice. try to simply not buy the things that would be unacceptable on your current diet. maybe even talk to your doctor about weight loss drugs. anything other than just gaining the weight back again because I did the same thing you did several times and I'm still regreting it today. you think that stopping the diet will free you when it only delays the weight loss until later. that or you'll just fatten up until you die an unhealthy death full of all the problems associated with being of such size. If you're honestly okay with that then just give up right now. but I can almost guarantee that this is not the case, that you don't want to be unhealthy and die early, because otherwise why would you have already made it this far?

Dont calculate your expenditure based on doing exercise... Go calc your TDEE as if you were sedentary. Eat as if you are sedentary, any exercise you do, is free gains.
My weekly weigh in was 172 down from 176 last Saturday. Neat.
Today I eat at maintenance. Or slightly above idk. I'm getting a Mexican sandwich.
thank you for the advice
I thought about going on maintenance, but like you said I'm very scared of gaining what I've lost back

I'll do my best to push through this week and keep going
we can both make it
>feeling sleepy during the morning
yeah, i think not , those 200 extra calories helps me to keep on waging
Fatty contest
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happy where my right man tit is, I feel comfortable to go shirtless, that is if my left tit wasn't droopy and fat still. If I pinch and lift the skin right above it, it looks as good as the right.
I hope itll get fixed later on with more weightloss and lifting
Fatty Contest
Kenlo Borther
247.8 lbs
The plateau is finally in, I think before I'd be more bummed but since I knew it was coming I'm kinda stoked to work through it.
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am I doing it correctly? spinach, tomato omelet
455Cals, 28g protein.
guys I just got a dexa scan. my shitty scale was saying my bf% was 14%, but the dexa scan says 10%. I'm wondering the scale is just shitty or is my loose skin confounding the results? cause if I'm actually closer to 10% I gotta adjust my calories
Eggs are good. The only question otherwise is how much fat you're losing.
was 300lbs now 238lbs took a year
I'm 6'4ft
how many eggs are you using to make these, anon
Hey I took the special scenic route for my weekend incelwalk because I had nothing better to do, and walked 9.9 km averaged at 4.3 km/h including 2 breaks (went out, had tea, it started to rain a little so came back home, took my umbrella, then had tea AGAIN with biscuit)
I never noticed how much a walk works your side back muscles (ehatever you call them) and your core, provided your posture isn't like picrel.
Had fun maybe I will go again tomorrow:)
Fatty Contest
about like 4 don't give me shit about having 4 eggs.
your fat rival here
I'm behind but I'll still beat you to 95kg
I don't have shit to give you
I just had the 5th and 6th eggs of the day. Was just wondering how many eggs in their, and if having this 3 times a day still lets you be in a deficit
Yes i will definetly take advice from a roid tranny
I eat like once or twice a day
Fatty Contest
Big Frigate
334.6 lbs

Up a pound from yesterday damn
Too much tomatoes 7/10
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Brehs... I said I was going to eat at maintenance but I think I passed it by a lot. I had this and 2 tacos.
No wonder why Mexicans are so fat.
Seems like you're OK then.
Fatty Contest
Fellow fastchads, are you guys also having way better sleep but also dreams every week? I rarely get dreams but while fasting they are pretty common. Tonight I dreamed I stabbed a cat that peed on my room.
Seed oils degrade in your body and cause damage.
It's the cheapest form of fat so it is used in everything including animal feed. The biggest source of linoleic acid for americans is chicken. Eggs, pork and farmed fish also have bunch of it.
Because it is in everything it makes sense to avoid at least some sources of it. Diet totally devoid of linoleic acid is quite restrictive.
Whats your goal weight? I was 330lb when I started and im 10 pounds heavier than you atm at the same height
My fancy new scale says I'm fat. Not dying or crazy fat but I was correct in thinking I should lose about 30 lbs. Neat report though
Also it says my body age is 30 and I'm 29 so do I win something
It's not possibly accurate, but judge for yourself whether you need to lose weight.
It says lose 32lbs, seems pretty accurate to me. My goal was 210, I'm tall and don't look terribly fat but have man tits and visceral fat. I want to wear nice turtlenecks this winter and need to get rid of this fat so I can not look disgusting
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is it normal being schizo about the nutrition labels on food products?
i literally cant trust them becasue a lot of the time they feel scetchy

like i know a 100 grams of chicken breast is 160 calories but when bought premarinated chicken (which probably was using less lean parts of chicken) the label said its only 120 calories per 100 grams

is this normal or should i just trust them and stop over thinking...
>bought premarinated chicken
>premarinated chicken
it's injected with water to bring the cost (and calories by weight) down
it tastes good and supposedly has low calories....
honestly if thats what that is then im ok with it
as long as they dont lie about the calories im ok being scammed as long as reach my goal
Anons, am I starting to get body dysmorphia? Despite being at my lowest weight in years ( currently 170 pounds, my goal weight is 140 and my starting weight was 310) I feel fatter then ever, when I look in the mirror I think either "Man, I look good! I can't imagine what I'll look like at 140." or "Jesus I'm a fat pig. No way it's only 30 more pounds to lose." Any advice or will it just go away eventually?
Meds (for your brain) now
I can relate to that one
down from 350 to 196, wearing a small size shirt and I still think of myself as fat as shit at <20%BF

maybe i'll believe it less when my FUPA's gone and I can see my cock
Trying to get down to 180lbs by the last week of August for a beach trip. Last week I was very bad. Started at 215lbs back in May before I got the fancy scale.
Am I going to make it bros?
Should add, I current weight 192.6 lbs. Graph isnt showing it for some reason
what air fryer should I get
Yeah, you have had body dysmorphia the entire time, as well as showing signs of an eating disorder. It's okay, you're in good company here, this is the eating disorder general.
You're gonna make it if you keep this up
>maybe i'll believe it less when my FUPA's gone and I can see my cock
We both know that won't ever happen.
Fatty Contest

Current short term goal is 95 kg by the 12th of July. I think I'm gonna make it.
Noticed some white flakey skin on the face today
Really hope that's the eczema and not the yeast
Goddamn this diet change and sweaty exercise is really putting my skin through the shit
No issues 70 pounds heavier and now it starts all fucking up
Its weird how that doesn't even look appealing to me anymore.
Take out 90% of the cheese and half the sauce and and maybe it would be actually half decent.
When in doubt, sandbag your calories.
The costco ones are good. Cosori I think is the brand.
I've had a friend recommend the Ninja brand ones too.
Don't get the meme fryer basket ovens, get a countertop convection oven style one. They take up a bit more space but are more flexible in what you can cook in them.
Fatty Contest
fat loss slow this week
my fault honestly, wasn't strict enough with myself
Why is my cut taking so long?
>500 to 1000 less calories consumed per day
>Barely lost 20 lbs since end of March
Blech. So hungry all the time.
You're eating more than you claim
>No i'm not
Yes you are
You know people always say their tastes change after eating clean/ dieting for a while. I've been successfully dieting since November and I haven't noticed this. I enjoy the same foods and drinks before. I'm kind of disappointed but it has shown me I am pretty disciplined. That meal was just me eating at maintenance after 2 weeks of eating at a 900 calorie deficit.
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6'2", 320 to 198. Strong Lifts 3x a week with extra accessories, swimming/running twice a week. Starting to notice progress... I think. When the FUCK does this gunt come off?
Hung out with my friend today. Only thing I ate so far was a poke bowl with an unknown number of calories. It's definitely less than 1,000 but I'm still unsure if I should cook a dinner for 300~400 calories or just play it safe and drink protein drink slop to make my protein macros

Brown Rice
what does that mean
Fuck, that's blackpilling.
You're probably right

Grocery shopping done for the next two weeks (grocers is hour drive each way so I stock up)
>2.5lbs flank steak
>4lbs round steak
>5lbs sirloin
>1.5lbs ground bison
>2 containers spinach
>2 bunches of bananas
>6 avacado
>1 bag popcorn
>1 dozen eggs (egg guy gets back from hospital next week)
>2lbs frozen vegetables (carrots, broccoli, peas)
>1 container cream cheese
>2 container Greek yogurt
>2L milk
Overall I’m pretty happy with it for what I spent. Considering I had to get some essentials like toilet paper and gasoline as well I’m happy with $320 all in. Not sure how the Jews convinced so many people that eating healthy is more expensive cause I was spending like $250 per week on just food and alcohol before the cut. Happy Canada Day weekend everyone
Now you know how I feel having to train this shit in a mirror. Only gets harder the older you get too.
We'll see about that chief, im a couple stone away from my goal so if another 20lbs doesnt do it i'll just keep going until it does, im in no rush and have little reason not to stick to my 1000kcal deficit
at 6'2 with your muscle level? ignoring sagging skin, another 15 lbs
How many days can a pound of salmon last me? Salmon is honestly one of the few healthy foods that taste delicious to me so I’m trying to see if a salmon diet is financially feasible
That's about 4 comfortable portions of baked salmon.
One challenge is that fresh salmon doesn't keep for very long, so the last portion may not taste as awesome as the first.
Alternatively, you can cook all of it at once, but cold/reheated baked salmon is not at awesome as freshly baked salmon either.
Fatty Contest
107.9 kg

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