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>8 tickets to the lean pill general, please
This is who is calling you a powershitter and saying life begins at 12%
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If the lean pillers weren't actually pussys and took steroids they might have a point. Look at all their motivation pics they post it's all roiders
These are the people who say bulking is a meme.
I'll admit the shittiest part about getting lean has to be the area between
"not fat" -----------> "lean"
Because you just look flat and dyel
Fat fuck general
If you actually lift you won't have this issue. The problem with these lean pill retards is that most of them are zoomers who don't want to put the work in before hand to build muscle. They think if they emaciate themselves enough their untrained muscles will show from beneath their skin. There's only one guy in this picture who actually looks like he's ever been inside a gym.
The first guy right?
That’s you isn’t it? Lol
And no, the first guy looks like shit
top left and second from the left on the bottom look great though
If they were high schoolers, maybe
That physique is easily achievable by a 17 year old in 1-3 months of half assed lifting
Nope I’m the fourth guy in the pic
The first one is the only one with abs so Ik you’re coping now kek
Second to last. Bottom right guy from the BJ pov
What are those weird red blotches on his skin? Excemza?
I love how you cherry-picked the worst contenders, 3 of which were asking for tips how to get lean and 2 of which were obvious shitposting
Here’s me, pick on someone your own size. If anyone ITT mogs me I’ll concede but we know you won’t post body fatshits
186cm 26
Lean pillers you defend would call you a roid tranny
>this is what happens when you try to get le lean brooooo with out roids
Do you guys get extreme goosebumps when you're leaner and showering too?
I am not Natty lmao
Goalposts: moved
Do you think he's a roid tranny though?
just stop lifting if you're a natty cuck and you aspire to be "leanpilled". It's wholly a waste of time. Either except as a natty cuck you will look DYEL at sub 12% bf, or get on some test so you dont look like an 8th grader when you wear a t shirt
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>powerfatties cant stop seething
post body
theres 9 people there tho
Oh no, how will I ever cope with looking lean and handsome and having every type of clothing fit me well off the rack?
He literally admitted he is enhanced >>74601171
leanCHADS broke them
B-but you vanish in a shirt! 2-200lbs or else victim weight! Reeee
Kek, 'b-but you’ll look dyel with a shirt on' is the biggest fatty cope on this board.
>too much of a pussy to post his own body
Lmoaing hard @ your life.
fatties lel
I'll be honest, I'm one of the guys in the OP image. I included myself hoping people would point me out as one of the nicer physiques and unknowingly compliment me.
Honestly? I’m the fourth guy in the pic abs I’ve been shitting on us too KEK
Yes, but do you think he's a roid tranny?
Sadly true
What cycle is this
That guy doesn't take roids, it's just photoshop and angles
This guy can't count lol
You challenged retard? This is the third time someone’s told you he’s enhanced
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Based lean bro making the powershitters seethe
>One person is only allowed to post exactly one picture
All of them are different people
the last guy looks good. I want to look like that, pretty (I'm heterosexual and had sex with a girl once when I was thin) I'm a little fat now but I've lost some weight exercising and now I'm counting calories. I want to have lean muscle that's not big and well look thin but not too skinny like that one vector prankster guy lol he's skinny asf. ok help me out guys, I work out every other day, I run until I can't, I walk stairs until I can't, I do one chin up and attempts, rows, dips, push ups, squats. I think I'm gonna eat twice a day to lose weight as I think the exercise just made me lose water weight (14lbs in a week). what would you recommend for me to do to achieve a slim physique, one that would look good in a spiderman costume y'know like lean and not hulking big. also I am a brokie and can't buy the foods I want so yeah let me know best foods to buy to achieve the body I want. rn I have a belly that isn't huge but is like a sick African kid and I have pretty big biceps when I flex although I never took working out serious before I'm just naturally average build like not the tallest fattest guy but between that and the skinniest shortest guy
This has to be bait at this point
Can’t tell how lean the other guy is tho.
Not true I’m 35% bf obese and I always Larp as a lean chad on here
Bottom second from the right looks good though?
In all seriousness, I'm glad this general exists. It's proven that any and all advice you read on this board should be thrown into the trash unless it's coming from someone posting body in the same post. You never know when some gangly teenager who's been lifting for 2 weeks is on the other side.
I would love to know what these kids consider to be a "clean bulk"
He looks good but not “6 years lifting” good
Kekd irl
leanpillers act like they invented it
>get leaaaaan bro
>muh grills
i lift to dig sand holes on the beach with 5 year olds

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