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183cm / 74.5kgs
I am average weight bmi for my height
Why is my body fat distribution so bad? Pear shape,
>fat thighs
>huge gut
>love handles
Just poor genetics? Zero muscle?
What more can I do to completely 180 it
184cm 77kg here, you just have zero muscle and too much fat. It depends on how fat you actually are and what you want to do first but you need to either start cutting or bulking. Personally I'm 20 - 25% bf but will continue bulking to 80kg until I cut.
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I kinda was there too. Youre still fat. Stay in deficit and start lifting heavy consistently. Also sprints on rest days help a lot. Something like Norwegian 4x4
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kek you have jeet genetics
Pure Estroegenic fat, one of the rare cases you’d truly be better of transitioning
this is photoshopped retards
holy fucking shit
>poor genetics
You have klinefelter
read the fuckin sticky
after you bear my children
I've seen worse go Arnold mode
OP looks like he got fucking squeezed like a plastic bottle lmao
Why is your body fat distribution so bad? That’s the wrong question. What you should be asking is how to lose the body fat.
It’s not, the jeans were just really tight >>74625864
kek brutal shit, maybe revenge for me bullying my Indian coworker fr
why are your love handles so fucking big
Alchemy ass bottle shaped ass nigga
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You have bitch fat genetics and less muscle mass than holodomor victims. I assume you eat nothing but corn syrup and macroplastics while sitting at a desk all day every day. I can't see someone so immersed in short term pleasures ever getting the willpower to build muscles you should have had as a child, but it's not impossible. Just unlikely.

Want my advice? Buy a weighted vest and keep it on all day every day until you have something to build off of. Walk a mile each day, take the stairs, do yard work, do whatever that gets you moving. Also follow standard diet advice you fatty
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I wish
Mothafukka lookin likka whole ass hairy ass cello ass bitch kekekeke
Straight into the mythic physiques of /fit/ folder
I love these cheeky cunts so much
There's a bunch of black cockatoos with the yellow cheek spots that come in near me and absolutely fuck up any tree they can get to
You have 0 muscle whatsoever unlucky fat deposits.
Just lift and diet accordingly and it will fix itself in a few years (3-5)
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No results on google or yandex reverse. It's so close to being over that we need a timestamp. If you're been near completely fysically unactive or were malnourished while growing up and then got fat of beer we might be talking about potential for drastic improvement. If that's not the case and you've actually tried, I'm really sorry(even if slightly photosphopped)
its from leddit bro
>a steady diet of sloppa, basmati rice, and seed oils chiseled this perfect human specimen
it's not over, it hasnt even begun. get the fuck to work
would you rather have man tits or man childbearing hips?
What is this: 30-35% BF? You need to lose about 25-30lbs and gain back all that weight in muscle. That's going to take a long time. Expect to look like shit for the next 3 years at least.
upon further investigation the image in op was taken from a reddit thread so fuck off
looks like a 4chan poster
If you’re serious and not meming the no I’m better off kms. I’m already 26 I do not have the 3 years ffs
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Bros what to do about these man tiddies?
I have bigger tits than my wife
hungry hungry skeleton jeeeeeeez nigger ur body is wild
post your wife's tits so we can compare
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