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I don't actually believe this
I'm in CS freshman classes at a big 10 uni and nobody is like this
>yet ANOTHER zoomer thread
nigga, stop with that spam
I'm not going to read all that shit and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
What if I made you?
>big 10 uni
dunno wtf this means but if you are in cs and at a school where the cs program is actually hard to get into, you don't get retards like your image. Now go attend a class where the students got in with sub 80% averages
>""""""Professor"""""""""""" teaches sociology at an inner city community collage stuffed with negros and foids
>Negros and foids can't do basic computer shit
>Blames a """"generation""""
You know they voted for Biden. Also generations (X, millennials, Zoomers, alphas and whatever the fuck else) don't exist, only boomers are actually defined, because you can see their population move through a population pyramid. The rest of the so-called generations are made up by marketers, not even joking.
Wow, chill it with the anti semitism.
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Former teacher here.

Gen Z is retarded. It is extraordinary. Others teachers I talked to who have worked since the 80s have confirmed something is fucking weird with them. They cannot do shit.

Memory and attention span like a fucking sieve. They cannot focus.
Profound lack of general knowledge. In the past when we came to teach WW2 pretty much everyone in the class would have heard of WW2 and know a bit about it before. With Gen Z, tonnes of them have never heard of it. It is fucking mental. Never heard of Elvis. Never heard of the Beatles. Never hear of Michael Jackson.
Many of them consume literally no culture except video games and TikTok. Many do not watch TV shows let alone read fucking books or online articles. They just watch YouTube short vids and TikTok. They know nothing about the world.
Do not even listen to music that much except TikTok songs.

Yes low tech literacy is insane. They do not know how to Google shit. Set a bunch of 15 year olds a history research task and their idea for how to do research online was to ask people on social media. Seriously. Fucking hell.
They had never heard of Wikipedia or some shit like that.
They only ever use like 3 or 4 websites through apps. YouTube, TikTok and maybe Twitter.

Not even going into the behaviour issues, literal temper tantrums with feet stomping and crying from actual 15/16 year olds acting like 7 year olds.

They are so insanely retarded I just got depressed and quit and moved to Thailand
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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I just watched this the other day and people (transistors) are still going to pretend we're not living in the matrix...
That was written by an English professor, a subject not known for attracting students with computer or mechanical skills.
What's the movie?
It's fake retard
>15 year olds
That's late zoomers and gen alpha. Early to Core Zoomers are around 25 to 18.

t. Computer Scientist Zoomer
And there's not a course with more students than Computer Science in any University I personally know of (at least 4)
A generation is ~20 years long. If "zoomer" starts at 25 than it extends to around 5 years old. Fake astroturfed generations like "alpha" need not apply.
What percent of your classmates are white?
also go back to India please
You're at an elite-tier university, and they tend to be restrictive on who they let in. That text might be talking about a university a few hundred lower down the rankings, let's call it Normie State U. Those places are not the same.
>Fake astroturfed generations like "alpha" need not apply.
Didn't you hear? Generations got the Javascript Framework upgrade. There's a new one every two weeks.
This. OP is a moron for not understand the basic context of the situation. Of course CS students are going to know what a file is and have a general understanding of file systems. The big change is that non-tech normies no long have that basic understanding of how computer systems work.
Nearly everyone in the class isn't a CS student
They're all business majors getting a credit they need
>They only ever use like 3 or 4 websites through apps. YouTube, TikTok and maybe Twitter.

Dead Internet Theory is now proven fact
No, these "gens" are defined as exactly 15 years long, which ironically half of what actual human generations take on average. Gen Z is 1997-2012, meaning every student besides elementary students are gen Z more or less. I'm 97, we don't have the problems described by the thread, although I'm not associated with lower socioeconomic circles that might have more of such degenerate behavior.
>Let's open proprietary software!
Fuck you, pay me.
>what is piracy
I work with zoomer CS grads. They have all been like this. Its not just the pajeets.
In Ahmedabad:
>Come on, sirs! Let's get pirated software open and go through some basics!
You have an untrustworthy binary which you can't audit and only you can use. As soon as you start distributing it for money corporations will come down hard on you. Piracy itself doesn't impact businesses.
it's a good thing for our job security
I'll be teaching my son tech myself and will not neglect like these kids parents
Did your father really teach you what a file is and how to open a word processor and how to indent paragraphs?
This post might be AI generated but I don't care. It reinforces the patterns which I've observed in the working world. We had a zoomer that I trained last year. He thought he was hot shit. I talked with him about his "background" and his "training". His 4 year uni degree only covered front end web dev. He didn't know SQL. He didn't know backend anything. He was totally clueless about systems software that used real programming languages like C and C++ instead of JavaScript and Python. He didn't know what a driver was and had no idea why we need to put version numbers on our releases and match those up with our version control system. I tried with him. Spent more than 6 months training him. It didn't work out for unrelated reasons. He's still unemployed and now calling himself a "full stack webdev". I've met 3 more like him since.
>Piracy itself doesn't impact businesses.
If you use pirated software to make a profit, your ass is in fact getting sued.
>your ass is in fact getting sued.
That's what I meant by "coming down hard". But I was a little vague with the last sentence.
>This post might be AI generated but I don't care.
It's pasta at the very least. I've seen that post quite a few times already.
It's asymmetrical advertising for ladyboys.
It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
Big 10 refers to football. It has nothing to do with academics, and it's not code for elite like Ivy League.
>Never heard of Elvis. Never heard of the Beatles. Never hear of Michael Jackson.
i'm 38 and can't name a single song by any of them
lyrical music is trash, always has been
You are 38 and cannot name a single Michael Jackson song?
Current day middle school substitute teacher here. If you think Gen Z is bad wait till you see Gen Alpha. Or as they would call themselves Gen Skibidi Sigmas.

Their tech literacy is okay with the basic stuff like their chromebooks, but they are far from power users. Just basic keyboard shortcuts or things amazes them. They do know how to copy code to unblock games and stuff, maybe there is some hope there. But a lot of them are far behind what their grade level should be.
how the fuck is that retard even getting hired in the first place and yet i am still unemployed?
Grandpa we stopped using Word when Google Docs was made.
Honest answer - he's is a member of a very politically connected minority group. No, not (((that))) minority group. He is white. A white doofus
1- Is your resume trash?
>I do not think so
It probably is.

2- Are your interviewing skills trash?
>I do not thi-
They probably are.
>people falling for stale pasta
Drop the attitude
Make friends
It doesn't matter if its literally true. Its spiritually true. Not all Indians shit in the street. But a large enough percent of pajeets do shit in the street. And that's enough for it to be true. The copy pasta is the same
>it's a lie but it FEELS true
Are you a woman?
I didn't say that it feels true therefore it is true. I said that any signal has a noise. India has a problem with people shitting in the streets. Not every India does that but the general problem exists. Broadly, zoomers are retarded. There's an exception here and there but the issue still remains that you can't teach them anything because zoomers lack social skills and think they're right about everything because Google gave them an SEO answer from some bot farm in India.

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