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Laravel edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io
Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>100282129
first for vue and nuxt
Second for svelte and fuck php
Angular vs React?
Fourth for React is fucking bloated but it just works
Are microservices the future of computer science?
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First for Jquery, the best new library on the web
>shit vs shit
react i guess
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how can I use protobuf in my web app?
Angular was better when I used the two. Swapped to Alpine though and actually enjoy it. Inb4 edgelord anon comes in and starts screaming about how it's a library.
Not using a framework is a bit more work, but maybe it's worth it for the speed benefits

Fuck bloat, my homies want speed
Use Alpine. It's an enhancement on Vanilla since you just write it all in the HTML with no compiling and it's fast as fuck.
you dont
protobuf is a meme
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Isn't it like objectively better than json and others?
Are you retarded? JSON is as easy as it can get. You're lucky to have JSON and not had to experience XML like oldfags.
Svelte, solid and Vue are all very fast. Too much work without one to do reactivity, upkeep state and have SSR for components.
no thanks
do I bother learning this or nah?
depends: Just about how much do you enjoy getting your butt stretched?
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Speaking of Laravel, I've noticed something recently
>notice some site runs particularly well, images loading fast and light on resources
>installed whatruns
>check stack
>no vue, react or angular
>at most jquery
The only problem with it is ASP.NET sounds like aspie aspergers. People make that connection subconsciously and will connect you being aspie retard if it's on your CV. Then they will think less of you and you will not have friends or make meaningful connections in your life and will be shunned and have no career. I notice these kinds of things because my subconscious is open to conscious introspection.
no, how dare you question the fact as proclaimed by the frameworkiest people, that of course your must have a vdom and reactivity to have fast page! how dare you quesiton the fact that all of this comes for free and totally does not require the framework to have another in memory representation of the dom which it has to check against.
no. how dare you postulate that doing imperative updates to a page is faster and less heavy on resources.
Uhhh guys should I even bother learning React?
just learn htmx
If you want a job then react. If you don't want a job then learn something else.
learn whatever the fuck you want man
I started making a web app without a framework. I got quite far with it. Recently I tried rewriting it with Preact. Preact is okay, but I think I might go back to my original project, with vanilla JS. I like the fact that the vanilla JS app has no unnecessary bloat. It only has what's necessary.
>upkeep state
Just write event handlers, easy.
Personally I am not using that.

Frameworks can be easy and quick to use. I do like writing React/Preact code. It offers good tools for keeping things organised and logical. Maybe with my vanilla JS approach I just want to see how much is possible, really.
This. Every employer is crying out for HTMX devs.
>If you want a job then react
I keep hearing this, but most sites I use don't use react so what gives? And when they do they're bloated slow piece of shit.
wait really? I just suggested it because I like it lol
>rest/soap/rpc flashbacks
We were lucky back then there was even an API.

Sometimes you had your script periodically FTP into a server, download a CSV from the vendor who put it there (automated Navision export every 4 hrs or something), and parse it yourself to get any meaningful data.
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>halfway through importing to DB you start seeing "åäöÃÃÃ" values
CSV truly is the pinnacle of shit formats
I thought I had to run svg-core scrpit to render svg icons but in fact I don't need it if all. So what's the script for?

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.2 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2024 Fonticons, Inc.--><path d="M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 394c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V192h416v234z"/></svg>
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Yep, been there.

And having to deal with browsers (IE5.5/6, Netscape, the releases of Firefox and later Chrome) who all used their own standards and quirks for CSS.

I've experienced it all, and I do NOT want to go back. I'll take React and JSON APIs over that shit any day of the week.
You are mentally fucked

You can wish cancer on me but obviously it will do nothing. You are impotent.
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>getting filtered by a page that uses liferay and some weird pagination
I'm trying to scrape a page that has no API, sometimes the query results are paginated. It seems it is not as simple as just setting page=xx in the URI because they use some ID from their database in an opaque way as well. Any scrappers here? Is the best way just running an agent/headless browser that clicks on the page numbers? God I hate the web sometimes.
Self taughtbros… how did you do it
Ah yes, making your page look real nice only to have IE absolutely butcher it. Those were the days.

Microshit's inability to adhere to standards is, unfortunately, very much still a thing. They've just moved on from the web. Outlook breaking mails is a frequently reoccurring theme at almost every single costumer I've worked with. And they're not going to get better because breaking things in subtle way is a strategy they've been employed from their very inception (e.g. they made the Windows 3.1 installer """incompatible""" with DR-DOS).
>Outlook breaking mails
I find amazing how microsoft works towards making their office products worse every day. Outlook:
>search does not give good results at all
>1/2 of the screen is occupied by ribbons or menus that you can't get rid off
>outlook.office outlook.live lmao
>they use some ID from their database in an opaque way as well
Chances are they're doing something like
... WHERE id >= @startId ...
. I'd collect a couple of _ordered_ IDs and then look for any patterns I might be able to exploit.
My project has so many bugs, FFS
It's honestly kind of impressive to have so consistently atrocious software while also being world's largest software developer. One can only wonder at what kind of hellish development model their developers are forced to work under.
i love how in theory you can use whatever language you feel like for backend but not in practice
Is there any library for 4chan like captcha that works with express.js and similar? What's a good captcha library or setup - preferably without third party bs?

I just wanna make a simple braindead site with some protection against spam.
say that to my perl backend
Decouple your code as much as possible, and keep your code lean (eg make your class do one thing and do it well, also write tests for it to catch regressions).
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>floods wikipedia with 10,000,000+ low quality pages

Based or cringe?
this is what you're looking at most likely
two roads:
aws / azure
supabase / vercel etc

which road do you take and why
It's a personal project and I'm not writing tests because I can barely get all the features done by myself as it is. Maybe I should start again and make it simpler. Stop trying to do so much, because I'm only one person after all.
the second one is for js soidevs so I'm taking the first one
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Imo make a trello board and make tickets for each feature you eventually want.

Then define a STRICT scope of tickets (ie must-haves) which you would consider for your MVP and work on those, one ticket at a time. Wrap them up before moving to the next one, including unit testing.

Afterwards bubble sort the rest of your nice-to-haves collection by prio, and pick up whatever you feel like, since the core of your app is already done (mvp) and stable (tested).

This helps me to keep things organized and motivated.
Third road: $5/month VPS with an optimized web app
Event handlers are okay for a while. Dynamic lists and forms was what I hated most in old days of jquery or vanilla js. Gross generating html in js.
Ssr is good for search engines and slow mobile connections. Doesn't matter much if no users though.
It's fun to try still yeah.
There is almost nothing to learn with HTMX. if and when it kills Virtual DOM shitworks, it will be an expected skill not worth mentioning separately. It will be job postings for whatever runs the backend and its templates (if any) and HTMX skill can be acquired first day on 1 hour powerpoint howto. That's why frontfags are so furious about it.
turns out it has something with dates. Setting the id to * and a displayDate to the current epoch allows me to navigate freely (albeit with some slow down). Fucking cunts just make a web api next time. I AM GONA SCRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE
Yeah I was thinking of something like that. Probably a good idea.
interdasting, can you post a few of thes ids and explain the pattern?
Just two more weeks bro, React is about to be replaced by this irrelevant garbage any day now
>work project 1
aws ec2 instances
>work project 2
vercel, turso, auth0
>side project
vercel, neon, some containers on digitalocean droplet

both have their uses
>all these 3 month 6 month boot camps and people who got jobs in that time are liars or they have shitty projects.
Nothing meaningful can be done at the 6 month mark. Took me a year to deploy my first site with aws

query for the exact match for "USA". It's a local city register. I want to expand to other cities when I'm done with this but they are all different.
>irrelevant garbage
are you retarded?
Write your actual interests lulz.CV
. smelling my own farts (literally, I try to trap them in my hand and bring them to my nose)
. shitting liquid occassionally
. shiting big solid turds
. jacking off for hours
. finding the location of a girl I like (trhough some google searching) and going there physically to try to talk with her
. browsing 4chins for hours
. porn for hours
. checking most expenssive, luxurious, and fastest cars every once in a while
. providing art critique while being mid at art myself
looks like a broken down SQL query, I wonder if SQL injection is possible utilizing said URLs
I'm sure they use something called Liferay for their CMS, it seems pretty big so I think they sanitize stuff. Each city hire a worse sweat shop than the other to do their systems. Everyone's lives would be better if you could automate calls, but people would actually find out out what they do with the money.

Courthouses / judicial branch FoIA (our version of it) are the worst, because they don't want to you to see what benefits are illegally given to judges or cross-reference stuff.
No I'm not but you are
you could be a frontend dev in that time for sure
your first employer will hate you but hes only gonna be your jumppad anyways
Yeah, the change will be incredibly swift and every seething frontnigger knows it and is afraid. Websites display content from server in HTML and are essentially glorified Word documents (which are XML under the hood). Yet you stupid bitches manage to make them use hundreds of megabytes of memory and still work like shit. Your ass will be on layoff block faster than DEI acolytes. Be glad you (likely=) won't get sued for damage you did.
Yeah just two more weeks lmao
took me three to four years to be able to comfortably handle all moving parts of my massive project. but i'm completely fluent now, there's no challenge now, and i can work on it regardless of my state of mind. takes my system a bit longer to learn things, but once i learn it i know it for life
>Quite like solid js
>Look up some videos about it
>See a video with Ryan Carniato
>He's a literal rocking back and forth, waving his hands when exited, autist

>waving his hands when exited
literally me, I'm ashamed to admit
>been working as contractor for a government project for 2 years now
>When it comes to anything frontend/backend related (that I can deploy and use locally) I'm 100% in.
>Get tasked with some architectural thing like terraform/WSO2/Infrastructure
>Be clueless retard.
What are some good resources to learn this kind of stuff? Something like the resources in OP. Currently I don't understand the tech stack enough to know what questions I'm trying to answer.
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Your thoughts on Expo?
proposal for this and future wev dev generals:
if you are talking about a new, nice or whatever kind of shitty unknown framework - you always include what it is in the name. examples:

can we agree on this? I am fed up with all these fucked up names I have to look up.
laravel, more like, falafel
I'm the Expo guy, I'll tell you what it is, it's some managed thing that makes it easy to make a React Native app. Maybe it's equivalent to Vite for React.

And you might think "React Native isn't web" but you can actually make a web app, and a native iOS/Android app, from the same React Native codebase.
>Maybe it's equivalent to Vite for React
vite is vite for react.
>some managed thing
A build tool. build/expo
>vite is vite for react.
Yeah I know, and I'm saying Expo is a bit like that, but for React Native.
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You mean lalafell
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Going from pure PHP to Laravel -> I'm confused as to why is there an added layer of abstraction for synchronizing application layer database to actual database???

Why the hell do I have to write 'php artisan migrate' every time to sync my database with app database. I don't understand how this came to be and why.
The web has no need for more than PHP and jQuery, grow up
I will use mojolicious in our next project to ensure my job security. No way they'll hire a perl programmer.
CSS question here.

Some sites that have a paywall overlay, like the NYT wordle-bot, prevent scrolling on the underlying page. So even when you block the overlay element, you still can't scroll the page.
What's the typical way to do this?

I'd assume "overflow-x: none" but that doesn't seem to be the case when I inspect the computed dom styles and throwing in overlay rules doesn't fix it.
The site btw:
Why's every new website made in react? A 4 page website doesn't need react.
We cannot give up our secrets like that :^)
It's probably some JavaScript bullshit, disable scripts and see if the overlay load.
>It's probably some JavaScript bullshit, disable scripts and see if the overlay load.
That just disables the whole app because it's an SPA.
I want to know what is getting set to prevent scrolling when there's clearly overflow but I can't find what's doing it.
nta, and idk, but maybe overflow:hidden;
>maybe overflow:hidden
It doesn't seem to be, there's a few of those in the css but changing them to "scroll" doesn't do anything.
There's some javascript on-scroll events but disabling them doesn't change anything either.
What kind of personal projects can I make for my portfolio?
is GCP worth learning?
Have they ever been good at product design?

Remember when Internet explorer was King and your dad's browser would have 18 search bars and you never knew which one to use?
text-align: center;

I know this is day 1 babby shit, but is this the biggest meme of all? I have legitimately never had this simple property work a single time over the years. It always results in the creation of a container and using "align items" and "justify content" instead.

Yet if you google how to put text in the center, everyone parrots the "text-align" property. I feel like it's the biggest inside joke in the dev space.
aws is more popular but if you're already familiar with that or you're working somewhere that uses gcp then why not
>Why the hell do I have to write 'php artisan migrate' every time to sync my database with app database. I don't understand how this came to be and why.
Because you need some sort of mechanism to synchronise the changes of your schema to your production database as well as other team members that are running your project locally. Think of them as commits for your database schema.
You don't. That is devops not development. Get someone else to handle it before you are expected to handle it all because you kinda managed it a few times.
>Have they ever been good at product design?
In the very beginning, they were one of the few that took product design seriously.
Nobody else was doing focus groups and user testing and shit, they just built whatever UI the devs figured would work and most users were devs or techies of some sort so they got away with it.

MS made UI design a business function and did it even before anyone was teaching it, they kind of built the discipline from scratch.
This isn't to say that they've ever really been great at it but for a while, they were the pioneers and sadly, probably actually the best.
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Works on my machine.
Forget laravel, use pure php
>doesnt understand migrations
does Go error checking slow down the program? I would imagine having to write an if statement at every possible error case would affect performance
should I just avoid error checking where I dont expect errors to ever happen?
>should I just avoid error checking where I dont expect errors to ever happen?
Errors only happen when you're planning for them so it's fine.
Why do people always say this? What is "bloated" about it?
are you being sarcastic?
You don't have to, you can just change your database schema in another way and it will work fine as long as everything matches up.

Migrations are used because they allow you to version your schema and keep track of what changed and when. So if you need to add another field to a table, you build a migration for it and commit that. If you need to go back to a previous version of your schema (say to fix a production bug) you can just revert your repository and then migrate again and you have the old schema back.
>are you being sarcastic?
little bit
> should I just avoid error checking where I dont expect errors to ever happen?
Depends how robust your program needs to be.
depends, but if statements are almost never a bottleneck in a program, so it shouldn't matter.
>if statements are almost never a bottleneck in a program
I find this doubtful
A computer program is almost nothing but if statements, so they are always the bottleneck. But realistically it's the if statements inside the tight loops that matter which is probably not where you need to put your error checking.
They slow down a bit but not much. Branch predictor should get it correct 99% of times in error checks. Only if it's wrong does it have significant slowdowns.
why are you doubting me? please do the needful sir and listen
> if statements, so they are always the bottleneck

Not true. Other things could slow down the program such as I/O.
Sure, but you wouldn't really think of that as a bottleneck in the program, e.g if I'm you are waiting on keyboard input then you would have to say that typing speed is a bottleneck in the program.
depends on the i/o, if I want to fetch data from another server, then how I fetch that data could be a bottleneck
Yeah, but that usually just boils back down to if statements again.
no it's not
My employer has a BI dashboard built with grafana, and I’ve been grabbing snapshot data downloaded from the visuals as .csv files to nigger-rig a data warehouse (they don’t give us an api or query access to the primary database).
This is rapidly becoming a nightmare and I desperately need a way to automate the downloads, but I’ve been googling the topic and apparently it’s impossible because the visuals are stored as a json which loads into the browser and is then unpacked to a csv, and playing around with the devtools in Chrome, I cant make hide nor hair of how any of this stuff works or of ways to directly grab the json/isolate the sequence of web queries the page uses that results in the simple .csv I need.
Anyone have any advice?
here are some non meme ones:
>getting a degree
>getting non meme certificates (no udemy / codecademy / freecodecamp garbage)
>having connections
>some basic bitch CRUD app with a word salad of meme technologies in its description
I don't really understand what you're trying to do exactly. You are downloading data manually from some dashboard?

Don't read these fuckers though. Nobody who abuses the web in such a way is worth a read.
Use playwright or puppeteer and download it same way as you manually have been doing so far
Are there even non meme certs in /wdg/? This isn't like helpdesk where I can get comptia A+ or some shit
week 1 learner here
the amount of html and css for even basic websites like this feels daunting
does this get better with time? also, how fucked is javascript?
javascript is a blessing, you'll enjoy it, you don't need to "wait" to learn javascript, you can play with it in the mean time, it's just that once you know html and css, the js DOM interactions make way more sense
keep your browser terminal open as a playground
CSS is the worst part
Is it crazy to make your own mini framework rather than use React or something? Just because React feels bloated

I stress the mini part. Maybe I can just write a few functions for common tasks (adding elements to the DOM etc).
my guess would be:
one that makes you proficient in everything is asked from a junior role, and a bit more just to be sure
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Anyone know a good source with which to take references? I am working with card components and not quite liking how they are turning up, would be grateful for good references.

/*desing inspiration web*/

/* fonts */

/* design theory */

/* hosts refactoring UI pdf */

/* design from refactor ui dude */
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z9rrryIOC4 [Embed]
Thanks man, will check them out
dilate, tranny
AWS / Azure easily. It is cheaper and you have more control, and importantly it is skills that are in demand on the job market.
Paying for a scalable database and the maintenance I understand, but to pay that much for delivering your frontend, some of the easiest stuff to do, now that seems a bit crazy to me. Of course Vercel offers more stuff, but is it really worth the price?
Taylor otwell did nothing wrong. Facades and helper classes are superior to dependency injection. The only way for "code smell" to exist is to have pajeets on your team.
>javascript is a blessing, you'll enjoy it,
>keep your browser terminal open as a playground
I'll do that, thanks
>CSS is the worst part
Thank god. Seeing oceans of it made me sick.
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the bounce animation on the cars are pretty sweet
I believe each type should be put into its own category. Not this type bending globalism.
>felt cute, how am I as an array?
>posted by an obvious map
Kill javascript. Behead javascript. Roundhouse kick javascript into the concrete. Slam dunk javascript baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy javascript jannies. Defecate in nodejs jannies food. Launch javascript into the sun. Stir fry javascript in a wok. Toss javascript into active volcanoes. Urinate into javascripts gas tank. Judo throw javascript into a wood chipper. Twist javascript heads off. Report javascript to the IRS. Karate chop javascript in half. Curb stomp pregnant javascript. Trap javascript in quicksand. Crush javascript in the trash compactor. Liquefy javascript in a vat of acid. Eat javascript. Dissect javascript. Exterminate javascript in the gas chamber. Stomp javascript code monkeys skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate javascript in the oven. Lobotomize javascript. Mandatory abortions for javascript. Grind javascript fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown javascript in fried chicken grease. Vaporize javascript with a ray gun. Kick old javascript down the stairs. Feed javascript to alligators. Slice javascript with a katana.
javascript cucked that guy lol
How can you not like javascript
Why? What language should browsers use instead?
>the amount of html and css for even basic websites like this feels daunting
that's because 99% of people in web dev have skill issues. because of that you will hate working with html, which will cause you to become part of the 99%
>does this get better with time?
no, see above. people who are bad at x and use a lib, framework, transpiler, templating engine y to work with x will inevitably produce even worse and more bloated x.
>also, how fucked is javascript?
js itself is fine. but you cannot separate js from all the skill issues surrounding web dev.
I will answer your AWS or SQL questions until I go to my morning standup.
>i keep reading and reading stuff, what can I read to actually learn more?
don't. build.
>sell me on using AWS instead of a VPS
i'm not a salesman and you haven't given me a use case.
PHPtard here.

How do other languages recover from errors?
Php makes a new process for each request so if it errors just that request fails, not the whole server.
With Node or python or rails won't the whole application crash, killing everyone's requests?
Nodejs used to have a real problem with this (especially in the callback hell before-time), but most server frameworks have a "catch-all" middleware to just log the errors and return a 500, and is much now with promises/async. Don't know about python, but probably similar (or it just uses threads and crashes the thread).
I have 1 year of learning SQL with a very good and demanding SQL teacher, however it's been years since I don't touch SQL.
Can you "test" my SQL skills? throw short challenges my way so I can practice.
I'll give it a shot. Give me a real-world example of when you would use a LEFT JOIN, and why you would use it instead of an INNER.
Ah that's smart putting it in the middleware
table 1: employees
table 2: sales

table 2, has sales associated to an employee id, some sales have the employee id with NULL value.
I realize it's not the best example, but cut me some slack.
In this case the left join will, if I'm not mistaken, show me all the sales associated with each employee, and also show me some sales that have no employee associated to it.

did I get it half right?
Pretty good example. You could also flip this query and LEFT JOIN sales, so you would get an aggregate count of sales by employee, including employees that have 0 sales. Well done.

Here's another: give a few examples of good places/times to add an index to a column (or columns)
this one I'll have to asspull, cause they didn't taught us this, let me cheat a lil by googling it, it might be a bit fair
Will use this resource, exclussively:

Ok first use case, out of my memory and my teacher's words I realize it might be practical but orthodoxically wrong:
- using an index when your queries have low performance and you need to boost it

>after reading the introduction page
if you perform queries by ID on a table, and you use that table a lot, and it has a lot of records, and the performance is subpar, it might be justified to put an index on the ID column

Other than that, I think it'd be smart to pair query and DB/Table optimization (normalization? teacher didn't teach us that one either) with indexes.

>the time
1. at DB design if you're a seasoned DB analyst
2. at found precise use case after usage of the DB and a need for optimization
A few things. Good instinct to defer adding indexes (minus Primary Key) until you encounter performance issues. You'd be surprised at how often you *don't* need them. That said - I've been optimizing SQL for 20 years, there are definitely some common places you can assume will be good indexes, even if you don't add them right away:
* Foreign key columns are frequently good candidates
* Timestamps, and specifically the [created_at] field is a good candidate. Time series queries are the most frequent in all of reporting.
* Columns that are commonly filtered on, especially if the filter is equality-based, or numerical comparisons.
Indexes get even more complex in columnar storage. It's a rabbit hole of a concept, but one of *THE* most important topics in performance.

Alright I'll do another: let's say you have an order and an order line items table. You want to count the number of line items and sum the order totals up, grouped by date, to get a summary. When running this query, you find that the order totals are wildly out of line with what you'd expect, but the line item counts look correct. What could be wrong with your query?
Effectively, yes. The grafana interface to our half-assed DW/BI system allows you to dump info out of the visualisations into .csv/.xlsx files; for the most part people use it to know what business transactions are pending/overdue, or what resource utilisation looks like in the near future, etc. but by dumping the data daily I’ve built up a collection of rolling snapshots that are useful in ways the website/service fails to be. It just sucks ass having to pull the data manually, in particular on the first of the month when I want to try and grab everything, because the downloads take forever to process and fail/truncate frequently (or guaranteed if you don’t filter the data to return less that 100k rows).

Thank you for the suggestions, these look to be exactly what I need (short of learning python).
Also, sorry for the slow reply.
I might be saying something silly, but I think maybe there's a an issue in multiplying the item cost per item count?
Idk I have good imagination but this one beats me.
It's okay, it's a bit more of an advanced question with multiple moving parts. What most likely happened with the query:
* you are joining orders to items, which would produce multiple rows per order (assuming a good number of orders would have more than one line item). When you then SUM the order total, you would be counting the total multiplied by the number of line items each order had. The line items count would be correct since it has exactly one row per line item.

How would you correct that query?
a combination of group by (order) and sum? I knew how to do this back then, I sure do not how to do that now
There's a few different ways to solve. Some are more immediate than others. One way to solve is (especially if you're using a data warehouse) to store the line item count on the order itself, eliminating the need for the join. Another solution is to use a subquery for the line items, perform the COUNT and group by order ID, then join that subquery to the orders table.
>to store the line item count on the order itself, eliminating the need for the join.
that's similar to how NoSQL optimization works
>Another solution is to use a subquery for the line items, perform the COUNT and group by order ID, then join that subquery to the orders table.
I can see this being super resource intensive, at least I got the group by order ID bit right, ohwell
>I can see this being super resource intensive, at least I got the group by order ID bit right, ohwell
It definitely will be for even a remotely large table. Fixing the problem with the query is a junior/mid level solution, fixing the problem with the design (pre-calcing and storing the count) is getting into senior level problem solving. I think you'll be fine. Keep going. Knowing SQL is a superpower when you get into smaller companies, and makes you quite indispensable.
thanks anon, I appreciate your help
Always happy to help.
Do you ever look at other websites to find out what tech they're using?

I'm just looking at the BBC News website: bbc.co.uk/news

I think they've rewritten the whole news home page using React and CSS grid. Formerly I think they were only using React for the bar at the top (which is used throughout the BBC site). But now it looks like the whole of the news home page is using React.
help Wdg I just want a job I know the jeet stack (mern) and next. Should I full jeet it and learn Java and csharp. I want to move out of my moms house already.
I wonder how they coded BLACKED.COM
Why would you post something like this?
generate a web client from your grpc service definition and use it, or generate a json gateway for your grpc service and use that.
it depends on what you want/need. if it is transport size and type safety then yeah, it is probably a bit better than json. the api contract side of things is less significant than you might think, since a good API will already publish/follow a service contract. talking about it in terms of application/transport protocol doesn't really change that.
having the auto-generated client stubs can be nice though. you also need to be comfortable having your grpc service web-accessible, which is a non-starter for many.
the messages you see via the dev tools will also be less easy to understand unless you have an extension to map them using some generated code.
Is anything about leetcode fun in your opinion or is it just work? Maybe the easy questions?

I have a job but it's boring and I don't have to do anything. If there is code on my screen, I'm working!
WebOps early cookies via provisioning dark mode toggles
I'm getting responses like this all over, so I think I'm probably just going insane. time to go touch grass again. have fun with your projects wdgee
React is the best framework

(Okay it's a library not a framework but still)
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sirs does bot = scrap?

I mean, suppose i wanna do a bot farm project.
Will it boil down to become good a web scrap and bypassing captchas?

Have lots of free time at my job so im looking for a side project. Doesnt need to be profitable or anything, just interesting and challenging.
whats the cheapest S3 for retrievals
cloudflare has free egress but fucking 15$/tb is expensive as shit
supposedly sia is pennies on the dolalrs but a cancer to setup, anyone tried it?
scrape*, and that depends entirely on what the bot does and what sites/services its interacting with. if youre making a bot for a browser game, chances are you can do it purely in js that you inject into the page. if youre making a bot for social media, youd likely use the api if you want to make a compliant bot, or with something like selenium if you want to make a clandestine one. and as for a bot farm (as in multiple bots), would they be independent agents or would they be orchestrated? how would you host them, would you need to proxy their traffic, would you need to integrate captcha services, etc etc. how you make bots entirely depends on what it does.
if you use a library you're a nigger zoomer
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Can you right now, in this very moment, start developing on linux and c# a website, using only open source tools?

Please tell me I can retire PHP and learn a real programming language that I can use for multiple purposes, like game or desktop design, on top of being able to make websites

I'm a hobbyist programmer so a multi-purpose language gives me way more returns for my time

In the past I'd use to make websites:


What would be the c# alternatives today, if they do exist?
yes, go read the docs
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Upon researching further, it seems all I need is Net core and I'm good to go

Learning c# feels great instead of a waste of time like PHP. I'll be able to prototype things in unity, I'll be able to write a program that sends automated hate messages to moot for killing /biz/ every 1 hour.. c# just gives you more
>web dev make a HTML page that is accessible, readable by humans and machines and correct challenge (it's impossible)
tech was a mistake jesus fucking christ I can't take it anymore
close this website and never come back
Not that guy (I’m the one trying to DIY my own data warehouse with scraps extracted from Chrome), but may I ask if you have any recommendations for where to go about learning SQL, or any particular resources?
My job isn’t great, but I do get to play around in Excel for problem solving and I find using Table.Join()weirdly fun. eg.
>sending out audit letters to try and get in contact with clients (these print out with the customer ID in a barcode on the corner, and have a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and if no also ‘Why’ checkbox template)
>call up a list of letters sent, and assign them an index which becomes a letter ID
>create an excel worksheet that does some data validation and lookups when you receive a reply and scan the barcode, and subsequently calculates the letter ID; can now process hundreds of letters in an hour by entering the Yes/No and reply dates in bulk (this used to be done manually)
>when I need to collate the replies I can inner join the letter ID of the validated responses, back as an outer join to the original table of letters, and then also see who didn’t
This is such basic shit compared to what I saw when peering beyond the veil with Chrome devtools trying to automate the data extracts, but it still makes me feel like a wizard.
How do I approach this problem where I want to iterate over my inbox in a certain jobs website and download all of the resumes that the applicants have sent to me? I do not own the website itself so I do not have access to the code nor its database.

If I were to do it manually, I'd have to go through each page and download the attachment inbox.
Can we stop the htmx meme already? Let’s suggest people use Remix or something
I have to do the classic update or create in a node project without ORM.
Any downsides to this?
>try to do an update
>if rows affected are 0, insert
Because that's what we had before.
I guess the clean solution if doing a select first to check if it exists, but I'm wondering if the first solution is bad and why.
Any website code-alongs that you guys recommend?
>t. noob starting to get overwhelmed
Where did this meme of 'dependency injection' even come from?
In terms of employment opportunities

AWS > Azure > Google Cloud (they change the name from GCP or something last year I think)
Azure might even be more popular some places or industries, especially when combined with Microsoft tech like .NET.

So if you try to get a job in Europe for a government or non-tech company, then Microsoft and Azure is king.
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How do I make sure my bill doesn't explode overnight? My biggest fear is that I get hit with some 4-digit+ bill on some shitty Digital Ocean VPS because of some bullshit I overlooked. That would unironically bankrupt me.
Just make sure you aren't on any usage based pricing and you're good. Put your shit behind CloudFlare for the firewall + no egress fees + http cache for ease of mind.
stupid fucking zoomer. have you even looked at vps pricing? you act like they're going to fuck your billing up. i've been with DO for five years now and it's the same expected bill every month. stupid fucking nigger, you should just stay out of webdev
damn htmx is so comfy
t. Jobless nocoder with no prospects
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Just made my first button (it does nothing)
I'm going to put all you fuckers out of a job
just get a dedicated/shared vps and have fun. Do not use usage based billing stuff that autoscales, one bad actor and you're hit by 100k bill
I do that exactly for a living. Not going to post a link though, of course.

You have to live with some limitations to make it work.

Protip: Nobody cares for your hover, mouse, scroll, wiggle and jiggle animations. Nobody cares for parallax scrolling. Nobody cares for your tech stack. But absolutely everybody cares for not having a GDPR banner and a fast page.
>What?! You can make a page without that.
Don't need a consent form if you're not mishandling user data

ocaml official site uses htmx
I'm not gonna lie, each day I'm leaning more and more towards loving php and hating JS.
Not because JS is bad, JS is great, but there are way too many bloated libraries that are like mouse traps. I don't need le fancy library to do DB operations, I can do that with some simple trashy php hacks that don't require npmshit
>Protip: Nobody cares for your hover, mouse, scroll, wiggle and jiggle animations. Nobody cares for parallax scrolling.
Yeah no shit retard. But try telling that to UX designers.
Yes, you can.

Using ASP.NET Core (MVC is still Windows only), optionally extended by Blazor.

Using VS Code as IDE if you want open source tools only.
From people who actually maintain proper business-grade software who decouple and unit-test their code.

You don't need it for your shitty hobby project, anon.
Memes that are hyped by /g/ but are really just memes:
>Windows LTSC POS Special Crazy Edition
>Custom Android ROMs
it's the i in solid
You're right
exactly the point. Everybody in the EU is like >no, you cannot into data
>no, you have to consent into us mailing you back
which of course is complete and utter bullshit.
I always do. Nothing against a good design, I don't want 90s windows back, but goddamn, all that unnecessary crap needs to freakin die.
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Fuck duffel help me /wdg/
Through a family member I got asked to do 2 websites for a small family restaurant and boat trip company.
Now im starting to think I should host it on free Vercel/Cloudflare account and give them the login details so they buy the domain and can access the analytics too.

Is that a good idea? I want the least friction of involvement with the production account
I have the Vue devtools extension, and it tells you when it detects websites using vue or nuxt.

So yeah, Pornhub uses VueJS.
>tether is a do nothing program that is now worth $100 billion dollars
why are we drooling over making shitty react splash pages instead of chasing the real money?
Interesting. Maybe I should look at Vue, I don't know much about it.
How do I know which Azure portal services are needed or best to deploy a fullstack app? I'm currently looking at: azure container apps, azure virutal network, azure monitor with azure monitor logs and azure logs analytics, and azure load balancer. The objective is to deploy two containers on the same url and log everything. Is that ok or do I need anything more?
microservices aren't new, they're gonna get more and more popular as older code bases continue to refactor. they're the future only in that sense, otherwise they're the "present", but also there's more to it, there are a few complexity trap, particularly when tied with cloud services, and microservices; leading to fucked up data (consistency issue) and overall messy architecture with lots of boilerplate, rules, and cloud provider dependencies.

tl;dr: yes, 100% must know, useful occasionally but not always
>Is that a good idea? I want the least friction of involvement with the production account
Nyo, you should host it for free on Vercel/Cloudflare then charge them monthly for admin/hosting it
What ui libraries do you use? I have been trying to do custom for a while but I can never match the cleanness of most of the ui libraries out there so I'm going to convert a lot of my projects.
ok, thanks for the explanation
Sites don't use react, webapps do.
Is there much point in using Internet Information Services on a Windows Server environment instead of Windows Home if I'm just using it for small projects for myself?
Does anyone even use IIS on /g/?
Tomato, tomato
why would you use closed source windows anything
>windows server
>windows home
why bro? why?!
stop talking esl zoomer
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hey, im really new to html shit. i wanna try making a small fun text webpage and would like to have users be able to input a name, to which it'll stick throughout the experience.
im struggling a bit though because i cant seem to find a solution online to my problem.
i hope picrel explains my retardation.. i have the input text box already and the button that'll lead to the next page.
You can store it in multiple ways. You can store it in a session variable only on the server and just render it in the HTML when you return that. The user will get a cookie automatically, and you will always know which user it is on the server.
You could also put it directly into a cookie, but the user can change that to anything later on.
>calls some anon a zoomer
>somehow still feels like he is entitled to talk about language in the first place
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>You can store it in multiple ways. You can store it in a session variable only on the server and just render it in the HTML when you return that.
i see..
thank you, ill have to figure that out then.
it's fucking ridiculous how fast it is to develop using laravel.
why do people use postman instead of custom scripts that curl tests and capture the response?
i think to pass data between webpages you would need to POST it using a form. but what i would do is use javascript to dynamically update the html, so after the button is clicked, execute javascript to capture the value of the text box, store it in a variable, and then update the html on the page
Mine says hi on the console when clicked on. Git gud
Save persistence for when you’re using js react etc. i like your drive kiddo
>doing sonething reasonable instead of electron insanity
your such a boomer kek
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Is there any way to trigger a function whenever a q-input is valid or not on Quasar?
I have a vue 3 project that requires a q-label to also turn red whenever that happens but I can't find a way to make it work.
If you need to save more data or more structured data, use a database. Use SQLite first as a stepping stone.
and you're* such an esl zoomer
>all eyes on me, witness how I can do the grammar nazi thing
Is there a simple js library to handle two views? I have two divs side by side, when I click something on the left it updates the right.
The catch is that I want it to be two "screens" on mobile devices so tapping the left will shift it to the right. Not sure if there's something out there to handle that.
are you using any frontend libraries already? or is this ssr.
I don't know what SSR means but it's just a single html page. No frontend libraries
ssr would be server-side rendering, which generally leads to some static bundle that is delivered (which is generally analogous to plain html/js/css). the reason i ask about frontend libraries is because following the conventions with component libraries like react, you would "hoist the state" of each of your divs into a parent component so that its state can be shared between its children, i.e. your two divs would be controlled by a container element and state.

could you elaborate on what you want these divs to share between them and how they interact? it shouldnt be difficult to get them to work together, but what theyre doing matters a bit.

>The catch is that I want it to be two "screens" on mobile devices so tapping the left will shift it to the right.

like an image carousel but for html containers?
Basically it's a list of objects on the left and the right side would display details about the objects (for example name, an image, etc)
Currently the information is stored in a dictionary, the list contains the dict keys and the dictionary is global
It works on desktop but I was wondering if there was something to get it to fit on mobile aside from making the left div a slide out bar or overlay. Like some kind of carousel animation, yes
for mobile id think maybe top/bottom would be a bit more ux friendly. seems like youve got the logic sorted if it works on desktop. if its a layout issue, maybe take a look into flex css to make it responsive.
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>need a graph as a landscape A4 pdf page
>heh i know html and css lets do this way cause its fun
>finish the needed shape
>turns out ugly
>it even ends up being 2 pages despite setting
body {
width: 297mm;
height: 210mm;
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

i've switched to libreoffice draw now but god damn i hate how fragile and broken the whole "web stack" is. web dev was a mistake
you can use the "@media print" css selector to set print-specific styles for your DOM elements
I love that they allow this because it's necessary, but they don't want us to have other necessary queries like "phone".
Just curious
But I don't think I'll be doing anything with them for now
How do you guys learn on the go? I’m out often but not enough to warrant bringing my laptop with me. Maybe I should tho
What’s filo and lilo

Was asked in an interview and can’t be pressed to do anything beyond asking here
Anyone have any recommended books? People are always pushing books onto me but I only see their biggest flaw, bring outdated and internet is free
>Filo is a very thin unleavened dough used for making pastries such as baklava and börek in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines.
>Lilo & Stitch is a 2002 American animated science-fiction comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures.
Typescript lol
>"phone" query
@media (orientation: portrait) {...
Just tossed Next.js in the trash, I'm a Laravel convert now.
>Filament - godlike admin panel builder
>Herd - dev envs management Mac+Windows
>Livewire - SSR shit with way less overhead and not really any JS unless you add in Alpine
>Volt - singular file Livewire components
>Folio - like nextjs app router if it didn't suck ass
>Pest - extension of PhpUnit with Jest-like syntax
>PhpStan - static analysis
>Pint - cs fixer
The major downside is not nearly as many Laravel jobs. How do we fix this?
laravel is the redeeming library of web dev
I don't want to use a JavaScript framework. I'm a backend dev and I'm trying to monetise some APIs I've made. I'm thinking about just making a simple website using vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS. I will have the users login using OAuth where they can buy a subscription to the APIs using Stripe and create an API key and see the documentation.

Is there any good arguments against me not using a JavaScript framework? Keep in mind that it's a simple website.
Release the final episode jeffrey
Friendship with Svelte ended. Which framework should be my new friend?
web components
yeah fooble and grumble are amazing too, almost feels like using zopt to chomp things.
I would only use pest, cause I really like the name
solid js
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Explain this.
Strings are not numbers
Yep, works OK except when doing side-by-side on desktop. Or tablets. Or portrait oriented monitor. Or holding phone sideways. I usually use some font based decision like
max-width: 40rem;
But it's all bullshit workarounds to guess if the user is using a phone. CSS is stupid for not recognizing that responsive design and mobile design are two distinct things.

The worst was when people were looking at the pointer media feature.
nta, I don't remember having much issues that couldn't be solved by just adding a media query here and there
if laravel is so cool, why are all jobs in europe for java+spring?
I ask this unironically, there must be something fucking wrong or that I'm missing.
Where the fuck are all the laravel jobs and don't tell me to look at larajobs where they post like 1 job a week.
I know that BIPOC, I want to know why it returns true for some values but false for others. Ideally you'd expect all to return a consistent answer.
>inb4 ===
I know that, I'm asking why 18 and 19 are true but 20 and 17 are false.
Put 017 in the console. That's 15. 0-prefix is used for octals.
"017" is implicitly coerced to a number in the comparison by calling Number("017"), Number() defaults to Decimal and returns 17.
15 != 17
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That's it, thank you.
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But you knew that already, didn't you Beenish?
So that's where my prof got it from.
programming and math are closer together than most people think, in fact is the coolest part of programming
sad we discuss meme framework of the week instead of that in here
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Become like Tushar, here's your homework https://github.com/getify/You-Dont-Know-JS/blob/1st-ed/types%20%26%20grammar/ch4.md
>"programming is math is a not a meme"-meme
things that get solved in a fuckton of if else and loops can be reduced to a few math operations some times, if you don't think that's the tightest shit then get out of my face
What do web developers study in university?
There aren't any web developers in university
You shouldn't compare strings with numbers.
headers = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3"

This was all I needed to trollercoast the API to fucking respond to me
And some say Copilot is no good fren. I couldn't find this anywhere.
What's the best way to learn design shit? Every web app I've made ends up looking shitty. Even using css frameworks it ends up shitty looking. Just want to make something that doesn't look like shit but I think I'm missing something
>tfw the api is so utter garbage that I have to make my own mock off it
is this real life? MySQL accepts Check constraint, will apply it correctly, but won't show it to you if you ask it to show table constraints?
This can't be, right?
Dere you go. Just devote a solid 5 years to memorizing all that and youll be able to make slightly better design choices
>adding columns to a table through SQL command line cause SQL graphic editors are retarded
I love myself
Copy some website you think looks nice.
I had PHP
for anyone that did consulting or freelancing, what are the most common types of websites you guys worked on? did you guys just use WordPress/LAMP-stack if it's a client that won't be able to tell the difference between PHP and Javascript?
Europe: angular, spring, dotnet are the most requested if you work in a team as a consultant, because that's what the "consultancies" like NTT data, accenture, etc use (they are not consultancies, they are just huge contractors btw and fuck them) and even if you work in a small company you end up getting subcontracts from those big companies anyway kek.
If you work as an independent and an ACTUAL consultant, you decide what to use. If you solve the client's problem using google forms, as long as your client is not retarded and can appreciate making money and having his problems solved, you're good. Sadly some clients think they know shit and they ask for a specific piece of technology, and that's where you're fucked.
This has been my experience.
Why can't browsers run on C# so we can filter all of the bootshitters and pajeets who can't into typed languages and OOP?
The designer lady I work with is nice but her websites look like shit.
C# is a language precisely for bootshitters
She doesn't know to code her designs, why don't you ask her out
Use blazor then faggot
thats why bill gates invented typescript, embrace extend extinguishhhhhhhhh
>be enterprise worker
>ask the computer to print a form with one input field in a webpage
>computer doesn't do it because TYPES
>don't deliver, but nobody really cares because daddy-government will print money tomorrow
>be programmer
>use typed/untyped/kindatyped language based on the project
>computer does stuff, DELIVER
>things wanted by real people in the real economy are produced, society improves in an healthy and natural way
>BONUS: go to heaven when you die
You are basically possessed by a demon and you don't even know
New thread
types make shit easier, not more complicated. If anything the loose typing of js et al is what makes people with skill issues write bad code which is why thex rely on frameworks written by people who have the very same skill issues.

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