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Functional programming (FP) is an approach to software development that uses pure functions to create maintainable software. In other words, building programs by applying and composing functions.

Some official websites

Use Nix (a purely functional package manager) and NixOS (the OS based on the purely functional package manager)

Where to find jobs

Where to learn about functional programming
>https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/haskell-98-tutorial.pdf (For Haskell 98)

Some nice extensions, plugins etc
>https://github.com/haskell/lsp (LSP for Haskell Programming Language)
>https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider (Cider for Emacs)
>https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=avli.clojure (Clojure nREPL for VSc*de)
First for lying to people about quicksort
quicksort1 :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort1 [] = []
quicksort1 (x:xs) =
let smallerSorted = quicksort1 [a | a <- xs, a <= x]
biggerSorted = quicksort1 [a | a <- xs, a > x]
in smallerSorted ++ [x] ++ biggerSorted
This is the definition of art:
fib n = go n (0,1)
go !n (!a, !b) | n==0 = a
| otherwise = go (n-1) (b, a+b)

And this is the definition of masterpiece:
import Control.Monad.State
fib n = flip evalState (0,1) $ do
forM [0..(n-1)] $ \_ -> do
(a,b) <- get
put (b,a+b)
(a,b) <- get
return a
 rp([(case N of N when N rem 15==0 -> fizzbuzz; N when N rem 5==0 ->buzz; N when N rem 3==0 -> fizz; _ -> N end) || N <-lists:seq(1, 20)]).
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Why would I learn Haskell if I want to actually make something? Serious answers ONLY.
so you can learn how to do autistic type tetris that you can't ever actually use in a mainstream language
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How is this different from directly using Dart/Flutter? I mean, it's not like you got rid from the bloat. Is it just for the "developer experience"? Honest question.
>actually make something
It depends on what you consider "something". There's plenty of researchers publishing math/programming papers using Haskell. If "something" means commercial/industrial software, then I think you have to consider using other languages. But if you're into computer science and you like functional programming, maybe Haskell would be a great option for you.
to learn FP in a strict environment where you can't cheat. then use a more practical language like Elixir
I'd add Scala to the list, especially because of frameworks like https://zio.dev
There's also https://effect.website for typescript which has a lower entry barrier if someone already knows the lang
The tutorials on the official Clojure site are not well-written, and nobody uses Avli anymore. Here's a good intro to the language:
And here are links to reference docs, tutorials, editor plug-ins, community sites etc.:

>How is this different from directly using Dart/Flutter?
The main point is to have your front-end stuff in the same language as the back-end. Dart is utterly useless for anything that isn't Flutter, whereas JVM Clojure is a versatile tool with many use cases.

The code for the same program also usually ends up being a lot shorter and simpler, and the syntax looks cleaner with less braces and commas and semicolons and so on. Thanks to Clojure's macro support, some of the most annoying things about Flutter have also been done away with, so for example now you don't have to write "child:" every time you stick one widget into another.
Here's a side-by-side comparison of the same app in Dart and ClojureDart:


>I mean, it's not like you got rid from the bloat.
I have no idea what impact CLJD has on performance. It transpiles to Dart, which naturally incurs some overhead. However, React was for a long time much faster in ClojureScript than in plain Javascript, because it turns out that using a language that avoids mutation is a great boon when your interface library has to redraw everything that is mutated.
Looking at the Dart output of the ClojureDart compiler, basically every variable is marked as either const or final.
why use ocaml when F# exists?
why use F# when Haskell exists?
Great beginner Haskell book (free online):

why use Haskell when SML exists?
To make imperilards cry and shit their pants
You should add this to the op
why use SML when FP exists?
are there any functional game engines? how do they perform compared to OO?
Functional Programming is actually a game engine... I recommend trying Haskell, it's F2P
fact: there are 0 real practical advantages to functional programming over imperative
it is just mental masturbation for the bottom of the high iq range
so functional programming is just spergs jerking off about math?
the fact that it's hard for you, does not mean there are no advantages.

it's ok friend, not everyone needs to be smart. we all give what we can in life, and most importantly, have a good time!
Isn't JavaScript functional too
I never said it was hard and the fact that youre so eager to make this into an opportunity to assert how smart you are only proves my point
you also never addressed my first point, because Im right and you have no argument
Distilled, pure functional programming should use floor functions as If conditional statements.
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FP is one strategy for managing complexity in a sprawling codebase. When most of your codebase is written in an FP style, you don't have to worry about global state changing in unexpected ways. It simplifies the logic.

>so functional programming is just spergs jerking off about math?
No, that's just the Haskell/Idris crowd.

Practical FP languages like Elm, Ocaml/F#, Clojure(Script) and so on are used by real companies doing useful things, mostly for finance and webshit.

>are there any functional game engines?
John Carmack has said and written quite a bit about using functional techniques in game programming:

As far as game engines in functional languages: None that I know of. The editor, tooling etc. of https://defold.com is written in Clojure, but the engine itself is written in C/C++. If you were to count Rust as functional then there probably are some.
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>Clojure(Script) and so on are used by real companies doing useful things
By the way, Nubank uses Clojure and Schema in their core system. See picrel
Yeah, NuBank is the biggest sponsor of Clojure development, almost the entire core team is or was employed by them, including language creator Rich Hickey until he retired last year.

Their Database system, Datomic, is another Clojure meme. It uses Datalog instead of SQL:
Can uhhh we have an explanation?
Pretty please?

start(N) -> fizzbuzz(N, []).

fizzbuzz([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc);
fizzbuzz(N, Acc) ->[H|T]= N, fizzbuzz(T, [modfb(H)|Acc]).

modfb(0) -> 0;
modfb(X) -> mod1(X, X).

mod1(X, Y) when (X > -15) and ( X /= 0) and (X < 15) -> modb(Y);
mod1(0, _) -> fizzbuzz;
mod1(X, _) -> mod1(X rem 15, X).

modb(X) -> mod2(X, X).
mod2(X, Y) when (X > -5) and (X /= 0) and (X < 5) -> modf(Y);
mod2(0, _) -> buzz;
mod2(X, _) -> mod2(X rem 5, X).

modf(X) -> mod3(X, X).
mod3(X, Y) when (X > -3) and (X/= 0) and (X < 3) -> Y;
mod3(0, _) -> fizz;
mod3(X, _) -> mod3(X rem 3, X).
quicksort is about partition, doesn't matter if it's not mutable
How? I find functional programming makes it very easy to write clear and concise programs.
Is jq, a json mangling DSL that's quite robust, more of a functional language or an array language?
What's worse: quicksort's strength lies in its space efficiency, which is not present here. This is a facetious implementation
sure, I can write a line-by-line explanation of what it does later (I'm on my phone right now).
If you just want to verify that it actually works, you can copy-paste it into a Clojure repl from here:
like I said, it's about partition
dead lang
no u
why do you fp_troons need a three separate threads at any single time
Or a Mathematician
what are you trying to do here?
#! /usr/bin/env escript
main(_) ->
lists:foreach(fun (N) -> io:fwrite("~s\n", [fizzbuzz(N)]) end, lists:seq(1,100)).

fizzbuzz(N) when N rem 15 == 0 -> "FizzBuzz";
fizzbuzz(N) when N rem 3 == 0 -> "Fizz";
fizzbuzz(N) when N rem 5 == 0 -> "Buzz";
fizzbuzz(N) -> integer_to_list(N).
There's some insanely groundbreaking stuff going on in the Clojure world, namely Electric and Rama
I am new, I also couldn't get the rem working in guards (is it because I used = instead of == ?).
no, but what IS a monad really, like in dumby dumb terms?

def fuzzbuzz(num):
fizzbuzz = f'for number in range(1,{num}):\n'
for i in range(1,num+1):
if i % 5 == 0 and i % 3 == 0:
fizzbuzz += f' if number == {i}:\n print("{i} FizzBuzz")\n'
elif i % 3 == 0:
fizzbuzz += f' if number == {i}:\n print("{i} Fizz")\n'
elif i % 5 == 0:
fizzbuzz += f' if number == {i}:\n print("{i} Buzz")\n'
fizzbuzz += f' if number == {i}:\n print("{i}")\n'
return fizzbuzz

fizzbuzz = fuzzbuzz(10000)

with open('fizzbuzz.py', 'w') as f:
>functional programming
why do you oop_troons need a thirty separate threads at any single time?
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>Fizzbuzzer thread for fizzbuzzing
>nobody being useless in APL yet
yeah, guards work on booleans, which is what == evaluates to. = is for unification
lol that makes it a lot easier. I am trying to make a multiprocess fizzbuzz. One process for fizz, one for buzz, then maybe one for numbers that arent divisable by 3 or 5
Managed to further convolute it.
>Implying that only OOP fags don't like FP
NTA but I hate you both equally.
What do you like?
Array, proceedural and assembly. I can only stand FP or OOP when they're highly limited and impure.
nice trips. Please post about how you built and deployed this

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